Rambler 19
Urgent & very practical implications for world peace!
Topic CCQM Cosmology, Consciousness & Quantum Mechanics
8 minute read skipping the intro: years to study.

To reiterate especially for the new to my blog with improvements in italics for others:
I’ve on average had, and still have a truly fantastic life. Given experiencing an often crazy world. Which I can prove, and anyone can copy. With hindsight I simply intuitively happy go lucky followed the Ten rules of Everything as the most fundamental paradoxical ‘break one you break all’ rules of humanity. Easy rules that every high school kid should learn to play with. Rules that are completely consistent with all world religions including science proper. Rules that are for > 99% old school. Yet with only recently fully understood by me, a few essential slight game changing twists. Without me taking the weight of the world on my shoulders. Carpe Diem!
The urgent goal of my blog is to prevent war in the nick of time in a practical way. This however requires a fundamental paradigm shift being inherently taboo.
Mind, only extremely taboo for politicians, not so taboo for the disenfranchised! This knowledge is power! Use it!
The only way that might still prevent war is doing a test by the Dutch senate. As per snap of the finger of the hypnotizer all dictators even Putin and Xi will be put in focus disarray. Immediately stopping in pressing the red button. Xi is on the verge of invading Taiwan and Putin might in concert follow suit in the ‘lost territories’ of the former Soviet Union. This model won’t immediately stop all wars. It does however immediately work towards reaching a pareto optimal stabilization.
Any senate in the world is a peer group to all who’s actual desire is to stay in power. In time shifting focus on their actual desire. Becoming modern monarchs instead of continuing the path to war as suicidal dictators blundering the world into WW3.
Also a new senate is needed as peer group for spotting the four fundamental speeds of brain. That is the – only – way to abolish global poverty and reach global lasting peace.
The world will follow the Dutch lead also in the EU and hopefully in the USA still being on the brink of civil war.
Yet that requires especially the peer groups of humanity to observe what I’ve learned to observe unaided: the four speeds of human synapses as the different four speeds of brain. This can be reproduced on video and is thus an exact classical QM science! A collective brain that needs to work together. That requires a base economy providing everyone a decent income for life in order to keep humanity in balance with (human) nature. How to do that can be left to science and the new senates to sort out.
The problem that needs solving is organizing proper R&D long run and crises well informed group think. It’s my field of long year study and expertise as a former DA to know that only the senate needs to be changed urgently.
Such a new senate is also required as a Peer Review of science as a whole via research and advice to and proper funding of science and everyone. Scientists will no longer get away with murder of Lady Justice and Diederik Stapel Pinocchio Black Magic. Science even in Transition is falsified and rectified.
Only if everyone including scientists have a decent income will they robotically via ‘free will’ act decent.
Free will exists in deepest reality when taking the human perspective and observing the universe of which humans are an integral part. Observed from the viewpoint of that cosmos free will does not exist. Ergo a dualistic yin and yang paradox. Both positions are valid given the proper postulate and definition of science.
Per Proven Best Practice Postulate on the most fundamental Deepest Level of Reality.
An ‘all swans are white’ largest circular argument complete consistent proof on the ditto proven as far as I know new best practice definition of science:
A decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung.
This readily falsifies current scientific paradigm, that causes hardship and war via nurturing black magic inconsistencies. Stating that they are unsolvable, which they evidently aren’t as this model proves.
You may thus freely share everything on this blog.
Even without citation of my work.
In so doing I already break a scientific taboo. For it implies breaking with an indecent earning model of desire of authority, reputation, funding, vanity etc.
NB! Yet maybe you must by law or custom cite others I “stole” from.
For > 99.9% is nicked by me as old school knowledge.
You are however requested to pose valid falsification of anything on the blog in a Wikipedia style way by showing:
A. Logical inconsistencies,
B. Invalid and / or incomplete data and
C. And most importantly: Show a better proven best practice. (i.e. provide proof on a higher norm. )
Just as a cheat sheet reminder of the proven ten laws of everything & humaneness:
The Ten rules: in short (See all earlier posts, mind it is all a never ending development Wikipedia style story),
This is a back to basics common sense approach. A more than 99.9% proven best practice use of old school methods and techniques yet with some slight but fundamental twists. High school level stuff on the postulate and axiom level. Spotting the ten easy rules of the game, most of which were already known.
