The Psychology proper or psychology physics of “Er Ist Wieder Da” Adolf Hitler’s History

The Wikipedia style history proper of Hitler taking the Block model and Wikipedia & “Der Untergang” as a fact.
The Wikipedia page is to be taken as all Wikipedia and films with a pinch of salt. It for instance states that Porsche was heavily involved in the Tiger I tank. Ah, yes and no: Ultimately you even via Wikipedia get closer and closer to the truth. All Porsche’s Super tanks were in balance colossal failures. So much so, that a hypothesis of brilliant sabotage is where the 4th LOE points to.
Born fifteen years after the war ever since I was a kid I’ve been hugely interested in the Dutch political & military history in the Interbellum up until May 1940. With hindsight it was my intuitive feeling that after WW I had we Dutch done it differently, that war could have been avoided. My parents had given me the kit of the French résistance fighter for my Action Man and at the same time telling me that my granddad had been in the armed resistance. I hardly ever played with it for I wasn’t interested in the Dutch resistance. Seen from the Block model and my upbringing this is logical.
My granddad Gerhard Iest had been a farmer’s son tee totaling Troelstra communistic pacifist before the war. Overnight, after he became a garage owner, his political views changed like magic to that of a social democrat. The same happened I guess even before his Jewish neighbor dentist family were deported. Refusing to be put in hiding after having been offered to be brought from Stadskanaal two hundred kilometers away to granddad’s dealer in Amsterdam. His friend my other granddad pensioned medical naval officer also in vein pleaded them to go into hiding. Needless to say this has been traumatic for my family.
My mom could still hear the Jews shuffle towards the station, not daring to look. Never to return.

These personal stories are important in order to know who a person is. Hence the concept strip with me as then Batman in Lederhosen as part of the Ziel book. My families DNA team is in an earlier post.
Having to suddenly pray in school when I was six, I asked my dad if he believed in God? “No, but you may sort it out for yourself.” My dear mom was in doubt. I tested it for a week and deemed the Holy Trinity and one God an inconsistency. Told my dad who stated that he thought of it in the same way. My belief in that sense hasn’t changed to this day. Yet my view on the proper science of religion has. This thanks to Dutch politician Geert Wilders attacks on the Koran. Him saying things I agree on, made me see that I must of been seriously mistaken. And indeed, Ziel is consistent with all world religions provided they all are interpreted in a consistent way. I.e. consistent = no conflict = no war!
Playing the game of The White and Black magic. Defined here as illusions. How does that work? In Bottisham England 1963: The bag of Sinterklaas fell out of the chimney before my very eye’s. With some doubts I kept my religious belief in Sinterklaas until as an eight year old was filled in on the secrets back in the Netherlands. For the bag was every year filled with more presents than could possibly fit. Akin Mary Poppins’ bag in my first ever film………Focus, profit and mindset!
Only easy after you spot it, how my dad played seemingly pure magic.
The aim of this Doodle graphic on Hitler is to show how the Third and Fourth Laws of Everything play out in this “Air Crash Investigation” method. See it as a quick and dirty prior odds or prior notion of what I think I remember about that history, without much further research into the matter. A sort of shooting from the hip. We are trying to avoid crashing into WW3 in 2022 remember? Taking this prior odds as a fact is a to be tested hypothesis. This provides healthy manic oversight and I force my brain to draw that dynamic picture on one A4. The Lex Parsimony: Yin as complex as needed & Yang as simple as possible. Don’t worry, in your larger DNA family is always a clear resounding voice that can also learn to do this artistic talented trick. So the jest of it is to get and keep your bloody team in order on important issues.
That Hitler Porsche History game play doodle story starts at the left hand bottom and you work up and around towards the center. The psychological physics of it is that mountain goats and more so the ones like Adolf that are transformed into rattle snakes only see the Alpha quarter of the chess game of life. Mind no-one sees more than a quarter. Actually even less, but let’s keep it simple for now.
In the left top corner you see this:

