And a link to all my old blog posts is restored, most of which with a new short header.
All this proves my claim that I correctly predicted what taking my, robot Ris’s model as a fact, robot Putin would do concerning Ukraine with a 100% score on 23 out of 23 main issues. This is inside my field of many years of expertise.
Also, this post proves my 80% score on predictions since 2010 on physics and astronomy outside my field of expertise. You may fact-check.
And you are challenged to pose valid falsification of my claim that had our oligarchs done what I advised more than a year ago, the risk of nuclear war would have been much lower. This peace as a piece of cake can still be achieved. Provided we act quickly and correctly as my model shows how to form the correct team.
Use correct group thinking!
SUMMARY & INTRODUCTION with only two doodle graphics
10 minutes to read
A one-year-old toddler screaming his head off for hunger and cold can force parents to act in criminal madness.
All that is needed is mini oligarchs like most of you and me naming and shaming our few mighty oligarchs in science & politics.
Force them to do my proposed New Oracle Senate Test by simply putting that former taboo on the political agenda.
Why this is, you can read in this blog post.
Ignore the mighty authority of current scientific oligarch peer review who failed to do their job properly on their Social Contract with humanity. Name and shame them for the split personality disorder of completely inconsistent Exact Science having forgotten the instrument brain. Proof: where is the exact scientific manual on the use of the individual and collective brain then? QED!
Soft science has withheld open source sharing of knowledge as an earning model we all were forced to use to a degree. Proof: where is a full description of the current Big Five assessment available open source on Wikipedia? Though the Big Five model is fundamentally flawed it doesn’t have a complete open-source description. Even though it is the best of all bad incorrect use of statistics by all of the many soft science peer-reviewed research I’ve come across. This is by doing what exact scientists should have done. Search for it and test it. Still QED!
And name and shame them all for sidelining the minority of artistic talent as having mental disorders. In so doing preventing them to play a crucial role in the funding of science in proper R&D. This inconsistency causes a rising power struggle and thus rising tensions towards predictable and inevitable amok. Unless of course, the course is fundamentally altered. It only requires a very small alteration.
We can forgive them for most of them honestly don’t know what they are doing and have done.
Mini oligarchs have that mighty power to name and shame! Especially in a democracy.

No one will contest that this A4 doodle graphic of mine of Trump & Corona made in October 2020 has predicted the mess the world is in eerily correctly.
Albeit barring an actual nuclear warhead exploding. And also stating why this is.
And even advising on what our oligarchs in politics and science should have done.
Few can understand the aim to have this become a self-denying prophecy.
To update my prophecy on what in this model robot Putin predictably will and won’t do in the unpredictable ever-changing situation:
No thanks to any sound politics by the NATO countries but per hap chance, Putin is probably being stonewalled by two key players in the all-players and humanity inherent black box of Kremlin politics. At least part of his peer group probably lost trust in Putin and want to get rid of him. I posted on Facebook but haven’t had time to post on my blog. There is probably a power struggle going on with Putin at the moment not feeling or maybe not being powerful enough to take on one or both of his mobster friends. The head of the Duma asked where the borders of Putin’s new Russia are. Knowing full well that as long as the Ukrainian forces keep on successfully pushing the Russians back those borders keep on changing. The hope of Marshall Mudd helping Putin is based on the current weather forecast idle hope. Furthermore stating that the Duma’s boss doesn’t want to overplay Russia’s hand by annexing land they don’t hold. The other major oligarch player is the head of the military. He’s probably saying that he needs the okay of the Duma before going nuclear with a small (usaly tactical) nuke, used in a strategic way. Maybe a compromise will be made by nuking some Dutch windmills in the North Sea instead of the shock and awe escalating to de-escalate strike conform to the doctrine on Maasvlakte after a false flag by NATO on Kaliningrad I predicted Putin was planning for since last year. We Dutch being on top of Putin’s shitlist due to the MH-17 trial.
NATO politicians and generals are still religiously hypnotized that any nuke will be Armageddon. It might lead to that but probably and hopefully not. Only focussing on a possible tactical nuke strike in Ukraine or a show-off above the Black Sea. Indeed Putin also will know that that won’t work. He needs to escalate in an up-and-over way via his mobster logic. The latter indeed mostly works against people like Biden that show to fear Armageddon. Which is exactly what you shouldn’t do, but quite the opposite.
The mass hypnotics involved were performed by the KGB in the DDR before Putin took over. Financing the political success of the anti-nuclear weapon movement. This in turn made any cool and collected thought on how nukes will work a taboo in NATO. The whole Russian nuclear doctrine is built around this hilarious infantile unprofessional mistake by NATO’s military.
That serious error has subsequently made Putin’s invasion of Ukraine possible. And as we now know brought the world to the brink of what the protesters honestly wanted to prevent, but caused. A possible and going towards probable nuclear exchange.
Not grasping the Art of War. The latter is a Science in this model. That science dictates that NATO build Putin a Golden Bridge way out. This science also proves that NATO’s military doesn’t fully grasp nuclear war at all. This was clear to me as a well-informed conscript seeing the map of the generals in a NORTHAG exercise in 1981. Idiotically having “endex” (end of exercise lingo) after it had gone tactical nuclear. Doing exactly what you shouldn’t do and vice versa not doing what you should do.
