What is new to me is that indeed it might even be so that Putin and his ex-KGB mobsters strike it more rich and powerful in Russia even in the mid-term.
Ultimately this however remains a Word War 3 scenario that is going to turn hot for the West.
Of course, as stated all along only when Putin doesn’t reach his minimum requirements for success this desperado mobster will escalate after a de-escalating nuke strike on probably Lviv or if that doesn’t work even Maasvlakte near Rotterdam. Again I stress a scenario that might materialize when Putin thinks he’s reached the end of his tether either militarily or politically. Mind these are for everyone including Putin two inherently unpredictable black boxes.
Inherently the extremely volatile situation created by our incompetent political baboons via the sanctions has now made the Ruble go up and the Euro plunge below the Dollar.
Nobody is in control of this highly speculative situation in which nukes are involved.
The scenario that mid-term might be what Putin is now speculating on is grasping all of Donbas and annexing all the territory so far into Russia. And because the economic sanctions have successfully been circumvented by him and his mobsters they can start working on a strategic goal of making Russia fully self-sufficient.
Given that they indeed strike it rich via the trade that they do have, by setting up smuggling routes all luxury goods that the Russian elite want can be catered for. For the rest, it’s a time warp into a Sovjet capitalism era akin to China is in. That blunt system will fail and it will spiral out of control of being inherently extremely corrupt as well. That the Russian people in general suffer, doesn’t bother Putin the least as long as they don’t rise.
Yet so will NATO fail and the EU fail. Our type of democracies can’t handle being deprived of the luxury that we are used to. The energy problems we are in are extremely dangerous for our already unstable political systems. NATO and the EU will furthermore be blamed for the whopping famine and no doubt political and subsequent Sri Lanka-type scenarios unfolding around the world. The USA is fully focussed on Ukraine and Taiwan hotspots and is already overextended as it is. So, now’s the time to grab what you like when in political problems as a leader. Economic problems inherently lead to political problems which politicians especially autocratic ones love to divert focus from by starting a war.
The former Russian PM who now opposes Putin states an ultimate timeline for success for Putin in his military intervention in the coming autumn.
Kasparov correctly points out that this is a fundamental battle between good and bad. NATO needs to be prepared to fight it out. It’s more than clear now that NATO will most probably win any conventional war with Russia.
That threat alone played out correctly via building Putin a Golden Bridge way out by making him a modern monarch tsar with no more real power will provide proof that peace in a day is a piece of cake. Provided we also neutralize all ex-KGB mobsters preferably brought before a new tribunal. That then is a situation in which sanctions do work.
The new Oracle Senate can be demanded and membership offered to Russia of NATO and the EU when they relinquish all their nukes and the production methods to the also new EU Oracle Senate.
Give an old hand such as Jaap de Hoop Scheffer a carte blanche to broker a deal supported by our King on a state visit. Stick peacock feathers in Putin’s arse. That’s what he only really wants. A bitter pill yet the old school solution that works provided done in a correct good cop bad cop way.
With senators for life as representatives of all personality types and walks of life professionals in permanent parliamentary inquiry hearing whistleblowers behind closed doors, all corruption can be squashed. And any president can be prevented by having only yes-men around him.
Only in this way can decent humanity regain control of this situation that has already spiraled out of control.
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