Balancing All the Bandwidth Intuitive Focus Boxes via Bildung:
JUST PROOF directly consistent derivatives as Local Laws of the Ten Laws of Everything (LOE)
1. Completeness <=> 1st LOE Atomos mass Panta Rhei interacting
2. Normality <=> 2nd LOE Normal Distribution
3. Proof <=> 3rd LOE Bayes Humane Intuitive Statistics
4. Order <=> 4th LOE Block Model Humane Order
5. Fact <=> 5th LOE absolute extremely small hard truth
6. Freedom <=> 6th LOE very large limited space for maneuver
7. Timing <=> 7th LOE Relativity of absolute fatal time pointing to the future
8. Course <=> 8th LOE Strong Interactive Force
9. Flow <=> 9th LOE Weak Interactive Force
10. Equality <=> 10th LOE Equality
• 1st LOH Completeness ……<->……… Incompleteness (set theory boxing)
• 2nd LOH Normality……………<->……….Abnormality (normality not per se desirability!)
• 3rd LOH Proof………………….<->……….. Disproof (Ego combinational function)
• 4th LOH Order………………….<->……….. Disorder (Multi Ego combinational function)
• 5th LOH n = high……………….<->…………. n = 0 (Statistical Data taken as facts)
• 6th LOH Freedom………………<->………….. Unfree (Ego-Multi Ego discipline vs slavery)
• 7th LOH Much Fatal Time….<->…………. Much Too Late (Deadlines)
• 8th LOH Strong Ego Pro…….<->…………… Strong Ego Con (Hard smallest core/ goal)
• 9th LOH Strong Multi Ego Pro..<->..Strong Multi Ego Con (Soft Ego: go with the flow)
• 10th LOH Equality……………….<->…….. Inequality (Jargon! Justly different?)
So science show any inconsistency with any observed data or any illogical inference as a valid falsification!
This proof has worked like an inverse Schiedammer parkmurder case. Without any need to commit a Diederik Stapel type Pinocchio presenting unobserved data as observed data, or secretly deleting data with niche set theory box trickery. All the pieces of the puzzle fall into place and also come to Dada Easter-bunny in a ‘Zen’ type way. As has been the case in my latest murder case the Meinesz-murder court case.
Like the Borg of Sci-Fi Star Track all attacks that my model has endured by physicists has every time made the model stronger after Wikipedia style remodeling.
When making democratic laws in Parliament or interpreting those laws as magistrates / jurors the Ten Laws of Humanity must all be intuitively dealt with at the same time in a consistent way, or the democratic or any human law must be deemed illegal for inhumane and thus unjust and pseudo- even antiscientific. In the long run or during a crises that law will thus fail on any stated goal!
By adding to your religious book the way how to use your instrument between the ears properly together with the other easily distinguishable different sorts of required instruments between the ears, it will work in a seemingly White Magic / Zen effortless way.
Getting and keeping the required Bildung requires much and constant trained fun effort.
Again this whole model is more than 99% Old School with a slight twist.

This is literally an all-inclusive model on a metaphor chess board!
The 2nd LOE of the Normal Distribution dictates that no-one, including myself, can see more than at best a quarter of the gameplay board. In effect there are four software packages that correspond with the four problem areas in a specialist and generalist form.
1 R&D;
2 M&A (Marketing and advertisement);
3. MT/Production;
4. HRM/Sales;
All modelled first narrow specialist and then broad talented generalist being a specialist at that.
In four speeds consistent with the four complexity levels of critical problems needing a timely solution. This of the synapse (of which we have roughly a trillion => it’s all a tat more complicated.) as our Bayesian computer chip: TGV; IC; Commuter train; Metro.
So we get 64 specialist fields on the gameplay board. (2 x 4 = 8 problem departments of the factory of Mother Nature / God / Cosmos => 8 x 4 speeds = 32 x 2 male & female = 64.)
The model of the factory of God/ Mother Nature/ the Cosmos is a n = extremely high very validated best practice model that applies for bacteria, Ice bears, you, your family, your firm / organization, country and even the world including extraterrestrial life.
These LOH’s are consistently derived from the LOE’s that proven best practice apply everywhere in the infinite cosmos. Also in black holes. You test all the picture-salad, word-salad and number-salad in a consistent way. If you are an intellectual toddler that only wants to eat perfect number-salad you will be verbally decapitated by Lady Justice for the deadly sin via an error in reasoning of the highest order. For heightening the risk of a nuclear winter. I’ll come back on that in a later post, that is nearly finished.
To understand this akin taking flight in an aircraft, the Mindset configuration of your instrument between the ears needs proper setting via years long Bildung in order to get your pilots license. After that a proper preflight check in a safe sterile cockpit with excellent disciplined cockpit management in important cases should always be performed and shown on the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder. I.e. black boxes that are usually red. In any and all court cases thus.
