The Ten Laws of Everything (LOE) as The Ten Local Laws of Humanity (LOH)
Complete integral consistency of the starting positions producing meaning of life & free will DNA robotics in a proper scientific quest for The Grand Law of Everything (GLOE) containing these ten LOE’s as subset goals with lots yet limited logic lyrics of local laws (LOL (pun intended)) such as the Ten Laws of Humanity (LOH).
All yet further to be learned in the fun gameplay of life.

The painting ZIEL as I saw it late 2018 with the in part corrections drawn in English of one Nirvana.
No-one as yet has all the Laws of Everything (LOE) other than – now via my model – any LOE as a stated goal of science proper. Otherwise the claimants would have had the Nobel prize. (BTW Seen from this model these individual prizes have very negative side effects on the focus of science as a whole, besides the obvious positive effects.)
By the way calling a GLOE or LOE a Theory of Everything (TOE) is an incorrect – for non-systematic (BTW for that reason alone already pseudoscientific) & outdated religious ((un-) witting use of neurologically internalized hypnotics as a DNA survival trait ) – and is thus falsified. Simply an attempt of science (-improper) to divert focus (= hypnotics) from their continuing breach of the social contract with humanity.
Being a very experienced former lawyer and magistrate, now Doodle Philosopher, that is for me as part of my honour bound social contract with humanity to investigate and judge in a fair trial. Just Proof is that fair trial that I developed in the 1990’s. Yet unbeknown to me I was reinventing the wheel for it was already discovered. As evidence based medicine – as it was originally intended – it lasted longer than in law, for MD’s have on average far more core talent for abstract logical thinking.
Only in 2010 did I find out that evidence based medicine had an original form with rational use of human intuition. That was during ‘conviction intime’ a confidential gathering organized by prof. Richard Gill. In effect the same problem as with the Lucia de B. murder case. It is an integral problem of humanity. Misuse of mathematics for not always acknowledging the inherent final Bayesian conviction loophole free leap of faith.
In my blog on the Five Laws of Everything I’ve not been conscientious enough having taken as the First Laws of Everything the Laws of Newton. Hence the necessity for this Wikipedia style correction with my own new insights. Only being allowed to proceed with that trial after I’ve verbally whacked myself twenty times with a stick for this fault of the lowest order.
The execution of this harsh sentence has been herewith performed.
The goal of Science proper per legal decree following the social contract with humanity as stated in an earlier post should be in lieu of the ultimate goal of the Grand Law of Everything the word “all” should be added:
A Decent Systematic Search for all the Laws of Everything.
Not having a (or any) stated goal (-s) as a scientist is a breach of social contract with humanity and a deadly anti-scientific sin. And thus illegal for all citizens of the world are taken to know the Law (-s of Everything). Even a baby. Not wanting to breathe and also wanting to stay alive is a breach of a Local Law (as stated: pun intended abbreviated as LOL) of a LOE.
So: Quo Vadis Science?
As will be proven later on in a new post, not starting off with stating a (or any) postulate(s) on the perceived physical reality is a deadly for anti-scientific sin. Sanction: the death penalty by verbal decapitation by Lady Justice.
The Grand Postulate in this all-inclusive model is Integral Consistency <=> No Real Magic = No Conflict = No Poverty => otherwise: Poverty = Slavery = Slaveholders = Slaves = Illegal = conflicts = WW3! => No WW3 => Survival of the Fittest by timely befitting adaptation of a few new religious insights in existing all world religions including science proper in a durable Win-Win fashion.
This can be done in a practical way by having the inevitable Murphy’s Law of probability of a new World War to be kept far less probable than the inevitable end of our times. The latter in this proven best practice model is outside the span of control of humanity. I.e. an optimal best practice run is the best we can have as humanities goal for that is per logical dictate to be the assumed postulate that is within our span of control.
As my dad taught me as part of the school of thought that you can see as my “religion” when you get absurd outcomes or a solution to a problem eludes you, start from scratch with a fully clean slate. I.e. what is the stated goal and timescale and how much risk do we want to take in being wrong in the way we prevent say WW3? By tyrannical dictate you do that by checking your postulate (s) per observed data and as seeing all logics such as mathematics as a set theory part of physical data in order to describe all that data. The postulates of mathematics are called axioms. We thus need to check the axioms as well.
