Prevent Putin’s nukes on Rotterdam harbor around April fool’s day!
With good diplomacy also the Ukraine and everyone can get a win-win solution now, without a just fear of a nuclear winter.
Forcing Putin to also accept Russia testing the New Oracle Senate.
Rambler 31
Executive summary of past ramblers and an excerpt of more that is yet to come.
15 minute read apart from the doodle graphics and links

- This is an English excerpt elaboration on Rambler 30 that was done in Dutch. Yet with English links proving that the Russian military doctrine of a “de-escalating” first nuclear strike without fear of a counter strike exists.
- My predictions are intended to be a self-denying prophesy. It’s going to be a close call either way. Time and urgent action are of the essence.
- Conform my predictions over the past years the group of people that see the problem and also my way out is slowly growing. Simply the normal distribution of the bell curve at play. A paradigm shift takes time. Time we now don’t have other than to simply start testing what I’ve been stating for years now. That decision to test in itself will solve the problem. Unless of course, valid falsification in the proper proceeding can be taken into evidence.
- Adding to the mentioned doctrine is a Rand rapport published in 2019. This shows that the occupation of the Baltic states is in the first instance * even using nukes * unpreventable by NATO. Furthermore, it also points out the holes in the nuclear umbrella of NATO and the danger of Russia calling NATO’s bluff. That is the actual reason for the above-mentioned doctrine. Such a doctrine prepares all the military and civilians in Russia that this is a good idea. It also lessens the chance of someone pulling the emergency brake. So hoping that will happen is foolish.
- NATO’s nuclear deterrence relies for the main part on that of the USA. France and Great Britain only play a secondary role. France not being part of the military alliance of NATO, Brexit, and the way the USA left the then ally Afghanistan, have obviously worked as catalysts for several countries in the world to doubt the resolve.
- To further add to all this, is the fact that Putin has explicitly stated, that he is contemplating having things turned into nuclear ashes concerning Ukraine.
- Please take good note that Putin himself has the keys to open Pandora’s box and to push the nuclear button! That too needs urgent attention with all nuclear states. Pending global peace in which we can get rid of these Murphy’s Law otherwise inevitable killers which all nuclear weapons are, until past the end of our times.
- On top of that it should be noted that the MH17 court case * indeed unjustly even * has branded Putin in so many words a terrorist leader. Which stupidity has put us Dutch on top of Putin’s shit list.
The English Wikipedia version of the MH-17 trial is not up to date as much as the Dutch Wikipedia is. The latter is not completely up to date either. Russia has vetoed a prosecution of the suspects via a UN tribunal. The four Russian suspects are being prosecuted as terrorists because the Donbass isn’t a recognized country. The prosecution has asked for four life sentences. As a former Dutch prosecutor I deem these to be trumped-up charges in a politically motivated show trial. Our ‘father of our fatherland’ the Prince of Orange – as a German – fighting the King of Spain during our war of independence would then have to be deemed a terrorist as well. And what was a civilian airliner doing over a combat area? As a former conscript AA gunner, I know that when you are “in sector” without an IFF code, then that radar blip and a maybe visible spot in the sky could be enemy paratroopers. One small RPG-7 rocket and you are a dead Russian separatist in your BUK AA tank. A political hype that made the carrier of Dutch politician Frans Timmermans. Who was responsible to inform KLM & MH-17 about the dangers in Ukraine? Why was Air France warned under the end responsibility of a French ministry, indeed not to fly over Ukraine? Timmermans, as the then minister of foreign affairs, was responsible for that in this case. Due to his brilliant handling of MH-17, he brought the whole Dutch nation together. And he’s now a top political dog in the EU based on handling the aftermath of a disaster he was primarily responsible for. Indeed a great politician!
Yet even if these Russian suspects are indeed guilty as hell as terrorists, is that worth a nuke on Rotterdam? Is that what the loved ones of the casualties of MH17 really want? Or are people allowing themselves to become victimized, themselves guilty of pestering others by in so doing unwittingly even creating great problems for others as well?
In coming ramblers I’ll further elaborate on the human brain and that of narcissists in general and that of Putin in particular.
Mind I’ve dealt with quite a few narcissists in the criminal cases I worked on in my many years of being a magistrate and a lawyer.
The gist of this all is, that it shows why the west is doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing.
And in so doing are thus blundering the world again into a world war that will go nuclear.
Unless war between nuclear states is prevented that is.
The coming ramblers will also elaborate on all our dirty little economic secret earning models.
Of which our are much more cultivated than those of the Russians and the Chinese.
They are all Ponzi-style dirty pyramid games.
Games that many have warned for and have now already gone wrong in China and Russia.
As they are now starting to go wrong in all of the world economies as well.
I guess the covid-19 crisis sparked this al off.
I BTW don’t fully agree with this NATO analysis in October 2021. I just want to point towards the fact that NATO also sees the global economic crisis and the link with Covid-19 as a danger for world peace.
This was all predicted by me. Such as in the doodle graphic with Trump and corona. This was when Trump claimed he was cured. Since then Trump has tried to place a coup and invited an attack on Capitol Hill. This is proof of the prediction that the US is on the verge of a Civil War. Then the sparks of a mutant killer virus. This one probably has hit the Chinese Ponzi – style economy. Being a powder keg. One that is about to go off. Yet in the silence before the storm, as depicted in the red Dr. Ingo Piepers algorithm, we revert to ostrich politics.

