Rambler 25 5 minute read, years to study
Topics CCQM + PP & SCS = ‘Cosmos, Consciousness & Quantum Mechanics’ + ‘Physics of Psychology’ & ‘Science, The Law & The Senate’
As to be explained to any high school kid with sufficient bildung.

The Neutino in this Doodle graphic are in the lower right hand corner. This is a split out of the following Doodle graphic of rambler 23.

Why so fundamental? Well, inconsistencies cause conflicts and ultimately war. In order to build a decent base economy we need to learn to grasp a.s.a.p. that there are four most fundamental i.e. elementary speeds in the cosmos, and thus also in the synapse as the chips in our brains.
We are robots that logically and verifiably both have and don’t have free will. A simple paradox. Only seeming magic.
To prevent war as stated in Rambler 24 we need to test the new senate and break that taboo, best in the Netherlands.
Because I saw the article yesterday I’ll do a quickie here on the five neutrino’s in my model as the only one elementary and four pseudo elementary particles. They also all have an incidental maximum speed > c yet don’t often interact with the curved space of the dynamic matrix of the Higgs graviton fields. Hence neutral or neutrino.
The 1 neutrino is the gods particle snowflake that I’ve as a proven best practice concept or prime suspect have worked out elsewhere in my blog as the 5th Law of Everything. An un-split-table construct of absolutely rigid thus super conductive mass.
It works like a snowflake construct of absolutely rigid rings. That are thus super conductive ex Newton. Proto intelligent action external billiard ball strike leads to an intelligent internal reaction musical sequence in four different constructs. Constituting an internal memory storage as proto self-awareness or consciousness, also of the external strike.
Because this model has an incidental v max of C^2 as 10c and an infinite amount of atomos as elements in an infinite Euclid space requiring the fifth axiom of mathematics you get a Zeno paradox. The left hand of god doesn’t know what the right hand has done. So within absolute boundaries the future is absolutely unshore. Every gods particle (1 neutrino) is thus absolutely unique in the music in space-time and absolutely identical built up out of 500 absolutely rigid rings as a construct. Simple reverse engineering at play. Only ‘temporally’ dead when building a hexagon pressure vessel as ice sheets on the Lego function. This on a slower than astronomical time scale where the neutrinos are on a faster than current quantum mechanical frequency timescale for > c as top speeds.
Yet akin billiards the more spin the slower they go and can become detectable seemingly magically popping in and out of our observation threshold at c.
Due to religiously i.e. neurologically internalized hypnotics as a survival trait due to dopamine success especially prone to this the 40% healthy autistic (80% male) cattle type beta talented who are best at number mathematics (algebra) average in picture mathematics (geometry) and worst at new paradoxes such as irony and dynamic geometry yet being a majority with the 40% healthy hysterics of the HRM and sales departments only to be hindered in their talent by all abstract logic.
Only the minority of 20% healthy ADHD types have the talent for out of the box problems. I.e. problems concerning incomplete evidence such as this neutrino business.
The 1 neutrino snowflake building deformable and split-table snowballs that will form Planck scale strings in the matrix to foam larger strings as counter rotating spiraling snakes of matter and anti-matter. These will have gyroscopic effects in the dynamic matrix as stored information.
Simply form repetition. Getting ever more complex so much so due to the same soul as order function as the cosmos of the 4th Law of Everything being the 4th local law of humanity the Block model.
Science forgot to accurately write down every time as every first year high school kid should know, what instrument brain was used in assessing any experimental result or observation.
No worries as any good professional very experienced judge magistrate being inherently both prosecutor and defense lawyer on an disciplinary action that any human may take on the social contract with humanity, science is held accountable and herewith forced to pose valid falsification.
Using only three knobs: Red Data; Green Logic; and most important when dealing with inherent incomplete data: Blue proven best practice on the lowest exact scientific norm of showing complete consistency with all known data (to me as an nonscientist at high school degree level).
That valid proof is called circumstantial evidence. It is of course a far lower claimed probative level then a proof by “theorem”. That being neigh absolute proof yet sometime only in a small set theory box to be defined as a Local Law (LOL pun intended.)
The correct definition of science as developed in this blog as it now ex the implemented correct Wikipedia style procedure holds is:
Science (always proper): The decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung.
Science is Physics Mayor and splits into Physics Minor (including all applied mathematics and single thoughts that are consistent) and Meta Physics (including all pure mathematics and logics with incomplete evidence and also the occult and errors the latter both being not fully understood order.) Baring absolute proof proves the paradox of inherent uncertainty.
Akin building a cathedral not difficult only a long movie of small logical focus-steps of the dynamics involved. As a teaser in the attachment a print screen of some of the many doodle graphics needed to draw the whole dynamic geometry picture.
These two doodle graphics provide healthy manic oversight of all that is required to be intuitively understood at the same time, to grasp the illusions and thus far above average complex paradoxes. Only 1% of humanity has the required DNA talent to correctly as a > 90% truth these sorts of predictions in a testable way. You need an artistic and spiritual leader systematic memory bank working like a slide ruler instead of a brute computing power calculator. This part is dealt with in the fourth law of everything.
Actually only the one neutrino construct as the fifth law of everything is elementary.
To understand the neutrino problem and how this relates to the standard model.
Science has forced their instrument brains to cram everything in a c = v max constant model. Ergo small > c particles need to get more mass in order to exert the required energies that are detected.
Hence you get slow “unsplittable muons with mass” that recently have been split.
The difficult to detect neutrinos > c is akin the sky over Bagdad during Desert Storm the shock and awe. Lit up with AA tracers arcing up trying to hit the stealth F117 Nighthawk. The pilot thereof in belief in the big sky statistics of very low probability of a hit when just blasting away with guns in the sky.
For neutrinos it’s far better. At anywhere between c and 9.5c the objects in the matrix are at max c and then extremely small as well. An atom is a very much empty thing even when the mass is doubled as this model does. Even providing a hell of a lot of snowstorm the detectability will be low.
Well, again physicists prove me wrong in having found ways to detect the predicted to be undetectable as they did with the Maltese cross of the photon that I predicted in 2010 and published in 2015.
The better you know what you are looking for as a suspect the easier it becomes to conjure up ways to catch the culprits and prove it.
On the probandum of backing a clompletely consistent Newton Aple Pie mind not Pi.