A 24-minute read fueled by the Amsterdam corps row.
Whilst I was on vacation a hilarious row ensued in an Amsterdam corps student fraternity club. I am still a member reunist of Minerva corps in Leyden. This corps is seen by many as the worst of such rich kid clubs.
During an only male gathering of the Amsterdam corps that also has female members, some student board members caused a row by stating that all females are “whores” and “sperm buckets”. This was filmed and put online by a member.
Recently Princess Amalia has stated that she will not subscribe to the Amsterdam corps. Indeed, she should have gone to Leyden. Although Minerva had its absolute top period between 1982 and 1989 also did not quite get “it” before or after. BTW if you need to ask what “it” is, then you don’t get it.
For some “it” will always remain unclear.
The Amsterdam corps as I understand it is coached by a law firm and the corps has immediately suspended these leaders or something to that effect. Especially after several female members and one or two males filed complaints. Yet no one wanted to comment further towards the press on the row.
The corpora are well known for their secrecy.
Anyway, after I wrote this, I saw the statement on the site of ASC/AVSV which is in Dutch. The female rector of the club resigned stating to have failed in her attempt to get an I guess woke enough culture swing. And the internal procedure has been put online there in Dutch.
The reason for the secrecy is BTW in part the same way psychologists are also very secretive about their testing methods. You can’t give the game away. In a corps, you can learn to play a game that any leader needs to be able to play under all circumstances. Verbal or physical aggression, alcohol, and large mob group actions may not ever put any leader off balance. Some people like me liked to train the brain on this. The question of whether anyone agrees with that is irrelevant given freedom of expression and of religion and the freedom to gather and form clubs. That falls under the heading of individual and group privacy.
And there is more to a corps than just this. More even than I or anyone else will ever know. That goes without saying, for it is true for just about anything. Thus I’m stating the obvious and need to whack myself with a verbal stick.
If we take the block model as a fact (i.e. as absolutely true) and analyze what is happening here and what to do about this row, we get the following:
The more overstressed a society becomes, the more deviant behavior will ensue. This works both ways in a polarising fashion. On the one hand, mostly hysteric personality types (80% female and 20% male) and the ones prone to a cultivated religious way of thinking, will act predictably in a more and more hyper-correct fashion. This is in the idle hope of containing the disorderly scary problem and reaching a cultivated behavior. Desperately wanting to remain in control of a situation that is spinning out of control. This is then from a domain (set theory) vantage point of DSM-8 in my model. DSM-8: Humans have free will, life has meaning so you can very forcefully if need be do something about it. Alas, when taken out of balance to the extreme it has side effects such as Adolf Hitler showing the world again in WW2. An explanation of my DSM model you can find on my blog. You always need to take DSM-0, DSM-5TR, DSM-6 & DSM-7 into account also, and at the same time which is only possible in an intuitive way. And only rationally explainable after any error has already occurred being thus inherently fallible ex DSM-8.
The more a person is forced to fake it to comply with the hypercorrect fashion that is dictated, the more mental pressure is exerted. This is due to not being able to be one’s authentic self.
Faking it until one makes it is the idea then.
You can test this phenomenon yourself. When you – being your authentic self – are used to swearing and you have an important talk to a client who is extremely religious protestant, then when trying hard to think “don’t swear” you most probably will. Only by training the inverse before such a sales talk will you most probably succeed in keeping this enforced facade. Yet, after the pressure is let off you will swear even more.
This is due to the Bayesian inverse of the synapse of the brain at play in this model.
Okay, you are so woke you never swear. And, you are allergic to Bayesian nerdy talk as well. Well, in that case, try to play the game of not saying “no”. Put pressure of say a bet onto the problem when you do say “no” in a complicated discussion. If your mindset is focused on “don’t say “no” then you will probably fail. Try then to put your mindset on the inverse: train “say yes, say yes, yes!” Then you have a far greater chance of winning the bet. Mind, mentally healthy hysterics are the best talent to win this game. ADHD types like I am, are the least talented. ADHD-types are incurable idiots at that game. Only by knowing and accepting this, can types as I deal with that problem. Yet, only to a degree of just on average just above 50% score at the appropriate level for me the highest i.e. most complex level of gameplay. A level that slower thinkers simply can’t handle. That dealing with inherent idiocy requires a hell of a lot of hard work and training. Causing inherent stress that needs an outlet.
