4-minute read published August 6th, 2023
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Taking Wikipedia as fact which states, what I know is confirmed in several other sources as true.
Nuclear weapons in Russian military doctrine
Main article: Military doctrine of Russia
According to a Russian military doctrine stated in 2010, nuclear weapons could be used by Russia “in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, and also in case of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened”.[44][
45][46] Most military analysts believe that, in this case, Russia would pursue an ‘escalate to de-escalate’ strategy, initiating limited nuclear exchange to bring adversaries to the negotiating table. Russia will also threaten nuclear conflict to discourage initial escalation of any major conventional conflict.[47]
Taking my model of the brain as a fact. It’s true for the simple reason that it is logical by the gender-neutral male logic of the instrument brain. Most exact scientists as well as most mathematicians and physicists as does Stalinistic/ KGB culture historically suffer predominantly from this way of manipulating the world in a blunt mechanical if need be narcissistic even tyrannical way.
The problem with gender-neutral male logic becomes clear to 60% of humanity including most scientists that have the genetic/ DNA talent to learn to use paradoxes such as irony.
Putin obviously doesn’t have the ability to understand inherent ironic human behavior at all. He amongst 80% of men and 10% of women can only mechanically do so. Even the slowest thinkers of humanity of which 60% have the talent for simple irony can test Putin and understand he has none.
The meaning in the physics of psychology of the last sentence of the Wikipedia quote shows why former KGB agent Putin directly and indirectly from the start has been threatening with the use of nuclear weapons clearly coincides with the KGB scientific doctrine to do so. The reason is that by doing so mental pressure is exerted on the opponent’s oligarch network. I.e. most voters in NATO.
The other ironic trick that Putin simply by doctrine has learned to use is to never threaten with that what you are actually going to do. When planning on hitting Maasvlakte harbour in Holland you threaten to hit London with nukes. The same is now true with the planned attack on the Kaliningrad gap you put focus on an attack on Poland. Mind, it’s never Putin who will explicitly threaten in the most concrete way. He’ll have his puppets do that for him. Putin will threaten in more general terms of using nukes or war with Poland. Knowing full well that with a strike on London, a counter-strike is to be expected because the UK has nukes.
The effect of trying to scare off the opponent is hoped for, but not expected. Because of something that Putin only by doctrine will have learned to understand what he intuitively can’t understand is the probability of NATO reacting with a nuclear counterstrike is larger when in this case Biden who might not be quickly scared himself doesn’t have an easily scared oligarch peer group of voters to mentally contend with. The latter will make him not react in the way he otherwise would. At least that is the background of the method that all mobsters employ.
As stated in my last blog post both Prigozjin and Putin are in a hurry to win this war. Both are explicitly in mortal danger otherwise. They are suicidally gambler desperados and thus extremely for many unpredictable. All possible dirty tricks in their power they certainly will use. Like Putin no doubt blowing up the gas pipeline.
The problem both face at the moment is that their oligarch mobster peer group is banking on winning a long war. The chances of Ukraine forces suddenly breaking through the static well built in-depth defenses and minefields are slim due to the lack of NATO-style air power. And also less probable because a bundling micro-managing idiot general Putin is taken out of the loop. Very competent Russian generals have taken over.
Akin to the war in Iraq the forces then were completely whacked by air power before the ground offensive commenced. All that Ukraine could have hoped for is a sudden collapse of the Russian forces. The longer it takes to gain momentum the less probable it will ensue before the mud season stops it all.
Although the Wagner boss and Putin are doing their damnedest to go nuke NATO into neutrality, as long as the Russian line holds the mobster oligarch peer group will hopefully effectively oppose the use of nukes for now. As I’ve stated from the start whether David or Goliath will win is predictably unpredictable.
Then Ukraine must hope that the Republicans and especially Trump don’t win the presidential elections in 2024.
We then will have an Afghanistan NATO-type fail again when Ukraine can’t at least regain the 2022 borders. Trump even went so far as having talked about the US leaving NATO altogether.
When that indeed would happen a new large war in Europe is around the corner as also a war between China and the US. Xi is in the same sort of economic leadership shit as Putin was and still is. Having NATO / the US again having lost credibility will embolden the suicidal mobster gamblers who must be shown to be mobster boss winners or be put out of office.
Again, World War 3 has already started in Ukraine in 2022 and it has deceptively slowly escalated in a slow chain reaction as the thermodynamics of war predict. The * only * way to break with that algorithm is to do something radically different. And that is to test the new Orakel Senate.

This doodle graphic I published before the war and it still gets likes on Facebook.
A five minute read.
A seven minute read and introduction to the instruction manual of the physics of psychology.
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BYU Cougars Very well presented. Every quote was awesome and thanks for sharing the content. Keep sharing and keep motivating others.