A 12-minute read

This post presupposes that you’ve read the previous post and several pingbacks in that post.
To prove the above statements to mathematicians and physicists, I’ll start this proof with a singularity defined by mathematical convention as an infinitely small point of nothing. Mathematics is a proven something from a static nothing if you like.
This uncontested starting point of all mathematics is thus geometry defined here by logical English words.
Because my model is now completely consistent it really doesn’t matter where we start thus starting from one virtual point singularity makes no difference.
Singularity requires as a first postulate (proven suspect) the existence of at least a point mass of one mathematician. A nerdy square-head mathematician containing massive brainwave dynamics of heavy interactive thinking. All mathematics starts with at least one mathematician’s axiomatic (proven culprit fit for review by valid falsification) assumption that they and their thoughts exist as massive something. Mathematical ‘mass’ is not defined here as the same as physics-minor mass. In this model that is classical mechanical mass, which is absolutely rigid absolutely dense stuff with a volume and absolutely unchangeable form. Absolutely conductive kilograms of mass.
Mathematical mass simply is defined as a completely filled-in volume leaving no parts uncolored and nowhere having double-painted inconsistencies. The empty space can thus be described by fully painting nothing in no-colour black or any way you like per convention as long as it remains completely consistent.
The hypothetical postulate remains if any one mathematician can fully understand or dream up all of mathematics.
Mind, the question of whether mathematics is discovered or invented is a wrong question, akin to asking how many atoms constitute an apple. It all depends on how you like to define it. As shown in the previous post, ping back below, all possible scenarios are absolutely true and played out every time all time since infinite time and will do so infinitely long. Mathematical thought by mathematicians is one such scenario. Please note that incorrect mathematics is ex DSM-0 paradoxically correct mathematics. God is identical to Mother Nature who is identical to the cosmos and has per logical definition no errors. DSM-0 is the absolute deepest truth, yet a truth with inherently incomplete evidence. The third LOE Bayes dictates free will and meaning in life. Incorrect mathematics only then is the mathematical error ex DSM-8. All mathematicians who don’t want to make errors must learn to use all five required mindsets, given any serious problem that all mathematics is. This on the five wise goals of any human and all of humanity. Otherwise, it’s illegal on the social contract with humanity.
Thus from this starting point of nothing singularity definition, given the term ‘number’ defined as an exactly determined quantum, using the term ‘zero’ or ‘0’, I’ve mathematically dynamically created a virtual point-mass smallest one quantum length cube as the smallest tool mathematical straight stick via the interactive dynamics described by Euclid’s first four postulates. Interactive dynamics that axiomatically assume don’t change the form of the virtual geometric point mass.
An axiom can per logical definition not be proven by quantifiable theorem proof.
Thus I now have a proven by other means than theorem postulate as an axiom, using interactive dynamical geometry that is accepted by all mathematicians. Unless they oppose by wanting to exclude themselves from this required mathematical thought process.
Please note that I don’t need the parallel postulate for this! I need to whack myself twenty times with a verbal stick not to have noticed the mathematical fallacy of Euclid and all other mathematicians as far as I’m aware of sooner.
I’m not going to bother to prove the basic geometry involved here that the shortest route between two points is the definition of a straight line. This is Euclid’s first postulate. Systematically this should be corrected in defining this as the second axiom. A proven via dynamically using all four axiomatic assumptions of Euclid that no one doubts to be absolutely true. Only deeming real magic incomplete or inconsistencies to be illegal.
Simple to prove that the act of creating this virtual minimum-length straight stick in a mathematician’s brain is a virtual cube that causes virtual and real brain waves that mirror which is Euclid’s fourth postulate which systematically is now the fifth axiom. To create a cube with straight lines I need the third postulate now systematically the fourth axiom. Rotating the line at right angles in the most minimalistic way. To create the stick as a long straight line, I need the second postulate, now renamed and proven otherwise than by theorem as the third axiom.
A line is thus most fundamentally/ elementary, pure, and elementary applied mathematics or elementary theoretical physics use of mathematics not a local collection of an infinite amount of singularities. What mathematicians want to do in non-elementary mathematics is another matter.
The definition of the shortest line in all elementary mathematics is one quantum length side of such a cube.
How many meters such one quanta minimum length is, is not an elementary mathematical question.
The correct elementary mathematical question is how many quantum lengths go in one meter?
A stick as a straight line of minimum one quanta cube mathematical virtual thought point masses is local and quantifiable. It includes the zero starting point outside of which is defined set theory empty of elements, up to the end of the stick which is also defined as empty. Providing a mathematical local non-curved nothing of set theory space as room for dynamic geometry constructing all of mathematics, logic, describing physics-mayor (pronounce major or maior).