So, as seen by the model Dutch corpora are in a game of constant Carnaval as is usance amongst the Catholics only once a year. To play that game requires secrecy. During my vacation it dawned on me that the mental disorder of Gilles de la Tourette and the following is relevant:
Wikipedia: “Tourette’s was once regarded as a rare and bizarre syndrome and has popularly been associated with coprolalia (the utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks). It is no longer considered rare; about 1% of school-age children and adolescents are estimated to have Tourette’s,[2] and coprolalia occurs only in a minority. There are no specific tests for diagnosing Tourette’s; it is not always correctly identified, because most cases are mild, and the severity of tics decreases for most children as they pass through adolescence. Therefore, many go undiagnosed or may never seek medical attention. Extreme Tourette’s in adulthood, though sensationalized in the media, is rare, but for a small minority, severely debilitating tics can persist into adulthood. Tourette’s does not affect intelligence or life expectancy. “
Two takeaways to be had here: one is that anyone who takes offense to the highly inappropriate utterings of someone known to have coprolalia also then suffers from a mental disorder and should get professional help.
The other takeaway is what my late uncle Jan Ris chief neurologist/psychiatrist of the mental hospital Wolfhese explained to me: the difference between a mental disorder and criminal behavior on the one hand and acceptable behavior on the other is the execution of those actions put in the right context.
So thinking or even stating in a certain context of people who understand your meaning that “I want to kill that guy.” doesn’t even constitute a threat or even a morally inappropriate statement. That someone in breach of the rules of secrecy and privacy puts that online and others take great offense doesn’t change that. Unless of course, you are Guy Fowkes stating that in the obvious context of wanting to blow up Parliament.
Of course when a row ensues, then one must do something. Usually only trying to rationally explain what is going on won’t suffice as such. Yet, it is required to do as I’m doing now. Especially it won’t suffice when as stated society is getting more and more overstressed. A Catch-22 situation that can only be resolved by ending the mostly mad world we live in by making a fundamental change in our collective perception of what a human is doing in the cosmos.
My problem is, I’m an absolute idiot in HRM & sales communication with the herd stampeding about yet another row in the corpora. All madly judging, and therewith proving their idiocy and mad indecency.
The more I know, the more I know that I don’t know, yet, need to know to judge correctly. Yet, alas this is a paradox that is incomprehensibly unclear to the many idiots in the herd.
Also, the paradox is that I know like any corps member alive hilariously little about any corps, yet I know much and much more about any corps than any never corps member can. This is a fact that is completely unclear to most. Whether having even studied it, even as a scientist is irrelevant. Unless you as a scientist have been a corps member you have no reference of knowledge.
Akin like no one knows what it was like to walk on the moon except those that did.
And if you join with the wrong mindset you’ll never get “it” either. So, indeed there are quite a few of corps members who never got “it”. The Dutch politician Thierry Baudet to name one.
Here is a concept doodle graphic to show my perceived publisher that the model could be quickly made to follow the actuality when Thierry’s party became very popular in the poles for the first time in 2019.
Pre Brexit 2020 yet that exit was certain then already.
Pre charge up Capitol Hill 2021 proving beyond doubt the US is on the verge of civil war.
The danger of war with Russia and China is now clear to anyone one might hope. Easy to see and state for people like me.
The danger of a global economic collapse when following the neo-liberal capitalist American dream system is now also clear with 20% inflation and worse in some countries. Also then correctly warned for.
Not only do I show the problem and the cause but also the solution in this one very taboo doodle graphic.
Yet, when you place this doodle graphic in the context that I show that we all have a Nazi devil on our shoulder when we look in the mirror then there is little anyone can legally find unduly disruptive. My Nazi is Hermann Goering, who’s yours?
