Invitation to a limited private confidential Zoom party in a safe environment for an interactive show on your choice Friday February 5th & Saturday 6th at 20:00 – 22:00 hours explaining all this.
Proposition: My R&D Oracle Senate test, anywhere in the world, yet easiest done in the Dutch system, is a panacea for all serious problems in the world via starting to organize proper global group think.
Applications via my messenger on Facebook.
The core:
Xi & Putin are also invited, but I guess, won’t attend. Even though their brains actually want to become modern monarchs amongst the no longer lonely-at-the-top modern monarchs that don’t blunder humanity into war. They serve best the fairy tale for which many are DNA or religiously “colourblind” and thus will only study that when their peer group is seen to start studying it.
The proven prime-suspect 1-neutrino gods-particle is a “snowflake” solving humanities healthy coulorblindness problems. It provides the instruction manual of the individual and collective instrument brain on one A4. All in a simple common sense slight twist ‘Newton +’ way. Simply by following proper scientific proceeding as any first year high school kid should have learned and understood.
That’s why I’m dreaming of a White Christmas!
# CONCLUSIONS in this post.
A few new Doodle Graphics and a few important in part new conclusions in this post:
Constant successful selling ‘in the box’ solutions on ‘out of the box’ issues has a price: War!
The Focus ‘google wave Tornadoes’ of healthy Hysteric, Autistics & ADHD Brains are all Different Ways of Observing. Two New Doodle graphics to illustrate this in this post. (With a few old doodle Graphics, yet new to the blog.) Only collectively can any larger family of humans observe all required ‘colours’ in physics in time to think and act in an optimum way. This can only now be properly organized.
All brains need logical words in order to communicate also in your own brain on focusing on consistency of algebra, geometry and dynamic geometry. This is thus nearly a four separate way algorithm that is systematically combined as a fifth algorithm in the order of the physics of the brain and cosmos. For the first time in human history these algorithms are on one coloured A4 that can be taught as all-inclusive bildung to adolescents. All these ‘coloured’ algorithms play along all the time, yet not always all dominant in the short run. Everyone is potentially excellent in one, average in the other and an incurable idiot in two of these required algorithms, as proven in this model. And easily checked by any adolescent as a reproducible & falsifiable exact science.
Contrary to current religious dogma even in exact science, numbers, pictures and words are equally important on any important topic.
All in a neurologically internalized hypnotic interpretation, being in a broad sense: Religion.
Axioms are best proven by ‘robotic free will’ to all via Just democratic organized investigative peer-group intuitions. Only then will humanity compute that:
GAME OVER! Science is sick for incorrect use of definitions, conventions and axioms. All basic high school level stuff and less, concerning the few easy takeaways. We are all idiots that don’t grasp directly of being idiots, because of being idiots. Idiocy leads to incorrect religions as seemingly incurable DNA symbiotic survival traits at play. It’s for the first time on one practical A4 manual of the individual and collective use of the brain, proven that all nurture is nature.
More Millionaires, No Poor, No War is a simple mindset problem, were it not religious and so requiring just as much dedicated work as “curing” ‘incurable’ collective anorexia nervosa would. The first problem is convincing humanity to be mentally sick since fairy tale Adam & Eve, using sick brains. Only after that sickness insight, it then is the problem of managing to deal with a mental brain addiction enslavement. A classic Catch 22 dilemma.
Like ‘curing’ anorexia nervosa it requires curing a sick society and even world.
That starts with individual mental sickness insight…..yours & mine.
We are all criminally insane, so legally but not morally speaking no one is.
Provided………..this bildung going viral in time to just prevent war.
It remains however a never ending unfathomable complex Wikipedia style problem, with some inherent doubt. Yet proven on the lowest possible exact scientific norm of a best practice circumstantial evidence norm.
Now your gift to me, and yourself and humanity, give these idea’s a podium.
# EXCERPT 1 minute read
Nobel prize laureate Bertrand Russell when 80 years of age regretted to have studied mathematics and philosophy instead of focusing on physics, mass-psychology and (n= high)history…….i.e. that what I’m rambling about on this blog. He stated that mathematics wasn’t satisfying for riddled with fallacies. Hence Russell’s paradox. Had he lived to actually study that more by using his indeed proper way of reasoning, he would of truly solved his own paradox. The proof is simple. What makes reasoning, being probabilistic, difficult, is set theory. Number mathematics requires a super set as a matter of fact. If the infinite cosmos per hypothesis has only an infinite amount of elements as atomos, then number mathematics sec is proven insufficient and thus falsified as then per definition non-scientific on that probandum. ‘The cosmos has no superset’ intuitive hypothesis is proven in my model to work best. A thus proven axiom is a true paradox. For the exact scientific Bayesian proof on the lowest possible norm of circumstantial evidence completing the inherent incomplete evidence. For use of the correct instruction manual of the instrument robotic-free will collective brain of the ‘all nurture is nature’ block model intuition is proven to be an objective falsifiable fact. And so transforms the meta-physics (such as pure logic & pure mathematics part of physics-mayor) into proven best practice proof physics-minor (adding to current physics and applied mathematics). Being physics-minor the only other part of physics-mayor. Physics-mayor = Science, in this model. In so doing as a true game changer elevating all soft science towards a beginning of an exact science and at the same time curing sick quantum physics anti-scientific pseudoscience causing inconsistencies – being conflicts – such as injustice and genocidal war. Science being defined as the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung. On this definition alone current science is also falsified. On important issues any and all humans – including myself – absolutely require well researched advice of a correctly ex block model formed team with the legal power to investigate. Having per paradoxical dictate the 10% minority with resounding voices show to be in majority agreement on what is ‘decent’, will lead to complete consensus when going by this new page of the old school book of proper proceeding. Ultimately only a fully independent New Senate multi-brain global network can do this. This model, in a simpler yet still far superior version than all current science, was published form-free under multi-disciplinary peer review NWA 2015 and has been in the core undisputed and is indeed undisputable. All valid objections made toward the model have made this model every time far better. Hence it can – even must – be taken as a fact of exact science being science sec. Anyone may, even must, try to pose valid falsification of anything on this blog. How to reach the three wise long term goals that Russell stated?: 1. United Nations Free Federation. 2. Global Equality. 3. Stable World Population. To reach those goals in the long run we need to stabilize the situation, not by taking my word for it, but by trying to falsify my word in a valid way. My word: support the test of the Dutch New Senate. When the Dutch (or any other country in the world) as a peer group even decides to do the test, the effect will be immediate. It is not so much an experiment but best seen as a first flight of an otherwise all different parts tested prototype on my field of long years of experience as a former lawyer and magistrate. It will lead to a quattro politica that will robotically of free will paradoxically organize itself in a symbiotic Zen way.
# Rambler 26
60 minute read, years to study easy to grasp in my interactive zoom session.
Topics CCQM + PP & SCS = ‘Cosmos, Consciousness & Quantum Mechanics’ + ‘Physics of Psychology’ & ‘Science, The Law & The Senate’

Combining doodle graphics 23, 24 & 25 in one healthy manic oversight on the problem of observing and interpreting the cosmos. Any human being is part of humanity.
Yet both are part of the cosmos and also, at the same time, to be seen as separate from the cosmos!
The latter on the goal of humanity of survival is obviously not a goal of all of the cosmos.
A true paradox thus. Being a true paradox only a seeming contradiction.
Mind that in English a ‘paradox’ can also mean a true contradiction. In this model that is illegal!
(BTW ‘How to rule an English colonial parasitic Empire’ using the split tongue of irony on the not unambiguous definition of “paradox” as indiscernible tool to hypnotically hypnotize the herd. Mind you, to this day even in current physics!)
Organizing complete consistent balance per definition prevents conflicts and thus war.
For the benefit of the ones new to my blog I’ve bold typed the important topics in the text. I’ve used italic in points were I think most readers will otherwise miss the point. And to stress some points even further the text is underlined.
The text is very compounded relative to the unnecessary complexity current scientific incorrect jargon forces upon me. Current science desperately try’s to prevent the required healthy manic oversight. Alas it has been hypnotically even been internalized by most, posing a literally suicidal serious religious problem.
This model proves religion and hypnotics to be DNA robotic survival traits at play.
Religion has thus a non-spiritual pure neurological / robotic side to it.
Keeping healthy manic oversight is of course essential.
Furthermore please bear in mind that correcting all the scientific jargon isn’t my job as a former lawyer and magistrate. I simply can point to the incompleteness and inconsistencies. Yet, that said I do outcompete current science on this hands down, although further improvement is required. An inherent never ending Wikipedia style story.
Defining, requires it being a balance between unambiguousness and current comprehensibility at the norm of high school level. For otherwise communication between different sciences becomes impossible. Actually even in your own brain.
A definition may not be more succinct or more vague than the evidence or lack thereof allows.
My job is to point to the bloody mess science ‘even in transition’ is in, and showing – yes even proving – you in a convincing way how to start getting out of that mess.

This Doodle graphic is as a teaser that can be studied and understood by people with old school bildung. I’ll explainlater on in this post.
On that topic of old school bildung were I made a slight digression on philosopher Nobel prize laureate Barnard Russell conversation for his 80th birthday in Rambler 25.
A must see interview making clear what this ‘old school’ line of thinking entails.
After excelling in mathematics and philosophy Russell found that had he done it all over again he would of studied history, mass psychology and physics.
Which is exactly what this rambling blog is about.
Russell found out what I see as well that is that mathematics, being mostly numbers isn’t the only route to fully satisfy a search for the real truth. Yet neither is pure philosophy with logical words.
The root cause of the problem lies in the ignored DNA talent of a 1% minority for complex paradoxes such as irony yet especially dynamic geometry of a constantly new changing biotope.
The solution lies in the easy way to recognize this essential minority already by knowing that a clear resounding voice belongs to this 10% minority. The ones with the highest education will most probably belong to the 2% of which half is represented on average. Yet having this resounding voice group in your team and reaching consensus already as if magic solves the problem.
To fully understand the causes and remedies of these imbalances, such as putting on average 10% of kids in foster care in the Netherlands, a completely consistent model is required.
Mind, never over-estimate or under-estimate models.
Models are built on inherently blunt hopefully n = very high, averages of data.
Yet then still built on algorithms all being akin a skeleton a dead thing.
But of course the algorithms need to be adhered to. Algorithms are like a recipe for backing a cake. A Newton Apple Pie in this case in a great scientific bakeoff.
Mind though humanity requires a common sense Pie and not a quasi-intellectual Pi!
This models algorithm shows everyone how to use their and others different forms of registered intuition as exact scientific facts. Registered in text, or, say video.
Many skeletons don’t bring it to life. Algorithms that via well trained gut feelings of – as this model shows – well organized
collective and individual brains, can only then be brought to life in a lifesaving way.
That the collective brain works is obvious for else we humans would of gone extinct long ago.
This going extinct is indeed now possible due to the arrogance of current science.
In effect this Doodle graphic of the focus tornado is a different way of telling the both in part – and also more of the same -story, as depicted in this much earlier Dutch concept doodle graphic of the working of the brain waves. I haven’t inked it yet either.
In this Doodle graphic I did what the science of psychology should of done namely share what I think I know on the subject in a Wikipedia style most simple yet complete way.
Mind, as a former lawyer and magistrate I’ve many years of hands on experience with psychological and psychiatric rapports and also all the actors. Often wondering who’s more mad, the suspect or the one who wrote the rapport? Whilst on my way out of the prosecutor’s office, I accepted a proposed psychologist as a coach. One who was involved in testing other potential Dutch magistrates. Just like I was tested before becoming one. Unbeknown to him, I also tested my psychologist more than he did me. In this way having him show me his entire battery of tests. It was an eye opener. More on that in another post.

