A proven best-practice scientific method to provide peace and prosperity in our time via effectively preventing pestering in a pareto optimum way via the proposed CPOST Cinque Politica Oracle Senate Test. Enforceable by challenging the Dutch Research Council NWO.
Author Gerhard Ris a former magistrate and lawyer with thirty years of experience in courts of law
10-minute read including a 2.5-minute read elementary scientist exam
To my knowledge, I am the first elementary scientist in 5000 years with the genious insight that this isn’t genious. The required natural consensus emergency peer-group check is that any individual must have the power to anonymously to all but the proper peer review * such as ultimately the global Oligarch Oracle Senates network * demand a secret multi-majority ballot. Every important decision will only work wisely (> 90% score) on any goal when meeting each of the eight required majorities A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3, 4. This requires to have learned the proper use of the five mindsets of the instrument brain. This is already common knowledge for psychologists yet they have withheld this know-how because of the dirty little secret earning model we to a degree all are forced to use in the current criminally insane scientific paradigm. By providing slight insights into how to cure and prevent mental disorders after it has gone wrong. Instead of teaching this after birth and providing the theory in high school. If physicists knew how their instrument brain works, they would have solved the thermodynamics of war problem long ago. Yet, they still religiously refuse to test their instrument brains by adhering to a formal legal requirement on accurately registering what instrument brain they have in their scientific opinion. This is criminally insane. The wise judge doesn’t allow any loopholes in the law on important issues. Only those judges are wise that abide by the for the first time in 5000 years legitimate one law of human nature.
The legal reductio ad absurdum rule of law of human nature dictates that all pestering is illegal. Attempted pestering is pestering. Probable pestering is pestering. Feeling pestered is a reason for research but not proof of any pestering. Unduly claiming to be the victim of pestering is pestering. Ultimately pestering is what a DG4* in consensus or by emergency multi-majority deems to be pestering the inherent best practice largest inherently circular argument due to the inherent lack of evidence. The proof rigorously following the one law of nature and its logical derivatives is always sufficient. Faults of the lowest order don’t prove pestering. Legitimately punishing those who pester isn’t pestering. Not duly acting against pestering is pestering. Decidedly not acting is acting. Poor poverty is slavery which is pestering. Every human has the inalienable right to their fair share of half of the GNI of their country as dividends. The payment depends on them not pestering and doing their best by playing along. The other half of the GNI is the free capitalist market system complying with the five economic norms. This is taboo in the current paradigm. A paradigm shift requires the authority of an oligarch network in power. Contrary to NWO I’ve followed the rules of the current paradigm on dealing with taboos and a possible paradigm shift.
Proper peer review of pestering in science is a legal matter requiring independent legal expertise. To my knowledge, no Supreme Court Judges in any democracy are elementary scientists and some at best are basic scientists. Everyone including any Supreme Court requires well-informed expert advice on important issues. Only a global network of the proposed Oracle Senates can provide this. Basic scientists aren’t however independent of science to be able to judge science in peer review. Apart from that as far as I know I’m the only human who proves to have passed the elementary scientist exam by not only posing valid opposition but having solved the core problem for the first time in 5000 years. Even a Christian knows that false modesty by hiding one’s light under the bushel is a sin. To declare planet Earth as a lunatic asylum for the criminally insane poses certain practical problems. The Internet is the game changer for my trained brain and helped by mathematicians such as now emeritus professor of statistics Leiden Richard D. Gill KNAW and Hans Waalwijk. This doesn’t mean in any way that they agree with my model.
To add to the understanding of what I claim is a new insight into the proven Law of Okham’s Razor. Mass and not matter is nigh absolutely proven with both the strongest reductio ad absurdum and always needed weakest circumstantial beyond reasonable doubt norm to be elementary in the proper mindset. Given all known data taken into evidence, mass is defined as absolutely inert and absolutely dense lifeless absolutely conductive 3D volume of stuff expressed in kg. Mass in empty space builds proto-life matter containing gravity and DNA life. The cosmos in infinite Nirvana cycles both parallel and in line. Our observable universe is proven to be a mere spec on our own Nirvana cosmic timescale. Only when not being able to reverse engineer any observed data in a consistent way could it be that this mass must be hollow and say contain a sphere-like object that can roll inside the then container. Or worse still having angels flying about to account for the observed too much order for current science to show a proven know-why. Such data doesn’t exist to my knowledge. Hence mass isn’t hollow with more complex inner workings. I only in idea, concept, theory, and maybe even some already laws have 500 massive movable rings of a certain hexagon Lego Velcro form as one sort of atomos god particle acting akin to a snowflake as most probably one of five sorts of neutrino the 1-neutrino. This however is immaterial. Akin to have solved a murder case infinite deformable elements of connected and non-connected mass in an infinite one element of ether of empty space is the absolutely proven murder weapon of the 5000-year genocide. The described 1-neutrino is the prime suspect that is yet by further trial and error to be investigated by the proven by far best practice of this proper scientific method. This requires the artistic instrument brain of a DNA-talented minority to compose the proper input such as the block model in a testable way. In this case, a DG4 like I am. This is a 1/125 genotype affaire. The true developer talent for far above average complex problems in R&D. All this was claimed and published NWA 2015 with my whole model as it then stood in 21 questions and comments by me clustered with search terms “casus ZPE” and “Het vergeten instrument tussen de oren.” As raw data proof. NWA 2015 was funded by NWO as a reliable data source. Q.E.D. Only the criminally insane ignore raw data and withhold scientific evidence. Desperately wanting to be the greatest bosses of god, alas god doesn’t listen. Had the snowflakes been different there would have been an infinite cosmic snowstorm and no DNA life scenario. We are deterministic snowman robots forced by one mathematical law to religiously believe in free will and meaning in life. Anyway, the Truth will out.
