A picture tells more than a thousand words. Like reverse engineering a murder case by suspect Mother Nature? Or suspect Our Father or was it ghostly Cosmos? The Holy Trinity of all three then?

Ziel: Integral piece of art as old school oil painting on a matrix of fine linen. The following doodle graphics are mostly in English and otherwise later on to be translated.
Going By this book on teaching engineers to engineer via solving murder cases. The Bayesian mathematics of common sense always will work as the Third Law of Everything as long as you form the team correctly via the Fourth Law of Everything for correct group think in a safe environment.

Start with the Goal or Probandum in this model the Grand Postulate in a decent systematic search for the Laws of Everything. An all swans are white type of never ending proof in search of black swan inconsistencies. Yet to be translated.
Quantum Physics Captain in Alice in Wonderland
I’ll make an English translation for this later on. Solving a crime scene always first get healthy manic oversight in 1 A4.

And we also work from the other end the healthy manic oversight over the smallest possible set theory domain. Only add super conductivity and five limited speeds > c with the constant speed of light as an average to Newtons mechanics and you get two extra timeframes. A much slower than astronomical or cosmological timescale and a much faster than light timescale as waves. Well then what must this culprit as a suspect then look like?
Then add the scenario to that movie.
Akin the way Leonardo da Vinci worked on a parachute my photon predicted NWA 2015 a lot better and a bit worse than science the Cross of the Photon having both matter and anti matter, > c as a Chinook helicopter.
Build a Honeycomb Whopping Beehive with Lego Velcro Atomos Gods particles. And a Whopping cell in the center in the crust of which is our Observable Universe Q. That our observed curved space must be a sphere is simple high school geometry. Any autist should be able to grasp that. Yet they get lost when we add the geometrical dynamics.
Dark Energy and Hubble’s Law obvious illusion of an expanding universe as a Champagne Bubble scenario with hidden variables. Alas in point 8 our inescapable End of Times via acceleration with mounting entropy. Any second now……or maybe a million years hence. Not my job to figure that out now is it?
Dark Matter, a bit like calling a criminal dossier on Trump: Dark Trump and stating he’ll get a fair trial. English translation to follow. Strong gut feelings of shame and guilt block quantum physicists brains akin it did with the poor old Germans in WW2. See my post. That happens when you don’t use the instrument between the ears conform the manual as stated in the Fourth Law of Everything. The faster you move matter in this model the more Gluons are made and pushed into the little black hole speeding the bugger up.
Well then, Quantum Entanglement and the Double Slit experiment aren’t that spooky either than are they? Particles are like little submarines with bow and stern waves bouncing thru the matrix like Chinook helicopters. The order function of the Cosmos or Soul in Dutch ZIEL is the same as that of the soul or ZIEL of the collective mammal brain. Per Grand Postulate it must all be consistent.
What makes statistics difficult is set theory. Or putting stuff in the correct boxes.


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    Set Theory is not about putting things in boxes. It’s a theory inspired by categorizing things simultaneously in several or even many or even infinitely many ways. Boole showed that is was just logic.


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      Not when you assume per Grand Postulate that there are only four dimensions to reality. 3D space and relative movement of at least two atomos that might have different algorithms of deformity etc. requiring with say only two particles a chess clock to measure time. Topology with more dimensions is nice but not to describe the deepest forms of reality. Then indeed we only have local boxes with elements as atomos moving in them. The elements as an infinite amount of atomos don’t have a box. First the postulates in physics then the axioms of mathematics of which you need five axioms for otherwise plucking low hanging fruit by taking short cuts and ending up in Alice in Wonderland. As Louis Carroll told you and Einstein as well God doesn’t play dice. He plays music on the local box and seems for us to play dice.


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        I don’t believe Einstein. The experimental evidence says he was wrong. Why should I believe Ris? He knows even less maths and has even less means to judge the evidence. Bayes says that Einstein was wrong!


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          Well, why believe Ris, you don’t have to believe me as a person. Just study the drawings as a dynamic cartoon and tell me where that isn’t to be described in geometric ergo mathematical terms? Or where any of it infringes on any observed data that has been put forward as a geometric dynamical picture. My model fits all across the board like a glove. As it should. Problem is that logic sec, or algebra sec or the English language sec can prove anything to be consistent as long as you don’t demand integral consistency. My model nowhere infringes on any logic or data beknown to me. Hence I can justly claim proven best practice. As you indeed know a physicist posed data that I hadn’t taken into account. Remodeled a bit and bingo it fits there as well. Same goes as said for an experienced nurse with a degree spotting no inconsistencies on the Block model. Well then, where are there any inconsistencies in data or logic or any proven to be integral model integrating Newton to GR and QM and might I add the order function of all DNA life?


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          By the way this is the only chance humanity has in truly eradicating poverty and thus preventing war. Globally even and fast for it is hypnotical robotics.


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