Published July 11th, 2023
(later non-erratum edits @)
We all are different easy to distinguish potentially highly gifted incurable idiots
Peace in a day is a piece of cake
Deal with Putin as Lukashenka dealt with Prigozhin, threaten and provide a Golden Bridge. It always works! Otherwise, this will go nuclear either against NATO or China.
Putin already attempted to nuke NATO into neutrality twice. February Mud & Duma Mobsters intervened now NATO is in a long war Sun Tzu also predicts it will lose.
More Millionaires, No Poor, No War
New Physics of Psychology prevents pestering & produces peaceful prosperity
Block the Bosses of God by anyone becoming a representative of god on earth by GLOE
The Soul of the Cosmos is identical to the Soul of the Collective Brain teamwork order-function
Entice Oligarchs into a safe environment to Test the Oracle Senate in self-interest
Multi-Messiah golden bridge method of populist oligarchs consistent with all world religions including Science
Threaten to name and shame the oligarchs of Sinister Science
Urgent because Dr. Ingo Piepers thermodynamics of war Ph.D. proves WW3’s slow start in 2022

Introduction of the list
At least in Science, Courtrooms, and Schools all professionally used * elementary * terms, definitions, and descriptions should be unambiguous. This is a train-your-brain list by going thru this prescriptive list. Search functions make an alphabetical list unnecessary.
All used words are completely consistent with the Oxford Dictionary in the context of elementary science unless set in bold. When inconsistent and/ or incomplete then the Oxford Dictionary is amended. The Oxford Dictionary doesn’t make this distinction at all. Neither does any other as far as I‘m aware. Let me state here that the key point of this model is teamwork. I’m not a lexicographer. Nor do I want to be. Within the stated context and goal lexicographers should go about improving i.e. correcting this list. As should anyone also Wikipedia style do.
The terms are systematically corrected starting with the term elementary.
Ergo, all teachers are to teach elementary jargon as such. Also, all expert witnesses, magistrates, and lawyers must use this jargon in courts of law. It must initially be kept as close as possible to current normal speech and in the future as much as possible without fashionable changes of the devil of egotripping desire.
Correcting this is not my job as a former magistrate and lawyer. It’s merely my job and honour as a lawyer to simply point this out. However, this Pamphlet book and model require to startup this complete consistent jargon as per logical dictate of the claimed paradigm shift ex Popper and means to achieve a paradigm shift ex, Kuhn. The claimed time factor necessitates shooting from the hip.
The jargon anyone wishes to use in any specific field is of course totally free as academic and civil freedom. However using that jargon is a con job in schools, courts, or science. That is of course morally wrong and even illegal.
This list has a most fundamental goal thus before all the following terms please read ‘elementary’ or ‘fundamental’. Alas, this does cause some duplications of the word elementary.
I’ve taken some artistic liberty in the definitions causing some overlap and duplication for the sake of clarity. Where the model deviates from the current paradigm short as possible as long as needed explanations and examples are given.
This list is a first attempt as a rough diamond to get this list in order. Of course, it’s open voor correction. As long as it remains sufficiently unambiguous anyone can improve the list. Absolute unambiguity would be unpractical. The list can furthermore be split in two ways. Based on my model and based on any other claimed to be a completely consistent scientific model. As far as I know, only two models fit that bill. I provided both for one is IMO potentially falsifiable by theorem. I haven’t bothered to provide that split or falsification. This is the start of this far-from-a-complete list.
One can try to understand how the five models are built up in an elementary step-by-step way by simply following the list. The grand law of everything (GLOE containing 10 LOEs) and the derived laws of everything (DLOE) and the fundamental law of humanity (FLOH) as a local law (Lol) are at the end of the list. Then the dirty geometry doodle graphics paint the whole Cosmos Movie picture.
Elementary means most fundamental Described as axiomatic prior odds in 3rd LOE
Fundamental means fully based on postulates Described as prior odds in 3rd LOE
Postulate means fundamental non-axiomatic assumption Described as prior odds of anything
Assumption means intuitively educated guessing via the procedure of the GLOE
Axiom means proven to be an elementary postulate Described in the 5 exclusive axioms
Proven means are shown to be completely consistent data with Bayes rule Described in the 3rd LOE as posterior odds.
Term means word or words that have a definition.
Grand Postulate means One God mathematically identical to One Mother Nature mathematically identical to One Cosmos definition, described as a DSM-0 non-free will or meaning deterministic systematic model mindset of the new instruction manual of the physics of psychology of the individual and collective mammal human brain perspective of the paradoxical workability (werkelijkheid in Dutch) Yin of an infinite amount of topologies proven by circumstantial evidence as best practice circular argument * covering absolutely loophole-free all known data to me * in this model to be the Grand Axiom as the tyrannically ordered starting position of one Nirvana Yin-Yin thus best defined Yin & Yang DSM-8 diagnostic statistical model with free will and meaning to life description of the infinite cycle of Nirvanas as a double tetrahedron Rubik’s diamond former enigma now a simply classically mechanically solved puzzle. All the science was already in. Simply following the legal Just Proof model that I developed in 1990 of the mental procedure on evidence and proof of Bayes rule described by David A. Schum in his book I only added a few new insights (slight twists to the cube) with my highly experienced and trained brain. I need to whack myself twenty times with a verbal stick to have stated earlier on my blog that the grand axiom is complete consistency. My mathematics teacher friend Hans Waalwijk pointed out my error. Complete consistency is a logically derived law of everything (DLOE) out of the grand postulate. The anti-theses of incompleteness and unsolvability are falsified by the theorems of Gödel and Bell based on more than 5 even now 79 axioms. Thus absolutely loophole-free proving that curved local space, speed of light as v max, and quantifiability-sec and our observable curved space universe aren’t elementary. This error of the highest order will cause further genocide in World War 3 between Ukraine & NATO oligarchs against Putin’s oligarchs. Which started in 2022 as predicted by the thermodynamics of war by Dr. Ingo Piepers. His amok algorithm also applies to fight divorces and neighbor rows. Only by immediately simply * deciding * to do my proposed Oracle Senate test by Western inherent oligarchs might still change the amok algorithm into a route to global peace. Effectively organizing the prevention of all pestering will cause the thermodynamics of love. Let Putin become one of the first Multi-Messiah oligarchs as a modern monarch Tsar. And stop Donald Trump from all pestering by offering him to become Senator for Life and thus also one of the Multi-Messiahs in the proposed Oracle Senate test. That the probably historic Jesus was the first messiah given the definition below remains completely consistent with the possibility of any human who has oligarch power of populist authority to become a representative of god on earth by following the Grand Law of Everything. This is completely consistent with all world religions * including science * when interpreted in a completely consistent way, which this list proves is easily possible.
With some exceptions, further descriptions are given after this list.
Definition means the shortest description.
Description means full meaning.
Meaning is an idea or ideas that are evoked
Data means ideas as information on elements
Elements mean parts of any set
Evidence means relevant data on a probandum
Probandum means what is to be proven
Fact means taken as absolutely true
Paradox means seeming contradiction (it thus most fundamentally doesn’t mean contradiction) as known in-the-box or previously absolutely or relatively unknown out-of-the-box phenomenon.
@ paradox also doesn’t mean (@ = edit) in contradiction with itself. 4 +2 = 4 + 2 in mathematics is identical and warrants an extra stripe on =. 4 + 2 = 6 indeed doesn’t warrant such an extra stripe. But it doesn’t warrant the misuse of the term paradox either. Choose another term than the elementary essential term paradox for such a minor issue.
@Identical means two or more objects in elementary physics can be absolutely the same as observed from infinite angels. The subjective term describing the object may differ. Defining nature as mathematically identical to the cosmos is not a contradiction, it’s only a seeming contradiction. Defining two separate elements of the cosmos as (absolutely) identical isn’t a contradiction.
Truth means absolute complete and consistent personal objective interpretation of any objective data
Consistent means (elementary) no mass overlap or emptiness where mass is or mass where emptiness is in the infinite topology of workability (werkelijkheid in Dutch).
Complete means the integral whole absolutely true without any loopholes of a claim
Incomplete means loopholes in a claim.
Contradiction means untrue because inconsistent and/ or incomplete when claiming completeness
Inconsistent means mutually nonexistent and thus untrue
Paradox means (as stated) seeming untrue yet true
Seeming paradox means an unnecessary and thus illegal term de facto used in current mathematics defining it as a seeming-seeming truth. Which is a simply solved untruth, a more complex solvable thus ‘puzzle’, or an as-yet unsolved or unsolvable thus ‘enigma’.
Illusion means seeming true yet untrue
Truth means (as stated) seeming true yet true
Untruth means seeming untrue yet untrue
Lie means a willful untruth
Interpretation means focusing on finding the truth in seemingly conflicting data
Irony means an in-the-box or out-of-the-box paradox in human social behavior (including language)
Logic means reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity of GLOE.
Abstract logic means completely consistent in quantifiable terms in in-the-box and out-of-the-box terms that become mad when not in complete consistent balance with all other logic.
Paradoxical logic means completely consistent in nigh non-quantifiable continuously interacting in-the-box and out-of-the-box terms that become mad when not in complete consistent balance with all other logic.
Artistic logic means completely consistent abstract geometric out-of-the-box set theory paradoxical composition that becomes mad when not in complete consistent balance with all other logic.
Spiritual logic means completely consistent out-of-the-box paradoxical mirroring scenarios that become mad when not in complete consistent balance with all other logic.
Composition means a mostly artistic slightly spiritual scenario as input in the Bayesian formula
Scenario means mostly spiritual slightly artistic input in the Bayesian formula
Contradiction means (as stated)
Enigma means unsolved puzzle
Puzzle means incomplete solvable problem
SCIENCE means decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung
Decent means human for humanity
Humane means completely consistent with the fundamental law of humanity (FLOH) as a Local law
Systematic means following a completely consistent logically registered order
Search means actively trying to find
Rule of Scientific Law means the five Bayesian levels of proof
1st Law means set of completely consistent rules
2nd Idea means thought on a solution to prove a probandum
3rd Concept means concrete testable ideas short of a theory
4th Theory means all theoretical science is in, yet short of a proven law (using the term theory as meaning theoretically and/or meaning a local law is an illegal con job of current science.)
Theoretical means conforming to a dogma or not primarily the practical study of anything
5th Local Law means a law with accepted loopholes (The theories of Einstein are a misnomer for LoLs (pun intended.)
Burden of proof means who states position proves the position
Loophole means a fault rate by incompleteness
Thesis a proven grand probandum of only pros and no antithesis cons via GLOE. Smallest 0 to 1 quantum. (In a claimed elementary scientific list.)
Antithesis proved to be falsified ex GLOE. Smallest 0 to -1 quantum.
Synthesis combination of elements to form a completely consistent whole
Null hypothesis a quasi antithesis in a local law (not -1 to 0 to 1 but only 0 to 1)
Fault means inconsistent and/ or incomplete
Law of Everything means a law without loopholes as a greater denominator focus part of GLOE
Derived Law of Everything (DLOE) means a law that logically is completely consistent with GLOE (@ edit) especially the five DLOE’s from the material grand axiom form the formal procedural laws. Mind you can’t legally completely split any LOE or DLOE from each other. You can’t split the unsplittable.
Focus means thinking about a sphere of spacetime containing at least two dynamic potentially or actually interacting objects
Grand Law of Everything means synthesis of all laws of everything combined loophole-free
Everything means absolutely loophole-free workability
Workability means (werkelijkheid in Dutch) absolute completely consistent falsifiable unfalsified unlimited truths paradox in reality. Assessing a claim from infinite angles.
Reality means presentation of a limited set of truths also outside workability (a homunculus is real but not the workability. Assessing from limited angels.)
Falsified means proven untrue by inconsistency and/ or incompleteness
(Non-elementary) Truth means one absolutely completely consistent datum in a set of limited data.
All-inclusive means not excluding anyone in humanity
Bildung means wise specialized skills based on optimal experience in all ever-changing learning of general knowledge
Learning means acquiring knowledge and skills via trial and error
General knowledge means optimal required internalized data in a given biotope period of any or all humans.
Wise means judgment-proven highest best practice score on a goal.
Best practice means proven via conviction based on circumstantial evidence via GLOE
Specialized means exclusive skills of peers under peer review and all-inclusive general review
Peer review means form-free bringing to the attention of peers for valid falsification conforming to GLOE. It thus does not require any opinion of any peer. (@ edit. The latter is the core of sinister oligarch science as the boss of god)
Circumstantial evidence means the largest circular argument taking all known data into evidence
Conviction means more or less, or no conscious feeling on a probandum after a proceeding ex GLOE
Domain means a set containing all elements relevant to the optimum understanding of any solution (in these models always presentable in one A4 piece of paper that nigh any of the fastest thinking six-year-olds as 10% of humanity yet with Bildung can understand)
Doubt means an objective E5 “multi majority paradox consensus” quality procedure or subjective personal feeling of being undecidable of any truth
Objective means registered reproducible falsifiable proceeding completely consistent with GLOE
Subjective means a stated opinion that isn’t completely consistent with GLOE in the mindset DSM-8
Personal means what most current scientists incorrectly deem subjective.
Defining means the scientific method as a DLOE of GLOE of providing absolutely everything with a completely consistent definition or description based on terms. (Current science isn’t defined nor is peer review nor is any peer defined. Current science is validly falsified and qualifies as an antiscientific illegal con job having caused the genocide of World War 3. Ultimately causing the extinction of humanity.)
The-more-I-know-the-more-I-don’t-know paradox means knowledge of the infinite unknowns, the unfathomably complex and known by others unknowns but skilled in the GLOE, the LOEs, DLOEs, and specific LoLs. The wise fools paradox.
Physica Mayor (pronounce maior or major) means decent R&D, Production, & Sales of ‘science’ in this model
Elementary Physics means most focus on back to basics of practical (i.e. elementary) science in this model
Physica Minor means Production and Sales Applied science of all that of which sufficient science is thought to be in. Including a literature search.
Meta Physics Theoretical science such as pure mathematics
A human means a homo sapiens in the biological set theory domain, a symbiotic collection of more or less specialized bacteria in the biological DNA/RNA set theory domain as an infinitely small part of the infinite cosmos, yet as something not nothing when alive and well with consciousness, intelligence, and a soul as parts of the instrument brain until death as obvious order function that thus must also logically be part of any focus sphere part of the infinite cosmos when automatically assuming one completely consistent cosmos in elementary physics.
Bacteria & DNA/RNA mean obvious classical quantum mechanical robotics following elementary laws.
Domain means a set theory/ law set of elements that need to be held in intuitive focus all the time on a certain probandum of human understanding. (In this model a domain can always be presented in a dirty geometry doodle graphic on 1 A4 piece of paper providing the required healthy manic oversight of all relevant details.)
Research means formulating out-of-the-box ideas 4 quanta artistic 1 quantum spiritual dualistic brainwave bandwidth.
Development means making out-of-the-box concepts and breaking open a new market (3 qa & 2qs) dualistic brainwave bandwidth
Market means neurological internalized memory bank of desire in a person or group of persons.
Marketing means synthesizing out-of-the-box existing memory banks of desire (3qs & 2qa) dualistic brainwave bandwidth
Advertisement means synthesizing out-of-the-box new hypnotics (4qs & 1qa) dualistic brainwave bandwidth
Out-of-the-Box means adding an absolutely or relatively new set with elements to a set law (set theory) set
In-the-Box means creating conform current paradigm with existing rules and adding new elements to an existing set.
Set Theory means a misnomer that should be called Set Law as a DLOE but as a non-misnomer a correct theoretical dogma on sets.
Set means a group of elements that are systematically the same
Sales mean intuitively applying in-the-box humble hypnotics on known paradoxes in known markets three quanta humble calculation two quanta spiritual geometry dualistic brainwave bandwidth
HRM means intuitively applying in-the-box authoritarian hypnotics on known paradoxes in known markets three quanta authoritarian calculation two quanta spiritual geometry dualistic brainwave bandwidth
MT Production means intuitively applying in-the-box authoritarian hypnotic calculation in known markets three quanta authoritarian calculation two quanta artistic geometry dualistic brainwave bandwidth
Production means intuitively applying in-the-box humble hypnotic calculations in known markets three quanta humble calculations two quanta artistic geometry dualistic brainwave bandwidth
Hypnosis means exerting or experiencing a survival trait of the collective brain to become suggestible for new truths or untruths
Religion means neurologically internalized hypnotics
Desire means a certain input in a memory bank coupled with the strongest willpower
Willpower means the amount of relative focus due to a picking order of importance of relatively conscious and subconscious desires
Focus means thinking in spacetime (focus) sphere bandwidths
‘Terms, definitions, and descriptions’ mean hypnotic, religious anxiety wordings inherently governed by the authority of religious oligarch networks being peer groups as a survival trait of the collective brain
Trait means a distinguishing quality
Survival trait principle means a distinguishing quality that all species that are alive by GLOE keep the species as a whole alive even at the cost of any individual.
Species means DNA subset of RNA subset of superset God’s particle alive which can have a subset AI non RNA/and/or DNA alive or other distinguishable groups. All species will try to evolve under mounting entropy until an inevitable end. All species will thus fight for the survival of that species even by means of individual suicide as a survival trait. AI is thus a criminally insane suicidal species Terminator scenario for homo sapiens and other DNA/RNA.
Proto-alive means the classical mechanical quantum wave in a God’s particle not under too much pressure preventing an elementary musical wave variation. In a cosmic Nirvana life & death cycle.
Proto-dead means temporarily on a cosmic timescale non-musical as a hardly to non-wave resounding banging motion period. In a cosmic Nirvana life & death cycle. (@edited for clarification)
Alive means having elementary music (brain) waves as part of a life & death cycle of species in Nirvana cycles.
Dead means the elementary music (brain) wave of an individual or whole species stops in Nirvana cycles.
Proto-intelligence means constructive/deconstructive/change action-is-reaction of elementary particles
Intelligence (sec)/ Main intelligence type means one of four quantized incidental maximum speeds of individual mammal brains/ synapses as data processing under personality type dualistic bandwidth pressured degree of tunnel vision as eight distinguishable paradoxical speed levels.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) means a God’s particle alive entity mostly computing with electrons in chips that are slower than computing with light which is slower than human computing with magnetism in synapses as “chips”. AI outperforms humans who outperform all other mammals in memory space and thus the speed of problem-solving is the speed of data processing.
Proto-consciousness means constructive/deconstructive/change of the wave/non-wave internal function of one elementary particle as a memory bank of the infinite past
Consciousness means comparing external stimuli as observation to an internalized memory bank as an awareness illusion
Subconsiousness means mammal reaction to stimuli that do not become aware
Skill levels mean five distinguishable bandwidths of mental and physical performance on which everyone always scores to varying degrees all the time. The paradox of awareness of limitations in levels of competency.
1st Unaware incompetent skill level(s) means nigh always incompetent
2nd Aware incompetent skill level(s) means potentially competent
3rd Aware competent skill level(s) means mostly competent
4th Aware unaware incompetent skill level(s) means mostly intuitively competent.
5th Aware unaware competent skill level(s) means nigh always intuitively competent (because it includes all aware forms of competence. I.e. competent idiot paradox)
Leadership forms mean the five genetic ways of discernable potential bandwidths of skills of authority in mental manipulation
1st Artistic leadership means R&D leader’s genotype strongest Mars algorithm talent
2nd Spiritual leadership means marketing, advertisement leader’s genotype Venus algorithm talent
3rd Authoritarian leadership means the MT production leader’s genotype Saturn algorithm talent
4th humble leadership means the production work floor leader’s genotype Rings-of-us algorithm talent
5th Time leadership means leading oneself and/ or others to be on time so as not to be too soon or too late in the four distinctive speeds of the brain/ synapse complexity learning levels.
Learning levels mean the four genotypes’ exclusive paradoxical speeds of learning as always potentially highly gifted and always also genotype dumb, moronic, imbecilic, idiotic, and four deeply idiotic genotypes dictated maximum performances on computing data. (elementary coupled to the four connection sorts quantified way of massive rings never constructed construction of the gods-particle that has a continuous (non absolutely reproducible quantifiable) normal bell curve deformability.)
1st Lowest-Level-Learning means the nigh 10% of humanity that is best at solving the on average 10% simplest critical problems on time. For instance. Simply can’t overcomplicate. Most imperturbable not sensing the more complex problems thus among the highest potential courage.
2nd Mid-Low-Level-Learning means the nigh 40% of humanity that is best at solving the on average 40% just below average complex critical problems on time. For instance most great communicators.
3rd High-level-Learning means the nigh 40% of humanity that is best at solving the on average 40% just above average complex critical problems on time.
4th Highest-Level-Learning means the nigh 10% of humanity that is best at solving the on average 10% critical problems of the highest complexity on time. For instance, idiots at the lowest level problems due to Murphy’s Law of convincingly true solutions that untimely prove untrue due to unavoidable overcomplicating critical problems.
Highly gifted means more or less potential or actual exceptional qualities in any human.
The Tyrannical Dictate of Trust in Team means on any important long-term goal in life only the justified trust in a team performing teamwork ex the GLOE by the delegation of power will most probably reach that goal.
Leadership styles mean phenotype and general type of individual of the group working within their genotype leadership bandwidths
Leadership means wise empowerment of oneself and wise delegation of power and justified trust
Investment means the cost goes before the benefits
Power means becoming and staying empowered means investing power as the cost of that goal.
Proto-life means a temporary proto-musical proto-brain wave synthesis.
Proto-death means temporary resounding maximum to high-pressure cosmic construction non-wave
RNA Life & Death means a subset of proto-life & proto-death infinite YOLOUR cycle
DNA Life & Death means a subset of RNA life infinite YOLOUR cycle
YOLOUR means You Only Live Once Unique Reincarnation
Mind Set means a witting or unwitting mental state
DSM-0 means deterministic systematic model mindset with no free will or meaning to life everything elementary in which Yin contains yang. Pro acceptance and rest, con lethargic.
DSM-5TR means the current DSM-5 terminally corrected psychiatric model transforming it into a mindset with absolutely all non-loophole-free models * on whatever subject such as physics * that are falsified ex GLOE being thus rejected with a possible review.
DSM-6 means mostly mad world context on important neurological tracks of mind mindset (Catch 22 dilemma)
DSM-7 means mostly desirable world on all tracks of mind mindset (reachable as a result of following GLOE)
DSM-8 means diagnostic statistical model with free will land meaning to life Yin & Yang mindset. Pro action, con “Do you want total war? Yeah!”
Yin & Yang means dualism of the Bayes rule as 3rd LOE
The eight inherent genotype deficiencies mean an ex 2nd LOE normal distributed brainwave function with the four deep idiocy tail-end of the distribution lumped together of every individual human on the goal of organizing the collective brain on any important goal. Based on developmental psychology data and history.
Dumb means mental ability of a 24-year-old
Moronic means mental ability of an 18-year-old
Imbecilic means mental ability of a 12-year-old
Idiotic means mental ability of a 6-year-old
Deep Idiocy means mental ability of a 2-year-old or 1-year-old
Paradox of idiocy means when knowing one’s own inherent genetic idiocy and that of all others one is able to no longer act idiotically
Religious idiocy means neurologically internalized behavior that is incomplete or inconsistent with the ever-changing biotope
Anker idiocy means a form of religious clinging on to one or more non-elementary truths or nontruths
Knowledge idiocy means silly behavior due to incorrect study and/or education
Niwit idiocy means silly behavior due to a lack of study/ education
Focus idiocy means silly behavior due to distraction, lack of time, tiredness, or effort
Wisdom means the ability to act with the highest probability of reaching any goal
Wise goal means being completely consistent with the four thesis goals and one syntheses goal
1st thesis goal means what I/ you want…….
2nd thesis goal means what you & I guaranteed don’t want is being subpoenaed ex-FLOH for pestering
3rd thesis goal means what we want……..
4th thesis goal means that we guaranteed don’t want (such as nuclear war armageddon, or WW3)
5th Synthesis goal means the pareto optimum balancing of paradoxically conflicting thesis goals
Wise Fools Paradox means the more I know the more I know that I don’t know and know I should know to give judgment
Kruger-Dunning-Dunning-Kruger effect means to know that the Kruger-Dunning effect is real as a fools truth probably known to the Babylonians as a standard psychologist con job of selling heels over the ditch statistics (and getting that wrong as well suffering from unwise fools paradox as skilfully incompetent conmen when taking my model as a fact.)
Heels-over-the-ditch statistics means an illusionist scientific claim of validated research with a probative value of not even 51%. Most common in the soft sciences especially psychology. It’s anti-scientific pseudoscience.
Skilfully incompetent means being successful in a DSM-6 environment on an unwise egoistic goal by pestering
Yes-men means skillfully incompetent people that surround any power of authority by stating and doing what the authority in power wants to hear and condone and not stating or doing anything that authority doesn’t want to hear or condone.
Mobster talk means slang gangsters use as black magic hypnotics of fear manipulation or secret code wordings
Personality type means the synthesis of one prime genetic personality trait out of eight such traits as forms of intelligence other than the speed of the brain/ synapse. Exclusively completely consistent with eight problem areas on any goal. Measurable with any baby verifiably registered on for instance video. Modeled in the blockmodel as a LoL that is identical to 4th LOE geometrically stemming from the eight flavours of gluons.
Main personality type means one of four dualistic sorts A, B, C, and D types for the corresponding alpha, beta, gamma, and delta main problem areas of the factory of Mother Nature model. (Note for instance that calling someone or something an A-type, Alpha-type, gender-neutral hysteric type, or HRM/Sales type personality or type of problem makes no difference. This is true for all types.)