And then conforming to the again the paradox of dynamic normal deformity seeming error – for being DSM 0 deterministic – we are all under the illusion of having healthy manic oversight. Especially when we are not under mental pressure does it seem that we nearly indeed can understand each other. Yet under pressure we see things completely different from one and other, unless having the same DNA and nurtured religion.
In truth thus we all are literally idiots. Only by knowing that can you prevent from indeed acting like one.
Study the Galton board being high school stuff in order to understand this. Many seeming mistakes on average in a n = high situation make – on average – one neigh perfect yet discrete normal distribution. In this proven best practice model the Higgs-Graviton fields work in space like a dynamic Galton board. And mind that the 5th LOE provides an analog version of a perfect normal distribution whereas the Galton board provides a quantum (discrete blocked steps) version that gets close to perfect.
In effect modelled correctly literally everyone is potentially highly gifted at DNA conception. That is difficult / impossible to see if your DNA talent puts you on the edge of the board, whereas your Egghead observation point is always in the center of the board. We all are inherently religiously even full of our own egocentrically positioned viewpoint.
In effect everyone is potentially extreme highly gifted at best – as I see it at the moment – at 1/100th (deeper level modelled on the game of draughts) – of the chessboard of eight factory of God problem departments in four complexity levels as stated = 32 times female/ male two is 64.
Why at a deeper level of draughts? Well, for starters the current (pseudoscience of assessment psychology) Big Five correctly / practically only takes in the two largest “software” packages requiring the most of the limited memory space. To get the required refinement you need all four algorithms.
And secondly there are eight flavours in this model quanta step sizes of Gluons and one Higgs and one Graviton that makes ten in five speeds of which four on the board and one in speed game clock time or not. All requiring space in the matrix of the checkers board.
This shows how to model humanity being every human unique in the infinite cosmos yet the same seen at a different focus level. Producing a unique history that is infinitely repeating itself.
As a legal requisite it is first required to pose a valid even over kill falsification of the current scientific paradigm on what proper science should be as a legal question following the social contract of scientists with humanity.
After that we can delve deeper into the human physics on all fundamental legal laws.
As said that falsification of science is next.
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Why do you think “normality” (as in normal vs. abnormal) has anything whatsoever to do with “the normal distribution” (as in normal vs. Cauchy vs. double exponential vs. Poisson vs. negative binomial vs. hypergeometric …)?
Sent from my iPad
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Normality of the normal distribution is the n = very high average discrete i.e. quanta working of all particles interacting with the Galton board working of the dynamic Higgs & graviton fields.
In this model those fields are a minute part of the required cosmos, namely akin the crust of the earth and atmosphere. As thin as the peel of an apple. Only there is the dynamic moving mass construct of space where that Galton board effect happens. Yet that is all we can observe in our little observational bubble of observable universe.
So for our perceived reality in our timeframe abnormality is norm. Akin any individual Galton board reading. Yet in a time frame ceteris paribus algorithms can appear in a host of seeming chaotic data such as the amok algorithm of Ingo Piepers. Change the attitude of the Galton board in the Higgs field and you change that outcome.
This is physics Richard and not mathematics other than mathematics required to describe the physical deepest reality. BTW that deeper reality of the normal distributed easy to difficult thus less probable deformation of the Velcro Lego Gods particle is analog, and thus not discrete. As depicted in the picture of that best practice proven prime suspect particle. It depends thus at what level of focus / wave length we are “looking” using logical fantasy at the particles, what sort of mathematics you’d best use.
Any interaction of any particle – like the smallest of them all the photon – with the Higgs field or any other field for that matter will cause a standard deviation that is “illegal” from the position of any of the Theories of Einstein. The mathematics that he used to stunning success demands that there is absolutely no interaction other than with some sporadic matter and apart from that always curved space time as curved nothing. The latter is illegal per my Grand Postulate. As Einstein in effect agreed knowing that he hadn’t yet solved gravity. All his mathematics collapse when any interaction at all is even assumed. Its taboo. That is hypnotics at play.
Einstein also hated the constants such as c. Well indeed it’s an average. The maximum speed in any given time frame of the string can vary. Yet in a Nirvana of one gods particle it touches that v max only once every extremely long time on a cosmological timescale. The latter far slower even than the astronomical timescale that also eludes science. Namely that maximum pressure is in this model when the required pressure vessel is at first under construction.
I have cracked it in the sense that I can provide via painting a classical mechanical logical explanation picture of the paradoxes involved. It’s all logical and has predictable and further testable implications.
And, it can prevent WW3 according to Ingo next year already. For its robotics.
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One very important add Richard. The paradox also stems from the fact that the curved space dynamic Galton board we are in is so bloody small namely the eight sizes of Gluons that it presents itself mostly as non discrete. Yet is is. Only when going so small that we can’t observe it anymore does it indeed become a analog distribution.
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