Any judge or juror must always take in all Ten of the following Laws of Humanity (LOH’s) at the same time intuitively. I.e. thus follow the Grand Law of Everything (GLOE). The latter only stating that it must be all inclusive and consistent. Let’s call that the Big Ten assessment of talents of judge and jurors as opposed to the Big Five in psychology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_personality_traits

In order to be able to comply to these laws the judge & juries need a.s.a.p. sufficient and in the long run excellent democratic laws, ditto education for all, ditto scientific advice, economic prosperity and political stability etc. in all systems for else no legal system can function properly according to these laws.
As seen from this model any legal system is a very limited emergency system, like an emergency break in order to prevent worse and try to start a mediation process.
Since probably even before homo sapiens, say for sake of the argument homo erectus, division of labour has created, a now still prevailing problem of winners and losers. All since our knowledge that has just started has been in breach of these ten laws exists.
The historical figure of Jesus saw the problem yet because the answer lies in Bildung via computer, DNA, classical and quantum physics etc. he could only see that it was neigh impossible for the rich to reach a heaven on earth status. The camel and the eye of the needle bible story. (q.v.)
Following the 10 LOH’s poverty is slavery and forbidden. We can also take as fact that none of all the world religions has been able to prevent world wars up till now. Neither has the religion of science. Actually quite the opposite having invented the possibility of having brought the ability to achieve a nuclear winter. A real possibility that can be reached via a climate change of a nuclear winter.
This model also shows why all world religions work as long as sufficient all peer groups performing proper group thinking has been done. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wisdom_of_Crowds#Criticism
In this model it works Yin but not Yang. The truth lies in the combination. Kasparov learnt via playing for many years with the crowd and vice versa on the limited in the box topic of chess. Over the years more and more scenario’s / openings and variations have become known and thus the level of game play has risen. Ergo it’s become lesser and lesser a R&D problem and more and more a production department problem. (please study my previous posts) The latter requires to follow a different algorithm as this model shows. So a smaller group of (like Kasparov expert) farmers would reach the correct answer sooner, and all will be more and more in error when successfully Trump Tweeting lies. Directly proving in this model the tyrannical dictate of requiring a free truly independent press paradox. It’s also a function of the complexity of the problem versus the size and composition of the group. As stated in situations of too much and too little evidence is out of the box and a consistency best practice argument is always circular. By tyrannical dictate one must then check which circle is larger as the proven best practice. That larger circle covers more data ground.
A central problem with hypnotics is people stating to understand things they could, when putting in the effort, or can’t for not having the correct software or chip in the brain even when very mentally healthy.
If you for whatever reason don’t understand the game of chess, then you simply won’t understand this blog other than via blind valid trust in others seen by you as having authority indirectly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_of_chess
BTW in my school of thought you don’t learn to play chess by studying these rules. You do so by playing the game. As a three year old I learned to play the game against my dad. I was allowed to turn the board, when I thought to be in a lost position. I never won from my dad. As my dad had never won from his dad having been taught the same way. Ergo also a method to teach big Ego types as myself humility even when not being a humble type. For religiously ingraining on my hard disc that there are many, many others far and far better at almost (!) everything than I can even come to comprehend.
Almost in the sense that even more in my case in this model 1/125 of humanity and my age are in potential just as good. Nurture then becoming the differentiating factor. Yet that DNA skeleton whatever the nurture or circumstances always clearly shines thru to those that know what to look for. And what not to look at in drawing too quick conclusions. The paradox that the first thought is usually correct. The trick to be learned is to distinguish when to play speed chess and when to take more time before always moving. Panta rhei!
Although we think digitally ergo in quanta or numbered steps in this model the deepest reality is analog. Numbers then are an approximation! One that counts! A paradox or seeming contradiction.
