6-minute read
Yesterday during a political cafe someone pointed out that my quatro politica should of course be a cinque politica for it contains five powers and not just four. So, I immediately owed up to my idiotic mistake, and now I can whack myself twenty times in writing with a stick. That hereby done.
Now let us in Air Crash Investigation / Crime Scene Investigation style practice what I preach and analyze in a brutishly honest way how this glaring stupidity came about.
In my field of many years of expertise. Well, indeed it is because of this I made the mistake. My brain as a prior odds/bias unwittingly automatically divides the world into politics and non-political powers. Having the Trias Politica in one set theory box and the non-professional people in the other set theory box.
Being a mentally healthy ADHD personality type I score idiotically low relative to the same speed of brain types in their four respective boxes on the personality trait of conscientiousness. The latter means in my block model that of the idiotic IQ tests, arithmetic is my worst talent. I must do that mechanically. There is no strong intuition about numbers.
The combination of a religiously neurologically internalized way of legal thinking combined with not even 1% intuition on numbers and indeed having had problems with arithmetic because I lived in England from my third until I was eight years old, my mom not speaking enough English, and seeing my dad only in the weekends the required training of my brain in going by the book arithmetic fell short of what is normally required.
Because I’m a far above-average fast thinker it only readily shows to people who are good at arithmetic that I’m not that good. Mind, when I have the time to think I can deal with this problem by working my way around it. First, solve the geometry and then put the numbers to that. Creating the paradoxical illusion that I’m good with numbers.
As a side note, this is why my model dictates that when foreigners have kids, buddy parents are required to teach arithmetic, the local language, and to draw technically. That is if the parents aren’t in for whatever reason capable of doing so.
The window of opportunity is between six and twelve years to put this essential learning on the hard drive so to speak.
Because the Dutch education system has gone up the spout in not teaching this properly at primary school and try to remedy this at high school this is going very wrong.
The other takeaway of this is that any team also needs laymen in any field on all important issues. The one that pointed this out to me isn’t a lawyer. He doesn’t have the mental distortion causing a job deformation.
My brain is that of a developer in R&D. And thus focussed on getting the development in the best and ever better order. Putting the sticker “quattro” on the title instead of cinque is a problem in the communication departments of HRM & Sales. I’ve less than 1% intuition compared to DNA talented with far above average speed of brain types.
That is why the new proposed Oracle Senate Test will ultimately require an optimum of a thousand part-time senators for life covering all sorts of different jobs. And be a representative of all sorts of speeds of brain and personality types. The maximum amount of Senators should be 1200.
During the transition phase, different rules apply to get it started properly. Going from 75 to 1000 Senators without huge costs. And without magic. Easy just learn to use your (collective) brain correctly. This can also be done by attempting to pose valid falsification of my model. I challenge anyone. you will observe that you can’t prove that I’m right.
Also thus all age groups having ten 22 year-old boys and ten 22 year-old girls become aprentice senators for life for ten years. And stay primarilly senators on call untill they become 72 years old. Then they may but no longer have to perform their duty. No longer as lawmaker but as a well informend advisors.
The only way to force any oligarchs with much power to give testimony is already available power in any true parliamentary democracy. Always also given to all Senates. Anyone can be put in jail as a hostage and be picked up by the police who don’t want to testify. And in so doing forced to speak.
If you want the truth and to protect whistleblowers this can only be done in a truly safe environment. Ergo kept secret behind closed doors. hearing under oath when deemed necessary under the pain of committing purgery. The best way to do this is to have no more than two senators and witnesses in the room. Of course, registering it all on camera for all other senators.
Had Putin been forced to have such a Senate then he like any other leader wouldn’t have had the possibility of surrounding himself with yes-men. A condition sine qua non for the war in Ukraine and the global economic meltdown the world is in. Causing hefty political polarisation and which will no doubt lead to heftier wars and ultimately predictably a nuclear exchange.
