Shifting Meaning for a Meaningless Everything into the 5000-Year-Old War Paradigm





Gerhard Ris former lawyer and magistrate with thirty years of experience in courts of law

Inverse final statements

·       Science Starts with Descartes & Discarding Descartes

·       The proper scientific procedure for starting with inverse final statements is as long as needed and as short as possible.

·       Flying an aircraft in an emergency is also scientific in science proper.

·       Producing proper science requires a multi-majority consensus in eight departments of the collective instrument brain, which can be achieved by following its now-available Train Your Intuitive Brain instruction manual the One Law of Human Nature.

·       Teaching Empowerment White Magic Illusionism alas also teaches Black Magic illusionism

·       Being Empowered by White or Black Magic Illusionism has immediate rewards

·       Deciding to do the proposed Oracle Senate Test by any oligarch such as the Dutch Research Council NWO will instantly shift the paradigm, producing peace and prosperity for all and especially benefiting NATO.

·       Homo Sapiens hasn’t even lived for one galactic year and is nearing extinction playing with nukes.

·       The One Law of Human Nature proves that most mathematicians and physicists are, as a genotype, deep idiots at more than average complex geometry. Yet they have oligarch power in science via improper peer review. They use computers to fraudulently claim to be the best at complex geometry because they are indeed best at computing.

·       The current paradigm procedure requires naming, shaming, and ridiculing NWO for failing the improved Elementary Scientist Exam as science proper.

·       This can best be done by other than Dutch scientists who aren’t dependent on funding from NWO because the effect is global.

·       NWO thus isn’t certified as a reliable source for funding Elementary Science and Education like Dada Easter Bunny.

·       Current science incorrectly doesn’t accept humour and relativism as a per definition essential part of the marketing, advertisement, and sales of science. Current science demands autistic deadly serious tediously dull conscientiousness a deadly sin in artistic R&D.  

·       Current science and NWO don’t have a definition of science or pseudo-science other than oligarchs of science peer review deem to be scientific. This falsifies current science on elementary issues.

·       NWO is most guilty of the mainstream woke madness in most universities which is antifeminism, racist slaveholding egotrip of gender-neutral female logic better seen as sales management/ HRM hypnotic relation manipulation. A Bayesian inversion of the synapse in the instrument brain. Needing to keep antifeminism, racism, and slavery going because otherwise losing their meaning in life.

·       NWO is also most guilty of the anti-scientific polarisation against science and scientists in society as a reaction to the actions of wokeism.

·       NWO primarily caused the serious intended cuts in science and education in the Netherlands.

·       NWO is a representative of the greatest bosses of god delusion of the god that doesn’t listen.

·       NWO represents a criminally insane personality cult that for 5000 years has successfully built ever better “unsinkable” Titanics and sunk them in the same peat-burn-like genocidal iceberg scenario.

·       When you do the same the same happens.

·       The Oracle Senate Test is akin to the first flight of a prototype exclusively built out of successfully tested parts.

·       The New Secretary General of NATO nearly decided to do the then still too taboo even for PM Mr. Teflon’s radical plan for new governance Oracle Senate Test by an emergency law in the Omtzigt affaire.

·       More than 99.9% of Old School tried and tested Sun Tzu’s Art of War to never corner one’s opponent and always build them a Golden Bridge way out.

·       Save Our Mighty Billionaires and all other oligarchs like NWO!

·       The cosmos/ everything is proven on the beginning of absolute proof in the reductio ad absurdum that our instrument brain thinks in an everything not only nothing and observes One Law of Nature that is absolute without contradictions including loopholes by far proven best practice circumstantial evidence proof with only data pro and absolutely no data con in all of several fields DOI published in proper peer review with access to all the raw data. Completely theorem based on what all the science was in, ages ago only requiring a few new easy twists to solve. The validation rises every time no valid opposition is met on the inherently circular argument claim that workability (werkelijkheid in Dutch) is an infinite topology of truths and infinite realities that only seemingly ever contradict in one of infinite parallel and in-line Nirvana movie scenario compositions achieving very practical workability (werkbaarheid in Dutch)

·       Everything of the deterministic meaningless cosmos has infinite separate elements of classical mechanical Eucledian 3D geometry mass atomos movable connections that interact akin to snowballs in one 3D Euclidian empty space ether. The observed absence of evidence only leaves room for illegal unreasonable doubt on the correct definition of science which is further improved in this article. The 3rd law of everything as an undividable part of the ten dualistic laws of one law of nature dictates the scientific goal by one law of human nature the decent survival of homo sapiens that life has meaning and free will. The cosmos is both quantified and continuous at the same time in infinite time. Time is a thought and a thought is interactive moving timeless mass. Mass is internally absolutely motionless and thus can not be described by the notion of time. Mass is lifeless. Mass produces matter in a proto-DNA waving life non-waving proto-death cycle. Internal waves are proto-DNA consciousness memory bank of intelligent action is intelligent reaction infinite past moving toward an infinite future.

·       Homo sapiens are proven to be robots that must inherently religiously believe not to be robots to hedge the bets on the goal of decent survival. The easiest to detect is the 1/64 specific sort of genotype of anyone which is also the greatest predictor of human behavior. In decreasing predictive order on behavior, the model proves phenotype (deeply religious), religious type, hypnotic (slightly religious)type, and unique type that all must be taken into account. This can only be done by the well-trained brain in an intuitive brain as part of a team with Bildung.

·       The model proves that bashing opens a new market in litigation. This should be done via advertisement and sales techniques. This can only be achieved by any oligarch like NWO. NWO is in the know and is thus the easiest prey. Observe the thumbnails as the posters that science proper demands at the end of this article.  These are a startup of the classes that as remedial teaching should be given in universities because they weren’t given in high school.     


Add this trial and erratum to my last publication 

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