20-minute read and 1/5 th of all Doodle graphics of the model.
Then they will all see that simply having any EU member testing the New Oracle Senate is a panacea.
Volt should define science properly. And check the oligarchs of science spending public funds on anti-scientific pseudoscience. For that is causing mayhem in the courts, rising tensions in society, and all the problems as admitted by Science in Transition. The latter proves the problem of a former professor of psychology Diederik Stapel’s klepto-science is rife. As my model proves must happen, for demanding the impossible.
The most blame for the war in Ukraine and the pending WW3 is to be put on science due to scientists not doing their job as per the social contract with humanity. Yet, we are all to blame.
Only we can’t have scientists check themselves. Thus opposition of scientists against the proposed new Oracle Senate test is very dubious. Only scientists that vow to be fully independent and willing to become senators for life, when the test is a success, can take part in the test.
A test of which the political decision alone by any member of the EU will immediately break the taboo on senators for life. An immediate paradigm shift that is urgently needed will ensue.
Volt is a Pan-European movement https://www.volteuropa.org/ also working towards global balance.
A logical next step is thus having Volt be a Global movement. Volt-UN. So keeping an eye on what Volt Europe does should be of global interest. This means that the political tradename Volt should be registered globally. This is to ensure a global consistent ideology under that flag.
The ideal of Nobel prize laureate philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell of a global free federative state.
Bertrand Russell regretted near the end of his life having studied mathematics and philosophy and not having studied physics, mass psychology, and history. That is exactly what my blog is about.
In this post, I also provide an essential new insight into the normal distribution of the bell curve.
It’s well established in current science that in n = high statistics the proper set theory boxes can always be established akin to solving a Rubik’s cube problem. With conforming to the normal bell curve distribution always a less than 1% “exception” as a fundamental rule applies.
In this post, I’ll prove why this simple rule is at the moment not well understood by current science for reasons of fear of loss of control by current oligarch ‘peer review’ peers of science over what they deem to be proper funding of science. The latter has political implications and is the reason why current science opposes a test of the oracle senate.
An essential insight that is also new to me and adds to other new insights of my model. In this Wikipedia-style method of common sense learning. Essential also to grasp what is wrong with science not being able to save humanity. But mostly unwittingly in the long run doing just the opposite.
Information that every high school kid should understand to prevent smaller conflicts.
Yes, it’s that easy and still new.
To understand this post, it’s best to first read my previous post. A post on testing my proposal for a new oracle senate, oligarchs, and Bertrand Russell. Scanning my blog and studying my discussions with emeritus professor of statistics Richard Gill KNAW is also advisable.
Then you will observe that my claim of having found the ten dualistic laws of everything is simply common sense. As are the ten articles of the most fundamental law of human rights.
Only when more than a substantial part of the inherent oligarchs of humanity also grasp this new information will the world war algorithm of that history repeating itself end. Presuming that no oligarch wants to experience a new World War this should be possible. Abolishing poverty is the only way out, yet blocked by a mindset problem based on an outdated inherently religious survival trait gone wrong. This can quickly as per a snap of the finger of a hypnotizer be altered.
With your help that is.
Mind 100% of my twenty conditional predictions in my field of expertise of what mobster Putin will do in Ukraine have come true with one prediction still pending. Check my blog to see the proof.
To understand how a democracy works one should understand the brain as an instrument that interacts with the cosmos.
Outside my field of expertise of law in quantum mechanics, my predictions have come true several times for 80% better and 20% worse than the predictions of science. All startling observations after the publication of my model have been easily consistent with my model and sometimes in part falsified the current Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles. Splitting the Muon for instance proves thus not to be most fundamental. Thus not ‘elementary’ in so doing busting the SM. My model only has one elementary particle the ‘1-neutrino’. Acting like a uniquely deformable and at the same time identical snowflake type atomos. Of which an infinite amount are interacting. And having an incidental maximum speed of 10c at maximum pressure in the cosmos. This is all in snowball & ice scenarios. In part, this is delved into on my blog and my site, yet the latter mostly in Dutch hasn’t been updated since I started the blog. As an attachment, I’ll provide a selection of these Dutch doodle graphics especially to show what information psychology has withheld from humanity as an earning model we all more or less are forced to use. Humanity has run out of time due to Ukraine, and Taiwan issues due to the global economic meltdown.
My prime focus is now to prevent WWIII from erupting via having the decision to do the oracle test done. It’s now clear that this can only be done by forcing sciences oligarchs to agree on doing the oracle senate test.
For the personality types like I that are prevalent in a 1/125 way given Bildung and keeping an open mind whilst strictly following proper proceeding of reverse engineering it renders results. Like solving a murder case, which is my field of expertise as a former DA. Most people are conned into the belief that geniuses exist. They simply don’t. It’s a simple illusion created to have those sorts of people excluded from playing along. Only when the results can’t be denied and fulfill the criteria is proof grudgingly excepted.
