14-minute read published April 16th, 2023
> 99.9% Old School with a Twist. All The Science was Already In!
Our Oligarchs are in Religious Denial of their Own Interest in More Millionaires, No Poor, No War.
SUMMARY 3-minute read
The new jargon is explained in the article
Can quantum weirdness be explained in a classical mechanical way? Yes, with a slight twist, it can.
A challenge to anyone to show 1 incompleteness or 1 inconsistency in this only data model.
Method 20% focus on existential problems: WW III started last year, and humanity is in an AI Terminator scenario. Sick science misuse of the collective and individual instrument brain caused wrong scientific gender-neutral much too dominant male logic in the exact sciences and much too dominant gender-neutral female logic in the mostly woke soft sciences. This incorrect scientific understanding of the instruction manual of the human instrument brain has caused fashionable neurologically internalized hypnotics as a suicidal religion. Deeming artistic and spiritual gender-neutral minority logic as always mad is an error of the highest order. Geniuses simply don’t exist. Everyone is a different sort of idiot and always potentially highly gifted bearing very few tragic exceptions. Forget climate change for that’s already solved via nuclear energy.
80% focus on the way out: the Oracle Senate Test Decision. Organizing the collective brain via Senators for life. Representing all minorities no longer as lawmakers but as well-informed advisors to all. All year groups half male half female for fifty years of active service in constant Senate hearings. Forcing all oligarchs to tell the truth as whistleblowers in a safe environment behind closed doors. As open as possible and as closed as need be. The Cinque Politica improvement because now dysfunctioning Trias Politica. In our lifetime a global network of such Senates.
The difficult time-consuming bit is convincing our inherent oligarchs that this is in their own egoistic interest to test this way-out paradigm shift in the proper proceeding of the current paradigm. That is behind closed doors in a safe environment. Otherwise, all oligarchs will mostly unwittingly act like Black Magic Illusion mobsters. Don’t ever deal with mobsters but deal with them. Act in the Art but now Science of Common Sense of Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’. Win by outplaying the opponent in a Win-Win White Magic illusion way.
Via a tiny twist to a more than 99.9% old-school proven to-work system, this model provides for the first time in history the simple elementary exact-scientific rules of the infinite cosmos identical to the instruction manual of the individual and collective brain on 1 A4 piece of paper. All the science was already in. It wasn’t recognized because of mostly unwitting dirty little-secret earning models of the desires of oligarch neural networks at play. An A4 with the mental starting position on learning the physics of psychology before and not just after things have gone wrong. The longer explanation of the whole model is now in concept in 300 pages open source available online. The game is and remains unfathomably complex. Perfectionism and too high expectations in life are suicidally dangerous.
World Peace in a Day by effective prevention of all Pestering is a Piece of Cake.
The decision to test alone will break the hypnotic survival trait taboo spell transforming the death spiral into a positive Ponzi-style oligarch pyramid game. A seeming Harry Potter trick that’s so easy it can be explained and taught to any six-year-old after seven years of Bildung.
The Four First Axioms of Euclid by a completely consistent 3D dynamic testable thought experiment build four distinctive waves in the cosmos that are mathematically identical to the four brain waves of the block model of the human mammal brain.
1st Axiom Euclid Heartbeat Particle Drumstick Demands: Respect
2nd Axiom Euclid Slide Ruler Heartbeat Particle Drumstick Demands: Freedom of Thought
3rd Axiom of Euclid Spinning Heartbeat Particle Drumstick Demands: Certainty
4th Axiom of Euclid Mirror Heartbeat Particle Drumstick Demands: Freedom of Relationship
Causing Distinctive Classical Mechanical Waves in the curved spacetime Drum of the Higgsgraviton Particles Field. Predicted by me in 2010 found (without my help) by science in 2015.
The Grand Axiom is the Combining axiom of the Completly Consistent Cosmos that demands:
Emotional Equality and Inequality Balance.
The human mammal genotypes normal bell curve distribution of these burnout amok demands of humanity is best modeled on an eight-gluon/eight-factory departments chessboard. 8 model.
The human mammal phenotype is best modeled on a draughtsboard including Higgs and Graviton. 10 model.
The Individual-in-General is best modeled on a gameboard Go. Including five different neutrinos, three spacelines, and two interactive movement timelines make a 19 model.
