published May 4th, 2023
President Zellensky is on a surprise visit to the Netherlands on this day that we remember the dead of all conflicts, especially in WW2. Still not grasping that WW3 has already started.
This war started due to both leftwing and rightwing mostly unwitting oligarchs in NATO not grasping that they are inherent idiots and what sort of idiots they are. They are at war with the oligarchs of Russia who are most fully aware of their oligarch status. As always the oligarchs let the actual fighting be done by the ones they lead.

So history repeats itself with humanity building ever better Titanics in the honest belief that the war to end all wars has at last been fought and won. Not grasping that the instrument of the collective brain or even the individual brain hasn’t changed. An obvious wave at play. I saw this already in 2015 when I made this concept of planning page 51 of my 500-page envisaged book. Which has been proven to be too late.
In fact, most of humanity is at war with the oligarchs in the world. Many oligarchs as mini-oligarchs are blissfully ignorant of their oligarch status. Most people and military experts are in denial tot he fact that Putin already has twice tried to nuke NATO into neutrality. As I predicted he would try just before the war started.
Both rightwing and leftwing oligarchs are mostly in part scared of a world war. This uncontrolled fear is a bad advisor. It leads to denial either by the neurologically healthy brain blocking out all feelings including that of fear, or by strong gut feeling blocking all clear thinking in a panicked way.

The new physics of psychology of my block model shows how this robotics works and indeed leads to the thermodynamics of war as Dr. Ingo Piepers describes.

The strength of this simple algorithm is that it’s complete and consistent. Consistent with the history that shows a wave. Not only by showing the correlation but also by providing the deterministic root cause. I.e. by showing the causal effect. And not only showing what is wrong but also what to do about it and why it is elementary thus simple physics. This doodle graphic was in 2021.
The left-wing oligarchs in part embrace pacifism not grasping that the peace movement in the 1980s had been played by the KGB forerunners of Putin in the DDR. They have successfully made all thinking about especially nuclear war in NATO taboo. Thinking straight is even for any potential general who wants a carrier impossible. The left-wing hardliners want neutrality in Ukraine and to end NATO.
Other left-wing oligarchs of which in any democracy there are many mini oligarchs bank on a long war and only without any justification hope for a short war in Ukraine. Honestly believing in “red lines” that NATO shouldn’t cross and so prevent WW3. Still in emotional denial that WW3 has already started to conform to the red amok algorithm.
Providing weapons is a way to appease the feelings of guilt that Ukraine is fighting and bleeding in our war.