The economic crisis are in effect the motor behind the military crisis.
And these dirty little secrets are the reason for all our strong taboo gut feelings of guilt and shame. Also mostly unwittingly even that of our democratic leaders who must think like the herd does!
This is exactly the same problem as with the German people in World War Two. Blaming the Jews as scape goats for the bombs on their German cities. Even though that being mostly even German peoples own fault as well.
A healthy neurological block called ‘being in denial’ prevents damage to the brain for that indeed would cause a mental disorder. It’s a hypnotical survival trait at play. Something many of my criminal clients also showed to have. The above mentioned individual and collective ostrich politics.
See the doodle graphic on the history of Adolf Hitler.

As Bertrand Russell also stated: Learn to deal with those gut feelings of great fear!
What Bertrand meant was don’t reject things outright when something turns your stomach.
Investigate that rationally. Being the latter the use of all your intuitions. That takes at least a night’s sleep. I add to that the correct procedure is (time permitting) to talk through that problem at least with your personality opposite counterpart. That usually being your partner. The correct procedure is to be very open and share all the information you have on the problem.
The capitalizing on putting the focus on the victims is in effect the same as with the toppling Edward Colston statue affaire. On a stated goal of wanting to lessen unjust race discrimination in effect causing the opposite. For when it would be successful then the reason in life for those who want to be seen, and also see themselves as fighting against racism, will lose that goal in life. The brain mostly unwittingly always lets you hypnotically focus on your actual desires.
The real problem is not eradicating poverty. This is in my model due to the mostly unwitting enslavement of neurologically internalized hypnotics. The latter being in my model is defined as not mostly spiritual religion.
A slave is at least a slaveholder of oneself. All slaveholders are addicted i.e. enslaved to keep the slaves enslaved. Mostly unwittingly. And when having become noticed then the addiction still needs to be cured. That can only be done via a peer group having the brain put on another neurological track of mind. Changing the stance of a peer group takes time or a lot of mental pressure.
Well, thanks to Xi and Putin we’ve got a lot of mental pressure.

This all can be quickly remedied via at first treatment of some symptoms.
Thus sit, drink one cup of coffee, talk it through with your partner and sleep on it.
So thus act on proper group think!
That will teach you to grasp why we should immediately stop the sanctions against Putin, and broker a deal!
The strategic solution, in the long run, must be to get Russia to join the EU and NATO. As some in NATO have also noticed.
As a country, you are either neutral or you’re not. By sending military aid and having sanctions NATO becomes the enemy in the eyes of Putin.
An enemy who has been warned by narcissist Putin and with whom negotiations are still ongoing.
Even though Putin is obviously only still buying time to get everything ready, together with Xi Jinping jumping off after the Olympics.
As predicted by me previously an ‘axes like’ coalition in which Xi backs Putin against NATO has formed.
The easy further proof of all this is the idiotic demands such as to have the Baltic states no longer be part of NATO. Putin is obviously buying time AND (!) signaling that the Baltics are a target!
These sorts of planned military preparations are an enormous logistical undertaking. Or Putin must attack sooner when forced by stupidity on the part of NATO.
As long as the buildup of Russia remains faster than the potential enemies, then Putin being a potential excellent chess player, can and thus will, best wait. For then he’s still getting relatively stronger in time.
Also predicted by me earlier was the probable annexation of the already vassal state Belarus. The prelude of this is an “exercise”.
The central problem for Putin is that Russia will lose any military confrontation with NATO in the long run. Simply Russia is not rich enough or militarily strong enough. At best they will make strong headway at first, akin to Hitler did even contrary to expert expectations at the time.
The following concept doodle graphic is how I saw it before noticing Ingo Pieper his algorithm. You don’t need to be able to read Dutch to grasp what this repeating ever better Titanic scenario wave is about. If you don’t grasp this or get stuck in any of these doodle graphics, then you are clearly out of your depth.