Every god’s particle is absolutely identical as parts of a never constructed construct and absolutely unique in non-quantifiable absolutely continuous dynamic deformity. All humans are robots that must by tyrannical dictate of logic assume to have free will and meaning in life. Infinite cosmos in infinite interactive dynamics are described by infinite timelines of infinite particles. Emergent from our very limited perspective in a much slower than astronomical cosmic timescale and much faster than the average speed of light constant faster sub photon particle timescale for otherwise illegal magic. Unobservable particles are dictated by testable observable laws of everything.
Infinite model.
YOLOUR: You Only Live Once in Unique Reincarnation in an infinite amount of Nirwana cycles.
All Laws of Everything are always observable in any focus sphere. Whatever the size providing the correct set theory box domain is used. Sometimes the domain is obviously not fully directly observable. This mindset problem of the instrument brain is solved in the manual of the instrument brain using the objective collective brain. Singularities and point masses are illegal on elementary issues. They only apply to local laws inherently having loopholes.

This is all true, were it not that getting this across for me as an inherent idiot to other inherent idiots is a challenge that is probably already too late to solve. Most people don’t believe this, because they can’t grasp that we are all inherently incurable idiots. Idiots that are all at least potentially highly gifted on a laughably small part of what the collective brain needs to hypnotically grasp. There are four main groups of idiots that simply can’t fully understand each other but must learn to cooperate in a correct team. Only the collective brain can compute the ways out in an inherent on average 20% very slowly changing environment that in less than 1% of cases changes suicidally fast, especially when you don’t learn to get your head out of your hindside.
Extinction or Armageddon is nigh, in the coming years! Maybe even in 2023.
So, it might be still averted in the nick of time.
And thus very much worth it to test this simple way out.
That is if you want to survive in a pleasant way. We are all at fault so no one is. Yet, some are more to blame than others. Those are the inherent oligarch neural networks as our leaders.
Albeit whilst dancing on the rim of the volcano before the Gates of Hell. Last year our Titanic hit the proverbial iceberg in Ukraine. Apart from that even Elon Musk together with a thousand scientists is now far too late but still also warning about the urgent need to keep artificial intelligence in check. We are indeed in a Terminator scenario. Many including myself have since long in vein been warning others about this.
Anyone especially any inherent oligarch has the power to help me not have me blow my own trumpet. The latter indeed is counterproductive, yet it’s the only communication means left over. Few dare to take action. I’ll explain why. It’s a paradoxical (seeming contradiction) legal litigation battle. Luck has it I’m a bloody good highly skilled and extremely successful litigator. You can fact-check this claim on my blog and elsewhere.
Anyone has the power to force the inherent oligarchs of science such as the Dutch NWO to pose valid falsification.
It does NOT require you to actually understand or even agree on what it is that I’m on about. Grasp that you too are an inherent idiot and not the boss of God. Neither am I. No one is.
Especially if it scares you. And also if it doesn’t scare or in any way interest you. Ignoring possible traumatic issues is a coping mechanism. The brain automatically as a coping mechanism ignores the problem. This prevents neurological damage to the brain.
Taking United Airlines Flight 173 ACI episode as a fact we know that the flight crew warned the captain about the low fuel state. The captain completely lost situational awareness getting in tunnel vision on a minor landing gear problem relative to the critical low fuel state problem. Although some will inherently (religiously) doubt this, the crew members, of course, realized the critical nature of the low-fuel state. Yet they however did nothing. That killed them all. Simply a follow-the-leader survival trait that plays out wrong in these sorts of situations. The brain blanks out. That’s called denial. Mostly in dire situations under stress follow-the-leader/ herd robotics on average is indeed best. Whilst in the army I experienced this phenomenon firsthand. And denial I came across several times with suspects in police custody. The brain simply blocks out what doesn’t fit the survival trait paradigm. Denial of having hit your loved ones in a marriage row for instance. However in certain sorts of cases like this case, the survival trait becomes suicidal unless correctly understood in time. When you understand and accept the problem only then it can it be dealt with.
This is thus not a paradigm shift ex Kuhn as yet. The latter only comes about when the inherent oligarch authority peer group shifts. Yet, it is slowly but steadily shifting in my predicted direction. A majority of Dutch fear a nuclear war. Something which they incorrectly so didn’t fear before. Not grasping the predicted by others and myself ever more escalating war in Ukraine.
The recent warning of Elon Musk and a thousand scientists on AI also shifts the paradigm in my direction.
