Again I need to punish myself for not acting with due diligence. As such as a recidivist the harsher sentence of twenty verbal lashes with the whip would be in order, were it not so that I as an ex DSM 6 mostly healthy ADHD type score inherently far below average on conscientiousness and thus can plead in part insanity. As said a classic catch 22 by being wittingly an accomplice to a mad criminal DSM 6 world. My attempts to change the mad world into the desirable decent DSM 7 modelled world makes that no different.
Thus again I should provide myself with twenty verbal whacks with the stick. That now done; for what was the crime:
The buildup of the Ten Laws of Everything works like a double helix akin DNA. You start with the ten “RNA” and then take all ten Laws in per Law defined on the greatest denominator of required focus. I.e. you need to go round twice and that delivers not only a better consistent understanding of all the Laws of Everything but also of the ten Fundamental Human Rights and Obligations in the Ten Laws of Humaneness (LOH).
A double helix spiraling learning curve via copying and keeping memorized track of trial success and error.
In a observable sequence at varying i.e. relative speeds. Hence all the paradoxes. To grasp this you must start off with rigorous scrutiny and discipline following proper procedure that mankind has traditionally had for a very long time. Seeing serious problems you know some twists of sorts via testing things different are in urgent order.
So to start off getting strange results and having a larger group feeling strongly that things are getting more and more out of hand, take the attack on Capitol Hill and the more than hundred years of spooky actions at a distance, I was taught and had learned as a kid then as a standard operating procedure (SOP) to start off with a clean slate and go back to basics.
So then what are my most fundamental beliefs as to the truth?
I exist as part of the existing cosmos all as a complete systematic entity => All mathematics & logics must be complete via a reductio ad absurdum best practice proof of logical inconsistencies (= no real magic / no conflicts) => Complete Consistent Cosmos = 1st Part of the 1st Law of Everything i.e. 1a.
& Absolute proof is absolutely impossible so freedom of thought and expression are a tyrannical dictated paradox.
1st LOE Consistent Cosmos / 1st LOH Completeness
1a Physics (to be proven best practice) Postulate infinite atomos interacting => mathematical = Venn diagram yet with only interacting infinite amount of elements in infinite space no box. The superset is no set. => 2a
1b (=/= 2a!) <=> 1a through 10a Deterministic Newton with five v max > c. QED all of deepest physical reality and thus humane physics. A dictate of all-inclusiveness of all humans in a Just society. The elements are interacting atomos in appropriate all-inclusive Local Law boxes per problem <=> 2b
Ergo after 10a it’s 1b the second time around. Then every LOE must take into account all ten laws. Albeit that the amount of focus varies per LOE. Like backing a cake follow the recipe = algorithm. The following doodle graphic of the eight (actually thus on a deeper level ten) Nirvana algorithms are the same in the sense of each having all colours yet are different in the distribution and sequence thereof.

2nd LOE Normal Distribution / 2nd LOH Normality
2a Normal distribution must be for an intuitive innocent adolescent / or taken as an adult postulate to be analog as most fundamental versus abnormal distribution observations => mathematical = => 3a
2b All forms of distribution such as the discrete quanta as a construct & LOL’s like Ingo’s amok algorithm and Mozart’s music etc. <=> 3b
3rd LOE Probability / 3rd LOH Proof 3a mathematical probability formula for best practice proof & procedure due to incompleteness => via inference we observe order algorithms as a soul => 4a.
3b Bayes Philosophy of properly solving all problems > 90% success instead of soft science now < 51%. Intuitive statistics as said using all Ten LOE’s / LOH’s at the same time. A Socratic Yin & Yang Harry Potter formula. <=> 4b
4th LOE Soul / 4th LOH Order
4a Soul as evident cosmic order function => Soul Cosmos = Soul DNA = binary repetitive copying learning function of the new Block model => there must be an atomos identical construct interacting => 5a
4b Humans can only focus = think properly as part of a collective DNA team in a DSM 7 mostly sane world conform the Block Model. Dictate Five Economic LOL norms and ten decent integral income scales in order to get to and stay at DSM 7. The base of which are the four basic speeds of the synapse of the brain. The Shakespeare ADHD-h4 & The Einstein ADHD-i4 are least prevalent as 1/500. Also per dictate you thus need per optimum community a senate/ church / battalion / clan peer group think tanks of 1000 (2 x 500 = 10 x Band of Brothers 100 company working in 5 x 200). <=> 5b
5th LOE Gods-particles / 5th LOH Facts
5a Minimal Nirvana two identical interacting atomos constructions with per particle normal distributed formation, deformation, transformation, destruction and reformation consistent specification that needs space in order to operate => 6a
5b Hidden variable Lego Velcro Gods-particle proven prime suspect fits the bill with testable implications. A construct of 500 unbreakable rigid elegant Olympic marriage rings. It takes at least two to tango. All decent humane laws and norms and goals must be evidence based.<=> 6b
6th LOE Space / 6th LOH Freedom
6a Infinite Euclidian Space requiring 5 axioms in mathematics => interacting kg x m need? =>7a
