A Quick Doodle Graphic Inspired by Netflix movie “Don’t Look Up!”
Erratum & Improvement on Rambler 27 DON’T LOOK AT UKRAINE & TAIWAN!
Rambler 28
19 minute read, 3 minute scan, years to study yet easy to grasp in my interactive zoom session
INVITATION Zoom session coming Friday 4th & Saturday 5th February 20:00 – 22:00 hours.
An intimate session in a guaranteed safe environment in English and maybe also Dutch.
Topics CCQM + PP & SCS = ‘Cosmos, Consciousness & Quantum Mechanics’ + ‘Physics of Psychology’ & ‘Science, The Law & The Senate’

Inspired by the constructive and honest criticism in the reaction to my last post by my friend emeritus professor of statistics Richard Gill, I was further inspired to correct my mistakes in the Doodle graphic. Yet also to further improve on it.
1. Check spelling of Ukraine again, throughout the post
2. Remove reference to Alice and Bob
Anyone would think you want everyone to ignore you … (and you certainly give your target audience a good excuse to ignore you). I thought lawyers were smart people…
Apart from that, nice post.
Happy New Year!”
A paragraph will be in bold capital letters after a #. For the benefit of the ones new to my blog I’ve bold typed the important topics in the text. I’ve used italic in points were I think most readers will otherwise miss the point. And to stress some points even further the text is underlined or even in CAPITALS or any COMBINATION. I use a lot of jargon, that alas doesn’t make for easy reading.
Inspired by Nobel prize laureate Bertrand Russell and him being Welsh, as the Welsh being top aces in spelling, my reaction to you Richard having earlier on asked me if my definition of science was correct in being Science proper being Physics-Mayor?
This as further evidence for my point that Brits can’t spell.
Because as far as I’m Wikipedia style aware the etymology of mayor, major, maior is the same, and taken as being dualistically both singular and majestic plural. For you Brits a bunch of Norman buggers that via pillaging and looting became n = high history top dog Maior / Mayor / Major i.e. Royal Family and now still under modernizing construction in attempting to be modern monarchs.
Science (always proper) still uncontested definition via valid falsification in this blog is:
The decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung.
Science is thus Physics-Mayor in this model.
Not thus a written word salad book of law, or number salad mathematical formula or even a picture salad geometric picture should rule, but a human as integral part of humanity governs and should govern science proper. Hence spelled Physics- Mayor and pronounced Physics-Maior.
The R&D bible on the mores of the most fundamental human rights are the empty pages containing these unwritten rules, under constant never ending refined development in search of what is Just.
Only then can humanity exclude Dr Mengele & Dr Frankenstein science and GDR “democracy” by “comrades” like Stalin and Pol Pot. Ultimately thus a set of easy to recognize minorities of independently observable human opinions on given data can decide what is “decent”.
You should know by now that good lawyers NEVER make mistakes.
Only mental toddlers ignore important stuff when slight mistakes are observed. Especially this is true in crises situations. Having it all checked by others will slow the post rate down to two weeks per post.
This blog is not for mental toddlers who are not aware that only when aware of being that you no longer are a mental toddler. Thus an easy exact scientific measurement that anyone seen to ignore this, is a proven mental toddler. For either throwing a tantrum or running away when it isn’t perfectly what the brat demands is what toddlers indeed do.
# Today you Richard added:
“Also delete “quantum mechanical” from “quantum mechanical robotics”. It’s plain robotics. Run a spelling and grammar checker and have a few friends pencil corrections on a print-out. The only weakness is the idee-fix of the new senate. That’s *your* idea of a long term fix. I think it’s a crazy idea. You shouldn’t tie your wise advice on preventing WW 3 to your off-beat solution to the failure of Dutch political system. Attract attention to your Putin ideas first. When you have attention, you can start pushing any other of your idee-fixe Theory of Everything. You have to break your TOE into independent modules. Like a theorem has lemma’s and propositions. Which needn’t be in the same paper. Publish some enticing lemma’s in order to get famous. Publish the theorem later.”
# Scientists Don’t Look Up!
The great must see movie on Netflix “Don’t Look Up” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Look_Up_(2021_film)
Although it might be the intension of the movie makers to only have a satire on climate change via the metaphor of a super comet destroying earth whilst simple quick action based on obvious data and common sense could avert the danger, the same is however true in the even more urgent problem of a possible nuclear winter due to WW3.
