15 minute read
How to prevent these conflicts in Taiwan & Ukraine from spiraling further out of control.
And how to become a winner in life by stabilizing our unstable democracies.
Part of the further evidence proves that I’ve won, and am still winning on my goals in life.
A post with some new important insights as well.
Well, a two-week holiday has ended. Driving to my favorite city Rome. From Rome, we made day trips by train to the fountains of Tivoli & my second visit to ancient Pompei. Observing the difference of what I remember as if it was yesterday as a six-year-old about Pompei. Such as the now smaller size of the zebra-crossing. Visible behind my back in my selfie taken at 39oC in the shade.

I also learned about the super volcano that is lurking under Vesuvius.
And, on this my fifth visit to Rome, I still haven’t seen all of the very many highlights of this eternal albeit very filthy garbage-mobster city. After a morning of culture followed by a nice lunch and subsequent resting in a luxurious apartment of family in Monteverde. Situated on one of the nontouristic seven hills of Rome. Often followed by thrilling Roman traffic drives to the summer residence of the pope to swim in a volcanic lake.
The car trips to Italy and back were mostly done in hotel bouts of 500 km, which was great. Here on the way back a picture of dining in our hotel in the Vosges.

The heavenly late-night Italian cuisine has also been good for my BMI.
The takeaway here for those that want to learn is the old-school Stoic philosophy of carpe diem and enjoying life. Whatever happens, and even though humanity is dancing on the rim of the volcano, don’t panic and stay decent. It also helps one to focus better.
Well, and then back to my blog. The active rest has made me conjure up some more insights on how to snatch victory before the gates of hell.
I stated last year the inherent danger of Xi wanting to grab Taiwan. And, that the economic sanctions will hit everybody except the ones who are targeted such as Putin and his ex-KGB cronies. Well, it is said that Putin and his mates are even gaining from the problems the sanctions have created. The Western democracies have some 20% inflation. Yet, our leaders are claiming success. That won’t survive any of the next elections for shore. The same goes for the aid to Ukraine that is the predictable cause of the hardships befalling our voters due to the sheer idiotic cowardly incompetence of our leaders. All blame for that falls on all of us. This includes me, for I’m also to blame due to my inherent idiocy of not acting sooner and more effectively seeing the problem already as a four-year-old.
No expert or leader has been capable to articulate what should have been done. With the benefit of hindsight, it’s clear that peace in a day would have been and still is a piece of cake. Provided our leaders learn to get Bildung and courage required to perform real leadership.
Let me start by repeating what I’ve mostly already stated on my blog.
That I on my goals in life as stated in my previous post have scored and still score brilliantly by having had and still have a fantastic life is taboo. My aims in life of what I personally and as a social being want and don’t want since a kid, I’ve reached admirably. This I did by having lived my life wisely.
Which claim is proven by me and which you can fact-check the evidence that I presented transparently. However, all this is to the jealous chagrin of many. It causes anxiety and uneasy gut feelings. Hence this is taboo. Yet as Christian Yanks put it: it’s never too late to “come to Jezus.” But do please mind I’m seen by many as frightfully non-religious. I’m only deeply religious as not believing in any form of real magic. Weird science is only acceptable in small local set theory domains because of the practical “if it works, it works don’t ask why.” Indeed, but then also don’t make most fundamental claims such as I do.
Contrary to current science I do it correctly in a proper proceeding. Simple high school level stuff.
Contrary to what most probably expect, the solution isn’t more but far less complicated. Due to outdated religion having had success with errors in reasoning most science has become outdated religion. That is to be seen and dealt with as a serious mental disorder. I’ve simply succeeded in starting the gameplay correctly by finding the basic rules or laws. Being the latter the goal of correct science is a direct logical derivative of my personal and social goals of what I want and don’t want in life placed in the changing situation at hand. Simply by doing my job as a former lawyer magistrate, pointing the errors out and showing how the game can be played successfully on a wise goal.
