Rambler 24 10 minute read
Topics SCS & PP = ‘Science, The Law & The Senate’ & ‘Physics of Psychology’
As intro to doodle graphic of CCQM Cosmos, Consciousness & Quantum Mechanics in rambler 23.
Yet the text of rambler 23 is the intro to this rambler.
Proper use of metaphor
Often the metaphor of a rowing boat is used to illustrate proper team work.
As a wise man said you only really understand something when you can explain it to a high school kid. Well how to explain my long years of expertise as a lawyer and magistrate on the urgent needed improvement of the Trias Politica.
What is needed is a Quarto Politica in order to prevent the looming genocide via World War 3.

This is a know how doodle graphic. The intermediate goal of the blog is to get a taboo test of the Dutch senate going. Which will predicted by this proven best practice model quickly, for hypnotically, and hopefully still in the nick of time, prevent dictators blundering us into World War 3.
Subsequently it will lead to a reorganized network of senates in the world, providing proper R&D group think. Ultimately that will lead to humanity reaching, complete optimum balance via abolishing poverty.
The latter being slavery is the root cause of all conflicts being inconsistencies.
Durable proper timely advice based on well informed properly teamed up thinking, is of course a panacea for all problems of humanity. In organized providing humanity with an optimum run until the inevitable end of times.
Akin a game of chess it’s at the same time very simple as it is unfathomably complex.
A true paradox thus defined as a seeming contradiction. This distinction is required for in the quantum mechanics church the word “paradox” is often used for obvious contradictions. Selling these as acceptable inconsistencies due to incompleteness of evidence.
Before I as an indeed experienced rower in the eight, go into the explanation of this doodle graphic on rowing as an intro to the better explanation of doodle graphic of the neurological spine tight rope of magical top hats in rambler 23, being the know why, let’s first delve deeper into the problem.
The paradox of putting seemingly 80% focus on the problem and only 20% focus on the way out, is akin Air Crash Investigation. In truth it’s the other way round. 80% focus on the reason for the crash is of course to prevent it from happening again.

Whilst I was working on quick and dirty concepts for my thick doodle graphic book, I made this doodle graphic in Dutch on my understanding of history repeating itself and the seriousness of wars becoming ever more deadly. Simply my Wikipedia style knowledge of history repeating itself at that moment in time.
Look too inaccurate and you see nothing, yet look too accurate and history will never repeat itself. To spot this requires to get the correct bandwidth of focus. That in turn requires bildung, talent and trust.
Every time the same mistake. Belief in high unsinkable technology and the justified thought that we’ve never had it so good.
I also showed the history repeating itself with the boats with ”Hurray Holland” named Titanic 1 through 5 seeing WW1 and WW 2 as one war. This was before 2018 when I saw Dr Ingo Piepers Amok algorithm. The iceberg depicts hatred (haat in Dutch).
In our current high tech Titanic 5 (7 is a mistake BTW) flying boat many are in denial (see rambler 23) that a new world war is looming. Even though the evidence of a war is rapidly mounting. Actually since as an eight year old kid (1968) my dad explained Murphy’s law I knew a new war was inevitable. Yet I hoped that this would happen after my lifetime. Placing my trust in deterrence via NATO and the peaceful means possible via the EU and UN.
For the trick is actually even to get the probability of this inevitability of war past the inevitable end of the times of humanity in this proven best practice model.
Xi on Taiwan having a spokesman openly threaten Australia with a nuclear strike if they dare to intervene. Xi has internal problems and needs to show who’s boss towards his internal cronies akin Adolf Hitler who was in the same problem. See my earlier rambler. Economic problems akin Japan also had before WW2. Same goes for Putin and the Donbass. A scenario in which Putin will quickly go nuclear when the first gains of a conventional attack start to fade. Mind, as shown in the earlier ramblers on Hitler and Napoleon both Xi as Putin are literally suicidal gamblers with the power to blunder the world into a nuclear winter.