The axiomatic geometric proof of the thesis and valid falsification of the null hypothesis/antithesis is given in this blog post. The post also contains a complete list in part with captions on all my blogs that my dear friend emeritus professor of Statistics Richard Gill KNAW started.
All is done completely consistently in proper scientific proceedings ex Bertrand Russel, Albert Einstein, and Karl Popper. These three don’t contradict each other. Mind you, this in no way implies that I agree with everything they have said. For instance, I disagree with Bertrand’s anti-religion religion. I do however understand his view. Him using the same way of analysis as I do, yet at a different time. My new view is based on new evidence leading to a different conclusion. As Bertrand, no doubt would have agreed. All religions including the inherent scientific religion are correctly represent the truth, provided interpreted in a completely consistent way. Which is easy.
My Grand Postulate (“prime suspect” on a most-fundamental issue) of a completely consistent cosmos is proven as the Grand Axiom (“proven culprit fit for review). All known data to me after years of study, testing, and objections by physicists and mathematicians are proven completely consistent.
Although I already could prove best practice in 2010 when I started restudying physics via my Just Proof model the model has become better and better after constant remodeling. A few weeks ago the claim in the title has been proven. The antithesis had already in overkill been falsified by me.
Science made a hash out of the postulates, axioms, terms, definitions, and descriptions. Having 79 axioms and having Kurt Gödel proving incompleteness and John Bell proving inconsistency of current science. Thus disproving local curved space and thus c and gravity as non-elementary constructs. All 79 axioms except the five axioms are downgraded as postulates of local laws. Such as the theories of Einstein are elevated to mere local laws.
A local law only applies under certain circumstances. Any error rate is illegal on issues that claim to work under any circumstances. The most fundamental issue of the Grand Postulate must be absolutely loophole-free.
This model is > 99.9% old school with a slight paradoxical (as seeming contradiction) twist. All the science was already in. The Grand Law of Everything with the ten dualistic Laws of Everything (LOE) from which the non-elementary yet fundamental dualistic Law of Humanity (LOH) with unbreakable human rights and obligations logically derives. Completely consistent with all world religions is easily possible.
Challenge: show one inconsistency or one incompleteness in this Grand Law of Everything
Ex Popper the hereby proven absence of disproof is a valid falsification of the material claim by current science on any elementary issue.
The formal disproof via valid falsification of the current scientific paradigm on scientific peer review proceedings and techniques will follow out of proven breach of social contract with humanity for breach of the Law of Humanity that logically derives out of the Grand Law of Everything in a completely consistent way.
GLOE & LOH excerpt on the NEW PHYSICS OF PSYCHOLOGY as the Just Instruction Manual of Justice of the Individual & Collective Brain on Pareto optimum the Five Wise Goals. Wisdom is proven via the statistical track record on the stated (unwise?) goal.
This all follows out of GLOE by following the LOH procedure.
- What do you want? What I want is a long justified content life. My track record shows verifiable success by me in my goal.
- What you don’t want? To be summoned on a charge of a breach of the social contract LOH.
- What do we want? Global Peace, Prosperity, Love, and Understanding.
- What we don’t want? Conflicts, World Wars, Pestering, Armageddon, and Human Extinction;
- The Pareto Optimum Combination? Everybody Including You Forcing Our Oligarchs To Decide to do the Oracle Senate Test; Via that getting all inherent Oligarchs on a Just Balanced leach.
Risk is chance times consequence. We have obvious incompleteness of evidence on a deterministic Grand Probandum/ Grand Axiom assumption. Logic dictates faults of the highest order and faults of the lowest order and faults in-between. Any most fundamental claim on GLOE must be flawless reductio ad absurdum based tested on Okhams razor. On that elementary norm, only five exclusive axioms of this model beat the 79 of current science in physics and mathematics hands down. Hilariously obliterating all of the current science that doesn’t comply with the stated definition of science. Pseudo-science is in breach of this. All current even Science in Transition science is thus falsified in a valid way. This is already true because scientists don’t even have a completely consistent definition of “science”.
Science * as it now stands * is best defined as:
The decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung.
Peer review is only required as proving to have brought any scientific claim to the attention of the peers in the fields in which the claim is made. All elementary (most fundamental) claims inherently regard all scientists or their organized representatives. Such as the Dutch NWO, KNAW, and NWA.
Peer review is per wise scientific definition, not censorship or in any way formalistic other than that in the minimum formalities that common sense dictates. For instance, any claimed new scientific insight presented to NWO should be done in sufficiently correct Dutch to warrant a reaction.
