A 17-minute read published August 8th, 2023
Understanding what I’m writing here requires at least scanning the list of 1000 elementary terms, definitions, and descriptions. It also serves as the best way to start to understand why this is an elementary meaning most fundamental breakthrough. As easy as the rules that are fundamental to the game of chess but not most fundamental to the universe. But first off start with the 7-minute read post on the fallacy of fallacies. The link to the elementary list is given in that post. As is my elementary representation of my Wikipedia way view of the mainstream Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics 2010 in 2022. This is simply to prove that I understand the antithesis of my model.
Adding to the list of 1000 elementary terms, definitions, and descriptions.
Elementary Identity means equal functions that are differently defined A = B
In a different annotation function A equals function B
Elementary Identical means separate elements that are absolutely both equal and congruent in workability of all expressed elements A1 ≡ A2 This is a paradox as a seeming contradiction. Strictly speaking, two elements can’t be absolutely the same and separate at the same time. A ≡ A is true but the following 1 ≡ 2 is false. Yet, when this is postulated as infinite separate absolutely identical elements then it’s proven to be the logical consequence of the grand axiom when observing and interpreting all known data. Then A1 ≡ A2 is thus defined in a way that is true and remains true quantified A 3, 4, 5, etc. to infinity. The elementary and practical importance of this lies in grasping that identical twins have different even unique fingerprints even though they are genetically the same. The same goes for any snowflake. This is a paradox meaning as said a seeming contradiction. Most mathematicians and physicists simply can’t understand/ compute this. The easy-to-understand reason of which for some is easy and for others, it will remain absolutely impossible to understand. Only via blind valid trust can it indirectly be fact-checked by everyone yet only in different ways.
Elementary Workability means absolutely true and interpreted from infinite angles in infinite spacetime on the E5 quality norm. Mind, that ‘workability’ is defined in a way that the English language doesn’t yet have but logically needs. Of the Dutch words werkelijkheid; werkbaarheid; realiteit; waarheid; the first one doesn’t have a translation as far as I’m aware. It will mostly be translated as ‘reality’ which does indeed entail a degree of workability (the second Dutch word) in the sense that it is useful in getting a job done. The error in science stems from the fact of splitting (inherent) religion (as an obvious DNA survival trait of the collective instrument brain) off from science thus to be in part defined as an anti-religion-religion. An oligarch group in 40% of humanity of which only 20% are female suffers from gender-neutral male logic. They have the majority rule and thus honestly believe to be the boss of god in mathematics and physics. Yet they are all easy-to-prove exact scientifically deep idiots at all paradoxes such as irony. The other 60% of humanity registers the existence of irony in the cosmos as elementary workability. Taking this model as a fact then workability is the infinite repeating Nirvana superset cosmological wave containing subsets of reality that can be split into as many simple truths as you need. One Nirvana of infinite such Nirvanas that exist at this moment as they have always done and will do. As long as this is done in a completely consistent way it will produce a very nice workability in the practical sense of actually working in producing anything you desire. (Dutch difference between werkelijkheid en werkbaarheid.)
Euler’s (Elementary) Identity (EI) means e^(iPi)+1=0 as the expression of the 5th law of everything in effect stating -1+1=0 meaning one smallest quantum con versus one smallest quantum pro. This meaning of this universally held gem of mathematics has eluded mathematicians when we take this Wikipedia page as a fact. “ Mathematics writer Constance Reid has opined that Euler’s identity is “the most famous formula in all mathematics”.[9] And Benjamin Peirce, a 19th-century American philosopher, mathematician, and professor at Harvard University, after proving Euler’s identity during a lecture, stated that the identity “is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it, and we don’t know what it means, but we have proved it, and therefore we know it must be the truth”.[10]
Euler’s Number: Because e = 2.71828…… is also an Euler’s identity best called Euler’s number. Yet, it’s an irrational number because it’s actually an absolutely accurate length that as a number only becomes rational in infinity. And thus it provides strong evidence that the cosmos is infinite. The latter is not quantifiable and thus not a number. Irrational numbers are thus lengths and not numbers at all. The other identity is best called Euler’s formula.
