And now for something completely different; and very fast & practical.
The best and newest bit is in the blog to come. First the intro and practicality of it all.
Well I’ve recently read “De meeste mensen deugen” or “Human Kind” a Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman.
He successfully opened a market for the idea that we are a collective of “homo puppies” who with correct taxing and a thus a base income can avert becoming Nazi’s. For most people indeed tend to be decent (Yet only when they have more than just a base income, for more is needed for a required decent income is essential. Otherwise the inverse is just as true. Anyway the sales department in my brain states to best leave that truth out for now.)
His approach with homo puppy resembles my earlier doodle graphic on the fairy tale of rich and poor, modelled on the Christian way of seeing it. The most important point to grasp here is that a once religiously internalized way of living exists, say having a Rolls Royce desire, it subsequently becomes literally suicidal when going against that way of life.
You need to work around it in a win-win way.

The problem is Rutger doesn’t see the acuteness of the Dr Ingo Piepers amok algorithm. Humanity is standing just before the Gates of Hell. Rutger predicts World War III ultimately in 2022!
And he agrees me spotting the same amok algorithm in many of my court cases in which people mostly for financial reasons can’t part from each other. Especially the silence before the storm is an eerie discovery for me, and forced me to speed things up. My book ZIEL would take five or more years and thus be too late. Ziel is Dutch for soul being the identical order function of our collective brains and also that of the cosmos. This being simple logic actually.
My friend emeritus professor of statistics Leyden Richard Gill on the other hand does see the urgency, even acute danger, for humanity is at the brink of World War III.
Richard alas seems to stoically accept that all is lost.
Yet he did in October share my doodle graphic on Trump and corona on Facebook with his many scientific friends. It in effect shows a healthy manic oversight of the whole practical part of the problem. And, it also shows the simple solution.
I’ll prove that this WW III has already started in a way as did WW II but it can be averted to spin even further out of control by a simple test in the Netherlands. The test in itself already works as an immediate antidote. It works as a positive pyramid game vaccine.
All it needs is science / KNAW to advise Dutch politics to do the proposed test in the Dutch senate.
If need be the press can force science to pose valid falsification and the people can force this upon the press. The latter is simply done via boycotting any press that doesn’t do what the press should be doing. Asking impertinent but correct questions in a Socratic way. It shouldn’t be a press popularity contest with scientists.
All now possible thanks to both some preparatory work on my part and this success by Rutger. In effect creating a paradigm shift on a seven year old proof by me of the Bock model 2014. A proof then that would of already convinced Karl Popper. And predictably and predicted by Thomas Kuhn now has followed the normal distribution learning curve that Kuhn stated a paradigm shift requires.
For it’s hypnotics and neurotically internalized hypnotics as religion being a DNA survival trait at play.
Humanity can snap out of it as per snap of the finger of the illusionist only after a period in which the Homo Puppies on the ape rock have had time to safeguard their positions.
Akin having green tanks with white or red stars rattle by in Nazi Germany led to some ardent Nazi’s immediately killing themselves including their children, after having had a Dante’s hell of a party and some stoically accepting their fate of being executed and some fighting fate or even gain their ultimate freedom like Albert Speer.
Most accomplices in the Nazi crimes simply said that they didn’t know. Only very few had always fought the Nazi’s such as Admiral Canaris and some only when the success story was proven to be false.
Most people find it a taboo to even contemplate that this Nazi metaphor is painfully applicable to the current situation as well. As said Rutger has successfully breached this taboo.
In effect the whole story is shown in this doodle graphic of October on Trump.
Eerily predicting a lot of shit that has indeed ensued since that warning then.
And, what can still go wrong when not averted a.s.a.p.!

Using leaky drip hypnotics I sent my ideas to nearly all Dutch senators in February.
The chairman of the senate is a liberal of the VVD party and a medical professor. I sent him my model tailor made on evidence based medicine as it was originally intended on which the whole practical philosophy is based. I.e. use of gut feeling in a rational way. The problem being that the fact that it only works for a minority with artistic (DNA) talent is still taboo.
I already know what the effect will be, for have tested it prior to sending the mail. As predicted some find it mad, yet several others find it intriguing, yet no one dares to react further than sometimes an initial reaction. Which is understandable for it will be seen as whistleblowing inducing a headless horseman zombie attack by the “Nazi’s” as a metaphor for all zombies. I.e. living dead on any goal such as averting WW III.
See my alas Dutch doodle graphic with the six deadly sins of science, requiring only one for Lady Justice to decapitate even Science in Transition. More on this later.