This rambler 26 post will however deal with the Top Hat doodle graphic of rambler 23 especially the fourth law of everything (LOE) of the game changer Block Model also as the 4th LOH. The latter local law of humanity being a Local Law (LOL). Contrary to a LOE that applies everywhere, even in say black holes, a LOH of course only applies where humans can exist and indeed exist. Inherently local for in this model no human can survive in a black hole in any way.
Mind that depending on your definitions and focus describing the motion of a Chinook helicopter that is flying by, in number mathematics the tips of the spinning backwards rotors can be defined as going back in time. For flying backwards at Mach 1 in a let’s assume constant speed rotor. Whereas the body of the chopper is moving forward at say a constant speed c being 200 km/h.
A eleven meter bus doesn’t length contract when it measures only a one meter step when passing you at speed.
A sand-clock doesn’t slow down and stop time because it does that when you drop a running one.
Wind in the sales of a ship although not directly observable was mysterious incomprehensible dynamic geometry for very intelligent non-artistically intelligent with the talent for both ego and multi-ego paradoxes. And actually still is, yet it has become in the box religion and thus “understood”. The artistic minority like a Leonardo da Vinci intuitively easily even got this correct, given opportunity and an environment to think.
That you thus are convinced of a truth doesn’t prove that you actually have that DNA talent.
The 4th LOE the order function in this model of the infinite cosmos is the same as the order function of the collective mammal brain as it is with all humans. The only difference being the amount of memory storage space and thus “software” that can be stored in the brains of animals and humans.
In a later blog post I’ll double back to the 2nd LOE concerning desired normality : the double five “normal” distributions and their abnormality (“normal” being defined differently than how current mathematics defines that. (flat, edge, round, broken & bell (‘Bell curve’ not ‘the’ but ‘a’ normal distribution thus) ‘Normal’ best means ‘conforming to the norm’ and not a hung by the neck human above a flat surface as a perpendicular plumb line.) and the 3rd LOE Proof showing the highest norm of proof as neigh absolute proof in a theorem and also the lowest (always exact in proper) scientific norms. The latter the proven best practice proof of circumstantial evidence. All evidence is inherently ‘circumstantial’ as is any theorem! That is just the whole bloody point! Because definitions are hypnotic existential anxiety wordings, as stated in an earlier rambler post, there is little I can do to prevent this inherent Babylonian confusion, other than to point out the ‘word salad’ problem.
Too much jargon and I lose the healthy hysterics and the uneducated.
Too little jargon and I lose the autistics and the otherwise religiously hypnotized.
Collective consensus becoming axiomatic religious conviction after having followed proper proceeding is the only – always temporary – way out as indeed a panacea.
The block model on one A4 piece of paper proves the different robotic intuitions as axioms as being proven objective exact science. QED you are required to pose valid falsification.
The latter is the proof science especially (quantum) physicists forgot, after, and due to, having at first forgot the instrument brain.
All proofs are inherently circular argument! The best practice proof proves to have covered most data ground. Thus proves the largest circle in an all swans are white way. The valid falsification thereof can be done via showing incompleteness on already existing data, or illogical use of data or of hypothetical facts.
Such as claiming positions of conviction on a subject that is inconsistent with the provable instrument brain of the one claiming position. This is the most scary part of this model for any scientist.
Hence we must first tackle the 4th LOE ‘order function’ before doubling back.

Both so simple yet unfathomably complex? Yes! And actually a paradox as you would expect.
The entire cosmos including all of humanity is governed by a set of basically simple laws.
Most of which I show to have already been known to mankind yet not understood as being elementary laws in science. Yet in part indeed seen so by most world religions.
Once solved all so simple that it can be explained as a > 99% truth – provided humanity is in optimum balance – to all twelve to eighteen year old high school kids having had sufficient prior bildung.
I couldn’t of solved this had it not been for the then professor of statistics Richard Gill KNAW and others who shared essential insights in an all-inclusive bildung (Wikipedia) style way.
It would of taken me years of studying much more than required for the few easy takeaways required to solve this.
Apart from those problems that my personality type would never of solved. Such as inventing the essential number ‘zero’. Which is just one of those easy takeaways unwittingly “stolen” by me as a kid from the healthy ancient autistics who conjured it up as seen by this model.

These idiot shortcomings are because I have an artistic open minded personality ex the current Big Five assessment (pseudo-scientific) psychology used to assess me in becoming a Dutch magistrate.
In this all-inclusive model we are all “incurable” idiot ‘Egg Heads’ besides that we all are potentially highly gifted.
The latter however only on a hilariously small part of the total problem area on any important long term or crises goal. Such as preventing World War 3.
This I’d worked out on this English Doodle graphic for Facebook. Simply study it. When you don’t quite grasp it, then ask me to explain. Different personality types and intelligences need different explanations as do different walks of life experiences. This story is inherently unexplainable to Johnny Average. Alas most of the I guess some 300 or more doodle graphic concepts are in Dutch and nearly all need to be adapted to my latest insights. Being in a flow of discovery after having as first one passed the gate so to speak, I’ve easy pickings. That of course doesn’t make anyone a genius. This model proves that geniuses don’t really exist, other than someone is always the first.
ADHD types like I have relative dyscalculia. ‘Relative’ because I’m a far above average fast thinker, and thus are in some ways sometimes better with numbers then slow thinkers who have their strongest (relative to their own talents) talent in arithmetic. It’s an obvious combined function at play.
That I’m indeed a far above average fast thinker is something which should be immediately obvious once you see my even concepts even.

That’s of course when you indeed believe, and thus take as an absolutely true i.e. fact, that I conjured these up and drew them.
Mind this model explicitly rules out the very dangerous notion of the current IQ model. IQ’s of Leonardo da Vinci types like I am with an IQ of 400 or 500; thus four or five times the mean of a normal distribution being per definition 100.
As this Dutch concept Doodle graphic shows conform the Block model later proven to be the 4th Law of Everything and 4th Law of Humanity the latter as a mere Local Law, the personality type of Leonardo da Vinci and Sir Hooke and mine is a 1/125 affaire at best.
Divide seven billion people by 125 and you’ve quite a lot potential Leonardo’s!

Mind (NB1), this model shows you need ALL (64!) types in order to reach ANY important goal in the long run!
NB2: 64 types is what you get on the question / problem of how to best organize a government or any larger enterprise. It’s modelled on a factory with eight departments (due to as the quantum mechanics will show eight Gluons.)
This error goes back to the female Adam and male Eve division of labour.

You’re an evident idiot if you need to be able to read Dutch to grasp the gist of this doodle graphic.
So you and the rest have been had.
You’ve been conditioned i.e. hypnotized as a survival trait to side track successful open minded types such as Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci and the like, so as that they and others are no longer part of your competition for the nice jobs and positions.
Ouch! That hurts in your gut doesn’t it!
Neurologically & in psychiatric terms the cause and remedy are exactly the same problem as with anorexia nervosa. Actually it’s even worse for it is collective anorexia nervosa being convinced when looking in the mirror that is completely the opposite (as a Bayesian inversion of the synapse of the brain) is true.
And you’d rather die in a nuclear war that YOU have the power to help prevent, being like the Germans in WW2 and several of my penal clients after horrendous errors in (hypnotic blotting out) denial. This due to traumatic even unwitting gut feelings of guilt and shame, for instance of bombs dropping on Germany, that you don’t other than externalizing i.e. blaming others (such as Jews) for your own errors either by action or by default. Humanity has run out of time, so as the advocate of the devil I need to smack this in your face.
No worries there is an honorable way out.
Everybody can learn to observe for themselves that there are basically (under desirable normality circumstances) four speeds of brain. Akin four shifts of gear or four different sorts of train. In effect more exactly put, it’s like four different synapse as chips of our robotic brain.
An essential insight to prevent conflict and nuclear winter.
For it’s essential to build a truly functional for fair base economy.
In the concept Doodle graphic below part of the ‘5th LOE ‘Facts’ are shown as depicted in this model.
With the concept of 500 absolutely rigid rings in one Lego Velcro gods particle atomos construct. When the rings are reverse-engineered in this way, then this requires four connections.
And thus ex Newton a speed differential is built into the eternal life-music, resounding-death cycle of the particles.
In several ways does this four finger one thumb two different yet the same hand logic show in physics, psychology, psychiatry, neurology, biology you name it.
Take for instance the four elementary colours black, blue, yellow and red. With white as the all colour combination thumb. Well, most physicists would say ‘black’ is ‘no colour’. Well, that is obviously wrong, now isn’t it? Absolutely-true black is in this model absolutely void empty of all waves and thus elements as atomos. In this model it does exist for the most part even everywhere yet only for a breathtakingly short period of time. Black in this model has the fastest slow short range frequency of the Metro train in a dark tunnel. So black as in hardly any colour, is what we observe. Real black is inherently unobservable. The redshifted red is the long-range frequency TGV High speed train.
In effect in this model each atomos is a continuous space time clock. As the 7th LOE / LOH. How this easily explains all the paradoxes will be dealt with in later posts.
I.e. of atom clocks going slower when speeded up, musical life and resounding temporary YOLO i.e. “you only live once” death for absolutely non reproducible uniqueness of further more intelligent-‘billiard-ball’-action is intelligent-reaction external and internal conscious memory of space time interactive dynamic panta rhei movement.
This is thus all there is, and all there ever was, or will be, as a proven best practice circumstantial evidence proof.
The following Doodle graphic has later in the blog been updated seeing that it are all of five neutrinos of which there is one snowflake and the rest snowballs. The six snowflake is the non-neutrino graviton. The Higgs probably has 137 snowflakes. Anyway all ‘magic numbers’ must and can be reverse engineered into the one Lego Velcro ‘snowflake’ and the rest is orderly form repetition.
Such as the golden ratio, Avogadro, fractals, Pi you name it. If you spot one I forgot then just point it out and I’ll see how to remodel this prime suspect.

