Article Quatamagazine: The ‘Weirdest’ Matter, Made of Partial Particles, Defies Description.
11-minute read, published Januari 23rd 2023
The current way in logic and mathematics and physics to use the term ‘paradox’ in an inherently ambiguous way both as a seeming contradiction or as a contradiction is illegal.
Science on the definition of a decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung must be unambiguous.
Science may only use jargon when it doesn’t cause serious confusion with students. Science too must adhere to the rule of Just law that prohibits con jobs. When scientists are made aware of this then it no longer is for scientists sec, but for the courts of law to decide when the con job practice is continued. Before that science represented by any of all scientists must when challenged even by any six-year-old in proper legal procedure explain themselves. Especially when the challenge concerns their stated fields of expertise.
The term ‘paradox’ used in any other way than meaning a ‘seeming contradiction’ is illegal. When this use causes damages then it’s dependent on the situation a disciplinary, civil law infringement, or even a criminal offense. The latter depends on the gravity of the consequences.
Internationally the courts of law don’t perform well. This is due to scientists not doing their jobs well on the social contract with humanity. Thinking that the lawyers and magistrates are primarily to blame for this current dysfunction is a true paradox as a seeming contradiction.
Albert Einstein was right in his rejection of approval before the publication of any paper as he was also right that his model couldn’t be correct because “God doesn’t play dice.” One should only be able to show that the paper has been presented to at least a peer in the field. And, that open source I would say currently (also to be improved) Wikipedia for all required footnotes. Wikipedia should link to actual papers. Anything that is new is its own footnote. There is no such thing as a scientifically correct way of writing or presentation especially not when it concerns a publication of R&D. That is inherently a work in progress. It’s not a sales or production department issue. All the terms and definitions of elementary issues are open for debate.
When the challenge concerns a taboo at first the challenge should be met behind closed doors in a safe environment. This is still the current scientific paradigm. Yet, even if that too is changed by the inherent oligarchs of current science trying to dodge the taboo issue, then the courts under the current paradigm even behind closed doors can make it clear to any scientist or scientific organization that non-compliance can and will otherwise have dire legal even penal consequences.
This dysfunctional behavior of most scientists causes much damage and pesters many causing inconsistencies and mounting stress. Ultimately leading to conflicts, world wars, and preventable thus culpable premature certain extinction. Being thus a danger to oneself or others is per logical (also legal) definition criminally insane. Yet, if everyone is insane then no one is, at least that’s what you might think. Again a paradox. Of course, existential fears produce strong gut feelings. People of different neurologically internalized hypnotics as in this model a DNA survival trait correct use of the collective brain strongly will feel the other mad.
We thus need to use the method to get taboos discussed without the emotions running too high or emotional blackmail or accepting ignoring completely consistent claims with the paradox that any model is at best the state-of-the-art defense of the author’s own art.
Testing a proposed paradigm shift follows within arguable limits excluding woke emotional blackmail the rules of the proposed paradigm shift. To test anything on the probandum of it being better you must logically take it as a fact. And thus also take all paradigm-changing facts together in the proposed integrated way.
This is extremely important to get right because observable and testable for 60% of humanity is the fact that 40% of humanity is 80% male and 20% female. This includes most mathematicians and physicists who are easy to prove and register for instance on video have no genotype talent for paradoxes as seeming contradictions at all. Only when hypnotized because an authority in their eyes tells them it’s meant to be ironic or as neurologically internalized hypnotics religious culture knowledge and experience can most mathematicians to a degree cope with paradoxical ironic human behavior. Beta types like Putin lack all intuition on ironic human behavior.
Infinity is paradoxical and requires a talent for mathematics i.e. abstract logic. To grasp this is beyond most scientists because the ones that can are a 20% minority of Delta and Gamma types and exclude the 40% Alpha types.