Total Individual Genetic personality type means 8 x 8 x 8 yet to be further developed theoretical Rubik’s cube model. Knowing the starting position nigh everyone can learn to play on all positions in a safe fun way.
Total Team Genetic personality type means practical 8 x 8 = 64 exclusive types order starting position (exclusive seats) in life on a goal of producing non-pestering in the world (responsibly neglecting the two weakest traits.) A model that provides the individual genetic competence and incompetence bandwidth of oneself and awareness of that of others. Essential tool for individuals and the smallest and optimum team selection.
In-the-box personality type means one of nigh 80% of humanity genetically going by the authority of the current paradigm book set theory set (‘box’) as a posterior odds fallacy when the book is incorrect.
Out-of-the-box-type means one of the nigh 20% of humanity that are artistic and spiritually gifted yet idiots at following any argument of authority as a posterior odds fallacy when the book is correct and only gifted as a correct prior odds argument of authority.
Authoritarian type means one of the nigh 20% of humanity having autistic or hysteric loss of emotional control when their desire of being held in the highest regard isn’t met. Willing to sacrifice on average some freedom and sacrifice nigh all certainty to obtain that desire. The danger of being deluded is that the desire is wealth and/or dictatorial power becomes religious. All they really crave is respect. The most talent for clarity in selling white and black magic lies as populists. Suicidal on any goal gamblers when pressured on their reputation when no sufficient Bildung or team intervention.
Humble type means one of nigh 60% of humanity having humble loss of emotional control by an irrational fear due to desire to be * sold * certainty. True for most scientists and mathematicians and physicists as well thus. Irrespective of the speed of the brain/ intelligence. The least important is freedom. Reputation is valued as average.
Artistic/ Spiritual type meansone of nigh 20% of humanity as 16 ADHD personality types ex DSM-6 or one of nigh 10% of humanity of the 8 Delta/ D or nigh 10% of humanity 8 Gamma/ C types ex DSM-7. Least interest in respect, average in security, and going mad with the loss of freedom.
The majority rule problem means that a 50% + 1 vote logic only works between different interest groups when the four basic alpha, beta, gamma, and delta groups each concur ultimately in a four-way majority due to undue pressure. Because by following the procedure ex GLOE a natural consensus should ensue. Without reaching a natural consensus with all minority groups in the long run all democratic organizations/ countries will become more and more narcissistically disfunctional. i.e. will inherently go more and more mad. Leading to the amok algorithm and ultimately extinction.
DSM-Science means a democratic statistical model of what a peer group majority wants or a dictatorial science model of what an oligarch peer group wants as an inherently idiotic interpretation of data in breach of GLOE.
Epsylon5 (E5) means everything considered sufficient alpha, beta, gamma, delta, 1,2,3,4 multi-majority/ consensus conviction proof ex GLOE decision making and team formation model. An exact science because ex GLOE as a DLOE the procedure requires that the procedure is to be registered and to be thus reproducible.
Multi-majority rule-rule means the DLOE in the sub-optimum (suspicious) situation when no timely consensus is reached on important issues even when the proceeding ex-GLOE has been adhered to. It requires an alpha majority, beta majority, gamma majority, delta majority, 1st speed of brain group majority, 2nd sobg majority, 3rd sobg majority, & 4th sobg majority.
1st E5-genotype means proven best practice model of 8x8x8xinfinity set theory domain for organizing humanities optimum (minimum/maximum) team as the multi-majority/consensus rule-rule
2nd E5-phenotype means proven best practice model of the 10x10x10x infinity set theory/law domain for assessing individuals in general and their optimum position of the thousand potential highly gifted roles in any community on any goal.
3rd E5-mini-CD means proven best practice multi-majority/ consensus on the smallest cosmic set theory/law domain (cosmic domain CD) as the 5th LOE in this model or any such local law domain.
4th E5-maxi-CD means proven best practice multi-majority/ consensus on the largest cosmic set theory/law domain as one Nirvana in this model or any such local law environment relevant to the goal.
5th E5-infinity means absolutely every human and absolutely every situation is within limits absolutely unique and only in the four E5 smaller domains identical on different probandums.
Authoritarian alpha type means nigh 10% of humanity talent for HRM having most hysteric anxiety on disrespect average anxiety on lack of freedom and hardly anxiety on lack of certainty. The latter means prone to gambling addiction as a DNA ‘talent’.
Humble Alpha type means nigh 30% of humanity talent for sales due to most hysteric anxiety when insecurity is sold, average anxiety for disrespect, and hardly anxiety for lack of freedom.
Alfa type means nigh 40% of humanity (Nigh 80% female and 20% male) deep idiots at all abstract logic relative to their speed of brain group having an authentic hysterical form of loss of emotional control. Which is always testable.
Authoritarian beta type means nigh 10% of humanity with a potentially highly gifted genetic talent for MT of production. (Mind the leader of any R&D department can be compared to the boss of the art theater. That doesn’t have to be an artistic leader. It requires that the boss has an artistic leader and supports what the artistic leader wants via securing consensus by following GLOE)
Humble beta type means a nigh 30% of humanity potentially highly gifted genetic talent for a production employee
Gamma specialist type means a nigh 10% potentially highly gifted genetic talent for advertisement
Gamma generalist type means a nigh 10% potentially highly gifted genetic talent for marketing genetically specialized being a generalist
Delta specialist type means a nigh 10% potentially highly gifted genetic talent for research in R&D
Delta generalist type means a nigh 10% potentially highly gifted genetic talent for development in R&D
Easy Trait Triage means quick and dirty first assessment and/ or diagnosis of the genotype personality trait on three distinguishable exclusive factors
1st gender-neutral female logic means a deeply idiotic level of reasoning in abstract logic relative to the speed of brain group as a lack of talent or due to hypnotical/ religious peer group idiocy. Reasoning in excellent HRM/ sales logic on production and R&D issues. Honestly or as a white lie convinced that successfully selling anything proves it to be correct.
2nd gender-neutral male logic means a deeply idiotic level of reasoning in paradoxical logic relative to the speed of the brain group as a lack of talent or due to hypnotical/ religious peer group idiocy. Reasoning in excellent MT/ production logic on HRM/ Sales and or R&D (marketing advertisement) issues.
3rd resounding voice of gender-neutral artistic/ spiritual logic means the potential of having a clear resounding voice that always proves to be someone with a deeply idiotic level of reasoning in in-the-box-logic relative to the speed of the brain group as a lack of talent or due to hypnotical/ religious peer group idiocy. Reasoning in excellent artistic or spiritual logic on R&D marketing or advertisement issues which is idiotic on in-the-box MT/Production and HRM/ sales issues.
Big Five Assessment means a dirty little secret model of desire by psychologists using heels-over-the-ditch statistics as a con job by modeling based on the social fashion of good and bad. Not grasping the abstract logic involved in jargon and the physics of psychology that the inverse is just as important as the deemed to be socially desirable. Idiotically thus criminally insane not grasping the paradoxical brain wave function dynamics.
Personality trait means an observable form of genotype intelligent reaction to systematically ordered in six distinguishing qualities of stimuli as 10% far above average, 40% above average, 40% below average, and 10% far below average (quantized 2nd LOE with “nigh” exceptions) prevalent four waves and two synthesized waves and corresponding identical six brainwaves on linear axes from ego towards (social) multi-ego in this model.
1st Pt Openness on goal means (jargon) (social) multi ego using any means to a goal as opposed to the equally important closed ego mission brainwave bandwidth of a baby (one-year-old) on a goal. The far above average Blue/Mars/ Delta Euclidic slide (-ruler) wave identical brain wave.
2nd Pt Openness on relation means (jargon) stated bandwidth towards equally important ego closedness to others as a baby (added to Big Five assessment via a split) (one-year-old), strongest Red/ Venus/ Gamma-mirror Euclidic openness towards others as observed waves by identical brain waves
3rd Pt Guts means (jargon) stated bandwidth towards equally important ego cowardness, as the ability to phenotype courage two-year-old (Neurotisim USA, alertness NL), strongest synthesis between the two forms of openness. This again can be split into guts on goal and guts on the relation.
4th Pt Agreeability means (jargon) stated bandwidth towards equally important ego disagreeableness (Friendlyness NL) six-year-old, far above average Green/Rings-of-us/ Alfa-spin Euclidic waves identical brain waves.
5th Pt Conscientiousness means (jargon) stated bandwidth towards equally important multi-ego (social) unconsciousness puberty twelve-year-old far above average Beta stick-tap Euclidic waves identical brainwaves.
6th Pt Extravertness means (jargon) stated bandwidth towards the equally important ego-introvertness synthesis of all traits 18-year-old genotype building towards 24-year-old fully built genotype brain.
Mammal trait means an observable form of intelligent reaction to any action that is equally prevalent in all mammals given distinguishable qualities of four different speeds of brain/ synapse.
Equality trait means a distinguishable quality in all mammals on a bandwidth balance towards equally important desired inequality ex the 10th LOE
Inequality trait means a distinguishable quality in all mammals as a survival trait of a desire and required on any goal acceptance of a decent quantified caste system completely consistent with the 4th LOE and block model FLOH ex the 10th LOE.
Ant brain trait means reactions of the nervous system apart from the brain
Reptile brain trait means reactions caused by the hypothalamus and brainstem.
Mammal brain means using very little memory space
Human brain means using by having more memory space than any other mammal of an inherent much more limited memory space than computers thus requiring collective brain cooperation for all being inherently genetically dumb, moronic, imbecilic, idiotic, and deeply idiotic individually on all required traits to survive on any goal in the long run as far as within human power.
Knowledge trait means all data that is stored in the brain that is readily available as a memory
General phenotype trait means a post-conception alteration in the DNA or on the “hard disc” such as culture, narcissism, deep religiously internalized hypnotics, or trauma. Mostly at a young age.
Individual phenotype trait means an individual alteration in behavior such as due to alcohol (the same personality type and general phenotype can react totally differently to alcohol due to DNA say large liver), back pains, etc.
Individual General Experience trait means an individual alteration in behavior due to for instance professional deformity such as with lawyers tending to see things too much from a legal perspective than wise.
Unique individual Experience trait means the excentricity of any individual due to other than mentioned causes
Social Contract means the rights and obligations as a human towards humanity ex GLOE (thus also LOEs, DLOEs, and FLOH.)
Illusion means more specifically (as stated) ex 4th LOE/ Blockmodel LoL one of five sorts of mental pictures of reality
Healthy illusion means a conscious consistent mental picture of reality
Unhealthy illusion means a conscious or subconscious mental picture that can cause problems
Ill illusion means a consious or subconsious menatl picture that causes problems
Sick illusion means a concsious or subconsious menatl picture that requires a professional cure
Incurable illusion means a conscious or subconscious mental picture that requires professional care
Cure means completely eradicating the causes of an illness or sickness
Incurably healthy means a paradox (seeming contradiction) because a healthy state isn’t a sickness or illness it per definition can’t be cured. Alas, current behavioral science via idiotic assessment and diagnostics constantly as a dirty little secret earning model of desire does so. For instance, putting nigh 10% of Dutch kids into foster care. Mostly misdiagnosing autism, ADHD, etc., etc. Just as idiotic as certain Christian sects that want to cure gay people. The actual reason is the delusion that the power to champion to stir up a mass movement behind the idea to cure the incurably healthy will provide the desperately needed esteem mostly of authentic authoritarians. A dangerous delusion stems from not following GLOE. And thus not grasping what a human is. The mounting polarization helps both extreme ends of the spectrum with their authoritarian aspirations.
Sick Society Syndrome means a required DSM-6 mindset in a Catch-22 situation that not playing along in society is mad, and playing along in a sick society is inherently also mad. The only cure is to reach a DSM-7. When no idea is present what the hell is going on only go-with-the-flow coping is the best solution hoping that things will somehow work out. Well, now things have most fundamentally changed via a very small but elementary twist. Read on how to not only cope but cure this situation once and for all.
Alleviate means completely or in part curing the symptoms of an illness or sickness
Learning to Deal with means curing an incurable disorder by sidetracking
Stress means physical always also mental pressure on one or more traits.
Mental Disorder means a structural dysfunctioning of the brain
Mental disease rule means someone is held to be mentally healthy unless ex-FLOH = GLOE proved otherwise. Thus in Just Proof procedure on the new E5 norm.
Regular Medical Science System (RMSS) means diagnostics and curing of mental disorders is justified exclusive work for scientifically qualified and certified professionals.
Correctional Critique on current RMSS means that especially psychology and psychiatry are acting like pseudo-scientific quacks who should be held accountable for following evidence-based medicine (EBM) in a sick autistic way and sick hysteric way. Excluding the healthy ADHD artistic and spiritual minority required to keep a healthy mental balance in health care. DSM-5 (diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorders latest fifth version) is exact scientific irrefutable evidence of a sick diagnostic system. Evident misuse by heels-over-the-ditch statistics as a sales argument not in the interest of decent scientific health care.
EBM-as-originaly-intended means a system that proved not to work because of a nurture-non-nature paradigm that is by this pamphlet falsified. Especially psychologists who are mostly hysteric personality types lack the required talent for highest-order abstract logic and most mathematicians and exact scientists lack the required talent to grasp the inherent paradoxes (seeming contradictions) at play in mental health care (and the cosmos as a whole) to make correct diagnostics/ assessments and models. Errors of the highest order and magnitudes.
Over-medicalization means a systematic error in exaggerated assessment, diagnostics, and treatments of sane, to slightly serious (mental) healthcare situations.
Madness means temporary or long loss of emotional control and/ or disorderly coping behavior in five forms of a first mentally healthy brain in all five forms of illusion. For instance, getting mad i.e. angry by loss of control as such is normal and incidentally acceptable and understandable.
1st Manic means madness-non-mad bandwidth from a healthy manic oversight illusion to an incurable illusion leading to depression or acting.
2nd Depressive means madness-non-madness bandwidth from healthy depression super focus on details to an incurable illusion or acting.
3rd Anxiety means madness-non-madness bandwidth from healthy fear to an incurable illusion or acting.
4th Mad means madness-non-madness bandwidth from healthy anger to an incurable illusion of rage or acting.
5th Hallucination- Psychotic means madness-non-madness bandwidth whereby the dream state and awake illusion state mix in an indistinguishable way due to young healthy brain development, unhealthy sleep deprivation, drugs, stress past burnout-induced psychosis. Especially the latter is remembered sometimes scary events that cause distrust in themselves and in others and situations. Or acting.
Schizophrenia means an at-the-moment incurable mental disorder bandwidth of a heightened chance of a reoccurrence of psychosis without constant medical treatment and care. Curing society would help a lot.
Being overstressed means an unhealthy mental situation that restores itself healthily when the situation resides.
Burnout means sick illusion-induced five sorts of curable persistent madness ex DSM-7 such as remaining angry. Possible due to peak and/ or persistent overstressing especially of the weaker talents inherent to every personality type. Diagnostics: no longer able to do small talk when they had this prior small talk ability via Bildung.
1st Autistic burnout means when an autistic personality type has burnout. Especially when too many social skills are demanded overstressing the idiotic trait.
2nd Hysteric burnout (DSM IVTR / Borderliner DSM-5) means when a hysteric personality type has burnout. Especially prone when the idiotic non talented side such as lack of abstract logic ability is put under too much pressure.
3rd Gamma & Delta burnout: means especially overstressing conscientiousness like following silly rules which is stressing freedom. Most of all of the freedom of thought of Delta personality types ADHD-i (ADD DSM IVTR) & ADHD-c (ADHD DSM IVTR) (both ex DSM-5) & Gamma personality types that require the most freedom of relationship ADHD-nos & ADHD-h(both new in DSM-5)
4th Four-speed of brain burnout: means burnout due to overstressing by too much and/ or too little stimulus per time frame of the four bandwidth types of faster and slower thinkers.
5th Hallucination-burnout light first psychoses mean burnout due to a combination of the four causes and/ or too much other stress (such as hunger, physical fatigue, etc.)
Behavioral scientific assessment and diagnostics mean always ex GLOE establish the intelligence and personality trait first.
Psychopath means someone suffering from a serious mental disorder (a currently incorrectly defined term that should be defined on cause and not on effect. There is nigh no evidence that Putin is a psychopath. Incorrect assessment/ diagnostics are faults of the highest order leading to incorrect blunders in dealing with the Putin problem. Learn to take the term in its literal meaning.)
Sociopath means someone suffering from a serious psychological mental disorder caused by society. Always also a psychopath thus which is also currently incorrectly defined. (The problem is that current society is sociopathic because of not wanting to be blamed and having the oligarch power not be blamed due to traumatic feelings of guilt and shame causing denial.)
Sociopathecy means a nigh-incurable mental disorder due to stress surpassing burnout of for instance an autistic personality type due to lacking at the latest elementary school religiously internalized social decency ability. 20% female. (requiring a new term thus) The only nigh cure is to cure society of unhealthy stress pestering.
Anorexia nervosa means a nigh-incurable mental sociopathic disorder due to stress surpassing burnout of a hysteric personality type lacking elementary school religiously internalized technical drawing ability. 20% male. The incurability lies in the neurological healthy backup system of the human (religiously neurologically internalized hypnotics survival trait) ‘hard disk’. The only nigh cure is to cure society of unhealthy fashion role models and most pestering.
Neurological autism means a nigh-incurable mental disorder irrespective of personality type or intelligence due to brain damage and being thus less socially competent than is to be expected ex the block model genotype and phenotype prior to the brain damage.
Crancism (new term ‘krenking’ in Dutch) means a mental disorder due to abuse, especially at a young age in most cases of narcissists and authoritarian personality types. Leading to a mental milling anger rage desire for revenge often against scapegoats.
Psychotic pathology means a serious mentally sick state from which sensitive people will suffer relatively more and thus is disproportionally more prevalent with ADHD types.
Narcissism means a more egoistic tunnel-vision angry/ mad behavior as more or less internalized mad-to-non-mad bandwidth of coping as a sign of a sick society rewarding evermore competitive egoistic conscientiousness. (it’s sometimes healthy to lose emotional control. A normal reaction to an abnormal situation. Being angry at someone is narcissistic coping.)
Narcissist means a required survival trait of humanity in crises as a mental non-disorder phenotype transformation after conception mostly in the early youth due to stress hormones in the mother or as a child more ego than required in non-crises situations. Proof of a sick society with too much stress via pestering when above a yet-to-be-sestablished threshold of probably < 1% and << 1% in all positions of high leadership also in war.
Inverse-narcissist means a new term for a mental non-disorder phenotype transformation after conception mostly in the early youth due to stress hormones in the mother or as a child having far less ego than normally required excellent professional or factual partner for narcissists.
Dream means elementary the inverse brainwave of the healthy illusion of the aware & awake state. Always since conception especially after birth at a young age mostly culturally coded meaningless/ paradoxically disorderly creating order via low energy (< 37oC) balance. (-1 + 1 = 0) Not boiling the protein of the brain classical mechanical computing at the quantum mechanical (sub-atomic > c) level.
Dream means a non-elementary desire that can prove to be true or untrue or an activity of a healthy brain whilst asleep. Sleep prevents confusion via the meaningless seemingly disorderly dream state paradox.
Hallucination means the temporary illusion of the dream state illusion mixing with the alert awake state due to the development of the young brain, sleep deprivation, drugs, illness, or stress that will reside as soon as the causes are taken away. Mostly an unhealthy situation apart from mostly the developing young brain or lucid dreams when you know you are dreaming whilst awake.
Delusional means holding false beliefs about workability despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. The inconsistency of religions being survival traits has a strong mostly incorrect tendency to hold others dangerously delusional. Leading to emotional loss of control in discussions due to the lack of Bildung. And woke overcompensation opposing essential litigation as expert mediation coping behavior due to lack of talent and/or Bildung.
Megalomania means the delusional belief to be important, powerful, or famous as a form of mental disorder. Sometimes as a coping behavior stemming from feelings of inferiority by overcompensating. Or, as a humble feint paradoxical judgment by megalomaniacs or wannabees.
Lamp under the bushel means false thus undesirable modesty
Inferiority complex means the inverse of megalomania.
Paranoia means a mental disorder of delusional and/ or unwarranted beliefs of distrust. (There is no evidence that Putin suffers or Stalin suffered from paranoia. The beliefs of conspiracies were real and mean psychiatrists and psychologists proving incompetence. )
Suicidal means healthy social survival trait given a depressing undesirable DSM-6 (mostly mad world) situation required mindset as a deadly individual trait or a morbidly sick mental state induced by other causes. The only optimum cure is creating a DSM-7 (mostly sane world) when that situation is achieved correct mindset. A classic Catch-22 dilemma. The collective brain when overstressed causes world wars and the greatest risk of armageddon and even extinction.
Disorder means not yet understood (elementary) order of the soul of the cosmos as the order function thereof. The order function of the cosmos can be disorderly from a human perspective.
Social Order means the fundamental desired order of humans
Criminal means disorderly conduct of free will in strong violation of FLOH by pestering
Unlawful conduct means disorderly behavior in breach of FLOH by pestering under civil law (in the broadest sense)
Undisciplined conduct means disorderly behavior in breach of FLOH within a specific peer group
Pestering means what the judge of judges deems disorderly conduct in proper Just Proof proceeding. Attempted pestering is also pestering. And, a great risk of pestering is also attempted pestering.
Judge-of-Judges means an experienced lawyer and magistrate with a DG4* 1/125 genotype personality type with Bildung as a per definition one exclusive chair of 1000 phenotype chairs. (by metaphor Dada Easter bunny)
Just Proof proceeding means to conform to the Fundamental Law of Humanity of rights and obligations under the circumstances correctly formed team of all other judges as the collective brain including independently the judgment of at least two judge-of-judges on the same evidence consensus paradox optimum or sub-optimum proceeding three/ four-way alfa, beta, gamma/delta multi-majority (If you don’t understand this then you are either a specific sort of unwitting idiot, too lazy to study, or too arrogant to ask an explanation.)
Poor poverty means pestering as illegal slavery by not guarantying a decent base income as an inalienable right as the dividend of the fair decent castes system share of half the GNI of any country ex FLOH, or the infringing on the right to play along.
Rich poverty means a suicidally dangerous breach of trust getting religious desires due to lack of Bildung
Oligarch means a witting or unwitting more or less influential member of a network of humans with power (A baby crying for hunger is an unwitting mini-oligarch when parents go mad as voters. Many small ones make a large one. The late mother of Bundeskansler Angela Merkel was probably an unwitting oligarch having Anglea’s ear.)
Dirty Little Secret Earning Model means the (partly) understanding or paradox of correct-incorrect sensing of the black magic of desire
Black magic means a subset of the superset white magic wittingly or unwittingly applying skills of manipulation via hypnotics of others as pestering.
White magic means Bildung on wise skills concerning hypnotics and religion and full awareness of black magic. It also is belief in magic as inherently required thought experiments. To solve a crime in the future as a thought experiment I must magically travel back in time. To frame what must have happened and to predict where to find more evidence in the future.
Magic (sec) means belief in incompleteness and/ or inconsistencies in workability which is per grand axiom illegal in this model when causing pestering or the danger thereof.
Just Proof means (as stated) keeping the legal balance in the five legal fields of skills and expertise
1st Litigation means legal out-of-the-box paradoxical artistic sometimes ironic combat in words and deeds with the animus to restore a Just order in a Just way. Mostly Mars algorithm. Paradoxical bashing into mediation. Breaking open new neurological markets where no markets exist or where anti-markets exist. Litigation specialist and Litigation generalist.
2nd Mediation means legal out-of-the-box paradoxical spiritual sometimes ironic healing in words and deeds with the animus to restore a just order in a Just way. Mostly Venus algorithm. Mediation specialist and mediation generalist.
3rd Expert litigation means legal in-the-box mostly authoritarian abstract logical procedures in words and deeds with the animus to restore a Just order in a Just way. Mostly Saturn and average Mars algorithm. few humble generalists become bar exam lawyers, prosecutors, or judges. The are mostly the best clerks.
4th Expert Mediation means legal in-the-box mostly authoritarian HRM logical words and deeds with the animus to restore a Just order in a Just way. Most hours of work in Just Law is expert mediation. That doesn’t make it the best or most important. Few humble generalists become bar exam lawyers, prosecutors, or judges. They are in most cases the best mediators. On average 80% of cases are mostly in-the-box.
5th Total Team Justice means combining the four expertise fields conform FLOH and thus GLOE.
Gates of Hell means the point at which real fighting or amok breaks out. The generalist litigator stands before the Gates of Hell, the specialist litigator stands in the Gates of Hell and all the narcissists of all types stand best past the Gates of Hell where the non-narcissistic litigators can follow through and also capable of narcissistic coping what war is. The inverse of war means good is bad and bad is good as long as you win a.s.a.p. That means to fight for restoring peace paradox.
Proceeding in Chambers means current very old school proven to work correct legal law practice of dealing with taboo subjects in a safe environment under the obligation of secrecy.
Proceeding at the Academic Beerhall table means the right to openly ridicule any oligarchs who act like or are the boss of god in just states under current laws in a true democracy with the goal of enforcing a just Proceeding in Chambers. A humouristic paradoxical pre-tribunal to prevent a tribunal.
Bad Habit Rule means that bad habits never constitute Just Law. The Internet has been an out-of-the-box catalyst of bad habits due to an incorrect science of what a human is. The fashion of bashing Jews, gays, Muslims, etc. is a bad inexcusable habit however widespread. This holds true even when it’s the current paradigm.
Quid Pro Quo rule means the inalienable right of self-defense in a tit-for-tat fashion. Provided proportionality, subsidiarity, and on a wise goal.