Yet as any piece of art it’s no longer what the artists intention is, yet what the film indeed correctly points out, namely most importantly about how our human society more and more as idiots deal with indeed all real, yet more often not well founded acute fears of Super-Comets, Super-Virus, Super-Bacteria, Super-Volcanos, and Super-Climate-change and Super-Economic crises due to Super Energy crises. And of course all sorts of other Super-Shit humanity is yet to discover.
Mostly BTW hysteric overreactions & even panic caused by ourselves!
In effect the movie shows our excellent hypnotics as neurologically internalized religion being free will robotics modelled on a proven best practice proper crowd wisdom statistics via ‘n = high history’ model of a factory.
Ergo excellent marketing, advertisement, HRM/ sales management and Sales techniques that are INDEED very effective. Which you very correctly IN CURRENT MAD PARADIGM advise me to use.
The problem alas is lousy R&D!
Mind this is all Jargon. The words have in this MY model have the meaning that I give it irrespective of what my public wants to hear!
That mind you is the main point that makes the movie so interesting!
As a lawyer, seeing my relevant top-scoring track-record am an excellent litigator, average mediator and idiotic ‘terrible two’ two year old even expert-litigator and at best a one year old expert-mediator. Not only is this my best DNA talents, it’s also my long years expertise as a former magistrate and former lawyer.
Mind everybody can hypnotically religiously even learn TO BELEAVE anything!
That they wish to ignore me, is a problem that hopefully will still in the nick of time before the gates of hell resolve itself. I’m ever so slowly gaining ground. For certain it will go viral. Probably now too late yet possibly thus not. Also a focus problem the film Don’t Look Up! correctly addresses.
He who states position proves position. You state the position that my indeed offbeat idea of a New Senate is crazy. Okay then, prove it!
Yet I’ll prove you in a better way, for I obviously fell short in my obligation to do that, that the New Senate Oracle is an essential ingredient to prevent Putin from starting a war.
To precook so to speak this crazy offbeat dish first a slight sideshow for all my readers the answers to (thus also your) homework.
At the end of Rambler 26 I gave my readers some homework. Especially when the question: “Who is your Nazi?” hits too close for comfort.
I answered that Nazi question. Being the mostly world mad modelled by me as the DSM-6 situation. Indeed most will agree with me that this is indeed the world we live in. Thus we are in an inherent Catch 22. So inherently all at least slightly mad until we change the world into a DSM-7 mostly healthy world setting. I’m a mostly mentally healthy ADHD-c4m* thus a wolf as depicted in this Doodle-graphic. My Nazi is thus Hermann Goering. As a former WW1 air ace he obviously was DNA talented for thinking in 4D Space type geometric dynamics inherent out of the box ‘pushing the outside of the flight envelope’ air combat inherently is. Even if the book being the flight manual says it can’t work, proving otherwise.
An ADHD wolf put in another metaphor is a potentially excellent (max 99.9%) Volt meter (‘slide ruler’) , average (max 50.1%) Decibel meter (‘camcorder’) and weak (max 2%) Ampere-meter to very weak (max 1%) Milliamp-meter (‘specialist digital calculator).
Yesterday I signed the petition “No honoury doctorate for Frans Timmermans at TU-Delft” https://petities.nl/petitions/geen-erdedoctoraat-voor-frans-timmermans-van-tu-delft?locale=nl
After having done your homework you will understand why I signed when seeing the answers.
Unless Frans renounces his MH-17 success as having spiraled out of control and his stance on nuclear energy then by all means grant him the doctorate. For he has shown how to get a large group to support a position. Now get him to put the herd on the right focus track.
First again the appropriate mostly Dutch Doodle graphics.

Greta Thunberg is a far above average fast thinking mostly mentally healthy authoritarian hysteric. I can’t see if her narcissistic way of expressing herself is internalized of just coping so she is as a metaphor either a female mountain goat buck in the clothes of a snake or indeed a snake like Adolf Hitler. Mind the becoming a narcissist after conception or at an early age is not as such a mental disorder in my model!
So, her talents are at best far above average complex hypnotics of large crowds. She does this akin Hitler also most effectively also did, also with extreme facial expressions that even most cattle who have the best talent of becoming hypnotized unwittingly even “understand” . She is best at contentiously going by the book of her peer group as a dedicated follower of fashion. She is average in social i.e. multi-ego language and she has socially competent irony. Abstract logic however is gender neutral female logic like Hitler, Franco and Maximillian de Robespierre also where good at.