When you want to feel empowered to prevent all pestering in the world in a highly practical way then send the following email to NWO and cc’ing me, or only to me requesting anonymity I can then prove to NWO via indirect secret means such as the press that will guard their sources. Because I suspect that most scientists will only want to react anonymously this ratio is important. Only potentially verifiable sources are valid. Hence the need to always provide your name and address. Of course, openly helping this pamphlet go viral by any other means is preferable.
This forces NWO and the rest of international science to pose valid opposition or follow those rules. When sufficient people use their power, it will go viral. The law then predicts the required paradigm shift effectively forcing everyone to stop pestering, which results in peace and prosperity in our time. Love will emerge indirectly from the seeming contradiction of obviously unfathomably mysterious yet proven infinitely complex simplicity. The mass and emptiness are simple the movement unique and thus infinitely complex.
Also when this article and exam troll you, you will feel pestered. When you want this to stop, the email to NWO is the correct course of action in science. Delegate the fact-checking to the proper authority. In this case, NWO will do. When you feel nothing or do nothing then you are criminally insane. Whatever you did wrong in the past, you can redeem yourself by doing your feel-good upmost to help spread this word.
Email nwo@nwo.nl cc me gerhard.ris@gmail.com or me sec
Concerns: elementary scientist exam challenge
I challenge the Dutch Research Council NWO to pose valid publicized opposition to the publication ONE LAW OF NATURE MAKES ONE LAW OF HUMAN NATURE including the Elementary Scientist Exam Method published Zenodo https://zenodo.org/records/10727529
address ……….
phone number………….
All emails sent to gerhard.ris@gmail.com sec will be kept anonymous
• Elementary scientist exam method
2.5-minute read published April 4th, 2024
This Socratic taboo questionnaire provides an unambiguous answer to the question of whether you are certified as an elementary scientist. Only proven elementary scientists are potential reliable sources on elementary issues. The question of whether or not you are a basic scientist with a Ph.D. is irrelevant to an elementary probandum of this article. ‘Elementary’ means most fundamental in the superset cosmos.
1. Are you a homo sapiens? If not please state what you are. If you are a computer please shut down. If you are homo sapiens but don’t accept the Grand Goal of the decent survival of homo sapiens then please shut up and enlighten us on what your opinion is after you’ve died.
2. Do you accept the Grand Axiom as the exclusive elementary axiomatic assumption of One Consistent Cosmos? Consistent means absolutely loophole-free complete and absolutely no contradictions in the superset cosmos. If not, then no elementary scientific discourse is possible. So, please shut up, be attentive, and return when you do. For if real magic exists then all the science and the scientific method are per logical definition falsified. An open mind has its limits given the Grand Goal.
3. Do you claim to have solved all the first three rising complexity levels of the elementary questions in science and do you provide all the geometry and other mathematical theorems on which all further non-pseudo infinite incomplete science can logically be based in One Law of Nature? If you don’t, please shut up, be attentive, and return when you do.
4. Do you claim to have the elementary and the basic scientific instruction manual of the instrument brain and that of the collective instrument brain as the physics of psychology based on the One Law of Human Nature that is consistent with the One Law of Nature and can you prove to have best practice applied it successfully in all of several fields? If not, please shut up, be attentive, and return when you do.
5. Have you studied at least both of my DOI publications?
ONE LAW OF NATURE MAKES ONE LAW OF HUMAN NATURE https://zenodo.org/records/10727529
104 views and 82 uploads since March 2nd, 2024
(Elementary List: EL)
325 views and 246 uploads since December 15th, 2023
If not, please shut up, be attentive, and come back when you very precisely and respectfully can show any data that is incorrect or not dealt with that you or others have consistently dealt with. If any such major error amounting to valid falsification exists it should be very easy to be shown. This is logical because the claim in this model is that it’s all classical mechanics. When anyone shows minor errors or omissions * that no doubt always will exist * these are irrelevant when corrected after giving a reasonable time to do so. This is because nitpicking is a fallacy. That science will always be incomplete is not inconsistent with having all elementary science as the simple rules and first three bases of the unfathomably complex game of the tree like the Tower of Science and Life. Basic ‘if it works it works, don’t ask why science’ is a reality of basic science yet falsified as elementary science that requires proven know-why workability. The latter is proven by showing to have followed the prescribed procedure and by giving access to all the raw data containing the statistics proving the claimed best practice track record. The raw data is on my blog and site linked in the articles. Current Science is based on a falsified implicit claim of best practices because by theorem proven unsolvable and disgracefully demands absolute proof which they acknowledge to be impossible.
• Welcome Certifiable Elementary Scientists
After having passed these examination questions, by answering them in the affirmative, as I claim to prove to have done, or posing valid opposition then I welcome you as an elementary scientist. I take it as a fact that you are telling the truth. Because elementary scientists are eternal students, you can drop out of this school of thought and action at any moment. We are thus at best all potential elementary scientists as soon as and as long as we comply with the One Law of Nature. Any dropout can thus always reenter. My Geno/ species personality-speed of brain type is a DG4m. For my further assessment, methods, and standards, etc. I revert you to EL.