As long as you live: always strive for an average between 90% and 99% score (C2!):
A1 atomos B1 elements C1 always Completeness
A&B2 Normal Distribution (continuous & discrete) C 2 always Normality
A3 (non-) determinism B3 deterministic probability * This post will add to this * C 3 always Proof
A&B4 Order function (largest) C 4 always Soul
A&B5 Lego Velcro / Tachyon (smallest) * This post will add to this * C 5 always logical Facts
A&B6 Space C 6 always Freedom
A&B7 absolute 4 relative time speeds C 7 always due Timing
A&B8 Strong Interaction C 8 always hold Course
A&B9 Weak Interaction C 9 always go with the Flow
A&B 10 Sameness C 10 always Equality
Again Mind the ‘break one you break all’ character of these in effect ten commandments of the cosmos.
Again: Definitions are Hypnotical Anxiety Wordings study the different definition jargon in the blog
So Absolutely Nothing is Negligible on a most Fundamental Probandum for in the long run during a crises the cosmos will present you with your otherwise bankrupting bill!
The New Post:
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_(truth)
“A proof is sufficient evidence or a sufficient argument for the truth of a proposition.[1][2][3][4]”
Indeed given the incorrect definition of science taking Wikipedia as a fact as being a systematic search for the truth, in the same way science even in transition went and still is going off course. This definition of proof is wrong. To work this out first the definition of a fact.
Definition of a Fact:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fact this Wikipedia can be IMO be taken as a fact in the sense that it indeed represents that science has got this all wrong. Not surprising when they started with an incorrect definition of “science” in the first place.
The most fundamental (i.e. elementary) reason why this went wrong is not dealing with the instrument brain correctly.
A correct definition of a Fact (or theorem in mathematics) :
Something (an observation or notion) that is taken to be absolutely true.
I.e. it doesn’t say a damn thing whether or not it is indeed absolutely true or not. From a human perspective it’s inherently probabilistic. Yet it might in part even be indeed absolutely true.
Definitions of Proving and Proof in science
Scientific and humanistic proving is the mental (mostly formal) operation via the ten laws of everything (or any locally defined subset thereof) of establishing a fact on a goal established norm.
Via complete consistent systematic argument. Mathematics teachers thus focus especially on training the ability of students in this operation. In Bayesian terms establishing on a stated goal and norm the prior odds and likelihood ratios. The odds can be as a logical dictate infinite!
Proof is when the norm is met establishing one or more facts.
In Bayesian terms the established facts are the posterior odds. In so doing providing the new prior odds as the new facts. Becoming immediately the old facts on which to build more science. It is circular.
A Norm
Mathematics in this proven best practice model is subservient to physics as being part thereof. Logical deduction as per Grand Postulate dictate.
In this model literally everything including per logical definition absolute nothing is to be defined as “physical” at the most fundamental or elementary level of physical reality. So also a thought and all virtual thought experiments are something and not nothing but something moving relative to something else in nothing as a unified indivisible trinity package deal.
You can’t fully describe God identical Nature identical Cosmos in either number salad, picture salad or word salad. Or stated in a more serious scientific way: wise-numbers, wise-pictures and as a wise-rest set theory box with the wise-words. A complete description of these infinite trinities is only possible when at the deepest level of understanding absolutely nothing is neglected. No one person can ever do that. This for the simple reason that no human has the memory capacity to grasp all the “software” program that the four algorithms as speeds of chip in the brain and cosmos require. That in turn can only be achieved by organizing this scientific learning about the trinity in a decent scientific way. (Yes, pleonasms are a valid means of communicating in science proper, in order to stress something.)
So with the description of the salads we’ve split something indivisible. An error thus, unless only used to make this error evident. Together they form Wise-skill. (Dutch literally translated “Wiskunde” being the translation of “Mathematics”) So we get Wise-numbers, such as arithmetic, calculus and algebra; Wise-art such as geometry, trigonometry and Wise-words all other scientifically used logics such as Dutch languages and sign language.
