11 minute read
Definition current science
This will be the last post in the coming weeks for I’m working on a definition of current science and a way to circumvent the taboo in effect anti-market. You can only sell an idea when there is a market for that idea of how to solve conflict and war. Abolishing poverty and showing that to be slavery is such an anti-market taboo.
The definition of current ‘science’ that I will ponder is: “A systematic search for the truth via peer review by scientists with a Ph.D. in that specific field.”
This definition has led science astray as admitted by science in transition. The problem is as seen from my field of expertise that this sort of science is a con job. With con jobs, you need to follow the money. The power to deem what is pseudo science includes the power to decide what is to be funded in science. The definition is also morally wrong for it also includes Dr. Mengele as a scientist.
The proven best practice definition of science for the time being is:
A decent systematic search for all the laws of everything an all-inclusive Bildung. Only that provides the correct definition of pseudo-science. And this provides the best way to get science properly funded to have science prevent poverty and war.
The urgent problem
The political crisis in Sri Lanka again shows this is urgent. I already knew this because, in several political discussions including some with exact scientists, it’s often vehemently disputed that there was any reason to believe that things would spiral out of control. All the more so they can’t believe that this is even globally the case in a way that could affect us Dutch. A whopping crisis that has already spiraled out of control due to an economic meltdown as a result of our leaders mishandling the corona crises.
Even the Secretary-General of NATO has recently stated that the war in Ukraine might spiral out of control.
Alas, these sorts of discussions are akin to a discussion with the Flat Earth Society. It’s more to do with handling emotions via building trust and having authority than giving sound evidence-based reasoning.
It however becomes more and more clear that mishandling corona pushed our Ponzi-style economics over the edge. Just like a mini ice age started the French revolution also pushed that “apres nous le deluge” kleptocracy over the edge, which in turn caused the Napoleonic wars.
The thermo-dynamics of war as seen by this model.
As stated and viewed via the block model, desperado Putin also fears and has to fear his population revolt against him for the same reason as the Sri Lanka population charged the presidential palace.
The global situation is extremely volatile and thus predictably unpredictable. Unless urgent action is taken this will predictably spiral further and further out of control.
Putin has recently again in no uncertain terms warned the West about Ukraine. He’s certainly not bluffing and will do a small de-escalating nuke strike probably near Lviv if NATO doesn’t declare and act neutral. And thus be forced to lift the economic sanctions. Putin’s problem is he also needs the rest of Donbas. This might prove to be more difficult or even impossible for Putin. More and more effective modern weapons are coming into play on the side of Ukraine. This is in a race against the military logistics clock.
Yet Putin also might think to be at the end of his tether internally when seeing what happened in Sri Lanka. An internal political clock of a ticking bomb of which Putin’s no doubt fully aware of.
I had the same sort of political discussion in one of my many app groups about the dangers of cryptocurrency as being a Ponzi-style con job. Low and behold the day later the cryptocurrency collapsed big style. Two trillion dollars evaporated some sources state to be two-thirds of wealth lost. A scam that our banking system also had before the emergence of cryptocurrency. But now has become democratized. As if that isn’t the same scam then. Holding the same dangers.
Well, this establishes the problem and that I with hindsight in these two instances, also got it right where others in very hot discussions got it wrong. In these discussions, I repeatedly catch my opponents out on a string of fallacies. Sometimes my reactions then require an hour’s worth of reading. Often as justifiable self-defense having been called delusional, even psychotic. In so doing proving in as short as possible and as long as needed way the idiocy of the opponent.
Then the opponents as standard operating procedure walk away angrily or ask for moderation. The latter moderates by removing the evidence. This is every time in breach of the all overriding law in which the proof was lost in transparency. (Edit albeit that sometimes all the ammo is still there proving the fallacies. Only the full explanation, that most need to spot the fallacies is removed by the moderator) Mostly no motivation is given and when then it’s stated to have been “disruptive”. The moderators do not grasp the basic Just law of the fundamental right of self-defense within limits. The hilarious thing is that after moderation several times when the threads are observed I indeed then look to be “delusional”. And thus then I have been unjustifiably framed. Moderators on the internet aren’t aware that they too then have committed an easy to prove the crime of slander. They only get away with it, for who would bother to file a complaint.