Our ruling class of inherent oligarchs doesn’t want to compete by accurately fact-checking what they made of their lives. Mind, that in this model oligarch doesn’t nesseceraily have a negative connotation.
What they don’t know yet, is that I’ve already won the game. By simply beating them at their own game. Turning the tables on them. An inverted perverse Ponzi-style hypnotic pyramid game works both ways. White magic illusionism is the same as black magic illusionism. It only requires more Bildung. By being transparent I can force that transparency upon them yet at the moment only behind closed doors in a safe environment. That will soon predictably change, however.
For its already current paradigm i.e. going by the book to deal with taboos behind closed doors. The problems in getting this across even there can be dealt with joining John Cleese with his in fact war on wokeness. I’ll deal with that in a subsequent post.
Yet it’s also already the current paradigm to demand public transparency of politicians. This means we can be open and thus transparent about the intelligence and personality type of all politicians. My model is objective for open source published and brought under the attention of multi-disciplinary attention of KNAW via NWA 2015.
A Ponzi-style pyramid game can most easily be described as a metaphor for filling a debt hole by digging a new one. That can work for a very long time. The problem is that when there is no more hole to dig the truth of the scam comes out. The Roman Ponzi-style game ended when there was no more land to be handed out as promised and expected farmland to soldiers who had served their contract. So, Ceaser then invaded Gaul as a way to become king as his (wise?) goal in life. In effect grasping the chance that the problem of stemming uprisings only could be averted by grabbing more land and riches elsewhere.
This Ponzi-style pyramid game has to do with tunnelvison’s focus on the very small chance of striking it rich.
As a dirty little secret earning model of the desire for power and wealth as a goal, we make mostly unwitting misuse of the idiocy and religious hypnotics of others to get our way. This is to survive in a mad world.
A know-how trick of black magic we can learn to play by studying how the ancient Romans did that. A trick that the colonial powers also learned to play. The black magic trick is to be a parasite on top of an already parasite peer group of inherent oligarchs. The latter already had their people in also mental always hypnotic slavery. Preventing Bildung and providing indecent just enough bread and indecent games.
You play this game first of all like the Romans did by accepting all religions. And you provide a tunnel vision focus on the very small chance of becoming a free nonslave filthy rich Roman citizen. Furthermore never endanger the oligarchs as the forces that be. Of course, as long as they play along that is. Knowledge is power. This is the black magic part of that gameplay.
To change this into white magic gameplay we do the same yet with a different goal.
A good character on a wise goal is more powerful than just knowledge. The block model and the learning curve via interactive general knowledge of the gameplay rules are the power of Bildung. With the power of Bildung mental poverty can be abolished.
Never during the existence of humanity, after the division of labour came about, was there a fully correct rational self-image of humanity.
By transforming the win-lose black magic illusion game into a win-win white magic illusion game we can win. We then get an optimum positive parasitic position on the parasites that will cure the situation.
Mind the implication that every person with true to the cosmos Bildung is correctly hypnotized in proper arithmetic for instance. Thus robotically knowing that 4 + 2 = 6. Everyone can be hypnotized into being put on a different track of mind and start to believe that 4 + 2 = 42. Especially when having success via that new belief. Success hormones such as dopamine fixate that in the brain or even in DNA.
Akin to any pyramid game only the ones that grasp this first or quick enough will stay in power.
I can now cure global rich and poor poverty via curing mental poverty via Bildung and my game-changer slight twist via the block model. Thanks to the internet and modern social media this can come about quickly once the first mighty oligarchs in the West get wise to this fact. Something that inevitably will happen.
Every inherent and thus always wittingly or unwittingly present oligarch will intuitively strongly via gut feeling reject being able to see themselves in the mirror for what they truly are. A mental disorder more serious than anorexia nervosa.
Mind, that Angela Merkel was such an obvious oligarch who meant well. A statement she probably would accept when put forward in this context. What she and her mother probably didn’t know was that her mother was also an oligarch given that Angela asked and took her mother’s advice.