Mind that all errors and chaos in this model are defined at the most fundamental or elementary level as not fully observable or understood ‘action is reaction’ classical mechanical “Newtonian +” order.
Again in this model all-encompassing best practice probabilistic reasoning is circular yet falsifiable covering the most data / evidence ground for being in an “all swans are white” claim complete and fully logically consistent. Simple common sense that should always per logical definition of science (NB always proper) be used.
The wise skill ‘Norm’ is thus to be inferred by induction and deduction double (akin DNA double helix) cyclic reasoning on a wise goal. At 100% being infinity then the absolute norm per logical definition can’t be surpassed other than by Buzz Lightyear. If you get this wrong you will be sent back to Kindergarten and elementary school.
That this view on physics doesn’t fit the number salad of current mathematics definitions, conventions doesn’t prove this model wrong, it vice versa poses valid falsification of current mathematics axioms, definitions and conventions.
Normally i.e. most often a proof is per logical definition the case when the probative value of all the relevant evidence taken as fact in posterior odds is past the stated wise norm on a wise goal.
This definition of wisdom in Wikipedia is closest to how it is to be defined in this model. I added essential italics between brackets:
“Wisdom is the capacity to have foreknowledge of something, to know the consequences (both positive and negative) of all the available course of actions, and to yield or take the options with the most advantage (on a wise goal) either for present or future implication.[10]”
The objection would then be that I’ve used part of what is to be defined in the definition. Well indeed, foreknowledge (prior odds as former posterior odds following the 3rd LOE) show that all human reasoning is inherently circular. In this model a definition is not a tyrannical dictate to choose between black or white whereas it is both black and white the latter being all colours. So the two extremes and all the grey in between is wisely covered.
The trillion human mammal synapses each work Bayesian as also per current science and together thus multi (verse!) Bayesian. For up till now all DNA life order function as per 4th LOE must be consistent with the cosmos or all DNA would have gone extinct.
It’s not so much that Schrödinger’s QM cat is dead and alive at the same time. There simply as an obvious proof based on (valid for logical) circumstantial evidence of all known data known to mankind (that I have indeed limited Wikipedia style knowledge of) that it must be a hidden variable extra live cat at play. In this model two strings as snaking spirals that counter-rotate and interact in a dynamic matrix medium. All built from the same stuff in nothing. In the Maltese cross photon we have actualy observerd this to be true.
The methods and techniques need to completely and consistently fit all observations. Also the technique on how to define things.
In effect Gödel his incompleteness theorem should thus have been seen as scientifically falsified before he even got started. Given the Grand Postulate of no real magic in any way whatsoever.
You can logically only be wise by being wise.
So A = A is a wise mathematical proof.
Or for Bayes A = B = B = A has the music of God in it.
Proof Bayes rules both deterministically and probabilistically as all logic and mathematics encompassing niche paradox. It’s only to cumbersome and thus quickly rules itself out as to be too impractical when n = high enough.
Proof Five axioms in mathematics is the same wisdom: Does Euclid mathematics exist? Yes absolutely. Is that part of the infinite cosmos? Yes, it obviously is. Can that be done with only four axioms? No, it would be illogical. Can you perform all mathematics that is done with four axioms using five axioms? Yes, of course. It is more cumbersome in a local curved space of our observable universe, containing Euclid mathematics as a physical idea, being the latter observable physics of thought. QED mathematics only using four axioms is falsified as being most fundamental. Go back to elementary school please if you dare to oppose. As predicted by mathematician Louis Carroll science indeed ended up in Alice in Wonderland.
Had science followed proper scientific proceeding as be known to every first year high school kid, to accurately write down all instruments thus also the instrument brain the problem wouldn’t of arisen. All scientific peer review is thus also falsified having failed to check this. As per 4th LOE.
Elementary or most fundamental Physics Mayor is to be defined as identical to Science Proper (PM this pleonasm is alas still required.).