This is the problem of ‘gesundes Volksempfinden’ versus ‘Bildung’ that Bertrand Russell also warned about. Mob rule has become normal and thus the wrong norm.
Discussions on taboos although stirring up strong emotions it would be giving in to emotionally blackmail when such emotions are deemed avoidable which they inherently aren’t.
Why is it that artistic types like I spot this in time and the majority up till now never do?
Before we go into that we must first delve into the question of the motives of stirring up strong emotions?

My Trump and corona doodle graphic when Trump claimed to have recovered, taking corona as a metaphor for serious problems that are mishandled, causing war, and showing the way out is still eerily proven correct. This doodle graphic was copied on Facebook by my friend professor of statistics Richard Gill KNAW. It completely tells the whole problem and the solution in one A4.
My egoistic and social goals in life of what I want, and don’t want, annex my track record
In this Wikipedia style open sharing of my learning to now again clarify this all better for myself as well:
My egoistic goal since I was seventeen years old has been consistent with the will to have a long and justifiably content life. Justifiably content in the sense that I get as few feelings of guilt and shame as possible. And also have as few as possible traumas. All by living my life without searching for problems, but not avoiding them when they cross my path.
My social or better multi-ego goal in life is to be part of a mentally healthy world. The latter is to be reached still in the nick of time via organizing proper global group think via enforcing the test of a new oracle senate. A tyrannical dictate of the new physics of psychology that follows from the Block Model as the bases for the most fundamental laws of humanity. Up till now, it has proven to be impossible to get a decent valid falsification.
What I don’t want as an egoistic situation to be avoided is to be summoned before the academic beer-hall table by the dada easter bunny judge presiding. I can, will, and should always first judge myself in the mirror, before in due process venture to judge others. Although exclusively only ADHD-c4* have the required genotype and only after sufficient legal training and experience can one transform into a gender-neutral dada easter bunny-like Michelle Obama could, it’s still an all-inclusive model. For everyone has his or her essential exclusive 1/64 place in the genotype of the model. Yet not as a dada easter bunny. A model of the best practice organizing any organization such as a democracy is seen as a factory. A model that even works for polar bears. A model that also provides a minimum of 1000 phenotype positions such as playing the essential role of Dada Easter Bunny Judge Presiding. Guaranteeing a truly fair trial for all. Preventing any pestering of anyone.
Since I was four years old seeing photo’s in a series on WW2 what the Nazis did in the concentration camps as my egoistic and multi-egoistic highest priority goal in life of what is to be prevented is preventing WW3 also for me. I’ll probably fail in this egoistic goal of bombs falling on the EU, having already failed in my multi-egoistic / social goal for WW3 has already started since at least 911.
The common sense of Bayes thus dictates that there is still a possibility of snatching victory on my goal before the claws of defeat. It’s all so hilariously simple, were it not hypnotically internalized thus religious feelings of traumatic feelings of guilt and shame with others as the robotics involved.
Most people simply can’t think straight when having to even contemplate nuclear war other than as an immediate armageddon. It most probably won’t work out that way even if Putin does his de-escalating nuke strike. Unless it hasn’t been thought through carefully by our leaders. Our leaders should have preprepared us the people properly in the correct mindset to deal with these problems. That can ONLY be done via the Oracle Senate test. A dictate of the physics of psychology.
Under pressure all politicians in a 50% + 1 vote system must and will think like the voter herd, that will get it wrong when political taboos prevent informing the herd properly.
The military experts who inform the politicians must think like the politicians who can make or break their careers. So they too talk in terms of even doing a de-escalating nuke strike by Putin will definitely end in armageddon. Which is probably at least hopefully untrue. It will however most probably end in a very horrid nonnuclear WW3. WW4 will probably go into nuclear armageddon. A probable self-denying prophesy when thinking about WW3 already.