The logical dictate of what a mathematical line is not is a curved string approximation. In pure mathematics as metaphysics a most fundamental elementary definition of a line is thus not a sphere with an infinite radius. That would be an illegal approximation and a logical inconsistency in the elementary set theory domain probandum.
Euclid’s fifth parallel postulate is thus not an axiom but a mathematical dynamic geometric proof. Already contained in the required point-mass cube to be absolutely loophole-free mathematically true.
Assuming or even doubting that two parallel lines will intersect in infinity is a postulate that not all mathematicians are convinced of. It is also therefore proven not to be the most fundamental/ elementary axiom which is required in pure mathematics of elementary issues. This now to be termed beta postulate is hereby proven to be only true in parts of applied mathematics. Useful in local laws (LoLs, pun intended) such as parts of quantum mechanics and general relativity physics. There too proven to be fundamentally unsolvable in physics-minor as in pure mathematics when disputing the parallel postulate proof by John Bell and his Bell inequality theorem. Reproduced by the 2022 physics Nobel Prize laureates and my friend professor Gill’s theorem.
With these five new axioms, the naked truth is that the brainwaves in the memory bank of one single naked male or female mathematician, with at least a penis-length straight stick and a ditto length of a string performing dynamical interactions on a virtual memory bank of a sandy beach, still isn’t proven to be able to perform all mathematics.
Part of the first postulate is that any mathematician is a human. A homo sapiens mammal.
My practical most fundamental game-changer block model of the mammal brain is completely consistent and even proven geometric brainwave mathematically thus identical to the different sorts of waves caused by mathematical point masses moving in a dynamic medium of such point masses which pure mathematics is proven to be. An axiomatically essential operation performed in the brains of mathematicians to get mathematics to prove anything.
Pure mathematics is a local law that must per axiom include the mathematical thought process of a human brain. A human brain is then defined as being a mathematical robot using applied mathematics. Even mathematicians need to breathe, eat, sleep, and help by using mathematics to prevent humanity from going extinct. Otherwise, mathematics will disappear with the mathematicians in our unique timeline sooner than need to be when observed and described ex DSM-8.
The block model is mathematically identical to the given five axioms.
Identical is defined as in every possible way exactly the same. Observed sphere of dynamic space-time of classical mechanical interactively moving kg mass in the brain in the virtual cube of absolutely empty uncurved space from every possible angle covering and describing all interactions in a completely consistent way. Thus the block model builds the sound most fundamental/ elementary basis of both pure and applied mathematics including building the sound descriptive most fundamental/elementary mathematical and physical basis even of the mathematical brains in humans.
The block model dictates that all mathematics and logical thought has an interactive dynamic normal bell-curve wave distribution split in a dualistic four by four, thus eight by eight medium- to high-pressure brainwave model organizing all humans and thus all mathematicians. Mathematicians are defined as people attempting to do mathematics such as students. And also the block model dictates all mathematicians are defined as human mammals. All mammals have memory bank storage shortages including humans and mathematicians.
In previous posts on this blog of Wikipedia style learning the definition of science as it now stands is:
Science is the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung.
The five mirror images as the five illusions healthy, unhealthy, ill, sick, and at the moment incurably insane. The model distinguishes completely consistent with the current cosmic bubble illusions and thus that are in varying degrees not complete or consistent.
Looking back at the starting point illusion at the beginning of this post the singularity. An obvious illusion mirroring an observation in spacetime with the benefit of hindsight incomplete and thus ex DSM-8 illegal way on the elementary probandum.
The mirror image is what we perceive as the conclusion posterior odds on what the best starting point is. As said a non-problem. You may start anywhere and subsequently by adding new thoughts to correct the incompleteness and inconsistencies to solve the elementary problem.
Mind, that in a mathematician’s brain behind the mirror actually, CM mass is spinning as very many two connected gyroscopes holding the information position in the curved Higgs-graviton field matrix built as a dynamic construction with the same 1-neutrino snowflakes as deformable Higgs and graviton interacting snowballs.
The cosmos at the most fundamental/elementary level is both continuous and discrete at the same time all the time when constructed the way I depicted.
The mirror reflects and can only reflect one focus point side of the actual real object observed in a certain wavelength.
The five axioms of this model are the now-proven fourth law of everything, which is proven identical to the block model. On the five wise goals also of every mathematician given the logical dictate of Bildung, every human must study mathematics and is thus to be defined as a mathematician in so doing.
On a wise goal how to practically organize the Bildung of all mathematicians as a 99.9% truth given the practical possibility of quickly building a decent schooling system, is proven best practice as well as modeling it on a factory.