I.e. it’s nigh impossible to accurately assess who on any given topic are the true oligarchs in any community. This is especially less easy the more open a society is for the group is much larger then. Even though one might think it is easier because more transparent. You never know who is listening to who on what topic. In a dictatorship, this is far more clear as a paradox. The group is much smaller and well-informed gossip is everywhere.
What I am stating is thus that it’s not all a conspiracy. A “conspiracy” requires per logical definition that all are wittingly accomplices in that evil enterprise. It however is mostly idiocy and unwitting hypnotics at play. The latter sometimes knowingly uses white magic without grasping due to idiocy and lack of Bildung that it is black magic. As soon as this is noticed most often the misuse stops and the ones in the know then stop their wrongdoing by finding other means of fulfilling their usually financial desire. Only to make the same error in a different arena. And never wanting to acknowledge the error of having been acting unwittingly criminal before that. That is why in my model only a minority wittingly plays bad conspiracy games.
Might I also point out that mostly after retirement people more often state how they see things. That in turn doesn’t prove that they were ever right in their honest beliefs before either.
Again I have to whack myself twenty times with the verbal stick for not combining these insights sooner.
Unless our oligarchs are shown to be given a Golden Bridge way out will they change their paradigm. The same reason applies to the fact that Putin will only budge for > 99% certainty via a good cop bad cop Golden Bridge way out. This has nothing to do with me being telepathic. It’s simply what the block model as the 4th LOE and art.4 of LOH dictates as being the physics of psychology built on grasping the laws at play with desperado mobsters. Given the set of circumstances, I’ve observed many in the flesh to have always acted in the same and thus predictable way. Completely consistent with what history shows is true in these cases.
That I can’t predict what the herd will do makes that no different. Such predictions are something that especially hysterics can do * provided * it indeed is an in-the-box situation. And the in-the-box intuition doesn’t state it to be unpredictable.
As a metaphor, it’s akin to predicting knowing the capabilities of a certain billiard player and seeing the two balls at play, where the two balls in the first instance will go. As to predicting where all the balls will go in a many-ball snooker strike.
Mind, the longer it takes and the more mental stress Putin is given the more unpredictable it becomes. When he gets a burnout and in a rage then the error is in not having acted sooner.
This only dawned on me after my vacation that by providing Putin with a Golden Bridge way out, then all our oligarchs also have built their own such bridge.
During my vacation, I noticed that most experts and journalists had grasped that a 20% inflation is not going to work in our democracies. Inflation for the most part due to my prediction that sanctions won’t work for hitting everybody including ourselves instead of the Russian oligarchs.
A Golden Bridge that is thus only built for those who grasp the inevitability of this fundamental change that the block model will most certainly bring about.
To have the current oligarchs trust that they too will indeed get their Golden Bridges it is thus all the more important to provide these Golden Bridges to Putin and Xi. No one will want to experience a WW3 that will probably have some nukes go off, and certainly not after the most probable proliferation of nukes, the nuclear armageddon of WW4.
Not that this will in any very fast way change the idiotic outdated religious way of what mankind even in science thinks about itself. Akin trying to convince someone of the flat earth society even on basis of overwhelming evidence is impossible until the flat earth society peer group changes course or a direct victory on the power struggle is won and then is immediately followed by flirting. Or in individual cases when personal trust is built over a long period.
What the block model adds to the game is that it shows what split out in a quick and dirty triage and what the true desires of anybody are. All done in a transparent exact scientific way. Just by checking the previous track record of someone’s traceable wake. Nigh everybody leaves behind a wake in their lives. So, when they don’t want to show their real colours by interacting with us, there is no problem. Any high school kid can and should learn to use this model.
As also predicted by me this situation in Ukraine and now especially Taiwan is more and more spiraling further out of control. Xi is tightening the noose around the neck of Taiwan. The exercises infringe on the disputed sovereignty of Taiwan. For stating exclusion zones inside territorial waters of Taiwan.
