The probably more than Six Times (!) valid falsification overkill of current Science even in Transition. Traditionally requiring only one execution by Lady Justice.
Let’s walk thru this in translation and additional argument of this doodle graphic.
Please note that in proper execution it is traditional that gender neutral Lady Justice puts her scales away and verifies by using the blindfold as a headband so as to ascertain that the correct culprit is decapitated for which she holds a sword. This in order to swing a nice swift clean cut. This requires years of training and experience in order not to bugger it up. For then it gets messy and that’s not good.
After many years of bloody cultivation and legal development which is seen by some as decent civilization, it was discovered that the death penalty should be executed only verbally. Baring exceptional cases of having to play hardball ex the 8th LOH in a casus belli it’s otherwise a serious infringement of several LOH’s to kill as an indeed deadly sin.
The great thing about having a verbal decapitation as a befitting the crime punishment is that when you don’t use the instrument between the ears, you obviously don’t require a head. Yet it is possible that insights warrant the screwing back of the head, when only performed verbally. You only feel justly screwed which will hopefully remain as a point of having learned your lesson.
Alas as repeated history shows some people are idiotic fools and un-learnable. As a matter of fact we all are yet on different parts of the gameplay board. A gameplay of life that has rules akin chess. One of those rules is the 7th LOH the fatality of deadlines. That dictates that in order to review a case of Just decapitation in order to file a request to get your head screwed back on, you require to pose Nova. That are ex the 5th LOH posing new facts that prove ex the procedure of the 3rd LOH that a review proceeding is in order (the latter ex the 4th LOH Just order function.)
Given the Just decapitation in casu of Science even in Transition, all scientists heeding to the social contract with Humanity ex the LOH’s need to pose valid falsification of the latest Wikipedia style presentation of my model that was brought under proper multidisciplinary attention of the Royal Dutch Scientific Society KNAW via 21 clustered questions NWA 2015. Since then more and more buckets of further proof have poured in as predictions came true.
Yet Scientists might be in denial of having been decapitated at all, let alone that the conviction was even Just.
Okay let’s walk thru that shall we?

- Suspect Rotten Peer Review has been tried and sentenced to death by verbal decapitation for not having checked what instruments between the ears every scientific author has. Deeming incorrectly that to be irrelevant as data are per unwitting postulate deemed “objective”. A legal formal mistake that every twelve year old high school kid should know after the first science class to be a formal requirement in any experiment to check and write down and publish. A fault of the highest order for had the now headless culprits duefuly done that then one young upstart physicist would of checked that. For as every especially professors of assessment psychology already knew that “objectivity” is an illusion. For instance spotting paradoxes such as irony requires obvious DNA talent. (All talents in this model are per definition DNA. Just stressing the Nature part in this all nurture is nature taboo.) Something that not everybody even when justified in receiving the highest levels of education in university evidently have. Being something that is easily tested and registered on video as an exact science. The same goes for DNA talent for mathematics in algebra and thus not geometry or vice versa. Also the DNA talent for having clear resounding voices. Such people always are artistic composing play writes and have irony besides the ability of abstract logical reasoning. And when having a burn out would receive a correct diagnoses of one of the 16 forms of ADHD that this model contains, where DSM-5 incorrectly only has four. Had psychology shared all the Data on Big Five Assessment and what they knew earlier then physicists would of found the 4th LOE / LOH of the Block model much sooner. That being a real game changer to prevent conflict and war. Ergo a deadly sin for a fault of the highest order. As a quick and dirty triage resume of fault analysis: faults of the highest order, faults in between and faults of the lowest order. The latter is to be seen as an honest best practice mistake, that allows for a state of the art defense to be warranted. I.e. bad luck. Irrespective of the whopping consequences. Yet the paradoxical irony of the human robotic nature sometimes necessitates consequences in order to prevent worse. In short: life also sucks. Okay then in denial of being a living dead zombie? =>
- “Me Super Scientist here, Cosmos there, so God doesn’t exist.” => Superset denial and set theory error coupled to nonsystematic use of definitions for ‘God’ and ‘religion’ as a deadly sin. Disqualified post facto for with hindsight false setup of the game. Only after first having the DSM 0 set up, can you ultimately have a DSM 8 model which places humanity outside the cosmos set theory box. => The Axe! Well, if you scientists weren’t headless already……..Again denial? Okay =>
- “If I Big Ego Scientist can’t understand it, then it is objectively incomprehensible and thus pseudoscientific!” => Arrogance believing to have super powers that evidently are easily exact scientifically registered on video to be nonexistent. Proof: 4th LOE / LOH & apart from that, it is also Current Soft Science of psychiatry and psychology. => Still alive scientific zombie are we? Anyway the verbal Gallows!…..Rope broke did it? Okay =>
- “If the majority of the (scientific) herd doesn’t understand it, then it’s incomprehensible pseudoscience.” => Democratic Statistical Model => DSM-5TR trashcan with possible revision pipe. Ergo verbally sentenced to the Guillotine. Popped out of the grave again like a bloody Loony Toon Headless Horseman? ….Bloody Hell! =>
- “Laying the whole puzzle including the missing hidden variable parts is religious pseudoscience even if it is done in an easily testable way.” Breach 3rd LOE / LOH Bayes & 4th LOE / LOH Block model / Big Five both with BTW broad scientific acceptance. => Okay let’s try a more modern way then. See if that helps? Verbal Electric chair! ….Power cut eh? =>

- (Sorry can’t get rid of the incorrect numbering.)