Via the 4th LOE / LOH of maintaining a Just Order the Block Model this justice is only achievable and injustice preventable when the team is correctly formed and trained. It is important to note that the Dutch magistrates being both judges and prosecutors are already teamed up properly to conform to this law. Yet that was done via the current Big Five assessment psychology. The psychological tests thereof are however anti-scientific pseudo-science. Only having a claimed probative value of not even 51% on a very narrow claimed significance yet subsequently used as a marketing and sales tool to exclude others as non-experts. An earning model thus. On the other hand however the interactive game play with the psychologists that was part of the assessment is indeed a good way to see and check how someone reacts and is indeed consistent with the Big Ten. Furthermore the candidate magistrate must come before the 3 x 3 (can’t remember might have been 3 x 4 even) “job interviews” of the Grand Commission, many if not all experienced magistrates lasting all afternoon or all morning. Apart from all the other checks and an okay by parliament. This before becoming an independent magistrate for “life” (70).
This will also work in a jury system on which later.
The conclusion is then that you don’t first have to agree that the block model is correct or even a proven 4th LOE/ LOH.
The LOH’s show how all of that is to be interpreted. Only with hindsight can any Dada Easter Bunny presiding, judge whether the correct proceeding has been followed. For the 5th LOH demands that all the relevant facts are presented in any verdict. Always easy to do. All the stated facts by all parties involved including the judge must be put on one A4 piece of paper per probandum. (A probandum is that what is to be proven. The GLOE demands maximum simplicity thus only one defining word. And a word that is understood in most western languages in a scientific context.) Simply ask the parties to provide that paper and staple it to the verdict. That doesn’t prove that the judge or jury took any stated fact as a fact. In short judges and juries should always prove not to have committed a Diederik Stapel Pinocchio offence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diederik_Stapel (BTW in this model Diederik can again become a professor. Yet then he must first d a better job at showing what went wrong than up till now. Se the rest to see why that is fair and Just.)
All healthy hysterics and legal experts will in the current paradigm vehemently oppose this notion. For forcing to provide all the stated facts by all parties, is intuitively immediately noticed by strong gut feelings to be inconsistent with the current hypnotic religious paradigm. HRM / sales is a continuous hypnotics via Diederik Stapel Pinocchio methods in skillfully incompetent on the stated goal manipulating evidence and thus producing the desired hypnotic sales effect. Even unwittingly by hysterics that are truthfully convinced that they are acting as Jesus would advise them to do. And on which Jesus actually would state: “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Successfully selling stuff that doesn’t work and taking it into production will even work in the short and even midterm affairs but will always fail in the long run and during a crises.
The instrument between the ears of your gender neutral Dada Easter Bunny Pro Deo Judge presiding Gerhard Ris is conform requirement of the 4th LOE / LOH Block Model ex Mindset DSM 6 (mostly mad world) = ADHD-c4m and ex Mindset DSM 7 (mostly desirable world) = DG4m (Delta personality type specialized in being a generalist belonging to the ex-2nd LOE / LOH belonging to the 10% fastest thinking ‘4th gear’ or ‘TGV train’ thinkers.
To understand all this it’s ex the GLOE imperative to study the previous posts of this blog in order to attempt to pose valid falsification, via rigorous scrutiny and/ or further interactive testing of my claim. In correct contemporary lingo: check it out! Yet as stated you can do that via a test using current psychology and proven Dutch method on selecting magistrates.
The religiously neurologically internalized hypnotics of Gerhard Ris make him (me in function observing myself) an anarchistic-regent. Or group think versus the Kasparov type expert on as yet unknown problems.
Or in other words a liberal democrat: it’s okay to be rich as long as no one is poor and all pestering is prohibited. All this must be effectively enforced. All-inclusive primarily a world citizen, then a European, then Dutch family-man and lastly an egoistic self. Of the western culture religion feelings of egoistic guilt weigh as will on that goal heavier than multi ego feelings i.e. social feelings of shame.
