12 minute read with two doodle graphics and one link

First some more theory and then I’ll apply that to the war in Ukraine.
All my predictions about what would happen due to covid being the spark setting off different powder kegs as depicted in the doodle graphic on Trump have eerily come true. That doodle graphic I will post again below.
That this is also the case with my many predictions in astronomy and quantum physics is also proven time and time again. Finding the black hole in the center of our Milky Way is my model of the cosmos also shows. This is something everybody has heard of now. Yet far less attention has been given to a recent breakthrough that again strongly resembles the picture and logic of what a photo is in my model. Simply press once on this link and the picture of what they found will appear.
Well then look at my painting ZIEL of 2018 intended for the cover of my book. The top righthand corner shows a depiction of how my photon like the rotors of a helicopter slice through the curved matrix medium of the Higgs graviton field. Also showing the Maltese cross I had predicted as a cross in 2015 published NWA under multidisciplinary supervision that was detected in I think 2017. (Couldn’t be bothered to look that up. Because the only relevant point is that it was only later detected.) Mind also the predicted hexagon shape that is fundamental to the cosmos that has also recently been detected yet difficult to see in this image. Anyway, you can fact-check that prediction on my blog.

Even though this concept doodle graphic is mostly in Dutch it’s easy to spot what is depicted here. And why this block model scares the shit out of scientific oligarchs. If I can prove that Leonardo da Vinci’s talent is a classical mechanical DNA talent which I do via the block model, then it’s also easy to prove that scientists like Sir Isaac Newton have indeed been stealing ideas like Isaak stole the idea of the falling apple.
Newton’s claim is simply inconsistent with the block model. Noone is top at both algebra, such as inventing calculus, and also in dynamic geometry. The latter requires a talent for paradoxes such as irony. Sir Hooke who stated that Newton stole his ideas is seen by some as the Leonardo da Vinci of his time.
Newton had the genotype of a bull. Having the skeleton of a bull prevents a phenotype of jumping a very high fence. Only a trained Wolff can do that.
Well, how many more scientists are we going to prove to have been stealing or cheating like ex-professor of psychology Diederik Stapel? Quite a lot of our oligarch scientific leaders are going to be forced to bow their humble heads.
As also I predicted that our Dutch legal system both concerns administrative law in the way childcare cases are dealt with is utterly wrong. Proof the article in newspaper Trouw in 2015 with my friend then professor of statistics Richard Gill KNAW (Royal Dutch Acadamy of Sciences) that the “rapport of psychologists is holy in court” in a childcare case. It was in this case that I developed the block model. Yesterday our PM Rutte stated that the protection of the Lawful state and the professionals concerned prevented him from dealing with the fact of getting the foster kids back to their parents. Count Dracula zombie Rutte spoke. The truth is most psychologists and experts and child care judges simply don’t honestly know what the hell they are doing. Deep idiocy. Simply not capable of abstract logical thought required to assess or diagnose a situation properly. Excellent at selling anything to the gullible herd. The latter via hypnotics is a DNA survival trait of the working of the collective brain.
Honestly believing that to protect the inherent current paradigm that anything is allowed as white lies. Alas either mostly an unwitting Dracula or a few addicted Darth Vader types in the true fairy tale version of the model.
The block model simply proves that this ADHD-c4 is a 1/125 affair as a skeleton genotype. Being highly gifted is indeed phenotype nurture. The genious is that it isn’t genious.
Having had Bildung and thus a prepared brain solving this is akin to me solving the Meinesz murder case proving that there were two instead of only one relevant person killed.
The second law of everything of the ten forms of normal distribution together forming the bell curve normal distribution contains the problem that oligarch mathematicians in science use the term “normal” for a plumbline and not in the sense of it being a desirable norm to reach the desirable normality.
Mathematicians are henceforth prohibited to mention Gauss, Mendell, Poisson, etc. Oligarch distributions sec without mentioning the “bell curve distribution” as a normal plumbline distribution. This is to not put kids or judges on the wrong track of mind.
Adding to one of the many forms of misunderstanding mathematics by pupils and judges leading to bad Bildung and miscarriages of justice and ultimately war.