There are 64 exclusive starting point chairs for all potentially optimally trained and teaching mathematicians. From each chair, the entire game board of life can be taught to all in an all-inclusive way.
Getting this wrong will in time always cause amok. The thermodynamics of conflict and war logically comes about by inconsistencies being per logical definition conflicts.
The observable and easy to register on say video four different speeds of the brain dictate for speeds of communication and this learning. Low-speed learning, below-average speed learning, above-average speed learning, and highest-speed learning also logically stem from quantifying the second law of everything the normal bell-curve dynamics. It’s proven to be the only way to make it all fit. Four-speed bandwidths correspond with the four different sorts of construction connections of the dictated rings as in part perfect circles. Both a geometric dictate and a CM Newton Law 1st LOE dictate.
Alphas are best at producing going-by-book already known extremely complex dynamic geometry such as knitting. Alphas are 10% male and 90% female including Justified professors and most lawyers and magistrates in the soft sciences and courts of law. They can as seeming magic remember a host of at first glance seemingly unsystematic data points. It costs them little mental pressure to perform this trick. It thus is soothing to do. The 10% male alphas that have hypnotically/ religiously thus learned not to like this is indeed a cultural thing.
Betas, gammas, and deltas even professional mathematicians with a mathematics degree won’t really like knitting, for it costs them a lot of mental pressure. Not many alphas will enjoy or be justifiably capable of becoming professional mathematicians, let alone mathematics professors. Even the fastest-thinking alphas have a healthy easy to prove nigh total lack of abstract logical thought. This in turn causes alphas much mental pressure when doing mathematics.
There are thus limits to what degree any speed of the brain can learn mathematics. Mind, nigh anyone between six and seventy-two years of age can learn some mathematics.
In the same way, there are limits on what sort of mathematics alpha, beta, gamma, or deltas can do.
Fastest-thinking alphas especially authoritarian types can fool themselves and others to be good enough at mathematics and numbers as is required of a Minister of Finance. Well, in our crazy society, Sigrid Kaag has the same personality type genotype as Adolf Hitler. Like Hitler, she’s excellent at hypnotizing the herd and herself in the honest belief that she is best for the job. Yet she’s an obvious deep idiot in these requirements akin to Hitler being honestly convicted of being an excellent diplomat prior to the beforeoland and after that honestly convinced he was a great Field Marshall micro-managing the war. Especially so, when others gave him his initial successes.
Minister of Finance is a job for the fastest-thinking beta with a financial degree and much experience both in finance and politics. Getting a financial degree demands a level of mathematics Bildung that is * way * beyond what any alpha talent can reach.
To get that alpha, beta, gamma, and delta mathematical brain to operate properly the model dictates that the team must be organized and trained properly.
Betas can have no justified authority on any paradoxical issues such as ironic human behavior, or complex dynamic interactive geometry such as all most fundamental/elementary mathematics & physics. It simply doesn’t compute. Betas, even Nobel prize laureates in physics are easily proven deep idiots on these issues when betas. They are also easily proven deep idiots by neurologically internalized hypnotics such as the now validly falsified “shut-up-and-calculate” anti-religion religion.
Alpha, beta, gamma, and delta DNA talents in mathematics are all equally important. Mathematics is symbiotic also at the elementary level.
My Just Proof model in 1990 has proven by far to be the best practice legal method.
Using this method in physics in 2010 also has proven by far to be best practice with a whopping 80% correct prediction score on elementary psychics.
Using the method in all of the soft sciences producing the block model in 2014 has proven by far the best practice with part 100% score on what Putin would do in the Ukraine conflict & war.
Since the end of 2022 using this method mathematically proved that my block model is identical to the five required axioms provided that mathematicians completely comply with all the laws of everything including the social contract with humanity, for only then providing a basis to even think coherently about mathematics.
For as far as I know the very first time in human history humanity has all the science of the only one absolutely true Grand Law of Everything with the ten dualistic laws of everything.
1st LOE most focus on (mfo) CM incidental mag v 10c, kg,m,s,kgm/s,kgm/s^2 both in part continuous and in another part discrete.
2nd LOE (mfo)The ten normal distributions of statistical probability.
3rd LOE (mfo)The ten elements of Bayesian mathematics of common sense as of the synapse.
4th LOE (mfo) The five dualistic axioms identical to are the Block model of the human collective mammal brain.
5th LOE (mfo) Eulers Identity e^(iPi)+ 1=0 smallest Nirvana cube of one 1-neutrino absolutely conductive constructs through to largest beehive Nirvana space cube of infinite space being all the time every time interactively dynamic in constant YOLOUR change. Proto-intelligence, proto-consciousness, proto-life, and proto-death cycle constructive, deconstructive pressure wave.