A picture tells more than a thousand words. Modelled this way it’s undeniably still a completely consistent model for having absolutely rigid thus super conductive rings in a both Continuous- Analogue and Discrete–Quanta way.
It is not only to my 1% of humanity (more precise my 1/125 Leonardo da Vinci) Delta talented artistic fourth gear speed brain, as a c.s.q.n. Having had bildung as general knowledge the first time I was tested in the Dutch 11+ the CITO I got a 100% score on general knowledge of which the stuff to be tested wasn’t given prior. (As it is incorrectly to do now BTW) This was before high school. My score was 2 in 30000 of the thirty thousand kids who took that test then. This extreme score has much more to do with my nurture, than my DNA talent of course as seen by this my model.
My brain having a far above average good at dynamic geometry of change dealing with far above average complex matters and coming up with far above average out of the box artistic correct solutions.
Using this, my trained instrument brain on this problem of the speed of light, I observe, given the pictures of the dynamics that science paints, it being an obvious average. The average being c. Something of mass interacting in a superconductive deflection way in a dynamic medium through which it waves.
A bloody possible ‘first hand’ observation thus!
Baring conspiracy theory type exceptions I trust science in the data that I could also chose to replicate, but thus don’t have to.
I trust current science in that all the more so now it all fits like a glove.
On an artistic guess inspired by E = mc^2 (I could also have been inspired by a dog turd, so don’t focus on the full formula) the incidental maximum speed in the cosmos is 10c. This in the sense that 1c is ten quanta speed. Ergo c^2 = 10c as is a hundred quanta speed. Mind the maximum speed of part of the photon is 2c. The forward string in forward motion interactively waving thru the Higgs-Graviton field. Akin a chinook helicopters rotor tips at max Mach 1.
The latter is by the way the reason why “nobody” wanted to be seen interacting with Peter Higgs. If a photon where to interact i.e. wave through a field such as the Higgs field then all of Einstein’s theories would collapse. The mathematical postulate is that photons outside gravitational fields fly in the curved space of absolute nothing. Okay, the authoritarian autistic leaders having the position of Holy power in the exact sciences see that it’s intuitively incomprehensible, yet they state that “they have the mathematics” it being thus a “paradox”. Well, alas it’s a paradox indeed yet as a true illegal contradiction. Furthermore they are even so hilariously religiously hypnotized that the incompleteness theorem is presented as proving them right, whereas the quite the opposite is true.

Science need but be falsified once having forgotten the instrument brain. In overkill as a headless horseman loony toon however…
The only reason they got away with this up until now is because there was no alternative order function. Well now there is proven to be on 1 A4 in the form of the Block Model as the proven 4th Law of Everything.
Not just of the brain yet of course for it also eluded me at first of the entire cosmos.