Part of the relevant forming of robot Ris is published on internet in strip form. Anyway a very experienced professional barrister, D.A. and judge magistrate now doodle-philosopher. A trained experienced brain that primarily resides in the Development and also research department, somewhat in the marketing, hardly in advertisement and at best a mental two year old (TGV!) in MT/production and a mental one year old (TGV!) in the HRM/Sales departments.
Being wise to this effect, makes that I can deal with those shortfalls in intelligence. Mind that I’ve put exclamation marks behind “TGV” is due to the standard serious error of psychologists to believe in the existence of “Johnny Average” as an individual. As yet in this model one can only compare in the same speed of brain group. Which you can only find via the double helix method of also checking consistency with the personality. More on that later.
The goal Yin what Ris’s brain wants is a long and durable content life with as little risk as possible on getting feelings of guilt, shame or trauma’s. Take it or leave it, so: don’t judge!
The goal Yang what Ris’s robot brain doesn’t want is to be summand by Dada Easter Bunny (then I can indeed preside over myself, yet not when summand in public by any other DDEB presiding.) before the Air Crash Investigation Court on a charge of having failed my social contract with humanity. (Everyone’s goal in life whether you agree, disagree & know this or not.) Lady Justice is blindfolded with a reason. Everyone will always appear when summand. Like White Magic. For a truly fair trial in absentia and verbal execution is a simple legally & Just trick.
Nulla Poena Sine Preve Lege (*JFGI) the Ten Laws of Humanity consistent with the GLOE following the Grand Postulate as the Grand Law of Everything (GLOE).
1st LOH Completeness <=> 1st LOE Atomos mass all dynamic n = infinite Panta Rhei interacting
The goal must be all inclusive laws for being Just for all humanity. A via the Ten LOE’s proven best practice postulate => proven as a LOE. All swans are white reductio ad absurdum proof.
This 1st LOH prohibits the legal normality of splitting the legal chessboard. A form of reasoning stating that “I Super Judge aren’t in check on this quarter of the board. Say no proof in civil law. Then repeat that process and concluding that the case at hand shows no checkmate problem in any of the set theory boxes such as administrative and penal law either. Yet when having healthy manic oversight on the entire board a check mate infringement is obvious. Yet indeed ex the 4th LOH only obvious when the team is teamed up and trained properly. Yet then it works unnoticeably correct like White Magic. In effect this is the most ‘difficult’ law for most of humanity. For most even > 99% it simply doesn’t compute. You can however check it yourself yet only indirectly.
It was via indirect testing that I didn’t contest after having passed my training as a penal judge, yet having flunked my training in administrative law. (The opening scene of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hitchhiker%27s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy is administrative Vogon law.) Why my concept verdicts were wrong just didn’t compute. I checked this via presenting my concepts to other judges independently. They all immediately put the finger on the incorrectly worded parts. As I now know I used incorrect hypnotic wordings. I unwittingly just barely have sufficient knowledge which hypnotic wordings to use in penal law and asylum law cases. The talent for hypnotics requires one not to have a core talent for abstract logic, but a neigh photographic memory for seemingly nonsystematic facts. Intuitively feel what facts are important on the different neurological “railway” tracks of mind of the different peer groups involved.
Administrative law is a Diederik Stapel Pinocchio law in which the independent judge doesn’t establish the independent facts. The administration does that. They honestly see this as a white lie. Yet it invariably leads to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_childcare_benefits_scandal . And much worse even.