Dr Ingo Piepers wrote to me that he sees WW 1 & WW 2 as two separate wars, where I saw it as one. He also agrees with me that my, thanks to him, spotting the same algorithm in the many fight divorce and neighbor row cases as a lawyer and magistrate, showed me that my earlier thoughts that NATO is so strong that a new war will be after my lifetime, was the same error as was made prior to WW2 thinking the French army so strong that it would take much more time in order to get prepared.
And, might I add it only will inevitably repeat itself when you keep on doing basically the same.
An urgent radical change is thus in order.
Because many small ones make a large one it really doesn’t matter whether you take WW 1 and WW2 as one or as two separate conflicts.
An algorithm is like a recipe always too blunt an instrument. A bit like a skeleton really, that requires to add muscles you can see as correct use of gut feeling in order to get the think to mimic reality. Yet the skeleton algorithm is vital in order to understand the main points.
The recipe of the amok algorithm is that rising mental tension most often due to financial poverty either by being disenfranchised or having been cheated and so not being able to meet expectations of one’s marriage partner.
It often starts with UFO’s. I mean at first unidentified flying objects, that after air crash investigation are recognized as flying saucers. Do I mean Martians? No, say Wedgewood. The war of Mars. 80% male 20% female war.
Because the row doesn’t solve the problem even though the mental stress rises and becomes more and more unstable, the rising amount of UFO’s (on average thus) drops for being proven ineffective. After the culmination point the row often turns into a paradoxical or ironical lateral war. The war of Venus. 40% of humanity being healthy autistic people (80% male) have neigh no DNA talent to spot paradoxes that are new to them. Completely oblivious to the lateral war also slowing down for also being proven to be ineffective. I.e. less emotional sabotage is done annoying the partner hoping he will grasp the reason to be annoyed is him failing to provide the required financial security. Not grasping that the poor bugger hasn’t a clue.
Mostly men from Mars think that owing to indeed external causes of having financial problems the partner has accepted the breach of the marriage contract to mostly provide security as a ‘result contract’ and not just a ‘effort contract’.
And then the unexpected: “I’m kicking you out of the house, and keeping the dog and the kids.” This leads to a violent neurological impulse breakthrough that in turn usually legally leads to the man and his kids never seeing each other again. This all thanks to dysfunctional psychologists and childcare and ditto judges. This in turn leads to even further financial ruin, heart attacks and what not.
Several times I’ve had male clients who were detained after domestic violence say: “I didn’t see it coming!” I.e. the proverbial silence before the storm.
Mind the very important point that expectations via marriage contract is an often unknowingly sometimes cause of literally suicidal amok due to breach of that contract.
For communities such as the world community it’s not only a ‘contract of effort’ but also a ‘contract of result’.
Because I’ve presented a model with a claim of proper scientific proof that has been brought under the attention of all Dutch Science and also via my blog haven’t received the requested valid falsification it can be taken as a fact. I.e. be taken as absolutely true, until valid falsification is indeed performed showing any incompleteness in evidence or any inconsistencies.
Because science even in transition has been in overkill even falsified in a valid and uncontested and uncontestable way, for having failed humanity on the social contract of getting a best practice manual on use of the individual and collective human brain, which they still haven’t done and I have, my model wins out as proven best practice.
The Fourth Law of Everything is thus to be taken as fact. It thus is one of the ‘the break one you break all’ ten commandments the Fourth Local Law of Humanity in short dictates via the four algorithms of this law that exclusively:
Green: 60% of humanity will robotically go amok when no certainty is guaranteed.
Yellow: 20% of humanity will robotically go amok when no respect is given such as infringing on reputation.
Red: 10% of humanity will robotically go amok when no freedom of relationship is accepted.
Blue: 10% of humanity will robotically go amok when no mental freedom is given.
Ergo in the long run the world MUST make shore that this is guaranteed!