The other part of the illusion of the existence of geniuses is that there always is someone who’s first past the gate having thus rich first pickings. With 1/125 (DNA) genotype calling that genius is exaggerating and a phenotype (nurture) my being highly gifted is a hilarious 1/1000 affaire. In my all-inclusive model as a more than 99.9% truth given a healthy world everyone is potentially highly gifted in reaching all worthwhile goals of humanity.
My model has developed and improved in a Wikipedia-style way of learning proving a sharp rise in the learning curve. Simply by following the correct procedure.
Actually if indeed a World War erupts several oligarchs of science should be put before a tribunal if they after the test is initiated are caught in sabotage or neglect. In the end effect, it was their job on the social contract with humanity as a contract not just of effort but one of the result. Namely of following the proper proceeding. A proceeding that every first-year high school kid knows. Always accurately write down all the instruments that have been used in any experiment.
The oligarchs of peer-reviewed science still refuse to do this. I.e. what is their instrument brain?
These intellectual en mental toddlers have forgotten to research and write the manual on how to use the collective and individual human brains of all types. Still, belief in “objective” science is central to the current paradigm. Whereas most now will know that such sort of objectivity simply is a dangerous illusion. Madness even.
Furthermore, all state-funded science and all other claimed to be scientific research must be available in an open source way such as Wikipedia. Especially assessment psychology has withheld crucial information preventing physicists from properly understanding their instrument brain. Proof: Big Five assessment isn’t fully covered on Wikipedia the last time I checked. Most of that is covered in the attachment to this post.
And yes, only oligarchs of science have the power at the moment to have things escalate into a World War or to in the nick of time prevent such an escalation.
Mind that although the words ‘oligarch’ and ‘clique’ have a bad connotation, this model shows that they are inherent. With a slight twist, the bad side will turn into mostly good. Most oligarchs aren’t even aware of being an oligarch. In the Netherlands for instance this model shows that a small clique of 170000 people who are not all extremely wealthy are the ones that run the country. It’s simply applying the second law of everything the bell curve of 10% of the total population. The more autocratic a state is the smaller that percentage becomes yet within limits. This is my model of the physics of mass psychology.
For instance, our Dutch PM Mark Rutte will of course be aware of the fact that he indeed is one of the oligarchs. Even though he would object to the wording. And I see no evidence and I am even convinced that Rutte of the VVD mostly acting neo-liberal party means well. In the semi attachments to this post, I have a Dutch strip on how I see him via this model. As the evidence of recent history shows, neo-liberalism leads to imbalance and conflicts. My model shows why that is and how to solve that.
To change this all for the good requires an ideology of a small but radical twist to current politics.
Have Volt point this out to them. This can be done by forcing the questions on this blog or just the questions in this one post to be answered by Science in Transition.
Have Volt ask these questions in all parliaments. Force the inherent inconvenient Socratic questions the third law of everything Bayes forces upon our oligarchs. This is within the power of Volt and all its members. The problem is these questions are taboo. It’s even taboo to state to scientists that it’s taboo for via an in their eye’s white lie they may dodge the question.
I know this for the question was put to the scientists of Science in Transition whether a paradigm shift was intended by them. It was explicitly not the case they said.
In short as a former DA magistrate and lawyer in my many years of catching conmen I can confirm that the rule “follow the money” indeed has always rendered results. As it does here as well.
The peers of peer-reviewed science are oligarchs that want to keep their grip on the funding of science. The “shut up and calculate” QM church is dominant as a current paradigm of the exact sciences and the Nurture non-nature church is the dominant paradigm in the soft sciences.
There is a mutual support ‘truce’ between the two churches pushing the essential artistic leader’s talented composers and playwrights out of positions of scientific influence. An artistic minority that can seemingly magically conjure up the correct input scenarios for the Bayesian formula. The latter is the mathematical formula that can be represented in * equally important (!) * numbers, pictures, and words as the third law of everything.
The implications of having four different logics/algorithms at play all the time combined in a fifth logic all in a dualistic way I’ll deal with in a separate post.
Especially the “HRM/sales’ logical algorithm that goes by the book of fashion is seen by a majority as illogical “female logic” that even * correctly so (!) * most Dutch judges have. Mind that 10% of males have this essential logic of understanding the uninterested and uninformed herd. A herd to which we all belong, myself included. For instance, although I’m highly interested in preventing wars it took me a long time to register the importance and danger of Putin invading Crimea. I was focused on developing my block model in 2014. On the Ukraine issue, I needed the advice of a well-informed Oracle Senate. This is to spot the avertable danger. With the benefit of hindsight, we now know that not keeping the military balance including the nuclear balance is the cause of the war in Ukraine.
Not keeping the environmental balance such as the water balance causes war.
Not keeping the local and global economic balance causes war. The economic global meltdown has started and is easily averted.
Not keeping the political balance casues war.
Not keeping balance causes all sorts of problems.
Not knowing how the instrument brain works prevent keeping any sort of balance in a required durable way. At a tipping point, a chain reaction will ensue and all hell breaks loose after a silence before the storm.
It is simply via this proper proceeding that I’ve conjured up the truly game-changing fourth law of everything the ‘blockmodel’ on one A4 piece of paper. The genius of it is that it isn’t genius. I’ve simply followed old school rules by accurately following that old school book. I simply successfully added a twist.
