3-minute read blog post on April 23rd 2023
As I stated earlier Putin has already tried twice in vain to nuke NATO into neutrality.

The problem is gender-neutral male logic is way too dominant in the exact sciences and gender-neutral female logic is way too dominant in the soft sciences.
Putin, Xi, and Trump akin to Stalin, and Napoleon types suffer from gender-neutral male logic because they aren’t aware of their idiocy. 80% of males and 10% of females have this form of idiocy and also potential high giftedness for production department problems. It’s only not a mental disorder when this idiocy is known.
This is also true for Hitler, Franco, and Mussolini yet they unwittingly suffered from gender-neutral female logic. That is in effect sales and HRM logic.
The authentic authoritarian types are 20% prevalent and divided into these two male/female logic groups.
Zelensky, Churchill, Michelle, and Barack Obama but also Hermann Goering are the minority of gender-neutral artistic/ spiritual talent that is deemed to consist of mad idiots and mad geniuses when what they do proves to work. Artistic R&D and spiritual marketing and advertisement departments of the factory can produce anything important.
Indeed we are all different sorts of incompetent on certain tracks of mind always mad idiots inherently lacking all the required DNA talents to produce peace.
When we as a thought experiment for sake of the argument assume that all scientists and military analysts are distributed this way only 1% of humanity has the required artistic talent to spot and thus formulate and model such amok algorithms that prove to work. 1% of 8 billion is quite a lot of potential geniuses. Geniuses are a myth and gurus are dangerous.
Study this new doodle graphic I made last March 16th.
After a silence before the storm the amok algorithm as a deceitfully slow chain reaction started to escalate. Faster for Ukraine but slower because on average for the rest of the world.
80% of humanity simply can’t understand books like Sun Tzu’s Art of War. In fact, it’s a book on the common sense of how to handle any conflict.
I recently had a discussion with a knowledgeable military analyst who clearly as an autodidact read Sun Tzu deeming it via his obvious gender-neutral male logic as outdated and not in any way artistic. Had a for him authoritarian teacher told him it was artistic he wouldn’t have made the silly mistake. Yet even when I pointed out the title he remain vehement about his position it nt being artistic in the Art of War book. Thanks to my model these art forms are now an exact science.
Sun Tzu would predict that NATO (and thus the EU) are going to lose this war akin to NATO losing a long war in Afghanistan. Countries never profit from long wars. Economic sanctions have been and are counterproductive by hitting everyone and not changing the course of the enemy. Bad economies are the root cause of the escalation in the first place.
NATO/ EU don’t know their enemies or themselves. The enemy is not Russia or the Russian people but Putin and his ex-KGB mobster oligarchs. The other enemies are the enemies within NATO/ EU namely our oligarchs who think to gain from a long war. And, the mostly unwitting oligarchs are so afraid of a world war that they are in denial of the fact that it has already started. Their brains shut down when no one takes the lead.
Several times I’ve had mostly men (logic) in custody in a police station flatly denying domestic violence even in view of blatant evidence. Only to later on tell me they hadn’t seen it coming. The reason is the most female (logic) silence for the storm. The latter who in vain tried to fight a lateral war. Being financial uncertainty is mostly the root cause where the mail logic dictates this not tob e his fault. This all slowly escalates into financial suicide and sometimes literal suicide and murder i.e. amok.
The thermodynamics of neurology as in fact stated by professor of neurology Dick Swaab shows that we humans are robots that must religiously as internalized hypnotics believe we aren’t robots and have free will and life has meaning.
Falling in love is obviously hypnotic as a survival trait at play based on hormones. It later on transforms into a religious dependency based on trust. Breaking that trust causes amok.
The idiocy of incorrect hypnotics and religion can only be solved via authority. All EU countries as does the EU need an Oracle Senate test by emergency order. Only the decision alone by doing something radically different can change an algorithm as any exact scientist should know.
Dr. Ingo Piepers Amok Algorithm has proven to work exactly in predicting that WW3 would probably start in 2020 and in 2022 at the latest. After a silence before the storm, a slow escalation is a slow chain reaction that isn’t recognized by idiots. There is a 20% chance of Armageddon in the coming months if the EU and NATO keep on blundering this way. 80% chance of that in WW4.
I also hope to publish a post with proof that Big Bang has been falsified by science as I predicted it would in my model. yet, there too the religious male logic dominance in the exact sciences will prevent a paradigm shift unless Micho Kako is famous enough to bring this about. Him stating “We were wrong.”
Indeed my artistic common sense R&D reverse-engineered Champagne bubble scenario is again with ever-mounting evidence proven best practice correct. Having falsified science in overkill as Godel proves unsolvable incompleteness on more than 5 axioms and John Bell proves unsolvable consistency based on 79 axioms. I prove that it can be done with five exclusive axioms. Winning hands down on the Okhams razor. Were it not religious Peace in a Day is a Piece of Cake.
Consistency with all world religions and science interpreted in a completely consistent way logically prevents world wars and all other conflicts.