The postulate defined on the deepest truth on reality in all physics being consistent with all of cosmology being consistent with all monotheistic world religions is an inherent circular argument of the goal of finding the ultimate proof via an all ‘swans are white’ falsifiable best practice claim of having the largest circle. I.e. covering most ‘data ground’ and thus most probably best in discovering a solution to any fundamental question.
This however is not inconsistent with the Tyrannical dictate of this model of optimized maximum of scientific freedom. (And ditto maximized freedom in Democracy & Just State!) This paradox as seeming contradiction can be understood for not forbidding or even allowing anyone ever to be ridiculed in the sense of pestering, including Sir Isaac Newton. Newton who as a scientist was into the occult, working even mostly on alchemy. (Teasing a bit, on a goal of improving behavior is another matter.) Yet as per 2nd LOE (q.v.) not more than between 1% to 10% of taxpayers money should be spent on pseudoscience in universities.
Yet it is money well spent. For sometimes it has spin off accidentally making discoveries, and sometimes the mad ‘spinners’ are proven at least partially correct like Albert Einstein. Who BTW knew and stated that his theories couldn’t be the last word for ‘God doesn’t play dice’ as QM makes us believe this gender neutral “God” does do. And sometimes the seemingly mad ones are mostly or even fully correct. The latter nigh certainly only in very small niches.
Anyhow this maximum of 10% taxpayers money on pseudoscience buys mental freedom for all scientists. And is thus money well spent for that reason alone.
Okay, now it’s gameplay on for science to legally prove me pseudoscientific on this post or vice versa by me more in more through over kill. And splitting the LOH out in a more refined practical way than is done here in a more abstract way.
A fair show trial, for it is on the record for all to see. This is in R&D yet not as it should be in a safe environment i.e. behind closed doors. Proper R&D is selling uncertainty far more than providing the craved – even required – certainty. For that you need to be in production and even more so in the mental state and following the algorithms of the HRM / Sales departments. All then modeled in a quick and dirty triage of the factory of Mother Nature / God / Cosmos. Akin backing a cake you need to follow the correct algorithm that every recipe in effect is.
Any scientist may request a fair trial behind closed doors in a ‘conviction intime’ setting.
Back to the most recent Development of this model in this R&D fair trial show proceeding. A show trial in this open source blog post of mine:
The laws of Newton split out systematically correctly and logically filling in the empty spots we get ten laws.
Historically Newton has five laws of which three concerning motion, one gravity and one on cooling.
Starting off with the Five postulate observations as being absolutely true and ergo fact coupled to the Five postulate observational focus-points of order versus disorder game play:
The Five Postulate observational Illusions of reality resume of an earlier blog post:
1. Healthy illusions taken as absolutely true; 2. Unhealthy (say: taking soft drugs); 3. Ill (should be feeling mentally unwell, seeing untrue things due to say sleep deprivation); 4. Sick (needs to see professional aid: say a mild psychosis); 5. At the moment incurable mental disorder of observation (such as schizophrenia i.e. severe risk of psychosis in which psychosis the dream state illusion walks thru the awake illusion in an non self-healing indistinguishable way.) (Mind this insight already falsifies current exact scientific paradigm especially in (quantum-) physics! They still believe in “objective” data outside human conviction, and believe all healthy illusions to be the same. They aren’t as the data of psychology, psychiatry and neurology shows. Something all illusionists and hypnotizers know and even consistently prove. Even of the 10% fastest thinkers on the 10% most complex problems 40% of humanity simply don’t compute abstract logic nor do they need to, 20% of them are male such as Adolf Hitler. See an earlier post. Another 40% of which 80% men simply don’t compute any out of the box (= non – as yet! – religious ) paradoxes such as new ( = non-religious) irony. Yet also cosmological paradoxes elude them! The DNA talent for especially dynamic geometry of change is nonexistent other than as a hypnotical illusion that can be internalized. Having most talent for becoming hypnotized and thus an authoritarian zealot in any religion. 20% of humanity have no talent for going by the book or following any authority. Thus little talent to become or stay religious as a survival trait. This 20% splits out in 10% of humanity being 80% female having both abstract logic & especially new irony. I.e. more intuition on being socially competent. A further 10% of humanity of which 80% male have new irony & especially abstract logic as a core DNA potential competence. The latter as I being very much on a mission or stated goal orientated that is less socially acceptable. I.e. four different “software” ways in four different complexity levels make for many different ways of interpreting data as facts. We know as hard scientific fact that the brain “corrects” observations as being thus illusions.