After detecting a fire in a building and warning the people inside that “Ze Bilding is on Fire!” if that’s the best you can do given all circumstances then that warning is consistent with the social contract LOH. Ignoring this warning because of incorrect use of language is a criminally insane breach of LOH.
When serious problems are claimed then everyone needs to have learned via Bildung to choose the appropriate mindset.
- DSM-0 Deterministic Systematic Model
- DSM-5TR (Terminus Trash Can) all claimed elementary models that don’t after remodeling stay completely consistent as proven best practices are validly falsified. All current psychology such as Big Five assessments, psychiatry ex DSM IVTR & DSM-5 such as the IQ model are validly falsified. The extremely incomplete probative claim on any complete issue is < 51%! Ergo, current science diagnostics, and assessments on elementary issues such as the instrument brain are proven to be anti-scientific pseudo-science.
- DSM-6 Mostly mad world or situation your brain is in circumstances. A Catch-22. Not participating in society is a mental disorder. Participating in a mad society is mad. Living is prostituting your soul. Okay, but then as little as possible and by focussing on a paradigm shift towards DSM-7. The world on the brink of WW III is in a DSM-6 situation.
- DSM-7 is a mostly sane world or situation.
- DSM-8 Diagnostic Statistical Model
THE GRAND LAW OF EVERYTHING excerpt and even shorter the LAW of HUMANITY
1st LOE Newton plus incidental v max > c absolute reductio ad absurdum mathematical geometric proof of which all the further mathematics was already in. Probably this v max is 10c. The latter was only reached by one of my five sorts of neutrinos: my 1-neutrino (sciences marjorana?). CM string theory in an infinite multiverse. Art. 1 LOH Just Completeness.
2nd LOE Gauss 10 normal bell curve distributions both continuous and quantified at the same time in one elementary particle. Art. 2 LOH Just Normality.
3rd LOE Bayes deterministic object focus and probabilistic subject focus of the physics of mathematics interpretation. Art 3 LOH Just Proof.
4th LOE Euclid’s first four axioms modeled in 3D space waving through the dynamic matrix of the Higgs field are mathematically identical to the four brain waves of the block model of the new block model of the brain. Art. 4 LOH Just Team Order
5th LOE Eulers Identity -1+1=0 as e^(iPi)+1=0 is the smallest quantum spacetime with which a double tetrahedron mathematical diamond with an object and subject sphere proves the parallel postulate as a geometric theorem. The cosmos is infinite. The object is a absolutely proven absolutely rigid never constructed construct paradox as a seeming contradiction. It has always been and always will remain as part of the infinite cosmos. Art. 5 LOH Just Truth
6th LOE Infinite 3D uncurved space absolutely empty set theory part of the infinite cosmos. Art. 6 LOH Just Freedom
7th LOE Infinite 3D internally proto consciousness intelligent action is reaction constructive and deconstructive order function or soul, memory bank absolutely rigid and absolutely identical thus absolutely conductive absolutely unique deformable within one quantum 3D mass length construct. Externally proto-intelligent action is an intelligent reaction. A constructive deconstructive akin to a snowflake as a completely consistent non-falsifiable possibility. Building the entire CM cosmos multi-verse of interactive space-time. A slower-than-astronomical cosmic lowest frequency infinite timescale cycles and a faster-than-light highest frequency timescale. The speed of light is an obvious average. Otherwise illegal magic. Art. 7 LOH Just Timing
8th LOE Strong straight vector force Kg.m/s. Temporary proto death when under max pressure non-waving non-music ice walls of a whopping hexagon with a cupola pressure vessel. Part of a whopping beehive-like structure that constructs on the one and deconstructs on the other. Infinite beehives multiverse. Art. 8 LOH Just Course
9th LOE Weak force Kg.m/s^2 spin wave music temporary proto life. Art 9 LOH Just Flow
10th LOE Equality Inequality order seeming disorder. Art. 10 Just Equality – Just Inequality
Also, my blog shows proof of a by far best practice practical track record on the stated goals. 80% score outside my many years of study and expertise in physics since 2010, and 100% score on predicting what robot Putin would do in Ukraine on 23 out of 23 predictable crucial issues.
The problem of internalized hypnotics as a religious DNA survival trait is the hurdle in preventing such an easy, timely solution.