The same logic as the history of the predicted gas attacks in WW2 that didn’t materialize.
Anyway as my track record proves which I’ve published in Dutch on my site I can justifiably claim to have acted very wisely on my stated goal in life. Therefore I give my fantastic life more than a 9 out of ten for the way I handled it with the benefit of hindsight.
If everyone could simply learn to be their authentic selves that would make the world a much better place extremely quickly. This model shows everyone how to easily copy that trick of mine.
What is a human doing in this cosmos?
As I stated in previous posts the fundamental problem is that we humans don’t know what a human is and what our place is in the scary cosmos. We’ve only just started to learn to play this cosmic game yet now with nukes. We have to up our level of gameplay, faster than is probably possible if we take the new physics of psychology of the Block Model as a fact.
The artistic 20% minority is easily found for they are the only ones that can be distinguished with having the talent of showing to have clear resounding voices. They are the only ones that can compute via using fantasy to have healthy manic oversight. Mostly seen as helicopter view and also the talent of super-focus. Able to solve problems others can’t be made to understand. As seeming magic.
Such as conjuring up the composition of the Block Model as simple gameplay set up how to set up a democracy in such a way that it works durably.
An all-inclusive paradox for we are all at the same time different sorts of deep idiots that simply can’t understand each other. Yet can learn via sufficient Bildung to identify each other and team up correctly.
For I like anyone else am an unlearnable idiot. Knowing that I can wisely deal with it.
As my uncle Jan Ris who was chief psychiatrist at a mental hospital in Wolfhese told me, one of the more difficult parts of psychiatry is to have a sick mind accept to be sick in the first place.
The primary problem is that insight like this is not taught as part of Bildung for all kids.
Seeing the urgency the correct way to teach this has become impossible. Hence it can only be communicated incorrectly. The correct way by having someone discover the truth in a safe environment in his or her own time, by themselves, before having got the wrong religious beliefs as a survival trait is now impossible. A problem that is far greater than curing or better stated learning to deal with collective anorexia nervosa.
There are too many essential takeaways to be addressed by all adults even. Mind you, even with a scary amount of psychologists and psychiatrists.
The nature-nurture discussion that still rages amoungst the latter, is to be seen as a serious hypnotical-religious mental disorder that causes war and thus possible extinction of humanity.
The problem is that intuitively the mind before the patient being most of humanity is aware of it has already detected an inconsistency with core beliefs. A basic survival trait in this human/mammal robotics model of the brain.
It works akin to dealing not so much curing of a dangerous addiction on certain neurological tracks of the mind. The patient in this case our western society needs to accept that we have a collective dangerous addictive mental disorder.
The other problem is that in the same way, yet on different bases, it’s very difficult to have all of us idiots grasp that we are indeed different sorts of idiots.
As a quick and dirty triage akin the first questions of Linneaus on determining flora: Is it a tree? A hedge? Or is it a plant? That’s the starting position to a very refinend systematic determining of all flora.
Done in the same way the main three different sorts of idiots of humanity are to be discovered via the triage questions: Is it a mentally healthy autistic human? Is it a mentally healthy hysteric? Or is it a mentally healthy ADHD personality type sort of intelligence?
These three types simply will never learn to fully understand each other. The problem is that the 20% minority artistic and spiritual ADHD leaders are excluded from playing along in time to prevent overstressing the system.
The same is true for the exclusion of the 10% slowest thinkers that are also essential players because on average the bell curve of the statistical distribution of problems facing humanity concerns far below average simple problems only they are by far best to guarantee to solve correctly and in time.
In fact you must learn to observe how someone loses the emotional controll under the three sorts of different exerted mental pressure.
The other most importantly quick and dirty triage that is undividable linked to the personality type intelligence is the intelligence seen as the three speeds of the brain, to be measured in reaction time. Taking everything into account testing is done akin to the way of nondestructive testing the speed of a chip in a laptop.