Mind that this model proves that we are all robots that have no free will as seen in one way, yet do have a free will being forced to view it from a different domain all at the same time actually, which is impossible. This paradox of know why will be delved in deeper in another rambler.
Do or die!
Mind 1: Johnny Average doesn’t exist as an individual yet only as an n = high enough statistical average.
Mind 2: Blue Wolves, Red Wolfdogs, Yellow and Green reddish Mountain goats and Yellow and Green blueish cattle all observe different parts of the same central evidence. It works akin a radio. You need to be on the same wavelength in order to observe and in order to send and receive information.
Mind 3: Sometimes you unwittingly send, or subconsciously receive information. This is when you have a full click, yet you’re not consciously focusing on the issue.
Mind 4: Sometimes you are in more or less awe of others that perform tricks you understand, yet can’t replicate. This is the case when you have a near click.
Mind 5: Sometimes you see tricks performed by others that seem true magic. That’s when you have no click on that “radio” wavelength and only see the result. I was puzzled why certain fans of the soccer player Johan Cruijff where ecstatic where I only saw a very well trained and talented football player. He and I have the same dynamic geometry talent and speed of brain. A 1 /125 affair on talent. For the ones that don’t have that DNA talent it was pure magic seeing him play the ball and direct the team.
A nice optical illusion to illustrate this:

This Dutch Doodle graphic will be explained in a later rambler. I’m an artistically talented healthy ADHD-c4m* wolf who via the Ingo Piepers algorithm at once spotted what others fail to spot until they learn to trust my observation, especially when it is concurred by others they trust.
I was first also in the healthy illusion that everyone in my to be protected with my life wolf pack were indeed wolves. I.e. in effect believing that indeed to be the nature of things. Which when talking reproduction indeed is so. Yet when we are talking about personality types and talents it too is all DNA nature. Mind that in this model also the nurture is nature.
Valid blind trust is needed to spot that where you simply don’t have the talent. It’s all nature even the nurture yet this still is highly taboo. It as neurologically internalized hypnotic religion in the nonspiritual sense.
A makeable world is thus possible: proof well we build ever better Titanic’s is proof thereof.

This Dutch Doodle graphic I made for my rowing club putting focus in an artistic way on the “Pull thru” as part of the rowing algorithm. Knowing full well that trying to communicate this to rowers who don’t row with a competitive mindset and are experienced, or to people who don’t row or do sports at all, is like trying to communicate with a lamppost.
When there is no point of reference you won’t grasp what the hell I’m rambling about. (The aim here BTW was to enthuse rowing instructors who haven’t the experience in the level of rowing my coach as a former Dutch rowing champion has and enthusing novices. I.e. to communicate that there is a world to discover in rowing, requiring a different mindset and discipline. And a good teacher!)
You’ll thus simply to have valid blind trust in what I’m telling you is correct. Take it or leave it.
You can in my not so humble opinion, indeed to a very high degree make a valid comparison on rowing in an eight and organizing a functional democracy that until the end of our times even globally will work. Work that is in an optimum way within the span of control of humanity.
As depicted in the Doodle graphic Mother Nature identical to Our Father in Heaven and Spooky Cosmos for the most part in this model infinity don’t care shit on our goal as an individual ego goal or as part of a multi ego social collective goal.
For the latter legal organization of society is my field of long years of study and experience as a lawyer and magistrate.
The proposed test of the R&D Oracle Senate is a bit like a first flight of an aircraft prototype with all parts already having been tested. For me the test is thus not an experiment. But even if it was, what do we or you have to lose?
It’s a bit like the zombie slave Elf Dobby & slaveholder Dracula in a tight spot on a cliff, not wanting to grab a helping hand for the having to let go of the golden ring of desire.
On a claimed criminally insane breach of social contract with humanity any human can in a Just state of affairs demand that any and all scientists give full accountability.