The Five physical reality observational postulates ditto resume
1. Mass ‘kg’ => atomos (logical per postulate dictate) <=> 2. Space ‘m’ <=> 3. Relative Panta Rhei movement (concept of relative time) ‘s’<=> 4. Strong interactive forces (“Soul DNA Straight Biceps”) <=> 5. Weak interactive forces (“Soul DNA Spin Triceps”). (As stated 40% of humanity can’t compute this, even the most intelligent ones for lack of abstract logic talent. Other than via hypnotics in the ones they blindly trust.)
The Five physical reality of order disorder postulates ditto resume
Of algorithms as an observable and logical ‘Soul’ consistent consequence of the physical reality : 1st Unique (due to limited deformation => YOLO (JFGI*)) Formation of in at least two part pre-existing construction <=> 2nd Deformation <=> 3rd Transformation <=> 4th Destruction <=> 5th Identical (discounting limited deformation) Reformation <=> Infinite cyclic digital yin & yang double helix learning / copying / memory bank DNA like algorithm.
As a stipulative (new) definition (jargon in this model) a ‘Nirvana’ is that all possible scenario’s ex the 3rd LOE (Bayes q.v.) have played out. It then repeats itself in a new Nirvana. An infinite process having thus no beginning and no end. NB the impossible scenarios are per Grand Postulate illegal magic.
The reductio ad absurdum proof.*
*Footnote (Anything not explained in my blog can be easily found via a google on Wikipedia / internet. So: JFGI. A BTW formal legal requirement of any human. When I ‘sell’ you something like this model or a second hand bike with a broken lock, then you must check to verify if the goods are not stolen or be able to point out the one from whom you bought the bike. You can thus check it all yourself and pose valid falsification when I state anything ‘illegal’. When it’s not on the internet it might be indeed new, yet most is certainly even unwittingly stolen. Like the number ‘0’ that I unwittingly nicked in primary school. The question “who was first” is an illegal question, for irrelevant in science proper. Footnotes are for clarification and side shows yet not for bolstering scientific carriers or the quest for then always unjust authority.)
The five DSM-proper Mindsets
There is no goal ex mindset DSM 0. Yet see the post on DSM Mindset for the five required mindsets DSM 0, DSM-5TR, DSM 6, DSM 7, DSM 8. The latter the Tyrannical dictate of this model that we must assume the inverse per 3rd LOE of DSM 0 being DSM 8. I.e. that we all have a Free Will and life can be made to have Meaning. Any high school kid should know and train the brain with all this basic gameplay of life.
A Law of Everything (LOE) claim to apply literally everywhere from the smallest complete Nirvana of two gods-particle all possible (!) scenario’s in-between interaction with other gods-particles to the largest Nirvana box of the largest logically to be assumed constructions in the infinite cosmos; it’s irrelevant that direct observation is impossible, for the postulate of consistency dictates completeness. (on Gödel later on) That science is proper as long as all observable data are modelled in a completely logical consistent (logic is testable!) way:

Integral Consistency Grand Postulate <=>
(<=> means: ‘is consistent with’ for that literally means that it points both ways: i.e. no-conflict!)