This Rambler hopefully also proves to the Dutch, who mostly understand English, why the ‘free will robotics’ of my model is fully consistent with current behavioral science and history of war and the thermodynamics of war as shown in the algorithm of world wars by Dr. Ingo Piepers.
Piepers predicting WW3 in 2022 at the latest.

My block model shows that rich (such as not being to go on winter sports) and poor poverty as hypnotic slavery causes slowly rising tension and thus many what I call small Ingo Piepers amok algorithms. Together forming one large one caused all the large wars in the past.
Ingo sent me an email confirming that this is the way he sees it as well.
I guess no one will dare deny that Ingo’s algorithm is correct seeing what is quickly unfolding right now.
This all leads to the obvious conclusion that Putin and our leaders are successfully having all the experts of the Atlantic Council as well, only focus on an attack on Ukraine. And only from a viewpoint of what “Russia” is going to do and not what Putin is going to do.
Of course, Putin is not going to explicitly state what he is actually going to do. Deception is the art of war. If you simply take all the indisputable facts I stated, then it is quite obvious why it is that an attack toward the Donbass and furthermore not Kyiv but via vassal state Belarus towards the Baltic states, is a quasi-deception forcing Biden to send troops per ship to Europe.
In so doing making all harbors of non-nuclear-weapon states such as we Dutch, legitimate targets in the eyes of a narcissist like Putin. All conform to his established military doctrine.
Using nukes in war towards a political aim.
Being on top of Putin’s shit list is therefore not the place to be.
Especially not with such a tempting target as the uninhabited Maasvlakte harbor in front of Rotterdam. A perfect political first nuclear strike target with little collateral damage. A suicidal and criminally insane gamble that might indeed have Biden throw in the towel.
For we Dutch only can use our (BTW only tactical) nukes when Biden releases their use.
See the nice effects of a 10KT nuke on the Maasvlakte near Rotterdam in this nice nuke map.
This all is not to say that Putin will not use special forces to try and grab the political-military leadership in Kyiv.
At least Putin will put as many forces against especially NATO member Lithuania bordering on the Russian Kaliningrad enclave to fight a route towards that. Grasping this is at least a bargaining chip that might not have to be surrendered in the envisaged subsequent cease-fire negotiations.
This is the reason that I predict a quick redeployment towards Lithuania is in the cards before the attacks commence. This redeployment can be disguised by the fact that it is to counter the German troops that are going to be sent to Lithuania. German combat troops on the soil of Mother Russia. Oh dear oh dear.
This all doesn’t mean it can’t kick off any moment playing a scenario by adding forces on the fly. Then probably something in the mind of Putin based on a changed situation made that come about.
Going nuclear will depend on how the conventional scenario plays out for Putin. If he grabs all of the Baltic states and NATO sues for a cease-fire, then Putin might not be forced to go nuclear as long as Biden’s troop reinforcements stay well clear of Europe.
And only when NATO and the EU stop the economic sanctions and all military aid to Ukraine.
The wet dream of Putin being restoring all of the territories of the former Soviet Union and breaking up NATO, and getting away with it all without any economic sanctions.
Having to settle for giving the Baltic states back and having EU and NATO act completely as neutral states concerning Ukraine will do for Putin as long as the economic sanctions stop. As long as he doesn’t lose face that is.
A few days ago the military buildup was stated to be at 100 Russian combat battalions of the estimated 150 such battalions. Being the latter the estimated amount of required troops to grasp entire Ukraine. That level will be reached after the Olympics.
That Russia and Ukraine will end up in a guerrilla-style war nightmare, is then what will probably happen.
And do please mind Putin will give no more prior warning at what he will strike with nukes, as a first strike.
Risk is chance times consequence. We Dutch had better ask ourselves, how much risk we want to take on the cost of such a strike on the Maasvlakte of Rotterdam harbor!
Since the US, even under Biden, is in a more isolationist stance that poses a problem.
For now, the US is being viewed as being weak by both Xi and Putin.
Playing weak prey with sharks is asking for it. They simply can’t help themselves.
This all the more so seeing the way Biden left Afghanistan. The latter being in effect a catalyst. Because Biden is a democrat as well, he is all the more so seen as a dove.
Who then wouldn’t believe Biden to throw in the towel and have the ships with troops return to the US after a small nuclear strike against Rotterdam harbor?
That would probably be the end of NATO. Of course, that is what Putin certainly would love to happen.
A simple dived and rule method even the ancient Romans knew how to play.
Simply a sort of power game the old KGB man Putin is good at.
Of course, Biden might indeed not be deterred and send the troops anyway.
Probably then evoking a second nuclear strike against the US ships still at sea. What then?
It will invariably escalate………. or not (??!!!).
The great thing to keep in mind is that once Putin starts to attack anything, he then has opened the box of Pandora.
Then there are no more experts on what will or will not happen!
Repeated history proves that all experts are nearly always stunned on what actually transpires when very large conflicts commence.