Physics Mayor is systematically split in Physics (sec or Minor i.e. current physics) and artistic Meta Physics with per Grand Postulate deeming magic such as occultism illegal, yet as per 2nd LOE normality and go with the flow freedom 9% slight and maximum 1% exceptions. As Einstein proved sometimes occultism works and errors are not understood order in this model. The problem only arises when division of labour provides the possibility to mostly unwittingly misuse of peer review power.
The practical question of proper scientific conduct boils down to what the minimum required team needs to be on any problematic question as logical being derived from the wise goal you want, and the wise goal of what you don’t want. The latter is most important and that boils down to that science and thus physics being decent means that is for humans by human conviction of what ultimately proof is.
Being in this proven model all humans DNA robots with a free will and having produced meaning in life following the never ending added newly written blanc pages of the book of science in Wikipedia style.
Physics minor is in this model a production department algorithm not having to deal with most fundamental questions inherently containing paradoxes. In physics minor you as a > 99% truth only go by the book on what thus is believed to be known. I.e. that what is already by healthy illusion (4th LOE!) taken as a proven absolute fact in a local set theory box of factual ditto circumstances.
The input for the science of meta physics requires ex 4th LOE the use of the properly educated and trained artistic brain. All other brains should be trained to recognize these brains and their own brain types and when belonging to the 80% non-artistic types of humanity to humbly shut up. Mind (!), only to shut up on especially R&D issues!
Again this is a beginning of an exact science for it can be registered on video who can’t show active command of paradoxical use of irony, paradoxical use of dynamic geometry both being required if one is to be able to score 90% of intuitively guess where to test solutions on any question the cosmos can throw at as. All until the inevitable end of all times. One of which is indeed not pleasant, yet hopefully still a long way off.
Probabilistic Reasoning: n = too low or “n = 0, n = 1” “statistics (joke)” taken as n = 100 (White Magic “lie” illusion.) and fault negative (FN) (prosecutors fallacy danger in order not to let the guilty Barabbas off the hook or score a “Black magic” illusion conviction) and fault positive (FP)(defense attorneys fallacy danger in order not to get the innocent Jesus crucified or score a “Black magic” illusion acquittal) it is best practice to assume at the start of the probabilistic reasoning in the interactive trial and error interaction with the cosmos acquiring of further relevant evidence that FP =FN. I.e. best guess in lieu of lack of evidence. (Prof. of statistics Richard Gill told me that my model assumed this in order to work.)
Yet we humans being robots are objective ex 4th LOE Order / Block model per gut feeling when properly brought up and trained AND teamed up in a ditto team.
Ergo: gut feeling is relevant evidence!
Provided you rigorously follow correct procedure ex the Grand Law of Everything the ten ‘break one you break all’ rules! A truth as a holy cow, for the proper average guess will be correct as long as no undue pressure is exerted and all data openly shared.
Ergo 2: All-inclusive functional democratic reasoning is the norm. Yet this can be split into smaller teams on certain topics via the 4th LOE block model as an elementary very basic game changer.
Bayesian Statistics: Mind an exclusive area as a pure subset of probabilistic reasoning being the latter the mathematics of common sense. Yet real statistics is only for properly trained statisticians to at least always check! This is n = high enough for statistics, yet too low for frequentist statistics. DNA profiles for instance are strong evidence for lawyers yet at the same time weak evidence for exact scientists. This is inherently a far above average complex problem requiring a brain that belongs to the ex 2nd LOE 10% fastest thinkers (synapses as “computor chips”). Yet also still requires the gut feeling of the trained of the 1% of humanity artistically talented experts, with healthy manic oversight, working in close cooperation with the at best exclusively photographic memory 4% of humanity being best at (intuition on going by the book) algebra, yet averagely talented on geometry and idiotically talented at all paradoxical problems such as irony and dynamic relative geometry such as rheology. Easy to test and register on video via inability to nurture irony, and or artistic jazzy music, or rheology at any level. What we really do not need here is the “expert” opinion of the 4% of humanity (80% female and 20% male yet most lawyers and most psychologists) with hardly any (< 1% or opinion of a < one year old) talent for abstract logic for lack of any geometric overview. Their talent lies in essential HRM and sales, as jargon areas of the factory of the trinity The Lord Father, Mother Nature and Spooky Cosmos. They simply can’t compute that diagnostics and assessment in HRM and Sales on intuition as a dedicated follower of under pressure quickly changing fashion jurisprudence and Vogue literature is completely different diagnostics and assessment as required in the production and R&D. The latter two require a core talent on abstract logic such as mathematics.