I’m transparent. Anyone who wants to judge anyone else needs to be transparent.
Further please ask yourself: why is it that artistic people who draw pictures like this always are among the visionaries as the only ones that predict the future correctly in such detail?

Anyway, I’ll simply follow the Socratic Yin & Yang Harry Potter Mansplaining formula of the Pierre Laplace theorem in the humane-physics-maths proof way of reverend Thomas Bayes.
Bayes is thus proven by me not to be a theorem at all, for belonging to Laplace. I don’t have the time now to correct Wikipedia on this.
Bayes: The third law of everything of physics-mayor. The latter to be pronounced as “major” for science proper is by and for humans in the lead as Burgermeister. Physics-mayor splits into physics-minor and meta-physics. The latter contains pure mathematics such as Laplace’s theorem that Bayes used. This is explained in full on my blog. Bayesian mathematics of common sense is thus also article 3 of the most fundamental human rights. The local law is the completely consistent rule of God, Mother Nature, and the spooky Cosmos. Even in emergencies, nothing breaks this law unless you are the Boss of God.
Whose ever bread one eats, his language one speaks. Well, current corpora are subsidized in the Netherlands. This is in a way that not only the extremely rich can also join. Yet, this makes that thus politicians and the press want to have a say in what expires in the corpora. They are thus forced to explain themselves in a transparent way, which infringes on the secret gameplay of what works for corpora.
As stated as a tyrannical dictate of the fourth law of everything expressed in the local law of the most fundamental human rights article 4 leads to the inescapable conclusion that every human should have a guaranteed decent income until they die. The granting of this dividend on the enterprise of the in this case ‘BV NL’ is only then warranted when one plays along and does one’s best without pestering.
You get a situation of More Millionaires No Poor, No War. This I’ve explained elsewhere on the blog in a Doodle graphic on Trump under saving the mighty millionaires for their own egoistic sake. I play a win-win game.
So, indeed all subsidies to all student clubs should be stopped after all students have got a decent income. Then they all can pay the costs for upkeep themselves without civil servants and politicians having to bother about whether funding or not will cause them political problems in the press.
If we then also take into evidence the well-informed opinion of John Cleese on wokeness.
The leftwing mostly wokeness and rightwing freedom of speech polarisation made me doubt whether it’s wise to link to this FoxNews link on the interview of John Cleese. I’m convinced that John Cleese is not a right-winger. He simply states in line with what I know and thus respect him for has always been his point of view as again stated by him in this interview.
Yet, at the moment what John is stating is mostly taboo in the left-wing woke media.
Left-wing political parties might take note that they are losing prominent voters and thus lose that substantially large peer group of the electorate this way. The Bayesian inverse at play strengthens the right wing. Anyway, one as this model shows shouldn’t be left or right winged for then you are in an imbalance fight with your own as well as humanity’s DNA. Hilariously stupid, just try thinking properly via non-ego group think.
See this doodle graphic on the woke toppling of the Colston statue and what they should have done instead.

Theory-U type methods will work best.
And, I fully agree with the criticism on Theory-U stated on this Wikipedia page. That can be addressed when the group is formed to conform Big-Five assessment and the group is also representative of all concerned parties and experts on the problem at hand. Of course, via the same method corpora can check and find out that the block model is way superior to Big-Five on which it is inspired. Yet, via Big Five, you’ll get to the block model as well in your own time. My selection procedure as a magistrate was based on the Big-Five model. And the cooptation of common sense method of the ‘grand-commission’s interviews and more screening.
Mind as a slight side note on John’s interview: In my model “creativity” is something every human has. Simply creating anything is per definition ‘creative’. What John Cleese means to say in the jargon of my model is ‘artistic’ creativity. Out of the box never heard of creativity. Not only for fun and laughs yet also to conjure up something like a block model. Essential for bare survival such as preventing conflicts from spiraling out of control. Mind the inherent idiocy of artistic ADHD types like me to always only be able to solve in-the-box problems in an out-of-the-box artistic way. Being trained we are so good at it that you might just think we think like you when your brain resides on Saturnus. The latter the names I gave to the two algorotithms involved. The administartive planet of Mars and Venus split into authoritarian Saturn and humble leaders “Rings of -us”. The latter always in search of a leader to run rings around.