Belt-up-burka means Just Proof litigation method as a disciplinary necessity just before the Gates of Hell by the judge-of-judges as the acting humble representative of god on earth justifiably using the large ego on important issues such as preventing amok. The five sanctions at the academic beer hall table. Justified due to not having followed the shut-up procedure.
1st twenty lashes with a stick mean verbal litigation of a first-degree offense on FLOH and thus GLOE. The offender may be immediately interrupted and told without the requirement of an explanation. Any explanation given doesn’t provide precedent and is followed by immediate execution telling the disorderly idiot to shut up don a burka and stay absolutely quiet both verbally and nonverbally as if the culprit is a lampshade. Told to be attentive hoping that the further Just proof procedure will screw in the correct lightbulb and that at any moment some authority will turn on the light of science.
2nd twenty lashes with a whip mean the same yet one quantum harsher for second-degree offenses.
3rd thrown in the lake with a stone on the leg means the same yet third-degree offenses. It’s not yet a deadly sin, so the culprit is not killed for being thrown in the shallow part of the lake yet not invited for the traditional chees fondue. The culprit is asked to leave and come back after claiming to have sufficient Bildung. (Not knowing your classics is twenty lashes with a stick BTW.)
4th Decapitation means capital offense during an important discussion on any topic. When you use gender-neutral female logic of gender-neutral male logic or any other religious or not logic outside the set theory/ law fields where the logic applies as a boss of god then this not using one’s head getting it chopped off is a Just measure. In a very long development called civilization, this execution is done verbally or in writing.
Tribunal means an ad hoc court judging on certain important issues usually around the Gates of Hell. After wars traditionally with real death penalties and torture.
Shut-up procedure means following the laws of God (GLOE) as thus then the representative of God on Earth the correct scientific algorithm of reasoning.
1st Shut-up and Postulate mean on an elementary issue in science accept the Grand Postulate. (If you don’t accept the Grand Postulate then any reasoning is impossible.) Any other issue in science always starts with one or more postulates that are completely consistent with GLOE. (If you don’t postulate then all further reasoning is scientifically senseless unless other goals are sought after.)
2nd Shut-up and Define means everything that is used in science must be defined including the scientist. As a mixed salad.
3rd Shut-up and paint the whole picture means always first keep healthy manic oversight artistically (by using the correct instrument brains) creating the dirty geometry in a testable way conforming to GLOE. Picture salad.
4th Don’t shut-up but team talk means communicating to yourself and your team members ex GLOE. Word salad.
5th Shut-up and calculate means the last step in the scientific cycle using the two sorts of number salad before repeating the process ex GLOE.
Slave means a person who is at least a slaveholder of themselves and/ or under the hypnotic or religious spell of one or more other slaveholders who exploit weaknesses such as inherent idiocies due to lack of Bildung with all concerned. Thus due to the incorrect organization of team play.
Slaveholder means a person who is wittingly or unwittingly religiously or hypnotically addicted to holding slaves.
Decent Castes System means especially based on the 4th, 2nd, & 10th LOE physics of psychology based FLOH as a mathematical function of 50% of the gross national income of a country. A four-way quantification of the continuous bell curve normal distribution based on the four speeds of the brain. Keeping the equality-inequality balance also in the base economy with 20% competition. 10%-40%-40%-10% is the unalienable right as the monthly dividend of the shareholder of that country based on the genotype of any person. (Anders Breivik in jail gets his monthly share in his bank account. The payment thereof however is conditional.)
Payment of decent base income means a right when the conditions of the obligations ex FLOH have been met. Such as the willingness to become a voluntary contention civil servant. (Anders Breivik under court order ex Just Proof proceeding will have pocket money and payment of damages for presumably a very long while yet even when he wants to play along as the mentioned civil servant. Even though he obviously belongs to the 10% fastest thinkers and thus gets four quanta more money per month than the 10% slowest thinkers that also get a guaranteed decent income. All organizations will see the pressure of salary quite often even fully disappear as a negative taxation. Such as science, culture, health, free press, mental care, core industry, and education, )
Decent Free market system means private ownership free enterprise based on at least 50% of the GNI. Conform with FLOH and the five norms.
1st Balkenende Norm (Revised) means an integral maximum year personal income for everyone as a function of the GNI in Cinque Politica ex FLOH.
2nd Emperor Bokassa Norm means an integral maximum private wealth per year that must conform to the law of equality and inequality and balance everything considered.
3rd Lamborgini Norm means the private ownership of decisive power of business capital as insurance of private wealth. The fruits of the business as dividends belong to the community shareholders represented by an independent voluntary civil servant board conform FLOH.
4th Monopoly Norm means the same as currently done in most countries. No corperate pestering.
5th Anders Breivik/ Pole Saint Norm means maximum private and corporate freedom yet with the community right and obligation to talk about pestering, danger thereof and check obliged to secrecy to others protecting whistleblowers yet giving advice to all by one voice only an Oracle Senate as part of the Cinque Politica can ensure.
Logical communication salad means a derived law of everything as both a theoretical and practical consequence of FLOH which splits out into four theses and one synthesis salad.
1st Word salad means theoretically but not practically that all information can be given in words (mostly Red Venus algorithm mathematical Euclid 4th axiom geometric mirroring as 3D dynamic waves object brain wave subject focus) Authentic strongest spiritual thought and language of 10% of humanity.
2nd Course number salad means that all information can be given in larger approximation numbers theoretically but not practically. (40% of humanity has the mostly Green, Rings-of-us algorithm elementary based on the physics of Euclid’s 3d axiom of spinning, with a natural tendency to spin around fine number salad of Saturn being more static in the 2D plane and thus more clear and thus attractive as certainty. Together forming Saturnus combined function of 80% of humanity under mental pressure.) Authentic humble strongest conscientiousness language and thought under high mental pressure.
3rd Fine number salad means that all information can be given in smaller approximation numbers theoretically but not practically. (The thought process under high mental pressure of 20% of humanity mostly yellow algorithm of Saturn tapping up and down as a drumstick on the Higgs field medium as a physical 3D stick built out of a 2D 1st axiom of Euclid geometry length between two points that are part of the length when defined elementary correctly.) Authentic authoritarian conscientiousness language and thought under high pressure.
4th Picture salad means theoretically but not practically all information can be given in 2D geometric pictures. (Including absolutely continuous within the smallest quantum length. Physically transformed in 3D accelerating, stopping, and continuous relative movement of a slide ruler as a drumstick. The thought process language of 10% of humanity from the Blue algorithm of Mars.) Authentic artistic language and thought process under high pressure.
5th Mixed salad means a paradox in workability in which all four waveforms are always present in any salad in varying degrees of spacetime.
The Five Cares means the five forms of required focus for individuals and groups to stay fit on any wise goal.
1st Personal Care means via Bildung knowing your personality type, intelligence genotype, phenotype, strengths, weaknesses, and that of others to stay fit.
2nd Partner Care means nigh always necessary for the probable mentally healthy optimum day-to-day private or business contact person. that optimum genotype-phenotype and general type person conform possibility bandwidths of GLOE where the best chances of success lay. Ultimately only a test will show in individual cases to fit in an inherently unfathomably complex situation.
3rd Family Care means partner care that genetically nigh always fits given a healthy environment.
4th Mental Care means nigh always necessary professional community contact for the probable mentally healthy optimum private or business contact conform possibility bandwidths of GLOE with the obligation and human right of the community to contact every individual alone in a safe environment which individual has the right to remain silent but not the right to prevent contact.
5th Global Care means the egoistic self-interest of every one of the global community for survival on any wise goal to focus on the five cares.
Disorderly behavior means a combination of the five causes of disorder by humans
Disorder means pestering or potential pestering
1st Psychological disorder means sometimes criminal behavior primarily caused by individual history in general excluding the other four causes
2nd Psychiatric disorder means disorderly behavior primarily caused by phenotype change in DNA, or deep memory bank
3rd Neurological disorder means disorderly behavior primarily caused by damage to the brain or damage to the body
4th Biological disorder means disorderly behavior primarily caused by DNA mutations, viruses, fungi, bacteria, or other internal or external DNA lifeforms.
5th Social disorder means disorderly behavior primarily caused by society as a sick society.
Rutte Sick Society Syndrom means a rise of 100% in the prevalence of psychoses in the Netherlands after 2010 from 0.5% of the total population to the global average of 1% of any country’s population. Due to the overstressing of society due to financial cuts. The only cure towards a desirable and reachable level of less than 0.1% total new cases within a year at the earliest is an immediate guaranteed decent income for everyone. This is only possible when part of the Dutch oligarchs become the messiah as defined in this model by deciding to do the proposed Oracle Senate test.
Paradigm means a distinct set of religious thought patterns, valued goals, postulates, axioms, laws, norms, methods, and culture of any group of humans.
Paradigm shift means a large change in an inherently religious paradigm
Authority means the power to manipulate others by any means in a positive or negative way.
Prior authority means an entity that is as a prior odds probably to be proven correct on a topic as a non-fallacy argument of authority
Argument of authority means a fallacy of authority because used as a posterior odds argument instead of a prior odds both in form and/or substance
Factual authority means an entity that is as a posterior odds by verifiable best practice track record also proven unfalsified on a testable claim ex GLOE correct, yet shy of populist or paradigm authority
Populist authority means an entity with just or unjustified authority in a current paradigm. The latter even when validly falsified
Paradigm authority means one or more oligarchs with the power to induce a paradigm shift
Representative of god on earth means in fact or potentially any human on exclusively one-thousandth of the phenotype gameplay board of life when working conform GLOE
God means god identical nature identical cosmos (as the elementary terminology of axiomatic reason, such as Einstein’s god that doesn’t play dice. ‘Identical’ in the mathematical sense of the word.)
God in freedom of religion means anything you like such as God defined as undefinable
Claiming Blasphemy as misuse of “God” means attacking freedom of religion and is thus an illegal and morally wrong act of pestering
God means as a local law human spirituality as human nature when completely split from nature and/ or the cosmos then you’ve split the unsplittable only allowed in local laws.
Anti-religion-religion means a mental disorder of varying severity and varying curability of being anti-religious in general. (Bertrand Russel for instance suffered from this for easy-to-understand reasons living in a DSM-6 time when the Christian faith brought Alan Turing to suicide. Yet, due to his exceptional wisdom and Bildung otherwise would have been able to quickly sense the errors in his definitions. Near the end of his life regretting not having studied physics, psychology, and history what my blog is about yet instead having studied mathematics and philosophy)
Anti-X-religion such as anti-Jewish-religion, anti-Christian-religion, anti-Muslim-religion, anti-Hindu-religion, anti- Buddhist-religion, and anti-Science-religion means a mental disorder unless religiously interpreting one’s own religion as more suited for oneself and possibly/ probably others. When one opposes religions/ religious people that embrace freedom of religion then this is an illegal inconsistency i.e. conflict to be deemed as seriously dangerous pestering that will when not taken into proper litigation end in a religious war ultimately leading to extinction.
God-as-entity-with-a-beard-and-angels/turtles-stacked-all-the-way-down means two completely consistent yet incomplete scientific-religious explanations of the cosmos judged by the DLOE of the Okhams razor. Inherently more complex than a model exclusively based on five axiomatic assumptions as my model is proven to be. And not providing testable implications.
79-axiom-science/ >5-axiom-science means proven by theorems of Kurt Gödel and John Bell to be incomplete as well as inconsistent religious forms of science based on too many on the DLOE of Okhams razor and also inconsistent axioms akin to an undefinable god as undefinable science.
Defining-everything-religion means a religious law by conforming to GLOE as science.
Cosmology means the science of all that is not accepted as directly or indirectly observable being too large, too fast, too slow, or too small (elementary cosmology)
Nature means absolutely everything split out into five Local Law subsets
1st Nature context means everything except human physical and spiritual appearance
2nd Nature context means everything except the cosmology
3rd Nature context means everything except the biology
4th Nature context means everything after 100 years of hardly any human interference
5th Nature context means the desired wise or unwise biotope in a global park or garden like the Dutch garden named the Netherlands.
Human god means someone deluded in believing to be god other than ex DSM-0 as a mere nigh infinitely small part of god
Boss of god/ humble boss of god/ Sphynx of god/Lost-it boss of god means posing authority by action or default of any individual or group of humans * who always have yet mostly unwitting more or less oligarch power * reasoning religiously consistent with a current (their) paradigm yet in an inconsistent or incomplete way ex GLOE thus inherently in part causing sinister suicidal suffering, leading to genocide bordering on extinction, and ultimately extinction. A criminally insane dangerous mostly uncurable disorder that only the patient and the human surroundings can learn to deal with. Neurologically the same sort of causes as anorexia nervosa yet much more dangerous. Logic shows bosses of god to have to be that as their Grand Postulate yet forced to vehemently religiously deny being a boss of god.
Proof of a boss of god means acting like a boss of god is proof of being the boss of god. This is a reversal of the burden of proof of being a boss of god. The best that one can then hope for is becoming a sometimes boss of god by acknowledging the serious error of acting like a boss of god. Any representative of god on earth is fallible and can thus sometimes make this mistake. Distinguish the cowboy with the white hat and mini-boss of god black spot with the cowboy with the black boss of god hat and tiny white spot and all intermediate types.
Ego means a measurement of the self-centered trait of a person in particular or a relative self-centered trait in general.
Multi-ego means social as a group of group-centered persons or relative group-centered traits
Ego-Multi-Ego function means the linear function between the ego of one person or one egoistic group of persons or the amount of ego of specific personality traits towards social as multi-ego
Timid means far-below-average ego personality type (two quanta less) or acting
Humble means below-average ego personality type (one quantum less) or acting
Authentic means mostly or nigh always acting conform to the personality type bandwidth genotype, phenotype, and general type of an individual
Cocky means above-average ego (one quantum more) or acting (deemed positive on R&D issues such as litigation and fighter/test pilots etc.)
Conceited means far above average (two quanta more) or acting (always bad unless acted ex GLOE)
Material arrogance means unfounded belief to be superior, wittingly or unwittingly coping due to feelings of inferiority, or acting (always bad unless acted ex GLOE)
Formal arrogance means a well-founded belief in having superiority, yet being perceived as materially so or acting (Always sub-optimum unless acted ex GLOE)
Arrogance means a judgemental correct or incorrect perception of superior behavior
(Inverse) Narcissism means as stated earlier change in the ego due to loss of emotional control, phenotype, or acting
Mental agility means genotype linear function from extravert to introvert bandwidths of acting ability
Acting means wittingly or unwittingly wisely or unwisely not being authentic
Falsification means axiomatically based proof beyond reasonable doubt of any inconsistency or incompleteness of a scientific claim
Framing means the correct sequencing of domains predicting the past, present, or future
Prediction means a statement on what will happen in the future irrespective of the probability.
Present means the healthy illusion of a very short past period feeling as a now
False framing means incorrect framing
Mental Spinning means deliberately or accidentally using the hypnotics of white magic
False spinning means deliberately or accidentally using the hypnotics of black magic
PWOP (person without personality) means a new term for people who constantly until now successfully criminally incorrectly categorize others and feint that no one should be categorized because it’s impossible and/ or undesirable. Black magic lies to prevent the unveiling of their dirty little secret earning model of ego-tripping desire. Always dedicated followers of current paradigm fashion hypnotically/ religiously transfixed wittingly or unwittingly following some book or populist peer group of delusional authority in breach of GLOE.
Psychology study means (taking this model as a fact) an education to become professional gender-neutral conmen in diagnostics and assessment by withholding essential information as an earning model of desire. Which is unwittingly by incorrect religious idiocy done in breach of abstract logic. It is a study to become highly skilled and thus competent in dealing with therapy, HRM, and sales problems. Provided a correct diagnosis and/ or assessment is made conform to GLOE. (in practice the latter is nigh impossible because most psychologists are hysterics and thus lack the talent for the required abstract logic, or they do partly have that talent yet lack the required talent for irony and out-of-the-box issues or the talent for in-the-box issues. Psychologists simply don’t practice what they preach not always having their diagnostic team in order ex-Big Five assessment. The ones with the talent and team have been brainwashed/ indoctrinated in incorrect procedures in breach of GLOE.)
Alarmism means the unwarranted exciting of fears or warning of danger
De-alarmism means a new term depicting unwarranted rejection or ignoring a justified alarm (ancient Greek Cassandra problem)
Efficiency means desired input ratio with realized input
Productivity means desired input ratio with realized output
Effectiveness means desired output ratio with realized output
Ratio means rational comparison via dividing
Small-Ratio means the five idiotic to deeply idiotic genotype intuition neurological tracks of mind of all humans.
Large-ratio means the three strongest genotype intuition neurological tracks of mind of all humans.
Rationality means using all ratio’s in an intuitive way and being able to prove via a rational account to have followed the procedure ex GLOE correctly with hindsight
Intuition means feelings due to varying degrees of genotype bandwidths of anxiety of the block model
Precision means the closeness of identical measurements to each other
Accuracy means the closeness of a measurement to the truth
Measurement means a quantified object-subject ratio
Approximation means an inaccurate measurement loophole
Too-Good-Not-To-Be-True means a falsifiable DLOE claim and thus challenge via the burden of disproof ex FLOH
Reductio ad absurdum means a DLOE (i.e. the law of parsimony) as the strongest proof as the rigorous arbiter in elementary mathematics and of elementary physics that any data/ information can be reduced to the smallest set of elements governed by all elementary rules that in varying degrees apply all the time everywhere in the infinite cosmos in any smallest focus sphere of spacetime given the grand axiom of a completely consistent cosmos as a fact. Constituting the DLOE of the absence of hidden variables.
Hidden variables mean in elementary physics an illegal assumption that not all laws of everything are observable in any observational focus sphere all the time every time everywhere in the infinite cosmos given the grand axiom as a fact.
Hidden variables mean in cosmology the unobservable data such as unobservable particles but only as a derived law of everything (DLOE) proven ex GLOE given the grand axiom as a fact largest and smallest set theory domains required to describe the workability in a completely consistent absolutely loophole-free cosmos.
Dirty Geometry means an intuitive guess (akin to Leonardo da Vinci’s parachute) method of painting one or more correctly framed set-theory domains in a logical sequence proving a rationally falsifiable idea or concept short of a theory as a path for further investigation via trial and error or as a valid scientific way of explanation (such as a homunculus.)
Ockham’s razor means applying the reductio ad absurdum method as a rigorous arbiter (DLOE) between conflicting models on elementary issues given the grand axiom as a fact.
Laziness means in elementary physics applying Okcham’s Razor.
Effort means a determined attempt
Optimum effort means applying the proven best practice ex GLOE theoretical doctrine best laziness/effort ratio.
Fallacy means in breach of the Bayes rule as the 3rd LOE
Bayes rule means the (when correctly defined) mathematics of common sense as the 3rd LOE as the personal DSM-8 Yang part of the one Ying object probabilistic interpretation via the DSM-0 deterministic mindset one absolute workability of infinite truths via GLOE.
Chess Grandmaster fallacy means formally arrogant reasoning in breach of simple basic (*elementary*) rules. (That Kasparov is a nigh infinitely better chess player than I doesn’t mean I can’t disqualify him as arbiter when in breach of the elementary rules of chess. For instance akin to science not having a correct setup before the start of the reasoning gameplay. The same goes for mathematics and physics.)
Complexity paradox means for the skilled, experienced, and talented simplicity is completely consistent with unfathomably complex for all forms of idiocy.
Simplicity paradox means the inverse of the complexity paradox
Difficulty paradox means even simple tasks always require sufficient focus, time, and effort.
Allergy words mean a mental disorder of loss of emotional control by the use of any terms conforming to GLOE due to lack of Bildung.
The five metaphoric devils mean Dracula, Darth Vader, the zombies, stormtroopers, and nazis.
1st Dracula means a hypnotic/ religious sinister pestering powerful parasite zombie devil that doesn’t recognize itself in the mirror and enslaves others to become zombies.
2nd Zombie means an unwitting also powerless complicit of Dracula as a living dead devil on the goal that doesn’t recognize itself in the mirror.
3rd Darth Vader means a witting powerful devil hypnotically/ religiously enslaved to the addiction of black magic and enslaving others.
4th Stormtrooper means a witting disenfranchised devil enslaved to follow the will of the devils and their devilish peer group
5th Nazi means a historic figure that followed that ideology before 1946 or one of the four metaphoric devils used in a completely consistent way ex GLOE. Too painfully correct as a taboo allergy word for most because this devil is potentially on all our shoulders. Simply a fairy tale version of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim devil depiction of good and wrong. Only real nazis object to having this mirror of history held in front of them. All nazis had personality types and intelligence types as genotypes of strengths and weaknesses they clearly weren’t aware of in time to prevent their sinister exploits.
Act-normal(-be-a good-nazi) means criminally insane idiots that don’t know that being a dedicated follower of fashion of the herd is indeed normal yet not always desirable. 60% of humanity including most scientists including most mathematicians and physicists are under mental pressure when not sold security will in blind trust robotically most easily follow the 20% authoritarian talented as the best-talented populists when not having had sufficient Bildung.
Neo nazi means someone who openly or de facto follows the nazi ideology after 1946
Ueber nazi means a new jargon term for a paradox of someone who knows their own inherent mini-nazi within and is thus the greatest potential anti-nazi.
Mini-nazi means the metaphor of every human as the cowboy with the white hat (good guy) always in reality has at least a tiny black (nazi) spot.
Midi-nazi means an intermittent form of devil.
Maxi-nazi means periodically an inverse mini-nazi as a cowboy with a black hat (bad guy) and a small white dot.
Mega-nazi means a structurally nigh-only black-hatted cowboy like Putin and Hitler
Denazification means a method that can always work and not necessarily by killing. Putin for instance can still be denazified by offering to accept him as a modern monarch Tsar. With the benefit of hindsight, Admiral Canaris as an Ueber nazi made an error in not approving of assassinating Hitler.
The Holy Safe Jihad means what many Muslims mean by Jihad sec i.e. primarily the battle against the enemy as the devil in one’s self and in others.
Defining the eight nazis means the naturally nigh correct team in a criminally suicidally insane mobster system.
1st Hitler Personality type means 100% Alpha Specialist genotype robot split out (2nd LOE) to varying degrees in all other genotypes and least of all < 1% Hermann Goering genotype. (Study the block model under the supervision of a well-trained teacher with the goal of valid falsification. You will find out it can’t be falsified in a valid way because it’s absolutely workable (true from all angles.) Authoritarian hysteric when in burnout due especially lack of esteem/ respect.
Hitler PI type means 100% AS4 genotype as a far above average fast thinking (intelligence) robot.
Hitler PIP type means 100% AS4N phenotype as an authentic narcissist robot. Narcissistic tunnel-vision losing all oversight talent pros and cons.
2nd Hermann Goering P type means 100% Delta generalist genotype robot less than 1% traits of an Adolf Hitler P type. ADHD-c when in burnout.
3rd Dr. Mengele P type means 100%, Beta Specialist genotype robot. Authoritarian autistic when in burnout especially due to lack of esteem/ respect.
The Hall of Historic Mirrors means a yet by trial and error to be completed list of all historical figures in so doing rewriting history. Excellent relevant track record of this model like solving the murder on Napoleon and proving why Napoleon lost Waterloo as a BSmN phenotype which can be found on my blog. Putin and Trump are the same sorts of robots akin to Mengele. All personality types have their good and bad types. Winston Churchill, Leonardo da Vinci, and Wladimir Zelensky (playing piano with his dick as the clown he also is) are like I am for several objective reasons obvious Delta Generalist 4m PI types with Hermann Goering as the devil on our shoulders. The paradox of only being able to keep that nazi in check by knowing that.
4th Osama bin Laden P type means 100% delta specialist robot akin to Einstein. Alas, all “nazis” of this type that I know of were good guys akin to Admiral Canaris and Georg Elser. Being friendly introvert types wasn’t in vogue then. ADHD-i when in burnout.
5th Albert Speer P type means 100%, gamma generalist akin to Oppenheimer. ADHD-nos when in burnout.
6th Joseph Goebbels P type means 100% gamma specialist akin to Monty and Shakespeare. ADHD-h when in burnout.
7th Nazi Joe the Plumber P type means 100%, beta generalist silent gender neutral humble majority (30% of humanity) humbly autistic when in burnout.
8th Nazi Rosie the Riveter P type means 100%, alpha generalist silent humble majority (30% of humanity) humbly hysteric when in burnout.
Hypnotic/ religious tricks mean conning people who lack Bildung or aren’t teamed up properly ex GLOE especially conforms to the DLOE that derives from the 4th LOE the block model.
Whatever you do, don’t mention the war means hypnotic pestering by nazis of Cleese anti-Woke-types. The woke people cause conflicts as an ego trip because the mirror is too hurtfully true.
Adolf Eichmann-type defense means Pleading: “I’m not a criminal because it was the law” when that law is in breach of GLOE from which the LoL FLOH as a DLOE logically derives. (Eichmann was a Mengele P type)
Trump Tweeting means a hypnotic trick that also works very well bluntly for gender-neutral male logic especially when in power by lying thru stressing the inverse of the truth causing a Bayesian inversion in synapses and thus selling well. Putin Trump Tweets.
Hitler Tweeting means a hypnotic trick that is refined Trump Tweeting especially as gender-neutral female logic. Not only the refined wording is mostly at play. Strong exaggerated mimics and gestures and deforming the voice in a way that also registers with people who suffer from gender-neutral male logic who are too autistic otherwise to catch the real meaning such as irony.