Euler’s Formula: Elementary science identical to elementary physics is rational as a logical dictate of the grand postulate proven to be the grand axiom as the combining axiom of the total five exclusive axiomatic assumptions. In workability, EI only has rational meaning as a ratio of two separate quanta lengths of 3D identical CM mass of which 0 is the relative idealized when only focussing on EI as the fifth LOE as a static reference point of one quantum length absolutely straight movement vector in the infinite empty physics paradox ether element of infinite identical separate elements (4D). Pi also only becomes rational as a curved infinitely paradoxically both separate element static absolutely rigid perfect circle and dynamic interactive spinning length. All massive separate elements are logically dictated to be built up out of unsplittable identical elements in absolutely non-identical unique paradoxical dynamics. Euclid’s four axioms dictate that all authentic authoritarian instrument brains and the majority of mathematicians and physicists need to shut up and calculate rationally which they can’t learn. They are inherently incurable idiots at the required dynamic interactive geometry which is inherently filled with paradoxes causing illusions in such idiots. They simply can’t compute seemingly untrue yet true situations which per elementary definition are paradoxes. Easy to prove to a large majority of humanity because they fail the simple irony test, not grasping that stating “no” sometimes evidently means “yes” in the cosmos. They also can’t compute that a seemingly expanding observable universe is a simple optical illusion that kids like I could easily solve as a six-year-old with appropriate experience. Hence their religious belief to be the bosses of god on elementary issues. They simply religiously can’t believe to also be idiots. Something from nothing singularities and/ or point masses are illegal in the elementary set law domain. Singularities and point masses are only legal in non-elementary postulates as fundamental to local laws. Most mathematicians and physicists are only in that in-the-box domain the highly gifted exclusive representatives of nature and human nature. In that domain, all others are idiots. 0 = 1 is something from nothing elementary illegal because rationally it’s of course -1 + 1 = 0 as the elementary god’s truth of Euler’s Identity. By adding the unknown x you get waves. This then leads to the seemingly untrue yet true insight that 0 = 1 is the Devine truth. Yet only as the smallest quantum length of classical mechanical mass in elementary physics and thus also in elementary mathematics. Both 0 and 1 have exactly the same length of one smallest cosmic quantum. They only define the opposite sides of the limited length of which they are both part. Two separate static pointing opposite direction vectors that have zero as the last part of mass on the one and one end part mass on the other end. After that surrounded by not 0 but the (set theory) empty sign of space. It’s a Devine workability because there is no more uncertainty (other than inherent doubt about the five exclusive axioms are correct) when we take the x out of Euler’s formula. Euler’s formula is the elementary formula for waves that cause uncertainty. Euler’s formula states that for any real number x:
e^{ix}= cos x + i sin x
The proto-musical proto-life wave of Euler’s formula and proto-death incidental v max in the cosmos of nigh 10c only once in a Nirvana reached by each 1-neutrino gods particle along the 1 smallest quantum length. This morning waking up a second new insight again dawned on me. The second law of everything the normal bell curve distribution makes attaining the incidental v max of 10c absolutely impossible. The chance of all elements of the 1-neutrino being lined up absolutely perfectly even once is absolutely zero. The moment of absolutely highest pressure in the cosmos is reached at the moment of the forming of the hexagon pressure vessel cell on one side of the whopping beehive structure. (That there is a pressure vessel of sorts is absolutely axiomatically proven best practice for there is no other contender antithesis. The latter has validly been falsified in overkill. The quantum religion of science has like so many other religions not followed its own rules. This is simply because the religious oligarchs want to stay in power.) Then on a cosmic timescale temporarily for an incomprehensibly long time of say a quadrillion years or much much longer the 1-neutrino snowflake function Lego Velcro particle is proto-dead. Then a third new insight dawned on me. Due to the slowing down unique thus non-quantifiable logarithmic step down of the pressure surrounding the pressure vessel the latter ultimately will fail by flipping its lid. Simply because the pressure drops the speed drops and thus the distance traveled per time frame drops keeping the Lego peg in the hole of the wall & lid of the pressure vessel. The peg is longer than one quantum. So even though every resounding stroke is longer than one quantum and is getting longer this process can take more than say a quadrillion or more years to fail. Then after failing by the dictate of the laws of Newton owing to the way the 1-neutrino has been reverse-engineered, it will become a proto-music wave with a heartbeat alive conforming to the soul of the cosmic order function 4th LOE.