The new neurological to be rewritten book in everyone’s brain states as does current mainstream psychology: we simply can’t understand each other. But must learn to cooperate on any stated goal.
Hilariously in an app group, I’m in, someone stated in an authoritarian way that “out-of-the-box” and “in-the-box” distinctions are old-fashioned ways of seeing it. Not grasping that the law of gravity is also old-fashioned. A set, in set theory, can be seen as a box. Set theory is fundamental in all statistics. If you want to trash all thinking in boxes you trash all of statistics and thus even exact science. It’s all about correctly thinking in boxes. Bayes is the mathematics of common sense. The herd usually doesn’t grasp these sorts of statements when made dominantly. The herd then thinks that indeed thinking in boxes is old-fashioned and thus wrong. In so doing becoming a living dead on any goal zombie. As some indeed know it’s nigh impossible to kill zombies. In the unscientific dark, they reemerge out of their graves and attack the ones that caused the row.
The twenty percent authoritarian DNA talented people can’t help themselves other than being correctly hypnotized to take offense and want to prevent due disruption of their out-of-order religious beliefs. It’s akin to blaming gravity for the fact that you went flat on your face. Then in majority rule democratically to decide that the culprit gravity is old-fashioned and abolished. Because the fear of falling provides ease of walking it indeed at first will work. Any falling over by anyone is of course for the better as a white lie glossed over as if it didn’t occur.
And of course when the error is pointed out to any authoritarian person they immediately successfully blame the teacher or the one that pointed out the error. Stating to them that all authoritarian people are inherent idiots on relative or absolute out-of-the-box issues is of course to be deemed disruptive. Alas, shortly it will be en-vogue to dutifully deem that disruptive. I.e. a hard necessary unavoidable cure of the incorrectly neurologically internalized hypnotics of honestly believing that gravity, or thinking in boxes is wrong.
This Wikipedia page needs to be corrected in this way. The box that is meant, is a set theory box. The people who compiled this page don’t know in what idiot box they belong.
Trying to prevent all disruption of any kind to keep the current order prevents the discussion of any taboo. By its very nature, any real taboo is inherently disruptive. So then you are living a lie when stating that any taboo can be openly discussed as long as it’s discussed in a none disruptive i.e. “woke” way.
I challenge any hysteric or authoritarian person to prove that they can communicate what I’m stating in a way that makes the audience accept what I’m stating without anyone showing signs of anxiety. Yet, without using a complete team as the block model dictates you need.
The only other that could succeed in meeting this challenge is someone who already has authority and much power to make or break anyone in that audience’s career.
Comedians like John Cleese and Rowan Atkinson can also evoke uncontrollable disruptive laughter by playing with taboos.
They also know that the thin line is there when it becomes too disruptive as part of a comedian’s job.
As already stated this video is strong evidence for the fact that John Cleese has been pushed into a right-wing Fox news media. This wokeness is playing into the hands of right-wing politics. In the jargon of my model, a paradoxical Bayesian inversion is at play.
Whilst watching the news on the Amsterdam corps row unfold I thought about how this should be dealt with under Just Proof, fully consistent with the old-school interpretation of Dutch disciplinary, civil and criminal law. Given the incorrect state of affairs that politicians and the press want to judge this situation.
As I always taught my lawyer pupils first of all establish all the facts.
Unless like here we want a quick and dirty overview of the deeper and broader view of investigating what is wrong with our world as a whole and what to do about it. This row is only a good example.
Well, we have a film of student board members that has been put online and many including female members of the Amsterdam corps have taken offense. Alas, a link on this is only available in Dutch.