EMPERICAL OR FREQUENTIST STATISTICS. Empirical or better frequentist statistics applies as a subset of Bayesian probabilistic and further subset of Bayesian statistics for requiring n = higher than Bayes enough data. What’s in a name “statistics”? Why is this a pure set theory problem? Well, as per Grand Postulate logical dictate all methods when used correctly should render exactly the same result! No discussion, non what so ever, is possible, providing excepting the exclusion of even in part real magic as per grand postulate. Otherwise you go occult and are immediately falsified in a valid way.
Discussions on what works better is a relative discussion on a most fundamental thus elementary topic i.e. probandum. You then get busted back to kindergarten as a mental and intellectual toddler.
This only applies when n = high statistics doesn’t show any black swan data. Here a “It works, but don’t ask why” remains dubious statistics, until at least a complete consistent argument which ultimately can only be checked for its completeness and integral consistent logic. Hidden data are obvious. An at best continuous hypothesis constantly checking if the law still applies.
A law is a most succinct description of constants, minima and maximum interactions of facts taken into evidence within a defined set theory domain then being a Local Law (LoL pun intended).
A Law of Everything (LOE) is in this model a logical derivative of the one Grand Law of Everything that in an all swans are white circular argument is based on the one Grand Postulate and proven to be best practice fully complete and consistent with all known data and future data applicable everywhere in the infinite cosmos.
The existence of a LOE such as the 5th LOE Lego Velcro uses at the same time different norms in that law. Atomos are taken as fact per proven best practice postulate on a very high claimed even the highest probative value on the probandum. I.e. in legal lingo a proven culprit. The LV is just a proven concept therein. In legal lingo a proven prime suspect. That a law is in certain areas taken to be absolutely true, doesn’t of course prove the probation diabolica of absolute truth. The latter exists as an infinite amount of those truths constituting in this model the best description up till now of the deepest reality being that convincingly to be absolute. Without the possibility of ever providing absolute proof thereof.
The Zeno paradox applies that half of infinity is infinity.
Religion is defined in this model as neurologically internalized hypnotics as a DNA survival trait so that the collective brain can function properly on a goal of bare survival.
Mathematicians and many physicists have a number salad religion. A bit like Top Gear research by Jeremy Clarkson. A Ferrari is better than a Lamborghini Tractor. All three salads on the deepest reality are equally important, yet in different parts of the problem. I.e. a tractor is obviously a bad Formula 1 racing car as is that a bad tractor for plowing a field.
Most if not all mathematicians and physicists desperately want the cosmos data to fit their mathematics number salad. Sorry scientists but at the per algorithm ex 4th LOE deepest level of reality required description the greatest denominator is picture salad then word salad and only last going by the book number salad. Per logical definition of course. Numbers are to check and only very limited use in conjuring up artistic input in a testable way. That Bible of R&D consists mostly of empty pages. Per logical jargon definition.
The Bayesian required scenario compositions require an artistic leader as a composer and artist.
As a breach of the social contract with humanity all scientists should humbly bow their headless heads having been verbally decapitated by Lady Justice in 2015 as shown earlier on in this blog.
And indeed most will continue to put their heads so far up their arses that they honestly believe to have vanished into a singularity.
Again QED proven best practice at yet another new higher therefor breakthrough level. Study the ten commandments of this model! Yet better take a leap of faith follow the post scriptum below.
Footnotes: https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/08/31/my-blog-post-reader/
(yet to be updated.)
Post Scriptum
Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carthago_delenda_est
Ergo: Ask Dutch politicians to test the new R&D Oracle Senate!
Any group of scientists or poor third world community can effectively do so. As long as it reaches Dutch media.
It will then quickly, and hopefully still in time, work like a viral domino effect preventing WW3 as per Physics of War Ingo Piepers Amok Algorithm.
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