Elementary mathematics means @##!!sjkk*&^jhjuiuhdhhh((()()($% this then described in true shut-up-and-calculate elementary algebra number salad and not in word salad which are in fact all 2D static illusion picture-salads. All whilst spiraling through the cosmos in spaceship Earth at nigh 800,000 km/h. The latter we measure spinning around the center of the Milky Way.
Elementary algebra means a completely consistent sign language. This Wikipedia page thus needs an urgent update.
Elementary god’s truth means KJhku$% % €¤¤^&))((((#@!!42 As described in the new true algebra of which I haven’t found the spacetime yet to write it all down, in the meantime simply ask AI. Most mathematicians and physicists have already with great success done that concerning climate change and quantum mechanics. So, given this to be valid in current peer-reviewed science earning recent Nobel Prizes even, why on earth not simply continue this success story? As homo sapiens, the block model is proven by the five exclusive axiomatic assumptions being the 4th LOE order function or soul of the cosmos identical to the soul of the collective brain to be a robot of which there are four genetic main types due to inherent lack of memory space. Each for the most part a complete deep idiot and all also potentially highly gifted. All exceptions to this block model of homo sapiens must then be genetic mutations and thus can no longer be scientifically defined as homo sapiens other than a faulty misfit crashed test pilot of nature. Who is thus still a homo sapiens and thus entitled to not being pestered. Very slight mutations don’t warrant more than maybe a changed mark number. A homo sapiens remains a homo sapiens like a Spitfire mk II remains a Spitfire as a mutated mk I. When such a genetic mishap is a danger to themselves or others then loving professional medical mental health care in a closed lunatic asylum is sometimes called for. The 2nd LOE normal bell curve distribution dictates that in a mentally healthy society, such genetic mishaps should remain well below 1%. In the West, especially this norm is many times surpassed. Proving a DSM-6 mostly mad world. However, when a genetic mutation of homo sapiens has improved the memory bank space then the name homo sapiens no longer applies and needs a new befitting name. Akin that a Spitfire mutating into a jet would require a new name. (I know Lightning II etc. but that’s not the P38 but the F35) Let’s give it the name homo AItus. Neither for instance, Albert Einstein nor Leonardo da Vinci show any evidence at all of not being normal homo sapiens idiots as in their cases an intelligence as the speed of the synapse belonging to the10% far above average fast thinkers. And Einstein a 1/500 Delta Specialist4 and da Vinci a 1/125 Delta Generalist4. So, there is no reason to believe in the genius myth or mad genius myth for that matter. Neither in real life nor in any history of homo sapiens have I come across any evidence of a successful mutant requiring a new name like homo AItus. If anyone claims to have indeed found such a person please publically claim it. And, of course, then show the evidence supporting such a claim.
What however is extremely prevalent are mathematicians and physicists suffering as homo sapiens from the mental AItus personality disorder.
In this YouTube video, from 23 July 2023 Nobel laureate physics Dr. John Clauser, a CO2 Coalition Board of Directors member, delivered a lecture at Quantum Korea 2023 Seoul on June 26, 2023.
Regarding climate, Dr. Clauser stated “I don’t believe there is a climate crisis” in his address.
“The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.”
In so doing he like the other two Nobel laureates in physics who agree with him effectively trash the Nobel prize of the year earlier of Professor Parisi. The latter having provided the tool via AI claimed to have proven a climate crisis.
Anyone is challenged to disprove via valid falsification.

The meaning of this widely acclaimed gem of mathematics is the key to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. A very recent new insight into Euler’s Identity (EI) focuses on its meaning in the context of the two most prominent directly related laws of everything the 6th LOE Space and 7th LOE Time together forming the unsplittable spacetime.