Well, when one takes offense to anything then one has to file a formal complaint when one demands action to be taken. That hasn’t happened as far as I’m aware outside the corps. Because no members female or otherwise have given further comment, that should be the end of it unless a formal complaint is done.
Now let us assume for sake of the argument that a formal complaint is done with the goal of say stopping any grants given to the Amsterdam corps. That would be an action in administrative law then.
Well, is stating that “all females are whores and sperm buckets” or words to that effect, in any context whatsoever always an infringement that is to be acted upon by all means? For if that is so then I’m infringing on that rule right now. As do all who have stated what has been said.
Now we can observe beyond any doubt that several people have stated in the harshest terms possible that what is in the obscene video here is indefensibly abhorrent and the fact that the corps has started to try to change the culture is sufficient proof thereof.
This misses the very important point of the to be respected privacy of a private club. Especially by its members who have by mores agreed to heed to the secrecy that is thus also part of Dutch civil and criminal law.
Let us for sake of argument say that indeed these students aimed to have all men start to misbehave toward the woman. Only then might you have a point in any court case. Whether or not that is their aim is then to be established. Yet when also wanting to safeguard privacy during the investigation in litigation this should be done in an as safe as possible environment.
Now, let’s for again sake of the argument state that the defense is that it was all stated in the context of an ironic Carnaval paradox with the unwitting aim to comply with ever more stringent wokeness rules that are narcissistically becoming more and more stringent in the dos and don’ts.
An inescapable woke action is an anti-woke reaction as an emotional outlet to try to stay decent. That none of the students think or understand this, doesn’t take the fact away that the block model points out that this indeed is what has been the case.
The only way to properly establish these facts is to have a a new Oracle Senate establish the facts behind closed doors due to being respected for privacy and then render advice. This is so because only when political independence is guaranteed can one judge the stated by many to be right-wing corpora in a justified way.
Yet, most left-wing parties will also quickly grasp that when the grants and subsidies of corpora are stopped that subsidies on left-wing student clubs also will hang in the balance. And that rich kid clubs will in the end win at that game.
I.e. Just Proof requires non-destructive investigation. When the investigation would be fully transparent then it would already unnecessarily breach privacy. You can’t solve that via a “spoiler alert” giving part of the game away. Even though most new students nowadays will be so-called “prefabs”. To keep a just balance, society will have to trust some organization to check and see if public open and transparent prosecution or withholding of subsidy is in due order.
When we take the block model as a fact then indeed and irrespective of what the Amsterdam corps thinks they have done or are doing indeed it is to be seen as an outlet to comply that in breach of the rules of secrecy and privacy has caused a stupid row.
The current modern woke culture and cancel culture in a desperate attempt to dominate what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior should not encompass the freedom of expression as long as it can’t be proven on a probative value of more than 99.9% in that sense beyond a reasonable doubt on that being an exact scientific norm that the established aim was to pester woman whereas, in reality, it was an attempt to comply to what these mostly woman want.
The ones that wish to judge are the ones that carry the burden of investigation and proof. This is not a question that can be answered via a democratic 50% + 1 vote method for that inherently then constitutes mob rule.
Any behavioral scientist such as a psychologist claiming to be an expert on being able to damn what has happened in the Amsterdam corps for “scientifically” proven leading to more anti-female behavior in the group of participants must state first of all what instrument brain they have, and what the probative value of the statement is. Well, I’ve not come across any peer-reviewed scientific research on those areas that even claims a probative value of not even 51% on extremely small investigated areas.
The science there of is obviously not in.
What is true – when taking my block mode as a fact – is that when playing this into account the coping mechanism behind closed doors with a large enough group of people. Some will due to this become more female unfriendly than they would have been otherwise. Yet that then doesn’t take into account the win and loss balance. In the narcissistic woke environment mostly created by women, a lot of men need to be able to react to that via a venting coping mechanism. Although I can prove this via best practice proved to be true, I don’t carry the burden of proof. Suspects are proven innocent unless proven guilty in proper non-destructive research, that all these men were out to misbehave towards the woman. No way can that be proven other than by people who can’t reason properly in sufficient abstract logic. A problem of judging via deficient thinking that ex-the-block model all hysterics being mostly woman incurably suffer from.