Greta has thus an essential set of talents for all our survival!
Ergo she intuitively knows what her peer group thinks and in that sense can sell anything via mass hypnotics as long as there is an “in the box” neurological market.
This BTW doesn’t say I think about her being good or bad. Apart from that the objective block model I made in 2014 when she was ten years old. Mind most professors of psychology and even most male Dutch judges that I know are justifiably of this personality type. Indeed also all causing mayhem in the courts when not per hap-chance teamed up properly.
Why am I picking on her then? Well, I’m trying to prevent a whopping environmental disaster from a nuclear winter mostly also caused and thus preventable by her from happening.
Her effective preventing nuclear energy as essential energy transition is also at the heart of the global poverty problem that causes rising tension and thus the Dr Ingo Piepers Amok Algorithm. This poverty problem is the root cause stemming from science having not followed proper scientific proceeding. Bringing poor old Putin and Xi into problems that they are now obviously desperately trying to solve via starting a probable war, when we follow the old school wise book that brought humanity into that amok algorithm every time.
She needs to urgently learn to shut up or to start to support uranium based nuclear energy & New Oracle Senate!
Her great power WILL then be noticed by Putin and Xi and put them in correct focus as well preventing war!
I’ll explain later on.
# The other question on our new nuclear-physicist Nobel prize laureate winner Giorgio Parisi
Given these two links as facts and the block model what then does the block model show as Nobel Prize nuclear physicist Giorgio Parisi to be his intelligence and personality type?
Mind this is an exact scientific question, unless valid falsification of the block model as the 4th LOE can be given!
Given the fact that he is a professor of nuclear physics neigh absolutely rules out that he is less than a far above average fast thinker. Furthermore it even more rules out the possibility of him being in any way a hysteric. For hysterics simply lack the ability of thinking in abstract logical terms. Something that is essential in all (most difficult) physics such as nuclear physics.
So his either an artistic TGV ADHD wolf (dog, or narcissistic white shark) or a TGV autistic cattle (bull, cow or narcissistic hammerhead shark).
The ADHD type has the out of the box DNA talent for spotting paradoxes such as extremely complex dynamic systems, that all weather systems let alone climate systems hold. These people are best at dynamic geometry, average at language and absolute idiots at going by the fashionable book. Always breaking all the rules. One to two year old idiot level on the Yellow and Green algorithms of Saturnus.
The Autistic type is best at algebra for having a potential photographic memory, is average at geometry and a one year old mental baby on social traits such as language especially paradoxical irony and a two year old intellectual toddler when dynamic geometry as rheology is involved.
Well, it’s obvious that he doesn’t speak very well English for someone in a field of expertise in which English I take as a fact is a language that he has had an enormous amount of practice. And via modern media a lot of good examples. Had this been measured many years ago then it might have been different. So that makes it highly improbable that he is an ADHD type. The latter always have at least one quantum Venus algorithm and are thus as of natural Zen proficient in languages with no effort other than simply doing it.
He doesn’t for instance show a clear resounding voice either. I also don’t see him show any ironical wit.
His Nazi is thus very probably Keitel in being a Kasparov or ‘stuffy Dowding’ type.
So then we get to the problem whether the weather over longer periods of time defined as climate change is a paradoxical extremely complex dynamic out of the box issue requiring an artistic instrument brain or a “in the box” problem that now has been solved by this thus justly rewarded Nobel Laureate? Well, if indeed it is an in the box issue now per logical definition of required proof that you actually understand what you are explaining Parisi needs to explain it all to all 12 to 18 year old high school kids. Well I obviously don’t see him do that.
So when no valid falsification of the block model being the claimed proven best practice 4th Law of Everything and 4th Local Law of Humanity then most probably we’ve given a Nobel prize to an excellent milliamp-meter and thus very weak Voltmeter for and excellent Voltmeter reading on a Voltage problem. Less than one percent probability that he then made the out of the box artistic problem into an in the box problem.
Now he might state: “Don’t Look Up!” Thus claiming that catastrophically induced by humans climate change has happened and that simply turning the CO2 thermostat will certainly remedy the problem.
Well when we take that as a fact, i.e. to be absolutely true, then he must also acknowledge the fact that uranium based nuclear energy is the only way out and start supporting that. For then nuclear emissions will go to neigh zero.