1st LOE (= goal): 1st part Postulate Newton logically add infinite (as in part hidden variables) elements atomos mass all dynamic n = infinite Panta Rhei interacting <=>
2nd LOE: Normal Distribution Observation (All – basic – science on 2nd LOE is already (!) in => still lots of LOL to be had on the 2nd LOE! Akin music compositions and chess variations only the basic rules of the startup, some LOL’s and the goal of the gameplay are claimed to be in.) <=>
3rd LOE: Bayes (In the same way: All – basic– science is already in! See earlier post.) consistent observations and hidden variables in an integral logical systematic artistic testable scenario / composition <=>

4th LOE: (Nearly all basic science is in at the highest level (see doodle graphic on top, putting the algebra to that is not my job.), a local LOE (LOL) in soft sciences integral > 99.9% and rising probative value claim with a deterministic i.e. integral causal effect explanation.) Soul of the Cosmos is identical to the Soul of all DNA life & intelligences Block model <=>

5th LOE: Proven best practice concept (‘proven prime suspect’ = NOT a proven culprit claim!) Lego Velgro gods-particle ‘snowflake’ hypothesis (Per systematic Five way dictate: proven idea, ditto concept, ditto theory, ditto LOL, ditto LOE (-‘s) <=>
6th LOE: Infinite Euclidian Geometry (All – basic- mathematics to describe the reality of this model at this most fundamental level is in. Mind: That you can use a mathematical tong to hammer a nail, doesn’t mean that science of mathematics shouldn’t develop a mathematical hammer and other tools in R&D. R&D is a never ending testable fairy tale story.) of non-curved Space of absolute nothing at the deepest level of reality. (Mind you can describe a Non Euclidian (4 axiom) indeed observed curved space with five axioms of the Euclidian geometry yet not vice versa! With 4 axioms you can at best reach an approximation of two parallel lines that never cross. That it works easier is true, yet that is indeed plucking forbidden low hanging fruit from the forbidden apple tree.) <=>

7th LOE: (2nd part Newton add on: see the doodle graphic on the 5th LOE) Five Limited Maximum Speeds > c ( = constant of the speed of light. Being the basis of all the theories of Einstein!) For c logically being an average as a constant. That was predicted by me in NWA 2015 indeed a cross and now strengthening my model of the cosmos with the detected Maltese cross. (My then Higgs and Graviton particles weren’t deformable snowballs then but super elastic billiard balls going to a far more complex and thus on Ockham’s Razor now falsified order of a dynamic crystal. Thus declassified from a prime suspect to a mere suspect pending full algebraic falsification. For which I see no more need.) That Maltese cross is obviously not a static ‘tombstone’ of the energy packet of a photon but dynamic and thus by logical dictate recently observed to be >c! => Valid falsification of all the theories of Einstein even as LOL’s-as-being a way to find not even in any way most fundamental descriptions of reality. Like an inverse Schiedammer Parkmurder case the ever stronger evidence strengthening my model keeps on pouring in. Such as the Higgs field, Gravity waves all neatly fit my model like a glove. As happens in a real murder case when on the obvious right track of finding the culprit. (And BTW the v max = c^2 claim proven best practice idea or suspect. Mind, reaching v = c^2 in the timeline of one Gods-particle takes / defines one Nirvana of that particle. Why c^2? Well as a wild guess: E = mc^2; that’s why.) <=>

8th LOE: Strong Interactive Forces Strong forms of constructive / deconstructive push. Pushing atomos mass out of the dynamic Higgs Graviton unspun fields into all sorts of smaller and larger black holes causing a perceived under pressure seen as gravity. <=>
9th LOE: Weak Interactive Forces Weak (Velcro pubic hair) hold on / let go pull => deformable ‘snowball’ (gyroscopic = information in memory bank) spin (in a dynamic matrix) <=>
10th LOE: Equality observational logic => Hidden variable Mother Mary (MM number 4 in the Doodle graphic on the 5th LOE.) unequal largest ‘snowball’ particles split into equal ‘Father Higgs’ (number 3 particle) deformable etc. ‘snowballs’ and equal ‘Son graviton’ (number 2 particle) smaller (=> faster) ‘snowballs’ proven best practice pseudo atomos paradox idea logical hypothesis (We thus have Five fundamental particles constructs of rigid identical elegant rings: 1. Snowflake v>; 2. Graviton v> ; 3. Higgs v>; 4. MM v>; 5 Photon v c is average and per 2nd LOE v max is a non-constant incident only constant in a Nirvana n = high.) to build the required large non-Planck scale strings to build the Standard Model from which the Periodic Table and thus ultimately all DNA life is formed.
1st LOE => QED integral best practice proof of consistency via “circumstantial evidence” (wrong term for correct form of “all swans are white” proof.)