This gender-neutral female logic of all hysterics (20% male) is indeed incurable for simply a sort of idiocy that the correct working collective brain needs to function properly. However, as a woke religion it’s to be diagnosed as a curable serious mental disorder. That all religions inherently are when not completely consistent with the laws of the cosmos i.e. physics-mayor.
At best an incident can be proven that the perpetrators who were in the lead of that diner party. Well, then most you can prove is akin with football (soccer) that a serious and dangerous foul has occurred. Should we then conclude that all subsidies for football should be suspended instead of punishing the culprits? Or use the three-strikes-out rule for any club that in say fifty years has members committed such fouls?
Of course not.
So, I don’t see anyone in a position to judge what happened in the Amsterdam corps other than the corps members themselves. Since we don’t as yet have an Oracle Senate. I’ve proposed to do the required test of an Oracle Senate. The latter in turn the only possible way to do a required non-destructive test to find the truth without undue infringement on any privacy. Yet, I’m quite sure that such an investigation will never be needed. After normality has been restored to a decent norm these sorts of rows will quickly reside. Corpora and the training of the brain will as required by Bildung never become obsolete.
The only ones that should get a civil lawsuit are the members who put the film in breach of secrecy and privacy online, causing a row and damages to the corpora as a whole.

This concept doodle graphic is on the glass ceiling as seen from my model. Alas in Dutch. I’ll have to explain this at a later date.
The block model dictates that the only reasonably implicit goal of mostly woman hysterics and their followers is to grab power at all cost. Wokeness is thus nothing more than a big ego trip in trying to grab power.
Furthermore, the woke gender-neutral power struggle in wanting 50% females in all sorts of top positions negates the need to have around 50 / 50 females/males as convicts in jail. In an all-inclusive fair and Just society that should be the case, which it isn’t.
Indeed, a Just society requires all top positions in society to be distributed in a 50/50 way between females and males. Yet, as the block model dictates – certain – top jobs will show an 80%/20% bias for half of all required top jobs and a 20%/80% for the other essential top jobs.
The problem is also that not all required top jobs are seen and treated as top jobs. So, having more top jobs in the 80% male talent constitutes a problem that should be recognised in order to get that solved.
For instance when we state that being a magistrate ranks among the better-paid jobs with great esteem then there must be a 50/50 male-female representation. In the Netherlands, this is spiraling out of balance extremely towards much too many females as judges.
The block model also dictates that sufficient top jobs should simply be there for all those who aspire to have such jobs. When everybody has a guaranteed decent income in the base economy then the competition for these top jobs can be held on a level playing field in the free market of the other half of the GNI. The block model also dictates that this is the – only – way to do it, given the current global state of affairs.
The simple woke proof that 50% of the jail population should be female is given via the situation in which say more Marokkans and Antillians are convicted in the Netherlands than Caucasians. Both situations in and of themselves prove that something in our society is seriously wrong.
So, then woke people why are there more men in jail than females?
Mind, also that the block model dictates that the jail population as a whole should drop sharply in the Netherlands as well. This certainly is true for the USA with its mass incarceration of nigh 1% of the entire population mostly non-wasps in jail at this very moment. Proof of a morbidly criminally insane society bordering on civil war. The latter US penal system has copied the last decennia by the Netherlands.
Only 20% of females can intuitively grasp that although very few female victims of sexual abuse file charges that thus filing charges is thus proof of a probable false charge. Or accept my expert opinion that between 50% and 90% of all convictions in vice cases in the Netherlands since 1990 are innocent and thus wrongly convicted.
Mostly having the culprits that should and could have been convicted go free.
Given the grand law of humanity and simply following this also law of physics of psychology proof of culprits of sexual abuse is easy and an error rate of less than 1/2000 at its worst is possible in practice.