This Doodle Graphic also shows that the rings are later on reverse engineered in a different because better way. (As you will observe I’ve now one side a perfect square cutaway and a perfect circle on the other side.) Like solving a crime scene. A never ending story of Wikipedia style improving the model.
Thus speed and the absolute and relative registration thereof thus has the arrow of time pointing forward.
We have 500 quanta mass (as the prime suspect/ concept now stands in this model so far).
We have a diameter of the square as circular part of the cutaway ring of 10 quanta length. Hence that digital stuff works. Yet also we have the inner diameter of 8 quanta (having 8 Gluons) and thus minimum length of 1 quantum length.
All very “handy” so do please clap your hands in applause.
I could dance and sing in clear resounding voice an ironic song, showing all of the model.
Yet that would elude the healthy hysterics being 40% of humanity. So I need props to explain all this to them.
Four connections give four internal speed differentials on a fifth Euclid vector requiring the fifth axiom in mathematics as the combined “chess clock” of one particle containing 500 internal clock faces.
Thus I provide as is required in proper use of any statistics a most fundamental or elementary deterministic reasoning for the intelligent-action is intelligent-billiard-ball-reaction causal effect in the proven prime suspect model.
A model that can be tested for both logic and completeness.
As it should be in science proper being physics-mayor including meta-physics including the part of pure-mathematics that aspires to become applied-mathematics as part of the physics-minor part of physics-mayor or science-proper.
This model is proven in fair trial in absentia for not having received any valid falsification, even though it has been brought under the attention of current science via NWA 2015.
On the social contract with humanity it may thus and is hereby taken as a fact i.e. proven. QED!
Anyone especially science even in transition is again requested, even dared, to pose valid falsification of anything stated on this blog.
I bet you can’t!
What makes the model in one way beautiful is its simplicity on the one hand yet also the simple paradox of literally infinite refinement.
For as a logical dictate the music played in the smallest possible focus point being logically a sphere of space time movement – for singularities are oversimplifications on this deepest probandum – is absolutely infinitely unique due to the Zeno paradox. The latter is due to the fact that half of infinity is infinity. Not having an infinite speed but only a limited to 100 quanta speed of 10c we live on the inherent edge of a not fully known past and fully unknown future axiomatically forced to assume that this future will follow the laws of everything as far as we have derived these correctly out of observations in the inherent past.
We react to the past under the mostly healthy illusion of living in a present.
Furthermore it elegantly combines artistic elegance of this ring with the industrious beauty of the deformable Lego Velcro strong and weak forces. Both unbreakable bonds yet also joining and breaking up. Seeming order and seeming chaos.
An elegant model in which all possible scenarios are played out every time all the infinite time. And all the impossible scenario’s being per proven axiomatic definition illegal absolutely never play out, baring it indeed is even in part real magic being reasonable doubt.
This model derives from the evidence based medicine as it was originally intended. I.e. with the correct use of gut feelings taken as facts. Thus taken as ‘facts’ means it to be absolutely true. In this model we are objective for classical mechanical robots both to be seen as proven not having free will and meaning in life yet also are logically proven to have a free will and meaning in life.
A true paradox for being forced to view the cosmos and our world in a dualistic Yin & Yang way from two different set theory boxes.
When indeed the cosmos is built in this way. Hence inherent doubt yet still claimed best practice and proven in this court in a fair trial.
A simple paradox depending on the two different set theory viewpoints that are taken.
You are logically as said both part and at the same time not part of the cosmos.
Even more or less so. ‘I’m part of the cosmos’; ‘I’m not part of the cosmos’; ‘The cosmos loves me’; ‘The cosmos hates me’ & ‘The cosmos doesn’t care about me’ are all fully truthful statements in this model. My mother and father being part of the cosmos loved me. Yet when taking all of DNA life out of the set theory box of the cosmos, then that infinite cosmos doesn’t care whether or not we go extinct or not.
In this model we have thus, when humanity started observing the cosmos a double starting point on an infinite timeline. It is both at the same time absolutely void nothing and absolutely interacting something trinity in its most succinct form.
Thanks to corona most people at least in the Netherlands have heard doctors talk about the “triage” that will be done when the intensive care has no more room.
Well, to prove the ease and practicality of the block model, look at the three instead of four speeds, makes it both very obvious.
And that also goes for the simple fact that it all can be registered and thus reproduced on video.
Ergo an exact science!
That as a > 99% truth all twelve year olds can and should learn to spot.
Essential for survival for it’s the only way to start organizing the essential Quattro Politica as depicted in Rambler 24. (Oops Quattro should be with two ‘t’s’! Ouch, ten verbal lashes with the stick for me.)
When you accept the possibility of there being three easy to spot reaction times after observations, you’re hooked.
Once you see it, you can no longer un-see it.
10% of humanity are far below average slow thinkers (metro’s as a metaphor) and 10% are far above average fast thinkers (TGV High Speed Trains (alas I used the French version of a High Speed train (HST), but still).
The more difficult to spot difference between the two average speeds (being 80% of humanity) you can at first forget. For when you see the difference in reaction time between the two others, that are most extreme, it becomes obviously an exact scientific difference.
That observation in itself already falsifies the whole quantum church as being the only most fundamental or elementary domain. It merely concerns local law’s. (LOL pun intended)
# SCIENCE-PROPER = PHYSICS-MAYOR implications for courts & schools
Via direct observational testing this by anyone, already proves my point of it being the
physics of psychology as an exact science.
Being the physics of mass psychology proven per n = high history. That what Russell regretted not to have studied in later life.
Actually even the physics of all of science as physics-mayor.
At first you thus best can dispense with the (essential) niceties of getting full understanding how to spot the differences in personality types and intelligences without the silly anti-scientific pseudo-science.
Does this then entail that all psychologists should go to jail or should otherwise be punished? No!
Does this then entail that all psychologists should be out of a job? No!
In a subsequent Rambler I’ll go into the old school way of dealing with this.
Something the ancient Romans, ancient Greeks and probably the Babylonians before that akin any ancient culture, having had time to think, would have figured out as simple n = high observable common sense system.
The only consequences for psychologists will often be strong sometimes even traumatic gut feelings of guilt and shame.
Well, take yourselves in group therapy for that’s what most psychologists, being healthy hysterics, have the DNA talent for.
Yet to be safe as part of my Air Crash Investigation Church “religion” you psychologists are all grounded performing certain “flights”.
That is even when you are a healthy other type.
So all psychologists are forbidden ex this model of doing any professional diagnostics or any assessment at all.
As are judges prohibited to use these psychological rapports anymore in courts of law. (Side note: No, it won’t under Just Proof lead to an avalanche of having to reopen court cases. At least not when you have the New Senate in place.)
The most difficult part is to first unlearn unhealthy, sick even, statistics as being worse than damn lies. Or at least it should be verified that, that indeed is now corrected, with each and every psychologist. Also with the ones that can readily prove they can perform the statistics required for proper assessment and diagnostics correctly.
Yet then begging the question why they didn’t act effectively much sooner? It being their bloody job on the social contract with humanity and not mine as Dada Easter Bunny as a lawyer and magistrate.
Do please mind that Dada Easter Bunny is in plural majesty “We” Dada Easter Bunny as a one and indivisible entity as the Dutch prosecutors office should be but isn’t. ‘Gerhard Ris’ is indeed the real Dada Easter Bunny, yet Gerhard Ris sec i.e. when not in function, is of course not to be addressed in plural majesty. For Michelle Obama is also a potential Dada Easter Bunny. A works a bit like Santa Claus of which any kid knows there is only one. This is however a somewhat too difficult concept for some to comprehend. Proving thus their childish idiocy. Desperately demanding to be seen as adults. This in order to mask their emotional blackmail in flipping their lid when pushed out of attempts to ignore at first this model. Then again desperately trying to take the authoritarian lead in the discussion as to what is in order and what is not a decent orderly discussion. Well, the block model A4 new mores unwritten rules that break all laws that are in breach of the Grand Law of Everything always takes precedent.
The definition of ‘decency’ otherwise will on n = high history statistics go the same way as “comrade” and “democracy” as proven by comrade Stalin and comrade Pol Pot as did the comrades in the German “Democratic” Republic under comrade Erich Honecker.
The New Page in the Old School Bildung Book of proper proceeding dictates that the minority with clear resounding voices in majority decide what is or isn’t decent in any important issue.
You thus don’t run into an Animal Farm problem. Because when organized in a safe environment and being completely consistent with the 4th Law of Everything Bayes, then a vote will not be necessary for obvious complete consensus will be reached by all personality types intelligences and walks of life. This by predictable because tested n = high history statistics with an in this model deterministic completely most fundamental deterministic fully consistent explanation, why that is. Thus proving best practice the required causal effect and not just a correlation.
After that acknowledging of psychologists of being criminally mentally insane, retraining is required and tested to ascertain whether it indeed is fully understood. Criminally insane? Dada Easter Bunny must be joking?
As depicted in the lower right hand corner of the Tornado Doodle graphic the deep pile of current pseudoscience psychology shit.
For instance stating the blatant lie as a BTW earning model of desire (that’s more than just money!) namely stating that 10% of humanity are morons that under Dutch law should get higher benefits in order to subsequently, after having pestered them, be able to take their children into childcare etc. A nice profitable business that indeed is.
I’ve firsthand experience in several childcare cases of these sorts of grievous miscarriages of justice is being more the rule than the exception.
Most, if not all, psychologists, judges and childcare workers, however, oddly enough, as I’ve observed and tested, act as feeling themselves to be saints and angels.
Sinister Dracula zombies devils don’t recognize themselves in the mirror.
And Dracula zombies, as everyone knows, become very upset when the light of science shines upon them. That being immediate proof BTW of them being emotional toddlers!
How does this model explain this? Namely that idiots, due to their idiocy, don’t recognize their idiocy? Are you an idiot? Well, yes you are! You can only indirectly test this via involving others in the test of your idiocy of course.
I only discovered my idiocy as an administrative judge trainee when several other judges independently from each other pointed towards the same incorrect wordings in my draft verdicts. It was incomprehensible to me then. Now I know that I had unwittingly learned the “Harry Potter” hypnotic wordings sufficient in penal & asylum cases yet not in administrative cases. Unwitting tricks to trick the population with legal mumbo jumbo. Being administrative law the law that has become more and more dominant I guess even in the Western world. This in order to keep the status quo.
For instance the population is focused on the independent judge. Yet in administrative law the independent judge no longer establishes the independent facts. The administration i.e. the government does that. The independent judge then sells that blatant black lie to the citizens.
Ex the 4th Law of Everything the whole bloody reason of having an independent judge is to establish the independent facts in a best practice way. That requires also per logical dictate an appeal possibility whereby the independent facts should be established twice. It’s essential to be able to rectify inherent honest mistakes. Also mind I add in jury systems that also must have the team correctly formed twice when the choice is made of a trial by jury.
The same applies to the diagnostics of ADHD.
Ritalin is akin throwing diesel in a Ferrari.
Taking this model as a fact psychologists who write rapports on morons and ADHD types (ETC! etc. etc.) in this way are themselves literally utter criminally insane religious zealots acting as idiots or indeed are simply idiots in this field.
# The way out of this CATCH 22
The way out is that when that indeed is the current paradigm of an insane society we then as a Catch 22 all – myself included – are criminally insane idiots.
And then no one can be singled out.
Indeed we all are criminally insane when not as per social contract not just of effort but inherently a contract of resultwith humanity, must cure society as the only way out of this Catch 22 situation.
All healthy hysterics, healthy ADHD types and healthy autistic people need to learn to distinguish each other.
This in order to solve this by learning to cooperate and reach decent consensus.
In court cases with single judges all healthy ADHD and healthy authoritarian autistic types require an experienced healthy hysteric humble clerk, in order not to scare the herd with use of incorrect wordings.
In court cases with a single judge all healthy authoritarian hysteric types (being correctly so most Dutch male and female judges) require a healthy humble autistic type clerk. The latter to make shore the reasoning is logically sound and the proceeding goes (logically) by the book.
Any team so organized can easily learn to play the game as of natural.
Yet, it will only indeed work if all citizens with a serious court case should have a professional lawyer if need be for free. And all lawyers should be correctly teamed up. So when a case is deemed by an healthy ADHD type to be ‘out of the box’ a formal request as such to the court to have a healthy ADHD judge scrutinize the case prior to the trial. Whether a civil, criminal, administrative or other sort of case is immaterial.
Even in jury systems this of course will work.
The remaining problem of interpreting the democratic law then remains. We’ll come to that.
Let bygones, be bygones as old school method after everyone gets hope and to be trusted belief that soon eradicating all poverty in a truly Just Society can – quickly even – be organized.
# DESMOND TUTO MARK TWO & Some other examples of methods
If that doesn’t already fully remedy the situation, a truth-commission method via a Desmond Tutu Mark Two using a ‘great communicator’ Ronald Reagan type CG2m/f* with the bildung and experience most clergy have, is historically proven to work.
The non-narcissistic (*) male or female in a sick (DSM-6) or healthy (DSM-7) society CG2 has ex the 4th LOH Block Model a speed of synapse, thus brainwave, click with 40% of humanity and a near click with a further 40% above average fast (3) thinkers + 10% far below average (1) thinkers.
Thus in total are in good contact with 90% of humanity!
Types like I, with a 4th gear synapse only have a click with 10% and near click with a further 40% 3rd gear synapse types.
So as a required ‘great communicator’ with speed of brain alone the 2nd speed brain beats types like I at that essential game hands down! I talk and think much too fast. Types like I can only in part in vain attempt to remedy this alone. An inherent accident waiting to happen. Types like I require in serious (court) cases a slow brain translator when communicating with slow thinkers!
Take as further evidence the popularity of general Hindenburg a healthy Authoritarian Autistic 2 type versus the not that popular Ludendorff with the same personality type (his love for the occult already shows that) yet a clear far better chess player a 4. Yet these types have no Venus and don’t have talent for any paradoxes that are still out of the box, such as not being going by the book use of irony. Easily tested by those with Venus irony. The latter 90% females and 10% males like I.
Apart from the fact that a C (as in Gamma) personality type (being a ADHD-nos when having a burn out) also is one quantum more Venus having 3 quanta red socially (multi-ego) competent full potential, than I with only two quanta Venus. Ergo use of more refined irony types like I can – learn (!) – to spot, yet not learn to actively (re-) produce at that level.
So ask yourself this: are you smart enough to roughly distinguish as a > 90% truth that a minority of say 10% people clearly react much faster to than a same sized minority of slowest thinkers?
Or do you observe everybody always react at the same reaction speed?
It does actually always require an intuitive approach in order to keep it ceteris paribus. Even when you split it out more systematically. Ultimately the objective instrument brain is the correct inherently intuitive instrument of us human robots with free will.
By registering on video and taking a complete team, you can check independently what for instance the ones with clear resounding voices as a minority think about an observation. They are always ADHD either Delta (wolf DNA skeleton metaphor) or Gamma (Dog DNA skeleton metaphor) types.
Healthy ADHD types with resounding voices always have testable by potentially 60% (!) of adult humanity the ability of the use of irony. This can be registered on video as well. For the 40% potentially healthy hysterics (80% female (=> 20% male) mountain goat metaphor living on the communication rock also always have DNA talent for the paradox of irony yet not the talent for the any form of abstract logic. Sales & HRM logic being gender-neutral-female-logic.
Easily proven and registered on video and thus in an exact scientific way to be prevalent with many even male professors of law and professors of psychology.
This then indeed is one of the problems the required need to test outside the inherent religious comfort zone. Yet that too is easy for testing idiocy is not noticeable by an idiot. Only idiots in abstract logic would wonder why that is. Yet simply accepting the fact that ‘female logic’ exists even under male psychology professors already proves my point. Just add the fact that it’s gender neutral in a 20% versus 80% bell curve normal distributed way as per 2nd LOE / LOH.
Mind that most work in essential psychological therapy requires gender neutral female logic. As does most hours of work in court cases! The latter is in fact HRM. The paradox is that in order to be very talented in hypnotizing i.e. selling something to someone being hindered by abstract logic is bad. The current problem lies in the fact that proper legally Just proceeding being also correct dealing with evidence and proof requires abstract logic. The only way getting this correct is as stated to have judges and prosecutors and lawyers DNA teamed up and cooperating properly via bildung.
Yet the legal system is fully dependent on the lawmaker to make proper logically sufficiently consistent laws. Ergo the lawmaker needs timely correctly researched fully independent advice, only a senate has the power to do. Something science inherently can’t enforce truthful answers under pain of being held as justified hostage or perjury.
The other fundamental problem is that the 40% healthy autistics have the populist authority on “in the box” production department problems of building ever better Titanics. Because in a 50% + 1 vote democracy they can punch above their weight, for teaming up with the bad friends of the 40% healthy hysterics who have the authority in soft sciences of building a HRM hypnotic party on board.

Learn to recognize Loony Toon Captain Sam. Even when not narcissistic it’s the way the authoritarian autistic personality type – when in fear of losing reputation (!) – due to say a setback, transforms into a little toddler. Akin Donald Trump when he doesn’t get his way. In the current sick society it’s indeed a good carrier move, thanks to HRM mum. The Doodle graphic is inspired on the painting of ‘Freedom of Want’ and the French version of Yosemite Sam.
The essential minority of healthy ADHD types are ignored and become more and more religiously hypnotized in order to also have a nice time on the this time then “unsinkable new Titanic”.
Akin colonialism and what even before the ancient Romans was also known in n = high history, is that a Dracula type zombie parasite system only works when placed on an already parasitic say Sultan system. In such a way an extremely small group can exert the power over a great many.
Do you spot the framing of current woke healthy hysterics of the idealized pre colonialism Sultan system as not being an already parasitic slavery system?
The absolutely idiotic way of left posing to be social but actually being multi-ego is fighting the right wing politics being ego. Yet both are DNA talents. These idiots are all fighting their own DNA.
More Millionaires, No Poor, No War is simply a quickly reachable mindset problem.

If you have bildung this mindset Doodle graphic shouldn’t be new to you even in Dutch.
When most or some of authority will start spotting this, then it’s exact scientifically proven that what I state is correct. No further silly psychology tests needed. For then more and more will start working along these lines.
I have already won. It’s only a matter of time.
The only question is will it be in time to prevent war?
When you state you can’t observe what others can, well then just wait for it.
The more who do, will sooner or later also convince your brain to spot this on a new – thus non-religious in this sense – track of mind.
Other than demanding that the new senate, as proposed in previous posts -must be made debatable especially in the Netherlands, for I’ve informed all senators.
I nearly had our current PM. Mark Rutte actually propose the test.

