Building blind valid trust in time

I’ve made a quick and dirty concept of my adapted development proven best practice way of depicting life and time.
I need to take it much more easy for making better doodle graphic drawings like elsewhere on my blog, costs me too much effort. I can’t afford that at the moment. My doctor tells me to take it more easy. Yet again it’s not about sales. The information is what counts. With shit on toilet paper if need be. That is science proper and taking too long to eradicate poverty in order to save world peace it’s a dictate to shoot from the hip or else indecent. For:
Given the most recent development of the best practice Law of Science being per definition:
Science is the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung.
The problem is that most scientists actually don’t know what a “law” is. Having made a bloody mess out of their definitions. See my previous post on that.
Okay what does this doodle graphic show?
It shows the systematic most simple complete proven best practice depiction of at least five identical rigid part atomos rings of the construction of the Lego Velcro deformable godsparticle requiring most probably 500 such rings in five constructions.
That thing will move thru literally anywhere in the cosmos with seemingly eternal life ex Newton. Except of course where other rings take up space time. Yet light is a photon and a very large construct of two strings of matter and anti-matter > c. On average at c.
The concept of atomic clock time and fundamental physics is based on an illegal start of the gameplay by science. They had success like many of my criminal and criminally insane people I have dealt with as a magistrate and lawyer. All at first in the unhealthy illusion they would get away with it, like some indeed maybe have. Yet still then not living an optimum life, for that inner scared voice needs constant redressing.
My predicted dynamic cross in 2010 and published 2015 NWA now has detected a Maltese Christian cross. I see it as what I first thought impossible but now see as an enlargement via having many photons being entangled producing one large image.
Anyone may pose valid falsification.
Now to show more clearly how the arrow of time in the clock requires at least five rings and thus five different relative speeds having each clock at least one, or two, or three, or four hands and never more hands in the form of an interlocking ring I’d say this picture tells more than a thousand words.
Alas the 4th LOE Order shows that only 20% can compute the required dynamic geometry when they have sufficient bildung and aren’t otherwise hypnotized or worse even religious. The latter makes that neurological anchors prevent understanding what is stated.
Well for those 20% open minded on this topic also non-religious people:
Given that the rings are rigid and don’t deform they are clearly consistent with the required Panta Rhei perpetual super conductive motion consistent with the laws of Newton.
In order to build a living Vitruvius man and the straight and circle motions we observe as well these forms must be reverse engineered into a construct. All observations deemed healthy illusions and thus taken as a fact.
Well, again I change the form of the ring as depicted in the last post on that. For the inner workings of the smallest possible clock of two rings trying to make the three other required rings invisible, does require when doing the impossible cutting or quartering the ring in two actually three slices. We get a perfect (?) circle and ditto square and a rounded square. In effect a continuous change of interactive form action is reaction result over time describing the interactive motion.
Our normal traditional analog clock actually is seemingly having two continuously turning hands at different speeds yet we read the time digitally in discrete quanta’s of time: “it’s quarter past ten in the morning.” Yet if we take time seen in this way then taking one ring as to be static relative to everything else (which it is of course not, but still) we have our clock with one hand moving in the inner workings of that stationary or anchored clock.
It has the most room for maneuver relative to “clock rings” with more hands.
When we model a traditional two hand clock with “rings” we need at least five to model a small slow hand and one fast hand. One clock is analog continues and the other per logical dictate has two hands. Ergo digital.
Well then observe a traditional wedding ring. It has mass and has volume. The latter takes in space and thus needs space to maneuver.
Having repeatedly flunked my course on how to communicate this to idiots I’d simply say study the bloody picture and turn on collective brain of your authority peer group.
Now then how to switch on your collective brain?
A brain that you can justifiably blindly durably trust?
Because one atomos has 500 rings and it needs at least two to tango I can predict that to be the most fundamental reason why ultimately we require a 1000 senators in an optimum senate. Yet you must slowly develop that instead of immediately taking my hypothesis on that as a fact.
Ergo use your common sense.
Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Ergo: Ask Dutch politicians to test the new R&D Oracle Senate!
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