As a metaphor, the deepest problem as the root cause of war is that we all think that we are all nurtured wolves.
In truth our personality types are only eight different types (actually 64) when born and only via nurture are we transformed into real, or just by coping narcissistic sharks and snakes. Don’t mind that this concept doodle graphic is in Dutch. See previous and follow yet to come posts on my blog for more on that.
Putin, Xi, and akin to the Isis leader Qurayshi are obvious narcissists. In my model autistic hammerhead sharks.
Qurayshi is stated to have blown himself up with his family on February 3rd, instead of just killing himself.
A bit like Adolf Hitler in his bunker not committing suicide or throwing in the towel much sooner. All these types, except the hysteric Hitler, are obviously far above average (Putin is at least) fast-thinking authoritarian mentally healthy autistic narcissists.
And they all will act like Donald Trump acted when he was forced to abdicate. I assume that the US military behind the scenes made it clear to Trump that they would not back him. I even believe that they went so far as taking away his authority over the nukes.
The power to use nukes should be in the hands of the New US Oracle Senate.
This is pending true global peace and the abolishing of all nuclear weapons. Then an enemy like Putin doesn’t know how that is properly organized with his enemy at any given moment. Furthermore, how do you target a thousand senators? Especially when not knowing which are the ones that can press the button?
These are problems Putin doesn’t at the moment really have. His entourage has been conditioned in a ‘brilliant idea’ of a first nuclear strike doctrine. So hoping the peer group will prevent Putin from blundering us into a war is a delusion. Putin, being a former KGB man that made it to the top.
And Putin and Xi are authoritarian autistic narcissists. Personality types like Donald Trump are, and Napoleon Bonaparte was as well. They crave esteem, especially of their own peer group. Yet having that, they of course crave esteem by all the world. I’ve had quite a lot of these types as clients being a criminal lawyer. Types like Anders Breivik.
All Putin actually probably unwittingly wants, is to be revered and thus to stay in power.

