Rambler 23
Topic CCQM Cosmology, Consciousness & Quantum Mechanics
7 minute read: years to study.
In one of the next ramblers I’ll further explain this doodle graphic.
A doodle graphic that to people with sufficient bildung should be self-explicatory.

As the comments on this blog shows science even-in-transition is undisputed and indisputably falsified as being proper.
Not each and every time having formally in peer reviewed publications state what instrument brain was used. This has had dire consequences in legal lingo: ‘material effect’. Namely of causing grieves conflicts in the courts. They still haven’t written the manual for the use of the different instrument brains in a way any high school kid can understand.
Thus causing possible even probable future genocide. Damming history repeating itself.
For the real danger of nuclear winter, whether caused by omission or action, is in any decent legal system irrelevant.
It is undisputed in the reactions in this blog and also indisputable – so it can be taken as a fact – that had science even in transition done what science proper should of done in accordance with the social contract with humanity, this danger of genocide wouldn’t of occurred. Scientists didn’t do their bloody job. Killing humanity, also kills all scientists and thus science. Undeniable proof of anti-scientific pseudoscience thus.
Baring neigh absolute proof to the contrary of complete genocide, of all humanity, this then must be assumed to still be preventable.
Yet of course only when starting to do things fundamentally different.
Also undisputed is the Wikipedia style given best practice definition of science proper being in effect identical to physics mayor:
Science (proper) is the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung.
As stated earlier in the blog science is physics mayor systematically splits out into physics minor (all that is directly observable) and meta-physics. The latter can systematically be split out into fundamental, theoretical or hypothetical physics besides the occult.
Mind thus that all mathematics is thus meta-physics in this model!
In this model there is only room to fund scientific occultism with slightly more than 1% of the scientific budget. Buying academic freedom and acknowledging the fact that sometimes incorrect methods, ditto arguments and even errors render worthwhile results. Furthermore this model as a > 99% truth, deems all chaos and errors as not fully understood for unobservable order.
“Dunning-Kruger” & The Social Contract with Humanity
Due to the repeated cropping up of the “Dunning-Kruger” con job twins in lieu of the claim that I know not enough of science / mathematics / physics to do the claims I do, a post on this is in order.
First off on the social contract of humanity I’m indeed an expert to the extent that anyone who has studied law, and has more than thirty years-experience as lawyer, judge and DA magistrate can justifiably claim.
That Dunning-Kruger are two con men – like all psychologists are when doing assessment or diagnoses – for they don’t, for can’t, claim more than, not even a 51% probative value and then even on tiny issues in use of their tests and research. For a full going over of these twins see the earlier post.
In short: As in this case issues that probably even the Babylonians prior to the Ancient Greeks where aware of as being simple common sense, namely that people without bildung overestimate their ability. This because able people are much more careful in their claims.
Ergo a con job by the twins for antiscientific pseudoscience causing mayhem in the court rooms. The judge blindly follows the psychological rapport for when it goes wrong, the judge can point the blame at the psychologist. And vice versa. The psychologist “expert witness” can say, “I didn’t lie, the judge didn’t understand and the judge took the decision.”
A perverse earning model of desire of both judges and psychologists. Mind, the “desire” concerns more than money.
A perverse earning model nearly everyone more or less uses. When everybody is to blame no-one is, provided radicle changes are made.
TASK OF A PROFESSIONAL LAWYER per social contract with humanity
When experts don’t do their job properly for being unwilling or unable it’s the honorable job of a lawyer to do what the expert was supposed to do. In short in effect a Wikipedia style way of doing the job to the best of your ability with your proper bildung. This following having a high school diploma that presupposes a decent and all-inclusive degree of general knowledge on all of science.
Lawyers are on earth to know how conflicts arise, how they develop, how you make them stop and how to keep them from reoccurring.
Any inconsistency is in effect a conflict.
Lawyers professionally should strive for complete consistency within humanity.
Any community should see it as their task to ensure proper parenting prior to schooling. Yet a society that like the Dutch since 1945 up till now puts on average 10% of its kids in foster care, is seriously sick. This is caused by psychologists and judges not doing a proper job. Anyway judges carry the burden of proof to provide the proper statistics concerning their track record in this.
Only up to a degree can schooling systems remedy this situation.
