What we can learn from this history in order not to repeat it

Well before delving further into how the economy should be organized as an advice to the yet to be organized new R&D Oracle Senate I’ll show that the model works very practically in the area of history as well. Not that this is my main goal here to rewrite history on Napoleon. To do that would require much more work and fact checking and study of primary data. (ex art. 5 Fact ) All further mentioned articles are ex GLOE. See previous posts.
Let’s take this Wikipedia page as facts ex art. 5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon
Mind taking data as fact i.e. absolutely true doesn’t mean that all these data are true. That is where art. 5 Proof comes in. Incomplete evidence is treated via Bayes also as a disproving falsification. On the basis of further evidence I contest the following part of the Wikipedia link:
“Cause of death
Gold-framed portrait painting of a gaunt middle-aged man with receding hair and laurel wreath, lying eyes-closed on white pillow with a white blanket covering to his neck and a gold Jesus cross resting on his chest
Napoleon on His Death Bed, by Horace Vernet, 1826
The cause of Napoleon’s death has been debated. His physician, François Carlo Antommarchi, led the autopsy, which found the cause of death to be stomach cancer. Antommarchi did not sign the official report.[231] Napoleon’s father had died of stomach cancer, although this was apparently unknown at the time of the autopsy.[232] Antommarchi found evidence of a stomach ulcer; this was the most convenient explanation for the British, who wanted to avoid criticism over their care of Napoleon.[224]
In 1955, the diaries of Napoleon’s valet, Louis Marchand, were published. His description of Napoleon in the months before his death led Sten Forshufvud in a 1961 paper in Nature to put forward other causes for his death, including deliberate arsenic poisoning.[233] Arsenic was used as a poison during the era because it was undetectable when administered over a long period. Furthermore, in a 1978 book with Ben Weider, Forshufvud noted that Napoleon’s body was found to be well preserved when moved in 1840. Arsenic is a strong preservative, and therefore this supported the poisoning hypothesis. Forshufvud and Weider observed that Napoleon had attempted to quench abnormal thirst by drinking large amounts of orgeat syrup that contained cyanide compounds in the almonds used for flavouring.[233] They maintained that the potassium tartrate used in his treatment prevented his stomach from expelling these compounds and that his thirst was a symptom of the poison. Their hypothesis was that the calomel given to Napoleon became an overdose, which killed him and left extensive tissue damage behind.[233] According to a 2007 article, the type of arsenic found in Napoleon’s hair shafts was mineral, the most toxic, and according to toxicologist Patrick Kintz, this supported the conclusion that he was murdered.[234]
There have been modern studies that have supported the original autopsy finding.[234] In a 2008 study, researchers analysed samples of Napoleon’s hair from throughout his life, as well as samples from his family and other contemporaries. All samples had high levels of arsenic, approximately 100 times higher than the current average. According to these researchers, Napoleon’s body was already heavily contaminated with arsenic as a boy, and the high arsenic concentration in his hair was not caused by intentional poisoning; people were constantly exposed to arsenic from glues and dyes throughout their lives.[h] Studies published in 2007 and 2008 dismissed evidence of arsenic poisoning, suggesting peptic ulcer and gastric cancer as the cause of death.[236]” (END)
CSI Suicide?
Okay a Crime Scene Investigation into this contested murder or death by natural causes. As a former D.A. magistrate prosecutor I’ve investigated this to a sufficient degree to “charge” Napoleon Bonaparte with being a prime suspect of having successfully committed suicide just after his first forced abdication that only very much later on Saint Helena came to suicidal effect.
If we take the opening scene of the movie ‘Waterloo’ https://youtu.be/27o49JUoII8 as a fact (art. 5) on how the first abdication came about.
We then take as a fact the last bit of this YouTube Epic History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBSGSkIasRY&ab_channel=EpicHistoryTV in which it is stated that Napoleon the day after his first abdication had tried to commit suicide with the potion that he had made during the retreat from Russia when nearly having escaped death via an attacking Cossack.
He (at first with now hindsight) survived for the potion had lost its potency.
If we couple this with the high concentration of arsenic found in his stomach during autopsy, and the arsenic of Rasputin that story taken as a fact that Russians and arsenic poisoning makes it ex art. 3 Proof likely even probable that the potion that was made for Napoleon was indeed arsenic.