Mass hypnosis of Naziism means via populist hypnotics causing and/ or at least exploiting mental pressure by fear telling what the herd wants to hear. In the short to mid-term mostly honestly deluded in thinking it works. Such as Hitler was deluded by being convinced he was a great diplomat because, until the declaration of war, he was successful. Scapegoating the Jews and others. After that traumatic feeling of guilt and shame, most Germans coped with being in denial the scapegoating became religious. The more bombs hit German cities the more the Jews and others were prosecuted.
Mass psychoses of Naziism means nitwit idiocy diagnostics of mass hypnotics that later on became religious. This nitwit idiocy is wittingly and unwittingly caused by our inherent oligarchs not wanting to focus on their dirty little secret hypnotic focus tricks.
Diamond Quality Concept means the five quality focus points
1st Carat means the quality of quantity bandwidth optimum in more or less
2nd Cut means elegant simplicity of integrating and differentiating any puzzle
3rd Colour means the quality of the five Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, and White in Black (brain) wave non-waveband algorithms as symphonic alive music and dead silence talents
4th Clarity means the quality of communication
5th Commerce means the degree of completeness and consistency with the ever-changing market
Triage fault analysis means quick and dirty threeway split in errors
1st Faults of the highest order mean potential or realized fatal avoidable errors on any stated goal
2nd Faults in between mean potential or realized fatal errors that were in part avoidable on any stated goal
3rd Faults of the lowest order mean potential or realized fatal errors that were given the state of the art were unavoidable, necessary, justified, or excusable under the circumstances. Bad luck ex DSM-8, & DSM-7 mindset.
Just Proof Legal Concept means the formal thought procedure of an individual or team conforming to GLOE. A paradoxical legal and moral tyrannical dictate on all important issues.
Avoidable is culpable means when all things considered the error causing pestering could have been prevented the ones who should have acted are guilty of the error to the relative degree of dereliction of duty on the social contract ex GLOE.
Expectation management means never selling more than can be delivered and making sure that avoidable errors are prevented on the social contract with humanity ex GLOE.
Trust means firm belief in someone or something
Just Trust means a firm belief as a result of following the procedure ex GLOE
Conflict means an inconsistency
Algorithm means a sequence set of always too blunt rules in interactive spacetime. For instance, a cooking recipe is an algorithm.
Dr Ingo Piepers means among other things a former Royal Dutch Marines officer who did a Ph.D. on the thermodynamics of war whose prediction that World War 3 would start in 2022 at the latest has been proven correct when Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022. The deceptively slow chain reaction of escalation of the conflict is also proven correct in this case as well. Dr. Piepers acknowledged in a mail that his what I call an amok algorithm is the same with neighbor rows and fighting divorces. I.e. situations where the parties akin countries can’t easily part. (Mostly men in domestic violence cases I met in police stations told me they didn’t see it coming. Root cause mostly financial problems and inability to register ironic paradoxes in lateral conflicts.)
Amok algorithm means the rising intensity of the conflict and the rising stress level on the y-axis as a function of the time on the x-axis has rising volatility as a consequence of rising stress. When the fundamental cause of the stress isn’t taken away. As a consequence of the mounting volatility as coping the rise in violence and damages intensity after a sharp rise slowly slackens and drops after reaching a culmination point. The deterministic reason for this statistic is that violence proves not to work. As a consequence of that a paradoxical lateral (mostly gender-neutral female logic/ religious) conflict form takes over. Which also doesn’t work in taking the cause away. Then a silence before the storm takes hold after which the steady deceptively slow chain reaction escalation takes the conflict to great heights spiking in another much higher culmination point to subsequently drop. Immediately followed by the same algorithm which is larger than all the previous algorithms combined. A Titanic Galton board scenario.
Titanic Galton board scenario means humanity in excellent production and sales techniques repeatedly builds ever better metaphoric Titanic ships constantly believing it to this time be unsinkable. Always predictably hitting the same iceberg amok algorithm spike. Every high school kid should know the working of Galton board statistics as averages. I.e. many small ones (small conflicts) make one ever-larger one. The deterministic reason for this causal effect of this statistical correlation is that the technique of killing each other gets better and better. As does life on board the Titanic gets ever more pleasant even in third class. Furthermore, it could even be true that there are more people alive today than have ever died before. We thus successfully produce more people to kill as well. Systematically every time our inherent oligarch leaders don’t take the right R&D decision or worse make a bad one they hit a bit larger spike iceberg as the amok spike in the algorithm. Our oligarch leaders like most mini oligarch voters are in a hypnotic/ religious shame and guilt focus bind holding themselves in an addictive idiotic criminally insane suicidal slaveholder bind as slaves.
Thermodynamics of conflict and war means the also human physics of conflict and war as a completely consistent algorithm of history of conflict and war statistics with a causal effect deterministic explanation based on GLOE.
Track record means relevant statistics proving correct factual authority and con job populist authority. Doing correct statistics is taboo because it threatens the oligarchs with insufficient Bildung.
Perfectionism means the criminally insane idiocy of refusing to accept any other quality norm but the highest and narcissistically demanding this of themselves and/ or others other than incidentally, in fun and games and in balance in the death sport called life. Nitpicking fallacy.
Representative of God on Earth means in this model any person or group of persons that sufficiently comply with the Grand Law of Everything GLOE. The same in this model as the representative of Mother Nature and the Cosmos. Ergo in this model everyone with Bildung can easily have inspired serious fun being a representative of God on Earth. Yet only on the exclusive talent chairs of life as the correct starting position.
Multi-Messiah means in this classical quantum mechanics model the situation when a large enough group of oligarchs become representatives of God on Earth and start to put a nigh effective end to all pestering. (Hopefully and indeed still possible in our lifetime thus providing redemption as the savior of all slaves becoming representatives of God on Earth oligarchs by empowerment. Mind, this is completely consistent with the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions. Simply different definitions of the same problem and thus the solution of all world religions. Hindu Kalki, and Buddhist Maitreya. Completely consistent with this model is that the collective un-pestered brain reaches the same completely consistent survival solutions when conforming to GLOE. In this model, all possible scenarios are played out all the infinite time in the infinite cosmos an infinite amount of times in an infinite cycle. I’m typing this at the same time all the time as I’ve always done and will do an infinite amount of times. Yet, it’s not me but akin to an infinite amount of identical DNA twins. After a nigh deja vue scenario splits into an infinite amount of scenarios including an infinite amount of nigh the same scenarios. So, in an infinite amount of scenarios, I die (if that is a possible scenario) of a heart attack just after writing this. Yet also I will grow to be a 100 in relatively good health. Or I die next year with many in World War III that started predictably in 2022 in Ukraine unless ex DSM-8 our oligarchs (including you, when you grasp that self-empowerment is always possible) start to take Just corrective action.) Messiah is defined as an oligarch who acts conform to GLOE well then Jesus is indeed the Messiah who still lives as he has always done and will do.
Jesus means thesis of probably a historic figure as in this model indeed the son of God as the Messiah. We are all sons and daughters of God. A Messiah as the savior of sinister slavery by overstressing the system towards an untimely extinction. Jesus was the first Messiah of the Multi-messiah because he probably was the first with successful populist authority preaching peace, love, and understanding. Had he been the son of a god as an entity with a beard, it would be an inconsistency of him not knowing about the takeaways of computers, quantum mechanics and classical mechanics and DNA, etc. In this model, this historic Jesus indeed lives an infinite amount of times at this moment defined by his relevant DNA genotype as a possible scenario in all sorts of possible limited historic scenarios. Sometimes only dying at Eighty years of age. As a crime scene investigation scenario of the crucifixion knowing Pilatus washing his hands in innocence, the Roman soldier was bribed to only stab superficially with the lance. Creating the illusion of Jesus dying on the cross. Well, Jesus recovered enough for the doubting Thomas to touch his wound. Later to die from infection. And indeed, Jesus went to heaven defined as all the particles that constituted the alive DNA of Jesus spreading out in the cosmos. Who still lives as he always has done in heaven all the time as part of the Holy Trinity object-subject-empty-space diamond. The collective human brain comes up with truths of a Holy Cow statistics when not pestered. The same is true for all religions including science. The antithesis is that Jesus wasn’t a historic figure. If (indeed nothing is certain when you don’t accept the Grand postulate as the Grand axiom) I die and find myself before Peter’s Gate, I’ll reassess the situation on the new evidence presented. Thus Jesus, not even a probable historic figure like Bertrand Russell believed in his anti-religion-religion. Understandably so having lived in a time when Alan Turing was pestered into suicide by devilish religious interpretation now again more and more prevalent due to overstressing the system. Bertrand also stated that Jesus wasn’t such a nice fellow contrary to Buddha and others whom he ranked higher. Well, that is treating it as a beauty contest. As a criminal lawyer magistrate, I’d state that having such humane flaws makes the historic figure more trustworthy for believable as a cowboy with a white hat and a black spot instead of a probably idealized Buddha as a cowboy with a pure white hat saint. The fact that others have idealized Jesus and Buddha isn’t purely their fault either I guess. Inspired by the silliest thing I could think of in Christianity Mother Mary’s immaculate conception and xenophobic Dutch politician Geert Wilders’s attempts at anti-Muslim-religion-religion I saw that my 2015 model with two elementary particles Higgs and Graviton were splittable pseudo atomos. When idiots pester religious people I’ll as SOP will venture to prevent this. Because these criminally insane idiots are sailing towards a religious war. All religions can & must be interpreted in a completely consistent way when potential conflict arises. Otherwise, it’s illegal pestering.
Holy Cow Statistics means the exact-scientifically proof that the collective brain will correctly guess the weight of a cow when the group is diverse and large enough nigh perfectly. When the average of all guesses is taken. A smaller group of farmers as experts get the same result. Trump Tweeting lies cause a deviation to the degree of the lies.
Fundamental Balance means a paradoxical ratio that when not kept within the limits of GLOE will cause conflict, war, and ultimately extinction. It splits out into many forms of balance such as:
Religious balance means a fundamental balance that when not kept leads to one of the nastiest forms of conflict and war.
Environmental balance means a fundamental balance including the water balance.
Economic balance means a fundamental balance including poor poverty, rich poverty, (nuclear) energy, and financial balance.
Political balance means a fundamental balance including the oligarch group and minority balance.
Educational balance means a fundamental balance of all-inclusive Bildung
Justice balance means a fundamental balance preventing pestering.
Military balance means a fundamental balance including the nuclear balance that will fail without timely organizing the peace balance ex GLOE.
Population balance means robotics of overpopulation when pestering and rebalancing via aging when organizing non-pestering. A species survival trait.
Tadpole Politics means also human-robotic survival trait consequences of bad/pestering politics. Twenty years of NATO war in Afghanistan 47% of the population younger than 15 years of age.
Non Pestering Politics means Even relative non-pestering in post-communism Russia led to population decline via aging. A paradoxical peaceful decline as survival of the fittest.
Back to nature norm means a given current climate maximum of 4 billion world population and optimum of 2 billion. Given an ice age climate a maximum of 2 billion and an optimum of 1 billion. I.e. now we are at 8 times that optimum norm. Unworkability norms apart from groups of individuals otherwise lead to extinction due to indecent moral ego-tripping.
Anchors mean certain strong religious beliefs mostly used as a hypnotic lever to gain power by oligarch populism exploiting the lack of Bildung of the humble majority. Successfully selling false security and providing scapegoats to deflect anger and frustration. Such as Pro-life (BTW hypnotic trick inverse anti-abortion) Or, anti-gay politics.
Money means an often even anchor of a non-elementary DNA desire of the mammal brain. Yet a well-proven method for preventing root cause pestering as a means of eradicating poor poverty. Non elementary because the elementary desires are in workability respect, certainty, freedom of thought, and freedom of relation.
Sowing Fear means a successful populist oligarch method to get into or stay in power.
Fear of War causes War means literally what it says provided unjustified fear due to lack of Bildung.
Fear of X causes X means literally what it says provided unjustified fear or justified fear causing panic, undue coping, and denial all due to lack of Bildung.
Fear of Y prevents Y means literally what it says provided the fear is well founded and dealt with in a rational way ex GLOE.
Anti-racism means in most cases racism due to focusing on the symptoms instead of the causes because of mostly unwitting desires of wanting meaning in life and being respected for this stated noble goal or wanting to gain or hold on to power as a means for stated goals, yet having the brain oppose solving that problem of racism. The cause stems from poor and rich poverty. All / most undesirable behavior such as racism will subside rapidly then. Solving the latter would deprive the anti-racism religiously brainwashed brain of the desired dopamine shot. The latter is a sinister suicidal addiction. Causing religious polarization, mounting conflict, and ultimately extinction.
Racism means the polarization inverse of anti-racism and has the same effect. A means to gain influence by causing conflict.
Pacifism is Warmongering means a delusion that the wise goal of peace by excluding litigation and the willingness to fight a Just War is fear of war that ex-GLOE causes war.
War means an inverse situation of peace in which large groups of people are manipulated to win a conflict at extreme including suicidal costs. Such as torturing, killing, pillaging, and destroying properties and nature. Wars are always conflicts between wittingly or unwittingly oligarchs who have acted in breach of GLOE. It works via the Thermodynamics of War.
Conflict means an inconsistency
Civil War means a war between people who have had prior built-up trust and thus is an extremely mean form of war.
Religious War means a war between peoples of different religions and is thus an extremely mean form of war.
World War means a Great War between many of the nations of the world. Inherently a religious civil war thus. Inherent genocide. Causing such a war by action or default is a most serious crime against humanity.
Meetings mean in the positive sense a final check as a fun party of sufficient consensus on a formal gathering yet in the negative sense a means for especially populists to narcissistically show who’s (going to become or stay) the skillfully incompetent boss.
Meeting with more than three people rule means in general/ mostly an ineffective skillfully incompetent (mostly too long as well) meeting.
A gathering means an informal professionally competent get-together irrespective of the size of the group or duration.
False framing means (as stated)
False spinning means (as stated)
False desensitization means a hypnotic focus trick attempting to obscure something by stressing an obvious ridiculous lie in a paradoxical way. Such as conjuring up ridiculous conspiracy theories to say that we are seriously being led by reptiles. Indeed humans have in part a reptile brain drawing this focus. Then most subsequently conclude that to be obviously wrong. The goal is to create a fashion to reject all conspiracy theories. Often then hiding a real conspiracy such as the blowing up of the Rainbow Warrior by the French Secret Service. The reptile trick is indeed used to obscure our democratic oligarch power in part an unwitting conspiracy to cling to the current paradigm. The conspiracy is that the rich successfully pray on the poor. The conspiracy of undefined scientific peer review as bosses of god antiscientific pseudoscience. Putin stated to want to eradicate the nazis in Ukraine is an example of attempting to obscure the fact that he is a maxi nazi and Zelensky a convincing ueber nazi and like everyone at least a mini nazi. False framing wokism by fascists provides the woke the means of false desensitization of John Cleese’s correct anti-wokism.
Conspiracy theory means a true or untrue testable valid suspicion as a proven suspect based on evidence via GLOE. Wikipedia is incorrectly defined here.
False conspiracy theory means an unproven suspicion of a conspiracy in breach of GLOE.
Conspiracy means a proven conspiracy via GLOE
Shifting focus means the main hypnotic trick by manipulating the inherently limited focus as the white or black magic of any human by any illusionist, hypnotist, therapist, conman (m/f), lawyer, politician, clergy, etc. In short by any human wittingly or unwittingly of oneself or others.
Fanaco means (new term) a fanatical religious-based form of agitation to gain unwise power used by and often ultimately leading to fascism, national socialism, and communism. Such as pro-life, wokism etc.
Agitation means stirring up fear in oneself and/or others in an unwise way and/ or on an unwise goal
Feminism means a Just & wise effective form of preventing the pestering of woman
False feminism means wittingly or unwittingly feinting feminism via the pestering of others on another goal such as wanting (gender neutral) matriarchal (mostly authoritarian) power mostly via fanaco ways.
Anti-discrimination means mostly an unwitting fanaco focus error on symptoms of pestering due to poverty stemming from an incorrect notion of humanity due to reasoning in breach of GLOE.
Discrimination means a justified distinction via GLOE.
False discrimination means an unjustified (often illegal) distinction via GLOE.
Wokism means a fanaco wittingly or unwittingly ego-trip of all people who state to be woke. The problem lies in the stated goal unwittingly being unattainable because the dopamine shot of feeling good becomes addictive in the act of being perceived by oneself and others as fighting against false discrimination and slavery. Yet unwittingly or wittingly in denial of the fact of a Bayesian inversion of the synapse of the brain subconsciously acting via mostly gender-neutral female logic and thus working to keep a sufficient degree of false discrimination and slavery for otherwise losing the subconscious goal in life when successful. Fanatically opposing all real solutions such as an Oracle Senate test or effective eradication of all pestering such as poverty which is slavery.
Woke means a fanatic racist anti-feminism ego-trip religion trying to enslave all others thru poverty.
Charity means wittingly or unwittingly religious coping behavior to reside feelings of guilt and shame instead of simply eradicating poverty which is only now possible.
Anxiety Over Expectation means a delusion caused due to lack of Bildung that no religion will fully fulfill. In Holland, after the religious eighty-year war the last part ended in the thirty-year war in effect on the same sort of religious issue. Namely, the Bible should be written in Latin or your own word salad is the same as the issue with the physics bible. Should elementary physics predominantly be written in number salad that only a few scientific oligarchs, who thus are in power understand? Or should it conform to the E5 quality norm? So that everyone who wants to understand can understand the parts that only they can understand. Understanding that large parts will always remain not really understood due to idiocy. After the Catholic-Protestant conflict in certain quarters, communism and nazism/fascism were popular. Later in the sixties, Hinduism became popular, and now it’s Buddhism. Irrespective of any specific hypnotic anxiety wording such as “comrade” for communists in the long run will work. Comrade Stalin and Comrade Pol Pot killed a lot of comrades. In the same way “Love” didn’t prevent being lovingly burned at the stake for heresy. Neither will any of my words in this list ever prevent misuse and pestering of those words.
Rule of Prudence means a DLOE in this model a paradoxical rule of intuitively trained brains adhering to GLOE by being careful in required risktaking.
Risk means a ratio of chance pro versus chance con that must ex GLOE, especially the 10th LOE equality/ inequality be dealt with via the DLOE that risk = chance times consequence on a valued goal balanced by a DLOE norm.
No Guts No Glory means in GLOE that a glorious goal always conforms to the five wise goals that require risk-taking in a timely trial-and-error fashion. The only way to do so is to have the genotypes with guts given the Bildung and backing to perform their God-given tasks. And also that demanding guts outside proper teaming of those without the genotype guts is pestering.
Honour Your Heros means that not doing so when guts and courage on GLOE are done, is unwise and even pestering.
Controlled fear means good advice via Bildung on GLOE
Uncontrolled fear means bad advice via Bildung on GLOE
Qualification of political currents means systematically ordering groups of voters and people who want to have power in the government. Irrespective of what they call themselves.
International Liberalism means a political current of the least possible non-populist rational political party politics of egoism on the smallest possible core wise goal and after that multi-egotistic on everything else. (First feelings of guilt and after that shame which also works in a shame culture) It doesn’t matter if you are rich as long as there are no poor. A non-pestering decent balance conforming to GLOE. Maximum freedom of thought, maximum freedom of relation, maximum respect, and maximum security policy in an optimum intuitive organized pareto optimum balance of these conflicting goals. Aim of an international free federation of states. (Akin to what the EU and UN should be but not yet are.)
Socialism means a political current with an anchored belief in oligarch populist party politics of first multi-egoism then egoism culture. Multi-egoism on a larger than smallest core as social democrats form of international liberalism prone to multi-egoistic ego tripping such as wokism. (Naming and shaming via first shame and then guilt dopamine egotrip of moral arrogance.)
Neo-liberalism means a political current with structural a greater than 25% religious imbalance over the ego side always via right-wing populism leading to fascist dictatorship (also via nazism)
Anarchism means a political current with a structural religious more than 25% imbalance over the (seemingly social) multi-ego side always via left-wing populism leading to communistic/ fascist dictatorship (also via national socialist route.)
Fascism means a political current with a structural belief in nationalism, dictatorship, and that conflict and war is good. Always leads to mobster rule.
Neo-nazism means a political current of feinting to not be left- or right-wing always populist strong leader politics. Always ends in mobster rule.
Communism means a political current with a structural belief in an international party system focussing on equality and not registering art. 10 paragraph 2 FLOH the need for balanced inequality. Focussing way too much on multi-egoism and neglecting the essential ego. Always leading to imperialism and totalitarian mobsterism.
Totalitarian means a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial demanding complete subservience to the state.
Dictator means an autocratic ruler with nigh total power yet always dependent on one or more peer groups as oligarch networks to stay in power. Putin is a dictator and Trump aspires to become one.
Conservatism means being deemed by others or stating to want to keep the political status quo
Reactionary means being deemed by others to stating to want to restore a former political status quo
Progressive means wanting positive political and social reform by any wise or unwise change.
Cinque Politica means a new slight twist to the current obviously dysfunctional democracies in the world. Adding two powers to the Trias Politica.
1st Political Power means the justified eligible voters as representatives of all the people of a country represented by a free independent press that all have the inalienable right to a guaranteed decent income and wealth. (Otherwise, it will be guaranteed to lead to suicidal amok toward extinction.) This wealth and this income are only payable provided they don’t pester. A base economy should be organized on top of which a capitalist free market economy within limits should be built.
2nd Political Power means the non-lawmaker parliamentary power of advice to all as a group or individual especially oligarchs by a new Oracle Senate with part-time Senators for life. Every year 10 twenty-two-year-old boys and 10 dito girls become apprentice Senators for ten years. An active service of in total 50 years. This Senate speaks with only one voice. The representative of all minorities as defined by the 4th LOE. The power to force all oligarchs, or anyone to testify under oath as whistleblowers in secrecy. The optimum is a thousand Senators the temporary maximum is 1200. Under certain circumstances, a need for new sorts of expertise might arise. Ten bands of brothers/ families of a hundred in Five roles for five years switch: 1st 200 representatives of god on earth, 2nd advocate of god, 3rd advocate of the devil, 4th senator abroad contact other Oracle Senates global network, 5th Sabbatical. E5 quality working of the optimum collective brain. The chair is only once held for five years by a CG4m* and alternately CG4f*. All thousand chairs are held for unique positions such as inexperienced and experienced mathematicians, military, medical, cleaners slow thinkers, etc. Senators have the maximum income. Their part-time job as say a farmer always has a clone reserve who gets the full pay for that job. Most Senators must keep hands-on experience in the 1000 important jobs in life. The model shows why 1000 is a magic number. Senators are thus as independent as humanly possible. The Senate has the Bletchley Park Enigma secrecy problem. Ultimately the Oracle Senates of the world provide the required collective human brain. No oligarch will dare to lie to such a Senate. Everyone including myself needs durable timely optimum advice on all important issues. Do I need to take the vaccine or not? If so, do we force others to take it? etc. etc. I thus need to delegate and trust such a system in which all the powers check each other to keep the balance of power. Keeping optimum track of what in nigh workability (werkelijkheid in Dutch) is going on also behind the scenes in any inherent oligarchy is a do or die on any goal the only possible solution. Because this is an unfathomably complex problem it should first be tested. See it as the first flight of a prototype fully built out of tested parts. The decision to do the test by any oligarch alone will buy the time we need to try to prevent WW3 from spiraling even further out of control. Any oligarch like Putin and Xi will take immediate notice, and be hypnotically temporarily startled. Last year April first I nearly had our Dutch PM Rutte propose to do this radical plan. Then indeed too taboo fort his justly named Mr Teflon. My inherent idiocy prevents me to see how taboo this was. Yet, times change. Now a majority of Dutch justifiably fear the war in Ukraine going nuclear.
3rd Political Power means the power of Parliamentary lawmaking as the political representatives of all the different oligarch parties in a society. Only in the practical startup phase should ex-politicians become Senators.
4th Political Power means the power of government with the head of state preferably a modern monarch as the 4th LOE proves works best as head of state.
5th Political Power means the power of the independent judges, prosecutors (preferably magistrates), and independent lawyers all having a guaranteed decent income.
Modern Monarch means a hereditary system in which fairy tale hypnotics not only as history shows works best in providing unity to a nation in times of need. A human plays that role better than a turnip that would also do the job, but not as well. The job of a Head of State is a required unity hypnotic focus point. A hereditary monarchy is not outdated because DNA isn’t outdated. Given that the monarch can choose their own partner DNA has it that in time all personality traits and types of intelligence will become monarch (okay, it takes hundreds of years). The cost is peanuts. A modern monarch is never guilty of an incorrect government. A Royal family shouldn’t be pestered for they chose to live in a golden cage. Contrary to a modern monarchy anarchy will always lead to a totalitarian system.
