Ziel means soul in Dutch and as I now see it it’s the fourth law of everything the order function as depicted by the block model. Simply the starting position and rules of gameplay on the order function that is evident yet nobody until now grasped because of having followed the incorrect proper scientific procedure.
Here is the link to the site that I started on the advice of now emeritus professor of statistics Leyden Richard Gill KNAW when I saw that the Dutch neo-nazi party of Geert Wilders was steering towards a religious war against Islam that this would spiral faster out of control than I then foresaw.
My book to remedy this would take years longer than I expected.
When I noticed that my PowerPoint presentation of my model was ignored as I correctly deduced being taboo, I started work on a witty presentation of the model. I was inspired by Louis Carroll and others of course. I now see the only way that artistic people like I can get any taboo across.
Alas, it’s mostly in Dutch and these are not all the pages I have in concept or planned in verious degrees of completion.
Apart from the fact that whilst starting my blog thanks to Richard I’ve further improved on my model of the cosmos and also got an ever better understanding of the block model. The latter has withstood the test of time brilliantly. My model of the cosmos has seen constant improvements yet also stands at the core.
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