Again a breakthrough consistent with my predictions since 2010, 2015, and 2017. Albeit indeed as seen by my model not a switch between matter and anti-matter so much as a switch into entanglement and out of the entanglement. We only sometimes observe the cross of two strings one as matter and the other as contra-rotating anti-matter. Such as my predicted photon.
My smallest set of two strings is proto matter and proto anti-matter. If this is consistent with sciences Planck scale strings I don’t know.
I’m pondering how to set up my blog for the future.
I guess a news line as with this post. Then I jump ahead with the news.
And a line in which I will step by step take any interest in this sort of topic through the latest version of my model. I’ve got nearly all the required doodle graphics I only need to explain them little focus step by little focus step.

Please note the resemblence of what I depict here and what the Large Hadron Collider has found according to Oxford university. Above depiction of not-entangled at point U and entangled state at E.

Please observe in the right-hand corner below the bottom latest doodle graphic I show how matter and anti-matter are simply two strings. The PowerPoint doodle graphic above is an earlier version is on my site Ziel. Alas in Dutch.
Order and disorder in the matrix with a gravity wave or order via entanglement. It works like propellors of a plane or ship that influence each other in this order-disorder way. Sometimes we do indeed detect the cross of both matter and anti-matter. The detected Maltese cross of the photon. Much larger than the proto photon of Planck scale strings in my model.
Mostly however as with this depiction by Oxford University, we only can detect half of the cross.