After having learned to perform this task one can learn to divide (edit ‘dive’ error) both triage into a four-plus four logic and ultimately on a question of what is the proven best practice way to organize any human organization such as a democracy will prove to be a Big 64 personality & intelligence types.
To show that the Block Model is very practical and completely consistent using art
The block model works whichever way you look at it.
Well, show me your library and I’ll tell you who you are.
Show me your mathematics and I’ll tell you who you are.
Show me your social abilities and I’ll tell you who you are.
Show me your humour and I’ll tell you who you are.
Etc. etc. etc… and everytime I’ll show you who you, and others are.
Why is this of crucial importance?
Well, it tells you that mentally healthy autistic professors or experts are top at algebra and going by the technical book, average at geometry, and absolute idiots on all paradoxes such as irony. But also complete idiots at all dynamic geometry problems that are inherently changing in a more or less out-of-the-box unfathomably complex way. Unable to spot the obvious for ADHD artistic and spiritual leadership types laws at play. In areas such as rheology, aerodynamics, air combat, climate & climate change, etc., etc., etc…
Read my lips: far above-average intelligent fast-thinking deep idiots perform at a level of a ONE to TWO-year-old far above-average fast-thinking baby!
Thus if you hear someone without a clear resounding voice as a professor of climate science state something in a way that doesn’t convey mastery of the paradox of verbal irony, you know that you are listening to the authority of a one-to two-year-old. Such errors lead to disaster.
This can all be registered on paper, on a computer, or video. Thus it’s an exact science.
Every kid can learn to check it all by themselves. Yet always also only INDIRECTLY.
Force yourself to check it by yourself. Ask others: “Do I have irony?” and “Do I mostly reason with abstract logic?” Learn to assess yourself. Do or die in WW3.
Mentally healthy hysteric personality type professors and experts are absolute idiots at all diagnostics and assessments of situations for deep idiots in all abstract logic required for those tasks. They are however ace at understanding the peer group herds and thus in problems concerning therapy being HRM and sales. Solving short-term problems, for without excellent HRM/ Sales humanity will crash quickly on any stated goal.
And indeed show me your art and I’ll tell you who you are.
For instance, the mentally healthy Escher is, observing his art, an obvious far above average fast-thinking authoritarian autistic genotype and trained artist phenotype.
Mind you, Escher is not artistic at the level of Leonardo da Vinci. In this model autistic types per stipulative definition are not defined as ‘artistic in the sense of this model. I’ll show why that is below.
Leonardo was an obvious mentally healthy far above average fast-thinking ADHD-c genotype. In the Block Model a genotype prevalence of 1/125. Divided into 80% male and 20% female. It’s extremely exaggerated to call that “genius”.
The current Just Law!
Mind, baring evidence to the contrary, it is taken as a fact that someone is mentally healthy.
Be warnend that the latter is a formal legel even penal enforced rule of law in any Just state.
Ergo stating that Leonardo was a “mad genius” is also a criminal infringement if he was still alive and filed charges. That everybody is religiously hypnotized to see this that way makes it no different.
The genius of this model is that it isn’t genius.
When I was left alone in the Louvre by my dad during his business trip when I was twelve years old and I saw the Mona Lisa I told my dad when he picked me up again: “Oh dad, I could learn to paint like that!” My dad said: “I know but don’t tell anyone for they’ll deem you mad.” I thought that was strange and wrong at the time.
I was right and didn’t then grasp that this collective error in the human paradigm causes wars.
The art of Escher, Hitler, and Leonardo da Vinci.
I only take into account here some of the artwork of our three historic figures. So indeed further evidence taken into account might prove that one or more or all three were barking mad. Again that is not the issue here. This is an example of how the Block Model as the fourth law of everything completely consistent worked out as the fourth most fundamental local law of humanity plays out in judging these men’s works of art.
Nowhere does Escher who was highly skilled in the technique of drawing in autistic accuracy of an object such as his face, such as his self-portrait in 1943 show the ability to conjure up the white lie of bringing the picture to life via the trick of drawing the emotion. Emotions such as Leonardo da Vinci were painted into the mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa.