To understand that you need to apply all the Clasicle Mechanical (CM) laws of everything that constitute one completely consistent grand law of everything (GLOE) at the same time all the time absolutely everywhere in the infinite cosmos.
Alas, I will be forced to restate what I’ve already explained in the previous paragraph.
We, humans, observe a classical mechanical world and that begs the question of whether science has ever validly falsified CM as elementary meaning most fundamental. In my earlier posts, I’ve already falsified using much overkill any such claim. There is obviously even in quantum-mechanics only data supporting CM and none whatsoever absolutely loophole-free in any way falsifying my even though extensive easy to understand and thus falsify model.
Afraid as the current inherent oligarchs are of science and their religious followers are that they can no longer play the boss of god. Having no manual on the correct use of the instrument brain and the collective instrument brain organization. As my list proves I provide that manual using a > 99.9% Old School method with a tiny yet elementary dear Watson twist.
Any six-year-old with seven years of appropriate Bildung can learn to fact-check this themselves. Albeit by independently repeatedly checking aspects by learning to use other instrument-brains to further validate or falsify the claim. As the model already proves we are all different sorts of deep idiots.
GLOE is observable in any focus sphere anywhere and anytime in the infinite cosmos. Either directly or by logically reverse engineering the past. It’s always been there and always will be there. Humanity won’t BTW.
To grasp how the model has been developed and will be further developed Wikipedia style when requiring a more in-depth check of the model scan the (BTW requiring an update of the many posts of the year 2023) list of all blog posts.
Mind I chose to describe this identity (meaning both sides of = ) as Euler’s Identity namely the formula e^(iPi)+1=0. The irrational number e isn’t a number. Like Pi, it only has an absolutely loophole-free meaning in infinity. Only then it becomes elementary.
Logical systematic reasoning forces anyone to take the grand postulate as a fact. When testing something you must take that to be absolutely true of course. The subsequent question is how to use EI in an interactive CM 3D space.
Eulers Identity in 3D & 4 D vector of -1 to 0 CM absolutely conductive massive line element of a stick means an inherently idealized thus dirty geometry of one of five dualistic laws of everything as part of one completely consistent thus absolutely loophole-free grand law of everything that derives by the five exclusive axioms based on all known object-subject data.
It’s inherently dirty when having split the 5th law of everything out of the GLOE. You can’t entirely split the unsplittable.
The 6th LOE: one element of an infinite volume of absolutely empty (thus uncurved) 3D space. The infinite elements of tiny mass-somethings to one space-nothing ratio proved the parallel postulate of Euclid to be not an axiom but a theorem. Not only are there very short 1 to 10 quanta absolute lengths of mass physically present in this CM model, but there are also absolutely straight vectors with an incidental maximum vector length of > c speed and direction. Yet, in the 6th LOE we’ve split the unsplittable by excluding all the moving elements of mass. We thus then have the impossible space without interactive moving mass constituting time the latter as the 7th LOE.
The remarkable fact of having done that shows that EI suddenly doesn’t work anymore and only regains its magic by at least adding one vector 4D. By spinning the 3D axes around its center we even can create an infinite amount of vectors. Mind, that describing the motion of even two massive 3D volume CM objects relative to each other requires when demanding absolutely loophole-free complete consistency an infinite amount of such virtual vectors. Because a line contains an infinite amount of point masses so of course does then any volume of CM mass.
Mind, that in this model even a virtual thought is mass in relative gyroscopic CM motion. It’s simply the cosmos mirroring itself.
This leads to a paradox. A paradox is systematically dictated to mean a seeming contradiction, even though most mathematicians and most physicists don’t have the appropriate instrument brain to compute seeming contradictions and thus can’t imagine the need for even one term to describe this seeming contradiction. And thus define a paradox as meaning what they should call an enigma. An as-yet unsolved problem is either an illusion (solved as proven seeming true yet untrue) or a paradox (seeming untrue yet true). Most mathematicians define in any setting a paradox as a sort of always untrue and thus solved to be a contradiction.