6th LOE (mfo) infinite empty space is the largest element of an infinite amount of 5th LOE space cubes.
7th LOE (mfo) strong force kg.m/s 4th postulate Euclid as now proven to be the 5th axiom.
8th LOE (mfo) weak force kg.m/s^2 3rd postulate Euclid now proven to be the 4th axiom.
9th LOE (mfo) relative and absolute time speed vectors 2nd postulate Euclid now proven 3rd axiom there is an incidental max v in the infinite cosmos dictate. The dynamics of stationary waves caused by CM bouncing large constructed particles in CM smaller same particle dynamic fields matrix. Mind, light particles, and gravity are only present in the small crust of a finite great amount of spheres in ditto hexagon dome-lidded honeycomb “ice” ‘cubes’ of an infinite amount of whopping beehives in the infinite cosmos.
10th LOE (mfo) equality-inequality we are in an obviously consistent DNA life faze with very slowly accelerating mounting entropy i.e. chaos. An infinite YOLOUR cycle idea is even a proven concept t. Our Milky Way is slowly speeding up akin to a little Champagne bubble after a small Big Bang far and far before slowly being pushed into the Higgs graviton field crust seen by current science as the Big bang moment. The fact of not spotting that and not grasping this easily proves the deep idiocy of current science.
My good friend mathematics teacher Hans Waalwijk answered my silly question about what he deems the most beautiful mathematical formula: Euler’s Identity. That nailed it. The final nail in the coffin of current peer-reviewed science. Where could they possibly oppose and validly falsify this elementary foundation of all mathematics as part of all of physics?
I’ve simply followed and can prove to have followed all the proven correct rules. As I’ve also proved by valid falsification that current sick science even in transition has never followed.
As my first mathematics teacher in High School in the 1970ies told me: “All mathematics can be performed on a sandy beach with a straight stick and a string.” He thus only implied it requires a human that is thinking about mathematics. The naked truth of at least a naked male/ female mathematician. Because science is defined as decent dependent on time and place and conventions being a naked mathematician on the beach could be both. Sometimes per democratic convention, a minimum piece of matrix cloth and string should be worn. But, by academic convention, this is best to be a simple toga. A larger piece of matrix cloth and again an extra string. This toga may be virtual or mental.
The important extra of this toga is that the Taliban is correct that all women should wear a burka. The Taliban alas made three slight errors. All men should also wear a burka. But no one should always wear a burka. On certain issues and times, anyone with academic issues needs to either wear the toga or the basic burka. Simply cut two holes for the eyes and string the toga shut above the head. The third slight error of the Taliban is of course it’s mostly mental thus virtual exercise.
All scientists and mathematicians can now humbly don the burka and play a lampshade. Thus shut up and on all elementary mathematical issues first, draw the whole dynamic geometric picture in an artistic/spiritual completely consistent thus always a testable way and then do not shut up but talk to yourself and others of your correctly formed team, and only then subsequently shut up and calculate. During the latter phase of the mathematical exercise, everyone except the betas must don the burka and indeed shut up after having the betas checked or when they have done the calculations let them shed the light on number science mathematics. Only then do they have that authority. Only then may this light be copied by having the betas turned that light on under the alpha, gamma, and delta lampshades.
The oligarchs of science need to be reined in for the authoritarian betas are much too dominant in mathematics and the exact sciences as the authoritarian alphas are much too dominant in the soft sciences and the law. The latter mostly know bloody well that betas don’t grasp a thing about ironic human behavior as the betas also bloody well know that even male alphas suffer from incurable gender-neutral female logic. It now has become easy to test anyone without them knowing or being able to prevent this.
Deadly remarks:
I don’t sense any authentic irony with you. => Please refrain from giving your opinion before the resounding voices have given their artistic opinion on this possibly paradoxical issue and you both have reached a consensus.
I don’t sense any talent for abstract logic with you at the required level in this case. => Please refrain from giving your opinion before the resounding voices and the people without irony have reached and communicated a consensus. Only then will you be able to justify selling that consensus.
Even having a Nobel Prize in physics doesn’t give any beta any just authority in elementary physics or elementary mathematics when not being able to prove correct procedure conform to the Grand Law of Everything. Or show valid falsification thereof.
Only then can the claimed idea of having solved, DM, DE, the arrow of time, marrying GR & QM to CM, double slit, quantum entanglement, Big bang, intelligence, consciousness, entropy, Bose-Einstein condensate entropy, and much else be validly falsified.
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