Gerhard Ris published March 3rd 2025
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My blog has some bugs, and I’m working on the best version of The Law. This predicted spiralling out of control in this Quisling way was not predicted by me. I didn’t expect the CIA and FBI to fall for all this. So, here goes.
Although I haven’t fact-checked all the sources, which in part seem to be based on a Facebook post by a former Russian agent that Trump was recruited as an asset by the KGB in 1987. This is further documented in a book the author talks about in the video linked above.
Before diving into that rabbithole, let’s first of all take as a fact that Putin is in dire straights in Ukraine and thus forced to use any asset he has after the private talks between him and Trump, excluding all allies as well as Ukraine.
The seemingly idiotic declared plan to get Canada as a 51st state and to buy Greenland are simple attempts to hide the fact that Trump is a Russian asset. Or better a Russian oligarch mobster network asset.
Then the shameless, premeditated disgraceful sharade in the Oval Office against his stated ally Zelensky.
Now, all military aid to Ukraine has been stopped with immediate effect.
Well, when it walks like a Quisling Donald duck, talks like a Quisling Donald duck then it is a Quisling Donald duck. Q.E.D!
Apart from the data, online and the book on this, in the field of CIA/KGB/FSB textbooks using psychological methods such as exploiting weaknesses in a carrot and stick way is old school stuff and even common knowledge. Destabilizing countries by exploiting moral and political weaknesses of a people has been going on in recent history, yet in fact goes back to before the Roman Empire. You want to place your dictators in power to be able to exploit other countries for your aims.
Would a fastest thinking authentic autistic authoritarian narcissist like Trump, when in Russia 38 years ago, be lured into bed by a beautiful intelligent KGB agent for kinky sex, having that on video after having been wined and dined by powerful “real friends” Donald not grasping these to be KGB as well? Knowing Trump and Russian methods, it’s now nigh certain that he would have fallen for that carrot and stick to be presented with a new carrot to become a billionaire asset for the KGB. Which, when backed by professional billions is easy.
Peanuts for Russia, even then to invest in an asset that will in a country driven by greed become an asset in the higher echelons of power. KGB, now called FSB, didn’t expect Trump to win the first election and needed more time to slowly exploit this gain. Then they overplayed their hand by the storming of Capitol Hill. Knowing full well that even when that would fail, like Hitler’s first putch and jailing would only make Donald more of a popular martyr. Exploiting the hatred against leftist politics exemplified by wokism, which is an egotripping power play by the left, idiotically gaining the extreme right-wing more support due to polarisation. The FSB wisely first built up Trump’s position in the Republican party, grabbed the power in the Supreme Court due to leftwing oligarch network egotism. Using excellent marketing, advertisement, HRM and sales techniques backed by enough money.
Like Hitler who wrote in Mein Kampf exactly what he was planning to do, Trump by simply lying knowing that this doesn’t matter, simply put Project 2025 into effect by winning the inherently unfair elections. The Constitution is outdated by not having a federal state organized one person one vote elections. Furthermore, the left oligarchs and followers are blindly focused on following a system like a bunch of Flat Earthers. Having their heads firmly up their arses, by not taking effective action.
That action should now be to name and shame the FBI/CIA and all military for not doing their bloody job by their oath to the core of the Constitution.
The recent events have beyond reasonable doubt proven Trump to be a Quisling FSB traitor. Simply now follow Sun Tzu. Because Trump has too much power you need to behind the scenes make it clear to Vance and Trump that teh game is up and they may chose a golden bridge way out or meet swift justice on high treason by having the military temporaily taking over power by appointing a wise Republican ad interim President to organize fair elections within the year.
The world is on the verge of a nuclear war I on my blog for years have been warning about.
The only way out for Europe is to immediately declare to be a nuclear weapons power. That works like declaring a minefield. The only two countries that can do that are the UK and France. The keys should be given into the hands of a secret committee with the same power for a second nuclear strike as that the commanders of nuclear missile submarines are said to have. That will in one stroke do what Europe should have done at the start of the Cold War. You could consider including Russia under the nuclear umbrella. Whether Switzerland likes it or not, that European nuke force will see any nuclear attack on Europe as a nuclear attack on all land and respond accordingly.
By declaring this * today * this will also in one stroke strike the Russian long-standing nuclear strategy off the table. Namely of nuclear escalation to deescalate without fear of a counter strike.
And also declare with the consent of Ukraine all of Ukraine, including the Crimea part of the EU. Yet unilaterally declaring that war to be a legal one, that behind the scenes is declared to be one that will last some fifty years.
By also doing what the coalition did against Napoleon, namely, behind the scenes, threaten to openly declare war on Putin and his oligarchs, by fighting it out in Ukraine with also boots on the ground.
The goal of that war will be to have the EU and the Russian Federation become one Free Federation provided all the Russian oligarchs also play along nicely by giving up power. Then all the sanctions will be lifted, that will also in one stroke neutralize Xi in China.
The only ones capable of preventing Putin from going nuclear are his mobster oligarchs. It’s proven beyond reasonable doubt that Putin had planned from the start and even tried that twice in vain to nuke NATO into neutrality.
When all the Russian oligarchs know that they have become the nuclear target and the target of a revolution organized by the EU and allies, they will justifiably fear to end up like Ceausescu and the like, very dead. The Golden Bridge way out is to be seen as heroes by the Russian people, having Russia become great again with a modern monarch, Tsar Putin I.
Alas, Europe will be too slow and deeply idiotically in a criminally insane way blunder us into a hot WW3 of which the phoney war had already started. All of Europe is probably going to ruin. I hope my prediction will be a self-denying one.