Mind 1: It’s essential to study rambler 23 on being criminally insane on only one neurological track of mind. The given example of the mountaineering teacher who’s afraid of heights, knowingly failing a pupil. The same goes when a scientist poses position on issues where the scientist in question should know what instrument brain DNA talent he or she has conform the 4th Law of Humanity. Stating position now as a true game changer anyone can quickly check what algorithm or skeleton one has. And thus where that opinion is within the bandwidth of DNA talent. For when it is outside that bandwidth that indeed is criminally insane when it hurts others.
Do they for instance plead ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ as charged earlier in the blog? I.e. not having formally checked that every peer reviewed publication explicitly addresses the issue of what instrument brains were used and thus not spotting that psychology was withholding essential evidence via an earning model we all use or have used?
Of course then we can’t have science only be their own judge and jury. That would be tantamount to as we Dutch say have a butcher judge his own meat. The judge needs to be a professional and scientifically unbiased. That he or she has passed earlier judgement in absentia can’t be held against such judge.
In the eight the a judge can be seen as the cox. The paradox of the cox is, that an excellent team doesn’t require a cox to steer, other than in an emergency. The same goes for having trials in courtrooms. These in effect are all air crashes of things that have gone wrong.
When a team is in dire straits akin a Titanic steering towards an iceberg it’s the honorable job of anyone with the knowledge talent and know how to spot that to give due warning. For a team in a winner mindset a coach can chose the friendly drill instructor modes with a loud: “ICEBERG YOU IDIOTS!!!!” In order to avert disaster.
The problem being however the neurologically internalized breathtaking arrogance of current science honestly believing that they know it all. Being in denial and oblivious of the avertable danger they have not only brought themselves yet entire humanity on the brink of going extinct. Having invented nuclear weapons and forgotten to adequately formulate the manual to provide all high school kids with the required bildung. So most scientists see this due warning of their friend as an attack on their reputation and go berserk. This on the mental toddler level of Donald Trump. As my dad told me the greatest mistake you can make is being right. And because it’s a hypnotically internalized DNA survival trait they can pretty well get away with murder. It all hinges on the trust built on reputation being authority.
A required degree of bildung most scientists themselves obviously don’t have.

This is thus a metaphor of the Dutch functional democracy with the R&D Oracle Senate no longer as lawmaker but as investigation advisors to all.
Dracula and the zombies such as Darth Vader won’t want that for gut feelings of guilt and shame and also feelings of loss of control. They feel to be the have’s and don’t want to lose this mental ring of desire.
People often compare rowers with slaves. Indeed, rowing in the eight is completely joining in with the ‘Machine’. Yet for me that is very relaxing forcing my brain to not be creative and only to have my laughably little ability to focus on say the pull thru. It’s to be painstakingly accurate. Only via years long training and having fun at it yet only before and after the killer mentality mindset of either wanting to learn or win that after a lot of imbalance mucking around trying to learn this, that the Zen of rowing comes within reach.
Now a Zen Buddhist or whoever might ask me what I know about Zen? In truth I know that I know very little about anything including my only Wikipedia style bit of knowledge on what I think it means. Probably I guess different things to different Buddhists.
Yet being a Dutch (anti-neo) Decent Chic Liberal Democrat: “i.e. it doesn’t matter if you are rich, as long as that there are no poor.” Yet a liberal in the sense that you let the economy sort itself out in a “Zen” way as long as it stays within certain bounds.
The only way to communicate with the stroke (number eight) is to put on more or less power if I believe to be too tired or still fully in the game. I want to win on my desirable egoistic and social multi egoist wise goal. Fair play competition is healthy.
The trick of rowing is akin the game of life. Accept the inevitable waves that are drag, that can’t be avoided, yet keep the unnecessary waves to a bare minimum.