<=> (!)
Theories of GR & QM elevated to Local Laws (LOL) of Science and consistent marriage to LOL Newton max c => valid falsification Gödel as obvious incompleteness is inconsistent with LOE. Obvious no brainer that you can’t at the same time have four and five axioms in mathematics of LOE. Four axioms of mathematics only applicable in LOL. => An “if it works, it works, don’t know why” as a LOL (pun intended) is no problem, as long as you stay in that set theory box. => You can only reach any LOE and thus a GLOE with five axioms. As Louis Carroll stated you’ll otherwise end up in an Alice in Wonderland honest belief in magic. LOL’s are set theory salad bowls. Only an infinite bowl isn’t a bowl anymore. Only then when all number mathematics (i.e. algebra only number-salad Pun intended.); picture mathematics (geometry only picture-salad ) other logic-languages (only word-salad) are consistently dealt with in a complete scenario of all reality may anyone claim a Grand Law of Everything (GLOE) that will now best practice seen as to be split into Ten LOE’s that can be combined and split into many LOL’s such as economic laws as The Second Law of Gossen
Mind this model has Five Economic LOL norms as optimized maximum-minimum bandwidths 1. Ten Balkenende private income norms => Eradicating Poverty!!!! <=> 2. Bocassa private wealth norm <=> 3. Monopoly norm <=> 4 Lamborghini Boss owner say norm <=> 5 Anders Breivik/Pole Saint controlled freedom norm. <=> 1. Balkenende norms.
These Five ELOL norms => Base Economy => More Millionaires, No Poor, No War.
You need the four DNA speeds to do what Jesus as historical figure couldn’t of figured out not knowing about DNA, QM classical mechanical robotics of humanity. Only with wise taxing in a Win-Win Just Proof way can this be enforced.
The problem and thus solution is neurotically internalized hypnotics as a survival trait on the ape rock pyramid of humanity.
For this requires fair taxing that in turn requires Just Proof that in turn requires the Ten LOL’s of Humanity in order to guarantee a level playing field for humanity that will work for all the elements are already proven in an exact scientific n = high registered on video way.
Why it fundamentally is that when the people & hopefully scientists simply ask Dutch Parliamentarians to decide to do a then no longer taboo test, that in itself already solves the problem; the following:
First of all: Whether the test is seen to be experimental or not is immaterial.
Secondly: The decision to do the test will already lead to a desirable paradigm shift in science and humanity. In so doing immediately preventing the danger of a nuclear winter that is looming. Looming as shown in previous posts.
For the robotic hypnotics show that when a majority of the Dutch Parliament indeed decide to test a new Oracle Senate with part-time senators for life, that notion will go globally viral as a healthy hypnotic virus. Again Dutch PM Mark Rutte was on the brink of following my advice to do the taboo test. A taboo of this “Mr Teflon” being an obvious CS4m personality type knew he couldn’t change, other than by being asked.
In so doing Parliament even immediately changing the mindset of Putin and Xi preventing them from blundering into WW3. For it is a way for them to stay in power as well. For that is what the 4th LOE shows is what they both seeing videos of both being obvious BS4mn personality types. Types that literally crave respect in a suicidal way. They both can think in abstract logic yet paradoxes especially social ones simply elude them. Both obviously having the power to blunder the world into a nuclear winter when that craving is even unwittingly perceived by their brains to be threatened.
And a way for opening hope for salvation to all in effectively eradicating rich- & poor-poverty during our lifetime. Thus providing cooperation as per free will DNA robotics.
So both the Jews are right that the Messiah hasn’t yet come, as are also the Christians are right that the historic figure Jesus & Jesus as prophet for Muslims, is the Messiah. They evidently define ‘Messiah’ differently. Become your own Messiah via Bildung. Slavery is a mindset. Your own! Request the test and see!
This is also fully consistent with Hinduism & Buddhism.
And indeed fully consistent with science proper.
Yet it is inconsistent with current Science even in Transition for lacking the required paradigm shift.
More on the Ten Laws of Humanity & the falsification of current science in the nearly finished next post.

The whole practical story in a nutshell Trump in October last. Problem and solution.
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