For that, he needs an end to the economic sanctions and his economic crisis.
The same story as with Xi and Taiwan.
It is therefore not about what Russians or the Chinese want. Even though this is also what our own leaders are forced by our own dirty little secrets to think. In our, thus dysfunctional, democracies.
What does Putin unwittingly even, further need without loss of face?
He at least requires the pacified Donbass and he needs the Crimea to have water. And he needs it all to be accepted as being part of Russia by all parties.
By nuking the Maasvlakte he might get more than what a brokered deal with the EU & NATO and Ukraine can provide right now.
Putin & in the long run Ukraine and everybody else can win-win nearly get what they want without war.
Simply by having NATO guarantee, on the pain of a casus belli, the borders of Ukraine.
Ukraine then as an apprentice NATO member.
Yet only when Ukraine concedes defeat over Donbass and the Crimea. In effect already for the most part a fait accompli anyway.
Like a good lawyer, NATO and the EU should coach the client Ukraine is not to be too much stuck on principles for than war will erupt. And we all will most probably then lose.
A fact of a fait accompli that NATO explicitly already states not to want to fight over.
I doubt whether Macron’s diplomacy is going to bring this all about.
For I haven’t heard him have even mentioned lifting the sanctions.
All the more so that an immediate lifting of the sanctions should only be done after some preparatory work within NATO and the EU. That is the way to get this diplomacy done without the danger of being deemed weak.
First, do magic and then lift the economic sanctions and then start diplomacy treating Putin with ‘over the top’ respect. A trick that our PM Rutte nicknamed Mr. Teflon when accompanied by our King and Queen can achieve brilliantly.
The preparations are to be seen by Putin and Xi to be acting from a position of strength AND also to be in the personal interest of Xi and Putin.
Keep in mind that Xi also needs help to stabilize his economy, if we don’t want Taiwan as a quick follow-up to this crisis. When Xi sees the white magic in Ukraine he too will calm down and wait.
The sanctions can be reinstated if Putin doesn’t also test a New Oracle Senate with senators for life.
The preparations for that is having any NATO or EU country decide to do the New Oracle test with senators for life.
That is the way to, later on, have Putin become a modern monarch and Russia and the Ukraine both EU & NATO members.
Begging then the question what the hell are both fighting over now?

My proven best practice Oracle Senate, taken as a fact, needs only to be very urgently to be decided on to be tested by Dutch Parliament. Last February I pre-prepared that by informing all senators.
In short: Test via an urgency law requiring a normal majority the plan of having senators for life. No longer as lawmakers, but senators being in a constant parliamentary inquiry. They already have the legal power science doesn’t have. Namely to force truthful answers on the pain of jail. And the power to do so behind closed doors, as that is the only way to protect whistleblowers. And thus the only way to be properly informed is to speak with only one mouth. Speaking as an Oracle thus.
Furthermore ultimately being the guaranteed representatives of all personality types and with 50% men and woman split with also every year having 20 twenty-two-year-olds becoming apprentice senators and having all part-timers representing all walks of life. Fifty-year service. At 72 years of age you may but don’t have to play the role of senator for life.
Thus actually having these no longer politicians that have sworn off their political partisanships being truly independent. And being part-timers knowing what they in real life are talking about.
The true representatives of science proper. For a bias on the far above average fast thinking and especially out-of-the-box R&D issues is also essential. Not always guaranteeing these open-minded personality types can do research and give informed advice to all is the root problem in our inherently very complex society.
The senate can test the correctness of the block model and give timely well informed advice to all.
Something which I nearly had our PM Rutte actually propose as a “radical plan” in April last year.
This will as by snap of the finger of the hypnotizer, stop the process of blundering us into a nuclear winter. It will stop Putin and Xi immediately from taking action for thus being puzzled.
It will also open up the way to waging lasting peace.
The ‘know how’ is well established already in the Netherlands.
The’ know why’ is an easy, yet alas, also a long taboo story.
Look on the bright side Putins’ threat of nuclear ashes over Ukraine broke that taboo.
So there’s still a real hope, if we act now!
Uncontrolled fear gives bad advice, well controlled fear gives good advice.
Don’t act as if BIG EGO YOU is the know all boss of god.
‘Big ego you’ carries the burden of proof to pose valid falsification as to why Dutch politicians should not be urged to do the test immediately.
I ‘Gerhard Ris’ am a vulnerable and fallible advocate of the Devil amicus curiae of magistrate Dada Easter Bunny.
The judge presiding on a disciplinary action against all of us on a serious breach of the social contract with humanity.
Because only complete idiots that will panic, don’t take a silly Dada Easter Bunny serious, I play that role. Albeit that I continuously flunked my exams on communicating with that sort of idiots. So it is but an attempt to prevent panic.
Mind that we are all different sorts of idiots that simply can’t understand each other for viewing the data ball pit differently.
Thus it is not a tribunal, for we all, myself included, are to blame for the Ukraine shit we are all in.
As being the on duty call judge presiding, is only a mere humble representative of god on earth.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t have a large ego. It only means I can use it in effective litigation.
Bashing some sense into the team that can and must perform much better.
This as a coach taking on the role of an unwanted military drill instructor.
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