- 6. “With Quantum Entanglement we scientists have the mathematics in, so we know best how to find a grand unified theory GUT* and TOE.” => Oh dear, oh dear. An unwitting “forgive them for they know not what they do” blatant lie. (Taking a “lie” to be seen in this model in an incorrect ‘objective’ legal dogma way.) Anyway unwitting Pinocchio in front of the verbal firing squad. Using the word “paradox” in an ironic way covering both an obvious contradiction trying to sell it as only being a seeming contradiction. Claiming that there is no problem because “it can’t be intuitively grasped”. Being thus in denial of the scientific fact that intuitive statistics such as Bayes can do just that. So objecting religiously against Bayes being a proven 3rd LOE/ LOH. Truth be told that the 4th LOE/ LOH Block model shows that only 1% of humanity can conjure up the required artistic / scenario input in a testable way with a > 90% chance of being successful in the on average 10% far above average complex out of the box questions concerning hidden variables. I.e. in situations with incomplete evidence where Bayes – according to the current scientific book -applies. NB 1 Convinced per postulate that absolute proof doesn’t apply Bayes always does. This is consistent with our biology for all our logics go thru the synapse of our brain that current science (!) holds, works Bayesian. NB 2 Science favors the prepared / nurtured mind. In that field the 4th LOE / LOH shows a four to one ratio in maximum complexity talent for algebra versus geometry talent. Only 1% of humanity has the 1/500 talent of Albert Einstein and 1/125 talent of Leonardo da Vinci, the latter like I do. (NB please note that I do hereby state my instrument between the ears, as per formal requirement. Be my guest as to falsify in a valid way the existence of that personality type or me not being of that type.) Taking that the averages are equally spread the same way then there are four times more 32 to 72 year old mathematicians and physicists with a maximum DNA talent on algebra than talent on dynamic geometry of change such as rheology etc.. That highest talent on algebra dictates per 4th LOE/ LOH that they at best are at a geometry level of a twelve year old like I had at that adolescent age. And a talent for dynamic geometry literally at best a level of what types like I already had as a one (1!) year old. So Newton must have stolen the idea’s on dynamic geometry of the falling apple from Sir Hooke who accused Newton to that effect. Newton only getting away with that illegal misdeed via the now falsified “shut up and calculate” production department algorithm in R&D where the correct algorithm is “Shut up and first paint the whole dynamic geometric picture in a testable way.” People like Leonardo da Vinci and myself reach potential nearly twice in geometry and 99 (!) times as high top at 32 years of age and will keep that maximum potential until we’re 72. Yet like everybody else (= all inclusive!) only in a hilariously small area of 1/100th of the whole bloody board! Yet a board that repeats itself infinitely in this proven best practice > 99.9% old school with a slight twist validity model. As this sort of dynamic geometry of change requiring the “software” algorithm of having healthy manic oversight in a host of data is the main problem here, subsequently begs the question who can even have Justified authority on this topic? Asking a group of mental twelve to one year old adults their certified expert opinion on a topic that requires at least a mental 32 year old is that then a sound solution? Ask the majority opinion of a well-informed group with clear resounding voices, put that on video and test that. Half of them would be capable and thus prepared to get well informed. Getting well informed timely sound advice in a durable way is a panacea and a minimum requirement for reaching any stated goal such as even bare survival. So Science even in Transition bow your headless heads or pose valid falsification or we all die in this bloody Loony Toon bad Titanic history scenario repeating itself. Or poor old lazy Dada Easter Bunny will have to go in real over kill mode =>

- 7. In more overkill there are probably more deadly sins of science to be found. As said I require traditionally only one. Forgot the reason why. (Spotted the irony there?) The morbid reasoning behind the Just verbal death penalty lies in the fact that successful inconsistencies are copied in the soft sciences as in the courts causing grievous suffering and rising tensions towards amok as WW3! As depicted in the right hand lower corner of the doodle graphic poor old Jesus as a historic figure didn’t have the required high school level Wikipedia style knowledge on DNA etc. etc. and the classical mechanical quantum robotics of humanity. Thus he saw the problem of poverty being slavery yet couldn’t solve that problem of the rich going thru the eye of the needle. Yet “He who is without sin may done a yellow shirt and throw the first stone.” A befitting Bible quote for this model proves we are all guilty yet some much more than others.