The problem is to a degree that taking as a fact that indeed Escher drew all his artwork only completely excludes him from being a hysteric. The mathematically exact use of geometry excludes that.
That in turn is evident in the artwork of Hitler who clearly lacks the required skill to get his perspective correct. Having clearly copied some of his artwork on buildings from photographs. Hitler however is capable of putting emotion into his artwork. Take his Abschied des Jägerburschen, 1914. Emotion yes correct geometry no, he absolutely botched it.
Alas, thus Hitler was twice justly rejected by the Acadamy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Properly excluded for lack of artistic talent. Hitler hit back with his concept of “degenerate art”.
The explanation of the physics of psychology of the Block Model is simple.
You simply can’t draw what you can’t learn to observe for lack of the required DNA talent.
The white lie trick to bring an object to life eludes both Escher and Hitler.
Take for instance this artwork advertising the Fokker D23 fighter plane as being very maneuverable and fast. This is artwork only and the ADHD type can produce. This white/black lie was needed in advertising the plane for it was indeed a problematic point in the concept of the plane that a photo couldn’t convey.

Artistic leaders such as ADHD types can be trained to imitate being a hysteric or autistic artist. Thus based on the art of both Hitler and Escher alone Hitler can be excluded from being an autistic type and Escher can be excluded from being a hysteric personality type. Both could still have been ADHD types. Although consistently never showing any emotion in all the artwork of Escher known by me makes it is very improbable that he was anything else than a far above average fast-thinking authoritarian autistic person.
The same goes for Hitler most probably being – only based on his artwork asuming that he indeed was the artist as a far above average fast-thinking authoritarian hysteric.
I don’t have much further evidence on Escher to falsify this assessment, yet there is an abundance of evidence consistent with the assessment of Hitler to enhance the reliability of that assessemnet to a very high degree.
My Art
Mind, it’s not my goal in life to become an artist. It’s only a means to an end.
When one takes my claim that the two concept drawings are indeed made by me, then anyone with a clear resounding voice that can observe this will agree that I command both abstract logical systematic thought to an ability to conjure up emotions and dynamics in the geometry of things in a few lines. Any one of these two drawings absolutely nails it that I’m an artistic leader ADHD-c4 type.
The hilarious point is that especially authoritarian autistic people will deem my scary art as degenerate and psychotic even. And vehemently angrily even state that on record and even take action against it.

The whole system of the new physics of psychology of the Block Model worked out on 1 A4 explainable to any high school kid. Alas in Dutch. Yet a picture depicts more than a thousand words. Yet only to those who have the DNA talent & training to observe.
Only when someone is seen as an authority by 80% of humanity including justified professors in several areas this authority stating that this is indeed artistic, will this compute with that large majority of humanity.
Simple you can’t ever judge what you can’t ever learn to observe and interpret correctly in a direct way.
That is why some just as artistically sound artists don’t make it and some do during their lifetime.

That we humans are also part of the cosmos via our reptile and ant brains and thus exert aggression when in fear of all that is strange thus excluding others is also easily explained in this one A4 to any high school kid. The physics of life, free will, and meaning to life.
The Damned
We went to this theater production in Amsterdam last Saturday.
I guess part of the taboo on learning that we are all in part Nazis as a taboo has shifted.

My Nazi devil to keep in check is Hermann Goering. Who’s your scary Nazi?
Only by quickly deciding to do the proposed new Oracle Senate Test and by immediately neutralizing all ex-KGB thugs in the Kremlin by at least building Putin a Golden Bridge way out, is the ONLY way to MAYBE still avert plunging the world into WW3. A dictate of the physics of psychology of the Block Model. Anyone is challenged to pose valid falsification. And everyone must conform to their task on the social contract with humanity force scientists to attempt to do so. Only one A4 of the Block Model. Science can’t get more clear than that. Easy to show any inconsistency or incompleteness. Up till now proven to be impossible. QED!