What is Biden going to do when Putin wins the internal Kremlin battle and indeed nukes Maasvlakte? Attack Russia with conventional means? Well, that will knock all the economic infrastructure at the sea of the EU out. Hitting the gas pipeline made that quite clear. Or will he wisely then indeed start negotiating? I hope and guess like Putin indeed the latter. Albeit I dare not predict anything.
A political taboo is a taboo for the top brass of the military if they want a career. A Bayesian inversion of the collective brain error.
With the benefit of hindsight, we must conclude that had science and politics followed my advice given here on this blog, humanity wouldn’t have been in this mess.
Because the situation in the Kremlin has probably changed the NATO countries might now even have to swallow an even more bitter pill of offering all the inner circle mobsters a Golden Bridge way out. Probation amnesty for their misdeeds as long as they all relinquish all power. And work whilst still in power toward a set of demands to become NATO and EU members such as giving up all nuclear technology and weapons to the new EU oracle Senate.
Again: Never Ever deal with mobsters, Deal with them. I.e. neutralize them if need be via the Golden Bridge that YOU must build. A linguistic trick that eludes most autistic people the first deal means something different than the second “Deal”. The first means negotiate the latter means neutralize.
Be true to yourself: the risk of a nuclear war erupted in February had NATO threatened to intervene with air power and offering a Golden Bridge way out to Putin at the peak of his power, would have been far and far less of a risk than the shit the world is now in.
You can now fully fact-check this claim my blog has its earlier blog posts restored. At the moment only via my previous blog post. They now mostly also have headers. Work in progress.
Due to these errors of NATO et al, little dictators all over the world feel they can get away with stuff. North Korea, the Balcan, and Africa all powder kegs akin to the start of WW1 & WW2.
Due to the whopping idiocy of the sanctions the global world economy is in meltdown as is the international political stability.
The thermodynamics of war of Dr. Ingo Piepers.

Ingo wrote to me that he agrees with my spotting the same red algorithm on average in many fighting divorces and neighbor rows. I.e. situations in which parties like bordering countries can’t easily part. I added the mounting stress level to his red-line depiction. And I should have made the subsequent amok peaks rise. I.e. WO2 was worse than WW1. WW3 will be worse still. The simple reason for this prediction is that there are more weapons and also more weapons of more destructive power. More built-up global trust is broken. That fuels as history also show more amok. Mind, you can thus make as many splits in the algorithm as you like. Or combine it all as one great world war that started and never ended. Many small conflicts that follow different patterns on average make a large one of the same pattern. Just like the normal bell curve distribution is formed.
The most fundamental physics and mathematics rules of law are very simple as one should expect.
As simple as the rules of a game of chess. Chess itself is unfathomably complex. This is a simple true paradox. Science missed these rules. The focus of most scientists is on gaining and holding authority instead of asking themselves the simple impertinent taboo Socratic questions. I’ll show these rules below.
Last year April I a former magistrate and lawyer nearly had our Dutch PM Mark Rutte do the new Oracle Senate test. Then it was too taboo even for this aptly nicknamed Mr. Teflon.
I’m convinced that this taboo now no longer exists, to that degree for many people who sense serious problems ahead.
Many people are now desperate for advice to find a certain proven to work way out of this mess.
I predict just the decision to do the test alone will work like seeming magic.
An immediate urgently needed paradigm shift will via mass-hypnotics ensue.
This will work as long as everyone openly hit themselves twenty times with a verbal stick.
When everyone is guilty, no one is.
Train yourself to not blame others for your strong gut feelings of guilt and shame.
Yet the paradox is to name and shame and when mighty oligarchs comply then forgive them.
Good cop bad cop. Carrot and stick in the correct rhythm of exerting pressure and giving slack. Train your intuitions.
Old school Art of War:
Don’t endanger any mighty force in being, as long as they play along and always build them a Golden Bridge way out.
What I’m preaching is more than 99.9% Old School.
Thus tried and tested and proven to work and also always proven to fail in the long run due to a slight inherently deep religious survival trait error in not knowing the One Grand Elementary / Most Fundamental Law of Human Obligations & Rights.
A Local Law (LOL pun intended) in the cosmos for it only applies where humans can exist. A law with ten dualistic break-one-you-break-all articles that always even in dire emergencies apply.
Completely consistent with this Law are the Five Wise Goals of Humanity and the Definition of Artistic Science (always proper and exact).
Always Carpe Diem and La Dolce Vita. My transparent score on my goals in life.
Never panic. Train your brain to be stoic via mindset DSM-0.
The definition of the term Science:
The decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung.
Train your brain to test the five mindsets required to correctly use the collective brain of your team.
DSM-0 Deterministic Systematic Model 0.