Mind the humble Joe the Plumber and his wife transform as 60% of humanity including scientists and indeed less than average professors the humbly talented that literally go mad when uncertainty is sold to them, by especially HRM talented populists. They transform in Dobby and Debby zombies. Wanting the ring of desire and not spotting themselves in the mirror causing their own demise.
Only and easily solved when adhering to the 10th Law of Everything and Humanity: EQUALITY
As long as hardship and profits are equally shared AND all the other laws are kept in sufficient balance at the same time, an optimum run is guaranteed in this model.

What do you think is depicted by these two Dutch concept Doodle graphics?
Why your brain probably loves IQ tests, when you are good at it.
For either having the talent or the money, time and effort to learn, as I did, to get the psychological test results right. At first I had an IQ conform my show size.
When asked why I wouldn’t want to become a magistrate I simply studied it and low an behold my IQ rose sufficient to become a judge. Hilarious for a claim of an objective test!
Yet it’s a nice way of getting rid of much of your competition, now isn’t it!
You just look in the mirror and deny that.
It’s your mostly even unwitting sometimes traumatic gut feeling of guilt and shame that makes you want to go in denial and start externalizing. I.e. blaming by scapegoating others.
This for the fewer and fewer nice paying jobs standing in high esteem. Even when you’re actually not really qualified. Who cares?
Just get a large enough mighty group of like-minded Sinister Devilish Dracula Zombie Darth Vader friends and you can get away with murder. Quite literally even.
Same goes for diploma’s that exclude others, and more and more are not worth the paper they are written on.
A Ponzi style pyramid game of which the price is an ever rising tension until Murphy’s Law hits hard.
These fraudulent games can seemingly successfully go on for a very long time. Thereby obscuring the obvious sinister fallacy at play.
A ‘forgive them for they know not what they do’ affair of what the historic figure Jesus said as scapegoat of sin on the cross..
The other price is mounting distrust.
More and more Yellow Vests, Angry young men, disbelief in science and occult belief detaching from society, and joining the Flat Earth Society. And other conspiracy theory groups and worse fundamentalism, fascism, Nazism and communism.
The latter all focusing on unnecessary conflicts as the solution.
Ah, but you are an anarchist & pacifist. Very good, just as good as the Germans who also didn’t do anything effective as per social contract of result against the Nazi’s. Play this game to learn this you incurable idiots.
Zombie win-lose or Non-always-lose models instead of a decent win-win model.
Alas that requires via long and hard and continuous disciplined training of bildung.
You with your wrenching gut feeling having failed yourself, your family, friends community and humanity as a whole!
Psychologically, psychiatrically and neurologically as seen as the physics of psychology in this model it’s exactly the same as why the Germans started more and more and in the end religiously to persecute the Jews and others in World War Two.
To act otherwise would force the traumatic insight on the German’s that the allied bombs on their towns were their own fault. So the “We didn’t know” is robotically true as a neurological safeguard in preventing traumatic damage to the brain. It’s even true for actual ardent Nazi’s like Eichmann.
We as humanity are now by the same default on the verge of a new whopping genocide.
That still being your personal fault as it wasalso mine.
We are NOT all humanoid wolves as we religiously believe in current paradigm. We are in truth and detectable by all, all sorts of different animals that simply and absolutely CAN’T understand each other. As if we all come from different planets. Yet ONLY by learning to spot each other and cooperate via following the especially the new 4th Law of Humanity the Block Model as the Order Function can we in blind valid trust solve all problems in an optimum way until the inevitable end of all times, when you take this model as an absolute truth i.e. fact.
Nearly everyone can learn to test this as to be true themselves.

In effect it’s no more than my Wikipedia style understanding of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim understanding of the Devil who resides in all of us. Which is as I understand it also the way Hindu’s and Buddhists interpret good and bad. And actually how most scientists also see it.
What the block model throws in as a scary extra is I can put a lot of thus exact scientific n = high history faces in your mirror, of the good and bad.
My personal Nazi Devil in my mirror is Hermann Goering. An obvious at first healthy 1/125 ADHD-c4m(* n N ??? unknown degree of narcissism development ) type who during the war was clearly showing signs of being overstressed.
By knowing this I can learn from history and nearly always prevent this in my case.
Okay, who’s your Nazi?
Or if you are an exact scientist or physicist what is your instrument brain that you forgot to blot down under scrutiny of proper peer review on every published article?
Care to correct this? Either by posing valid falsification of the block model or showing how the exact scientific manual for use of you’re and the collective instruments of brain reads?
So as that we can teach all high school kids how to use their brains?
Indeed you can’t for failed humanity.
Well, my model is QED proven best practice so we’ll take that as a fact for the time being.

In an English Doodle Graphic:


The Five forms of madness given an at first healthy brain coincide with the five forms of leadership and four algorithms combined in the one fifth.
- Depression
- Manic
- Anxiety
- Rage
- Psychoses (that is when the healthy dream illusion walks thru the healthy awake state illusion being inherently indistinguishable and thus scary in a sick way: the five states of health: healthy, unhealthy, ill, sick, incurably sick at present. Leading to the five ways in dealing with that.
The Five Illusions
- Healthy illusion => Okay, go on;
- Unhealthy => Watch out;
- Ill => Take it easy or see a medical doctor;
- Sick => Requiring professional medical care;
- At the moment incurably sick => Lesson the symptoms & do fundamental R&D.
The Five instruments: A chess clock, Slide Ruler, Digital camcorder, and two different calculators. The five gods or planets under pressure: Time; Mental Freedom; Freedom of Relationship; Esteem (Respect); Security. Coincide with the five forms of observation: Speed of too slow or too fast magical movement; thinking logarithmic and linear healthy manic oversight like a jet (systematic memory) ; registering more pixels out of one observation focus (nonjudgmental memory); magical photographic memory in depth and in a broad magically cooperative way. All Together the magical choreography of the focus dance that is ALWAYS easy illusionism of interacting simple laws. Providing the five forms of leadership: Time management, Artistic Leader; Spiritual Leader; Authoritarian Leader; Humble Leader. All in the elementary five speeds in this model then not yet as the four internal interactions on the fifth external vector of the Lego Velcro framed focus film.

And of course the five fingers of one hand form up with the other five fingers of the other hand. Logic for it is form-repetition by elementary laws of everything in the local laws of the laws of all humanity. It takes at least two Lego Velcro atomos to tango!
The solution is found via combining the insights of exact scientific thinking with the insights of lawyers such as I working as true magistrates should.
Lawyers nearly always work in situations of incomplete evidence.
Whereas the opposite is true of exact scientists. Yet the latter is not quite true. Having modeled my model on the collective human brain as a factory you can see it metaphorically like this Dutch doodle graphic:

This doodle graphic shows the fighter- and test-pilot primary school.
The stuff that should be taught to all eight year olds. A hell of a lot of professors don’t fully grasp this though.
I guess the pictures in this A4 speak for themselves.
I.e. how in an aircraft factory R&D as a department is also divided in Research idea, Development concept, Humble R&D Product checking if the numbers are okay and the Sales of R&D toward the non R&D MT in order to fund the first prototype.
Selling a Jet to the idiots in MT knowing that it’ll be a better than Leonardo da Vinci helicopter double decker piston engine prop.
A white lie that actually shouldn’t be required ex a sane DSM-7, yet is required in an insane DSM-6 mostly sick world environment. An environment in the MT as part of the external non-R&D majority rule world does have a ‘market’ being neurologically acceptable ideas of super jets yet no market for silly double-deckers. Even when that is the only or best way forward.
How the Research & Development (R&D) department of humanity in general should work and has on a n = high norm in practice proven to work.
‘Research’ is to be seen as conjuring up ideas that fit on say a Post-it.
This is according to the 4th LOH the Block model a 4 quanta (blocks)artistic and only 1 quantum (block) of spiritual leadership DNA always blunt algorithm skeleton. An average.
It’s a nerdy technical idea, yet your brain talks to itself in word salad in order to see if it so far feels right with all the other much weaker algorithms in your brain.
Always introvert agreeable (when not narcissistic (n) (white shark see earlier posts) or narcissistically “curable” coping (nc) lone wolf in a sharks skin. An ex DSM-6 (mostly mad world) mostly healthy (former ADD) ADHD-i 4m* like Albert Einstein. In a mostly sane world ex DSM-7 one of the 1% of humanity (R&D) Delta’s being in fourth gear of synapse or a fastest thinking TGV. Being a specialist (S). You then define him as a DS4m*.
Only when Einstein would have had a burn out or worse would you ex DSM-7 be allowed to use the sticker of diagnosing him as being in a burn out or worse suffering from ADHD-i4m*.
It’s a 1/500 affaire in the world population. Needed only – yet desperately (!) – in one in five hundred seemingly “We haven’t a clue” cases on any stated goal.
Far less than 1% of anyone else at the highest complexity level can conjure this up. Only a Bach, Einstein, Euler, Lincoln type of brain can practically speaking do this.
Provided they have had sufficient bildung.
A recent new insight for me on this is:
Word salad, such as the English language, is as seen in this model, not only the combining factor between individual humans, but also combines the internal workings of the individual brain. This is true even in for instance algebra.
As stated over and over again most of what I’m rambling about has been stated by others as well. A lot of that is unbeknown to me. Yet repeatedly this has been shown to me as to be true.
This should all be open source on Wikipedia but still isn’t. Proof? Well google it and see!
It isn’t there now whilst I’m writing this.
Such being in breach with the definition of science proper:
The decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung.
You can’t stand shouting can you?