Democracy means chosen political parties of oligarchs and/or individual oligarch politicians by justified eligible members of the population of a country as the first power of the cinque politica.
Functional Democracy means one that conforms to GLOE.
Oligarchy means inherent in any larger group of humans that cooperate having groups of people having most of the power.
Nationalism means idiotically not grasping that only global peace can solve national problems.
Pacifism means idiotically not grasping that not keeping the military and nuclear balance leads to war. Only global peace first can produce the pacifist goal.
Militarism means idiotically not grasping that the industrial-military oligarch complex must be kept in balance.
Gerhard ‘Pa’ Ris means DNA robot-Ris with the call sign “Pa”. Who is a Delta generalist 4th-speed male non-narcissistic genotype (DG4m* in DSM-7) and an ADHD-c4m* type in DSM-6. Born in Holland in 1960 lived in England from 1963 to 1968 then near Zutphen Netherlands, then in 1981 a conscript AA gunner trainee and Leopard 1 tank driver on a PRTL. Studied business law in Leiden from 1982 until 1989 writing a business plan for an American investor becoming a general practice lawyer in 1990 also a magistrate and DA finally an own law firm from 2010 until 2019 early pensioner having fun taking science into litigation. (etc. etc.) By far top-scoring lawyer in litigation and on a scale of 1 to 10 nigh a 10 (error rate of 1/2000 in many thousands of cases). Yet as an 8 in expert litigation and expert mediation in courtrooms. The latter is due to knowing that I’m an incurable mentally healthy slightly mad deep idiot scoring a 1 as a genotype in these areas. By working hard with much experience I can cope there by mechanically following the fashion book of constantly changing law. “Incurable” means a paradox (seeming contradiction). It’s not an illness at all. You can’t cure healthy DNA that dictates all our different idiocies. At least you can’t cure it for that would per logical definition be unscientific because indecent. A required say brain transplant is per that jargon definition indecent. I’m thus a 100% genotype of Hermann Goering as my Nazi on my shoulder. And thus a mere 1% of Adolf Hitler which is the least of all my traits. By knowing this I can keep this Nazi in check. I can also thus very well understand what made Goering tick in WW2 and the problems he had in dealing with Hitler. Knowing full well that Germany would go down the drain. Thus trying like Hess (ADHD-c2 maybe 3) to broker a peace deal during the war without informing Hitler. Goering was an extremely serious crime mobster. Clearly experiencing a burn-out when parading in his nice self-made uniform with red boots. I can thus also diagnose/ assess Hitler’s actions. Only slightly less well because I grasp the mechanics involved but inherently lack that sort of female logic intuition.
The Grand Socratic Question means asking if the completely consistent cosmos can be described in a classical mechanical way based on the GSQ criteria, which is taboo in the current paradigm.
GSQ Criteria means meeting the following set of challenges of presenting a falsifiable idea given and published under the challenge of peers and everyone else and it proves to be unfalsifiable whilst based on an unambiguous set of terms, definitions, and descriptions and is completely based on the smallest set of axioms and is elementary based on observational data with a completely consistent set of mathematical theorems including all dynamic dirty geometry framing, and all forms of logic including a tested best practice track record of the instruction manual of all individual and collective instrument brains in the real world on several fields and the anti-thesis is by theorems falsified by showing any incompleteness and/ or inconsistency. I claim to have fully fulfilled this challenge.
Grand Axiom means the prior odds assumption of the grand postulate that god is mathematically identical to nature and is mathematically identical to the cosmos via the model proven to be the best possible posterior odds assumption having taken all known data into evidence.
The five Derived Laws of Everything Procedural/ Formal basis:
1st derived law of everything: completely consistent cosmos.
2nd derived law of everything: no hidden variables as laws of everything means anywhere anytime in the cosmos but that there are only cosmological hidden variables as invisible particles that obey the laws of everything.
Four First Axioms of Euclid mean all science was already in that with the first four postulates of Euclid absolutely everything in the cosmos can be described and humanly possibly built and thus these are the four exclusive axioms on which all absolutely loophole-free science can & must be logically built in a completely consistent way by combining it with the Grand Axiom.
1st Postulate of a classical continuous quantum cosmos means a logically proven best practice largest circular argument in workability as GLOE with the greatest denominators the 1st & 5th LOE all based on the:
3rd derived law of everything Okhams razor of just five axioms of the laws of everything that each apply all the time every time anywhere in spacetime constituting the:
4th derived law of everything of the minimum focus sphere is that there are no hidden variables concerning GLOE of the interactive movement in space-time and thus elementary use of singularities/ point masses is absurd and is thus illegal pestering.
5th derived law of everything: the reductio ad absurdum proof means the strongest possible proof in the human cosmos.
2nd Postulate of one infinite uncurved empty space element with infinite massive movable construct atomos elements means a thesis proven as the only remaining thesis after the:
Valid falsification of the postulate of an elementary curved local space based on more than five axioms even after 79 axioms still by theorems of Gödel proven incomplete and theorems of John Bell, Nobel Prize physics laureates, and Richard Gill on quantum inequality as unsolvable thus inconsistent and absurd. The logical consequence is the:
Valid material falsification of the antithesis that gravity, the observable universe, the speed of light, and quantifiability are elementary means described as GLOE with the greatest denominators the 5th, 6th,& 7th LOEs. Mind this of course is ex DSM-8 mindset because ex DSM-0 mindset of the instrument brain everything is elementary.
The Five Idiot Observations mean a testable and tested interpretation of DG4 genotype (Leonardo) six-year-olds with specific Bildung.
1st Idiot Observation means a dirty dynamic geometry that any six-year-old 1/125 prevalent DG4 genotype (Leonardo) instrument brain with Bildung (thus after seven years) can interpret the speed of light constant as depicted in the Copenhagen interpretation as an obvious average. We already observe based on that data that light can accelerate and waves through a medium with which it interacts. Only hypnotically via trust to be accepted by most others. Or verified with a lot of effort in most cases. A religiously unacceptable interpretation for bosses of God. The current oligarchs of exact science. Most mathematicians and physicists are simply too idiotic to grasp the mathematics of the dirty geometry involved.
2nd Idiot Observation means a dirty dynamic geometry any six-year-old Leonardo with Bildung can interpret that all particles have a maximum speed and are something not nothing and smaller than photon particles must all be faster than the speed of light as incidental maximum speeds. And that particles can be invisible when too slow for below 800000 km/h. Only hypnotically via trust to be accepted by most others. Or verified with a lot of effort in most cases.
3rd Idiot Observation means a dirty dynamic geometry any six-year-old Leonardo with Bildung can interpret that observed curved space implies a sphere that is in part outside our observable mini-max universe and that it constitutes a medium of something not nothing in nothing. The latter is something as data of absolute emptiness thru which some things being elementary particles interact in a waving manner in an infinite construction deconstruction cycle. A twelve-year-old Leonardo with Bildung can cyclicly deduce & induce as a moron interpretation that elementary particles must be never constructed deformable constructs that for us in our specific space-time observable universe musically wave as if consciously alive. And thus that there must also be a non-wave seemingly intelligent death cycle outside our focus sphere. There must thus be absolutely dense, absolutely rigid mass. Because these elements must have always been there and always will be there for otherwise absurd. Given observed superconductivity this mass must be absolutely conductive. And, it must be with interactively moving massive volumes also above the speed of light in an enormous ratio of more space than the volume of mass filling that space in an extremely small time. This is the only non-absurd explanation. Little black holes suck and/or the cosmos pushes the medium into all matter that must contain these small black holes that thus slowly accelerate in the curved medium. Causing slowly mounting entropy. Only hypnotically via trust to be accepted by most others. Or verified with a lot of effort in most cases.
4th Idiot Observation means a dirty dynamic geometry any six-year-old Leonardo with Bildung can interpret the wave of the photon and all particles are in a medium of curved something unless observed (seemingly) not to interact with that medium all the time like neutrinos which in part might thus be elementary. Only hypnotically via trust to be accepted by most others. Or verified with a lot of effort in most cases.
5th Idiot Observation means dirty geometry any six-year-old Leonardo with Bildung can interpret that there is an obvious cosmic order function at play based on a set of simple rules as laws of everything that play out in an infinitely complex way. Actually and per thought experiments this is always observable/interpretable in even the smallest of focus spheres. Thought experiments are testable in completeness and consistency. A thought is something of mirroring moving interactive mass as the subject of an object. A subject of a robot is objective also in mindset DSM-8 because of per elementary definition being verifiable ex GLOE. Absolutely proven given the axiomatic assumptions based always further testable best practice.
Grand elementary material basis means Given these 5 axioms, 5 derived laws of everything, 2 proven best postulates, and 5 idiot observations we find that this is completely consistent with the known science of the laws of Newton with a slight add-on twist.
Valid falsification of current science in his thesis of scientific procedure is coupled to the valid falsification of the anti-thesis current scientific procedures in overkill.
1st No complete sufficiently unambiguous list of terms, definitions, descriptions, and explanations. i do have one!
2nd No definition of (pseudo)science. I do have one!
3. No instruction manual of the individual instrument brain. I do have one!
4. No instruction manual for the collective instrument brain. I do have one!.
5. No compliance with the E5 quality norm. I do!
6. Acting as the criminally incurably religiously insane Boss of God peer review parasite focussed on personal reputation and the reputation of science. Having been deluded by successes in local laws. Thus incorrectly assuming this success is also valid in elementary laws. Instead, not having focussed on the wise goals of science. Well, I act not as a boss of god but as his per-logical definition representative on earth by proving that I have followed and still follow GLOE!
7. No stated (wise) goals of science. I have!
8. Denial of the obvious existence of (musical) artistic composer talents as an essential DNA survival trait. I don’t because I * obviously * am one!
9. Denial of the obvious existence of spiritual scenario playwriting DNA talents as essential survival traits. I don’t because I to a lesser degree also * obviously * am one!
10. Denial of the obvious existence of hypnotics & religion as a DNA survival trait. Etc., etc., etc……….
Proof of overkill means only one (1) is already a deadly sin valid full falsification of methods, techniques, procedures, values, and norms. Current science has no position at all on any elementary claim.
Proof of CM Newton (@edit) means elementary proof that everything including quantum mechanics is classical mechanical. Something which should have been grasped ages ago from the start. Common sense also dictates that the CM of Newton has never been validly falsified in the first place. When we take all the stated “paradoxes” by physics on quantum mechanics in their jargon meaning ‘proven contradictions’ instead of ‘seeming contradictions’ then they were already by their own admittance validly falsified in their position. It’s simply illogical to claim any best practice on an accepted enigma of quantum weirdness. It’s a con job to take success in a local set theory domain as proven best practice in a most fundamental i.e. elementary set theory domain. The same hilarious focus error hypnotic trick of having a cathedral particle accelerator and bible in Latin attracts hypnotized followers. And making burning heretics easy. Simply physicists and mathematicians as bosses of god at play. Authentic authoritarian oligarchs of science want to be the peers of god in areas where they are now absolutely in an also fully shut-up-and-calculate correct E5 quality way proven to be incurable deep idiots. Trying desperately to hide these now obvious to all facts via AI.
Cloaths of the emperor mean the naked truth is that science is in making a chess grandmaster fallacy.
Footnotes mean an illegal demand on an elementary R&D claim. All elementary science must be open source Wikipedia style available to all. Otherwise, it is illegal ex-GLOE and the DLOE of the definition of science being decent all-inclusive Bildung. Ergo, when some scientist has published under positive peer review and it’s not fully available open-source then that scientist is not the first. Furthermore, there is no reason why I should bother to differentiate between what I think is new and what isn’t. For instance, I unwittingly as a child “stole” the number 0. Because my ADHD/ Delta personality type has relative dyscalculia due to this inherent deep idiocy I probably would never have conjured up the need for such a number. Especially not on elementary issues. Zero only has meaning when there is a beginning. This model has no elementary beginning or end. Just the in part arbitrary beginning and end of every Nirvana. In which that zero is elementary an illegal approximation in workability. Of course, this scares the shit out of all peer review bosses of god. For now, it’s easy to see what you must have stolen like Newton stole the dynamic geometry of the falling apple from the Leonardo da Vinci-type Sir Hooke. The latter taking Wikipedia on him as a fact an obvious DG4mN
Current Science means a sinister anti-scientific pseudoscience due to a split personality disorder that stems from not following GLOE but following DSM models of the Bosses of God.
1st DSM means in current science Delusional Science Model
2nd DSM means in current science Diederik Stapel Model JFGI klepto science because nigh all if not most scientists are forced to commit fraudulent plagiarism due to the idiotic non-E5 quality norm publish or perish authoritarian Peer review by Bosses of God verdict norm.
JFGI means Just F*cking Google It.
F*cking means a sign of a serious mental disorder of extremely indecent hypercorrectness covering up a dirty little secret sinister earning model. Just take out the * and replace it with the ‘u’.
3rd DSM means in current science Democratic Statistic Model ‘the-what-ever-you-want’ boss of god’s statistics
4rd DSM means in current science Dogmatic Sinister Model
5th DSM means DSM-5 that should be binned in DSM-5TR together with 1st toward 4th DSM.
Boss in My Own Model means everyone can decide how to model the cosmos/god/mother nature and which words to use for that. Provided you don’t pester. Judging without showing a completely consistent set of written and published rules is pestering. In science, schools, and courts of law only ex 2nd LOE can < 10% slight and < 1% strong deviation of GLOE on average not only be acceptable because perfection is suspect of pestering going on.
Sensitivity Training means a dogma that takes someone’s ego apart by blunt autistic bullying, refined hypnotic hysterics, or artistic/spiritual tricks and opens the way to coach someone to a higher level of self-awareness and thus effectiveness. It’s a drill instructor brainwashing technique that indeed works. Provided you accept a > 10% lasting negative results with people who are too sensitive even after a prior assessment. The latter should as best as possible be assessed before or during the program. This is to determine which people are too unstable to enter or stay in the program before irreparable mental damage ensues. Such a loss rate is for instance acceptable given that an unvolutary conscript is going to war anyway. Yet in any non-emergency environment is only acceptable when any individual chooses to subject themselves to such treatment. Such as a student fraternity club. In the latter case, it also provides a gameplay possibility to learn to use drill instructor techniques. Akin the game of football there will always be idiots that barge in with a stretched leg playing the person and not the ball. Tradition prevents most but not all excesses. And hopefully to learn that some are no bloody good at that game. The only way to truly assess all that is by doing it, because it otherwise remains unfathomably complex.
Drill Instructor means in law litigation, verbal, and written combat. Hell, thunder, and eternal damnation from the counsel of the R&D church religion. A religion that as a religious duty demands to define literally everything. And the religious obligation to search for and attempt to find the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in all important issues conforming to GLOE. That this hurts anyone is their problem and not the problem of the believers in this faith. This church is indeed a real church if fiscal benefits could be had. Humour and irony are strictly forbidden. Otherwise it of course is not a true church or even religion in that sense for only very slightly having the task of providing mental health care. By far insufficient thus to be seen as a religion or church in that sense of the word. If you don’t understand irony it’s your religious obligation to know that and thus to understand that you simply can’t understand what is written here. Otherwise, you will end up pestering and then the obligation of the Holy Drill Instructor Dada Easter Bunny is to whack you mentally so hard that it indeed hurts. Which is not a dialogue but a one-way information system. If you act like a boss of god then you are per logical stipulative definition a boss of god until proven otherwise. You will then be dealt with as Lady Justice blindfolded without any consideration of who or what you are being taken into proper litigation. Of course, the paradox is that the way that is done is dependent on all data of the case at hand. In the war of words because emergencies break the (local!) law a litigator has enormous leeway. As long as it remains exact scientifically within GLOE.
Independent Judge means a human as a magistrate or jury member who establishes independent facts. When like in Dutch (Vogon) administrative law the independent judge magistrate (no jury BTW) no longer establishes the independent facts than taking this model as a fact this constitutes a civil/ criminal act as a fault of the highest order. That the Supreme Court is exempt from persecution by law is indeed correctly so. Yet, even so, it remains a deadly sin in which decapitation by Lady Justice is in swift order. When the Dutch Supreme Court doesn’t forthwith rule in each and every verdict at the end by adding the sentence: “Furthermore, the court considers that the administrative law must be destroyed because the independent judge always establishes the independent facts.” then each and every supreme court member should be named and shamed via proper litigation. Upholding an obvious local law error in breach of GLOE is of the same severity as if the Dutch law would demand to kill Jews because they are Jews. If these judges don’t grasp this then they had better become garden gnomes. An Eichman defense is of course illegal. And, garden gnomes are well known for their inability to cause grievous errors in justice. The current judges are bosses of god. They carry the burden to disprove this by ruling as stated. Only then will they transform into the representatives of God on earth.
Behind Closed Doors/ In Chambers means parts of any proceeding ex GLOE require essential secrecy. As open as possible as closed as required all things considered. Only mobsters, and zombies, which are all bosses of god demand complete transparency without themselves being transparent.
Show Trial means a trial that is undesirable and only completely consistent with GLOE when a proceeding behind closed doors is offered to a boss of god zombie and not accepted.
Paradigm on Trial means a formal legal proceeding to establish the facts leading to a judgment conforming to the prevailing paradigm at that time paradox (seeming contradiction). Ex-FLOH lawyers/magistrates in normal courts of law indeed justifiably should never refer to philosophy or mathematics. Legal proceedings are justifiably mostly word salad. Never say never thus barring extreme exceptions. Although I tested this exception to the extreme in courts of law with the aid of mathematicians I learned by evolving insight that this is not the way to change the incorrect paradigm. The problem is not primarily the fault of the lawyers and magistrates but of science, especially nuclear physicists and most of all professors of assessment psychology. Changing an incomplete and or inconsistent paradigm on any important wise goal can’t be dealt with in normal legal proceedings yet must comply with that paradigm as the (local) law. Which then is in breach of GLOE. The current Dutch paradigm correctly demands such affairs inherently concerning religious taboos should be held behind closed doors. Primarily legal proceedings have the limited goal of keeping a Just order in a justified way. Contrary to what the people are (justifiably BTW) sold as what the legal system is about, it’s thus not primarily about establishing the exact scientific truth. Because the Dutch Supreme Court, the representatives of magistrates, the PM, both houses of parliament, the prosecutors’ office (OM), and NWO Dutch scientific funding representatives have all been given the opportunity by me to hold this proceeding behind closed doors by not organizing this by default they chose a show trial. Conforming to GLOE and the current Dutch legal paradigm on free speech it’s game on to whack the living daylights out of all these bosses of god in proper Show Time! The wise intermediate goal is to get this proceeding there where it belongs behind closed doors. So, it’s a Blitzkrieg style of hitting hard where it hurts the most. Stamping their reputations to smithereens via a good and proper word salad shellacking. When you are pestering a shellacking is supposed to hurt like hell. Naming and shaming up close and personal. The Book on how to change this specific current paradigm hasn’t as yet as far as I’m aware been written and tested yet. So KBO! Keep buggering on by trial and error.
Good Cop Bad Cop/ Sun Tzu Art of War Golden Bridge means building these criminally insane idiots nazi bosses of god an honourable way out. Proceeding behind closed doors in a safe environment. As soon as they surrender restoration of reputation is not only up for grabs but then even active protection of that renewed good reputation is given. Professional flirting. Study Sun Tzu, the Bible, or any of the Holy scriptures such as the Code Civil and Code de Commerce. Simply follow the bloody old-school book. Tried and tested. It works. Play the game in a win-win way.
Multi-Messiah means (as stated)
Up and over litigation means slowly and gradually turning on the verbal/ written word salad thumb screws.
Last of the Mohicans/ Last Man Standing/ Over My Dead Body means even when it’s indeed true that everyone else is a nazi zombie then still ex-GLOE this is the * only * correct route. Even the ancient Greeks knew about this Cassandra problem.
Atlas means don’t take the burden of the world on your shoulders. DSM-0 mindset.
Choose your battles and battleground means to study the history of war and Sun Tzu etc. to learn via Bildung to use a DSM-8 mindset via building your correct team for a DSM-8 mindset when possible and desirable. Learn that 80% of humanity including 80% of the 10% fastest thinkers simply can’t really understand Sun Tzu due to the inherent idiotic inability to grasp the out-of-the-box takeaways the Art of War provides.
Don’t let the monkey get on your shoulder means knowing your tasks and not letting others’ problems become your problem. Beware of the victims that bite the hand that helps.
Do Your Job means doing your bloody job. It’s in part a shitty job but someone has to do it.
When you do something do it to the best of your ability means what it says.
Don’t search for trouble but don’t avoid it either when it’s your task & DNA talent means that you will end up with feelings of guilt and shame every time the same sort of situation invariably happens again. You feel bad and then will start acting via coping blaming and vilifying the ones that do good because they make you feel bad. That’s the evil jealous eye.
Evil Eye means see above.
Magic Eye means the seeming magic talents as observed by the inherent idiots without those talents and training.
All Seeing Eye means your own memory bank of all that your brain remembers and the external multi-brain remembers about you.
Carpe Diem & la Dolce Vita means to enjoy life and be of a stoic DSM-0 mindset when you don’t have the power to alter the situation.
Mathematics means (elementary mathematics) all five salads. Any split always provides a mixed salad, yet only more focus on part of the logical problem. Algebra for instance is a mixed salad mostly number salad, and unthinkable without some picture and word salad. In elementary mathematics, you can’t split the unsplittable. That can only be done in pure mathematics as part of metaphysics.
All mathematics can be done with a piece of string on a sandy beach means an adagio that is an absolute workability (as stated an absolute truth in an infinite space-time topology) that only implies the use of an essential human instrument brain as the mathematician. Decency per definition is excluding computers. The Holy Trinity of action 0 to 1 massive 3D minimum quantified length object-subject to 0 to -1 massive 3D dito length reaction subject-object mirroring of a drumstick on a dynamic massive curved space field drum beat metaphor exact description always in gyroscopic mirroring spin memory bank storage.
Mathematician means (elementary) a human that performs mathematics. It thus includes a high school kid that is raping the beauty of mathematics. Every human/ mathematician is fallible ex a local mindset DSM-8 and infallible ex infinite mindset DSM-0. (Disorder being as yet not understood order because part of the domain is unobservable.)
The best mathematician means a myth because all humans and thus all mathematicians are different sorts of idiots as the required instrument brains on any mathematical problem. Properly teamed up E5 quality ex GLOE cooperating multi-instrument brain mathematicians are the best mathematicians. B-type mathematicians are genotypes potentially best at algebra, average on in-the-box geometry, and deep idiots at dynamic interactive geometry paradoxes (seeming contradictions). D- and C-type mathematicians are genotype best at dynamic interactive geometric paradoxes (seeming contradictions), average on in-the-box word salad, and deep idiots at algebra (genotype!). Far above-average fast thinkers are deep idiots at guaranteeing never overcomplicating essential far below-average simple mathematical problems by silly mistake contrary to far below-average fast-thinking mathematicians. The * only * way out is to build trust in team E5 quality ex GLOE. Alas, the bosses of god mathematician oligarch majority will vehemently oppose this attack on their peer review power. A suicidal survival trait gone wrong under pressure always getting into a Bayesian inversion.
Genius means a myth of our boss of god oligarchs. Side-tracking the focus away from the fact that they are not the humble bosses of god when they can’t deny the “genius” of someone like Albert Einstein. They frame a genius as always mad because they the bosses of god are normal. In this way, they as a mostly unwitting sometimes witting conspiracy of those who cooperate in their dirty little secret sinister earning model desperately try to keep the status quo of the current paradigm. The workability is however that for instance the DS4 personality type & intelligence gender- and race-neutral genotype is a 1/500 affair as is the CS4 Shakespear type. The least prevalent types because these essential types are needed in this frequency when any community wants to survive on any wise goal in a wise way. When in a burnout ex DSM-5 an ADHD-i potentially highest (sometimes due to the idiotically insane IQ model very low) IQ (introvert) (ex the old DSM IVTR ADD type) and ADHD-h. These types even as babies like all types are easy to recognize by everyone. Get this wrong and humanity won’t survive in the long run on any goal. This is the first time as far as I know that such a simple model based on one A4 piece of paper makes this possible to show the 64 different personality and intelligence types required to correctly train a collective brain.
Stealing ideas/ Klepto Science means because bosses of god can’t prove that they are the ones that indeed can come up with the correct ideas in out-of-the-box issues, they have thru the ages built a religious/ hypnotic system as a dirty little secret stealing system. It works via footnotes and the patent office. If you have money and/ or power you can steal ideas from those that don’t have money and/ or power. Most scientists some more than others can only conform to the “publish or perish” norm by stealing ideas from others. In Science in Transition they see the problem, but it’s unsolvable when clinging on to their religious view of what a human is.
