1. Gerhard

    Lets see if this post helps me follow this on my phone?


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    Grammar and spelling: “All Porsches Super tanks where in balance colossal failures.” Porsches -> Porsche’s; where -> were.


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      oops! Editing ones own texts remains a blind spot. Thanks, I’ll correct the mistake.


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        Nowadays smart people use spelling and grammar checkers. I recommend “Grammarly”. But they are built in free in word processors like … Word.


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      Found it. Thanks!

      Yet I haven’t found the search knob in WordPress to quickly find errors.

      Now this error was a typical Double Dutch error on my part. Indeed, and of course you are correct. I always have done this wrong. Actually my English, German and even Dutch, I either do it intuitively correctly or wrong. Especially when I don’t print everything and read closely for type-errors Yet that is where I draw the line. It’s simply bad form to print everything. I error even more so when as with the “Porsches where”, that I would of spotted yet whilst adding the finishing touches of putting links to Wikipedia in I stumble on errors in Wikipedia. Forgetting to recheck the extra text.

      I have a grammar check in Word yet I seems to have been switched off. Also I should first use that even when editing WordPress for they don’t have a grammar check that I’m aware of.


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