Now I don’t know Parisi his position on nuclear energy.
Ah but environmental laws make it too costly is what Frans Timmermans says. Well then these laws are per logical consequence anti-environmental laws that are thus per urgent consequence null and void.
And if Parisi claims that nuclear energy isn’t safe then he must give his worst case scenario estimate of the amount of predicated deaths in the coming million years when humanity goes uranium energy for the next 500 years. My rough Wikipedia style estimate a maybe worst case ten deaths in a million years. When storing the waste in deep storage.
Not having nuclear energy solve the essential energy transition will invariably lead to nuclear war and genocidal amount of deaths in a few years-time if not as predicted by Ingo ultimately in 2022!
Apart from that whatever happens to the inherent climate change mini ice age, nothing or water-world heat scenario only nuclear energy is the off the shelf technology best practice solution.
Yet it requires long years stable commitment that the current 50% + 1 vote every four years is obviously too short.
Apart from that as the block model and current psychology shows only the argument of authority will work with senators for life. Only then is nuclear energy a viable option.
Mind the block model taken as an undisputed fact shows that 60% of humanity including the 10% fastest thinkers part of humanity being the proper professors in science of these 60% thus 6% (when distributed evenly which they are obviously not) desperately need to believe in the certainty of there being a CO2 thermostat that the authority they hypnotically follow, when ‘Looking Up’ at inherent climate change probably / possibly indeed going more erratic than ever recorded. Apart from Milankovitch cycles, my model gives also another possible or maybe even probable reason. Anyway both outside the span of control of humanity. So don’t worry about it, other than dealing with it being an engineering problem.
Don’t let the fact that you have committed yourself in the past against nuclear energy be your traumatic gut feeling blocking your judgement! Eerily the same reason why Germans in WW2 hypnotically followed the Nazi’s to their doom. Externalizing blaming others like the Jews or my generation, in a more and more religious way.
This following correct scientific procedure should be done in an interactive live session in which your brain can observe how others react in a safe environment.
Unless the Dracula zombies don’t want to attend or follow Theory U type Bayesian procedure.
Then the litigation wolf in Dada Easter Bunny Judge presiding will be all verbally over you!
If you state that it is indeed wise having Rutte and our King treat Putin as a Great Tsar after having made deep white lie apologies on MH-17 trial calling them a bunch of terrorists, then Putin’s brain will sense this as that he stands strong, and NATO & the EU stand weak.
This is thus nothing more than repeating old school wisdom without any out of the box offbeat twist.
If you do the same, strangely enough the same will happen.
That “same” being thus the n = high history of the Dr Ingo Piepers Amok Algorithm repeating itself into World War III!
The best we Dutch then get is off the top of his shit-list and the West might buy some time, yet his price will not go down as much as you might hope. For instance he will want the whole of the Ukraine. For his opening move was: “all of the former Soviet Union (and, if I’m not mistaken more even.)” If he toughens up on wanting the whole of the Ukraine or not having Ukraine ever join the EU or NATO then we won’t get a deal.
The robotics dictate that you make him not feel strong. He must however not be made to feel weak. Which is not possible BTW but that idiotic attempt even will induce a hefty reaction in a Hammerhead shark brought by you then in even more tunnel vision. You need to open him up.
In order to apply the right algorithm. As a thought experiment let’s say that an apple pie is unheard of. Now backing this never heard of apple pie you need to add apples and not forget to take the pie out of the oven in time. Or it will quickly burn into nuclear war and never result in the necessary apple pie as fundamental solution.
His brain probably unwittingly is constantly in a “How do I remain in power and not lose my reputation or esteem modus.” And also if given the change in a “How can I get even more power and thus what I believe to be esteem?” Being esteem what he robotically really craves.
Due to this any decision by any country in the world to do a New Oracle Senate test will throw all politicians in the world into focus disarray. So Putin will be confused. That is exactly the predictable human robotics you need. As long as then he or his cronies are threatened in the short to medium time a new temporarily stability will ensue.
For if you don’t get the deal or a wrong appeasement Sudetenland deal Narcissists like Putin and Hitler will go on.