DSM-5 TR Deterministic Systematic Model Terminus with a review of nova. On important issues, all (scientific) claims, tests, and peer-reviewed science go as proven pseudoscience. Such as when the claim isn’t completely consistent with the definition of science. Not having evidence to show at least a 99.9% probative value that is rising. Not showing causal effect given statistics via deterministic reasoning. All current soft science concerning diagnostics and assessment such as the current bible of mental disorders DSM-5 is anti-scientific pseudo-science not even claiming more than 51% probative value on very small domains.
DSM-6 Mostly mad world society context. The Catch-22 situation is that not engaging with a mad world is mad and engaging in it is also mad. Only by at least a fundamental twist can DSM-7 as a goal be made to work.
DSM-7 Goal of a mostly sane world that up until now has never existed for the last 5000 years.
DSM-8 Diagnostic Statistical Model with (far less than, and going down) 0.1% probability that we have free will and that life has meaning. A dictate to use this mindset for lack of absolute proof that DSM-0 is correct. A dictate of freedom of religion.
Accept that we are in a DSM-6 situation requiring a DSM-8 mindset to act swiftly to get to a global DSM-7 situation in our lifetime and prevent DSM-6 from getting us into a WW3 scenario.
After valid falsification of the current scientific paradigm on the best practice way to prove the most fundamental laws of the cosmos and humanity, I prove in a very childishly easy way these ten dualistic laws of everything. In a way that any high school kid with Bildung can understand and fact-check.
Well after this summary & introduction here goes:
20 minute read
This 1 A4 doodle graphic provides further strong evidence and even again proves my point that any serious problem that is understood can be depicted in a simple way that any high school kid with sufficient Bildung can understand. My post received an excellent comment showing some minor errors.

The challenge to provide valid falsification of any missed data or any incompleteness or inconsistency still stands. This was posted before the Noble prizes in physics were given.
Science even fails the challenge to pose valid falsification of my valid falsification of current science on all most fundamental issues outside unchallenged by me in their small set theory boxes. Such as the local laws of the theories of Einstein, the incompleteness theorems of Godel, or even the law of the flat earth when dealing with paper tourist maps apply. All not as mere theories but as Local Laws. (LOL’s pun intended.)
Whilst compiling my complete list of blog posts that still is a work in progress getting the headers in the order I reread a comment of my friend emeritus professor of statistics Richard Gill on my claim that set theory is what makes statistics difficult. Richard states that the theory has nothing to do with putting things in boxes.
Indeed in current exact science for instance Hilbert’s space is a topology where they ended up in Alice in Wonderland.
Indeed topology is where the current exact science has gone off the deep end.
It’s clear that Richard thinks and states that I suffer from Kruger Dunning’s overconfidence by not having grasped that Hilbert’s space is of course also a set other than (directly) boxes. As stated earlier Kruger Dunning is proven by me conmen, stating to have added science to something that was already accepted as common knowledge. Better call it suffering from KD. Well, taking it like that we all suffer from inherent ignorance. We are all incompetant idiots and only potentialy highly gifted.
The more I learn the more I know that I don’t know, and see that I need to know to judge anything. Such requires delegation and trust. All I do is share what I think I know in an explicit Wikipedia-style way. to judge that a KD is an error.
This can only be explained via metaphor. For you either gasp this or being an inherent idiot you don’t. For other than becoming hypnotized and religious in starting to understand it, you never actually will.
First, the devision of on average having 20% of all bare survival problems in the long run that confront humanity were never heard of. These require timely a testable composition in the 50% thus 10% technical per definition R&D problems. And another 10% of the humane per definition marketing and advertisement problems. This requires per definition ‘artistic’ out-of -the-set-theory-box creativity.
Nearly every human is creative, but only 20% are artistic. These are the 16 ADHD personality types for these 16 slightly different even bare survival problem areas.
The gameplay of life is like a seemingly magic chess board. (BTW the block model was indeed inspired by chess to have my trained ADHD-c4 brain conjure up the block model. It could just as well have been a game of Go, that I don’t know how to play or modeled on a dog turd. The order function of God, MN, and spooky cosmos is everywhere.) Only here may one claim best practice on a most fundamental/elementary issue. Or in all other cases that suffer from relative or absolute incomplete evidence. Use Bayes.
We ADHD types have healthy manic oversight and healthy deep-focus depression talent when inspired.
We can spot the thin redlines of the musical laws of the cosmic chess game even when never yet played. And then indeed compose that music. The block model is such a tried and tested composition. Say no chess player ever spotted the Sicilian opening.
As soon as that has been played it becomes ‘in the set theory box’. There the healthy autistic intuition reigns supreme. With potential photographic memory. In these sorts of situations, one may indeed or must even use topology as a tool like the Hilbert space. In all situations of incomplete evidence, it is illegal to claim best practices over the long run or in a crisis. Illegal by this new book of the laws of everything. Incorrect instrument brain at play. Healthy autistic people should learn to shut up and don the virtual burka.