Again it’s the second law of everything the bell curve at play why it is that most oligarchs are unwitting of doing anything seriously wrong, even though they are blundering humanity into WW3.

As stated before, an algorithm is a blunt instrument akin to a skeleton as a metaphor. It’s always extremely important to recognize the algorithms at play. And it’s also equally important not to apply algorithms bluntly in important individual cases.
The bell curve is usually known as the “normal” distribution sec.
In a previous post, I already explained why this is wrong. I’ll simply repeat why this is.
It should be known as the normal bell curve distribution or ‘bell curve’ for short.
For then any kid or anyone else can easily remember all the ten normal distributions at play.
The bell curve normal distribution is fundamental in understanding the learning curve, all statistics, quantum mechanics, biology, and anything else. This is logical for you to understand things via learning. Which is best described by the learning curve.
To show in the shortest possible way that my model of brain and cosmos are completely consistent as article 1 of the most fundamental law of humanity dictates, the following.
As stated earlier in this blog DNA in this model is a double RNA helix. An administrative interactive learning curve. The learning curve is a cumulative normal bell curve distribution. A copying machine. An algorithm ergo skeleton, that plays a “musical” wave thru the curved space of the Higgs graviton fields.
‘Science proper’ is defined in this model developed in my blog to where it now stands:
The decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung.
Pseudo-science is in breach of this definition.
What definition of science does Volt use?
Current science, even in transition, does not have a clear definition of science other than in fact “peer review by the oligarchs of science”. That definition is anti-scientific pseudo-science. For not having prevented the danger of humanity’s demise in a nuclear winter that is now looming.
Simply proven by the fact that many who study war are openly talking about the great risk of World War III and even nuclear war. Unless you’ve been living under a stone the last months, anyone should know this. This is due to the situation of the war in Ukraine and the threats oligarch Xi is making toward Taiwan.
We placed our trust in science to come up with a solution to prevent war. They failed miserably.
The reason for this is that the two main groups of oligarchs in science want to keep a firm grip on the funding of science. Simply in this sort of discussion or research on con-jobs always follow the money.
Exact science authoritarian minority oligarchs holding the majority in a hypnotic religious bind want to safeguard the funding of the “shut up and calculate” quantum ‘church’. And the soft science authoritarian oligarch minority holds the majority in a religious hypnotic bind of nurture and not nature mindset.
Anyone wanting to hold any position in science needs to adhere to what the oligarchs want to hear. And refrain from saying anything the oligarchs don’t want to hear. The same is BTW true for oligarch Putin. This invariably leads to disaster.
In the exact science, you need to talk about “local” and “discrete” in the form of “shut up and calculate”. Talking about noncurved infinite space and atomos is taboo in the sense that you will then be ridiculed as a religious crackpot. You must obey the occult ways in a mindset of a constant speed of light being the absolute maximum speed in the cosmos. Whereas the light speed as a constant is an obvious average to anyone with the DNA talent to spot that. Yet only when not already religiously hypnotized as a survival trait gone wrong. The latter is taking my model as a fact. This DNA view on mass psychology is again taboo in the Nurture church of oligarch science.
The know-how of the way to do this was known even before the ancient Romans. Scare or if need be terrorize people so that they become submissive. The know-why that my model provides also shows the only way how to prevent this, via Bildung.
Bildung is defined as sufficiently lived through general knowledge at the required high school level. Inherently internalized hypnotics i.e. religion as a DNA survival trait in this model. High school as a church building via Bildung and university a cathedral of know-why and know-how. At best as my model shows anyone can grasp a thousandth of what is required to know to have humanity survive.
The know-how and know-why are required to safely play with nuclear weapons in politics.
Falsifying current science: Science proper is Soft-focus science towards Sharpest-focus science.
Soft-focus science is simply common sense. Bayes is the mathematical formula of that common sense.
I’ll prove that the minimum norm of the claimed probative value of any scientific statement is to be when stating a temporary result of common sense a bandwidth of 80% to 99.9% applies. (In Bayesian jargon stating a posterior odds.) There of course is no maximum norm for probative value in science. In science, humanity strives towards unreachable absolute proof. The norm is thus proven best practice. Any claimed proof must be falsifiable, and reproducible and thus must be capable of being registered on video. And must be presented to science in an all-inclusive thus form-free way.
Anyone with Bildung in a certain area of expertise can claim an 80% probability of truth as an initial prior odds (Bayes) on to what new evidence on any such probandum (that what is to be proven.) entails. For instance, when I get a legal dossier I very quickly can correctly assess what’s probably cooking and how that case will probably end up. Having subsequently been able to think through that case after at least a night’s sleep, without any further specific evidence and only general knowledge added to the prior odds an educated guess after that process is a valid claim of 99.9% is intuitively possible when stating to feel certain too that degree. Though preferably in practice fourteen days is required due to all sorts of interference by having to divert my focus elsewhere during that period.