The First Power The People. Including of course all subsequent powers as part of the people. Represented by the Voters and the Free Independent Press. Of course, this can only function properly when everyone has a guaranteed decent income as an inalienable (i.e. that never can be given or taken away) human right that the LOL of LOH derived from GLOE tyrannically dictates. In this model, human robots can only behave themselves by not pestering and on the five wise goals of humanity when all poor poverty, being slavery is abolished and rich poverty and mental poverty are tackled via all-inclusive Bildung. Even a one-year-old child is a mini-oligarch that can drive his parent voters mad by hunger. When many mini-oligarchs do that it will destabilize any democracy in time. Article 10 equality will cause mayhem in the long run in concert with the breach of article 7 timing.
The Second Power The Oracle Senate: The power to give durable well informed truly independent advice to ALL. Being the true representative of all minorities and walks of life. Such as the artistic minority, the slow-thinking minority, and science proper. The tyrannical physics of psychology dictates 50/50 male and female etc. No longer a lawmaker. An oracle speaks only with one mouth. A global neural network of such oracles should ensue in the ultimate free federation of the United Nations. I sense that now under the pressure of a looming nuclear war any taboo is off the table. Put this on the political agenda. The decision alone will have an immediate hypnotical effect. It’s also the off-ramp for NATO, the EU, and Putin on route to a bloody disaster this going nuclear. A blunder of mega proportions of not building Putin a Golden Bridge way out. Being scared of our mighty oligarchs that honestly mostly don’t recognize their evil sinister doings in the mirror.
The Third Power: The Political Parties: The power to represent the parties in any nation. Idialistic, religious or factions. Such as the nature party, the farmers party, the rich peoples party. Whatever. Only here does a direct democracy work on a 50% + 1 vote logic.
The Fourth Power: The Government including the head of state, the civil servants and a Political Party Advisory Institution. You don’t want too many former political leaders in the Senate. You do want to keep the political experience on hand.
The Fifth Power: The Judiciary besides the public prosecution and all judges must include the bar lawyers. The number of lawyers in the bar and magistrates should be limited to a percentage of the size of the total population. An optimum and maximum should be given. When things go wrong the judiciary will have to work harder. Instead of being forced to create unnecessary court cases as a dirty little secret mostly unwitting earning model of desire. Everyone even a multinational firm has the right to a free lawyer always present or appointed by the courts as an amicus curiae. This advice of mine is to be given to the Oracle Senate for advice. So don’t ask me now. It’s sure that when the Senate learns of my advice in this blog they will improve on that and no doubt they will follow this advice in essence as well. A multinational will then still have much money and take what they deem the best lawyers that money can buy in the free market. Yet, the honour code of the truly independent bar association will check all lawyers acting honourably. Because all lawyers also have a guaranteed decent income they can and will * robots as they are * say no when honour bound to indeed say “no” to a very rich client or mighty oligarch. The Oracle Senate will of course keep a watchful eye on the bar association. A dictate of human physics to do this in this way given the current state of affairs in most countries. Because a lawyer can be appointed either by the courts or the bar association a system within the independent bar can be made in a dual check of cases that aren’t to be brought before the courts. This is if no lawyer wants to take the case. Anyone can always go to the free press or any of the other powers that be. Any person can always without a lawyer ask the court to appoint a lawyer. That is how to keep a durable honourable legal system in balance. A legal system can’t as such change any paradigm. The Oracle Senate or the voters can.
This is to be seen as an update on my previous post for now we have the eleven laws GLOE plus the ten Laws of Everything from which the Local Law The Law of Elementary Human Rights with its ten dualistic break-one-you-break-all articles that always even in dire straights must be adhered to.
The metaphor dynamic dirty geometry representation of the Grand Law of Everything and the Ten Laws of Everything from which it’s all derived. All in one A4 in healthy manic oversight what must be kept in intuitive balance by organising the collective brain to work properly.
Topology with more than three axes in space is illegal occultism.