What is Taiwan going to do? Doing nothing will lead to escalation. Trying to prevent this by force is escalation. Who believes that the US and her allies can, will, and should go to war in a military intervention? On this Taiwan-crises the political and military black boxes are a given. No one including Xi or any military or political expert knows how those boxes of Pandora once opened will play out.
Yet, as with Putin, mobster Xi will, when his position is threatened as a desperado in tunnel vision predictably play ‘all or nothing’. This is all due to the predicted by me economic meltdown China is experiencing at the moment.
Here too the problem is that current science doesn’t know what a ‘human’ is. And so politicians have as we now can all see blundered us into economic problems via global mental, rich and poor poverty. Thus mishandling corona, that most probably also stems from poverty in turn pushed the fragile global Ponzi-style economic system over the edge. This, in turn, has led the narcissistic leader’s Xi and Putin to divert the focus of their people towards an external enemy via a path to war. They hope that this will be strategically beneficial to their narcissistic desires to be revered as great leaders. That is what the new physics of psychology dictates when you take my model as a fact. Which you are morally and legally forced to do when no valid falsification has been forthcoming.
And indeed, the world is economically interdependent as a very fragile monoculture. When it goes wrong then the shit hits the fan. The grain export of Ukraine is reminiscent of the grain shortage in ancient Rome when it wasn’t arriving from Egypt. That invariably will lead to civil unrest and even civil war-like situations.
Our current military-industrial complex gains from a long war in Ukraine and the tensions in Taiwan.
A serious issue that Xi is exploiting is grasping minerals in Africa. This will be his framing to get the CCP to keep on backing him in his endeavor to grasp Taiwan to breach the USA lead encirclement of his otherwise brown water navy, which it no longer is.
The EU and especially Brexit, Nexit, and other anti-EU right-wing politicians are naively sleeping. This by backing the endeavors of Xi and Putin in their tunnel-visioned desire to also in this Putin Xi style way strike it filthy rich.
The paradox is that the actions of Xi and Putin are very much 90% to 99% easily predictable. And, this is also for 90% and 99% of what the states of Russia and China will or won’t do. The outcome however is as stated extremely volatile. I.e. predictably unpredictable. It can and will self-ignite when no appropriate action is taken.
My model agrees with the critique of using mathematical models on predicting volatility be it in economics or as I’ve done here in the physics of psychology on predicting specific human behavior.
I should have stated two extra predictions that again have been proven correct. The predictable unpredictability of the two black boxes Kremlin and the outcome of the war. Actually thus I still have a 100% score on 23 essential predictions.
The problem is that taking the block model as being the fourth law of everything as a fact, then only 1% of humanity has the DNA personality type talent form of ADHD intelligence to score in anyone’s professional field of many years of experience and expertise of > 99.9% probative value on far above average complex out of the box issues such as this new path to war in Ukraine and Taiwan.
For that 1% given Bildung and experience in that field, it’s laughably simple. Yet more or less incomprehensible for the rest. As if it was telepathic magic. Which is also simple. It will remain unclear until the peer group changes. Idiots only “learn” to believe their authority.
Outside this field of expertise such as for me physics and mathematics, I still score above 80% by following the correct procedure. Having only an 80% score track record still makes this a scientifically valid endeavor on my part, for beating current sciences on physics, mathematics, and behavioral sciences hands down as proven best practices at their own game.
Mind, I published and predicted in 2015 with 80% accuracy the Higgs field, gravity waves, the Maltese cross of the photon, neutrino’s, and that the standard model isn’t built up out of truly elementary particles proven in an experiment by having split the muon. Since then I constantly improved my model such as changing my two elementary particles in 2015 into only one such particle as a construct. As science proper should work. Proving that Einstein and Louis Carroll were right. Working it in the same way that Leonardo da Vinci proved that works. Like solving a crime scene. Simple reverse engineering using the correct instrument brain for that job. Here as well the evidence keeps on piling up.
In our hotel in Milano my lift to infinity.

Furthermore, I adapt my claims as to the degree to which ‘the science is in’ depending on the topic.