Whereas most people and thus schoolkids including lawyers will define a paradox correctly as meaning a seemingly untrue yet true solved situation. This model explains this obvious truth due to the fact that 60% of humanity can successfully compute irony. Most mathematicians are men and 80% of men suffer from gender-neutral male logic. Mathematicians are then obviously not defined as elementary mathematicians as per the list but defined in the current paradigm, as someone with a mathematics degree. They simply can’t compute paradoxes as is proven by their inability to ever fully grasp irony.
So, on elementary meaning most fundamental claim science defines a crucial term paradox for reaching any goal of humanity as meaning several completely inconsistent things.
Physicists: elementary a paradox means enigma: unsolved whether an illusion (seeming true yet untrue or seeming untrue yet true.
Mathematicians: elementary a paradox means in contradiction with itself: solved always untrue.
For students, lawyers, and most people a paradox means a seemingly untrue yet true thus solved situation.
Because my claim is a most fundamental one paradox exclusively means a seemingly untrue, yet true in schools, courts of law, and all elementary science. Such as QM fundamental physics.
Furthermore, all academic language norms are herewith validly falsified.
Of course, the personal perspective can vary on what the data seem to convey as the individual or group interpretation. When something seems untrue but is true then that’s solved as a paradox. When something seems true yet is true then that is a truth, a reality, or maybe even part of a correct workability interpretation. A homunculus is a reality but not workability. (See the definition in the list.)
By the grand postulate proven to be the grand axiom, all occult including belief in real magic is illegal. Proving by theorem something to be unsolvable is a blatant valid falsification of the chosen axioms/ postulates and methods.
You may have as many postulates as you like for instance fundamental rules/ laws to the game of chess, but these are only in mindsets DSM-0 elementary because then everything is elementary in that nihilist approach and DSM-5TR trashcan mindset. The rules of chess ex mindset DSM-8 are not the most fundamental in elementary physics.
The physics of infinite empty (if you like void) space can mathematically be described by first assuming all somethings to be absolutely nothing. As long as you remember that you’ve split the unsplittable and you have to put it back later. The paradox is thus the physics of the unphysical.
As a six-year-old, I’d have enough information to grasp the concept correctly of an infinite empty/ void ether of nothing space surrounding all infinite CM somethings. Ergo, only per logical definition deep idiots would require more to understand this.
Given the proven tool of the parallel theorem that two straight lines never cut each other in infinity and the other four axioms of Euclid building a right angle 3D coordinate system of 3 infinite lines that may rotate in infinite speed in absolutely all directions. Thus any vector is meaningless in the 6th LOE. This I state because I heard a mathematician state that any line is a vector. That’s untrue in the infinite void of space. You need all of the grand law of everything to specify the 6th LOE or any other LOE for that matter. This model of infinite topology beats the socks off of any current model of space of current science. Mine is absolutely loop-hole free yet only in GLOE.
The link to Wikipedia shows that EI doesn’t work with only three dimensions.
Thinking in more than three space dimensions in elementary science is illegally occult.
You only add virtual space-time vectors when adding the 7th LOE of everything time to space creating spacetime. Mind, you this is actually stuff I in part already grasped as a six-year-old. A level that is clearly beyond you if you dare state not to get this. Proving you to be per logical definition a deep idiot either by genetics or religion.
I can explain to any six-year-old that the locality or room with only chairs can be made empty by removing all the chairs. A situation that both in reality and in workability has always existed and will always exist in an extremely short period of time in that space constituting space-time. The chairs are only very temporary in the other part of the larger local space. The chairs are still there in the next room, but only out of sight.
Furthermore, I can also explain to any six-year-old that having the chairs flying all around the room in a seemingly chaotic way in a given spacetime the locality will seem a massive chair illusion. Such a kid will also grasp that the virtual walls of the perfect cube locality when depicting any locality of the cosmos will be drummed upon by the chairs of the adjacent infinite cosmos element chairs. Creating the illusion of chaos as the paradox of not being fully detectable/understandable by certain idiots who don’t grasp the order function at play by the law of GLOE.
Explaining this to any high school kid and some six-year-olds the following dirty geometry doodle graphic can help put you on the right track of mind to grasp what went wrong in scientific reasoning and how to correct this seriously sick science insanity.