Dada Easter Bunny as Judge presiding at the academic beer hall table who is himself under treatment for thinking properly, which is indeed mad in an insane world, by his shrink Sigmund, asks you who you see in the mirror? Do you agree with Sigmund that the academic beer hall table isn’t a panacea?
Try please to pose valid falsification by thus opening a possible improvement on this definition.
Science is per axiomatically felt most fundamental truth physics-mayor.
Thus unprovable as absolute proof, yet proven for uncontested covering most data. Being therefor the largest circular argument of a thus claimed best practice proof. Which proof has been established in a fair trial by default, because no valid falsification after multi-disciplinary scientific publication NWA 2015 has been forthcoming.
Per this definition of science proper the publication is of course form free.
Stating that NWA 2015 is invalid, is a statement of sick science under the influence of the sinister Dracula and the zombies.
Thus science having failed in disproof, by science carrying the burden of proof, proven by valid circumstantial evidence proof as a beginning of an exact-scientific proof of the one grand law of everything (one top hat metaphor) split out in ten double balancing, thus dualistic, laws of everything. Mind that having thus split out the indivisible.
In mathematical jargon: it’s alright to differentiate, as long as you keep it all completely consistently integrated as well.
And QED axioms are proven Bayesian best practice common sense on n = high crowd wisdom.
PROVIDED you treat ALL the instrument brains well via all-inclusive bildung and providing a guaranteed decent income.
Having successfully and undeniably and having no valid objections of having falsified current scientific paradigm.
Having thus as a former magistrate nonscientist done what all scientist should of done.
Yet have religiously failed to do.
Namely show the best way forward of healing science and preventing conflicts being inconsistencies.
In so doing making extinction of most DNA life less likely.
Even by default it when preventable being thus anti-scientific.
Killing scientists in a nuclear winter, is per definition this worst form of pseudoscience.
Current science having invented nuclear weapons, yet failed to write the correct manual on the forgotten instrument of the individual and collective use i.e. organization of proper group think.
Modelled this way science proper is more succinctly defined as:
Science is Physics-Mayor.
That in turn systematically splits out into:
Physics-minor (current physics including applied mathematics) and
Metaphysics (including pure mathematics and the occult and (trial &) errors.)
In this model the infinite cosmos has an infinite amount of elements as atomos with mass as in constant interactive super conductive movement constructs interacting in an infinite non-curved void of space.
The cosmos is per one axiom of consistency logically thus integrally complete. Thus requiring only one mathematical formula being the same, for only then consistent with the formula in words and the formula painted as a dynamic geometric picture.
None of the three is better than the other for all three are equally essential in fully describing the complete consistent cosmos. At least that is so in this completely consistent model of the cosmos. Three completely the same, yet different languages that are as such undividable.
The problem with number mathematics alone is that is, that it can only extremely accurately describe the quantum part of the cosmos. Yet it fails as proven by this simple idea, in fully describing in part unobservable interactive dynamics. Ultimately the best possible exact-scientific (being a pleonasm in this model thus) proof is a circular argument covering all known data in a completely consistent way including filling in the unobservable in way that is consistent with all three “salads”.
Most physicists try to put down logical reasoning as “word-salad”. Well okay then: word-salad, picture-salad and number-salad are not fully dividable and must all be completely consistent.
Only when it is egoistically, narcissistically or even conscientiously demanded as a pure autistic way of best observing and thus interpreting the cosmos is this now proven to be impossible.
By the incompleteness theorem of Gödel that only deals with discrete algebra and also by the theorem of Gill on the insolvability of quantum entanglement. Indeed insolvably so for any one human in my model.
In effect proving the opposite when taking the fifth axiom in mathematics, and working it reaching consensus with the correct team of personality types ex the 4th LOE / LOH.
Religion in the broadest sense of the word in discrete number mathematics blocks science in an unintended anti-scientific way leading to inconsistencies, being conflicts ending in wars.
All errors and the occult are thus in mindset of DSM-0 to be seen as not yet and/or ever fully to be observed and thus understood order.
‘Development’ is to be seen as making a focus step by step frame after frame movie. Both going forward as well as going back in time. The block model shows that this is a three quanta nerdy artistically (Blue; Mars) and two quanta spiritual (Red; Venus) algorithms affair. That is when it’s modelled digitally.
When you look again at the doodle graphic of the ring-connections, the diameter of one ring is 10 quanta length, the inner ring 8 quanta length for the square side length as the diameter of the small circle are each 1 quanta length.
All the magic numbers of mathematics need to be reverse engineered into the one particle. Easy to do this way of course. Exactly the way to in practice solve crime scenes such as murders.
That requires a male / female Leonardo da Vinci ADHD-c4 ex DSM-6 (being the same as a DG4 ex DSM-7) type.
Should then the Einstein & Leonardo da Vinci types the latter like Michelle Obama be made Philosopher Kings akin Plato wanted?
The 4th LOH the Block Model shows that there are eight Delta types. Good R&D requires all four speed of brain of these two. (2 x 4 = 8). And seen from the quick and dirty triage point of view (1. R&D; 2. Production; 3. Sales) there are sixteen types.
Seen in a more refined way systematically you have 8 R&D talented Delta types and 8 Marketing and Advertisement ADHD Gamma types. (such as the good partner of Michelle the ADHD-nos4m* Barak Obama)
However as a goal that would be unwise for then overstressing the system, having lost that balance. Only between the bandwidth of 90% to 99% of the 10% far above average fast thinking (TGV train metaphor talent synapses) should be at that basic level scoring > 6 / 10 when twelve years old and between 1% to 10% of the 10% slowest thinking (Metro metaphor DNA talent) synapse as chip in the brain for always solving the essential on average 10% far below average complex critical problems the cosmos throws at us.
Thus without making a simple – yet deadly – mistake of missing one essential junction. Inherently a problem for TGV’s for thinking too fast.
These people are thus not as seen by current thus criminally and suicidal even insane psychology so stupid that they have the right to a higher benefit in order to subsequently prey on them for instance in having their children being taken into foster care.

Here we have the 4th Law of Humaneness that I only later reasoned of course to be also the most fundamental or elementary Law of Everything governing the soul of the cosmos as obvious order function.
Any kid can and should learn these simple rules and how they play out. For also completely consistent with all world religions including science proper provided interpreted via metaphor in a completely consistent way. Which is easy to do and an eye opener.
So please forget the very dangerous “my religion is better than yours” of suicidal and criminally insane anti-scientific thus worst pseudoscientific way of reasoning. It otherwise leads to World War Three.
With at this moment some maybe 100000 Russian troop buildup next to the Ukraine and China threatening to invade Taiwan, being a situation I’ve been warning for since years and even urgently so since having seen the Amok Algorithm of Ingo Piepers, and having more time to study and think, it might be a good idea to get your head out of your arse and test what I say ter fine of valid falsification:

Another way of depicting how the block model works is depicting it as two hollow glass objects.
Each having four interconnected rooms and each having two virtual local used maximum memory space boxes. A long thin one and a fat short one.
The four specialists (AS, BS, CS & DS) have thin long ones and the generalists fat short ones (AG,BG,CG & DG).
The size of the tornado at max brainpower setting is either when we look at the left glass Intelligence as speed of brain sec doodle spinning in fat box one. Or in fat box two. Or three or four. That is of course when we are systematically describing a generalist memory bank brain.
When we then compare that healthy manic oversight ADHD generalist brain with the specialist brain in the top middle glass, then you can grasp that a specialist can cover more data ground provided it’s on a single more tunnel vision in depth topic.
A generalist brain is thus correctly modeled to be seen as a specialist in broadband googling. I’ve left out the generalist box here for the picture would become even more difficult to decipher, then it already is. Mind the authoritarian autistic specialist has three quanta yellow, and two quanta blue For only 2/100th green and 1/100th red Venus algorithm ex the 2nd LOE/ LOH the Bell curve 5th type of normal distribution. The latter defined correctly that is.
So when we are modelling the best practice organization of humanity at state or factory level via the takeaways of Big Five assessment, DSM-5 and developmental psychology, we best ignore the tail end of the Bell curve normal distribution digital way of modelling. Hence it can best be modelled on a chess board with 8 x 8 = 64 fields of potentially being highly gifted.
What I’m trying to convey here is the all-inclusiveness of the model.
Namely that there is no valid reason for a generalist to look up to a specialist, and vice versa no valid reason for a specialist to look down on a generalist.
Or for anyone to look up to a quasi-multi-talented homo-universalis like Leonardo da Vinci or Russell for their mere talents.
You may however admire and be inspired by the way they used their talents.
Modelled correctly you all have the same memory space or score in not making mistakes being just as important as guessing seemingly unimportant details correctly in a reliable continuous way.
Yet that in turn doesn’t mean that there should not be a distinction in what a decent guaranteed income should entail. This is ultimately the 10th LOE/ LOH Equality. See the top hat doodle graphic.
Yet to grasp that, requires a to be trusted great authority as by 4th LOE/ LOH.
That again is something only a New Senate can do.
All humans are this to a degree observing the entire true reality in an inherent healthy illusion, modelled in infinite refinement literally everyone has in this model a purely unique interpretation of exactly the same observation.
Modelling it however on the proven best practice old school way of a factory producing blind valid trustworthy Justified contention in a globally pareto optimum way, without unjustifiably infringing on any fundamental individual human rights, then these coloured blocks prove best practice.
Akin reading sheet music, this requires study. It is modelled for 90% on the rules of the chess game. Simple rules very complicated game. Mind this is 64 times more complex than chess and only covers part of indeed all of the infinite problem. Chess being indeed comparable to a musical dance as any musician who plays chess well will agree.
The Second Law of Everything of which all five play the double way music all the time, of these especially the bell curve continuous (analog) and discrete (quantum) are dominant in our human bubble at this our hilariously short time on the slower than astronomical best thus defined as cosmological timescale. Only outside for after our inevitable end of our times will the other normal distributions become dominant. Although when looking accurately enough they should be discernable now as well, the flat, edge, round and broken normal distributions.
Yet bell normal distribution is the norm here and dictates that reason why we all are colour blind “idiots” at best without religious colour-blindness or religious hypnotically being able to see colours you otherwise intuitively at best never could observe.
The latter always works via your brains trusted peer-group. On a certain track of mind you only can see what your peer group wants you to see, and won’t see what your peer group doesn’t want you to see.
So having the ant-reptile brain alert i.e. awake not sleepy in optimum excluding the religious peer grouped comfort zone i.e. at the non-academic beer hall table all people either observe the world in Martian Ego Blue or Venus Multi-Ego Red. These are all humans average intuitions.
Only when put under more red, blue, going by the religious peer culture group book yellow or green respectively extra pressure does the focus shift into more narrow tunnel vision.
Yet these are split out four different pressures!
You put pressure on blue by endangering the always egoistic goal. The order of importance of these memory banks shows the amount of “free will” on those goals. It works akin a muscle. To be compared both internally and externally. Just like the real internal muscles triceps and biceps comparing those to others both in general and in a concrete way. They yin and yang in a strong force weak force way. Also like rechargeable a battery that runs dry. And that also has an up to a degree even self-repairable damage control. Please note that you up to a degree can learn to choose your appropriate mindset given the circumstances. The problem is, you have to earn this yourself. In a safe environment under competent supervision of a natural trainer. Your biological parents always yet only together have a complete click with all their kids.
What psychologists have done wrong and are still doing wrong is only in bit by bit sharing these insights after things have already gone wrong as an earning model.
Having put a goal in the memory bank with the highest order of free will “mission” of Blue Mars especially when it is a lone wolf healthy ADHD-i you get four times blue specialist far above average goal orientated (look it up in the block model) and only one times Venus which latter is irrelevant in so far that it doesn’t differentiate between the specialist and generalist in the tail end of the bell curve distribution. To model that requires a ten way digital logic.
An ADHD-c type like I is a generalist with three times Blue Mars and two times Red Venus.
All ADHD delta types go thus for Mars i.e. the stated goal when that goal is being threatened. Especially and very scarily so when it is memory bank “MISSION”!
Then you are staring the “damn the book and the torpedo’s” warriors Churchill, Patton, Rommel, Guderian, Sherman, Grant, Ney, Yeager, Goering in the face as the generalists and also staring the specialists in the faces of evidently always friendly introvert Lincoln, Lee, Canaris, Manfred von Richthofen, Bob Hoover, Erich Hartmann, Osama Bin laden.
Trained wolves can easily jump a two meter high fence as depicted in the Doodle Graphic. In this fairy tale way of telling this story cattle can’t compute this. They are colour blind on the required red Venus socially being multi-ego competent and outside the religious comfort zone absolutely idiotic level DNA talent for going by the book Yellow Saturn and humble Green Rings of (Saturn)-us.
And healthy ADHD delta wolves are not easily hypnotically domesticated into “illegally” jumping out of the religious box of the holy book.
Yet even when culturally being in a sense religiously neurologically hypnotized that only works ‘mechanically’ as in weakest intuitions. Wolves are colour blind on Yellow and Green algorithms. They have relative dyscalculia. The brute computing power that going by the book requires isn’t installed or installable. I.e. the brute force calculators hardly work.
ADHD Delta Wolves perform that calculation task via systematic thinking akin a slide ruler. Faster, less accurate, yet sometimes in super focus pounce on the prey of finding an illegally tunneled way out. Mind in this model it is all classical mechanical quantum mechanics of gyroscopic mass in relative movement to other such mass holding position in a dynamic matrix of also moving mass. Mass having an absolute rigid form, being thus super conductive, yet it thus being a construct. For else the observed breaking of things becomes much harder to explain.
These wolves have healthy manic oversight and can observe several chess boards at the same time and thus see the systematic redline that history repeatedly plays out on those boards as a > 90% truth and around this > 10% untruths. Several identical boards thus showing different positions following the same set of rules that should be seen and defined as laws.
However if you demand to model it all on one gameplay board then the hidden variable part of the board is covered. Yet also on one board having seen several games of life having been played the rules of life in a mass of information become visible as a thin redlined composition to the artistically talented. Every pro has its con. So bildung also leads to religious bias. It is therefore not only good yet essential for that reason that young 22 year old adolescents as young unbiased wolves, also deem the elders as idiots and do it differently. This they do automatically by the way.
In this model earth is a time-machine spaceship that boldly goes into the future where no one has gone before. Especially true for we humans being highly un-careful as an earning model of desire change our biotope faster than our neurological religions can adapt. Inherently dangerous and unnecessary as an earning model most use for forced to use if they want to play along.
It thus essential to test what for instance Facebook algorithms do in relation to electing presidents. Totally new never before noticed problems arise with great potential problems such as danger of civil war.
Healthy autistic cattle can’t jump that high or dig that deep. Yet wolves are absolute idiots at grazing the field for not having even in potential a truly photographic memory for systematic details. Via the average algorithm of Mars cattle have healthy oversight of the one religious game-board book on one chessboard of which all the rules are in the box. Even though in reality even on pure production type issues in general less than 1% problems will always remain out of the box. Being a blind spot for cattle thus always requiring the scrutiny of the artistic wolves. And vice versa.
Most of all wolves don’t have a photographic memory for seemingly unsystematic details.
The factory model has unwittingly been used by the Big Five assessment, DSM-5 psychiatry and development psychology. It is indeed best practice at this level to deem the always two idiotic traits as negligible AT THAT LEVEL! For when assessing one person or situation or the long run it is of course NOT negligible!
Talking about organizing a best practice Senate in general we are not talking individual nuance.
I predict that ultimately the optimum New Senate will have a thousand senators. Yet let the senate develop itself in the proposed test.
Mountain goats who’s brains reside on the communication rock are always under the illusion that all problems are communication problems (which they indeed in a way are) and thus honestly believe that authoritarian if need be socially competent more and more narcissistic HRM (human resource management is seen in this model as hypnotic relation manipulation, which in its self when done correctly is good essential even.) and sales. All this is in general inherently short term solutions. What these idiots can’t compute that this will ALWAYS go wrong in the middle and especially long run.
They simply are neigh absolutely colour blind for Blue Mars. They only observe a quarter of the game play board. That is no problem as long as you know this is so and have your team mates who can see the whole one board cattle and the healthy manic oversight on many hidden variable boards wolves also are in the loop.
Although to provide ease of mind to especially the healthy autistic cattle a hard democratic norm should be written in the book of the required independent majority vote of the wolves (at first focus on the too limited resounding voices) the model shows that as of natural Zen, seemingly magic yet actual robotics at play consensus will be reached. I know this first hand in the many court cases I did as a judge in chambers. Also observing the same judges as a lawyer do it wrong when the team is not in order.
Ex the grand law of humanity / grand constitution GLOH as a Local Law of the Grand Law of Everything with which it’s completely consistent my ideas on how exact to organize the three goals of Russell on which I agree is something I’ll have to trust the New Senates with.
So I’d give the Grand Senate to the UN having representatives of senates of the world to test, and give advice to have a para military force yin and ditto yang akin a chess board. When indeed poverty is eradicated on the second goal of equality, then the pacifist goal of having weapons of mass destruction prohibited and effectively enforced has been reached.
Not keeping the military balance up until then will cause war!
Having also eradicated poverty will automatically lead to a in general stable world population.
In short the entire story is in this one doodle graphic on Trump that I made just after he claimed to have been cured of corona. You can take the problem with the covid-virus as a metaphor for any serious problem.