The proven Fourth Law of Everything.
One word of caution though!
Don’t study this 4th LOE Block model Doodle graphic alone, yet at least with your talented opposite partner! As long as you of your own accord, every day can keep doing small talk you’re okay. This trick was told to me by my father via his brother chief psychiatrist of the mental hospital Wolfheze. Important for any high school kid to know, in order to help staying sane.
Yet, still a difficult proposition in a crazy world getting crazier by the day.
As you see here there’s a bit more to it. Yet even this is easy to explain to any high school kid. You don’t do that by boring them to death, but by just playing the bloody game. It seems that the teacher is doing nothing, yet done correctly teaching requires maximum mental effort! And, like I do now, provide per age group all the correct data from the start. In my school of thought we don’t first do it wrong and try to correct that later. We plunge you into the (secretly “White lie” safe as possible!) deep end from the get go. In so doing pulling the little buggers into focus! More on that later.
So, welcome in the scary infinitely Deep Pool, and now just hop out and go to the next fun Doodle graphic.

The greatest problem for acceptance of the Fourth Law of Everything is indeed the robotic DNA survival trait of religion. In this model every human is inherently religious. For religion, as is depicted in the earlier post with the doodle graphic on the five Laws of Everything, is defined in science proper as neurologically internalized hypnotics.
Top left hand corner the formation of the Four Healthy Humans representing the four mentioned corners of the chessboard of life. This is as long as their brains are not put on a religious track of mind. Then the next drawing depicts the Baboon manager – of your own life (!) – with a necktie.
In effect this is the Schiedammer Park murder case scenario mentioned earlier. A standard human error focusing on the ever more improbable – yet absolutely true due to incomplete evidence – chance of still getting away with it. Give the little Baboon a nice Hitler mustache and indeed…….yet alas that little mustache more or less fits us all. Some more than others though.
The right hand bottom is that an “I can’t get away” so let go duck? Or a “No problem, for I’m the super speedy get away with it” don’t let go rabbit? The trick is to be wary of tunnel vision / target fixation on the latter. Train your brain to always keep 20% focus on the problem, i.e. The Red Barron Triplane on your six, and 80% focus on a way out. On serious issues always when stressed the brain goes into survival mode. Letting go of precious stuff on survival versus getting caught. Always closing the gate after the horse has bolted. Much more on this in later posts.
Psychologists try to rationalize the simple robotics away and are also like Hitler in denial. The religious belief in Nurture yet on already overwhelming evidence that personality traits and intelligence are DNA and thus all Nature is the same error. What psychologists don’t want to hear is that the most prominent amongst them have the same personality type and intelligence as good old Adolf Hitler. Of course their gut feeling vehemently opposes even the suggestion of making such a comparison. It poses a intuitively understood threat to their earning models. Literally in a suicidal way.
But how then see the psychologists that don’t have the same HRM talented trait as Hitler? Well anyone can become religious. Some more than others. The least talented in becoming hypnotized is a Snoopy Loony Toon Lone Wolf ADHD-i4 such as Manfred von Richthofen, Admiral Canaris, Einstein, Granddad Ris and no doubt Prof. Ferdinand Porsche. As soon as that does happen all of us become part of that Flat Earth Society with on that certain “psychology science” Pope style peer group track of mind.
Obviously Porsche was good at mathematics thus not good at HRM. Further investigation should teach if he ever used a clear resounding voice. If so proof that he was an ADHD type. Well a lot of technical and social competent highly intelligent out of the box mucking around by Ferdinand. Was he an always introvert friendly character? Akin a medical diagnoses the more you know the more certainty you acquire. Slowly zoom in, in super focus for the quick kill, catching the truth.
Well, need I prove that Adolf Hitler was the proven Grand Master of mass and individual hypnotics?
Hitler’s’ problem was he literally had like all other TGV snakes and mountain goats the ability of abstract reasoning on a level of what I already had as a one year old. HRM talented can intuitively “diagnose” whether a product or idea can be sold. There was a ready market for scapegoating the Jews. Yet any diagnoses on R&D or production department issues requires talent for abstract logic and thus not gender neutral female logic being in effect HRM sales logic.
Porsche focusing on how to literally build folk cars probably thought the Jew thing would blow over. Like it had done so often in the past. Also tunnel vison on his part. Yet, he snapped out of it no doubt after the murder of Hitler’s best palls.
Loony Toon Dracula due to his gender neutral idiocy doesn’t recognize himself in the mirror. After he has become aware of his mental illness he – per logical definition – transforms into Darth Vader still addicted to the Black Magic. To cure that is as simple to do akin turning my communist granddad into a social democrat. A magical snap of the finger of the illusionist. His new peer group was that of the garage holders. His communist “no private ownership” track of mind went into the train terminal of the Harry Potter station so to speak.
There was simply no way that Hitler could snap out of it, after war was declared since Poland. Traumatic feelings of guilt and shame block that out. Denial. The trauma gets ever larger and so do the completely horrifying acts subsequently committed. The same shame and guilt goes for al Germans. And, it goes from bad to worse. Also when wanting to make a carrier as a Nazi.
See what Hanna Arendt stated on Eichmann most probably a guy like my granddad Iest. No sense for inherently out of the box, until sorted out paradoxes, like jazzy irony the paradoxical use of language.
Mind all that is needed for a correct diagnoses / assessment can be registered on video.
A HRM talented person can best be tested on set theory problems outside the religious comfort zone. Hilariously easy. They unwittingly can be made to crash every time. No learning curve will be registered what so ever. Only after some authority they accept and trust, tells them what to think do they seem to understand. Mind, in this all-inclusive model we are all idiots as per video camera proof can be seen by all.
YOU have the power to force the test of the Dutch Senate as the hypnotically required snap of the finger to get psychologists to pose valid falsification of the Block Model as the claimed proven Fourth Law of Everything. See my first Blog on More Millionaires, No Poor, No War.
As Richard already knows that an experienced mental health nurse with a bachelor degree in mental health nursing has already stated on the record, of seeing no inconsistencies in all he knows on neurology, psychiatry and psychology after having studied it. That didn’t take him long of course for it’s only one A4.
In effect that is all I need to prove to warrant a valid falsification from science. Yet it still is taboo in science. Funny concept that: Taboo’s in science. ( = irony of course. Not something my highly intelligent granddad Iest would of spotted had my grandma not told him so.)
Oh, and by the way the fact that I found the rules i.e. algorithms of the game doesn’t mean that I’m the expert on the game. I’m only an expert on a hilariously small fraction of one of the 64 fields. And I’m an absolute, indeed one to two year old idiot on half of the board. The point is that I’m aware of that and which part that applies is as well. Knowing to be the idiot I can deal with that problem, individually by working very hard at just going by the book getting my heels over the ditch.
Best is however and of course to get my team in order.

