When you are scared of (nuclear) war you will get (nuclear) war.
In my more than thirty years of experience in dealing with serious crime narcissists in both asylum article 1F cases and mostly in penal cases I agree with the former secretary-general of NATO Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, that Putin is rational. As stated earlier by me in my model narcissists are not mad. They are however dangerous. Compare them best with other personality traits that have transformed into snakes and sharks. Putin and Xi are obvious intelligent fast-thinking Hamer head sharks.
They are totally socially incompetent and only mechanically following the rule book seem to be capable of socially acceptable behavior.
Taking the facts stated by NRC newspaper yesterday March 19th to be correct, then the show Putin gave for a mostly cheering crowd and the mobster gangs in the street painting Z on the doors of people who have dared to oppose Putin shows that this is a reminiscence of Nazi-style S.A. painting swasticas on homes of Jews
Well, I assess the past period in which Putin was showing erratic behavior to be caused by the fact that his idea of his well-trained army was shown to be totally wrong. Having been surrounded by yes-men nobody dared tell him the truth. When that truth comes to light of their extreme tunnel-vision, narcissists panic. We know that this can take a shorter or longer time from a few hours to a week. Stalin and Hitler had them as well. The failure of his army was compounded by the also greater amount of support for sanctions and made him justly paranoid. The latter is not to be seen as a mental disorder at all. His life was and is literally at stake.
A potential power struggle ensues in which arbitrarily scapegoats in Stalin’s purge style are taken out. Even in the inner circle. This is simple rational extremely serious criminal behavior. For it works and worked for Stalin.
Via sheer terror and the traumatic feelings of guilt and shame of the Russian people for the war against their sister people in Ukraine makes that scapegoating works. It even becomes more and more religious in the nonspiritual sense. The German people more and more went along with scapegoating the Jews, for otherwise, they would have to blame themselves for the bombs of the allies obliterating their cities.
The motor behind the stress in the world is poverty. Stress causes war. Everybody starts to overreact. Small slipups like Biden telling the press that Putin is a war criminal. Inciting an immediate response by Putin, aggravating the situation. The sanctions agrevate the situation and hit the porest people. The war will cause an international food crises and economic instability.
The sanctions are the only way our leaders can legally use to give us all the feeling we aren’t guilty of shameful idiotic misconduct.
So it’s clear that any power struggle that has gone on in the Kremlin has been won by Putin. Who is showing his people and the world who’s boss. And that he’s collected himself.
The path that Putin will follow is the one I predicted earlier. Via the sanctions we’ve helped him in getting his people to hate the West and accept that declaring war under an ultimatum of declaring immediate neutrality is the only way out.
In truth, however, it’s not NATO that worries Putin it’s a more successful (better less bad) democratic economic system that is creeping up on Tsar Putin and his billionaire barons the oligarchs.
Being a former horseback rider I know for a fact that if you use the whip incorrectly all hell will break loose. As it also will ensue when the rider is scared to use it. It’s exactly the same with any suspect of a crime when the police or judge mishandle the case. I only used the whip three times as a punishment on a horse. The different horses accepted it every time. Yet this was all when I wasn’t very experienced. For when you learn to ride better you need not punish. As a student, I once made a ride toward the sea. They told me the horse didn’t accept a whip. And I needed to pay upfront. Well, the bugger horse had learned to shed the rider and run back to the stables. Alas, I bearly stayed on. The blighter then rolled when the tarmac turned to sand on the downward slope of the dune. I had to jump off for he had me. I jumped back up and lunged at the horse who was scared of me. I demanded and got a whip. I never saw a horse being able to turn his head so far. I showed him the whip and threatened him with my resounding voice. Well, all said and done the horse obviously thought that there was a madman with a whip on his back. For during the whole ride he kept his hindside low and ears in his neck awaiting a whack. Throthing white due to lack of exercise. At the end of the ride, we showed mutual respect by letting me stroke his nose.
Putin is like that horse. Carrot and stick, good cop bad cop. Simply show how’s badass boss.
Please learn that you simply can’t make a deal with these sorts of serious criminals. That is indeed delusional. Putin and Xi won’t stop and when their position becomes threatened they will opt for terror and war. It will for more than 99% certainty within this year escalate into a hot WW3 for us, that will go nuclear. My way out is greater than 99% sure to work for Putin has collected himself again.
So state immediately that we will drop all sanctions and that Putin is offered a golden bridge deal that history repeatedly has shown to work. Then make him a modern monarch Tsar.
Then cure the yes-man culture in Russia on the threat of a casus belli by NATO. Have Russia test the new oracle senate with senators for life, who can test and are proven to the west to be competent not yes saying types that investigate and tell the truth to the president. Even a narcissist like Putin can then see what he by himself in tunnel vision can’t see.
By threatening to hit the place Russia ruined on Nava Zembla by the Tsar Boma biggest nuke of all, with a small nuke by Brittain followed by France if need be, the next day Putin will understand that his game is up. His game is the de-escalating nuclear strike. Probably on the Dutch Maasvlakte.
Like a horse, he needs to know that he’s dealing with people who will indeed press the button. Only then do you have deterrence.
And only then we can have an immediate cease-fire and an end to escalation. It will also stop Xi from attacking Taiwan.
I hope my warnings are headed for up until now these are my statistics as my blog proves.
- I predicted Putin would strike Ukraine after the Olympic games even though not in the best interest of Russia. He did.
- I predicted he would not use all his 150 battalions in the first instance against Ukraine. He only used 30%. I was right.
- I predicted he wanted to strike at Kaliningrad from Belarus that was in the game with him. He went to Belarus. I said it was too wet to strike. February had an excessive rainfall and he didn’t strike.
- I predicted he would try to quickly topple the in his eyes clown Zalensky in a way akin to the Germans trying to grasp our Queen and government in 1940. He did and lost as well. I was right.
- I predicted that the first casualty of war is the plan. Well, Putin failed in an epic way.
- I predicted that there is no way to predict which side will win on the battlefield. I was right, no one least of all Putin, saw this hilarious bad show coming. The only thing that was clear from the start was that Putin had a shortage of trucks.
- I predicted that due to the tunnel-vision of Putin and his yesmen he wasn’t properly informed on the real state of his army. I was right.
- I predicted that Putin would focus on the waterways for the Crimea and the Donbas and Kyiv. I was right yet had not sensed that a strike at the whole Black sea coast other than when indeed as part of a full campaign requiring 150 battalions he had massed. So only slightly off that he would in the first instance attack the whole coast.
- I predicted that the sanctions would not work and aggravate the problem.
- I predicted the sanctions would hit the poor and help Putin prepare his people for war against the west. I was right.
- I predicted that the sanctions would not change the policy of Putin in any way. I was right.
- I predicted that the sanctions would cause serious economic problems for the world economy already hit after corona and that was the actual reason for the whole bloody conflict in the first place. I was right.
- I predicted that the erratic behavior of Putin would subside. I was right.
- I predicted that the sanctions would not certainly topple Putin and might help him. I was right.
- I predicted Putin is a Tsar type like Stalin. I was right.
- I predicted the war would get much and much worse. I was right.
- I predicted that slight mishaps like Biden did, would lead to serious escalations. I was right.
Again I predict we can have a cease-fire in a day without further escalation as a 99% truth. Risk is chance times consequence. The 1% chance it all going to hell is alas unavoidable now for making such a mess out of it. If we don’t act now the chance is 99% that we will have a hot WW3 going nuclear.