2nd LOH Normality <=> 2nd LOE Normal Distribution Both analog and discrete / quanta
An aspect always to be weighed on the balance of Lady Justice is the around 1% strong and 9% slight deviation in all aspects as a desirable goal and as a norm of probative value of evidence. The Normal Distribution is the bridge between Nature & Pure Mathematics / logic (Seen as something outside of Nature from which it stems.) All basic science is in many LOL’s on normal deviations still to be found. Akin chess the basic rules are in, as are many LOL’s such as Gambit or Sicilian “musical dance” openings. Yet many more to be found such as the LOL of the Ingo Piepers Amok Algorithm. In effect a strange standard deviation being normal. Spotting the thin red algorithm line in at the same time much too much and far too little evidence. That is also something all can perform yet on different parts of the game board. “50%” Or better half the game play board for every in the box issue always has an out of the box component. If you discard this then you make a Lucia de B type error in reasoning. Since the evidence based medicine has deteriorated away from using intuition, it’s gone from bad to worse. Out of the box issues requiring only 20% of humanity i.e. ADHD types versus 50% In the box issues that in a desirable normality is reached will on average apply in 80% of cases and thus “luck” has it that 80% of humanity has the “in the box” intuitive talent to spot red lines immediately only to be able to put a correctly reasoned figure on that in usually fourteen days, or at least a night’s sleep.
3rd LOH (Just) Proof <=> 3rd LOE Bayes Humane Intuitive Statistics
Quick and dirty: Bayesian intuitive “n = 1” “statistics” (actually probabilistic reasoning) the final intuitive jump taking any definitive decision for baring absolute proof per postulate. Take it to be ex 2nd LOE to be distributed as a n = 100 on the inherent incomplete evidence. Prior odds (odds = chance pro / chance con) : What world do you take as fact that you live in? x Likely Hood Ratio (ditto odds) added independent new evidence x further LHR’s (=> independent judges / jurors that establish the independent facts in a safe environment is a minimum requirement for any functional democracy and Just State legal system.) Norm on decent goal (Risk = Chance x Consequence) = Posterior Odds = New Prior Odds cyclic Yin & Yang learning curve (= normal distribution!) & akin double (yin & yang) helix of DNA. DNA is a self-learning copying machine, that needs sufficient other DNA to remain self-healing. Prevent inbred problems. Whether or not something is negligible even in an exact science is always a Bayesian out of the box incomplete evidence question. To compute Bayes properly requires a human. It’s something no robot can comply with (yet). Yet we don’t want a Dr Frankenstein scenario: so let humans remain the best robot on earth. Push the inevitable Murphy’s Law of that going wrong past the inevitable end of our times towards we are (bad news) under mounting entropy i.e. chaos are slowly accelerating. Do or die.
4th LOH Order <=> 4th LOE Block Model Humane Order
As repeated history shows in disorder the truth and thus Justice is the first victim. For Justice one must always keep a Just order. To do this requires a correctly ordered and trained team of all personality types to be heard in a correct Bayesian way. A safe environment is one in which no undue mental pressure on the five fears or five instincts are permitted. Only incompetent idiots require brutal methods to find the truth or to keep a un-Just tyrannical narcissistic authoritarian order.
Just taxing success hurts no one and makes it possible to enjoy being richer and wealthier than others without fear of jealousy, crime and robbery when it is seen to be just and fair. Accumulation of too much wealth invariably leads to madness, and conflict.
5th LOH Fact <=> 5th LOE per proven postulate absolute extremely small hard truth. The non-neo decent liberalism as few legal laws as possible as much as needed. Some personality types need more laws than others. In effect I’m already repeating myself for each stated law is formed by all ten Laws of Everything.
6th LOH Freedom <=> 6th LOE per proven postulate very large limited space for maneuver. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of organization. See the model of the atom of Niels Bohr as the cowboy with the white hat and the little black dot. Take the largest possible atom and all the “snowball” sizes of current science of the nucleus and all the electrons. Then lump all the pseudo atomos snowballs together. Then to account for the same mass of the Higgs Graviton fields double that snowball and compare what you get to the sphere of freedom space that the largest atom has. And do the same process with a hydrogen atom. Under circumstances that nucleus must get larger in order to remain in balance. The black dot isn’t good or bad, it ex DSM0 just is there. Yet it does show the amount of dictating rules versus freedom, in this model.
It also shows why the Black Magic paradox of politicians in a 50% + 1 vote system always get away with the Diederik Stapel / Pinocchio mostly unwitting trick of “we are going to cut the red tape” and honestly believing that yet subsequently give rise akin DNA causing a cancer growth of laws, rules and jurisprudence. Especially in administrative law.