In an ever more improving model, this doodle graphic shows the situation on March 26th, 2023.
An evident deceptively slow chain reaction. Akin both in WW1 & WW2. The latter was the phoney war after it got hot for the Polish people akin it now does for Ukraine. From at first believing that Ukraine wouldn’t stand a chance against the Russians nigh all military analysts were proven wrong and I was proven right. It’s inherently unpredictable if Goliath or David will win any war. This again holds true for the predicted spring offensive by Ukraine. As a former Leopard 1 tank driver I know that the ground will have to be sufficiently dry before tanks can deploy away from the roads.
The right-wing oligarchs bank on a long war in Ukraine because they honestly believe that it will strengthen NATO and weaken the adversary Russia. Not grasping that a weak and unstable Russia as a nuclear power is a great danger to the world and thus NATO. Especially because it borders China which is banking on an extremely dangerous military-enforced expansionism to help cure the economic problems the oligarchs under Xi are facing.
Zellensky is akin to Churchill in WW2 banking on the USA to join the fight against Russia at any point.
The drone attack on the Kremlin/ Putin isn’t easy to place as a false flag by Putin. This is so for the simple fact that it shows weakness on Putin’s part. Something Putin would never do.
It’s possible/ probably a signal of a pending Russian civil war. Several oligarchs in Russia have private armies like the Wagner group. It might be that certain oligarchs want to get rid of Putin and ultimately strike a deal to get out of Ukraine just to have this escalating conflict stop. Such talks even with Ukraine/ USA behind the scenes are a dangerous but definite possibility.
Zellensky denies it was a Ukrainian drone attack. Even though it might be a prerequisite for the planned spring offensive. Zellensky will also know that the outcome of that offensive is inherently unpredictable. And, Zelelnsky is of course also aware of the risk of Putin nuking NATO into neutrality and Ukraine in that case causing him to lose the war when his offensive is successful. Striking a deal with a mobster group that wants to take over the power and strike a deal to leave Ukraine is a definite possibility.
So killing Putin is a definite way of causing a power vacuum in the Kremlin whilst the offensive is successful with much less danger of the Kremlin trying to play out any nuclear scenario. The scary problem of instability and nuclear weapons eludes our oligarchs. Blundering along in a history repeating itself way. Honestly believing that nukes change the thermodynamics of the physics of psychology amok algorithm in any way. Of course, it doesn’t.
The drone attack was destined to fail, yet already succeeds in undermining the authority of Putin. Which might have been the plan of any group from the start.
NATO oligarchs don’t really want Zellensky to win, yet they don’t want him to lose either. Hoping/ banking on some sort of deux ex machina happy ending to this horror story. Meanwhile slowly escalating by providing ever more offensive weapons and training. Information, spying you name it is fighting. As Putin also aptly puts it.
Not grasping that NATO has lost all control over the situation. The offensive might show to be highly successful. This would then be due to the sudden collapse of the Russian forces. Then even the entire Crimea might be for grabs. This is what Zellensky has indeed stated.
Yet even when this offensive only successfully severs the landbridge to Crimea I then don’t see any win-scenario for the Russian oligarchs other than to try to nuke NATO into neutrality. What is NATO banking on? One or more mighty oligarchs that will risk their lives to save the Russian people?
Well, I wouldn’t bet on that.
As such even the dovelike mobsters are now desperados for they are now committed to winning or facing the prospect of being lynched or otherwise disposed of. Such as being put on trial at a tribunal.
There is a justified mounting stress level of fear in Russia about the coming spring offensive.
Our NATO and EU oligarchs are doing everything opposite to what Sun Tzu’s Art of War points out as do’s and don’ts. The truth is, 40% of oligarchs are idiots that simply can’t compute any artistic book and another 40% are idiots that can’t compute the abstract logical thinking that is also written in Sun Tzu’s wise book. The other 20% are idiots that are also prone to becoming hypnotized or even religiously not able to grasp what they potentially could understand. Yet being incurable idiots at communicating that to the herd in a timely fashion. Akin Churhill, and Zellensky both were too late in warning effectively. Seeing it coming and nobody listening to the clowns. Even the ancient Greeks knew the Cassandra problem.

This doodle graphic was on New Years Eve 2022.

History of WW2 repeating itself with the amok algorithm. And the physics of psychology of two actors. Hitler and SS general Porsche.
The only way out is to do something radically elementary and different when humanity wants to get out of this amok algorithm.
Only when every mini-oligarch forces the large oligarchs of science, wealth, and political power to follow correct procedure behind closed doors in a safe environment to decide to do my proposed Oracle Senate test would that decision alone by time slow down the slow chain reaction to a sufficient level to actually prevent WW3 from escalating and even deescalate in a durable win-win way.
Here is a quick and dirty scheme.

Showing the Oracle Senate. And showing my idiocy via my professional deformation and inherent personality type relative to dyscalculia. Going from a Trias Politica to Quatro Politica where it should of course be Cinque Politica. I only added one new thing but also a new insight that the first power is of course the voters in a democracy.
Only in this way can humanity also in the egoistic interest of all oligarchs in science, finance, politics, etc. be prevented from even unwittingly pestering.

This is the whole story in one A4 taking the Coronavirus as a metaphor for saying the mini ice age that most historians believe started the French Revolution which sparked the Napoleonic wars.
This doodle graphic I produced a few days after that then President Trump stated to have been cured of Corona.