When in that case Putin does carry on and the Dutch no longer on the top of the shit list, he will for instance hit Antwerp with a nuclear strike and / or Copenhagen. That is when Biden sends his troops to Europe in such a scenario. Believing that because they have no nukes to react without the consent of Biden, NATO / the US and France and Great Britain will throw in the towel. In so doing consolidating his gains and position. Mind Hammerhead sharks like Putin are literally suicidal gamblers. For he might not dare strike the US navy ships with nukes for that might evoke a nuclear counter strike.
So Richard you as far as I can see only state that my idea fix of an Oracle Senate is crazy, without being able to explain why, and maybe now see that I indeed didn’t fully explain the essential focus confusion that is required in dealing with Putin given his very strongly stated position of what he wants and what price he is willing to pay.
This then is extreme short term firefighting in a situation that is globally so overstressed that it needs but a tiny spark to ignite.
We Dutch as per democratic polder tradition can work this problem at a 7 marks out of 10 level. Doing this without the New Senate test would require a 9.9 out of 10 level. That is simply beyond us at the moment. For current Dutch politics is a minus 8 out of ten level.
Only a New Oracle will work. And your brain as will others only change your views when your brain intuitively senses that your peer group is changing.
Why? Well obviously 80% of humanity can’t learn to do anything else than follow the authority of a leader. They come from Saturnus. I.e. the authority Saturn having humble believers run rings around it. Because everybody is more or less neurologically hypnotized in their peer group culture that ONLY can be changed even by a snap of the fingers by authority.
As n = high history shows nearly all Germans who saluted Hitler quickly blamed him when green tanks with white and red stars rumbled past.
The very, very last chance is to get this taboo on talking about senators for life lifted as the crazy idea that WILL quickly even save the world.
Explaining the magical TV type view of the IKEA Ball Pit. I’ve corrected the ‘e’ in Ukraine and left the error visible. For this is a trial and ERROR school of thought based non spiritual religious church.
Was it actually important that E in R&D? No, of course not. Only in sales when communicating with intellectual and mental toddlers that then don’t take notice. Well, being religious they inherently never will take notice until forced by an even unwittingly perceived change in their authority peer peer group. Granted there is a more shore way given a hell of a lot of funding.
Yet we/ I have run out of time. WW3 could spark off any minute now, when Putin decides for whatever reason to go ahead.
As a few important easy takeaways in this model of the working of the instrument brain, is that what I perceive with all my senses yet idealized / simplified to only what I can register with my eye’s looking at exactly the same data as the four different types of non-transformed personality types that play a major role on this “Don’t Look UP!” topic.
You advised me to leave Alice & Bob out of it whereas it should have been already clear to you that the spectacles and Polaroid framing settings where already drawn in.
It is as if even without a television we look at the screen of a TV all the time. That is why we can’t distinguish true from false when the inverse dream state walks through our mental “TV” screen. In a worst case as a psychoses. Sometimes , looking very closely we see four basic ‘finger’ colours and one ’thumb’ box of the four different bandwidths of wave strengths like a normal digital TV conjures up. The memory box googles the recognized the say Amok Algorithm. This interpretation of what is observed in turn is brought into a Yin black (hardly any colour) problem ball and Yang white (all colour) solution ball. That later is the Bayesian weighing chip in the brain synapse according to current neurology. Of which we seem to have a trillion says science. Which I take as a fact.
Speed of the chip in the brain works like a multiplier. Spotting more data per timeframe like a TGV, you become more neurotic for less blissfully ignorant of black balls. Yet at the same time Murphy’s Law hits home punishing this somewhat more oversight leading to oversights. On average in this model ex the 2nd Law of Everything 10% of essential problems are far below average simple. And yes as any mathematician / scientifically trained brain should know, miss one tiny essential detail however simple and you die on your goal.
The other form of intelligence in this model is as stated the spotting the colours of the balls. Due to inherent lack of memory space as all mammals in this model have requires that these DNA talents are spread into different DNA personality types.
A mountain goat always unwittingly even is absolutely certain to reside on the communication rock. Which is absolutely true of course. Yet at the same time absolutely UNAWARE of also at the same time ‘magically’ as per healthy illusion of being in the Dangerous Dark Scary Woods of the Wolves in R&D.
In another part of the blog I’ve shown how single 1 neutrinos can be reverse engineered to act like snowflakes and spinning snowballs to form spinning strings in a matrix of slow spin smaller and faster graviton and larger Higgs-field snowballs. Acting as gyroscopes that hold position and thus information waving through the matrix.