This is also true when in a shorter period I follow the same process yet in a correctly formed team. This is a truth as a Holy Hindu cow. Given a very large mixed group of people then the collective guess of the weight of a cow on average closely reaches the actual weight of the cow. When having a smaller group of dairy farmers the same result ensues. This is due to expertise and experience. When Trump tweeting bull shit about “light kilos” being less attractive to the gravity of earth, then the crowd’s wisdom will deviate accordingly. Say “light kilos are only half a kilo then the guess will be nearing half the real weight of the cow.
This proves that democracy as such works provided you have a free and independent press. The latter is only possible when every reporter has a guaranteed decent income and is not pestered.
But neither current science nor such a free press can provide the required well-informed independent expert research and advice on all important issues. For that requires the power to force all oligarchs to be heard under oath and provide whistleblowers the guarantee of secrecy. Only my proposed oracle senate can provide this. The Dutch Senate already has the power to force the pain of jail witnesses to answer under oath and the pain of committing perjury.
In my model, I claim a probative value of 99.9% for the fact of having filled a virtual cube with all the Laws of Everything in a systematic deterministic way. There are ten dualistic laws at play. That means there is no meaning to life and no free will.
This is my Deterministic Systematic Model Zero or DSM 0.
I add to that Einstein’s theories (GR & QM) that I systematically elevate to Local Laws (LOL pun intended). This I do by adding a proven probative value of Einstein to my model that is consistent with those local laws of 0.0999999999999999999. My model beats Einsteins as Einstein stated that some models someday should for “God doesn’t play dice” as his QM theory did. Einstein also hated the occult “spooky actions at a distance” of quantum entanglement. So, on those small problem tracks, my model also gets 99.9999999999999999999. That is thus19 digits closer to 100%. My way of dealing with these problems is very logical and practical. If it works it works. This is the current highest claim as far as I’m aware in this Wikipedia-style approach to science in applied physics. Yet this is only applicable in two small set theory boxes that are local in the largest superset box of our observable universe. The latter is humanity’s maximum sphere of observation.
Of course in pure mathematics, a theorem is nigh absolute proof. Only axiomatically assuming that we and thus mathematics exists as part of an existing cosmos. Inherent doubt for nothing is certain. Not even the latter.
The problem is that the two local set theory boxes of the local laws of Einstein in General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) are at odds with each other and both are also at odds with the Classical Mechanics of Newton.
Current oligarchs of science perform an (unwitting due to internalized hypnotics as a religion) con job when they claim proven best practice or even that they have the “mathematics” thereof. In all fields outside their small boxes of expertise the “shut up and calculate” occult cult is falsified. They only can bost less than 0.0000000000000000009 % probative value. My model whacks the shit out of that with a 99.9% probative value without the fallacy of begging the question. I prove broadness and depth on all issues, that I’ve studied outside my field of expertise. Wikipedia, YouTube, and physics sites provided me with the ammo. My ADHD-type instrument brain does compute dynamic geometry that is inherently paradoxical and abstract logical. Instrument brains like Isaak Newton are deeply idiotic on those issues. this leads to klepto science as the only way to do proper R&D which is inherently artistic creative testable educated guesswork.
No worries, we need three personality types of professors in universities. On average 80% of learning and teaching is “in the box” production and sales of science.
Well, I claim to have married all this via the Bayesian mathematical formula of common sense. This 3rd LOE dictates that because the risk is chance times consequence I must, baring absolute truth, hold the inverse to be true. This would have as a deterministic reason that humanity individually or collective is simply too stupid to solve this proven to be an unsolvable problem in science by my friend emeritus professor of statistics Richard Gill KNAW. So this is the Diagnostic Statistical Model 8 or DSM 8 in my model. Mind this means that although the probability of this being correct is less than 0.0000000000000000001 we must take it to be true. I.e. take it as a fact. This remains completely consistent as per 1st LOE because it was infinitely long ago determined that I would take this model as a fact.
That leaves in general terms probability that it’s all or in part real magic. Just proof dictates that because I don’t have the required absolute proof that real magic doesn’t exist at all, anyone is free to believe whatever they like. Ergo, freedom of religion is a scientific and thus political & legal dictate.
So, 99.9% is the minimum norm for soft-focus science proper. Yet, it requires a deterministic logically complete consistent explanation to prove the causal effect.
And 99.9999999999999999999 is at the moment the highest attainable norm in small parts of ‘sharpest focus science’ only attained in the local laws of quantum mechanics and general relativity.
The term “exact science’ is an illegal pleonasm for all science proper (the latter a paradoxical temporary required pleonasm) is exact. And soft science is synonymous with pseudoscience.
That I in soft-focus science prove best practice all across the board in an “all swans are white” fashion, is a valid sharpest-focus science proof called circumstantial evidence. That proof stands after form free publication and demand of valid falsification.
My model was published in twenty questions in 2015 NWA under the supervision of KNAW and many others.
Volt might bother to ask the Socratic question why this page isn’t in English as well?
I asked them where my questions had gone in ‘De Omslag’ “Waar is mijn vraag gebleven?” Google this and you will see. The link is no longer valid for some reason or other. Via the search terms “cases ZPE” and “het vergeten instrument tussen de oren” my questions could be found in which I presented my model. The oligarchs of science deleted my search terms so they can’t be found in the 11000 questions of many people that bothered to react. Since then many of my predictions on elementary particle physics have come true with 80% accuracy better and 20% less good than the predictions of science. Alas, it’s all in Dutch.