The 40% of humanity (of which 20% are male) that don’t have the talent for abstract logic only see a quarter of the real game of chess board. Honestly convinced that their King is not in check on any quarter, whereas any healthy autistic or ADHD type that can play chess will see this as gender-neutral female logic idiocy. This is however the way the inherently uninterested, uninformed not in focus herd also sees it. An essential survival trait of HRM/Sales logic. Everyone belongs to this herd. For instance I fell for the narative of Dutch media when Putin attacked Crimea in 2014. Namely that it was actually Russian due to the fact that the Soviet Union had changed it. Even though my mission in life since I was four years old was to prevent a new World War getting hot for me. And even though I as an experienced lawyer and magistarte should of spotted the illegality of it all. I didn’t. Why, well luckilly in 2014 I was strongly focussed on the block model. All humans have hilariously little focus. Something conmen and illusionists exploit. And providing a false narative via framing is a hypnotical trick of the marketing, adviertisement, HRM and Sales depertments. Only doen succesfully when the thus talanted are the ones playing that chessgame of life.
Taking my model as a fact (i.e. as absolutely true) the model dictates that under pressure and not properly organized via mass hypnotics as a survival trait gone wrong 80% of humanity as dedicated followers of also scientific fashion will follow the book even if it’s occult. They either are followers (60% of humanity) or authoritarian leaders. (20% of humanity.)
Many mentally healthy authoritarian autistic personality types in history show a strong appetite for the occult. Such as Stuffy Dowding but most importantly Isaac Newton.
Occult in my model is defined as the belief in real magic being an incomplete cosmos or inconsistent cosmos.
Not occult is the belief that we exist as part of the cosmos even though this is intergalactically improbable. There is no alternative other than real magic to explaine that.
Yet, the occult is also the belief in the intergalactically improbable when a childishly simple common sense alternative is claimed and not adequately falsified.
Religiously rejecting to even investigate that claim. Trying to ignore and when duly trolled in proper litigation using ridicule, disdain, and all sorts of undue strong emotional outbursts as a form of mob-rule attempt.
Especially when in power as an oligarch not having to pose valid falsification in meeting any such challenge is easy.
Gaining and holding unjustified authority is also easy among the uninformed and uninterested herd. The herd without sufficient Bildung lives in the dark ages of pseudoscience.
Belief in most fundamantal curved space as curved nothing is occult.
Such belief in massless particles is occult.
Such belief in instantaneous information transport is occult.
Such belief in something from nothing is occult.
In small set theory boxes as Local Laws, they may be for practical reasons as know-how apply. Any claim on a most fundamental probandum is a con job. No mathematics or any logic helps you there for pure mathematics is Meta-Physics that allows anything. Even humans traveling back in time. Belief in the possibility of the latter is occult and thus a valid falsification in science proper.
Mind, that via changing the definitions traveling back in time is logically possible. Like we lawyers can do having the clock put forward and backward in time zones and summer and wintertime.
Such a claim is anti-scientific pseudoscience outside the small LOL box where it applies. It causes and has caused the Ukrainian war putting humanity on the brink of Armageddon.
My axiomatic completely consistent model of the cosmos dictates that all geometry of the most fundamental cosmos uses the fifth axiom of Euclid in a 3D space. Using a coordinate system of x,y, and z axes in right angles (90o) with x2, y2, and z2 parallel lines that never meet. An infinite set theory box that thus is no longer a box or even sphere. This is a postulate (proven suspect/ to be proven hypothesis) as a prior odds in the mathematical physics of Bayes using the mathematical theorem of Pierre Laplace. Using the terms and definitions correctly by giving them a slight corrective twist. Leading as I will prove per proven absence of a possible valid falsification (Karl Popper) as circumstantial evidence proof of a posterior odds of Bayes to be that fifth axiom (proven culprit) of Euclid. Dictating in a tyrannical way as physics proper does that any use of topology with more than such x,y,z space is not a correct view on reality but occult dangerous madness. Ending up via Alice in Wonderland in WW3. Incomplete science and inconsistent science logically lead to mounting conflicts and thus ultimately world wars!
Any topology having a space with more axes than these three can only be used in small local set theory boxes. Autistic personality types have the genotype at best average DNA talent for geometry. Absolute deep idiots trying to add interactive elements/elementary particles to this space. These represent 40% of humanity. Including Gary Kasparov. The other 40% of humanity are absolute deep idiots on abstract logic. Including Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and 80% of all women. The latter set theory box also contains the most intelligent women. The 20% artistic ADHD types are effectively sidetracked. These include Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci who weren’t geniuses or more mad than all those deemed mentally healthy. All with only less than 1% deviation of indeed more than 99.9% mentally DNA mutants that justifiably end up in mental health care. Only mutations that provide a new twist to homo sapiens providing more memory space will produce a more intelligent difference than homo sapiens humans. So, has anyone spotted a new human species in science lately? I guess not, and I don’t know if anyone has even claimed that. My proven best practice model also immediately shows why our 50% + 1 vote democratic politics and science are mob rule dysfunctional. The correction is to be done in the Senates of the world. It’s all simply a stupid power struggle for desire of funding.
To add to this challenge I challenge anyone or any scientist and especially the three physicist Nobel prize laureates in physics to falsify Richard Gills’s theorem. Proving that Bell inequalities are unsolvable.