Last Friday in my weekly talk with mathematics teacher Hans Waalwijk, he told me he didn’t understand what I meant thinking that a cube is the most simple way of making the smallest volume object out of the smallest one quantum length lines. He explained to me that this is only true for a tetrahedron. Thus my disproof of the parallel postulate of Euclid as an axiom and thus being a dynamic geometric proof of infinite space should be modeled in an elementary ( i.e. most fundamental) way which is DSM-0 an infinite amount of combined tetrahedrons. Two first postulate straight lines as axioms are parallel and extended via the second axiom of Euclid into infinity these two lines will never cross. So my previous claim of proof using two cubes is falsified. A cube is more complex having six sides as opposed to a tetrahedron only has three.
Hans also explained that a sphere fits perfectly inside one tetrahedron of space. The sphere touches the center mass of each side. Ex DSM-0 the average volume of space per postulated absolute volume of mass is then given. Dynamically then completely consistently modeled on a Rubik’s tetrahedron instead of a Rubik’s cube.
It then is indeed a diamond as a dualistic tetrahedron with two observational spheres and a tetrahedron interpretation space. A tetrahedron is also the core form of carbon the key to DNA life.
This is thus modeling ex DSM-0 including the five sorts of neutrinos of my classical mechanical dualistic quantum & continuous model. Then there is no goal and thus no error rate allowed at all. Paradoxically only thus to be claimed and like Hans did then after being falsified corrected in the Wikipedia style way. The neutrinos that are not really neutral for causing the < 0.1 error distribution as the tail end of the normal bell curve distribution as the 2nd law of everything.
Ex DSM-7 when we want the proven best practice model to organize humanity or any team modeled on a factory then the eight by eight fields Rubik’s cube is Pareto optimum best used. A know-how model. Elementary this stems from only taking the eight flavors of gluons into account. On this question being a probandum, these gluons are most dominant. Via the game of chess, this fits via a tested proven best practice of only taking the one strongest algorithms and the average algorithm of all four algorithms into account. Current behavioral science has done this with Big Five assessment psychology, DSM-5 psychiatry, and developmental psychology. I.e. current behavioral science correctly so, on this probandum, only look at the two strongest algorithms at play per sort of personality type. As stated several times it could all also have been successfully modeled on a dog turd because the obvious order function of the cosmos is everywhere. (Apple tree. Dog eats apple and shits apple….etc. cycle.)
When the question is not at a team but a general individual know-why assessment level, we must also take the Higgs particle and the graviton into account besides the eight gluons. For educational purposes and thus required easier understanding the model is best idealized to 100%. This is done by the ten-by-ten Rubik’s cube, provided you always remember in this mode that every human individual is absolutely unique in an absolutely unique cosmic environment surrounding ex DSM-0 when everything is taken into account. Only in DSM-0 when absolute complete consistency is required and thus no error rate is allowed can you interpret that way. The yin pro of DSM-0 is that it leads to acceptance and rest, the yang downside of this mindset is that it leads to depressive inactivity when action is called for. This can be modeled on a game of draughts. You need this ten-way logic to see the differences for instance between the four quanta Blue Mars and one quantum Red Venus algorithms of the DS/ADD/ADHD-i Einstein personality genotype versus the three quanta Blue Mars and two quanta Red Venus algorithm genotype DG/ADHD/ADHD-c Leonardo da Vinci personality type. In both cases, five very weak tail ends of the normal bell curve distributed mini quanta of Rings of -us Green and even weaker Saturn Yellow algorithms taking the other half of the board. The inherent idiotic sides of these Delta types. This model shows contrary to the chess board model that all humans as a > 99.9% truth under these conditions that have as yet never existed, are on half of the essential gameplay board for even bare survival deep one to two-year-old idiots. By proper Bildung, as lived thru general knowledge and experience can humanity survive. Or reach any possible goal with the inevitable end of our times. Proper going-by-the-book knowledge only brings you at best above 50% on that goal. Only via Bildung combined with experience in a 1/1000th of the game-play-board can you reach average scores above 90% to 99.9%. The relative scores between the four-speed of brain groups I have yet to study and test. Within my own speed of brain group in my worst talented area, HRM department of law namely expert mediation I reached by working hard and with much experience getting a theoretical 80% score average in such penal cases. However, this glosses over the extremely important fact that I prove my > 90% to 99.9% score in the on average now 20% cases with innocent suspects. That was until a few years back because things are getting ever worse and worse in general. Since the 1990’s a rise from an average of 10% of innocent suspects to now 20% innocent ones of which still 90% are convicted.