Furthermore, I’ve witnessed many cases also in say other areas of crime that via intrigue, and paradoxical manipulation (hypnotics) men get convicted, having been set up for the crime by females. Violence is mostly easy to prove in the current paradigm. This causing of it is currently – incorrectly so – not easily provable.
Psychological warfare is just as criminally insane as physical warfare. ‘Warfare’ is to be taken in the broadest possible sense of the word. I.e. warfare in marriage leading to a fighting deforce.
The problem here is that the physics of psychology of the block model dictates that a large (80%!) majority of people simply can’t compute the paradoxical dynamic set theory geometry involved in doing proper statistical – especially Bayesian – statistics and probabilistic reasoning. This includes 10% of 80% is 8% of the total of humanity including just professors in science that are simply deeply idiotic at best one to two-year-olds in dealing with these problems.
This then in turn shows the problem to teach an idiot to grasp that the person is just that: an idiot. It will never be clear. I mailed this to john Cleese earlier. Only by having trust in people can via hypnotics and internalizing that neurologically become religious also in the nonspiritual sense of the word. Outdated religion also leads to idiotic behavior by people who do have the DNA talent to not be idiotic in that track of mind.
When we take the rules of Just Law as fact and the new ten most fundamental laws of humanity, then we must conclude that anyone who is wittingly or unwittingly woke to suffer from a serious criminally insane mental disorder for causing unnecessary conflicts.

This doodle graphic shows in red the thermodynamics of former Dutch marines officer Dr. Ingo Piepers. He mailed me that he agrees with my seeing the same algorithm in many neighbor rows and fighting divorces I encountered as a lawyer. I’ve added the mounting stress level. I should still Wikipedia style to correct the graph after having verbally whacked myself for not having the entire trend also rise. I.e. the peak of death and destruction in WW 2 was higher than in WW1. The looming WW3 is going to be predictably higher still.
My claim is that my unbelievably exceptional score of 100% proves my model to work. More than 23 critically important predicted things by me on what Putin (Russia) would and would not do in Ukraine, all came true. I’ve tested this claim to be taboo even for physicists and the press. Even though a simple statistical fact check or even 100% fact check would be simple to execute via my blog. Their religious brain makes them ignore that.
Although my good friend emeritus professor of statistics Richard Gill KNAW justifiably whacked me on Facebook for having indeed overstated my claim. Of course, I can’t prove to have dealt with * all * the relevant questions that could be answered. Even though Richard has not answered which questions I missed or which expert on the military and Putin had a better score with “no goals” against.
So, for instance, let’s take a case of which I’ve seen quite a few as an example.
Due to not having a guaranteed decent income and having lost his job a mentally healthy autistic man, named Joe, can no longer provide financial security for his family. His mentally healthy humbly hysteric wife requires as the block model dictates security also including financial security. Sue gets frustrated and angry and blames the man for being a loser. Rows ensue and UFOs in the form of later to be identified as flying saucers by Wedgewood scatter the house. Even when these rows are kept secret for the kids, the kids register intuitively, albeit some more easily than others, that the parents have stressed. This unavoidably thus stresses the kids.
Please note that this is true for both poor and rich poverty and is more problematic when also mental poverty is at play for lack of proper Bildung.
Poor poverty is when a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle isn’t possible for most, given the current society because of too low income to assure this mostly concerning the needs of the ant and reptile brain. It causes aggression.
Rich poverty, by metaphor as not being able to go skiing, when the religiously built up expectation by the woman having a social peer group that does go skiing causes stress. The mansplaining by Joe that he’s doing his utmost to get a job, that rationality even when justifiably true, will not cure that situation. Say half an hour later the kids start to seriously misbehave, and the parents flip their lid towards the kids as well. Not grasping that the misbehavior is caused by the stress between the parents in the first place.
This case is en route to child care starting to intervene. That ussually only aggravates the problem as I’ve seen in many cases as a lawyer. In the Netherlands, on average 1 in 10 kids experiences foster care. These criminally insane statistics prove a very sick society. I guess the statistics in many countries in the EU are nearly the same.