Granting a Nobel prize for Bell theorem-based inequalities is weird. Because everybody agrees that these inequalities are quantum weirdness for admittedly not understood why it sometimes does render results.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 was awarded jointly to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”
Albert Einstein — ‘If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.’
The exact sciences this judging in scientific peer review has run aground.
As one can read in this blog post by my friend emeritus professor of statistics Richard Gill KNAW who started my blog, polarisation plays a role in the experiments that are involved. Although it is stated nowhere and I can’t find the algebraic proof that Richard published somewhere, anywhere in an open source way. Anyway, it must then be the Gill Theorem. That theorem proves if I understand the claim correctly that Bell inequalities are unsolvable. The only logical conclusion then would be that we humans, even when using the collective brain properly, are too stupid to grasp the solution to the problem.
As far as my knowledge goes no one in science disputes that we humans stem from a collection of a symbiotic cooperation lump of different bacteria. These bacterial ancestors of humanity have proven to be sufficiently fit as survival of the fittest in our cosmic bubble. Our individual brains as part of a collective brain must have been completely consistent with all the fundamental laws of physics in that bubble. Otherwise, humanity wouldn’t even of existed in the first place.
Few scientists will dispute that these bacteria are DNA robots.
There is no reason to believe that this robotic survival trait has changed provided all humans cooperate in a completely consistent way. When we humans however have changed our biotope faster than our symbiotically working collective brains can cope with, we indeed might go extinct in a nuclear winter.
The predominant Copenhagen interpretation is under much pressure and in a desperate fight to hold on to the power of funding in a lost cause. The primary problem is that this also is the root cause of most conflicts attempting to elevate incomplete and inconsistent science as something else than occult pseudoscience. Like con man mobster Putin, the oligarchs of science are doubling down to stay in power by funding their religious belief that dictates “shut up and calculate.”
Hence this is a desperate bid to hold on to the “shut up and calculate” cult. A bid by giving Nobel Prizes as a mark of authority on fifty-year-old research that still has to prove what computers based on “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science” actually means for humanity.
Mind, I’m not stating or even implying that the new Nobel prize laureates shouldn’t have gotten their prizes. I don’t know maybe for other reasons the correct winners? They certainly didn’t prove Einstein wrong. And the fact that they got the Nobel prizes doesn’t prove that either.
Note the hilarious irony of me stating in my doodle graphic on the Copenhagen interpretation including the Bell inequalities that if science would indeed have “the mathematics” then they would get a Nobel prize for shore. Mind, you can’t turn this around logically. namely that getting the Nobel prize thus proves anything in this dispute. The truth is that our Peer review oligarchs of klepto science wanting to hold on to their power to decide what is pseudoscience and what is to be funded in science have indeed granted this pseudoscience a Nobel prize. That however of course doesn’t prove that the mathematical Gill Theorem is incorrect. The latter proves that it can’t be solved is caused by not using the 5th axiom of Euclid.
The Standard Model (SM) has been shot to pieces in the last few years. Being central to the whole problem as I showed on one A4. Muons are not elementary for split and gravity waves are also at odds with the Copenhagen view. The Higgs field was a starter for proving problems ahead for the Copenhagen interpretation. The “shut up and calculate” Quantum Mechanics religious cult is smashed. As I predicted it would be in 2010. My blog proves that I have a whopping 80% score of predictions published in 2015 outside my field of expertise whilst performing my job as a lawyer and judge of judges outside the limits of the current paradigm to which the courts are correctly bound. Predictions on what science would find as a picture salad of my concepts. Proof that I followed proper scientific procedure in the use of my instrument brain.
To formulate a new challenge I’ve cut away all concepts out of the model and only have left exact scientificly proven Laws of Everything.
Challenge: show by valid falsification any incompleteness or inconsistency on a probandum (that what is to be proven) of elementary/most fundamental physics in the following Laws of Everything.
The context set theory box has just been given.
At the deepest level of truth, Einstein’s God, that doesn’t play dice must be identical to Mother Nature and identical to spooky actions in a distance, Cosmos.
At lesser levels of abstraction, science can split the unsplittable into current physics as Physics-minor only works on what is observable. Cosmology works on the unobservable physics-mayor and meta-physics. And the human individual and collective spirituality of feelings and religious interpretation is then all that is left to deal with.
These then are merely Local Laws at best. In a local law, one can accept a certain error rate. Only conmen would dare to talk about “loophole-free” in such a set theory context.
On a most fundamental claim, no loopholes or approximations are allowed at all.
My model is indeed literally claimed to be loophole-free. And my model addresses all problems in physics known to me as also the ones depicted in my doodle graphic of science in 2010. To build this up from scratch I first need to prove the existence of One Grand Law of Everything.
I claim a proven best practice largest circular argument covering most data ground in a completely consistent way that can be fact-checked on all known data by humanity.
In the mindset DSM-0, all chaos and errors are not understood order. The only doubt is that the cosmos works in part or completely inconsistently as real magic. Belief in the latter is religiously excluded in science as being axiomatically illegal apart from the less than 1% doubt providing academic freedom.
There must thus be One Grand Law of Everything. QED!