On this point expert witness of pharmacists and medical doctors is required to complete that part of the investigation. That is important instead of delving in all the open source data on arsenic poisoning by a layman.
Just some points on Napoleon also shown in the YouTube Epic History. Metternich offering peace that the in this sense autistic idiot Napoleon rejects.
The stomach aches of Napoleon caused him to leave the battle of Waterloo at a critical moment. As depicted in the movie. When he reemerges and criticizes Marshall Ney for making an epic Cuirassier heavy cavalry charge. Contrary to what the movie depicts and Ney choosing to attack is incorrectly depicted in this Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Ney
Even to this day Napoleon who wrote the book and Ney choosing honorable death by probable firing squad above dishonorable fleeing the French choose their and the English their narrative. Ney being a guy who (ex art. 4 Order incorrect for ADHD-i1 have the most guts thus talent for courage nurture) earning the title bravest of the brave by Napoleon for his going back for his men during the retreat from Moscow. If we take the Wikipedia as to the person of Ney as a fact then he was an obvious healthy far above average fast thinking extravert ADHD type yet cool introvert under stress ADHD-c 4.
Ney with his vast experience of course knew the importance of capturing the Quatre Bras road Junction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Quatre_Bras
Yet this was a so called meeting engagement. There was no way Ney could of known that the Dutch troops under general Bernhard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Bernhard_of_Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach_(1792%E2%80%931862) and the Prince of Orange who contrary to the orders of Wellington saw the importance of the junction as well. Mind: no battle of Quatre Bras as a strategic holding action, then Napoleon would have been past Waterloo being the good ground of choice of Wellington. Then the allies would have had to fight on bad ground or flee Brussels.
Berhard had learnt the tricks of the trade under Napoleon. He quickly acted as if he was the main body of the allied army. There was no way of knowing by Ney if this was so. Even a reconnaissance in force could lose him the battle. Attacking in full force by Ney against a superior force might lose Napoleon the war. For then in risk of being defeated in detail. So Ney was correct in ordering d’Erlon to come to his aid. Most blame for not winning a decisive battle either at the battle of Ligny https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Ligny#Missed_chance was d’Erlon. He should of marched to the sound of the guns and not counter march whatever the orders.
At Waterloo again Ney still gets the unjustified blame. Napoleon himself was to blame. Ney correctly put forward the plan Napoleon and he had agreed prior when he saw that Wellington was doing something that could only be a sign of weakness. Which it was namely strengthening another part of the line and weakening the part that was planned to be attacked. Ney was justified in trusting Napoleon not being an idiot as to not support his attack. In the movie Napoleon says that he has nothing to support the attack. Stating as a blatant lie that he can’t conceive new soldiers that quick.
Yet he should of then committed his Old Guard. Ney had ‘won’ Waterloo for forcing the allies in to vulnerable square. Vulnerable to infantry and artillery attack that Napoleon should of put forward using the correctly non spiked guns and turning them on the squares. Napoleon lost Waterloo due to his suicide attempt and his whopping ego not to want Ney steal HIS glory. That Ney ‘lost it’ whacking the guns with his sabre, not being supported seen correctly by him as a betrayal by Napoleon is what happens with this ADHD personality type. Only idiots without Bildung would deem Ney unfit for command. You don’t let your guy’s down.
The Old Guard Which Napoleon subsequently committed too late. Again the movie shies away from history for it was the Dutch general Chassé https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hendrik_Chass%C3%A9 who flanked the Old Guard. Even today omitted in English Wikipedia for Wellington and I guess Napoleon not mentioning it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hendrik_Chass%C3%A9 Both sides had spent their horses. “Spent” as in having the batteries run dry.
Proof as every good historian already knows that lies last a long time under nationalistic pride and thus market for idea’s. You don’t sell many books of good box office with the truth. The French want to hear of the Great Napoleon as the English speaking countries want to hear of Great Wellington. And indeed the Dutch like I likewise.
Okay what to take away from this?

More on this Dutch concept doodle graphic on brainwaves healthy manic and depression and sick versions later on.