This is how I saw war as n = high bad history repeating itself before I’d noticed Ingo Piepers his Amok Algorithm.

Dr Ingo Pipers agrees with my seeing his algorithm in many of my court cases especially fight divorce and neighbor rows. I.e. situations in which parties can’t easily part.
Mind that promoting a “back to nature” way of life that given a current stable climate assumption would at best feed four billion where we are already at more than seven billion going on nine, would entail genocide either by design or default. That’s per logical definition neo-fascism or crypto-fascism. Play the game secret Hitler to grasp that people who are honestly opposed to Hitler in fact help him to power.
This model provides the decent practical alternative in a totally new way via only a small twist to old school proven to work by n = high history.
That it provides nerve wrecking also personal insights as to who is who can’t be helped.
For it also proves that the Kruger-Dunning twins are frauds with a not even claimed more than 51% probative value on a small front on a common sense issue of n = high > 99% exact scientific history of arrogance on an infinite all ‘swans are white’ broad front.
Arrogance of healthy autistic cattle honestly convinced they are wolves being the religious leaders in the exact sciences.
Arrogance of healthy hysteric mountain goats also honestly convinced they are wolves being the seemingly successful religious leaders in the soft sciences such as psychology and law.
Both arrogantly supporting each other in keeping an ever more tense even cramped “balance” of a current paradigm status quo in which the hysterics dupe the autistics with paradoxical irony and autistics dupe the hysterics with abstract logic.
Having the wolves become more and more addicted in order to be able to play along in a perceived dishonest game.
All more and more prostituting their souls.
In casu in proves the arrogance of science even in transition, more over quantum physics and most of all assessment psychology. Yet they too can redeem themselves for we are all guilty of having failed humanity on the social contract with humanity.
For again it’s a contract of result and not just one of effort. So for once you can be forgiven. Yet please do grasp the point of for once!
This sounds very Christian. Well, indeed that is merely due to my schooling in the Netherlands for I’m not at all a Christian. My model is fully consistent with all world religions, provided you see it all as metaphors in a completely consistent way. Indeed a non-fallacy circular argument.
When I do what the Jew Jesus, had he lived now, who thus would have made sure to have the required current bildung, would of advised me, then that would be the same advice as Buddha, Prophet Mohammed or the Hindu Gandhi would of advised.
For instance the paradox of Christians believing that Jesus is the Messiah is something that is only seemingly irreconcilable with the Jewish faith. Well, being a lawyer I hold it then that they can both be correct. They simply use different definitions. If you define the Messiah as the son of God that brought as a savior the notion “No Slavery! Nor Poverty!” then indeed he per logical definition is the Messiah. If on the other hand you define Messiah say as to be all those who see the light of God identical to science in so doing destroying the Devil Zombie Dracula within themselves as we are all sons and daughters of god then every ones faith is correct. Simply also consistent with Buddhist and Hindu Yin & Yang Zen. Even though I don’t really know what Yin & Yang or even Zen exactly means. I take it in this model on what I at this moment think it means. That’s good enough for now.
This model shows why that most fundamentally or elementary is indeed all proven to be so.
Chaos and errors are not yet correctly understood order of the cosmos that doesn’t fully coincide with our egoistically required good order. The collective brains provided they are teamed up properly as is the as such correct claim of the current science Big Five assessment psychology will work in an optimum way. A large enough team is indeed shown to guess on average indeed correctly. A exact scientific reproducible truth of the Hindu Holy Cow indeed.
The trick is to also get it right, also when the team is smaller.
The New Senate can quickly do so.
So don’t bother to ask Dada Easter Bunny, judge presiding before the Gates of Hell, to become a politician. The one and indivisible institute of Dada Easter Bunny of which there are akin Santa Clause many with that talent, really doesn’t want to be bothered.
Don’t idealize anyone on important issues!
Alas our Dutch PM Rutte is about to form a new government by throwing with a lot of bribe money that won’t be wisely invested. It obviously won’t work in the medium run even.
This model shows that every individual citizen should invest half of the Gross National Income in so as to use crowd wisdom. Yet this within bandwidths set by science proper with full investigative and representative powers. For instance at least so much for subscriptions of a free independent press to a maximum of in effect tax expenditure. The same goes for spiritual support. Whether by a Rabbi, Imam, Vicar, Pope, Monk or professional spiritual guide, all payed a decent wage to provide that service to the community is demanded by temporary verdict of Dada Easter Bunny judge presiding. Whether you use it or not. All of course pending required advice of the New Senate having followed proper proceeding. And to a maximum with no minimum the non-spending i.e. true cuts. The citizen is free to choose refined or not chose at all. In the latter case half your decent income will be spread at a cost between the community that will use crowd wisdom in your stead.
A decent income being an inalienable basic human right following the physics of psychology of the block model based on the four speed internal speed differential of the gods particle.
Whilst Richard had approved Just Proof in law in 2010, I had nothing more to do than ponder QM & more. Sitting in my garden having falsified current justice & science especially also physics on “something from nothing”, “curved nothing”, “spooky actions at a distance” and the like as unbelievable truths, as did Albert Einstein(!) the Socratic Bayesian method bildung in my brain asked me what do I then believe?
Inspired by the gravel in my garden an atomos multiverse at the top and the same multiverse yet with matrix like structures on the bottem. The same yet different both times, times infinity.