This law can then systematically be split out into break-one-you-break-all Ten Laws of Everything.
MIND 1: Any claim that what I state is not what is observed is moot when the objection is based on an interpretation such as the Copenhagen interpretation that is only based on 4 axioms. That is plucking the forbidden easy-to-pick low-hanging fruit of the forbidden tree. Logic dictates that whilst testing my model you must have all your observations translated to fit the fifth axiom of Euclid. You must per logical dictate take my model as a fact to pose any valid falsification of that model. Mind that all algebra, geometry and any other logic discription used in any valid falsification shoud be completely consistent for they should be when correct definitions, and procedures are follwowed interchangeble.
MIND 2: I’ve proven science to have followed incorrect procedures. Science has thus no justly claimed authority to peer review judge any correct procedure until science has remedied that problem. They need to show what instrument brain each scientist has, or prove that to be irrelevant. That is not a problem that in Just science can be solved democratically or by mob rule.
The First LOE is Physics-Minor as a proven postulate (suspect) and thus via exact scientific norm via circumstantial evidence proven to be an axiom (culprit fit for valid falsification challenge of better best practice): The infinite cosmos is filled with an infinite amount of absolutely conductive (identical? Lateron in the 10th LOE proven best practice concept indeed identical) massive dense objects that are uniquely deformable constructs that have always interacted according to simple laws that are observable even in the smallest sphere of space-time. And thus logically describable in kg, m, s, strong interactive force kg.m/s & weak interactive angular momentum (spin) force kg.m/s^2. This is all in a dualistic at the same time all the time analog and quantified way. The current scientific description of a photon shows (= observation) a massive particle energy packet with the constant speed of light being an average. A photon is observed to interact and wave through a dynamic field construct and is observed to accelerate holding c in the dynamic construct of curved space causing a 1 meter (gravity) wave in that field. A photon is thus observed to have speeds above the speed of light. Otherwise, it is an illegal occult interpretation. It must by GLOE be possible to make a 3D interactive movie, correctly framing all set theory domains in the infinite cosmos in a common sense way that any nonreligious, spoiled or biased high school kid with Bildung can intuitively understand. As depicted by this lawful static image. That the description in this 3D space contains many vectors pointing all over the place adding seeming dimensions in space and doesn’t require or even allow an occult Hilbert space. This image is completely consistent with the observed cosmos. Yet the image is not yet complete in the sense of having answered all questions. It obviously still has great holes in the Emmentaler cheese metaphor of the model of a complete cosmos to be filled in. That my model has a proven concept that has stunningly already filled many of those holes, is irrelevant. Irrelevant for the conclusion that even with this image of weights with movable rings, that in a yet-to-be-conjured-up way must be able to connect and disconnect, still by far prove best practice. This is the way I’ve proven many times to solve many crime scenes, also catching and serving due justice to conmen. Basic classical mechanical (CM) Newton dictates that when we observe in the correct focus sphere this large weight construct hit the two-weight connected to the construct, the large weight will start to wave along a virtual vector given a noncurved space. When the other two weights break up due to the impact they will accelerate in a quantifiable way because they will then spin less. Science carries the burden of disproof by showing any inconsistency or fallacy. The procedure of peer review has been given valid falsification. Science carries the burden of disproving that claim as well. If any scientist would even dare to state that they only observe a curved space they will get twenty verbal whacks with a stick and be forced to don the burka and shut up. Then they may act like a lampshade awaiting some authority to screw in a correct scientific lightbulb so that the light of science starts shining. Stating to observe curved nothing is occult and thus falsified validly. We observe of course a curved massive dynamic interactive something as space. Stating to have the “mathematics” only meaning algebra is a blatant Pinnochio lie.

The Second LOE Current science just needs a change of terms. No scientist will dare object that given n = high statistical data on any problem in the correct set theory domain, correct modeling will always show the normal bell curve distribution. The combining algorithm of four other algorithms. The four distribution algorithms are flat, edge, curve, and broken distributions in a dualistic way continuous (analog) and quantified (digital). All the time every time in space-time. “Normal” as in conforming to the norm and not as a plumbline akin to a clapper of a bell clock. Mathematics teachers are reasoning like Quasimodo hearing bells and stringing up their students hung by the neck as being “normal”. Forbidden use of the English language on the Social Contract with humanity in schools or courtrooms. The 2nd LOE is the statistical chance probability bridge between the 1st and 3rd LOE. QED!
The Third LOE The theorem of Pierre Laplace in the Physics Interpretation of Bayes. No scientist will dare object to the correctness of this theorem or my physics of Bayes. The latter never had a theorem or philosophy but more correctly put he invented the language for physics-mayor. All-encompassing description method of Physics-Mayor (pronounced “major”; my model => my use of spelling.) in a completely consistent analog/digital way. Picture-salad via communication Word-salad towards Fine Number-salad and Coarse number-salad algorithms combined in the Mixed-salad algorithm in a continuous and discrete (analog/quantified) way. Pure mathematics is Meta-physics. Algebra is always a mixed salad whether the primarily quick and dirty essential for survival course salad or done as a rigorously fine salad. Completely consistent with the incompleteness LOL theorems of Kurt Godel. Godel is dead and science should keep him buried in his hexagon box with the lid on. Don’t let that living dead loony toon zombie haunt you. Godel proved by his theorems that current mathematics hasn’t solved the axiomatic, term, definition, and proper procedure problems. I can only put mathematicians back on the right track. That whacking science on the incorrect procedure and showing how to do it correctly is my job as a former lawyer and magistrate. Solving all of it isn’t my job on the Social Contract with humanity. “Shut up and calculate” in physics is falsified as anti-scientific pseudo-science. All salads are equally important and must be dealt with in a balanced completely consistent way. QED!