Only by adding the DNA of the minority talent of ADHD types in the team can balance be restored and maintained. That can and must be organized in a totally independent new R&D Senate Oracle.
That role is the role that the senates in the world already have. (The House of Lords is to be seen as a senate in this model) Anyway the paradox is old school:
Natur und Kunst
Natur und Kunst, sie scheinen sich zu fliehen
und haben sich, eh’ man es denkt, gefunden;
der Widerwille ist auch mir verschwunden,
und beide scheinen gleich mich anzuziehen.
Es gilt wohl nur ein redliches Bemuhen!
Und wenn erst in abgemess’nen Stunden
mit Geist und Fleiß uns an die Kunst gebunden,
mag frei Natur im Herzen wieder glühen.
So ist ’s mit Bildung auch beschaffen;
vergebens werden ungebundne Geister
nach der Vollendung reiner Höhe streben.
Wer großes will, muß sich zusammenraffen;
in der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister;
und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit geben.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Translation of Goethe’s Nature and Art
In this model Bildung means sufficiently experienced gameplay with required general knowledge to keep a society consistent with all the ten LOH’s being the limited laws that provide freedom.
7th LOH Timing <=> 7th LOE Relativity of absolute fatal time pointing to the future. In effect the most simple way to model the two hands with each five fingers of observed in the most limited way of 1. Formation 2. Deformation 3. Transformation 4. Destruction 5. Unique Reformation. The sequence can be observed as a matter of fact as it is also logic. Yet current science assumes that atoms decay at the same speed in this process when speeded up. As we observe in normal life some die young and others old having both experienced nearly the same.
To be measured in relative times by a double chess clock under the Umpires Grand clock of given time.
Humane laws must have everything done in due ergo reasonable time taking all the ten LOH’s into due account at the same time.
8th LOH Course <=> 8th LOE Strong Interactive Force
Quo Vadis? What is your destination? And mind that the routed journey is in itself a destination. Carpe Diem!
This is also the strong Big Ego force of the stated goal in Litigation. Subpoena’s, jail, punishment legal or even real War after a Casus Belli. Yet only in extreme cases when all else has failed in order to prevent worse. Mind ultimately also human robots will “rather” as per non existing free will ex DSM0 die ergo go extinct than not have all the ten LOH’s! Suicidal robotics is in our DNA!
9th LOH Flow <=> 9th LOE Weak Interactive Force.
The soft is hard for hard is soft when you take all the ten LOH’s in account. The social Multi Ego seemingly round and soft. Yet a group is stronger than the one. Go with the flow. Thus don’t enforce the 8th LOH in a narcissistic way when that can still be avoided. Keep it going in the general correct direction of that 8th LOH. Otherwise under mounting pressure it will snap. What bends doesn’t break and holds its ground.
Furthermore Panta Rhei in this model nothing ever is stationary at the deepest level. You thus need to be willing to fall from faith in a timely fashion. Anchors of security of hypnotic faith will get strained and snap when your faith doesn’t include the willingness of investigation ergo learning via trial and error. Only then can you adapt in a timely fashion as per survival of the fittest.
Yet that doesn’t entail changing for the desire of change as an earning model. For that will turn into a dubious religion in breach of all the ten LOH’s. For breach one you breach all.
Study is an obligation. Study the algorithms of the block model being the 4th LOH.
10th LOH Equality <=> 10thLOE Equality
This model is literally all inclusive.
Thus treat the same the same and different things different.
The Wise Judge knows no loopholes in the law.
Ex GLOE all pestering is prohibited. Pestering is when undue infringements are taken as fact by a correctly formed team that has been properly built conforming GLOE.
The Dutch magistrates are / were correctly formed as far as I have been able to observer. Yet they don’t always work together in the correct team. Then serious injustices in all sorts of cases ensue.