In my field of expertise, all my predictions have come true 100%. In hindsight, I showed where it would go wrong and why, and what to do about it. Simply force science to react to that claim by restoring the search terms to NWA 2015. There’s no valid scientific defense to withhold this evidence.
Falsifying faulty fallacies
When using proper scientific proceedings in law as well as in science anyone including all peer-reviewing scientists must adhere to the following ten dualistic rules. All stated in this 3.3-minute read in the following pingback blog post of mine.
For instance, the argument of the authority of any scientific peer is only valid as a prior odds (proven suspect or healthy prior bias) and a fallacy when used as a posterior odds (proven culprit) in any argument. This is article 3 of the Grand Law of Humanity ‘Proof’ which directly derives from the 3rd LOE the all mathematics encompassing one formula of Reverend Thomas Bayes. Mathematicians should get their definitions in order. Kurt Godel in effect proved by the theorem that the definitions, conventions, postulates, and axioms of mathematics are in serious need of repair.
The burden of proof that it’s impossible to get the definitions to fit the axiomatic dictate of the Grand law of Everything GLOE that the cosmos is completely consistent forces this on science and mathematics. That is not my job as a lawyer on the social contract with humanity other than to point this out in proper proceeding.
The first new thing I found out was that this bell curve distribution is the Second Law of Everything (2nd LOE). Current science already knows a great deal about the normal abnormalities providing the paradox of this law. Yet scientists didn’t grasp that this is a most fundamental law of Mother Nature. Because our oligarchs in science were not searching for the laws of everything. They were and are unsystematically mucking around with “theories”. In effect, the oligarchs of science mostly unwittingly keep klepto-science as the current paradigm in place. Forced to steal the ideas of others like Sir Isaak Newton stole the ideas of the falling apple from Sir Hooke. The latter is seen by some as the Leonardo da Vinci of his day.
The 2nd LOE is the bridge between the First Law of Everything Physics Minor (including applied mathematics) and the Third Law of Everything all mathematics encompassing mathematics of common sense and the philosophical interpretation Bayes that accurately and fully describes the workings of the synapses in our brains. The trillion synapses thru which all our information is interpreted.
Any high school kid now only has to remember the ten norms of normality that can be derived from the term ‘bell curve’. Simply by visualizing it.
The oligarchs of science would like you and kids to think in terms of “Poisson distribution” as being something different than the “Normal distribution” and whatnot. Complicating science for the oligarch elite. For this excludes the all-inclusive Bildung that oligarchs mostly unwittingly for intuitively deem a danger to their power. The history of the bible in Latin repeats itself. The then oligarchs of the Catholic Church didn’t want an all-inclusive Bildung. As history shows, this was followed by the Thirty Years’ War.
A”normal” is a plumbline for a mathematician, and thus has nothing to do with norms and normality. The latter is however the associative guess of most kids that are confronted with the one and only “normal distribution” of current science. Whereas there are ten normal distributions of normality.
In the doodle graphic, I easily point out as a mathematician told me that we have five “normal distributions” that normally, thus as per norm exist.
Flat distribution, edge distribution, round distribution, broken distribution, and these four together by adding a rule can form the bell curve distribution.
Statistical distributions are the way that (magnetical) marbles can distribute themselves on a table. Oligarchs of science would gladly point out that I’ve lost my marbles. (Joke BTW)
All these five distributions can be seen as analog (or in mathematical jargon ‘continuous’) as opposed to quantized (‘quanta’ as in quantum mechanics being ‘numbers’ or in mathematical jargon ‘discrete’). Thus in a dualistic or digital way. Then we have a digital and decimal (10 fold) logic of normal distributions. (Elsewhere on the blog I mixed up the dualistic digital (1 or 0) with decimal in my Wikipedia style learning curve.) Hilariously so the oligarchs of science find this all highly indiscrete. (Joke BTW)
In n = high statistical observations on which all exact science is based, modeled correctly in the correct set theory box the normal bel curve distribution ALWAYS can be made to shine thru. Even at the quantum (meaning sub-atomic) level as the double-slit experiment proves. Look at the teeth of God being also the devil smiling at you in this green laser quantum experiment that you can perform at home.
This experiment is also very weird when you interpret the data incorrectly. The double-slit can as a metaphor be seen as the bars of a jail. The scientist prisoner can only observe half of the information that is on the other side. There is a simple classical mechanical explanation using the laws of Newton to explain this illusion. I’ve done that in post simply understandable by seeing the energy packet of the photon as a boat with a bow and stern wave going thru a lock with two openings. The bow wave makes the boat at a constant speed of light c bob around in the lock having the stern wave overtake the boat via the other lock slit. Once the boat leaves the lock it interferes with its wave that is waving in exactly the correct synchronization.