At the moment the only way the model dictates to get this agross is by attempting to get my team in order. This is so because I’m an idiot and forced to slightly infringe on fully sane interaction in the Catch-22 situation of being in a mostly mad world. Yet going with the flow is a law of everything in this model!
I also score highly on my stated wise goals in life in my previous blog post by following wise procedures. I’ve had a fantastic life and still have a fantastic life with very few things to be ashamed of or feel guilty about and much to be very justifiably proud of. Having saved many clients from disaster who stood before the legal gates of hell.
My teacher Mr. Kale in a protestant primary school told us eight-year-olds that planting trees that will grow into a beautiful lane only to be seen after one’s death is a great thing. I can remember as if it was yesterday that I took this takeaway as a kid already in the sense that – as I put it now – watching other masters in their profession will also give me my dopamine shot of justified pride when I also act honourably in my profession whatever that would be.
And it proved to work. every time I view a lawyer on TV and wonder if that is benefitting his client or his egotrip I get my dopamine shot. Then I think of the TV show DWDD I could have been in when I won my court case. The first time the European Court whacked the Netherlands for infringing on human rights. By not being there my client got the refugee status that would have eluded him otherwise. The BTW first ‘over my dead body’ case I lost at AC Schiphol. Being the top scorer by far having 90 victories with number two Loes Vellinga at 45. This of the 90 lawyers at play. 1/3 aces with more than 5 “kills”. 1/3 more than one kill. And 1/3 with 0 kills in the period I think 1992 until 2005.
Mind, that this doesn’t exclude the essential truth that one on crucial ‘In-the-Box’ issues should always reach the required proven minimum norms that in the local law (‘lol’ pun-intended) of for instance QM that stands at 99.999999999999999999% or so. This is proven by repeated tests and thus constitutes a reliable score. It’s however a serious error in reasoning to only take such a norm as the only scientific norm for (always exact) science. Idiotic and criminally insane even.
A new insight since my vacation:
The new to be established minimum norm of scientific probative value on stating that “ALL the science is in” is a minimum of 99.9% and rising with a deterministic systematic explanation as to the causal effect of the statistics on the stated probandum.
Yet also mind that a theorem as an algebraic proof is nigh absolute proof. It only requires the axiom that we as part of the cosmos including algebra exist. The latter insight dictates in a tyrannical way the inherent doubt and thus required religious freedom.
It dawned on me during the vacation that what is stated to be a theorem of reverend Thomas Bayes is a misnomer. For, in fact, the algebraic theorem of Pierre Laplace. Nigh absolute proof only needing the Grand Postulate based proven grand Axiom that we and mathematics exist as a complete consistent part of one cosmos. The (still necessary pleonasm of ‘exact-‘) science of the wise-scientific-art and all other wise-logic languages encompassing Bayesian use of artistic-creative input of multi ego scenario and ego on non-ego artistic topics compositions. Bayes is thus all-encompassing 3rd law of everything even though not a theorem. A proven best practice proof at a minimum of 99.9% probative value when inherent incomplete data and thus incomplete evidence is at play. The latter due to the axiomatic conviction that absolute proof isn’t possible shuts the door on the current scientific paradigm.
Tenth law of everything and art. 10 FLOH equality together with the ‘break-one-you-break-all’ rule of the GLOE, especially 4th LOE as article 4 FLOH the block model equity because it’s in everyone’s interest that we have sufficient neurologists of far above average speed of the brain and teamed up properly working conform the dictate of this procedure. What we don’t want is psychologists via idiotic criminally insane con job IQ tests provide the ones in power in the hospital to decide to better put a slow thinker with a seeming high enough IQ score due to training on such tests on the chair of the neurologist specialist doctor. Build also these neurologists a Golden Bridge way out. They can stay neurologist. Yet in a team, then it doesn’t hurt anyone.
Transparency can be enforced via the GLOE it’s easily transparent who can be a true authority on any topic.
As my blog proves my score on what Xi and Putin will and will not do is still at 100%.
