The therapeutic & destructive power of words
Especially definitions can cause strong feelings of unease and even conflicts.
Before we start the game on answering the questions on consciousness and life we must first set up the gameplay properly. The point we are at is a paradigm.
A paradigm is best to be redefined as: A set of definitions that keep the social cohesion on a goal.
Say even the goal of bare survival. For most I gather that to be of existential importance. The definitions in turn in my model define methods, thoughts, examples etc. in the neurologically internalized memory banks of the social group. Being the latter defined as a religion. So I propose a paradigm shift on the definition of paradigm as depicted in this Wikipedia page.
The problem is severe for how can I prove or falsify anything without a complete consistent set of definitions based on one personal postulate that you and I exist as physical entities in a physical cosmos? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_theorems
For if I don’t assume that I myself, you and the cosmos exist, why then assume that mathematics even exists? As I take it that mathematics is an essential tool in my model. Even a thought literally has mass, having form and volume in relative motion. And per postulate that the physics of nothing is indeed nothing. I.e. space as room for massive maneuver or freedom to think. That all being information constituting a thought.
So first comes the postulate of physics and to be derived from that we get the axioms of mathematics.
The act of taking this private postulate immediately falsifies Gödel’s incompleteness theorem.
Something adepts of the current paradigm of mathematicians will vehemently, religiously even, oppose. For it suggests to many mathematicians something that isn’t logically implied even. Remarkable concept of mathematicians not being able to be sufficiently logical, as no human can be, as proven by this model. Hypnotics as a survival trait is partly the power of suggestion. I.e. the instrument between the ears filling in what you don’t know, and indeed providing the to be adhered to limits of your personality trait. Being such a trait a form of intelligence in this model apart from the talents of speed of brain.
The problem lies in an outdated scientific religion on what constitutes proper scientific procedure and an inherent scientific religion on how the instruction manual reads of the instrument between the ears of different personality types.
“Science (from Latin scientia ‘knowledge’)[1] is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.[2][3][4]”
Well, this definition is indeed correct as representing current science. Yet, it doesn’t state a goal. Akin running around as a headless horseman. Apart from that it is incomplete for it doesn’t teach to all and seems to exclude art from being an essential part of science as well. Being proven in this model that R&D proper is mostly artistic and thus an art. Furthermore Dr Mengele didn’t do science, yet it would be indecent not to use any worthwhile fruits from his enterprise if there were any.
Being the developer that I am, thus practicing what I preach, I again propose a new definition on the one as stated in previous posts, after of course verbally whacking myself with a stick again:
Science is the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all inclusive bildung.
‘Decency’ is defined in this model to be what a 50% + 1 vote majority of all personality types and intelligences of people with bildung both expert and laymen in freedom and via due process deem to be decent. Being a process striving towards consensus > 90%. Science thus always proper is an enterprise by and for all inclusive, thus all, humans.
This model proves best practice that humans simply can’t think properly outside a decent group living in a symbiotic environment of a healthy all of nature on earth. Science thus needs a healthy spiritual environment.