The non-ADHD personality types and the religiously hypnotized ADHD types can’t compute that the observed wave is part of a medium as a dynamic Higgs graviton field. The latter is like swearing in the QM church. For then the interpretation of the M&M experiment in which the conclusion was that there is no ether was not quite right.
The takeaway here is that even with photons we get the bell curve as norm many photons (thus n = very high statistics) or many photons one at a time we still get the bell curve to show up. Unless we start to observe the photon or photons. Well, in the latter case we are of course directly or indirectly allowing the sending out of information in sync with the to-be observed object and thus interfering with it. Then you don’t observe the bell curve.
Shedding light on something to observe changes the object of observation. In this case, observing can be seen a spouting a water hose on the boat waving on the medium of the dynamic Higgs graviton fields.
Bloody common sense. If I blindfolded try feeling a nice bell curve pile of marbles on a table, and in so doing flatten that pile into a flat distribution, that doesn’t warrant any conclusion that the bell curve isn’t most fundamental if you let it form without interfering.
The Bell curve normal distribution of wealth and income is a ‘do-or-die’ law of human physics
The political takeaway here is that provided you correctly follow the lawbook of human nature the bell curve distribution of wealth and income will as of normal ensue. When you incorrectly do interfere, the bell curve will be distorted in the way we observe more and more now of 1% of the population acquiring more than 90% of all wealth. Obvious incorrect taxation.
This leads to overstressing the system towards burnout in smaller and ever larger conflicts.
This is an introduction to the fundamental physics of war. Or better stated the thermodynamics of war. Observe the algorithm of Dr. Ingo Piepers in my given blog post predicting WW3 ultimately in 2022! And what I make of that.
The newest insight is that a new World War will probably not have humanity go extinct. It just might cause that. The question is again one of simple common sense: Do our oligarchs also of science want to experience a new World War? BTW predictably heftier than WW1 & WW2 combined! Why? Well, the amount of destructive power of all the world’s arms at this moment even without nuclear weapons is a whopping more destructive than all the world’s arms in 1945.
In the deepest domain of the reality of this model, we are snowmen in a snowstorm in an icebox.
In a less high focus bandwidth domain than QM snow that of the biology. The biology of war as seen from the bell curve:
The Second Law of Everything from which I derived Article 2 of the Law of Most Fundamental Human Rights DICTATES as the physics of psychology that the level of required Bildung is as follows:
Giving grades from 1 to 9.9 (0 is for the devil and 10 is for God as the bell curve as norm dictates) And to make things easy an idealized model of a 100 is used as a metaphor.
Do our oligarchs of science view humanity as a sort of say tadpoles with a strategy to survive as a species to have on average 100 offspring to have only 1 survive to reproduce?
Or do our scientific oligarchs like to see humanity as a species of homo sapiens that would like per 100 humans to have 99 grow old having lived a life nigh without any pestering?
The simple question boils down to the question on which side do our current oligarchs of science believe that humanity should be of the normal bell curve distribution seen as a learning curve?
To put this into current and recent history in the making on the NATO involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Ukraine.
Afghanistan ex-art 5 NATO treaty due to the 911 attack was a twenty-year war. The result is that the Taliban won, and ex Wikipedia: “Approximately 46% of the population is under 15 years of age”
War is pestering people thus resulting in the tadpole survival robotic mode. And we as NATO produced a lot of rich oligarchs in the arms industry. Had NATO learned from the Roman legions, the colonial powers, and Vietnam war history the war would have been over in a few months with a deal with the Taliban. Later catching Osama Bin Laden as well.
We also know that when you don’t pester your population the birthrate sinks like hell.
During an inevitable Ice age as an educated guess living in a ‘back to nature,’ style way earth can sustain a maximum of say two billion people. Bell curve optimum would then be one billion. We are now seven going toward nine billion people.
That is no problem when everybody has a decent income and doesn’t pester and thus is available to take care of those who need care.
And is the learning curve of NATO (and the EU) going up in the war in Ukraine? Hell, no!
We had to choose between dishonour and war. We chose dishonour we’ll have war. The wise words of Winston Churchill on Sudetenland echo. By playing the correct diplomatic game then as now the deterring threat of war would have kept Hitler as Putin in check without war. A bit like selling a house. If potential buyers sense that you are too eager to sell, the price will drop below your minimum and you won’t sell it. When you are scared to walk the streets then there are several of my ex-clients who would gladly rob you. When you walk the street of someone who is not afraid to walk the street then the physics of psychology will protect you. All the more so when everybody such as some of my ex-clients that then wouldn’t rob you but would instead protect you.
If you are afraid of war, you’re more probably going to get war. Understand the paradox of the learning curve.
Taking my model as a fact that requires both intuitions on abstract logic as it does require intuition on paradoxes such as irony.
Alas, the oligarchs of exact science are in the religious hands of power of the Quantum Mechanics (QM) church. Akin talking to any oligarch like Putin you must talk in the way that the oligarch wants to hear and not say anything they don’t want to hear. Putin doesn’t want anyone to say “Ukraine war” or that his glorious army is a shambles. Those are bad career moves in Russia.