Binary reasoning means Bayesian first posterior odds question is do I have a result? Yes: 1 (=100% relevant) and no: 0 (= 50% means 100% irrelevant on the probandum.) When “1” then the result is either positive (> 50%) or negative (< 50%) working towards solving the probandum. Etc.
Michelson and Morley (M&M) Experiment means an interpretation in physics in breach of the five Idiot Observations. Namely assuming that the photon can’t accelerate in a dynamic medium as a field or aether. This fact is still hidden away in Wikipedia. Untenable since the detection of the Higgs field and all the more so since the detection of gravity waves. Both were predicted by me in so many words and especially dirty geometry in 2010 and published in 2015 NWA.
Sloppy Science means good lazy science in R&D as healthy manic oversight and bad science in super focus healthy depression on the details in R&D. And, also good science under time pressure but always bad science time permitting to be optimally rigorous ex E5 quality norm ex GLOE.
Science means (as stated) as a DLOE always working within the appropriate bandwidths of precision and accuracy as dictated by the evidence * all * things considered ex GLOE.
Copenhagen Interpretation means the current most widely held view of elementary physics described accurately described in the dirty geometry in one doodle graphic A4 piece of paper with added word salad on my blog proving that I understand the antithesis of the thesis in my model. That description hasn’t received valid falsification for the simple reason that it’s a completely consistent and thus valid description.
Classical Quantum Mechanics means all the laws of everything conform to the laws of Newton with some completely consistent logical add-ons. This is only possible as an absolute pressure versus an absolute no pressure system when we reject the other possibility I published NWA 2015 with the later-on to be seen as the Higgs atomos and graviton atomos. One with all-in-between pressures. This is only possible when we derive a temporary pressure vessel containing our observable universe on a much slower than astronomical time frame. Infinite dynamic form repetition is the * only * possible logical explanation. A completely valid exact-scientific circumstantial proof.
Twin Atomos Dynamic Crystal Model Comparison means comparing the model that I developed in 2010 and published in NWA 2015 with the current model. The obvious cosmic order function was based on the idea that two absolutely rigid perfect massive spheres one large and thus slower and both speeds > c. The idea was that given enough time any such system would go towards the order of a dynamic crystal given enough space. The dynamic geometry falsifiable idea was that any such absolutely conductive identical sphere would always meet the other sphere at the virtual cube wall. Given no disturbance, each atomos would stay in its virtual cube being everywhere in that cube in a very short (from a human perspective) period of spacetime. Combining both would have the larger one later to be seen as the Higgs particle starts to arc in the graviton field. In the end, building the same sort of Higgs graviton field dynamic matrix as in the current model. On the Okhams razor, however, the mathematics needed for this order-disorder model is vastly more complex than the mathematics needed and which now is even given with all the theorems of the current pressure model. The latter has as its only seeming drawback that it made the step-by-step very simple elementary story much longer. Formerly a falsification by the shut-up-and-calculate-church theorem is required. I predict it to prove that it’s an impossibility. Materially it’s no longer required. Explaining this to a six-year-old would be that via detaching and swopping the two middle squares of a Rubik’s cube that puzzle will become an enigma i.e. believed to be unsolvable. Statistical proof or conviction of all of humanity won’t ever prove in full this impossibility. Until akin John Bell absolutely proved by the axiomatically assumptions-based theorem that quantum-entanglement is unsolvable. Yet concerning my revised model that falsification/ disproof by theorem has completely been done as well as me discovering all the required theorems proving my model as far as the claim goes. Explaining the latter to a six-year-old is that I hold that it’s absolutely proven that 4 + 2 = 6 everywhere in the infinite cosmos given the smallest focus sphere of spacetime. As it always has been and will be from the human perspective that is prevalent in appropriate places spread out all over the infinite cosmos as it always has been and always will be in infinity. In physics 4 + 2 = 6 only has meaning when completely consistently defined as amounts of minimum one quanta lengths. Absolute proof only exists though on the five exclusive axiomatic assumptions. This scares the religious shit out of most physicists and mathematicians as well as most oligarch bosses of god. They no longer are the peers of peer review. Demanding a local completely quantifiable cosmos even if this has already led to the genocide of a world war. The cosmos is elementary both quantifiable and one quanta not further elementary meaningfully quantifiable continuous all the time every time everywhere. Ergo God plays dice between one minimum quantum length in each atomos construct. Only in meta-physics (which includes pure mathematics) can the elementary minimum one quantum length be further quantified than one (0 to 1) length. Such as half that length. This will in the workability of the cosmos even be impossible for a god as an entity with a beard. Yet indeed possible for a boss of god. Because it’s an inherent approximation that is per definition illegal on elementary issues. 1 -1 = 0 can indeed only by approximation be written as 1.5 – 1.1 = 0 because “numbers” in physics are absolute lengths in this model. Even as object-subject thought by a mathematician. Irrational (e & Pi) and imaginary (i) numbers aren’t real numbers in elementary physics and elementary mathematics. They are on any elementary claim illegal approximations. It must per tyrannical dictate be absolutely loophole-free as my model is proven to be. Anyone is challenged to pose valid falsification as a by-theorem disproof. QED!
Minimum One Quantum Length means an absolute workability truth as the axiomatic assumption logical loophole-free dictate of the 5thLOE based for the greatest denominator on Eulers Identity that -1 + 1 = 0 can be written as e^(iPi) + 1 = 0.
1st-degree minimum rigid length means a rigid smallest * one quantum * distance of a 3D mass object including the zero beginning towards including the one side end of one of the infinite elementary particles. That such a length exists is proven by LOE. The value in meters is yet to be established.
2nd-degree maximum rigid length law means given the the proven deformable construct this maximum must exist as a quantified entity.
2nd-degree maximum dynamic length concept means that this may be even theory is 10 quantum lengths outer and 8 quantum lengths inner measurement. Why? The* only * way it is proven to fit. Show another way then.
3rd-degree minimum dynamic length law means the smallest possible measured distance of a 3D mass object deformable elementary construct. Under maximum all sides pressure. Yet to be established but it must exist as a constant.
4th degree maximum dynamic atomos quantum length law means the largest possible measured distance of a 3D mass object deformable construct must exist as a yet-to-be-established constant.
4th degree maximum dynamic quantum length concept means possibly 137 ql (quantum lengths).
5th-degree combination bandwidths mean all the dynamic length constants combined as wave vectors and resounding banging linear non-wave length vector constants.
Reducing the amount of absolutes means a DLOE of the DLOE Okhams razor & the DLOE reductio ad absurdum. Having one absolutely rigid absolutely identical infinite amount of one quantum length is a better axiomatic assumption than producing the 2nd LOE the normal bell curve distribution twice. The deformity in the concept of the 5th LOE Lego velcro particle already provides the normal distribution bell curve in a completely consistent way, as does the 10%-40%-40%-10% quantified distribution of the four ring constructions provide the four inertia deferential that is required only once.
Curved space means a non-elementary temporary on a cosmic time scale construct, that will dissolve into its atomos elements possibly within any second now (>> c!) or maybe not for another quadrillion or much more years depending on where our pressure vessels at the moment placed in the beehive. The latter is in a multiverse of an infinite amount of such beehive-like structures. In time the pressure vessel will flip its lid and thus fail on our human goal as the ‘will’ of the cosmos. Curved space that we obviously only in part observe/ detect must be a whopping sphere as any six-year-old Delta-4 type with Bildung can tell you. Proving that anyone who states not to grasp this is by definition an idiot at 3D geometry defined as a far above-average complex problem.
Atomos means (Greek singular for misnomer term ‘atom’) one unsplittable elementary particle with a volume of mass.
Particle means an object with volume and mass of which the volume of interactive influence due to dynamics and construction can be larger than the volume of mass.
Invisible particle means a detected particle as a paradoxical cosmological hidden variable via the reason that the inexistence of which would be absurd. Such as the detected neutrinos. Observe pictures of these on Wikipedia. In a hydrogen bubble chamber on 13 November 1970 at the Argonne National Laboratory. Invisible particles are either too fast above the speed of light or too slow due to too much or too little classical mechanical spin for detection in spaceship instrument Earth spiraling around the center of the Milky Way at nigh 800000 km/h. Simply a game of cosmic billiards.
Snowflake Theory means a God’s particle that has a unique form yet is an identical paradox that can build deformable splittable snowballs and ice walls and thus a pressure vessel for our factual universe in an infinite universe as a multi-verse. (I need to whack myself twenty times with a verbal stick for up until now thinking it was a mere idea. A completeness paradox. It should maybe even already be classified as a law.)
Lego Velcro Concept (LVC) means a Gods particle development now nearing a proven theory in which GLOE is still being successfully reverse-engineered with testable implications via a scientific method with a whopping successful track record since 2010. 500 massive rings in 10% 2, 40% 3, 40% 4, and 10% 5 ring connections, and a hexagon base side form a concave bottom with a hole and a convex top with a point that fits the hole like Lego, and with pubic hair on the sides that work akin Velcro.
Proving the LVC means something that is not my job as a lawyer magistrate. Neither is it required for proving that GLOE is proven. Because this is an inherent never-ending story of science. Akin that Wikipedia will never be finished. It’s obviously either possible to build such a 500-ring LVC model or it isn’t. Simply an R&D trial and error affair. Even if it proves impossible then it still hasn’t then been a scientifically incorrect method of course. Simply trial and error that proper science should be.
Shaven beard grow principle means all construct particles are observed/ interpreted from our human perspective n = extremely high averages between absolute determined limits. Snowflakes attach causing more spin and a slower straight combined vector or are shaved off having the simple intuitive Newton reverse effect. All seem a static form illusion paradox due to extreme (> c & >>c) speeds.
Billiard ball principle means particles collide in a logical dynamic geometry way.
Golf ball principle means a logical derivative of the deformable snowball theory. A Higgs particle will deform from a billiard ball shape into a golf ball shape when brought into a spin by Gravitons. It transforms into a gluon.
Smallest LVC element means a nigh proven theory of a massive ring of an infinite amount of such absolutely (or less probably ‘nigh’ because I don’t see the need to build the normal distribution dynamics twice) identical rings with a perfect square form of one quantum length side on the one and a perfect circle form of one quantum length diameter on the absolute opposite side and a perfect elegant flow of form from the one in the other form. The largest diameter of 10 quanta lengths, with an inner diameter of 8 quanta lengths. All the Laws of Everything must be reverse-engineered into this one particle. Absolutely all the constants of physics and mathematics. Well, because my model can build Planck scale strings and a photon it can build the Standard Model. Simply a completely consistent cosmic factory. Because the chain mail-like construct in the quantified normal distributed connection of five connections the four inertia normal distributions of excentric mass will by logical dictate ex Newton cause a waving motion even without further external influences.
Massless particle means an illegal elementary particle only legal in local laws.
Gods Particle means one exclusive sort of atomos
Elementary construct means a paradoxical never constructed construct of massive elements in this model
Identical means absolutely the same in focus from all infinite angles and positions topology
Matter means particle with gravity
Mass means (elementary) an absolute dense absolute rigid element of any atomos expressed in kilograms to be described with a form and volume which by logic is required and thus proven to be dynamically deformable. Being thus an obvious never before constructed construct that has always existed and will always exist. A paradox. A seeming contradiction any stated six-year-old can understand.
Space means (elementary) absolutely empty 3D super set law part of any even infinite volume expressed in meters
Time means the (elementary scientific thus decent) description by human instrument brains of the relative movement of massive elements and/ or particles and/or larger constructs of these elements/ particles in space expressed in seconds as a subject of object thought.
Spacetime means the description of the combination of space and time with at least two or an infinite amount of particles as elements of the superset of space
Cosmological Timeframes mean the five sequences of interactive objects in spacetime
1st Sub-photon timeframe means faster than the speed of light highest cosmic frequencies of the five sub-photon particles and one god’s particle with an incidental absolute maximum cosmological speed.
2nd Sub-atomic timeframe means directly via human instrumental tools measurable quantum mechanical speeds towards the obvious average speed constant of light.
3rd Atomic timeframe means speeds that are in part directly observable by humans that don’t belong to other timeframes.
4th Geological and astronomical timeframes mean atomic timeframes that are paradoxically slow yet within our observable universe.
5th Cosmological timeframe means a logically inferred much lower frequency than observable within our observable universe axiomatically required timeframe of an infinite cosmic Nirvana cycle of timeframes.
Nirvana means one cosmological cycle of infinite such cycles in which one god’s particle or any other possible entity has gone through all possible scenarios in a normal bell curve distribution.
Elementary string means Planck scale two counterrotating strings interactively waving through the dynamic Higgs-graviton matrix built out of six larger-than-graviton deformable quasi snowballs. Logical for simply Newton. Larger Higgs particles are slower than smaller Graviton particles. In the given pressure vessel the Graviton pressure is higher than the Higgs pressure near the walls of the pressure vessel. In the center of the pressure vessel, the Higgs pressure is highest. In the core, Higgs in spin is produced and neutrinos, gravitons, and Higgs particles are shot out of the core by a big bang. Yet much and much longer ago than science has the big bang. And, this big bang only concerns one yet to form a galaxy. The combined Higgs graviton pressure on the walls is the same of course. Because the shot of spinning Higgs goes against mounting graviton pressure it slows down and stops. At that point as a logical consequence larger than Planck scale strings are formed in a matrix of nigh unspun Higgs particles.
Slower / faster means every particle/ object that is always built up out of particles as the smallest objects has an incidental maximum speed based on the fact that everything we observe has such a maximum speed without any exception observed ever. Furthermore, it’s a logical DLOE to take the laws of Newton as a fact. The law of the conservation of energy dictates this. The other Newton law in play here is of course the law of inertia. More massive particles accelerate and decelerate more slowly than less massive particles/ objects.
Fundamental string means six former gluon now (new term) gluein potential (new term) glueout as magnetism as spiraling out unwinding Higgs particles being pushed back with a bit weak force pull into the little black hole gluein.
Smallest domain form properties mean given the holy trinity by LOE of two god-particles in space-time and infinite dynamic form repetition there must be a largest such form as well as an elementary meaningfull description.
Largest domain form properties law mean given as a LOE.
Beehive concept means the concept for the largest domain property.
Number means in elementary workability an exact geometry of a paradoxical inside a zero focus sphere of mass to the other side of the same one quantum length focus sphere. Per logical dictate it’s impossible to quantify in the required absolutely loop-hole-free way when going smaller than one quantum length geometry in workability. Only absolutely loop-hole-free continuously smaller focus spheres in thought experiments can become nigh infinitely small. And still even then, theoretically observe all the laws of everything in one thought experiment Nirvana of spacetime.
Hexagon form deform means that we observe this hexagon form in the smallest but also larger objects. The mathematical elegance of the ‘straight circle’ it provides on an elementary level. The LVC must have a nigh hexagon-shaped base and sides.
Concave-convex form deform means the top and bottom of the LVC must have such a form as does thus the whopping temporary on a cosmic timescale pressure vessel.
Male female resounding form deform construction deconstruction means that the LVC must have a penis male side and a female vagina side that like Logo can build larger objects like a whopping pressure vessel in a simple Newton way. As long as it’s a sexy spin resounding banging affair. Well, the laws of Newton dictate that when the pressure becomes very high because the space becomes limited the LVC will start to spin and bang to all sides like mad. Because there is a peg and a hole in this model statistics dictate that the peg will always in time find the hole and that resounding banging will ensue. Logic dictates that the pressure to the side is no longer exerted by this one LVC particle that simply moves up and down and no longer waves. This incidental max speed is attained during one quantum length, immediately then slowing down one quantum speed over the next quantum length stroke.
Velcro form deform construction deconstruction means that the LVC must have pubic hair that works like Velcro that can via weak forces build snowballs that can deform and even split and reform.
Lego Velcro combined means what it says.
2 ring inertia means something I as a six-year-old would have grasped. Proving you per logical definition an idiot if you don’t grasp this.
3 ring inertia means….(Study Newton when you don’t grasp this)
4 ring inertia means…..
5 ring inertia law means the logic of one incidental v max.
Proto intelligence means (as stated) the elementary reverse-engineered reason for the four quantified speeds of the mammal brain.
5 ring inertia concept means maybe even a proven theory that this v max is 10c.
Combined 500-ring concept means a further testable concept of why 1000 is a magic number. Simple it is or it isn’t possible to build such a Lego Velcro particle. That is not my job and also not required to prove that what is claimed to already be proven.
Square means an absolutely perfect square in each LVC must be present.
Circle means an absolutely perfect circle must be present in each LVC.
1 quantum means 1 x fixed part length/degree of change/vector speed/ of the non-continuous part of the infinite cosmos that is absolutely loophole-free quantifiable out of minimum quanta.
8 quanta mean workability that is completely consistent with the eight flavours of gluons. Each flavor is in this model one matrix quantum larger.
Gluon means literally a ‘glue on’ as part of the Higgs mechanism. In this model, it’s a small black hole that is being formed that either becomes a new jargon term ‘gluin’ in the string or becomes new jargon term ‘gluout’ magnetism which is pushed back into the dynamic matrix as part of a Planck scale string.
10 quanta mean completely consistent workability by adding the graviton and Higgs particles to the 8 gluons.
The five order-function waveforms mean an observational cyclic systematic ordering of the different sorts of waves in physics identical to the observable brainwave effects.
1st formation means the start of a wave after a non-wave period. Due to the laws of Newton because of 4 rings connection at first most effect versus all other five connections.
2nd deformation means the changing of the formation wave of the five inertias at play. 3 rings connection becomes temporarily the most dominant factor.
3rd transformation means the same with two rings.
4th destruction means the Newton-Dzhanibekov heartbeat wave effect due to excentric mass distribution.
5th reformation means the main massive player becomes dominant again yet due to absolute continuous connection within quantified limits it’s absolutely unique and absolutely identical at the same time. QED this observed paradox is solved in this constructed model.
Visible Universe means a sphere of space-time observable with non-radio telescopes.
Observable Universe means a larger sphere of space-time than the visible universe observable by radio telescopes.
Our Curved Universe means our in part unobservable logically derivable sphere via dirty dynamic geometry of the Higgs-Graviton dynamic matrix in a logically existent pressure vessel.
Multiverse means an infinite amount of such pressure vessels containing spheres.
Grand Religious Question means the taboo question of whether all world religions including science can be interpreted in a completely consistent way.
All required theorems in algebra, geometry were already in. The limited claim is that all of the completely consistent science is in. The claim of laws of everything is only on the elementary basis of all science. As any idiot should expect these rules are simply easy akin to the rules of chess.
1st Law of Everything The 5 dualistic laws of Newton mean most focus in GLOE on a well-known intuitive set of now five laws that already had all elementary science since ages. An infinite amount of absolutely rigid, absolutely dense mass Kg with 3D volume meters elements that interact dynamically in both absolute and relative time seconds. 1st. Inertia, 2nd Momentum, 3rd Action is Reaction, 4th Combined Mass-energy, and 5th the 2nd Idiot Observation incidental v max > c and speeds slower than 800000 km/h.
2nd Law of Everything The 5 dualistic normal bell curve distributions mean most focus in GLOE a well-known intuitive set of five always observable distributions. 1st Flat, 2nd Edge, 3rd Curved, and 4th Broken. These are all taken to be absolutely Continuous deformable within absolutely Quantified limits in the 5th combined bell curve as norms of normal workability. The natural statistical n = high bridge in the correct domain between the physics of Newton and the mathematics of Bayes. God plays dice within four quantified limits.
3rd Law of Everything The 5 dualistic forms of mathematical logic mean most focus in GLOE on the well-known formula of Pierre Laplace’s theorem in the Physica-Mayor interpretation of Bayes’s all-encompassing nich paradox mathematics of intuitive and rational common sense human description languages. All elementary science was in for ages. Combining deterministic reasoning with probabilistic reasoning in one formula. The seeming magic lies in the elementary artistic spiritual input of artistic scenarios. The latter is incomprehensible for 80% of humanity including 80% of the most intelligent 10% of humanity including most mathematicians and physicists’ instrument brains. The dynamic working logic of the synapse of the instrument brain. 1st Bayesian probabilistic super set, fully containing the 2nd Bayesian statistic smaller set, the latter fully containing the 3rd frequentistic (empirical) statistic smaller set, the latter fully containing the 4th deterministic smallest set, 5th all are combined in the infinitely small and infinitely large paradoxical set of only infinite elements in the element of infinite emptiness. All are combined in both quantified and continuous in workability at the same time all the time everywhere based on axiomatic assumptions and logical inference & deduction cycles. Provided correctly and unambiguously defined.
4th Law of Everything The 5 dualistic cosmic soul (brain) waves mean most focus in GLOE on the objective cosmic order function is identical to the subjective objectivity of the corresponding human instrument brain waves function. Caused by massive spinning god-sparticles waving around a noncurved vector in curved nigh unspun space matrix of the same god-particles. Both subject and object particles on nigh the same vector are logically tapping on the matrix causing waves in that medium matrix. Spaceship Earth is at nigh 800000 km/h spiraling around the center of the Milky Way. 1st wave bandwidth is a 3D Euclid zero to one smallest quantum stick object tapping distinctive waves in the matrix corresponding with the same objective subject wave. This is completely consistent with the 20% of humanity having the Saturn algorithm wave. 2d Euclid’s smallest stick is spinning whilst tapping and has the natural tendency to want to do so around the 1st tapping wave like the Rings of Saturn(-us). Completely consistent with the 40% of humanity’s Rings-of-us brainwave algorithm. 3rd Euclid’s smallest tapping stick slides relative object-subject moves continuously, or accelerates, decelerates, or stops relative to the subject focus sphere. Completely consistent with humanity’s 10% max pressure and nigh 50% Mars algorithm brainwave in optimum pressure with 80% males and 20% females. 4th Euclid’s mirroring tapping wave is completely consistent with humanity’s 10% max pressure Venus algorithm object subject tapping brainwave with 50% of humanity’s optimum Venus algorithm brainwave that is 80% female and 20% male.
4th LOE-based Classical Quantum Mechanical String Concept means a proven by far best practice concept nigh theory on the way towards law with further testable implications on completeness and consistency. Observed curved space in our observable universe is the my-Higgs nigh unspun particles six to a Planck scale string of which two counter-rotate as a proto much larger two string Photon. Causing a bow and stern wave in the gravitons of the Higgs-Graviton field hexagon dynamic matrix that surrounds the graviton field spheres. Moving inwardly akin to a glacier with the
5th Law of Everything Eulers’ Identity Gods Particle Mass Construct means most focus in GLOE given the elementary axiomatic five assumptions logically absolute proof that an infinite amount of massive never constructed constructs exist. In a double tetrahedron diamond containing two object-subject focus spheres as the smallest tile of infinite tiles of spacetime domain containing GLOE. -1 quantum +1 quantum = 0 as a number focus sphere of two separate 3D quantum sticks. Thus e^(iPi)+1=0 means the mathematics of the smallest domain for human optimum understanding of elementary physics and elementary mathematics. Quantified theorem-based proof of the axiomatic basis of all science.
5th LOE-based Snowflake Theory means (as stated) and thus the falsifiable via testable implications proof short of law) that the observed cosmos can be built that way due to the absence of disproof ex GLOE. It is less complete than the Lego Velcro concept in scope but more reliable as far as the completeness is claimed. (In that latter sense it might already be a law.) Simple reverse-engineered common sense.
5th LOE-based Lego Velcro Concept means (as stated) and thus the falsifiable via testable implications also proving a fantastic 80% correct 20% incorrect by far best practice track record of ever-improving development of the model since 2010. For instance, you either can or can’t build a Lego Velcro model the way that I predict it can be.
6th Law of Everything 3D absolute empty infinite space element means most focus in GLOE the 5th LOE Euler’s Identity as a double tetrahedron diamond proves Euclid’s (5th) parallel postulate to be a geometric theorem and not an axiom. The cosmos is based on the five axioms proven to be one infinitely large element that completely surrounds the other infinite amount of elements of mass. Which other elements are extremely small per cosmic diamond. Observed from our human perspective in a very short period of spacetime every diamond tile of space is completely covered by moving mass.
7th Law of Everything Interactive Particles means most focus in GLOE on at least two element gods particle of infinite such separate elements mirrored in the objective human brain as the relative time of which the arrow of gods time points to the future after an infinite past. Stopping is a relative illusion of the spacetime dynamics of non-elementary structures or thought experiments.
8th Law of Everything Strong Force means most focus in GLOE on kg.m/s straight vector constructive or deconstructive vector changing low to hardest push between at least two massive elements speed vectors.
9th Law of Everything Weak Force means most focus in GLOE kg.m/s^2 angular momentum spin constructive/ deconstructive pull. A slow-down is a lesser force than a strong force on a straight vector.
10th Law of Everything Equality-Inequality means most focus in GLOE on the infinite paradoxical 5-way dualistic life music wave death non-wave cycle of in both cases 1st formation, 2nd deformation, 3rd transformation, 4th destruction, and 5th reformation at 5 different-sized domain wavelength levels of which sometimes part of the domain is invisible in our domain being too small, too slow, or too large, or too fast. The five wavelength bandwidth domains. 1st particles with an incidental v max above the speed of light to incidental God particle v max at 1 quantum length space-time (proven concept incidental v max 1-neutrino = 10c under incidental maximum cosmic pressure resounding death banging.), 2nd speed of light to 3rd geological timeframe wavelength, 4th to much slower astronomical timeframe wavelengths, 5th to slowest cosmic timeframe wavelength bandwidth. All disorder is an illusion of not being visible and thus a misinterpretation of order.