I thought I’d published this doodle graphic already. Maybe so, but I need some more tinkering in this new blog set up to find my doodle graphics.
Anyway, it adds to the depiction of the way the bell curve as a dynamic wave function explains the way the 4th law of everything i.e. the block model as order function in the cosmos is built up and perceived. This perception differs due to the four different algorithms at play. Metaphorically depicted as having the discernable DNA skeletons of a dog, goat, cow, or wolf respectively. Each perceives the world they live in depicted as an Ikea ball pit differently. Even though they all know that they are looking at the same ball pit.
This doodle graphic specifically shows the way these four algorithms are split in two. Namely of each type, you have a specialist and a generalist. The latter specialized as a generalist. That is when you model correctly having all-inclusive only 64 specialists.
Mind that when modeling on a question of how to best organize politics conform to what the current Big Five assessment has done unwittingly correct, by only looking at the two most prominent ‘above and far above average’ algorithms in the bell curve distribution. On the know-how bases that is the best way to indeed ignore the two (actually four combinations) always far below average i.e. idiotic parts. To grasp the know-why they need to be observed and then best modeled not on a chessboard but on a draughts board. The classical-quantum mechanics at play here are that you have eight Glu-ons. (Glue on) in this model small black holes. Add the large Higgs and small graviton in an interacting matrix of space-time. Because this god is everywhere I could have modeled this order function also on dog shit. Albeit it would have been a bit more difficult. The rule as difficult as needed and as simple as possible applies.
The specialist’s memory banks are set more in line as the generalist is set up more parallel akin to the railway tracks of the Harry Potter healthy illusion railway. This is the reason why especially the 60% of people who have the DNA talent of being humble as a generalist are more in unjust danger of feelings of inadequacy. On any given track there is potentially always a better specialist. Who you tend to look up to. This also leads to the danger of arrogant feelings of superiority and thus authoritarian behavior. Humanity as does any political system needs both (as in all 64 actually) types, which is critical in a ‘do or die’ way.
It only recently dawned on me that Yellow Saturn and Green rings of -us together Saturnus is the in-the-box conscientious (Big Five trait!) flipping binary nuclear gyroscopic spin administration (memory bank) of the history of Mars blue and Venus red algorithms. If you were to draw the history of my Wikipedia-style actual learning curve it would look like a double helix of DNA. A dualistic cyclic affaire.
An ADHD-c type personality like I need to work hard on my idiotic side to just hit the required > 50% score on any critical problem. My idiotic side is intuition on going by the (law)book.
Today I dreamt up another important distinction. The small ratio versus the large ratio. The small ratio is everyone’s (different for different personality types) idiotic side of the normal Bell curve distribution. That is taken cumulative the same as a learning curve. Which is a circular dualistic spiral in reality.
With the large ratio, you encompass all your strong and weak talents. That always takes time, that time permitting might take one or more nights’ sleep. On serious issues, fourteen days of thinking time is nearly always to be granted. And always check with your correctly formed team.
A bit like googling, the first intuition is not always spot on. Especially not when outside your talent zone.
Again this is a model based on training the brain into sufficient Bildung. That takes years. As long as you then follow the correct procedure it is of paramount importance NOT to follow the first strong gut feeling. Just take that feeling into proper rational consideration. Don’t ever ignore it!
The only way to use this model correctly is to first get your team in order. Spotting the instrument brain that you need is always easy to learn. Then simply use that other instrument of your (business) partner to solve your serious problems.
This is why I can predict that the new Oracle Senate will ultimately swing around a maximum of a thousand senators for life. I’ll go into that in another post.
Simply by having any parlement in the world decide to do my proposed test of this new oracle senate will immediately break the taboo hypnotic spell that the oligarchs even in science as in politics keep us in their devil’s grip spiraling ever more into the abyss of war.
Why do people like Donald Trump support Putin in the war against Ukraine?
Why did Brexit Brittain first not give a sod about Ukraine before 2014 and then started providing high-tech weapons?
Any parlementary democracy has voters as mini oligachs having little power.