Trump, Putin and no doubt Xi as well have the same personality type as Napoleon.
Napoleon obviously being a far above average fast thinking narcissistic authoritarian male autist. A TGV hammerhead shark having in his early youth transformed from a DNA conception bull into a true narcissistic shark. The agreeableness (which is indeed better than calling that personality trait friendliness) is flipped from far above average agreeable like Ney, to far above average unfriendly. An extreme egoistic trait of the Venus mostly woman bitch. See earlier posts.
To know whether this is actually a transformation or just coping, psychiatrists correctly ask in depth about ones youth. Psychologists incorrectly usually don’t yet muck around with silly tests. Taking as a fact that Napoleon’s mum during pregnancy had had stress, adrenaline would of done the job of producing more sharks and snakes. As then also having produced the inverse. Like my dear mom being a transformed mountain goat into a sheep. My mom having less ego and thus wouldn’t tire to put feathers up the brown star of narcissists keeping them in balance. My grand mum had stress having my mum 1930 pregnancy having just started a garage when the Wall Street Crash hit.
Yet in early life a transformation in DNA can still occur when sending an Italian speaking kid of nine years old to a French speaking military academy.
Another point to make is that the amount of times that Napoleon always acted in a clear narcissistic way can also be sufficient to warrant this assessment.
So later in life acting narcissistic won’t provide a transformation. That is coping. I.e. a bull in the hide of a hamerhead-shark. That is quickly unlearned a transformation is permanent. A society not consistent with GLOE will always become more and more egoistic towards narcissistic for they are best in going by the book.
As such being narcissistic isn’t mad. But it is dangerous. The brain is in a constant tunnel vision asking itself how to become or stay boss having the desire to have maximum respect. Having a potential photographic memory as Napoleon indeed clearly had makes for an excellent in the box chess player. Which war invariably is. Planning organizing. Being exceptionally good at that everybody looks up to you.
Humble people (60% of mankind) are generalists and on any given problem area always see these types acting in a small area being better than they are. Causing feelings of inadequacy that are incorrect. Being generalists they can act on more area’s than a specialist type like Napoleon.
Being the boss however Napoleon can organize in being seen as very socially competent. Tricks he learned on the military academy of course. Having for instance the name of a certain soldier whispered in his ear and then praising the guy as if he really knew or cared for his cannon fodder.
Many historians still fall for this crap.
Yet I do think that Napoleon was certifiably mad in the sense of being crank if his brain actually unwittingly only wanted to fight as a general in real battles. Ergo fighting for fighting’s sake. Ney clearly wanted peace and what was best for France. Napoleon clearly stated that but only wanted what was best for Napoleon.
Now let us compare the suicidal way of Ney with that of Napoleon. Ney in no way would of wanted to have committed suicide (unless already very depressed). Napoleon as depicted in the film was not depressed for still full of ideas and plans how to win the unwinnable.
Wanting to go down with the ship as was a then socially excepted way akin a bit like the Japanese for loss of face, isn’t quite the same. Yet indeed the same in the way that surviving where the social norm is that you should die or be forever shamed is a DNA suicide mechanism.
Ney clearly chose to face the probability of being shot instead of living with feelings of bitter shame fleeing his honorable responsibility to France.
Napoleon on the other hand like a little toddler throwing a Trump like tantrum taking so much pity on himself in an impulse chose to take the probable arsenic potion that he had prepared when HE the BOSS of GOD was nearly killed by a Cossack. Only then in his narcissistic tunnel vision grasping that yes YOU mate can die also. And be taken prisoner in great disrespect disgrace.
When respect is put under stress hammerhead shark robots will become extreme literally unwitting suicidal gamblers. Blundering into their own downfall taking many, very many with them in unheard of suffering.
That is why we should not put Putin or Xi in a danger of loss of power or loss of face position. Like napoleon they have the power to blunder us into a World War III scenario. Suicidal gamblers.
The ONLY way out:
Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Ergo: Ask Dutch politicians to test the new R&D Oracle Senate!
Or die in WW3 that has already started yet will ex the Amok Algorithm of Ingo Piepers go hot ultimately in 2022. I can’t falsify yet strengthen his claim. GLOE! Do or Die!
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