That computers or robots might be “better” at science is thus an indecent anti-scientific pseudo-scientific endeavor. Criminally insane even. Robots don’t need to live in a symbiotic way with anything. A Dr Frankenstein position.
‘Systematic’ means logical thus unambiguous enterprise thus based on a postulate that the ‘cosmos’ (many universes as multi verse thus excludes the word ‘universe’) is identical to (all) ‘nature’ being identical to ‘God’ in the assumed postulate of deepest reality of it all being one i.e. Everything.
‘Laws’ are proven to be true statements in set theory sets containing all elements as data taken to be absolutely true facts on which infringements are deemed to be illegal.
Thus providing the means to pose valid falsification via a reductio ad absurdum proof in an ‘all swans are white’ to be tested “hypothesis” or tested “claim” of ‘inherently best practice’ proof.
This is consistent for a true paradox. There is no evidence that we can observe Everything so it’s our inherent lack of data and at the same time having much too much data that constitutes an incompleteness. Yet it doesn’t do so in mathematics given the philosophy of Bayes as written down by David A. Schum mentioned in earlier posts.
Best practice means a very practical “if it works, it works” attitude towards science proper. As stated in an earlier post the paradox of the tyrannical dictate of especially art. 2 sub. a & sub. b the Normal distribution taken per definition at the deepest level to be continuous and one quanta level higher at least a digital thus quantum construct.
The problem lies in the fact that humanity since female Adam & male Eve proving the definition problem has only just start playing the division of labour game. Requiring a higher level of game play if we having invented nuclear weapons as a fact hope to survive this game. That causes for some great feelings of guilt and shame. In abstract the same as the earlier post on professor Porsche.
It’s not so much a conspiracy as it is a “forgive them for they know not what they do affair.”
Taken as a fact that anyone can be hypnotized in no longer to register say a number four. You then counting 1,2,3,eh (not important), 5, 6 etc. Or that you can be hypnotized in the honest belief of need of a 4a. Then we get 1,2,3,4, 4a (must be okay), 5, 6. Yet some are very talented to be hypnotized as others are talented to hypnotize.
Take the following on Wikipedia as strong evidence on this claimed best practice proof. To which I dare you to pose valid falsification.
In the following English Wikipedia and the Dutch version is incomplete on what I know as a fact to be wrong. In the 1970 my dad an aeronautical engineer in reference to his dad a naval MD and brother a chief psychiatrist talked about “evidence based medicine”. Yet as I only later learned in a gathering ‘Conviction Intime’ organized by Richard Gill professor of statistics Leyden KNAW, it was evidence based medicine “as it was originally intended”. A MD attending told me after my talk. This Wiki states that it was first used in 1987.
Well okay that then probably was the year when the Lucia de B. style murder on proper EBM took place stopping with the rational use of gut feelings of the always objective instrument between the ears. We are robots and they are inherently objective.
Yet was it deliberate act like a murder per definition is or an honest mistake by a majority simply not being able to work all the mental operations that are required?
It’s a bit like kicking against and pissing over a microscope and subsequently be in the honest belief that the microscope is no good. Indeed the manual of science didn’t at first state that it’s a bad idea to have only one teacher in front of the class in all cases. And that having kids sit still all day doesn’t conform to the manual on how best to treat kids.
Same goes for an IQ test. When you have a good test-result hurray for the psychologists having pissed on the competing instrument between the ears for jobs in your desired area.
I at first had an IQ identical to my shoe size. I studied it and it rose sufficiently to become a magistrate. Recently they changed IQ-tests again and I flunked it again. Not even on par with Dutch MBO level. Hilarious.
My talent is a 1/125 affaire. Taken as a fact that the problems a Leonardo da Vinci type as this is best to solve also arise 1/125 on all issues including important for all including you that don’t have that talent, scoring say 1% where types like I score on average > 90% providing you don’t damage those instruments. That this must be true is proven by the fact that we humans have survived situations that are literally intergalactically improbable. At least under current scientific paradigm. Yet not when taking the claim that the block model is the fourth Law on Everything. I.e. that the order function of the cosmos is the same as that of the collective human, mammal even ant heap brain.

It’s Science even in Transition that has failed humanity in the inherent social contract in solving these problems. Giving us nuclear weapons instead.
Science in the Netherlands as all over the world need themselves a fully independent Senate as advisory board to science and the new R&D Oracle Senate in parliament.
There are proven to be two types of both generalist and specialist for 90% to 99% exclusive talented scientists needed in science on the unknown laws of Everything in artistic R&D and spiritual Mediation and Advertising the latter on taboos.
Then there are proven to be two types both generalist and specialist for 90% to 99% exclusive talented scientists to advice the dogmatic knowledge as long as consensus stays with the minority in R&D and M&A. They are the MT and production department of science honestly believing that only the production department constitutes real science.
Requiring the talent for hard work and authority needing those talents having potential photographic memory. High talent for algebra average on geometry and hardly talent for all paradoxes such as irony and dynamic complex geometry. Generalists have the humble talent of broad bildung and thus are specialists in being generalists. In danger of feelings of inadequacy towards talented authoritarian specialists that reside in all fields. All these healthy autistic people have a knack / talent to become very religious and dogmatic. They always think black and white. All i.e. they go occult, or nothing which in effect is also occult belief that things will always sort themselves out.
The same applies for the generalist and specialist on teaching and selling science to everyone in the required hypnotic way. HRM & sales of Science the healthy hysterics.

Yet all the Diederik Stapel style problems of Science even in Transition will quickly fade and only fade in which even Diederik kan become professor again, for if all are to blame then no one is, by backing the proposed test.
Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Ergo: Ask Dutch politicians to test the new R&D Oracle Senate!
Only then is Science properly represented in world politics.
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