What I forgot to draw was that a bull is the authoritarian autistic instrument brain. The brain of Putin is this type. Yet it is very much clear that Putin owing to the fact that he repeatedly acts very narcissistically such as lately threatening with nuclear war that he’s a hammerhead shark.
Mind Sir Isaak Newton was that also. And Sir Hooke and Douglas Bader as was a Dutch recently murdered journalist Per R. de Vries TGV White Sharks. The narcissistic version of the ADHD type. These are so pronounced types that you either love them or hate them. When in war it is however nice to have the drive and guts of a Douglas Bader or de Vries on your side.
Narcissists are not mad in this model. The more stress in society the more Mother Nature will produce sharks, snakes and as an inverse sheep as transformed mountain goat nannies.
Take the block model A 4 in your hand and see that the inverse of Mars friendliness (better indeed agreeableness) with that of Venus has a marked effect on how the robot human will react to a certain view of data. It works like a piece of sheet music. A dead algorithm that can be brought to jazzy life requiring study.
It is thanks ALSO to this model that I was able to solve the problem of how to practically get out of the n = high history of the Ingo Amok algorithm. Very practical thus.
From director at Princeton this nuclear string theory proponent physicist is going to be the new minister of Science, Culture and Education.
He has according to the block model the same intelligence and personality type as Barak Obama (healthy ADHD-nos4m* clearly not narcissistic), Eisenhower, Oppenheimer. And thus Albert Speer being his Nazi. Under pressure these types go for the relationship and lose primary focus of the stated goal. An essential diplomatic trait in keeping a team together. For had for instance Monty (ADHD-h4m (n or N) Joseph Goebbels as Nazi and Patton (ADHD-c4 (*/n/N???) mad war between each other that might of split the allies.
Robbert has great talent for mediation being marketing in this models jargon.
Who better to put this my in effect string theory forward and have him chat with the VVD president of our senate a medical doctor professor of our senate and our PM Rutte?
Anyway Robbert too will be at a loss to defend himself on the social contract of humanity in a fair trial as having failed humanity as a scientist. He can read and understand the above Dutch doodle Graphic of lady Justice decapitating Science even in Transition.
Where is the required instruction manual on use for the instrument brain on Wikipedia that can and must be taught to all high school kids? Indeed oops you forgot! As did psychologists withhold evidence using the same sinister Devil Dracula parasitic zombie earning model of desire we all to a certain degree where forced to use. If we are all guilty no one legally is. Yet morally we all are.
After that he may as the new minister explain to Dadda Easter Bunny (being for instance Michelle Obama also as a lawyer so potentially a gender neutral Dada Easter Bunny judge presiding).
I don’t agree with the current philosophy of mathematics in which I guess I’m in good company of Bertrand Russell, Louis Carroll, Albert Einstein, Hubble et al.
The problem starts with the start. I observe that I think as part of an by me felt healthy observed cosmos bubble. A bubble I can’t fully observe in closest and farthest detail. Yet one that has observable rules of law as obvious order function defined as soul at play.
This Wikipedia on axiom is seen from this model THUS as logical dictate defined incorrectly.
Because mathematics is part of physics-mayor being all of science including pure mathematics as part of meta-physics including the occult and errors on a goal of all-inclusive bildung. This any scientist is forever learning also besides teaching. Having physics-minor including applied mathematics as being that what potentially can be explained to all 12 to 18 year old high school kids in a complete consistent way. Albeit effectively and completely to the 10% fastest thinkers.
I.e. much of what is taught at universities can effectively be taught to any high school kid. That is however not to say that you should attempt to in actuality ever do that! Especially not completely. Yet you can of course choose to do ever changing deep researched topics. We did quantum physics in the seventies at my high school.
The goal of science is thus to try via trial and error to get the inherent meta-physics hypothesis via a theorem OR via at first proven best practice on basis of circumstantial evidence based primarily on dynamic geometry. Being geometry, language and numbers as wisdom equally important. Otherwise inconsistencies being conflicts will invariably lead to war.
The norm Robbert should for instance put forward for the primary school is that all 10% TGV of 40% autistic kids 80% male 20% female should be fully proficient as > 90% truth in solving all problems as put forward in Jan van de Craats & Rob Bosch “Basisboek Rekenen”. Including use of the slide ruler as extra. The actual reason I’m convinced that the El Al Boing crashed on the Bijlmer BTW. Reliance on computers and no professor Greinadanus who at Fokker would of spotted it intuitively immediately that “something was wrong” .