I also, later on, sent a tailor made mail for historians to our PM Mark Rutte. Mark being an historian.
Proving to him prior to his defense in Parliament on April fool’s day that according to my block model he indeed probably didn’t lie concerning a whistleblowing parliamentarian Pieter Omtzigt (CDA) which row nearly cost him his job.
Pieter who is in a party coalition in Rutte’s government causing a parliamentary enquiry in a “Toeslagen affaire” in which many people where ruined by the taxing system.
In effect Vogon administrative law at play. An accident waiting to happen and even an international growing legal problem. A problem the late professor at law Hans Nijboer and I saw arising already in the 1990’s. The fight against this slowly creeping up creep of Vogon law has been central in what I’ve been doing since then.
The central problem in Dutch administrative law is that the independent judge doesn’t establish the independent facts. The administration establishes the facts and individual people get a “fair trial” formalistic proceeding in an ever mounting set of laws and jurisprudence in the mostly honest (!) delusion of reaching a loophole free solution. Furthermore the claws of power in government and Parliament very slowly reach evermore larger parts of the legal system. Ergo also in penal and civil as in taxing law.
The independent judge is not to be trusted to make governing possible. And indeed that is a real problem, that can only be remedied by taking timely sufficiently correct judgements in a durable way. Very recently the “Climate defense lobby” vs Shell verdict is a point in case.
It seems to me that Rutte has seriously considered doing the proposed test by me for he announced to have radical idea’s which he would provide yet clearly shied away from that at the last moment. For what he came up with was, as seen by everyone I heard from, clearly in no way radical.
He being a Mr Teflon (ADHD-h4m Shakespeare advertising / propaganda) personality type political survivor, knew that the ball isn’t in his, yet in the court of science. More specifically the Dutch KNAW. Richard is a member thereof.

Since just before Easter I can legally prove that science has failed humanity.
The prime suspect called ‘Rotten Peer Review’ has been tried in absentia in 2015 and been sentenced to decapitation and verbally decapitated for the deadly sin of not formally checking in all scientific publications that all the instruments – also the ones between the ears – where formally written down. As any twelve year old high school kid in its first science class should know to be formally required to do. Had they just made a small sign showing the idea that it is irrelevant for believing that all observations are objective then one young upstart physicist would of questioned this and investigated this.
For it is objectively wrong as the upstart would of found out. And subsequently physicists would of found their way to the Block model as the Fourth Law of Everything. Yet, not so easy for:
More to blame are the psychologists and most of all professors of assessment psychology. They by using the earning model most everyone has used more or less, forced them to withhold evidence. Had they not done that then the physicists would of found the systematic truth of human robotics in the Block Model long ago. Jesus knew that poverty was a slavery problem, and that it was more difficult for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than a rich person to get to heaven. I.e. he didn’t know how to enforce eradicating poverty. That is because this son of god, we are all sons and daughters of god and so is the historic figure Jesus, being the first one to successfully sell love to mankind as the solution. Poor old Jesus didn’t know – the absolute simple basics – about DNA etc. etc. and classical & quantum mechanics and computers.
For even the Greeks of old and other cultures knew nearly all there is to know on applied psychology. Yet they too, for fear of being enslaved only told their trusted inner circle the Wikipedia style truths. Being constantly lost and found in history. As was done in my family.