Well that is to make shore the proper degree of bildung is given to in the case of the 10% most intelligent kids at the age of twelve as a between 90% and 99% truth have had a full Tour d ’Horizon of all of science that is to be, and will be given, before they are eighteen.
So after the kid has during a camp gotten acquainted with the other kids and teachers, at least three hours of biology, ditto chemistry, ditto physics should be given as a great teaser show in the first semester. Pulling the brats into enthused focus. Stink bombs, spinning gyroscopes, creepy crawlers under the microscope you name it.
In that the science teachers play the mathematics teacher in to position as a central figure.
So that math’s teachers are not seen as some alien life form that was beamed down to earth to pester kids. An essential tool of learning in order to learn to reason properly.
The mathematics teacher should of course also give the tour d ‘horizon of all mathematics that the talented in math’s will have acquired before university. This in order to help assure that also the fast thinking kids that don’t have the highly gifted talent for mathematics understand that they need the ones that do. And of course vice versa on languages and talent for paradoxes such as irony and dynamic geometry. The latter is prevalent in only 1% of humanity via this model.
Ergo thus only 10% of the 10% fastest thinkers that as a > 90% truth are the 10% of ones that should go to university.
Humanity needs this one percent in order not to end up in a nuclear winter.
Grabbing the jobs that should be reserved for these types is thus a suicidal stupid error in reasoning on any goal.
Ask yourself this: how happy a monkey are you with a specialist neurologist for yourself of loved one who has a diploma, yet not the required talent or speed of brain to really know what he or she is doing? Especially if it’s easy to learn to spot by all and register on video!
Even though it’s the current by most deemed necessary self-preservation to try and get the best paying jobs with the most esteem.
Wittingly or unwittingly doing this by deeming those ADHD and ADD (old DSM IVTR now ADHD-c & ADHD-I in DSM-5) types misfits and mad, is indeed criminally insane. Putting Ritalin into them is akin putting diesel into a Ferrari because they make too much noise and drive too fast.
Subsequently having an expert psychologist do a diagnoses of an instrument brain that was maltreated in a way like taking a new microscope out of the box, throwing it onto the ground and peeing over it. All this in order to take the job of the microscopically talented as a well talented loupe.
So a tour d ’horizon is needed for all first year high school kids. Actually a necessity for any form of schooling.
For instance that differentiating and integrating are in effect breaking up the puzzle into most elementary elements and integrating is laying the whole bloody puzzle. It’s required to provide healthy manic oversight for what the hell mathematics teachers are doing.
It’s expressly forbidden to lie! The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
Well the truth is there is a discussion whether mathematics should be completely consistent or not. And there is a discussion whether mathematics fundamentally requires a fifth axiom of Euclid.
Something that was glossed over when I did high school mathematics. Albeit with the best of intentions, it was fundamentally wrong, leading to possible / probable nuclear winter and genocide.
Well, truth be told we start at the beginning with all the data. Myself being part of the data. Then I start reasoning via logic, talking in myself via word salad. Thinking “I exist as part of a cosmos”. Yet as soon as I dream up a goal in my life, I’ve logically placed myself outside the most fundamental set theory box.
Yet at the same time I of course always remain in the first box.
I intuitively feel that I should start at the beginning, formulating axioms.
Mind I came across a better way to define the difference between an axiom and a postulate. So in my Wikipedia style learning I duly whack myself verbally ten times with a stick, and improve the definitions.
An axiom is a most fundamental or elementary assumption. I.e. it can’t be systematically divided into anything anymore. Laws of Everything must be based on axioms.
A postulate is not claimed to be most fundamental yet only an assumption taken for practical reasons in a model. Postulates can never be the bases of a LOE yet at best only a Local Law. The latter a small box within the super set box of a LOE.
As an axiom of physics mayor I thus per observations taken as absolutely true and thus defined as a fact that the cosmos is indeed completely consistent.
Now it would be ever so nice if the languages of logic that science uses would indeed thus also be completely consistent.
Well then Gödel comes along and states that all of mathematics ‘as is’ and taken as a fact, is fully consistent yet proven on the highest possible probative norm namely that of number mathematics to be incomplete. That norm of prof is called a theorem. Then that is, oh dear, oh dear somewhat disconcerting.
As I was taught by my late dad, when you get strange results, start as standard operating procedure (SOP) completely (!) a fresh.