Well, they all want the same as Xi and Putin. To stay in power and mostly to at least stay as rich as they are. So their intuition makes them not want to put the focus on this side of the problem with their opposing oligarchs. Waking up their oligarch ways to their voters.
Some mini oligarchs live on the verge of relative poverty. This takes up all their day-to-day focus to scrape out a living. Being thus easy prey for populism framing their anger and frustration on scapegoats. Like Putin did in his speech blame it all on the bad NATO. And as many to their astonishment see, many Russians buy that. Not much different as did the Germans buy Hitler’s rhetoric scapegoating into the absurd.
Simple trick. Scare even terrorize everyone and blame others and make them hate each other via sheer terror. The focus of frustration then doesn’t go towards the actual trouble-making oligarchs like Putin but on others: the Jews, Ukrainians whatever. Simply make Russians and Ukrainians hate each other. Putin’s army has shown, as did the Germans earning their nickname Huns in 1914 in Belgium show how to effectively do that. Oligarchs can’t have fraternization.
Under stress, the brain follows the leader. As the block model shows * under pressure * 80% of humanity goes by the * in the box * book of the algorithm of Saturnus. (20% Authoritarian Saturn and 60% Humble ‘follow the leader’ Rings of -us). Being that as it only recently dawned on me simply the administration in DNA and the brain of the Mars (goal orientated “ego”) and Venus (relationship orientated social “multi ego”) algorithms. Infringing on the current paradigm fashionable bible book is exerting pressure on the Saturnus algorithm. Predictably more and more tunnel vision will go by the book. If that inherently religious book is outdated which it inherently is in an out-of-the-box situation you need the help of the resounding voice of a well-trained ADHD artistic leader.
Only by cooperating at least in the ‘Holy Trinity’ of this model ADHD, Autistic, and Hysteric cooperating at least twice checking that the conclusions remain unchanged without showing any ego in blind valid trust, will the correct advice always spring to mind. The logic is that the collective brain can do this trick in a symbiotic way or else we would have gone extinct long ago. Well, QED we’re still here.
That is why history repeats itself and every time with the benefit of hindsight we also can observe that armies usually play out the last war. The enemy as the underdog usually will have most wanting to cooperate and listen to the artistic leaders that go ‘out of the box’. The latter simply doesn’t compute with authoritarian leaders under stress.
That is what we see Putin’s armed forces do. Akin under Stalin an autocratic autistic leader needs to uphold the chain of command in this culture. Hitler on the other hand as an autocratic hysteric could sense the paradox allowing soldiers to think for themselves as long as they met the targets in the mission. And showed success.
What our mighty oligarchs hoped for and banked on was that Ukraine would quickly fall. They mostly thought that it was wrong and not in our self-interest in the past to expand into the former back garden of the Russian bear. As NATO and as the EU. Especially so because they also like the billionaire-style mobster earning model of the Russian billionaire oligarchs. All oligarchs see that this ideal is threatened.
The thermodynamics of a Ponzi-style economy invariably lead to 1% of the population getting more than 90% of all wealth. A dictate of the abnormality of the Bell curve distribution at play. Overstressing the system towards in the USA being on the brink of civil war.
Because akin clown Churchill in May 1940 coming to power as the probable fall guy, whilst on the brink of capitulation so too has Zelensky as clown comes to power. Both as unsuspected game-changers. Both are obvious ADHDc4m* types. They have no problem acting as the clown for they have hardly any intuition and thus fear what others think of them. In the direct sense that is of course. For it shouldn’t interfere with the mission. They don’t always have to act the clown for Theresa May and Michelle Obama are also of the same personality type and speed of the brain. Clear resounding voices, and tough cookies all of them.
For the industrial-military complex, a long war in Ukraine is great. Arms sales skyrocket. It would be such a pity that peace in a day would be a piece of cake. And the now stated aim of the US is to weaken the Russians for the years to come. Well, indeed Russia will find itself at the end of this in the same position as Argentine after the Falkland war, if not probably even far worse. Not being able to buy high-tech equipment for anything let alone weapons. That then begs the question of how long it will take for China to want to expand in a northern direction in time? Destabilizing a nuclear power into poverty is extremely risky. It could also lead to civil war in Russia.