Smallest domain proven prime suspect idea. – versus – Largest domain proven prime suspect idea.
So in 2010 already best practice proof with science scoring empty (less even than zero) and Just Proof infinitely better at 99.9% and rising simple classical mechanical proof. For these two simple ideas even are already fully and completely consistent with all known data that I could think of then.
Yet I immediately spotted the central problem that also plaques the theories of Einstein. Something most religions also spot: there must be some sort of order function at play. Because what science claims it observes simply can’t be. It should go into whopping disorder much faster than is observed.
So I conjured up a simple order function. At first one sphere atomos that arced. This didn’t feel right so I needed a smaller one with less mass but more speed, both as a logical dictate in order it not to be magic > c.
The order of what I then called the dynamic crystal in which I predicted that given enough room perfect rigid spheres would go to that order in which each would stay in its own virtual box. I provided a model that made one nuclear physicist state that “it looked like string theory”. Later on I saw that these two particles where my large Higgs and smaller graviton. An ‘order-chaos’ model. Obviously requiring very complicated algebraic mathematics to prove that at a theorem level norm of neigh absolute proof.
Undeniably already winning hands down on a proven best practice concept. Having worked out the whole film “Cosmos” the movie in a set of power point slides.
As a separate idea and concept later on seen as a proven theory and even later indeed proven to be a law of humanity and even the proven best practice fourth Law of Everything the order function of te Block Model. Artistically conjured up in trying to help a client of mine in a child care case proving that she was far from the idiot the psychologists of child care made her out to be.
In 2015 a far improved proven prime suspect concept was published NWA and thus was brought under multidisciplinary scientific scrutiny receiving no valid falsification or even objections.
Hence according to Just Law, it can and is herewith taken as a fact.
Any human may demand any scientist to pose valid falsification of this fact.
Valid falsification is by either showing any data in the form of a ‘black swan’ in this “all swans are white” claim. Or show any incompleteness or any illogical reasoning.
A Holy Trinity in this religious school of thought.
All objections via losing temper, laughter, arguments of authority or other formal requirements are the devil Dracula and the zombies or Darth Vader talking.
I’ve put money where my mouth is, and science has been in over kill proven to be criminally insane fraudulent bunch of Pinocchio’s .
Due to a Dutch politician Geert Wilders his idiotically dangerous attacks on the Islam, I got inspired to conjure up a mathematically far simpler yet on the other hand for that reason much longer movie in order to deal with the many more little focus steps it entailed.
The mathematics of that is far simpler yet as with Einstein (an obvious healthy ADHD-i4m* (* = non narcissistic)) who needed the help of his first wife (an obvious authoritarian autistic 4f (*n (n = coping i.e. wolf in sharks clothes) N (N = narcissist like Newton)??? = needs yet to be ascertained) to get the formula’s and like Sir Hooke seen by some as the Leonardo da Vinci of his day.
Sir Hooke (ADHD-c4mN (N for ex Wikipedia as a fact very unfriendly, having both his and Newton’s mothers been pregnant in very stressful times producing more snakes and sharks as a nurture consequence of DNA nature in this model) (Narcissists in this model have more tunnel vision and thus more guts. Even though having far below average amount of guts due to both being far above average fast thinkers and a far above average amount of alertness called neuroticism of the mammal brain.
NB 1 Mind the difference of alertness of the reptile brain awake and sleep.
NB 2 Mind also that guts is DNA and courage is nurture especially bildung (training and experience) and circumstances as this model now stands. As said I’m not happy with the current definitions in science.
All in all the model is no longer an ‘order chaos’ but an ‘absolute pressure, absolute no pressure with all in-between pressures’ model, having the atomos as constructs and later still to be improved into the Lego Velcro particle as a neutrino snowflake producing deformable snowballs and ice sheet hexagons.
In a broad way the current proven best practice prime suspect of the smallest domain top and largest domain on the bottem can be seen as follows, simply worked out the idea of the gravel in my garden:

There is a hell of a lot to explain.
Try and find out on the basis of what’s on this blog who your Nazi is?
Okay if that’s to frightening:
Taking as a fact that not keeping in balance with nature i.e. the environment on our fragile spaceship earth, will cause war, as will not keeping the economic balance cause war, and that nuclear winter is fascist genocide, try then to figure out on the basis of video’s and what’s on Wikipedia what the intelligence and personality type is of Greta Thunberg. Who’s her Nazi?
And whilst you are at it, try and figure out whether climate change is for a crucial part: a far above average complex problem on a far above average incomplete evidence problem or is that not so?
In short: is it for the crucial part an ‘in the box’ or an ‘out of the box’ problem?
To ascertain whether a problem is ‘in the box’ or ‘out of the box’ isn’t that thus per logical dictate an ‘out of the box’ question, requiring artistic R&D talent if this undisputed model of mine is taken as fact?
Given these two links as facts and the block model what then does the block model show as Nobel Prize nuclear physicist Giorgio Parisi to be his intelligence and personality type?
Mind this is an exact scientific question, unless valid falsification of the block model as the 4th LOE can be given!
Ergo what is then his strongest DNA talent potential, his at best average DNA talent potential and what his idiotic DNA talent level, that we all have in this all-inclusive model on this artistic R&D question whether climate change is an ‘out of the box’ or ‘in the box question’?
Some hints on answering the questions:
People who don’t have the Red Venus algorithm as an average or best talent aren’t good at languages, especially foreign languages, even when having much experience at that foreign language for they are idiots at ‘out of the box’ questions. Given taking the block model as a fact.
Isn’t it a logical dictate that you must check with others what they think, and also check these others intelligence and personality and bildung, to correctly answer the question or falsify the block model?
And do please mind: You are only not an idiot when you know what sort of an idiot you are in this model!
Ergo, if you don’t know what personality type and intelligence you have, then you are a criminally insane idiot for failing to prevent the danger of going extinct in a nuclear winter having the power to prevent that.
Which questions are then to be asked subsequently?
The last few days I’ve watched a situation spiral further out of control, being something I warned for since ages. And especially after I’ve seen the Dr Ingo Piepers Amok Algorithm.
The Russian spokesman in the media warns explicitly that they will turn it all into nuclear ashes.
I read Putins subsequent idiotic request that NATO pull back entirely out of its back yard thus also the Baltic States and Poland and also in part in the Pacific region as a hefty litigation letter of a lawyer asking more in order to get what he wants: the complete Ukraine. Or if need be, indeed go nuclear!
Putin now can’t back down without loss of face and position. He then knows that he will be overthrown. His power base cronies are breathing down his neck and he wants to not only remain in power but strengthen his internal position there where the West NATO & EU is endangering that position as a chosen “wise” route of economic sanctions.
Mind Putin is seen in this model exactly the same personality type and intelligence as Donald Trump, Xi, Napoleon Bonaparte: a “healthy” far above average fast thinking authoritarian autistic narcissist.
Anders Breivic is also the same type yet probably was pestered in his youth thus became crank. (‘Gekrenkt’ in Dutch.) Being crank is indeed a dangerous mental disorder in this model. And Bonaparte probably was also mentally dangerously mad when his internalized desire was indeed to want to be a general in real battles and thus having the power to unwittingly fulfill his desire.
Ergo these are hammerhead sharks. When they smell blood they robotically can’t help themselves but attack. As such not mad but we produce as a society taking this model as a fact more sharks than we want. This via stress hormone causing an inverse in the DNA after the conception at an early age in the agreeable/ friendliness flipping position between the Mars and Venus algorithms.
The ONLY way to treat narcissists (sharks and authoritarian narcissistic healthy or mad hysteric snakes: the latter like Adolf Hitler, Franco, Geert Wilders and Maximillian de Robes Pierre.) is to shine sunshine up their arses or as we Dutch say put feathers up their arse.
What you should ABSOLUTELY refrain from doing is cornering them endangering them in their perception of their authority, reputation, esteem or respect.
Literally Suicidally so!!!!!!
These people are mental idiotic toddlers.
The facts as far as I can see:
Putin has concentrated some 100000 soldiers armed to the teeth at the Ukraine border.
Now what has NATO done? Well, after having left their allies in Afghanistan, and having before that have the French president declare NATO “braindead” and the US also under Biden be in a neigh civil war situation ride an isolationist course. NATO even recently more and more committed themselves to Ukraine. Posturing thus, just shy of really committing themselves. There is no clear line to be seen where that is urgently needed.
The clear and present danger now is that Putin in conjunction with Xi on Taiwan (in effect exactly for 90% the same problem) akin the axis of Nazi Germany and Japan will coordinate attacks.
If NATO reacts militarily Putin will probably attack the Baltic states and Norway simultaneously, having more forces at hand and spreading NATO conventional forces. Militarily all he really needs is to win the Ukraine.
When NATO indeed wants to get the Baltic states back or fall apart, that will require a buildup of forces. Well, then what is to stop Putin nuking Amsterdam and Rotterdam harbors just before the US troops want to land there?
We Dutch thanks to the idiotic MH17 court case have just yesterday asked life sentences under applause of the victims of the Russian soldiers who are deemed terrorists. On the hilarious legal ground that the separatist state isn’t internationally recognized.
Dutch politicians get wet dreams of joy having seen how now EU top guy Timmermans handled the MH-17 mourning that made his international EU carrier.
Talking about what absolutely NOT to do in getting yourself on the top of Putins shit list.
Had they all had sound well informed advice of an Oracle Senate this all wouldn’t of happened.
The judges of their own accord rule or the PM Rutte should via the minister of justice instruct the prosecution to in urgency throw the case out of court.
New insights as to the legality is hilariously simple for a conviction as a terrorist of these guys would also brand our father of our Dutch fatherland the Prince of Orange a terrorist of the 80-years war!
Solving the problem that Putin won’t believe that NATO won’t throw in the towel after having nuked Holland, for why would the French, the Brexit UK or the Biden in the USA go nuclear of Holland?
Well, even if they do…… that would give Dada Easter Bunny, judge presiding a bad hair day.
- Support the fucking new senate test!!!! The tunnel vision of Putin & Xi and all other dictators of the world will immediately be thrown in focus confusion. Especially it will also put the focus of their internal peer groups of their power bases on the problem and the way out. Also organizing such a senate and having dictators focus on becoming modern monarchs. All these mental toddlers want is to be adored! So give them that! Mind this is what Russell saw that he should of studied mass psychology via n = high history. Nearly all modern monarchies stem from quasi dictatorships. The game play to be played is known. Yet this only buys time. And maybe quickly sound well informed advice to all.
- Have the senate / current government NATO & EU investigate the following:
Have our PM Rutte together with our King & Queen visit (“Tsar to be”) Putin and after that the Ukraine government with a EU & NATO mandate to broker a deal in which Ukraine, minus the Donbass and the Crimea can become part of the EU & NATO. And ask why Russia doesn’t want to join as well?
All simply one little focus frame step by little focus frame step.
This model provides one proven completely consistent picture of the complete cosmos including our collective brain.
It all fits like a glove.
That’s Physics-Mayor! Including the physics of psychology.
But we’ve run out of time!
So Support The Bloody Proposed New Dutch Senate Test!
Any and every human has both the moral right and obligation to force any scientist to pose valid falsification.
Do or die!
Don’t blame others. Blame yourself!
On the latter: Greta Thunberg and Giorgio Parisi dixit.