For TGV wolf kids like I this is not fully required for they have relative dyscalculia. Indeed a lot to be said how to play this.
Furthermore all high-school TGV wolf and TGV cattle kids should at least as a > 90% truth be fully trained in het ‘Basisboek Wiskunde’ Jan van der Craats & Rob Bosch.
Because the cattle has been dominant the last decennia geometry has floundered as has the level of arithmetic and mathematics. This can ONLY be solved when everyone in the Netherlands has a guaranteed decent base income. Then labour is cheap and getting the right teachers with the talents but no teaching diploma a non-problem. Because who would want to object? You get more adults as a correctly formed team per kid in larger groups.
And that in turn is ONLY possible when a Quattro Politica is formed. Having a truly independent Senate as an Oracle.
That as a healthy virus can and must go global.
# That was the radical idea that I had Rutte nearly propose after april first.
Robbert can simply fact check this also with his D’66 party senators. And of course his new mate PM Rutte.
It’s an absolute logical dictate that in order to break through the Ingo Piepers Amok Algorithm you need to do something RADICALLY different!
Mind this is not an experiment but more of a first flight of a prototype built of otherwise tested parts. Some of which indeed only by me in the Meineszmurder case.
Robbert has the talent knowledge and authority to turn Gretta and Parisi as to turn Xi and Putin via getting the senators for life taboo lifted. As that he can cure our scientific and educational system.
That system will outcompete all others that don’t follow suit. So they wall will, for we need to share this all openly Wikipedia style.
Excellent schooling is easy robotics as is solving the energy transition via nuclear energy. Only then will essential for critical valid blind trust in society be restored. Something the legal system sec simply can’t do.
Maybe then just in the nick of time before the gates of hell, will this work if I can get a podium in time.
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You wrote “uncontested definition via valid falsification”. It’s uncontested because nobody is taking any notice of it, and nobody is taking any notice of it, because nobody understands it.
A “mayor” is the head of the government of a city. Dutch “burgemeester”. The word “mayor” is a noun, not an adjective. Your rambling about etymology is irrelevant. All this does explain why almost nobody takes the trouble to read your gospels, because you make it so hard for readers to understand what you are going on about. Too many digressions, too many spelling mistakes, too many ungrammatical sentences.
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PS you wrote: “We did quantum physics in the seventies at my high school.” That does not mean that your teachers understood what they were teaching you. It certainly does not mean that their pupils understood anything about the subject. One does not “do quantum physics in high school”.
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Well, that is just to bad then that “nobody” takes note. Which as such isn’t true either. Yet it is going much too slow.
Within the given time frame I did my best.
And that then is indeed the final words in the movie “Don’t Look Up!”
I know that spelling is important for the idiots who are in power. Autistic idiots rule in the exact sciences and hysteric idiots rule in the soft sciences. The artistic idiot minority have let themselves be sidelined in the arts as an irrelevant bunch of mad mistfits.
The actual truth is that no one dares to take risks hoping that things will sort themselves out. Focusing solely at preventing sparks. The true problem is the overstressed system and acknowledgement of all being idiots. Idiots by very nature don’t want to hear that they are idiots apart from not understanding that.
And crazy people think themselves normal. Difficult as well to descern with a crazed brain. Thinking the other crazy and indeed spotting the others idiocy.
I guess the deadline is going to be the begining of this year, that all hell is going to break out.
China already has an economic meltdown as does Russia. My ideas could help prevent that economic disaster from escalating being the core problem at the moment.
What I don’t understand (yet actually do understand, but still) is that you actually seeing this don’t take action?
Well, truth is, you are conditioned to the role of the co pilot and flight engineer of an actuall historic aircrash. Fully aware seemingly that they had run out of gass and would crash but did nothing because the capatin was fixated on what later proved to be a broken lightbulb indicating that the gear wasn’t locked.
Although they had the power to do so they did nothing and died. Together with a lot of passengers.
Great crashlanding though showing great pilot skills.
Don’t Look in the Mirror!
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“Yet it is going much too slow. Within the given time frame I did my best.”
No excuses, please. You have to learn to do better in future.
“I know that spelling is important for the idiots who are in power.”
Spelling is important if you wish to communicate. Bad spelling causes irritation and slows down reading.
If the world comes to an end it will be your fault for not having taken more care in your messages to the world. You are never too old to learn.
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