Elementary ex DSM-0 everything in our largest and smallest observational spheres is built up out of 1-neutrino “snowflakes” and 2,3,4,5 snowflake size nearly neutral not interacting but only slightly interfering “snowballs” with the larger particles. An infinite amount of elements as uniquely deforming constructs with absolutely conductive identical rigid parts.
Every observational sphere at the most-fundamental/ elementary set theory domain level of all stuff that belongs together and thus is to be interpreted can always in this model be represented on one sheet of A4 size paper. The interpretation at any level leaves an in part inherently unobservable space outside the largest observational sphere within the virtual double tetrahedron diamond. No hidden variables within even the smallest of observational spheres, in which a singularity or point mass is illegal for the occult. The Grand Law of Everything contains all ten dualistic Laws of Everything of which all the science was already in. My new (2014) Block Model as the 4th LOE as the new physics of psychology human robotics with free will and meaning to life are all interactive waves. Those four distinguishable wave bandwidths are represented as the four algorithms. These are identical to the four first postulates already accepted as axioms in flat geometry, yet dynamically combined via Euler’s Identity e^(iPi)+1= 0 elementary mathematics classical mechanical space-time description as part of elementary physics. So, I dreamed up something that was already all dreamt up by Euclid and Euler. Not looking at the enormous detour I made in solving this puzzle I only duly applied basic knowledge any first-year high school kid with some Bildung knows.
Given that an observer is observing a paradoxical static object in an Occam’s razor most basic two observational spheres in the double virtual tetrahedron diamond. This is so because the observer needs to observe the observer and observe the focus sphere containing the observed object in an interpretational diamond context containing the observer. Whether this observation is a thought experiment interpretation or a data interpretation on this elementary probandum is irrelevant. Mind, in this all Nature model of only an infinite amount of dualistic absolutely conductive rigid identical mass volumes that interact internally and externally with a constructive and deconstructive infinite alternating temporary live ‘music’ resounding banging death wave adding two space-time frequencies to current sciences interpretation of the largest and smallest interpretation volumes of space-time. Thus ‘virtual’ as a mere thought is interactive brain wave interaction of classical mechanical spinning mass in a matrix. This thought is in elementary physics the mirror effect wave of the 4th postulate/ axiom of Euclid when interpreted in dynamic space-time. Which is identical to the Red alpha algorithm that works like a digital camcorder.
The science is in that spaceship earth is spiraling in a complex way around the center of our spaceship Milky Way around a whopping black hole in its center at nearly 800,000 km/h. In my model, all galaxies are slowly accelerating in the crust of a curved whopping sphere in a Champagne bubble scenario. That crust is the dynamic hexagon bubble matrix of the Higgs graviton field of which the Higgs particles are slowly pushed inward akin to a glacier by the smaller and thus faster gravitons. The expanding universe observation is for especially Delta DNA talented and less so for Gamma talented easy to explain the optical illusion. For the currently dominant authoritarian mathematicians and physicist beta-talented oligarchs it’s also easy to explain. They are too idiotic to grasp this other than via blind hypnotic trust. They simply have hardly any (< 0,1% talent) for paradoxes such as dynamic i.e. artistic geometry.
