A 5-minute read, Published December 15th 2022
Yolour: You Only Live Once, Unique Reincarnation.
Edit December 12th, 2022 Because I’ve been frequently teased by people stating I should get a Nobel Prize in Physics I yesterday for the first time have indeed nominated myself. Of course not in the expectation of actually getting it. Especially not because of my critique of that prize system. For this breakthrough, Euclid, Euler, Internet, Wikipedia, and YouTube, Richard Gill, Hans Waalwijk, my late dad and many others have to receive conditio-sine-qua-non credit. The reason I also don’t expect it is the power struggle between the peer review paradigm of incomplete and inconsistent science and this taboo-breaking with that paradigm. The Nobel Peace prize I claim for having shown how peace in a day is a piece of cake. If indeed I succeed in that……..(end first edit)
I nominate myself for the Nobel prize in physics and the Nobel Peace prize.
Anyone is challenged to pose valid falsification of the following proof.
Being too humble in a claim is inconsistent with the Christian Bible BTW. Don’t push light under a bushel. Demanding to be humble in any claim by the 20% authoritarian and 60% humble personality traits of humanity and other religiously hypnotized is selling one’s soul to the devil. The latter only plays humble by the deception of the 60% truly humble.
The Nobel Prize in physics I claim for disproving the Copenhagen interpretation, and current scientific paradigm and proving Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger, and Lewis Carroll correct. My predictions Dutch NWA 2015 outside my field of expertise and conform to my fourth law of everything block model are 80% correct on what physics later on proved.
All the elementary mathematics is today in for the One Grand Law of Everything. That law can be split out in a completely consistent way. In a completely consistent way, local laws (Lol-s) such as the theories of Einstein can be derived and explained to any high school kid.
A Nobel Peace Prize claim for the completely consistent formulation of the Lol The Grand Law of Elementary Human Rights and Obligations. The ten dualistic ‘break one you break all’ articles provide humanity enforceable Justice for the first time since Homo Sapiens walked the earth. Furthermore, I’ve shown the quick and practical way to organize and enforce complete consistency and thus peaceful pareto optimal prosperity for humanity until our inevitable end of times. Both in several court cases such as the Meineszmuder case, but also with my 100% score on predicting via my model what Putin would do in 23 essential guesses. All guesses were published beforehand.
Since my previous post yesterday which has been well received on several Facebook forums, I need to whack myself verbally ten times with a stick.
Postulate: the mathematics of Euler’s Identity not only forms the elementary basis of my Fifth Law of Everything as I stated yesterday but of course also of all the ten Laws of Everything constituting the Grand Law of Everything.
Given the Grand Postulate (suspect) as a now-proven via best practice can now also be mathematically proven to be the Grand Axiom (culprit fit for review). The infinite cosmos is completely consistently built up out of dualistic data. Dualistic data split in object and interpretation/ registration. It only leaves doubt on the cosmos being completely or in part real magic. The real magic is defined as inconsistent data. The latter is deemed illegal on any valid scientific claim.
And data is defined as an interactive infinite amount of relatively very small absolute something atomos-constructs interacting in a relatively very large cube absolute nothing as part of an infinite amount of such cubes as the non-point mass/singularities data of interpretation focus-sphere of those interactions in the collective brain and other data storage memory banks of humanity.
The postulate of an infinite superset theory cosmos filled with an infinite amount of interacting elements as atomos constructs.
The data of interpretation is an approximation of the data of the object. The physics of nothing and the physics of something as the physics of thought is physical data.
Euclidean interactive dynamics of his four axioms and fifth parallel postulate together constitute the dynamics of the observable order function of the cosmos.
Wikipedia taken as fact:
“Euclid believed that his axioms were self-evident statements about physical reality. Euclid’s proofs depend upon assumptions perhaps not obvious in Euclid’s fundamental axioms,[36] in particular that certain movements of figures do not change their geometrical properties such as the lengths of sides and interior angles, the so-called Euclidean motions, which include translations, reflections, and rotations of figures.[37] Taken as a physical description of space, postulate 2 (extending a line) asserts that space does not have holes or boundaries; postulate 4 (equality of right angles) says that space is isotropic and figures may be moved to any location while maintaining congruence; and postulate 5 (the parallel postulate) that space is flat (has no intrinsic curvature).[38]”
- Translations, Transformation
- Reflections, Destruction, Information loss, Geometry/Mass eccentricity tipping point, Dzhanibekov Cosmic Heart Beat of the Observer & Holographic Illusions ;
- Rotations, Deformation Spin Kg.m/s^2, Weak force
- Extending, Formation Line vector Kg.m/s Strong force
- Right angles, Reformation Line vector Kg.m/s Strong force absolute conductive deflection
Second edit: Of course, I must now change the five terms I used as the forms of dynamic order function algorithms into the way they are named by the terms used for the five axioms of Euclid. In my weekly talk in the Villa Augustus yesterday with mathematician Hans Waalwijk I should also point out that seeing a reflection as an observation only is so in physics-minor and use of applied mathematics as part of physics-minor. The latter is also current physics. End Edit.