One way of doing this is in your total working life also whilst doing your job row in the fun wherry for 80% of the time. No one can or should go hard at it in the eight all of the time. Eights make a hell of a lot more waves for one. Of course when you are still young and your hair is on fire rowing hard core is okay. Yet mellowing it down in time is wise. Once you gain experience you can Zen it out in a gentle or gentlemanly way in the “row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream….etc.” with your lunch basket, Chablis wine bottle etc. A healthy marriage boat even as a business marriage BTW.
Now let us take as a thought experiment the idea that the only jobs there are organized in our society is rowing.
The Trireme in case of war, the hard working eight, the leisurely wherry and the coaching skiff.
Any member of the Dutch community has the inalienable right to row, that never can be denied. It’s even assumed that you, of your own free will, want to play along. Yet if you play along you must of course be a good member of the team. Just do your best, that is all. In the eight different mindset and training laws apply than in the small talk wherry. Yet that too when it is done in a profession must be spot on.
Even when you are only standing in reserve do you as the inalienable right to your share of the dividend of the enterprise called “The Netherlands”. A mathematical simple normal distribution cut four way half of the gross national income, payed out in a monthly way as a guaranteed decent income with 20% healthy competition. This is for rowing in the wherry.
You can of course chose to row in the eight acquiring money from the prizes to be had in the other half of the GNI. Although more profit will on average be made in the eight, most will split their work between the eight and the wherry.
I’ll give some idea how the five norms that are to be adhered to in order not to breach the Grand Law of Humanity could work out:
- The Balkenende norm: a maximum income for all. Say in the Netherlands as a rough guess
€ 120,000 so with one marriage partner double that. Half as claw back on bandwidths of individual insurances (healthcare, judicial, pharmacy etc.) and subscriptions (free independent press mind 1st power!) proper housing etc. Mind you are then either a voluntary civil contention servant or a totally free taxpayer. 50% flat tax to a 100% of the norm.
- The Emperor Bokassa norm of a maximum wealth, say never exceed or spend more privately than € 24 million in ten years.
- The Monopoly norm forbidding misuse of power by also having too much power.
- The Lamborghini norm having the singe say as billionaire owner share holder in the business that only is an insurance for private wealth. A taxpayer of 100% tax can opt to have a collection of independent voluntary civil servants that are not at the same time actual civil servants as a professional team with the right to check as a participation company. Not to kill the hen with the golden eggs, as long as sufficient dividend is given as thus tax say 10% per year to the community. Mind the growth of wealth of the company and profits more than norm 1, 2, 3 are to be taxed. Taxing successful profit hurts no one. The large problem for most entrepreneurs of paying salaries has been taken care of. Labor is cheap. Buying in via competition of labor for the eight will be already available contract law. Yet nice work and a nice boss will also be much more part of the game.
- The Pole Saint & Anders Breivic norm: Now let us say for sake of the argument that because pole sainting has precedent someone who doesn’t want to row decides to become a pole saint and sit bare bummed in the lotus position on a pole all day. Well if people take offence or it causes damages to the house prices of neighbors, and things don’t sort themselves out, then a judge might be needed. This is mostly the 6th Law of Humanity Freedom at play. Yet all freedom is limited in so far that you are a danger to yourself and others. This is the Anders Breivic part of the same norm. namely that you don’t clime off your pole and start killing people. Therefor the community has the duty and the right to come skiff to you to have a chat. You don’t have to answer yet must allow individual chatting in order also to prevent situations of sects and lover boy hypnotics. Situations that warrant magistrates to intervene.
Mind the legal system in a quarto politica setting will rapidly become radically different than most you’ve ever experienced in any courts. Only then when the team of judges in the Netherlands was / is in order and the law hasn’t totally gone off the deep end as in child care cases is the Dutch system neigh perfect.
It only needs to be bashed back into order by a coach. Certain things can be done directly yet most only when the new senate test has been decided.
The problem of drawing a blanc brain on this issue must be broken by strong litigation.