The same is true for observing a dynamic visualization geometry of one photon. The 1-meter length wave of one photon was already observing what current science thinks is a gravity wave by interacting in the medium of the Higgs graviton field. Fully consistent with the M&M experiment that also put Einstein on the wrong footing believing that there is no interactive medium. Because if there is then all of his theories collapse except the classical mechanical ones such as mine. Forced by exact sciences beta wrong procedure shut-up-and-calculate religion. All of Einstein’s theories are thus falsified as elementary and elevated to local laws. (LOLs, pun intended) They only are true when observed from one direction in a local set theory box and assuming the speed of light is the constant ‘c’ thus also the maximum speed in the cosmos. Whereas only idiots would interpret that as an observation. The correct interpretation of all data is the job of artistic Delta types. Even as six-year-olds with the appropriate six/seven-year Bildung, most Deltas would most probably then easily spot this. They would immediately interpret that the speed of light constant is an obvious average.
Otherwise, it’s occult illegal magic. Luckily, the beta occult oligarchs noticed too late that by using their power to bestow the authority of a Nobel Prize on Bell’s Theorem they shot in their own foot. In ever more tunnel vision they are now more and more forced to believe that all dynamic motion is an illusion. That is quite obvious to 60% of humanity clearly even more illegally occult. Because absolute proof is an axiomatic impossibility the null hypothesis of a local curved nothing cosmos is falsified.
Neutrino’s nearly 6 snowflake size graviton causes gravity and a much larger snowball Higgs particle. The 2 x 6 Higgs-particles surrounded by very many gravitons Planck scale string in a matrix of the Higgs-graviton field and non-Higgs particle graviton field spheres in the matrix.
- 1-neutrino field when under nigh maximum pressure maximum spin and max at v max 10c
- 2-neutrino field 1 quantum less v => 1 quantum more spin.
- 3-neutrino field etc.
- 4-neutrino field
- 5-neutrino field
- Graviton field
- Higgs field
- Two connected Planck-scale strings as a proto gluon.
- Photon two larger string of 2 x 6 mini black hole ex-gluon: gue-ins and magnetic glue-out
- Multi-string matter causing gravity under pressure in the Higgs graviton field.
- Non-curved Space is absolutely empty curved space a dynamic construct matrix.
- Interactive movement of everything at the absolute and relative time.
Q.E.D. This is a proven best practice minimum required idea yet even better the concept of an absolutely loophole-free completely consistent classical mechanical cosmos inside the observational sphere. Elsewhere on my blog the idea even a concept of the completely consistent infinite non-curved space is given.
This paradoxical movement on a quantum scale is the same as the movement I described of my infinite amount of whopping beehives. They deconstruct by ‘flipping their lids’ in succession on one side shooting at the great end of times of one hexagon pressure vessel and shooting out neutrinos like a cannon shot towards the opposite beehive that is probably in a virtual string with six other such beehives. The beehive that is shot gets the highest possible pressure in the cosmos. The Lego-Velcro 1-neutrino snowflake will then by the laws of Newton = 1st LOE start spinning like hell, and by laws of probability Bayes = 3rd LOE the peg of Lego will catch the hole and all speed vectors will point up and down via resounding banging at a non-quantifiable instant going thru v max 10c immediately slowing down. Building the walls of the pressure vessel is a logical cosmological idea even concept because I gave dirty geometry pictures of how that could work in a completely consistent way. That claim of completeness is testable. And, the claim of consistency as Has been proved is also testable. I stated that a cube is the most succinct. Well, it isn’t because a tetrahedron is the most simple 3D volume form.
The block model can be tested to be completely consistent with all the data of current behavioral sciences. I thought it was totally new. Well, Euclid and Euler beat me to it. By simply following the proper Bayesian procedure and the help of people like Hans who as a mathematician put many years of study at a level I never could have reached by simply interacting with me. For I can be better than he also via many years of study and one quantum different talent spot the dynamic geometry at play in a testable way.
Only then can all the inherent oligarchs of the world, including the inherent oligarchs of science be prevented from when push comes to shove work like Putin for their own peer group oligarchs.
So, help yourself for humanity by helping me get my model falsified like Hans just did.
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