This excellent video on the complete misassessment of this senator Chris Murphy of the situation in Ukraine.
He assumes that Putin will play the game as stupid as the US did in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Well, there the US didn’t heed the words of President Dwight D. Eisenhower: “Beware of the industrial-military complex.” Instead of fighting those wars in a way the colonial powers and the ancient Romans faught such wars, the US saw it as a very profitable earning model.
Putin has shown in the recent past how to do this. As stated in earlier posts he’ll let his Ukranian cronies fight the dirty civil war and provide air power. All Putin has to do is push NATO and the EU into neutrality by calling NATO’s bluff.
The reason this democratic senator like president Donald Trump also botched it, is forgetting about the Russian military doctrine on the first use of nuclear weapons. A deescalating first nuclear strike on de Dutch Maasvlakte near Rotterdam after not declaring neutrality by ultimatum via a war declaration.
And then what do we do Chris?
Like Winston, Churchill stated on the Sudetenland crises: “We had to choose between dishonor and war, we chose dishonor we’ll have war!”
Now we don’t need to choose war, but urgently need to do what we should have done years ago. Pacta sund servanda. The US gave assurances to Ukraine when they relinquished their nukes. Keep that pledge!
Dishoner leads to war!
The longer this takes the more chance that it will spiral further out of controll.
Stop the sanctions immediately and broker a real deal in which Putin can keep most of what he has illegally by force taken. Clients who are very principle and don’t take their losses on the advice of their lawyers are the ones that earn their lawyers a lot of money and then lose as predicted.
Then guarantee the new borders as if Ukraine is a member of NATO.
Amok and nuclear winter is neigh!
Then force the new oracle senate test on Putin via the threat of economic sanctions.
Which Putin in turn will force on us.
The test will prove to be a panacea.
And also prove that Putin can be put back into Just order.
A good diplomat, lawyer, or general knows how to play win-win tournament chess.
The physics of psychology at work.