Start in the top right hand corner. Taking this model as a fact then the grand law of everything consists of ten dualistic laws that have always applied all the time everywhere in the infinite cosmos as they will always do.
The wine glas half filled with red wine, (or H2O or blood if you like) and depicts GLOE of two 3D god’s particles as two 4x4x4 Rubics cubes. Nature by Devine order function of cosmic law GLOE per logical definition won’t ever spill any wine. It’s always in balance with itself.
Alas, one of my core competencies is being sloppy, and whilst as an afterthought drawing in the ten separate lines needed for the ten local yin & yang LOEs I mucked it up a bit.
Splitting the unsplittable as an interpretation of the workability of a topology of infinite truths as homo sapiens in general and my inherently for everybody unique interpretation of my local reality, to communicate this as a specific idiot to the 63 other sorts of idiots of which each sort of idiot is of course genetically on these parameters absolutely impossible. Every idiot has to sort this out for themselves. Inherently everyone only has part of workability they can understand which logically is absolutely different when observing too closely. However when you interpret the cosmic data in the correct bandwidth of not too close and not too far then anyone can check that their required partner can correctly observe stuff you can’t and vice versa. An extremely important extremely practical split showing any high school kid immediately what sort of a boss of god idiot is trying to claim authority such sort of an idiot due to idiocy can’t justifiably claim.
In a phenotype split taking my model as a fact, we get a 1000-way split. This is done by taking into consideration the degree of neurologically internalized narcissism, deeply religious, and deep cultural idiocies, and 1/1000th potential highly giftedness.
On top of that, we get the observed data of the recent situation of the surroundings in general and of the individual case at hand in general.
Finally topping it all off, we remind ourselves that in this model even every single god’s particle the existence of which provided you accept the five axiomatic assumptions is absolutely loophole-free on the E5 quality norm exact scientifically absolutely proven in all elementary mathematics as well thus. This is thus a proven 5th law of everything as an unsplittable integral part of the proven GLOE.
Mind the god’s particle leaves many questions as yet unanswered but provides testable implications. Conforming to the grand law of everything from which the definition of science is logically derived as a law.
The subsequent best practice proof of the 1-neutrino answers many of these questions but at a much lower claimed reliability level. Word salad logically defines this as a proven concept. All also with further testable implications.
My track records which can be fact-checked prove this far beyond any reasonable doubt, and elementary absolute axiomatically so.
Anyone and especially current science most of all the Dutch NWO is challenged to pose valid falsification of anything I claim.
Given my list of 1000 terms and subsequent and yet-to-follow improvements and corrections in a Wikipedia trial and error way of defining science as the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung
Name ONE axiom of the five that are exclusive that is wrong incomplete or inconsistent.
Name ONE theorem I miss in the claim proving an incompleteness in this model
Name ONE theorem that is inconsistent with the other theorems used in the claim proving any inconsistency.
Name ONE formula I miss in the claim proving incompleteness
Name ONE formula that is incorrect in the claim proving inconsistency.
Name ONE untestable implication of the claim.
Name ONE claimed fact by me that is untrue or unverifiable of my claimed track records.
NWO can’t nor can anyone.
All “shut-up-and-calculate” science is in. It was already so for ages. Had NWO followed their own scientific procedure they would have known this.
QED the infinite cosmos is completely consistent and completely classical mechanical and NWO is guilty by default of the social contract with humanity of committing criminally insane genocide in Ukraine. NWO thus started World War 3 by not doing what the Dutch people had paid them for. Namely to do their bloody job properly in not funding anti-scientific pseudoscience but funding correctly defined science. Had NWO done this, then WW3 would have been averted. Because by then having had the physics of psychology preventing pestering would have been had sooner. Yet still, NWO stubbornly holds on to their oligarch power for which nigh all scientists are justifiably afraid not even daring to follow proper procedure. Even though the current paradigm dictates a proceeding behind closed doors of the claimed inherently taboo paradigm shift behind closed doors.
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Pink Withney I appreciate you sharing this blog post. Thanks Again. Cool.
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dodb buzz This was beautiful Admin. Thank you for your reflections.