Just to put a slight finger on part of the problem. Most of hours of work law is indeed HRM. Yet that doesn’t mean that these talents produce the best judges or lawyers! For people with that required talent absolutely don’t have the required talent for abstract logic in order to even begin to understand the minimum requirements in 99% of the cases. Procedure and dealing with evidence and proof in order not to infringe on GLOE especially 1st LOH completeness, 2nd Normality, 3rd LOH proof, 6th LOH Freedom and 8th LOH Course is totally beyond them.
What we thus get is a say dedicated followers of fashion HRM types having as an indeed accepted by the herd fact of keeping order in time of 70% convictions in most sorts of criminal cases. In the 1990 I observed a way of working of the system in which the police presented 90% guilty suspects to the magistrates. Of the 10% innocent between 80% and 90% were convicted. In 2019 the police provided 80% guilty of which 20% innocent again now closer to 90% were convicted. Even I couldn’t save clients that needed saving anymore. The ‘over my dead body’ cases.
In #METOO cases it has gone from very bad to even far worse. Of the convicted cases it wouldn’t surprise me that between 50% and 90% are innocent. Having mostly (hilariously even) acquitted the easily to have been Justly proven guilty ones.
This is an international problem. Primarily having been caused by science having ex GLOE failed humanity for in consistent Diederik Stapel Pinocchio breach of the social contract following the division of labour. Having had a Just Proof fair trial, conviction and execution as per previous post.
As proven in a prior post. More to blame are quantum physicists, most to blame are professors of assessment psychology. For not having shared information on Big Five assessment psychology open source in a Wikipedia style way. Yet we are all to blame for they used an earning model we all use or more or less have used.
As magistrates and lawyers like I ADHD type can compute > 90% where these other magistrates and lawyers fail. Yet we can’t intuitively compute 4th LOH Order I want freedom, 5th LOH Fact I’ve no photographic memory, 7th LOH Timing ADHD ha, ha, 9th LOH Flow of the incomprehensible for me idiot herd?, 10th LOH Equality I want / don’t mind to be different. Only being wise to this effect and working hard at it can I just get that above 50% score, when the problems are indeed in one or more of these areas of the law. This can only and thus best be solved by learning this and working together.
The Dutch magistrates should be 50% male and 50% female. You have the right to be tried by your peers. That only means that having all female courts in session three female judges, a female prosecutor and female clerk even when the lawyer and suspect is a male should be avoided. Breach of GLOE. This of course ex mostly 7th LOH timing can get a reasonable terme de grâce.
Furthermore a properly trained speed of brain interpreter is required when a suspect is a slow thinker. The near clicks ex 4th LOH must follow thru or injustice via miscommunication will ensue. Breach of GLOE.
Although each and every magistrate is already responsible not to be in breach of GLOE, the legal system can’t work when the scientific system fails as it does. They are the experts. Yet providing the psychological rapports as antiscientific pseudo-science in order to cause unjust havoc in especially child care cases and sexual abuse claim cases. They provide the evidence and proof for the judges in a way that both can feel the other responsible. Ergo no gut-wrenching feelings of guilt and shame when found out to have been wrong.
Yet the scientific system can’t work when the lawmaker and funding doesn’t work.
Senate democracy dictate freedom also of science to do occult science as long as funding of that per 2nd LOE stay’s within 1 to max 10% of total communities science budget.
The only way out is thus that the people and hopefully most of science askes the politicians in the Netherlands to test the new R&D Senate Oracle as proposed in earlier posts.
More Millionaires No Poor No War will produce more & better scientists, ditto artists. The fundamental economic laws are yet to follow.
Just by deciding to do the test by both Dutch houses of parliament will immediately change the required paradigm shift. Being internationally justly seen as one of the peers of the group of democracies. That in itself will immediately change the Ingo Piepers Amok Algorithm with WW3 in ultimately as he claims and I can’t falsify fast enough 2022!
We are all in breach of the 7th LOH Timing. We’ve run out of time. Or maybe we are still just in time.
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