The deformation only coping or even transformation of an authoritarian hysteric. Into a hypnotic rattling word snake speaking with a double tong. Putting pore old Dobby in a mindset that he believes by suggestion that he is trapped. Which he isn’t.
Not listening to advice from the real good pilot Snoopy all the time and every time crashing the bloody plane. And, not only getting away with murder, even making a good carrier out of it. Successfully selling themselves to the inherently uninformed and uninterested herd to which we all belong! The herd is always in the dark.

The transformation of Joe the Plumber and his wife into the 60% prevalent humble talented Dobby and Debby. A monthly injection of a decent income will cure that in an instant. The role models they aspire to are depicted in the lower righthand corner.
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Lets see if this post helps me follow this on my phone?
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Grammar and spelling: “All Porsches Super tanks where in balance colossal failures.” Porsches -> Porsche’s; where -> were.
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oops! Editing ones own texts remains a blind spot. Thanks, I’ll correct the mistake.
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Nowadays smart people use spelling and grammar checkers. I recommend “Grammarly”. But they are built in free in word processors like … Word.
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“Further investigation should learn”. Learn -> Teach!
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Found it. Thanks!
Yet I haven’t found the search knob in WordPress to quickly find errors.
Now this error was a typical Double Dutch error on my part. Indeed, and of course you are correct. I always have done this wrong. Actually my English, German and even Dutch, I either do it intuitively correctly or wrong. Especially when I don’t print everything and read closely for type-errors Yet that is where I draw the line. It’s simply bad form to print everything. I error even more so when as with the “Porsches where”, that I would of spotted yet whilst adding the finishing touches of putting links to Wikipedia in I stumble on errors in Wikipedia. Forgetting to recheck the extra text.
I have a grammar check in Word yet I seems to have been switched off. Also I should first use that even when editing WordPress for they don’t have a grammar check that I’m aware of.
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