Everyone should know their own idiot criminally insane Nazi devil on their shoulder. It’s easy to see and a taboo that needs to be broken or we end up in WW3!
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Thomas Cool (Dutch economist) also wants to add a fourth senate. But one for economics. Already we have a prestigious advisory body the WRR which can both be consulted by government, and give advice to government, of its own accord. We already have KNAW which sees its task as the same, again. You may have idealistic and theoretical reasons for a new senate of a particular type and with a particular kind of membership, but as soon as it exists it will start evolving under political and social pressures to something different from what it was intended to be. We also have an almost superfluous royal family with some constitutional role as well as a symbolic role. As soon as you get some powerful persons interested in your idea it will get hijacked for their own purposes. I think it is also not so smart to couple your proposals for constitutional reform with amateur theories of psychology and of physics. This puts you (in the eyes of those who don’t want to see what you think you see) in the realm of crackpots who may be ignored. I see your quandary but I don’t see a way out for you. I guess you are doing the best you can do, and that has to be good enough. Maybe you convince one person, who is able to take the ideas further.
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Well Richard you indeed make several pertinent points.
The WRR is an advisory board without real power to investigate. So this is not a fourth senate but the only senate.
Furthermore it represents every Dutch citizen and not just a power group within “science”.
A senate can hold – by law – senatorial hearings. The WRR can’t. No scientist can. I.e. it can do something no other advisory board can do, namely force you, or anyone in the Netherlands to testify under pain of being jailed as a legal hostage until you/ they do.
Furthermore it should have the power to investigate if need be in a safe environment i.e. behind closed doors. So that whistleblowers can safely testify knowing that if they lie and that is found out, as it probably will it will have consequences. Not only the pain of possible perjury, yet also loss of prestige and reputation. Lying to the senate and that being known is a very strong deterrence.
KNAW same story as WRR. They can still advice all they like yet the senate will be the real representative of science also via WRR and KNAW.
On the modern monarchy please study my post on that. It’s not surperfluous at all and is in fact the only way to prevent dictators from going to war. That the monarchy fairy tale hypnotics doesn’t work for you is irrelevant, it obviously works for a great majority. For everyone’s DNA or spouses could become Royal and thus represented by a head of state that isn’t guilty in any way and can heal far better than a cauliflower can. The latter indeed can but not as good. Xi should become Emperor of China as a modern monarch and Putin Tsar of Russia.
You state: “…but as soon as it exists it will start evolving under political and social pressures to something different from what it was intended to be.”
Not when you organize it as a truly independent body. Ergo, all senators have the Balkenende norm as maximum pay possible for anyone (that is the advice to the senate of course.) Furthermore it should be a collective wealth of the Senate.
The Senate will of course as any parliament should already have a disciplinary honour code. As long as the majority of parliament is indeed non DDR type democratic it will hold.
Yes the risk of high jacking by “Dracula and the zombies” or “Darth Vader” is a real danger. There only vigilance via bildung can help. It demands a free press and that demands them as everybody to have a guaranteed decent income as I describe it.
“This puts you (in the eyes of those who don’t want to see what you think you see) in the realm of crackpots who may be ignored. I see your quandary but I don’t see a way out for you. I guess you are doing the best you can do, and that has to be good enough. Maybe you convince one person, who is able to take the ideas further.”
Indeed that’s why I’m already working on that.
All it needs is that the taboo on talking about senators for life is lifted for Dutch politicians. Mind I nearly bagged our PM Rutte in this.
All disenfranchised and disadvantaged have the power to do so. More effective than throwing stones I’d say.
“I think it is also not so smart to couple your proposals for constitutional reform with amateur theories of psychology and of physics.”
I see that problem, and agree yet it’s essential to stem the danger of the other problem you justifiably point out namely a takeover for their own purposes.
The easy to spot four speeds of brain is essential as the second strike to just prevent that.
As we Dutch say governing is looking ahead.
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