6b Freedom versus disciplined non-freedom filled space by atomos ratio DSM 7 atom model Niels Bohr. tyrannical dictate of maximized optimum democratic freedom paradox. The order soul function is repetitive. <=> 7b
7th LOE Relative Time / 7th LOH Timing
7a Five maximum speeds of five ringed rigid analog movable constructs per gods-particle forming one gods-particle and four pseudo atomos > c including a photon is the in this model claimed only way to describe the complete cosmos in a consistent way. Speed of light constant = c = average speed. => observation of strong straight forces => 8a
7b Due timing of decay of atoms and due timing of human processes in order to survive in a decent way until inescapable end of all our times. Panta Rhei absolutely nothing is stationary paradox. & (edit) c^2 is possible / most probable maximum speed incident defining one Nirvana of one gods particle. <=> 8b
8th LOE Strong Interaction / 8th LOH Course
8a Strong ego on ego sometimes resounding straight push construction, deconstruction and deviation, we also observe weak forces that turn => weak is strong working together multi ego round spin forces observation => 9a
8b Litigation as constructive conflict compass consistency = win-win decent minimum conflict course => the route is the goal. <=> 9b
9th LOE Weak Interaction / 9th LOH Flow
9a Weak deformable snowball Velcro hold and let go spin. Snowball is multi ego for multi gods-particle. => We observe enormous sameness => 10a
9b Go with the flow, what bows doesn’t break and stands its ground in holding its course. Weak is strong & strong is weak. <=> 10b
10th LOE Sameness / 10th LOH Equality
10a Unequal snowballs split in two different equal pseudo atomos => 1b => back to top!
10b Equality paradoxes treating the same the same and differences different. A pareto optimal goal keeping all ten LOE’s in appropriate balance. <=> 1a Back to top & => GLOE = science proper down.
=> 1st LOE through 10th LOE = the proven n = highest / best practice method on any goal even of bare survival = science (proper) scientific method.
Science (proper) = The decent search for all the Laws of Everything = The Grand Law of Everything containing countless never all to be found for constantly changing Local Laws (LOL’s) until the inevitable end of all our times in this Nirvana as start of a new one being in all, all the time, and thus seen as chaos yet being deterministic order.
I still need to work out the Laws of Humanity yet that is my job. That will take some more time. Time we don’t have. So:
Testing the New Senate in the Netherlands is the only timely way that I can prove to be consistent with the Wikipedia style proven best practice part GLOE and thus can guarantee will render timely for urgently needed safe relaxation in a morbidly overstressed world standing before the gates of Hell of a Ingo Piepers Amok algorithm of a nuclear winter.
Due to internalized hypnotics being religion of the Peer groups that 80% of humanity robotically follow as authority it’s imperative that a peer group in the senate is organized that is forced to reach consensus via a proper proceeding adhering to GLOE. I.e. also reaching consensus with the appropriate minorities.
Only healthy ADHD-i4 & ADHD-c4 types together 1% of humanity have the required primary artistic talent in the on average 1% far above average complex out of the box to compose the correct new algorithms like the Block Model that prove to be true and thus work. The R&D talented department of humanity.
They can spot the paradoxes such as irony and have the core talent of abstract logic and fast enough thinking to act in a timely fashion. Yet only when organized properly in a proper parliamentary senate.
It’s easy to prove exact scientifically that 40% of humanity being 80% female don’t have the core talent for abstract logic. People such as Adolf Hitler. You don’t solve this problem via giving a hypnotic HRM snake like Adolf a diploma stating that he’s a wolf.
It’s also easy to prove exact scientifically that another 40% of humanity being 80% male don’t have the core talent for any paradoxes such as irony yet thus neither spooky actions at a distance such as quantum entanglement. People such as Donald Trump, Putin and Xi. There too a diploma stating that these production MT narcissistic hammerhead sharks are wolves. Only ADHD wolves can do both.
20% of humanity are wolves (half actually more diplomatic dogs like Eisenhower and Obama). Hear a clear resounding voice then you are certain that it’s one of the 16 ADHD out of the box types.
That your proven score is 99.999 (19 x 9)… in the box doesn’t mean a thing when your score is 0.9 outside that religious box. Only well trained wolves, dogs & white sharks score a 9.9 all across the board out of the absolute or relative box.
Via short term hypnotics or long term per definition religious hypnotics does everybody “understand” everything. Yet only when not under undue stress.
The only thing now required is to ask Dutch politicians to decide to do the proposed test. As soon as they formally decide to do the test, then the urgently required paradigm shift will already and immediately be a fact!
It’s hypnotics. Xi and Putin got to and stay in their positions of power because they watch things like this like hawks. In effect nearly all their brain power focus is on just that.
This is Win-Win for them keeping them in power as a price to best be paid and produces More Millionaires, No Poor, No War consistency via proper use of the collective brain. That is of course a common sense panacea.
YOU need but ask Dutch politicians politely.
Or YOU are a neo Nazi.
For YOU can’t say “I didn’t know”.
Ask them to do the test or prove me wrong via valid falsification.

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