For obviously:
- An error has occurred
And /Or
- The cosmos is indeed inconsistent i.e. real magic and thus the axiom of consistency is wrong Or
- The cosmos is incomplete with in part real magical inconsistencies. Thus both axioms are wrong.
- We humans are too stupid individually to solve the problem.
And / Or
- We humans are too stupid collectively to solve the problem.
This then begs the question whether Gödel explicitly has disproven all these positions?
Well the obvious fact is he hasn’t. Had scientists done their bloody job well, they would of noticed this. For points 4 and 5 concern the instrument brain, for which the manual that science long ago should of provided each high school kid with is still failing.
Proof: it obviously at the time of writing this isn’t on Wikipedia as it is required to be due to the definition of science proper. All-inclusive bildung demands open source sharing in a systematic way. At the moment only Wikipedia fulfills that essential requirement.
Ergo whether or not the axiomatic complete consistent cosmos can be described in a complete consistent way, remains an open question.
Mind that a complete consistent scientific description means a complete consistent description being systematically split into three parts:
- All number mathematics sec or number-salad
- All picture mathematics sec or picture-salad
- All other logics sec as word-salad.
Complete consistency is required per axiomatic dictate in all three equally important area’s!
QED Gödel has mathematically proven that science including mathematics has failed humanity and was in a mentally sick state. As Gödel is still subject to scientific debate, science even in transition still is mentally sick in a suicidal way. All the more so when there is no debate on that topic. For when the way of doing science and mathematics leads to extinction it’s per logical consequence anti-scientific and thus pseudoscience.
Curing the mentally insane suicidal patients first of all starts with providing the insight of indeed accepting to be mentally insane and suicidal. At least on certain tracks of mind.
Count Dracula as a zombie convinced to be a winner doesn’t recognize itself in the mirror.
Quite often as a lawyer I’ve observed this first hand whilst visiting clients in police stations being held as suspects of serious crimes.
As a healthy natural neurological protection of the brain the acceptance of having indeed committed the obvious crime is robotically blotted out. Psychologists and psychiatrists call this ‘being in denial’.
Quite hilariously for myself as a coping mechanism, or mostly very infuriating for others for not owing up to a serious crime by an evident culprit, only formally a suspect, even in the light of overwhelming evidence, is astonishing for the uninformed in the workings of the instrument brain.
Mind we have yet to come to the exception of using denial as a legal logical tactic in a legally sick society where it indeed sometimes pays off.
The cure of being stuck in denial is not to exert too much pressure and let people come to their senses if possible in their own time .
Mind being insane can involve in being that only on one neurological track of mind. Ergo being completely sane on most tracks yet going off the deep end on certain other tracks.
And it also doesn’t have to be mentally insane at all, dependent on the situation the brain is in.
For example if you are afraid of heights, it might not be the best of professions to become a mountaineering teacher, when that anxiety isn’t first accepted and cured. Cured as to the extent as being under all circumstances including heights, having that under control. Otherwise you are indeed wittingly or unwittingly suicidal and also criminally insane when also a risk to others.
For instance by letting a pupil fall to her death from a cliff, due to not being able to provide help a teacher should be able to conduct qualitate qua. (q.q.) It then of course won’t be a worthwhile defense stating to be afraid of heights leading to the inability to perform.
Yet the problem aggravates as it did with the Germans in World War 2 when the bad consequences of their own serious errors, even when at first not mostly at fault, get worse and worse.
Traumatic neurologically overpowering feelings of, for most Germans primarily ego guilt and then collective shame, make for more and more religiously blaming the already present scape goats. Such as the Jews. At first only needed by Hitler to rally people behind him, via the age old method of being against an framed enemy.
Akin that it was impossible to contemplate for most Germans that the bombs on their cities was their own fault, in the same way only very few, if any, scientist or mathematician can accept responsibility for the probable genocide via a nuclear winter, is caused by them. And then they still aren’t doing their jobs properly.
Of course “Whatever you do, don’t mention the war! I did it ounce but I think I got away with it.” Thanks Basil Fawlty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfl6Lu3xQW0
Due to the fact that it’s spot-on shining the light of science proper onto Count Dracula unwitting sinister living dead zombie behavior, the reaction of zombies is indeed to get furious. In effect a up until now effective way of preventing, via emotional blackmail, a discussion on a taboo subject. And thus keeping a sinister system from being exposed. In effect it’s a simple DNA religious hypnotic survival trait at play.
