Rambler 8 (R8) EDIT 1 topic organization (O)
EDIT 1 Every time I have a new post I’ll edit my reader. Furthermore I’ll provide a small caption each time of what the status now is of the old post. Starting in edit 1with the first two posts. And a ping back to the edited rambler 8 complete reader.
You can also quickly navigate via the reader of WordPress, yet this provides a quick link to all my posts with a better oversight on what it’s all about. I.e. how the different posts all form evidence depicting the problem and the solution in the main topic: Science, The Law & The Senate (SLS)

In effect the whole story is told in this one doodle graphic on Trump & corona. Take corona as a metaphor for all mayor problems of humanity being caused by easy to erase poverty via changing the senates.
- O Organization of the Blog
- SCS Science, The Law & The Senate
- CCQM Cosmology, Consiousness & Quantum Mechanics
- PP Physics of Psychology
- RH Rewriting History
- CIT Current Interesting Topic
Rambling READER
R10 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/09/02/doomsday-armageddon/
CCQM 5 minute read. Tachyon & Neutrino? The perfect imperfection of six clustered Tachyons being one Graviton, and two, three, four or five Tachyons being my MM faster dustbowl multi particle or Neutrino? And thus the Tachyon of science my Lego Velcro gods-particle The other question then is: What is v and what v max of our brain in the Higgs-field?
R9 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/09/01/again-two-studies-show-my-model-on-the-right-track/
R8 O 08-31-21 My Blog (B) Post Reader
R7 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/08/24/snowman-robot-with-free-will/
R6&4 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/08/22/how-the-cosmos-learns-dna-style/
R5 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/08/20/in-a-flow-of-discovery-again-dzhanibekov-effect/
R3 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/08/18/the-dna-of-dna-again-a-breaktrough/
R2 O https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/08/17/in-a-flow-of-discovery/
R1 O https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/08/15/getting-the-blog-better-organised/
B 24 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/07/30/vitruvius-olympic-rings-chess-clock-of-time-life/
B 22 RH https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/07/22/napoleon-bonaparte-a-prolonged-suicide/
B 21 SLS https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/07/20/the-ten-laws-of-humanity-2/
B 17 SLS https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/07/06/the-ten-laws-of-humanity/
B 16 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/07/05/cracked-it/
B 14 SLS https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/21/let-science-and-the-senates-sort-it-out/
B 13 O https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/20/know-why-bayes-works/
B 12 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/19/consciousness-of-time/
B 10 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/11/ziel-classical-qm-possible/
B 9 CIT https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/11/vooravond-hoax-van-hox/
B 8 SLS https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/10/science-failed-humanity/
B 7 PP https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/09/the-serpent-versus-dobby-debby/
B 6 SLS https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/08/171/ ZIEL goal
B 5 CIT https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/07/mh-17-rechtszaak/
B 4 CCQM https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/06/post-before-i-die-in-some-car-crash-or-other/
B 3 PP https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/02/what-every-high-school-kid-should-know/
B 2 SLS https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/06/01/me-too-guilty-of-too-much-humility/
5 minute read The five Laws of Everything. Before I later on noticed thanks to questions of Richard Gill on what I meant with the normal distribution, that all five laws need to be viewed both (binary) analog and (digital) quanta physical and thus continuous and discrete (binary digital) mathematical way. Why five laws? Well only later on I noticed four constructs requiring five rigid rings. Common sense reverse engineering proven best practice prime suspect for Fifth law of Everything.
B1 SLS https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/05/31/more-millionaires-no-poor-no-war/
8 minute read years to study: Intro on the primary goal of the Blog Amok Algorithm avoidance what has been carefully set up by me in Dutch politics. As I saw it then. Like in war a Jihad against the bloody students being one myself, the first victim is the plan. Akin Wikipedia constant adaptation. A slight push and the domino effect will go viral towards a paradigm shift preventing war via eradicating poverty. R&D Oracle Senate test in the Netherlands. You (edit: even poor people in Africa India etc.) need but put it on the media agenda breaking the taboo. Liked by Richard Gill.
B0 O https://grisblog180460.wordpress.com/2021/05/30/example-post-3/ Intro Ris
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