If you want to make a career in science you also need to heed what the oligarchs of the exact sciences and the oligarchs of the soft sciences want to hear and don’t want to hear. There is a somewhat of a truce between the two opposing sciences. The exact sciences help the soft sciences with the statistics they require as an exclusion sales argument. And the soft sciences support the exact sciences in selling their obvious QM occultism. Mind, Newton was mostly working on alchemy and thus occult.
QM is something from nothing, with particles here and there appearing magically out of nowhere. Energy is seen as a form of telekinetic force. And quantum entanglement is described by Einstein as spooky actions at a distance. The exact sciences have obviously gone religiously occult.
The Robotics of Peace.
Volt support the bloody Oracle Senate test by any member of the EU.
Enforce this test on Russia as well!
The simple discission to do the test will break the hypnotic spell of the current taboo held by professor Tipi. Find out who he is in the doodle graphics that follow.
Scan through the promised mostly Dutch doodle graphic attachments.
Don’t get caught up in it but take a leap of faith, and support the bloody test!
Perfectionism causes burnout and war when urgent action is required!

A concept to prove that my model and strip could be actualized for my publisher in 2018. Please note the predictive value of what this depicts.

Here I forgot the fifth norm: The Lamborghini norm. The owner of the nonprivate shares of a firm is the boss over that wealth. It also stands as security provided taxes are paid and any withdrawal doesn’t cause bankruptcy etc.

Rechtsonder in feite de toeslagen affaire voorspeld. (Daartegen al vergeefs geprocedeerd bij van Delden toenmalige voorzitter Raad voor de Rechtspraak in kort geding toen het asielrecht bestuursrecht werd in de negentiger jaren. Uiteindelijk Nederland door Europese hof voor de rechten van de mens voor de eerste keer op de vingers getikt in mijn tweede zaak ooit bij het hof.)

Our current Vice PM and Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag (party D’66) is authentically authoritarian. She is obviously far above average fast thinking. And she is socially very competent. This all is registered on video many times over. She taking this model as a fact and thus has the same personality type and intelligence as Silvana Simons as genotype. An AS4f type. A TGV mountain goat billy.
Sigrid thus has great DNA talent for gender neutral female logic. That is in this model HRM / Sales MT logic. Essential logic in order to understand the herd. So excellent in a role as Vice PM.
Excellent talent to become the socially competent authoritarian boss.
A bloody disaster when in MT Production. Such as the Minister of Finance position is.
The phenotype problem of narcissism she seems less narcissistic than Simons and far less than the obvious narcissists Geert Wilders, Anders Breivik, Adolf Hitler and Franco. Narcissism is a nurture transformation on coping mechanism.
When truly angry then she transforms into a hypnotizing rattle snake Kaa with the double tongue.
Mind, that narcissism isn’t as such a disorder in this model. Stress in society only produces more narcissists and also in an equal degree the inverse types sheep like my dear mom. My mom would of kept Anders calm as a girlfriend or as a social worker. Not tiring in placing feathers in the brown star hind side.
Sigrid should learn from the history of poor old Adolf:

Start left hand bottom and work clockwise over the top towards the center.
Hitler was first under the illusion of being a great diplomate. For he at first had great success. Up until war was declared over Poland. We know that Hitler was distraught after this. Whopping even traumatic feelings of guilt and shame block as a neurologically healthy reaction. This is called being in denial. This is to prevent brain damage. This I’ve seen a lot with suspects of serious crimes when I first met them in police stations. Basic psychology at work.
The problem is that externalizing i.e. blaming scapegoats is then the subsequent trap. In the case of Hitler, it was the Jews who he at first only needed to get to power. After that as with most Germans, it became more and more internalized hypnotics i.e. religious blaming the Jews. The alternative was that they were to blame. (Note the role of SS general prof. Ferdinand Porsche ADHD-i4. As seen from this model after grasping the mobsters he was with conning Hitler in brilliant sabotage.)
Anyway the bell curve dictates that Sigrid as Adolf types seriously overestimate their abilities and DNA limitations. Gender neutral female logic is an essential logic in HRM and Sales department issues. The fear of saying anything abstract illogical is then a hindrance.
A great talent to do mass hypnotics and getting into power, by grasping what the peer group herd wants to hear and don’t want to hear. Sigrid in her role is just as powerful as the PM Rutte.
The only slight problem is that a Minister of Finance is a problem that is clearly a MT production type problem. That demands creative in the box far above average complex problems. There the model needs an authoritarian autistic TGV type Kasparov or Angela Merkel with long experience in finance.
A high school friend of mine for a leftist green party Groen Links was treasurer (wethouder) of Apeldoorn for ten years. He’s an experienced accountant. NBA (Nivra). He left the finances of Apeldoorn in good order.
There are without a doubt also female accountants that fit that bill. And if they aren’t available then bad luck you then need a man.
The current Dutch cabinet is making a bloody mess out of Dutch finance. You need to invest the money properly. Let the people do that and not only the oligarchs. This I must put forward to the new Oracle Senate for then in proper proceeding to test these ideas and give advice out of one mouth. An Oracle.
