2-minute read published December 12th, 2023 edit December 23rd, 2023
2-minute read published FaceBook December 22nd, 2023
These words mean what is meant in the Oxford Dictionary amended by the proofs contained in the list of the unambiguous 1000 elementary terms, definitions, and descriptions in elementary science, courtrooms, and schools and published https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.10254850 QED!
When we accept the objective grand axiomatic assumption of one consistent cosmos and the grand divine goal of survival of homo sapiens then it’s via a few tiny logical twists of which all the science was in long ago absolutely theorem-based proven default position by one classical mechanical law of nature and thus one law of human nature that each homo sapiens is one zero to one minus one quantum of infinite quanta of god that humans must assume to be in the smallest possible human focus sphere of space-time boss of god because nothing is certain not even that.
This immanent axiomatic conviction-based falsification of a transcendent god thus dictates freedom of basic religion.
All data is taken into evidence. In so doing guarantees a pareto optimum reaching of any divine or pareto optimum wise minimalist boss of god goal in a repeatedly proven never falsified most practical way until the inherent end of times of homo sapiens in this unique timeline of infinite other inherently unobservable logically dictated timelines by inherent circumstantial evidence proofs.
Proto-intelligence, proto-consciousness, proto-life-death cycles, and the obvious order function as the soul of the cosmos and the collective human instrument brain all by one law theorem based on one Grand Axiom.
It dictates the proposed Oracle Senate Test by starting to organize and use the global instrument brain and individual instrument brain via its old-school instruction manual with a few slight but essential twists.
Not accepting the Grand Axiom and Grand Goal is per logical definition anti-scientific pseudo-science.
A consistent thus completely non-contradiction absolute loophole-free proof consistent with all basic world religions including the current scientific paradigm. All are falsified as illegally occult by John Bell’s theorem on quantum entanglement as being elementary meaning most fundamental in the cosmos. They remain a non-workability reality and basic local laws of if-it-works-it-works-don’t-ask-why science.
The instrument brain is inherently elementary religious as a survival trait.
Freedom of basic religion ends when in breach of the one law of human nature as being pestering. Pestering again caused genocide.
Most men and thus most mathematicians and physicists can’t compute seeming contradictions such as irony, rheology, and climate change as complex geometry requiring the instrument brain of the artistic minority.
Most females including most professors of law, lawyers, and judges can’t compute the required level of abstract logic on evidence and proof in courts of law.
Most people unwittingly exploit each other’s gender-neutral male, female, and artistic logic idiocies as the dirty little secret earning model of their desire problem. This prevents using the all-inclusive very limited highly giftedness potential of all personality types involved.
World War III the War of the Inherent Oligarchs started on 911 for the USA and Europe on February 24th, 2022 predicted by me in Ukraine as it started for others before that.
There is a win-win way out with the More Millionaires, No Poor, No War method. Oligarchs by self-interest need to learn to risk investing power to remain in power. Wise cost goes before wise benefit. For that, everyone including myself needs durable reliable well-informed advice from the untested Oracle Senate prototype exclusively built up out of fully tested elements.
For instance, I too need advice on how to deal with AI not causing a Terminator 1 versus Terminator 2 war scenario.
Male-logic types creating AI don’t prove that they grasp complex geometry on ironic human and robotic behavior that is involved. Using AI in their exam on geometry is fraud.
The proven classical mechanics dictate that the unfathomably complex cosmos is governed by a simple set of rules.
The one unsplittable Law of Nature theoretically splits out into ten dualistic Laws of Everything. Newton, Gauss, Bayes, Euclid, Euler, One Infinite 3D Space Ether, Time-Atomos Constructive-Deconstructive Interaction, Strong Force, Weak Force, Equality-Inequality Balance.
Test that and become convinced that god will listen.