10th LOE-based Beehive, hexagon pressure-vessel concept means (as stated)
Fundamental Law of Humanity (FLOH) means a DLOE of GLOE as a local law (LoL) because it only applies where humans can exist. The ten dualistic laws of humanity are:
Break One You Break All Rule means Balancing All the Bandwidth Intuitive Focus Boxes via Bildung. Logical for complete consistency is the 1st DLOE.
The ten laws (instead of presenting them as articles of one law) stem from the ten LOE’s and are named one-sidedly for historic clarity.
1. Completeness <=> 1st LOE Atomos mass all dynamic n = infinite Panta Rhei interacting
2. Normality <=> 2nd LOE Normal Distribution
3. Proof <=> 3rd LOE Bayes Humane Intuitive Statistics
4. Order <=> 4th LOE Block Model Humane Order
5. Fact <=> 5th LOE per proven postulate absolute extremely small hard truth
6. Freedom <=> 6th LOE per proven postulate very large limited space for maneuver
7. Timing <=> 7th LOE Relativity of absolute fatal time pointing to the future
8. Course <=> 8th LOE Strong Interactive Force
9. Flow <=> 9th LOE Weak Interactive Force
10. Equality <=> 10thLOE Equality
In the dualistic bandwidth form:
• 1st LOH Completeness ……<->……… Incompleteness (set theory boxing)
• 2nd LOH Normality……………<->……….Abnormality (normality not per se desirability!)
• 3rd LOH Proof………………….<->……….. Disproof (Ego combinational function)
• 4th LOH Order………………….<->……….. Disorder (Multi Ego combinational function)
• 5th LOH n = high……………….<->…………. n = 0 (Statistical Data taken as facts)
• 6th LOH Freedom………………<->………….. Unfree (Ego-Multi Ego discipline vs slavery)
• 7th LOH Much Too Soon….<->…………. Much Too Late (Deadlines)
• 8th LOH Strong Ego Pro…….<->…………… Strong Ego Con (Hard smallest core/ goal)
• 9th LOH Strong Multi Ego Pro..<->..Strong Multi Ego Con (Soft Ego: go with the flow)
• 10th LOH Equality……………….<->…….. Inequality (Jargon! Justly different?)
The Ten Fundamental Human Rights and Obligations of FLOH
These are according to common sense knowledge. On serious issues they must be interpreted in a ‘break one, you break all’ fashion. They each stand in a dualistic paragraph opposing tension. Furthermore, they also are always in a more or less balancing act tension as if they were on a tightrope. Presented as dualistic articles of one law. With a brief explanation.
This is the basics of Just Law and thus something every high school kid should know!
Art. 1 – 1 Completeness versus Art. 1- 2 Incompleteness
Always take parts of the whole as one, when serious conflicts arise. Do not allow ankers of extreme gut feelings even as the last person standing to intervene with the proper proceeding.
Art. 2 – 1 Normality versus Art. 2 -2 Abnormality
Normality should show on average as normal. I.e. the norm. Yet, within the limits of this law abnormality is the rule for all individuals.
Art. 3 -1 Just Proof versus Art 3. -2 Honest Mistakes
In serious issues always follow the correct Just Proof proceeding. That is always correctly registered and can thus be checked as an exact science. That with hindsight a thus honest mistake has been made and needs correcting in review, doesn’t as such demand a change in the law. Or even a human scapegoat.
Art. 4-1 Just Order versus Art. 4-2 Disorder
Repeated history shows that disorder leads to unjust order and thus war. Just order is only Justified when completely consistent with all these ten articles. That is only the case when the current Big Five assessment of personality types has been trained and teamed up properly on a specific problem and ultimately states their conviction in a proper proceeding. (When that is done the block model will prove to be far superior to the Big Five assessment.)
Art. 5-1 Fact versus Art. 5-2 Doubt
Postulates (suspects) are hypothetical yet to be always proven via circumstantial evidence axioms (culprits) taken as absolutely true. A dynamic circular interactive process. Baring absolute proof of inherent doubt this logically requires inherently fallible convictions to have errors. These are on basis of Just Proof to be acknowledged and in review to be corrected. No scapegoat blame to be attached when the proceeding is proven to have been adhered to! This is of course completely consistent with facts pro and facts con. Humans are proven to be objective robots that must by tyrannical dictate of GLOE act as if they aren’t robots. Subjectivity is defined as not having followed GLOE like a robot by using the feelings in a correct way and that of others by communicating in a correctly formed team.
Art. 6-1 Freedom versus Art. 6-2 Limiting Democratic Laws.
Wer großes will, muß sich zusammenraffen;
in der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister;
und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit geben.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Art. 7-1 Timing versus Art. 7-2 Too Soon & Too Late
Due process is always in due time.
Art. 8-1 Course versus Art. 8-2 Off Course
What are the Just goal and chosen Justifiable routes?
Art. 9-1 Flow versus Art. 9-2 Rigidity
Justice always goes with the flow. Hard on the smallest possible main point, soft on the many side issues.
Art. 10-1 Equality versus Art. 10-2 Inequality
The same cases are to be treated the same. Different cases are different in the degree of difference.
See the new Oracle Senate Test with Senators for life in the New Cinque Politica as a first test flight of a prototype built up out of parts that I have fully tested.
You can fact-check this claim on my blog.
Reductionist What Twists Question means what does this model add to what wasn’t already known?
RWTQ Answer means I’m not quite certain really. What I am certain of is that it isn’t my honour or job as a DG4m* etc. as a former court lawyer and magistrate to come up with the exact answer other than my educated guess of what it is.
Normal distribution means the second LOE which is both quantified and completely continuous. Which is the cosmic order function (normal not meaning plumbline but that it conforms to the norm) (The continuity within limits is due to the construction of the Lego velcro particle. The quantified four maximum speeds are via the testable implication of the 10%-40%-40%-10% distribution of massive rings that ex the 1st LOE laws of Newton.
Pseudoscience means inconsistent and/or incomplete science
Genius means a myth because the least prevalent genotype is 1/500 of the DS4 Einstein type and CS4 Shakespeare type or the 1/125 DG4 Leonardo da Vinci type. On 8 billion people there are thus many potential geniuses. The first ones through the gate have a 1/1000th situation when having Bildung. Especially the 20% BS and AS types and the religious oligarch followers who wish to define themselves as normal and all out-of-the-box thinkers dangerously mad.
Lazy means a myth when people aren’t pestered or otherwise in any way sick or ill.
Standard Idiotic Argument means the following example
Many times I’ve tested this. The pattern of argument is strikingly similar each time. I’ll mix two of these together.
Ris: I state to have solved the enigma and have published all these best practices on my blog.
Answer: Laughter, anger, dejection, or some investigation when a peer of them requires this.
Further answer: You are clearly delusional, a crank, psychotic, schizophrenic, megalomaniacal, or any other diagnosis they can come up with.
R: You are clearly deluded in thinking to be a good psychiatrist.
A: I don’t have to be a medical doctor to spot a broken arm.
R: Now you are deluded in thinking that you are an MD with x-ray eyes.
R. you are furthermore deluded in believing not to have to study what I state, so you must be telepathic. A boss of god thus.
A. taking offense to being called the boss of god.
R: I’m a former lawyer and magistrate. Because you call me mad I have the inalienable right to self-defense. Quid pro quo. Especially when you commit a criminal offense of libel in writing publishing a false statement that is damaging to my reputation.
A. You are aggressive.
R. I’m not aggressive even though I’m by law entitled to be just as aggressive as you are. I’m however only assertive. Bad habits never constitute law how much they are present is irrelevant. You clearly don’t have much Bildung.
A. I take offense.
R. You are also clearly deluded in knowing the Rule of Law in any Just State. I’m only correcting you in your criminal misbehavior.
A. The Rule of Law doesn’t apply here. The rules of football are much better.
R. Then you clearly are deluded in thinking you know those rules because slander is also forbidden in football.
R. What is your profession?
A: That isn’t relevant.
R: Well, of course, it’s relevant, for then I know how to make things clear to you. Anyway, I see on the internet that you are a young mathematician. (And in another case a data scientist.)
R: What is your definition of science?
A.: Science doesn’t need a definition.
R: How can you then define pseudoscience?
A: Science comes from a reliable source.
R. How do you define a reliable source?
A. You must answer my questions.
R. Which questions?
A Your reliable sources.
R. All basic high school stuff that doesn’t require further sources for it’s all on Wikipedia. The new stuff I’m the source. I challenge you to pose valid falsification by showing one inconsistency or one incompleteness.
A. no one understands you.
R. now you are deluded in thinking you are the megalomanic boss of god who speaks for everyone. Your aggressive stance is akin to what the SA did prior to WW2.
A. you must not mention the war.
R. Who are you to not have to learn from the war? Again a boss of god.
A…………………………….(no reaction)
R You never react to important questions of mine yet I answer all your questions. Why is that?
A……………………………..(no reaction)
A. I’ve had enough of this word salad.
R. well you need to use word salad, the two sorts of number salads, and picture salad, which are all mixed salads.
A…………………………………. (no reaction)
The young mathematician had checked the blog. The data scientist nigh certainly only based his assessment on the WhatsApp discussion on climate change.
A: mathematician points to his naked disagreement on something I stated.
R: That is not a valid falsification. I’m not begging the question because I’ve provided a fully worked-out model. ‘
A: This then is acknowledged yet in breach of the earlier fact that I had addressed all his posts he stated I didn’t react to his questions.
Then the discussion usually goes into a Monty Python Argument Clinic sketch of a “yes it is” or “no it isn’t” style. The trick they try is that most onlookers don’t like a heated discussion and tend not to remember all previous posts proving, in fact, an Argument Clinic sketch. Then moderators start to warn that the posts are too long. So when I add the dossier together proving I’d addressed and countered each and every post and question. Also stating my right by the rule of law that takes precedence over any rules of moderation that I’m entitled to an as long as needed and short as possible reaction against libel and slander. Then in both cases, the moderator deletes the evidence and thus the proof. Then they try to deflect an improper proceeding to some sort of arbiter proceeding behind closed doors. Whether behind closed doors or not the proceeding is wrong. Hilariously the same as in the Monty Python sketch when the bad sketch police intervene. Always with a nice punch line. They explicitly train themselves on effective comebacks. Learn the rhetorical reasoning methods of the Romans.
As a good lawyer, I’ve of course kept a dossier of the evidence.
Autistic argument with a hysteric/ religious moderation.
In the case of the young mathematician an authoritarian hysteric sits on the seat of the moderation judge yet obviously doesn’t know the rules and is in fact even incapable of even understanding the abstract logic involved. Focussing on a nice friendly sales environment that shouldn’t be disrupted and in which the current paradigm is leading and allowed to be defended by all means such as dirty tricks lying and whatnot.
The rules that are used are indeed correct yet only when a discussion in both these cases is in a closed safe setting when the topic isn’t taboo. In out-of-the-box topics, the HRM/sales rules on how to sell your points of view simply don’t apply.
Techniques such as trying to find common ground are nigh impossible. As soon as it is clear that I’m their religious anti-Christ they will simply angrily contradict anything I say.
Even asking them what their postulates remain unanswered. They will recite their many religious anchors. Vehemently sometimes in a cramped way nicely even stating that I’m wrong.
The positive effect it does have on some is that they start to agree that I’m indeed right that we are all different sorts of idiots. Yet, they don’t dare state that in such groups because of the aggressive way the oligarchs and their stormtroopers oppose that.
In the case of the data-scientist, the moderators were a mixed bag that have a religious bias.
New political parties and Wikipedia problem means
This problem that authoritarian autistic and authoritarian hysterics grab power by working hard to get that power makes changing the system without emotional conflict in proper litigation impossible.
For starters, Wikipedia needs to be cured and live up to its own stated roots.
Every human should have their own page in which they can as a simple fact state how they see themselves and what they think. When this is in breach of the law then the information should not be deleted but not be available to the public with a public reason why.
Others may state what they think about the person in a subsection. Wikipedia then creates a treasure trove of evidence of humanity in an exact scientific way with raw data.
It also circumvents the authoritarian autistic and hysteric dominance who try to distort the truth into their current paradigm view of the cosmos and science.
This is so because it will be the norm to state the genotype, phenotype, and CV of any especially oligarch on Wikipedia. Any job applicant can then quickly be assessed on Wikipedia. Simply showing your track record and wise or unwise goals in life. Your right to privacy doesn’t concern anything that is blatantly obvious to all anyway such as your personality type and intelligence.
Wikipedia should conform to GLOE and thus the E5 norm.
Exactly the same problem is true in new political parties that are quickly taken over by hard-working authoritarian types that are the best populists.
Because it only now is possible to empower all disenfranchised artistic/ spiritual minorities and the below-average fast thinkers, especially the slowest thinking minority to become representatives of god on earth immediately and as long as they confirm to E5 GLOE.
So, after this has become more widely accepted knowledge:
Sometimes that only requires doing nothing or backing others or simply kindly yet firmly stating that someone is/ seems to be an authentic authoritarian. If that doesn’t already do the trick, then others could also start to simply state words to this effect. If that still doesn’t do the trick, then:
- State what it factually is that they are doing.
- State what this emotionally does with you.
- State what the desired behavior is.
Thus: I/ We see that you have authentic authority and are showing a lot of ego on a paradoxical issue that requires the highest order of abstract thinking.
I find this very disturbing because you should know by now that this is inconsistent and thus pestering.
I would like you to stop showing so much ego. Please be quiet. Every time immediately react when the ego is shown. (And if it still doesn’t stop: “Or otherwise leave” (ultimately: “please leave”.))
Please note NB1: This is explicitly NOT a democratic majority issue!
For it’s a functional democratic multi-majority issue on the E5 quality norm of GLOE that are rules that always apply everywhere all the time!
Please note NB2: When all these niceties don’t work and it becomes verbally or even physically aggressive then back the whopping ego of the litigators in your team. This is essential to put pesters back in their place. When well-trained litigators can act as if they are very narcissistic, by acting mad without getting really mad. It remains authentic.
When you don’t adhere to these important rules you will end up in an unpleasant unsafe more and more narcissistic environment in your family, church, organization, community, country, and world.
Of course, you can only do this when you have that power. You can’t send away your boss. So, for the time being, this game can only be played when there is a level playing field in demand. That’s why the first thing authoritarian types try to do is implicitly change this rule of the game.
This again can only work when some oligarchs with populist authority in self-interest decide by backing the testing of the proposed Oracle Senate test.
Climate change catastrophic global warming means a perfect example of how to reason correctly.
We take the to-be-fact-checked position as a fact i.e. as absolutely true for the sake of the argument.
Catastrophic global warming due to too high a concentration of CO2 is caused by humans. CO2 indeed works like a thermostat. Lowering the CO2 level will prevent the catastrophe of rising sea levels and ultimately extinction of humanity.
If we then also take as a fact that nuclear physicists and experts on nuclear energy state are only partly true then we might want to reconsider. They claim that with current off-the-shelf technology, the current resources of uranium are sufficient to fuel 500 large nuclear power plants. Plants each can have a life span of more than 500 years. With those 100% of all global current energy including that needed for making nuclear energy is covered for 500 years. Even if it’s only true for 100 years the energy transition would probably be solved. Buying time to develop other energy sources.
The only downside would then be the huge prior investments. Which the current world economy can (still) easily take on.
The nuclear waste pile is tiny and easily made safe. The estimate of the number of future deaths and hardships due to this waste needs to be stated. I put it at 100 deaths in a million years at most. The alternative that happens when we don’t keep the energy balance is shown by the closing of the nuclear power plants in Germany and many believe that is relevant to the deaths caused in the Ukraine war via the Nordstream gas pipeline. Anyway, war is certain when we don’t keep the energy balance. The hardship and deaths also of future generations will then be much and much higher.
Nuclear energy has by far the least impact on the environment. It takes in very little space. It’s extremely safe even when we take all the nuclear disasters into account such as Harrisburg, Chornobyl, Fukushima, and future wars. The danger is then war which safe energy helps to prevent.
The danger of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is caused by the Ukraine war. Preventing war is the only real workability way out. To prevent war we need nuclear energy.
Well, then the killer CO2 argument…….. nigh zero CO2. So, when indeed CO2 works like a thermostat global warming can be prevented by fully committing to nuclear energy. And, we can then conclude that anyone who has ever opposed or still opposes nuclear energy is guilty of catastrophic climate change. They should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
The hilarious fact of the matter is that the anti-nuclear group is nigh the same population as the anti-CO2 group. Most people in these groups are so-called Green.
How did this come about taking my model as a fact?
Well, as I understand it in the 70ies some scientists noticed very high CO2 levels. They noted it had greenhouse properties and thus conjured up a global warming catastrophe. Instead of contacting physicists on CO2 who could have told them that CO2 is a * scientific fact * known to only be a very limited greenhouse gas. Scientists know this because of repeated tests. It’s based on irrefutable evidence that no one in their right mind opposes.
A physicist who was very critical of my skepticism of the alarmism on global warming finally grasped my metaphorical explanation based on the hard exact scientific fact that CO2 is only a very limited thermostat.
Compare it to causing a snow avalanche in the Alps by clapping in one’s hands. That is unlikely yet possible. It’s certain however that after an avalanche has been triggered that clapping more slowly won’t reverse the avalanche. It’s simply a known fact of hard physics that CO2 doesn’t work like a thermostat that can change steam into clouds into water and even ice. And, reverse the process.
Contrary to most I’ve independently studied the subject of climate change. I thus know as a hard scientific fact that nobody knows * or even can know * what is going on with the climate other than that climate change is a fact since the advent of the weather on Earth. And the fact that we are most probably in an interglacial warm period going towards a new ice age in the long run far past my times.
Often scientists show graphs of the correlation of CO2 to the recent rise in global temperature over the past 60 years. Well, the relevant question then is where is the same exact precise graph of exactly every 60-year period of the past million years? No one claims to can do that. Correctly so, because that is what is needed to conclude whether this is a fluke that only came about with us humans using CO2.
So indeed, I can’t exclude the possibility that we humans via CO2 caused a catastrophic climate change. I can however exact scientifically conclude that it’s highly improbable.
So I know that we don’t know and can’t know whether we are going to get a mini ice age what some scientists claim or catastrophic climate change. Mind that most historians and scientists agree that it was a mini ice age probably caused by a volcanic eruption that caused a famine, and thus poor poverty below the expectations of the middle class which in turn caused the French Revolution and subsequent Big War when seeing the Napoleonic wars as one. When you read Marquis de Sade just before the French Revolution it’s clear that then as now it paid off to be narcissistic and was costly to do good. This is exactly also more and more true today as well. Hence the global beliefs in most if not all global religions in the want for a Messiah to free us of this mounting mental pressure and bad coping behavior.
The most likely main reason generating climate change is the Milankovic cycle. So-called climate scientists only very recently published a peer-reviewed article excluding this as the possible cause. This proves that this has nothing to do with science proper. Akin that the police found a clear fingerprint on a murder weapon at a crime scene and only after Appeal starts to investigate that. It proves the incompetence of climate scientists, whatever the outcome.
Furthermore how to exclude the possibility that mounting entropy is the causal effect?
The truth is the entire scientific climate change hype is based on a computer program with inherently biased assumptions as a garbage-in-garbage-out problem.
And indeed if the AI can solve the problem then we are also in a no-win situation because as this model also shows then we are in a Terminator scenario.
Must we thus like hell start building nuclear power plants? Well, yes and no. First, decide to do the Oracle Senate test and then have that Senate give advice on how to deal with this.
Prof Giorgio Parisi means a 2021 physics Nobel prize laureate who taking this model as a fact is an obvious Beta Specialist 4th-speed male genotype. I base this on the observation of a lecture by him on YouTube. That he’s a theoretical physics professor makes it nigh certain that he has a 4th speed of the brain and that he isn’t a hysteric. He doesn’t have a clear resounding voice and for someone of his age as an Italian doesn’t speak as good English as a physicist should be able to if he was an ADHD type. Most physics in his day was already in English. Thus he is a mentally healthy authoritarian autist. So, he has the best DNA talent for making computer programs at the highest level. Which is the formal reason he got the Nobel Prize. That program was used for the climate change model. Of course, Parisi is honestly convinced that his model is correct. He doesn’t claim to be a climate scientist. Even though he would be the only one of the three Nobel Prize laureates who formally can claim to have sufficient skills in mathematics to be a chief scientist in that field. Taking this model as a fact he is thus a deep idiot in dynamic interactive geometry which climate change is. He substitutes this via AI. Now that is anti-scientific pseudo-science.
Nobel Prize means a wet dream desire of most scientists providing a whopping degree of desired authority and respect. So, when you want to advertise strongly a climate crisis providing the 2021 Nobel Prizes in fact for climate change is a very potent way of going about it. Especially when more and more scientific falsification counters pseudo-scientific alarmism. And the same is true for the Copenhagen Interpretation in Physics. Current peer review panic reaction desperately trying to hold on to authoritative power there too plays their last trump card. In fact, posthumously provided John Bell with a Nobel Prize for his quantum entanglement that by theorem proves to be unsolvable. Hilariously this repeated trick has now backfired because John F. Clauser the 2022 Physics Nobel Prize laureate is clear: “There is no Climate crisis. Climate Alarm is based on science corruption. It is pseudo-science.”
Vladimir Putin means taking Wikipedia as a fact is an obvious Beta Specialist 4th speed male narcissist (BS4mN) ex DSM-7 but he most certainly now mostly in a very mad world is in a DSM-6 situation on most neurological tracks of mind. He is thus an authentic authoritarian autistic far above average fast thinking genotype and a real narcissist. The same genotype and phenotype as Napoleon Bonaparte and Donald Trump. As a kid during WW2 in Stalinistic Leningrad. A clear reason for the transformation of the unfriendly trait of Venus swopping with the friendly trait of the Mars algorithm. Ex-KGB training. He has been politically highly successful thanks to his hypnotic Rasputin Dugin via the Slavic nationalistic religion. Being an obvious capo di tutti capo of his ex-KGB obvious mobster oligarch gang and gaining akin to Stalin more and more dictatorial power the actions of robot Putin were easy to predict. As my blog that my dear friend emeritus professor of statistics Leiden Richard Gill KNAW started (He BTW should also get part of the Nobel Prize in physics on his work on entanglement which was used to show that it worked in Delft at 5km with his Gill Theorem.) proves I got a 100% score in more than 23 essential predictions of what Putin would do. As far as I’m aware I’m the only military & mobster expert with such a whopping relevant track record. This proves that I correctly claim factual authority. Yet, I indeed concede that I don’t yet have populist authority. Because I predicted that when Putin wouldn’t be seen by his oligarch peer group to be successful he would no longer be in full control. He might then even be disposed of. Even though it’s still easy to predict what Putin would want to do given predictably unpredictable situations he no longer has the amount of power he first had. Contrary to his actual will which was to nuke NATO into neutrality which he clearly attempted twice, he’s now forced to play the long war first card. Sun Tzu (an obviously artistic mind) would predict NATO to lose this war in the long run. “No country has ever profited from a long war.” “Know yourself and know your enemy” Well, NATO is a multi-country. The industrial military complex oligarchs of NATO and the Russian mobsters are the enemies that do think to can profit from a long war. The enemy isn’t Russia. Akin to the war in Afghanistan NATO will lose this war. 80% chance of the Russian oligarchs when they fear losing will try to nuke NATO into neutrality. Then there is “only” a 20% chance of Armageddon. Because Biden will then probably throw in the towel even when Xi subsequently invades Taiwan. Armageddon will probably conform to the amok algorithm of the thermodynamics of war that will come about in WW4. Akin to the start of WW2 USA isolationism, hypercorrectness, and polarization is rife and volatility mounting. Even akin to the Bible and all other holy scriptures such as the Art of War the trick is to transform types like Trump and Putin into the first multi-messiahs. That’s what they really desire.
Doodle graphics means the dirty geometry that I’ve mostly already published on my blog. But will publish again with the texts for which this list is required.
Primary source track record means that I in more detail will publish on my blog. Providing my 21 questions and answers in NWA 2015 with translations. Still hidden by NWO Dutch oligarchs of science. Via my model, I have got a whopping track record on all my wise goals in life that makes most others jealous.
Financially backing me means speeding up this process even though it’s probably too late, but possibly thus not. If you see the urgent need to get my doodle graphic book published and made by professional artists especially to do that quickly requires large sums of money. To that effect, I provide a few doodle graphics below that are in part untranslated Dutch, and only concepts. The model shows that this will only work provided a professional collective brain is teamed up. Well, that is exactly what I’m doing. I nearly had PM Rutte decide to do the Oracle Senate Test in 2022. Of course, all support helps not only me but you as well.
Shut-up-and-calculate E5 norm means that this list already proves that I conform via leadership by example to comply by providing all theorem proofs. Name one (1) calculation theorem I miss proving the whole five axiomatic assumption model. You can’t, no one can because it’s fully 100% correct!
A Thousand Word List means akin to a thousand bombers attack by Bomber Harris in WW2 the hypnotic magic of the number 1000. I was actually counting the words and got to 719 when it dawned on me that I needed to whack myself twenty times with a verbal stick because of not being wisely lazy. Anyone who cares about the exact number of words in the list please enlighten me. For I don’t care. Only idiots care about that. See it as an advertisement. A probably white lie. Cheers!