An important side note on the working of the brain. Note that we know that Nazis could kill a Jewish kid in a death camp. And still, be a very good parent. The different religious tracks of mind. Killing Jews became more and more religious the more traumatic feelings of guilt that all the bombed German cities and suffering were all their own fault.
The other interesting point to note is the way Adolf Eichmann (obviously autistic) and others were proud of the way they had kept a decent administration. Proving to themselves that they were no animals but decent hardworking Germans. Mind that the conscientious administration of the data of the Mars and Venus ‘out of the box algorithms after the facts are established and thus have become ‘in the box’ mars and Venus being the Saturnus algorithm. This comes as of natural to the 80% of people who simply under the pressure of in this case Nazi fashion go by the book.
Oh, and a strong piece of evidence that Sigrid doesn’t have intuition on abstract logic such as mathematics is seen in her attack on her cabinet colleague PM Rutte on April fools-day last year.
Intuitively any ADHD or autistic personality type would sense that an attack the way she did she would in military lingo have a ‘blue-on-blue’. I.e. shooting at your own side even when Rutte was the enemy. For she unavoidably in calling Rutte a liar also called the other two politicians that were involved also, liars. One of which was Kajsa Ollongren of her own party. Now justly Minister of Defence. All three politicians are obvious ADHD types who simply aren’t capable of remembering small talk outside the mission at hand. A civil servant wrote the damming “Pieter Omtzigt (then CDA party) function elsewhere?”. Kajsa contracted corona and sped off accidentally showing this to the camera causing political mayhem. As if the ones forming a new cabinet tried to get rid of Omtzigt.
So Rutte ultimately and still only admits to having told something untrue. Having checked it with the fellow ADHD types. Who, as said, don’t, in general, remember such intro small talk sideshows. Their brains work systematically and don’t compute details that are sideshows on the mission at hand. All the more so when under great pressure of forming a new cabinet. So at first, all three denied having talked about Omtzigt along these lines. The theory of this model shows that that is indeed most probable.
A civil servant especially a hysteric type would register such remarks as very important and scribble them down. If we indeed were to have all notes taken by clerks of the courts as fact all hell would break out, for sometimes they simply don’t grasp what is actually meant. I know this for a fact having seen many such attempts to register what was said go horribly wrong.
Healthy hysterics and ditto autistic people, in general, will have a hard time believing that ADHD types won’t remember things that they as the 80% ‘in the box’ thinkers easily would remember.
Furthermore, everybody of whatever personality type, who hates Rutte won’t believe him whatever he says, or whatever the truth is.
Anyway, everyone who later on has stated that Rutte admitted that he had lied, which means ‘knowingly telling untruths’ are themselves lying when they know this distinction. Sigrid and several others are guilty of this as I witnessed on TV.
Furthermore, the 4th law of humanity shows Rutte probably didn’t lie, and neither did Kajsa.
Yet Sigrid also inadvertently calling her mate Kajsa a liar is strong evidence that abstract logic isn’t a core competence of Sigrid. Alas essential for any Minister of Finance especially now.
The Dutch cabinet like most world leaders at the moment is in sheer financial panic causing a global economic meltdown that will cause a world war.

The Law of Hubble the expanding universe is a simple optical illusion. Yet only for those with the DNA talent for paradoxes such as irony and the multi ego social competency to grasp what observations do with you and others. And here especially the paradoxes involved in dynamic geometry of literally everything moving and always interacting internally (proto-consciousness as an infinite memory bank of intelligent action.) and sometimes externally (intelligent action is an intelligent reaction as proto intelligence). Science thinks the Big Bang was at point 3. No, point 16 and only a very small big bang of one yet to be formed galaxy building Planck scale strings at point 5. We are accelerating in a Champagne bubble scenario in a curved space construct that moves inward akin to a glacier.

The 5th LOE. Best practice has proven prime suspect via circumstantial evidence. The only way to get complete consistency without real magic. Mind latest change is that it’s a hexagon shape. The other change is that the cut away is square on the one and a perfect circle on the other side of the ring. A never-ending story of Wikipedia style improvement via reverse engineering based on artistic creative educated testable guesswork. Like solving an air crash or crime scene.

I talk the talk and can walk the walk.

Before the last Doodle graphics that summarize the whole story and just to prove that there is a long story of many more concept doodle graphics available some screenshots.
There are many more to be made and updated. I knew a new war was coming since I was eight years old and my dad explained Murphy’s law to me. In 2014 I guessed that we still had all the time in the world. In 2015 it dawned on me that Putin was a serious threat. On the advice of my friend prof Gill, I started a site for publication of the required book that would take too bloody long. After coming across Dr. Ingo Pieper’s thermos dynamics of war Richard started my blog for me.
Now in pilot lingo, humanity has already experienced a departure of controlled flight. We need to act bloody quickly to avert disaster. This is only to prove that this all has been well thought through even though the process is not finished. It is inherently just as Wikipedia never will be finished.
Time to study all this has run out!

If you take covid 19 as a metaphor for any sort of serious problem threatening humanity this one A4 shows the whole problem the dangers and the way to solve it.

How I saw it on page 51 concept. Humanity building ever better Titanics.