And even when accepting the fact of being a mentally insane living dead zombie, then all that the scientist or mathematician spots in the mirror is Darth Vader. Still mentally hooked for enslaved to the vanity desire of glittering Field Medals or Nobel prizes and the required reputation providing high authority.
Yet before having Count Dracula stop being that and becoming a Darth Vader one needs to reach blind trust of the patient.
As a Dutch saying goes, ‘trust comes on foot and goes by horse.’
There are several ways to build trust. Mind trust is essential for survival of humanity on any goal.
Trust in humanity, trust in the systems and institutions.
Knowing that – all – humans have laughably little focus, yet observing the same evidence will register it differently. And thus all humans always miss out of what is needed to know as essential evidence on any long term goal.
And thus no-one can afford not to have learned to play together as part of a collective brain.
This is at the moment still highly taboo. The current scientific paradigm holds that it’s nurture and not nature. Well that paradigm is falsified and leads to slowly overstressing the metal system to the point of collapse into amok of a world war.
Further study in mathematics at high school learns that making the slightest error at the beginning will make it subsequently seem unsolvable.
The current truth is that if you want to make a carrier in science at the moment, you must learn to think in terms of Joules, Watt and what not and not in kg.m/ s^2 or kg.m/s. You must also think in terms of black energy, black matter, massless particles, big bang, instantaneous data transport, the speed of light as an absolute maximum speed. In mathematics you must be in a ‘shut up and calculate’ mindset.
Yet the real current truth is that more and more scientists are leaning towards an old fashioned Newton way of looking at it all and seeing the use of five axioms in mathematics as most fundamental or elementary.
All science can thus be done in three knobs that anyone can press:
All data knob: evidence; the axiomatic most fundamental assumption that I exist as part of an existing cosmos, that is consistent. I.e. that there is absolutely no real magic. This logically dictates via the second knob that the cosmos is absolutely complete requiring a complete consistent languages in order to describe the cosmos in the defined scientific way.
All logic knob: keeping numbers, pictures and other logics such as words completely consistent.
All best practice knob: actually the most interesting of knobs. Striving towards describing the entire cosmos in logical laws of everything from which via the need for decent all-inclusive bilding all the required local laws can be derived. The lowest possible norm for proof is circumstantial evidence. Meaning the only possible logical explanation for else going illegally occult. Taking that as absolutely true ergo as a fact and putting it to the test until disproven via presenting any inconsistencies or any incompleteness.
Contrary to the in effect straw man of stating that I suffer from a Kruger-Dunning for I explicitly state no more and no less than a Wikipedia style claim. Simply presenting it all as I at the moment think I understand it, knowing full well that I know but a fraction of all that there is to know even of what humanity has already figured out. Actually humanity knows but a fraction of infinity.
Yet assuming that there are orderly laws at play spotting those and continuously testing those is a different matter.
Yet that said, my claim is for more than 99% “stolen” from others as since long proven best practice acknowledged by those with bildung. Part of this I stole from the psychologists who have kept know how secret as an earning model. By testing my assessment psychologist more than he was testing me, I grabbed the knowledge from him. Yet this made it possible to transform this easy know how knowledge into fundamental know why.
And I only provide a small twist to the story and a twist to the way of presenting it. Yet indeed I claim a real game changing break thru.
Akin a game of chess, I found the simple rules that govern the infinitely complex cosmos chess game.
I.e. as in chess the rules are simple the game isn’t.
I practice what I preach: I publish open source and request, demand and even dare anyone to pose valid falsification of anything on the blog. Mind I keep on improving and thus changing the model. As proper science per logical definition requires me to do.
All paradigm shifts take some seven years. As does this one.
Science being under the neurological survival trait gone wrong hypnotic spell of count Dracula and Darth Vader can’t perform or correct their own errors, for traumatic feelings of guilt and shame for having failed humanity in providing the correct manual of use of the individual and collective instrument brain.
By simply deciding to do the test in the Netherlands the world will snap out of it.
As by seeming magical miracle the global human balance will restore itself preventing poverty and making all dictators into modern monarchs who won’t blunder us into a world war.
Simple human DNA robotics.
I’ll explain the doodle graphic better in a later post.