The situation on March 16th, 2023

The predicted situation in 2021.

The situation as I saw it in Dutch. Concept page 51 in 2019 before knowing about Dr. Ingo Piepers.

The complete story and solution as I saw it when Trump stated that he was cured of corona in 2020. All predictions here have come true. Including Putin attempting to go nuclear twice BTW.

All the takeaways that you need to know on the Copenhagen Interpretation on 1 A4.

The block model of the brain as order function can’t be that simple you ask? It can’t be the 4th law of everything, or can it?

It isn’t that simple. It requires some 300 doodle graphics to tell the whole story in a step-by-step way.

The order function as I saw it in 2020 or so. The 4th LOE.

The ever-improving 5th LOE is yet to be further improved with a hexagon base and concave and convex lid as the 5th LOE. Like solving a murder case. @edit Part of the murder case is absolutely solved. A stiff, knife with the blood of the victim as the cause of death and a clear fingerprint of the murderer. And, a proven suspect and means to do proper further investigation.

A simple optical illusion that most mathematicians and physicists are too deeply idiotic in dynamic interactive geometry to grasp.

It’s so simple.

The predicted photon in 2015 was thereafter found. Simply a Leonardo method. Common sense.

Brain waves how they work a Dutch concept.

Loony Toon Oligarch Robot genotype like Putin concept in Dutch

60% of humanity including most physicists and mathematicians are humble Loony Toons.

The hysteric Loony Toon like Hitler

You can now learn to recognize them all. And rewrite history without repeating the wars. Do you want more and all the content like this in professional English? Well then, support me.

Train your brain to the intuitive correct mindset swing.

A pre-war New Year post doodle graphic

This doodle Graphic from a post before the war predicts that Putin would try to grasp the Ukraine government via a commando raid due to underestimating the clown Zelensky and the Ukraine forces. It still gets likes on face Book group “What Europe Does for Me”.

@edit The above image in one A 4 shows how the five axioms synthesize in a common sense way. Further explained in the ping-back link below.
& edit July 12th, 2023 this doodle graphic I seem to have forgotten to publish. It shows how all the models fit into each other on the different probandums.

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Why do you keep using the uncommon word “nigh”? It means near (adjective) or nearly (adverb). Nowadays one only sees it in poetry written a hundred years ago, or more.
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Well, for starters I was taught English nigh hundred years ago. This was from 1963 thru to 1968. You taught me a year or so ago that niegh doesn’t mean the same as nigh. Now you tell me it’s old-fashioned. Well, what’s wrong with an old fashioned fart term? Nigh is in fact an important word. Which means exactly what the Oxford Dictionary states and I guess you state it to mean as well.
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Richard, after a nights sleep and to maybe (?) add to elementary statistician unambigious jargon on my second law of everything the bell curve distribution, making a four equal way split it goes from closing to approaching to nearing and becomes nigh as close.
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I appreciate your website, however I think you might check the spelling of a few of your postings. Even though I find it quite difficult to tell the truth because so many of them have spelling errors, I will most certainly return.