Anyway the situation in time – seemingly – quieted down between Joe and Sue. The deterministic causal effect explanation for this by the block model is that the forceful aggressive row hasn’t solved the issue of (financial) uncertainty.
So, the rise in aggression slowly abates towards a culmination point and then drops. Al the while the mental pressure trend rises. Slowly aggression is taken over by ironic lateral combat. Or stated differently the psychological warfare in which most women are better versus the physical warfare in which most men are better takes over. Honestly thinking that she is communicating in a correct way that the financial security must be restored. Then we get into the silence before the storm phase in which though still stressed and trying to cope with Joe by searching for distraction or sedation in alcohol and or drugs, the woman tells the man straight to his face that he should immediately leave the house and also leave the kids with her.
The man suffers an impulse breakthrough and goes amok hitting his wife.
The police put the man in a police cell and I’d meet a guy who is first in denial having hit his wife and she kicked him out. Then only after a shorter or longer while when he comes to his senses and can state that he “didn’t see it coming”.
Due to no doubt antiscientific pseudo-science, it’s stated that physical abuse doesn’t stop and that thus the prosecutor’s office concluded that they can file charges even when the woman wants to drop charges. Thus things have gotten even further out of hand.
Women that have committed unwitting psychological warfare due to a misdeed of society for the man and woman, not each having a guaranteed decent income as a rule of thumb neither should be harshly punished. On average for society as a whole, both should be punished to the same degree even though the man has committed physical warfare and violence. Psychological warfare is just as criminal and can be proven just as easily, yet only when grasping how the collective brain works.
Please take note that when everyone has a guaranteed decent income they can always pay the fine, or go to jail. All labour punishment and most if not all subsidies should thus be abolished.
Society as a whole including you and me should be most harshly punished for the above-mentioned affaire. Yet, if all are guilty no one is.
I already know that this will work in practice for I’ve tested it in several ways in the reality of life. For instance members of my rowing club paid to compete in a rowing match that derived from a twist, I gave to another competition. A competition for the club champion. A contest in which everybody could fill a boat and in which experienced and inexperienced rowed together and against each other. Many times I came in second and my coach captain was always the overall winner.
I proposed to the ones who organized it that the “almighty” Jury should put the teams in order via their magic rowers’ eyes. Experienced tournament rowers can very quickly correctly asses the capabilities of any rower when they’ve seen them row. As if they have ‘magic’ eyes. I won that year and my coach captain came in second. The jury had underestimated me and overestimated my coach relative to each other. Let me stress that I never have been anywhere close to being as good a rower as my coach captain. Nor do I think any member ever came to that conclusion. This proves that the magic eye isn’t perfect.
Sometimes it was a race of three C4 boats that are not exactly of the same quality competing for over 500 meters side by side. So three teams row three times once in each boat.
Okay, you might think this disproves my point. Well, quite the contrary. The goal of the competition is to have a close call competition and not what happened quite often in previous years that one boat wins with many boat lengths. The aim is to have a durably great time with each other and to try to improve every member rowing, by making a challenge. And also to get more members to start training to be competition rowers etc. That only works best when the competition is set up such that each team is roughly equal. And it was. That makes it exciting for everyone. It’s not about winning the match but winning in the game of life on the stated goals.
You can and must be forgiven only when you admit to yourself of being an idiot and religiously biased having ruined your own life so far and that of others.
You can still try akin Rumplestiltskin to try and hide the true identity of your personality and intelligence. But with my model, every high school kid can learn to use the magic eye and see right through you. You’re transparent. As is the inevitable disruptive mess you left in your wake.
Or are you truly a winner in life and later life? If so, why not be transparent about it?
Are you indeed your authentic self? Or, are you going to end up in psychotherapy after burnout and two fighting divorces?
Would you like to experience a true economic meltdown and WW3 going hot where you live?
What’s your track record in life been or going to be? Mine is and was fantastic. See part of my track record in this post on my stated goals in life.