That problem is now solvable via applying these Ten Laws of Everything and applying them as fundamental Laws of Humanity. And akin any adolescent for ever and ever keep on checking that thru attempted valid falsification. Survival of the fittest in an in this model inherently changing biotope. As a 1% to 10% on average via the 2nd LOE & LOH normal distribution best educated guess is absolutely new. Such as Facebook algorithms having God provided us with Donald Trump as president and indeed him being a son of God. (Please note this indeed is a form of irony.) That was entirely new. Yet getting a DS4mn like Napoleon Bonaparte on that Presidential throne was the > 90% truth of history of the Ingo Amok Algorithm repeating itself. More on the literally committing suicide of Napoleon to show how this model quickly deals with that repeating history, so that we can learn from history in order not to repeat it. I’ve already done that testing many times successfully. Even in an actual murder case. Yet check it out for yourself! As said high school stuff. Alas indeed, that is a lot of stuff to be also religiously in valid blind trust to be neurologically internalized in part hypnotic illusions for the one and observable fact for the other.
QED current science paradigm is falsified.
As a magistrate it’s my honour to show scientists how they can redeem themselves via a review of the harsh sentences. Yet then they first must pose nova. Nova being new facts that haven’t been taken into consideration by the unus iudex court with only Dada Easter Bunny presiding. Potential candidates to be a Dada Easter Bunny as judge presiding are ADHD-c4 ex DSM 6 (mostly mad world) or ex DSM 7 (mostly sane world) DG4f types like Michelle Obama and myself. Do then please change the “f” with an “m” and don’t add an “n” akin Trump and Napoleon which a Douglas Bader DG4mn does require looking at his history as a youth.
A Dada Easter Bunny is omni potent and omni present. That’s BS of course but you better believe it, for as soon as Dada Easter Bunny has a podium there is then nowhere to run or hide anymore. For Lady Justice then has her blindfold back on.
For the Air Crash Investigation Church is a virtual mental pop up “learn to do it yourself” pro deo church when serious long term issues or urgent issues arise. Like all proper churches it has laws and courts. It’s certainly a church when fiscal benefits are to be had, but otherwise not in any way a competitor in the spiritual guidance department of any world religion other than science.
It’s purely Research and especially a Development department and thus just a bit marketing and only the slightest bit advertisement. In no-way is it primarily focused on MT/production and especially not HRM/sales. There types like I are indeed at best literally mental one year olds. Being that the correct algorithm in R&D. Yet it has all other churches as incorporated departments. HRM/ sales may shout loudly that something is TABOO! Okay, so keep the bloody R&D department doors closed, in order to guarantee a safe environment. When you want to visit other churches, as you should, then do so. Freedom by tyrannical dictate! A paradox.
The ONLY (be it experiment for you or not) point is to have people with some authority ask especially Dutch politicians to do the proposed test of a new R&D Oracle Senate. That already in itself will break the taboo.
As by snap of the hypnotizers fingers humanity will snap out of it onto another track of mind as to what earning models are desirable and which aren’t in a win-win way. Even Trump, Xi and Putin will snap out of it. A urgently required paradigm shift happens via a change in one of the democracies peer group leaders that the Dutch are Justly seen to be, when seen to decide to even do the test.
Back to the Ten Commandments or LOL’s (pun intended) as the Ten LAWS OF HUMANITY (LOH’s) That’s for the nearly finished next post.
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