If this was a football tournament then, as far as I can observe I’m the only expert with twenty-one (23) predicted and scored goals on the twenty main issues at play and no counter goals with one shot still pending. I’ve made more predictions but I’ve limited it to the most essential ones.
Mind, when Putin gets toppled or wins the war, or has Russia go into extreme poverty as long as Putin and his ex-KGB oligarchs are doing okay, Putin won’t have to go nuclear.
Now that Ukrainian armed forces are more and more successful in the predicted by me water cut-off for Crimea at Kherson, which indeed the Ukrainian forces might retake that could be critical for Putin and provide a de-escalating nuke near Lviv.
I challenge anyone to show any expert that has the same proven score on this topic. Or to disprove my claim.
Simply by following the correct procedure of thinking did I reach this score. A procedure in which I duefully nick al lot of insights that otherwise would of eluded me.
The reason the model shows why I score 100%, in this case, is that I’ve many years of appropriate Bildung having had evidence-based medicine as originally intended via the air crash investigation school subsequently followed by more than thirty years of hands-on experience in crime scene investigation. And choosing my teachers well during that period. The produce of much hard work, discipline, and courage. Science favours the prepared mind.
The inherent problem of incurable idiocy for that is simply the observable state of affairs. And, the other inherent problem of being religiously hypnotized. Only by knowing and accepting all this can one deal with the problem of grasping what indeed is proven best practice in the correct use of the essential collective brain.
Also, it becomes more and more clear that the description I gave on why Germans and especially Nazis like Hitler religiously wanted to murder Jews as scapegoats was a normal “healthy” reaction to traumatic feelings of guilt and shame that the bombing of Germany by the RAF & USAF was their own fault.
The same is true about Russian kids residing in the West seeing their parents in Russia vehemently backing Putin. Simple robotics as a survival trait. Traumatic feelings of guilt and shame mixed with the justified fear of serious reprisals when you don’t back this Stalinistic Putin. They don’t want to see anything contradicting that. They block all evidence to the contrary out. Simply denial I’ve often seen with clients I met in police stations.
Only one or more of our oligarchs needs to grasp that staying rich and powerful is best served by betting on a financially healthy global economy instead of trying to personally strike it filthy rich as a personal financial reserve. They can secretly help finance the marketing needed for change. It now only needs a small podium to break with the taboo.
The group of interested people in my model is as predicted and predictable via the second law of everything the normal bell curve distribution learning curve slowly rising and will hopefully in the nick of time rise sharply.
What also dawned on me after my vacation was that the 20% authoritarian-talented people are best at being populistic. Intuitively they sense this and they want a direct democracy so they have the best chances of coming to and staying in power. Only to provide Pinocchio lipservice to the idea of protecting the minority losers. For they need the latter to unwittingly prey upon. After sensing their wrongdoing and thus becoming aware of the mental disorder a majority thus change their ways. Yet without wanting to be reminded of this period of traumatic feelings of guilt and shame. That is why conspiracy theories only are true in a few cases. The latter is in cases where there is for instance not a Golden Bridge way out.
Another valid argument and thus method that dawned on me during my vacation is that I’m telepathic, contrary to everyone else. Especially those who aren’t gifted with the insight into paradoxes such as obvious irony.
So, dear billionaire western oligarchs build yourself your own Golden Bridge way out by providing Putin with one. I guess most people now guess that my Titanic metaphors on world war histories repeating themselves are spot on.
By simply removing Putin and his cronies the central problem of yes-men also in any culture isn’t cured. Only my proposed oracle senate cures that.
I still need to solve some problems with the possibility to subscribe to my blog, and I need to think about how to organize a more predictable way of fully step-by-step explaining my model of the cosmos. putin prevented me from spending time to do that. As my block model shows I’m an idiot in areas where I need assistance to comply with that all in a professional and timely fashion.
So, now I start working on my new post on support for John Cleese’s war on wokeness.
And only then can I slowly start to step by step take you through the most recent version of my model of the cosmos expaling in more detail each doodle graphic.
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