The Fourth LOE The new drawn-on one A4 primarily pictures salad dynamic interactive geometry of the Order Function of the Cosmos and the Order function of the * Collective * human mammal brain. Axiomatically assumed completely consistent infinite cyclic Formation, Deformation, Transformation, Destruction & Reformation in an at the same time all the time dualistic analog and quantified way. The new Physics of Psychology Science. Providing the instruction manual for the individual and collective human brain to organize a Just durable completely consistent Humain Just Functional Order via all-inclusive Bildung. A fully tested artistic composition providing the scenario’s as input in the 3rd LOE. All important human endeavors such as organizing a Just society must comply. A dictate of the tyrannical physics of psychology. A very hard small nucleus is a dictate with an enormous space of freedom. QED!

This is a claimed proven best practice concept (now changed BTW) and thus not yet law but logically derived from the block model. That, the heartbeat of CM Newton comes to life I’ll show it some other time. This is just to show that they are claimed to be linked. Note the five different degrees of the order are the same yet also different waves of particle constructs in a dynamic particle medium.
The Fifth LOE Atomos construct in absolute nothing space as a proto-consciousness memory bank. With a musical life heartbeat via the 4th LOE as a dictate of classical mechanics due to form containing via reverse engineering all mathematically described numbers and constants. A known heartbeat effect when massive objects like a screwbolt move in space. Temporary resounding nonwaving no music by being crushed to death under max pressure in the cosmos. Then reaching maximum incidental speed in the cosmos. All above the speed of light. Proto-intelligent action is an intelligent reaction in a unique nonreproducible but within limits deterministically describable way. Playing out all possible scenarios in repeating Nirvana’s of space-time all the time. You only live once unique reincarnation identical paradox. Mass kg must be rigid, absolutely dense, and thus in perpetual motion by the laws of CM. It doesn’t bend, break, or get hotter or colder. Only this is completely consistent with our nonmagical existence and observations of superconductivity. The hits per timeframe in the observed cosmos require the smallest of building blocks to be able to build a whopping pressure vessel and DNA. Mine is claimed to be able to do just that. QED! That the way I do that is only a claimed concept is irrelevant to the proof of an LOE. Big Bang is a much smaller affaire in my model. Only one yet-to-be-formed galaxy is shot out of the crunch center of our hexagon pressure vessel as part of a whopping beehive. Much longer ago than science has the BB. The latter is the moment that this Champagne bubble to be forms strings with its snowball Higgs particles in max spin in the dynamic matrix of the crust of a sphere in this pressure vessel. Gravity and light and DNA only exist in that crust. Akin the crust and atmosphere of the earth. Dynamic form repetition with a simple optical illusion of an expanding universe. It is akin to trains on the same track accelerating like bubbles and on different tracks at an angle having angular momentum. It only seems to expand in this simple interpretation. Simply add two timeframes: a slower than astronomical, cosmic timescale and one faster light wave nonwave resounding incidental max v. To falsify my concept you will have to first state to have studied it all and heard and reheard what my reaction is in a proper proceeding.
The Sixth LOE Infinite Space is already dealt with the above as part of the holy trinity of interactive space-time. QED!
The Seventh LOE Absolute and relative time as a human thought to describe observed interactive space-time. No beginning no end. The observed photon is above the speed of light. The speed of light is constant as an obvious average. Incidental quanta of maximum speeds > c are a logical dictate of the CM of Newton as stated above. Adding a quantum of mass reduces the speed vector with that “same” quantum. The energy must by the law of Newton stay the same. The cosmos is a perpetuum mobile in the sense of pantha rhei atomos, yet not a perpetuum mobile as a system that gives off more energy than it contains. Infinite speed is an occult notion and thus falsified in a valid way. QED!
The Eighth LOE Strong interactive force. As stated above kg.m/s is a straight hard vector constructive and deconstructive push per time frame providing pressure. QED!
The Ninth LOE Weak interactive force. As stated above kg.m/s^2. A soft contructive deconstructive soft force via a double snowflake snaring into a snowball effect causes angular momentum and thus slows down a quantum on the straight speed vector. Speeding up again after deconstruction. QED!