For as I can now prove you need that basic Bildung as lived thru knowledge in order to get to the Block model and therewith the four speeds of brain in a normal distribution.
Only then can a by all seen to be fair base economy be enforced in a peaceful way. In so doing eradicating poverty and thus slavery leading to lasting peace in an optimum pareto way until the inevitable end our of times. Which alas in this model could be any second now….ah, survived that, for it could take millions of years still. It is not my job as a lawyer to figure that out. Stoic solution here thus on the BTW in this model several ends of times (plural thus.) You enforce therewith an all-inclusive normal distributed income and wealth base economy Yin.
The trick is thus to push the inevitable date of World War III past the End of DNA times.
Assuming that everybody wants to play along and studies and works according to their now exact scientific talents and intelligences as a voluntary content civil servant. Who can freely chose to work for anyone large multinational firm or oneself. In effect lowering or if need be nullifying the labour costs for all employers.
So, I would then have had a good secretary to write this shit in proper understandable English. And furthermore have the professional artists from Door in Dordrecht payed to help me make the Info Doodle book in a professional and quick and timely way. Which they are prepared to do. Mind, I’m not a professional secretary, which role I have been playing the past years even as a lawyer in dire need of one. Nor am I a professional artist, nor do I aspire to be one. My art is a means towards an end. According to the Block model I’m a talented developer. I.e. my brain works in R&D.
Well, R&D has as its end products new idea’s, concepts, such as concept cars, technology demonstrators and at best prototypes in which development R&D talented people should play the first fiddle and be the artistic leaders. Even prototypes are never perfect. Demanding perfection all over the place in R&D, then you clearly don’t know what R&D is and should be about.
If I were a professional artist that would be different for then the entire process would be my job. Everywhere else the R&D talented should be in humble support of the production and sales department issues.
So if everyone just learns to play their talented role and do their bit and thus do their job, all will be well.
In my family I am honour bound to be such a civil servant. (Actually most of this is a “don’t bore me with the details” problem, to be dealt with by advice by the yet to be explained new senate.) So when the need arises and we urgently need nurses instead of lawyers I would heed the call. Only if you don’t want to play along don’t you get that income. It will be reserved for when you decide that you do, say by an appointed notary.
I’ll guard with my life your right to become a pole saint and sit in your bare arse on a pole all day. Yet the community has on what I deem the Anders Breivik Norm the obligation and right to talk to you to ascertain if you are a threat to yourself or others. Whether or not pole sainting is to be considered sufficient ‘playing along’ to warrant a decent income is a political party problem.

The Five integral economic norms are the Balkenende norm, the Emperor Bokassa norm, the Lamborghini norm, the Monopoly norm, the mentioned Anders Breivik norm. Easy: simply apply what Goethe said on “Limitation and Law”.
A decent income is so a mathematical function of half the BNI. Formally taking the assumption that everyone plays along as said voluntary civil servant. The base income is only for the ones that go bankrupt or misbehave. It is a building block with ten income scales of the civil service. Of which four are then the decent income bases. Anyway it is as said a “don’t bore me with the details” problem.

To make this work you need the legal system via Just Proof for also getting the fair taxing system to work. Don’t worry, the Crazy Jim cowboy with the white hat and little black dot works akin stealing from the mob, yet in a legitimate and legal way. Nowhere on earth to hide or run for the rich and mighty. You WILL pay your due taxes. (My turf as a former D.A.)
A 50% flat tax coupled to a taxing of profit and wealth accumulation tax so that the books of the state are balanced.
On top of that base economy Yin an as free as possible liberal capitalist economy Yang should and can be put.
Akin the proven to work Roman and colonial divide and rule algorithm the method thus can be enforced. Simply scape goat the truthfully most guilty smallest of parties. In this case thus the assessment psychology professors. Subsequently use the also proven Christian system namely the “Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do.” As it is a “He who is without guilt may throw the first stone” to get the poor psychologists off the hook. Without a fight thus, for as we Dutch say always sit still when one is getting a shave. And a very close shave of psychology is however in due order.
As repeated history shows it works every time.
If you think me mad indeed my shrink Sigmund already deems me certifiably so.
So Science even in Transition, do you humbly bow your headless head in guilt and shame or are you still in denial of valid decapitation?

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Lot of stuff here which might only make some sense (I said *some* sense, not a lot…) to Dutch people. But you write in English. The info-graphics are in Dutch too. Perhaps the blog should be in Dutch??? No international readers here, we Dutch are the master race, you others are not welcome!
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I know we Dutch are great 🙂 Yet I guess that with explanations the pictures tell more than a thousand words it will support my point also to English speakers. I guess that the Dutch who are interested in these subjects all are in sufficient command of English to read it. Comments may be in Dutch or German.
I’ll Google translate 😉
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I suggest splitting this into” one infographic, some explanation. Then a new post. Add “tags” indicating the various topics covered. Not all of *your* topic just one or two. Then folk can read only the posts about WWIII. And of course the first post about WWIII and Ingo Piepers will have links to his Wikipedia page/book/,,,
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Working on it.
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The resolutions of the images is much too low. When I open them in a new tab they are at least large but still indecipherable.
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That is a serious problem. I must see how I can fix that. Anyone any idea’s?
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