Logical dictate of an order function in an elementary Euclidic 3D noncurved space.
Curved space is a non-deepest level of truth construct as shown by my model. Obvious only for those with the artistic Delta-4 DNA talent when not religiously hypnotised by the bias of incorrect scholing.
Dualistic data ex Euler’s Identity: fundamental Jewel of mathematics in the most succinct elegant way. Proving that the cosmos is at the deepest set theory domain of the truth built up of an Euler constant line vector that must be a perfect square or cube of Euclidian space and also a perfect Pi circle as a length ratio comparison something any measurement per logical definition is. Proving mathematically that the cosmos as I proved best practice before is now also exact-scientifically on the current paradigm proven to be dualistic. The cosmos is all the time at the same time dualistic both in part only quantifiable and the other part only to be described/interpreted as continuous.
The five axioms of Euclid taken dynamically as per his five postulates as per Euler’s Identity in line with the Bose-Einstein condensate that atoms near absolute zero degrees Kelvin become one atom wave-particle duality points towards only one Gods-particle Classical Mechanical atomos-construct.
Anyway today a complete consistent mathematical both quantified and geometry proof is laid as the elementary foundation of all science. Simply so because it forms the logical basis of all ten laws of everything. All ten laws are completely consistent and always required in each law yet only in a varying degree.
As I proved best practice earlier per reductio ad absurdum circumstantial evidence the order function of the cosmos and our collective human brain and other data storage has a completely consistent mathematical basis.
Thus the four axioms and one parallel postulate of Euclid are by Euler’s identity proven to be non-quantifiable absolutely exact measurements of the one quanta length. Logically dictated by geometry all to be axioms. All the above-stated postulates of elementary physics are thus mathematically at the deepest possible level given a completely consistent basis and thus are also proven axioms of Physics-Mayor (pronounce Maior, intuitive scientific leadership by humans for humanity.) of the Grand Law of Everything.
Third edit, Hans yesterday also explained ‘i’ the * impossibility * of showing the geometry of imaginary numbers. The Eulers Identity formula has this imaginary number. Well, indeed my YOLOUR unique reincarnation has this property. Something that is absolutely unique logically can’t be reproduced at all. Hence an elementary formula requires this impossible geometry imaginary number to make it fit.
Hans doesn’t quite agree with this Dutch Wikipedia on the imaginary numbers but does like the dynamic representation approach. I guess Hans will oppose the English Wikipedia which seems to show the exact geometry.
(end edit)
On the five wise goals of humanity,
Science is by proven best practice defined as:
The decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung.
The rest of my dirty geometry doodle graphic painting of the cosmic movie Bayesian Third Law of Everything physics of all logic languages as part of pure mathematics being Meta-Physics show a best practice proof of classical mechanical string theory.
The genius of it is that it isn’t genius at all.
My artistic DG4 personality trait is a 1/125 affaire. Dived that with now 8 billion earthlings and we Delta 4 types are quite a large 1% minority in desperate by all need of kept in the political advisory loop of any functional democracy.
For God’s sake do my proposed Oracle Senate test with senators for life.
That simple decision by ANY authority will * quickly * spread like political wildfire.
The Cinque Politica.
Even the war in Ukraine Peace in a day is a Piece of Cake.
A simple positive Ponzi-style pyramid game hypnotical trick the Romans and colonial powers knew how to play.
Place our inherent oligarchs under Just control, for all our sakes including also for their own sake.
We are standing before the Gates of Hell of Nuclear Winter. This is the * only * way out.
Learn not to be fooled by the authoritarian oligarchs of science. The lead exact-scientists without the talent for irony are mental one-year-old idiots at all paradoxes such as complex reasoning. The lead soft scientists are mental one-year-old idiots at all mathematical reasoning, especially geometry.
Artistic and spiritually talented like I am are mental idiots at all in-the-set-theory-box problems for always playing it as if it concerns out-of-the-box issues. Guessing so good that we get an 80% score where the other 80% of humanity score above 90% on average. The paradox ensues because everyone by working hard at it can go by the book. To an 80% degree when also being experienced to that degree.

A Dictate of the Elementary Law of this New Physics of Psychology. More than 99.9% old school with a slight but most fundamental twist. Only that way can all rich poverty and poor poverty be abolished. Poverty is slavery. Every slave is at least a slaveholder of oneself. Every slaveholder is enslaved (addicted) to hold slaves.
More Millionaires, No Poor, No War.
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