The problem is however do billionaire oligarchs want a third world war? Most of them don’t believe that such a thing will happen. That is called denial. And even if it does, it certainly in their mind won’t lead to armageddon. Anyway, the war will then in their probable mindset be fought on distant shores and they will come out on top. As most mighty oligarchs indeed usually do. This is what history tells us. The simple reason is that the neural networks of business friends remain the same. It doesn’t lead to any fundamental change on top of the ape rock of power.
What will the mighty oligarchs do when Putin is at the end of his tether in either of the two black boxes I mentioned in earlier posts? I.e. the black box of the Kremlin i.e. the danger of being toppled, or the black box of the war? Anyone who knows anything of war will know that this is inherently unpredictable.
Either side could completely or partially collapse at any moment. A logistical race is going on, on both sides to field heavy weapons in combined armed forces for when a summer offensive can start. Forces that need training, which will most probably be on-the-job training. What strategic new weapons such as Armata tanks does Putin have in reserve? Which super weapons such as MLRS and Pzh 2000 etc. does Ukraine get in what quantity? A great too little too late risk has been going on despite desperate pleas for weapons by Zelensky.
Because Xi and Putin are working in concert seeing Putin start his offensive too late or too soon for a winter or summer offensive in February as predicted by me after the Olympics ruined his plans. Yet we see now the day after the good cop speech of Putin that Xi holds maritime and landing maneuvers around Taiwan. Those maneuvers have a purpose.
Even if Putin tries a de-escalating nuke strike on Lviv as I predict, I guess the mighty oligarchs would want to throw in the towel. I.e. let Russia take Ukraine and let Xi take Taiwan. Both are in their minds probably not worth fighting for. And quickly earn more money in a whopping arms race.
The problem is however that both Xi and Putin still will have dysfunctional economies in an even further collapsed world economy. So invariably if they want to stay in power they will need to put the focus of their people on the enemy as the scapegoat. And thus have the people rally behind the leader.
It’s a simple trick that repeated history shows how the know how that even the ancient Romans had has been around for ages. My new block model also shows the know why.
The subsequent Third World War as an inherent black box doesn’t have to go nuclear any further. Even though it will probably be more ghastly than WWI and WWII combined. This is probably for the same reason as the predicted gas attacks before the Second World War didn’t materialize either. A self-denying professy. And no oligarch wants a nuclear armageddon. Again this is a black box. No one knows what will indeed happen when Putin uses his nuke.
That Putin will use a nuke in the given circumstances is neigh certain. It follows the algorithm of the brain of a personality type of Putin in the given circumstances. Putin will play ‘all or nothing’ for the simple reason that he isn’t given any way out. It’s literally ‘do or die’ (or rot in jail) for him otherwise. Putin as a desperado mobster will in extreme tunnel vision believing in success use any trump card at hand. The de-escalating nuclear strike is that one card he only has.
If indeed happens what Putin banks on is that the NATO countries declare neutrality, then Putin will “win” Ukraine in the long run via ruthless Stalinistic methods. Our oligachs will also win for a whopping arms race will ensue. Earning them whopping profits.
Most people are religiously hypnotized in their belief in the existence of geniuses, saints, gurus, and people of great insight that are given great authority. Most even focus on a book or spiritual religion for guidence.
Furthermore, most people and thus politicians are easily afraid of oligarch billionaires fleeing their countries with their money. If you simply dare to test the new oracle senate test you will quickly observe that this fear is ill-founded. You will save our billionaire oligarchs like Donald Trump. The idiot nearly killed himself via contracting corona.
It’s difficult to grasp that simply by deciding to do the proposed test of the new oracle senate both Putin and Xi will take immediate notice and open up to a possible golden bridge way out of this mess. As will all oligarchs scramble to stay on the top of the ape rock. The model shows that you should never threaten any oligarch as long as they play along nicely.
More Millionaires, No Poor, No War is a simple mindset problem. In dire need of a paradigm shift that can still in the nick of time before the gates of hell be pulled off.