Overwhelming, traumatic even, feelings of guilt and shame prevent such action. The robot-human that must believe in free will to add meaning in life turns the brain off. The seeming contradiction of no feeling at all sometimes hides the strong gut feeling. And, with others, an immediate strong emotional rejection of anything stated that contradicts the current paradigm is given. And, quietly accepted by the idiotic herd. A non-interested and ill-informed herd we all at times belong to when not having or taking time out to study, think, and test. Yet, test in the correct team in the correct procedure. Existentially essential on all important issues.
Not CO2 & Nitrogen. Possible global warming or any mini ice age can be dealt with via nuclear off-the-shelf technology for the coming 500 years. This is true when the experts on nuclear energy are not completely mistaken in their fields of expertise.
Not having durable cheap reliable energy will cause (nuclear) wars. Very bad for the environment.
Nature is best defined on issues such as nitrogen as what an area with negligible human interference in a hundred years gives us. The way humans deal with areas where this influence is to be defined as a park and the preferred flora and fauna is not a scientific extinction problem. Climate change has always caused local extinctions to a more or less degree.
Only sufficient hygiene via Bildung and non-pestering can prevent undue human interference in any current desired biotope.
World War III started on February 24th, 2022. As predicted it ultimately would. A prediction made by Dr. Ingo Piepers’ has come true. Based on his amok algorithm on the thermodynamics of war and conflicts. This was of course when Putin invaded Ukraine. This will escalate into probably at first a small nuclear war and an extinction nuclear winter subsequently in WW IV. The war in Ukraine is linked to the Taiwan conflict and the oligarchs in China. Having tentacles in Africa as do our inherent oligarchs. My predictions since 2014 have 100% come true.
AI is maybe/ probably already inevitably going to put us in a Terminator scenario. Maybe we can postpone the disaster until past the inevitable end of our times as humans. Taking my model of the cosmos as a fact the Milky Way is slowly accelerating measured by slowly mounting entropy to the never exceed-speed of DNA/ humans in the dynamic matrix of the Higgs field. Many including myself have warned about this scenario. AI at war will be accelerated by the Ukraine and Taiwan conflicts.
Only when some of our inherent oligarchs grasp that it’s in their interest to organize a valid falsification of my model in a safe environment behind closed doors could we just about escape these existential dangers. They too have the same religious problems. Any human is inherently part of a peer group unless completely off the grid. The latter is a mental disorder in this model. So is participating in a mostly mad world.
As stated humanity has 40% gender-neutral female logic which is actually authoritarian 10% HRM/ Sales leader and 30% potential humble leader sales department DNA talents. They always lack abstract logic at the appropriate level of speed of the brain. Idiotically so. There are only four base speeds of the synapse of all mammals including humans. Potentially highly gifted in therapy, hypnotics thus authoritarian HRM and humble Sales.
Besides 40% gender-neutral male logic. Which actually is 10% authoritarian MT of production and 30% potential humble leader mostly DNA talented employees. They always lack new for them non-cliche human irony. Idiotically so.
That leaves 10% gender-neutral spiritual logic (Marketing and Advertisement) and 10% artistic logic (R&D). They always lack any intuition about going by the rules of the current paradigm book. A clear resounding voice is always of such type. It’s a nurtured talent that only when nurtured shows.
In a desirable DSM-7 world we can neglect the inherent less than 1% exceptions.
The chessboard model of all departments has 64 exclusive seats. Any baby can be tested and shown on video in a reproducible way what intelligence and personality type they have for optimum nurture. A starting position from which all positions n the board can be reached. The only thing the board shows is where that person will be in a situation where there is very little market for them. There they are in the burnout danger zone. Your DNA algorithm “skeleton” always shines thru. When everybody via Bildung learns to spot that, then foul play as is pestering is a lose-lose gameplay. Even for any mighty oligarch.
Because this can be registered on video it is reproducible and thus an exact science.
Because this elevates all soft sciences toward an exact science an enormous amount of gratifying science is tob e done. Easily possible because the tyrannical dictate of non-pestering demands the eradication of all poor poverty via a guaranteed decent income for everyone and how to go about that, all educational and science problems for the required Bildung are also solved. There is no more need for dirty little secret earning models of desire.
Simply combine this with a free market capitalist system. The financial burden on most entrepreneurs simply evaporates. And an adapt or go bankrupt system still remains. It however only works when you get your train-your-brain correctly formed inherent idiot team in order.
Any six-year-old with seven years of Bildung can learn to test this and pose valid falsification when anything is shown to be amiss. QED!