That this must be so is a law. How to construct that is a proven best practice testable concept. Not fully given yet here, for only proving the existence of the Ninth Law of Everything. My model can produce the eight Gluons that are plucked out of the Higgs Graviton fields in a curved space dynamic matrix more pushed and a bit pulled into little black holes as Glu-ins in strings and Glu-out magnetism. Lumps of strings the smaller they are the slower their max v in the matrix. Causing waves in the medium of the Higgs Graviton fields. Gravity is simply the underpressure surrounding black holes. This proves I have a concept on my blog via the presentation of this idea in this post.
The Tenth LOE Observed equality inequality duality. This 10th LOE must split the physics of the cosmos into absolutely equal massive parts. The inequality can only be explained in a completely consistent way via possible unsplittable movement of a construct. Thus this poses valid falsification of the image of the construct of most elementary particles being built up out of two different size rigid massive objects. QED!

The entire model can be shown in one doodle graphic showing the healthy manic oversight of all that is to be thought about at the same time all the time. This can only be done by correctly teamed-up group thinking.
The new insight into the Hilbert space is say adding small areas of limited importance on the whole to the skeleton. When the problem is a hernia then the skeleton and muscles are most important. The heart of Hilbert isn’t then, albeit that the heart is critically important to one’s life. Always use any tools in the correct set theory box space-time time frame.
Most of this was already known but interpreted incorrectly leading to a win-lose instead of win-win humanity at work.
I’m only adding a slight but most fundamantal Twist.
(The Ten Most Fundamental Human Rights) All improvements on the last blog post about these articles are in italics.
These are according to common sense knowledge. On serious issues they must be interpreted in a ‘break one, you break all’ fashion. They each stand in a dualistic paragraph opposing tension. Furthermore, they also are always in a more or less balancing act tension as if they were on a tightrope.
This is the basics of Just Law and thus something every high school kid should know!
Art. 1 – 1 Completeness versus Art. 1- 2 Incompleteness
Always take parts of the whole as one, when serious conflicts arise. Do not allow ankers of extreme gut feelings even as the last person standing intervene with the proper proceeding.
Art. 2 – 1 Normality versus Art. 2 -2 Abnormaility
Normality should show on average as normal. I.e. the norm. Yet, within the limits of this law abnormality is the rule for all individuals.
Art. 3 -1 Just Proof versus Art 3. -2 Honest Mistakes
In serious issues always follow the correct Just Proof proceeding. That is always correctly registered and can thus be checked as an exact science. That with hindsight a thus honest mistake has been made and needs correcting in review, doesn’t as such demand a change in the law. Or even a human scapegoat.
Art. 4-1 Just Order versus Art. 4-2 Disorder
Repeated history shows that disorder leads to unjust order and thus war. Just order is only Justified when completely consistent with all these ten articles. That is only the case when the current Big Five assessment of personality types has been trained and teamed up properly on a specific problem and ultimately states their conviction in a proper proceeding. (When that is done the block model will prove to be far superior to the Big Five assessment.)
Art. 5-1 Fact versus Art. 5-2 Doubt
Postulates (suspects) are hypothetical yet to be always proven via circumstantial evidence axioms (culprits) taken as absolutely true. A dynamic circular interactive process. Baring absolute proof of inherent doubt this logically requires inherently fallible convictions to have errors. These are on basis of Just Proof to be acknowledged and in review to be corrected. No scapegoat blame to be attached when the proceeding is proven to have been adhered to!
Art. 6-1 Freedom versus Art. 6-2 Limiting Democratic Laws.
Wer großes will, muß sich zusammenraffen;
in der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister;
und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit geben.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Art. 7-1 Timing versus Art. 7-2 Too Soon & Too Late
Due process is always in due time.
Art. 8-1 Course versus Art. 8-2 Off Course
What are the Just goal and chosen Justifiable routes?
Art. 9-1 Flow versus Art. 9-2 Rigidity
Justice always goes with the flow. Hard on the smallest possible main point, soft on the many side issues.
Art. 10-1 Equality versus Art. 10-2 Inequality
The same cases are to be treated the same. Different cases are different in the degree of difference.
See the new Oracle Senate Test with Senators for life in the New Quattro Politica as a first test flight of a prototype built up out of parts that I have fully tested.
You can fact-check this claim in the footnotes of this post.
No one in his or her right mind will deny that all my predictions in this one A4 doodle graphic on Donald Trump in October 2020 have come out. Just short of the total still preventable amok that is.

Most media are talking of World War 3 even going nuclear. A bit late and probably too late but in principle and adding new insights since then:
Save our Mighty Billionaires by building them a Golden Bridge way out.
More Millionaires No Poor No War
Peace in a Day is a Piece of Cake
With the benefit of hindsight, anyone can fact-check & conclude that had our large inherent oligarchs done what I gave as advice we wouldn’t have this global economic and political collapse for which I not only warned but also gave the Golden Bridge way out in this Trump doodle graphic.
The same goes for my claim to have had a whopping 80% score on predictions since 2010 published in 2015 outside my field of expertise on what science would find in elementary physics and astronomy. Easier when knowing where to start looking buy following correct procedure:
Shut up and first paint the whole picture. Then don’t shut up but talk also in your brain besides the collective brain to communicate this picture to the brains with the talent to calculate. The latter is still to be done. That doesn’t disprove my claim. QED!

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