1. ·

    Lot of stuff here which might only make some sense (I said *some* sense, not a lot…) to Dutch people. But you write in English. The info-graphics are in Dutch too. Perhaps the blog should be in Dutch??? No international readers here, we Dutch are the master race, you others are not welcome!


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      I know we Dutch are great 🙂 Yet I guess that with explanations the pictures tell more than a thousand words it will support my point also to English speakers. I guess that the Dutch who are interested in these subjects all are in sufficient command of English to read it. Comments may be in Dutch or German.

      I’ll Google translate 😉


  2. ·

    I suggest splitting this into” one infographic, some explanation. Then a new post. Add “tags” indicating the various topics covered. Not all of *your* topic just one or two. Then folk can read only the posts about WWIII. And of course the first post about WWIII and Ingo Piepers will have links to his Wikipedia page/book/,,,


  3. ·

    The resolutions of the images is much too low. When I open them in a new tab they are at least large but still indecipherable.


    1. ·

      That is a serious problem. I must see how I can fix that. Anyone any idea’s?


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