10 minute read 2 Youtube films and 2 Doodle graphics
Gerhard Ris former Dutch DA magistrate and lawyer
In short
If you take my model as a fact the simple decision to have the test done by the EU or any country in the world at all, will produce this paradigm change as per snap of the finger of a hypnotizer.
The cheapest and fastest way to do the test is to do it in the Dutch Antilles.
This decision * alone * especially if done by the EU to do the test would hopefully in the nick of time prevent World War III from erupting.
So why not support Volt in proposing the test? The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Anyone who hasn’t grasped that humanity is again standing before the gates of hell has been living under a stone since Poetin started moving forces towards Ukraine for an “exercise.”
Three hypnotic mindset problems are at play:
One is the neurology of denial, in which most voters can’t focus on something as scary as WW3.
The other is that every political party such as Volt has a 50% + one vote mindset. Even the thought of giving away any power to any senate is unthinkably taboo.
The third is that our oligarchs don’t want to relinquish any power to any senate that isn’t under their control. Do the would-be oligarchs and members of Volt dare to face up to the oligarchs of old politics that cause undue stress and thus war?
The EU should decide to do a long-duration test of an oracle senate with part-time senators for life.
Not a lawmaking but an investigative and advisory body to all.
And as a representative of all, especially minorities. All-inclusive. I.e. all age groups, half male & female, etc. As independent as possible all participating senators must swear off all party allegiance.
A body with the power to do hearings under oath and the authority to force all to give testimony.
And the power to hear whistleblowers behind closed doors. Only oligarch mobsters want full transparency.
All oligarchs are to be kept safe. All problematic people in positions of power in principle can be “cured” by adding to their correct team.
As a start, the way Dutch magistrates are appointed can be used to improve any team.
The test should prove that well-informed durable timely decision-making is a panacea.
To be measured by positive results on all parameters.
And of course the EU should fund all countries that would like to do a test.
And the EU should force via sanctions that Russia after a cease-fire in Ukraine is established to also do the test preventing yes-men around the president.
‘Oligarchy’ is used here in the sense of a ruling class as an implicit clique. As long as you follow the mores or unwritten rules that are in fashion you can join for we have an “open society”. Yet you have to guess correctly what those rules are to be able to join. You can make a great career by being skillfully incompetent in such networks of power. The latter is a serious problem that needs fixing.
Having a ruling class as a relative clique is unavoidable in the physics of psychology if you take my model as a fact.
The reason why is simply those only people who trust each other can cooperate.
Only people who cooperate can come to and stay in power.
Inherently all laws have loopholes. Trying to fix corruption via changing the laws is a hopeless venture. The wise judge has no loopholes in the interpretation of the law. Yet judges only judge individual cases and must stay within the confines of a current paradigm.
When a paradigm change is in urgent need this will be opposed by the oligarchs that are in power.
The game-changer is that valid blind trust can be organized. Provided we organize it the way the ancient Romans proved to have the know-how: “Don’t threaten any oligarch as long as they play along nicely.”
This can and even must be done via a proposed test. Testing is the only way to prove whether something unfathomably complex works or not.
See the proposed test as the first flight of a prototype completely built of parts that have been tested. As you should know much of this was already tested by the Romans. It constitutes Roman Law. When you want to put a true end to slavery you must study Roman Law. It takes a thief to catch a thief. My model proves that poverty is slavery. And any slave is at least hypnotic focus slaveholder of oneself. Most slaves and slaveholders are unaware of being just that. Once they grasp their mental disorder they mostly can deal with it. The latter by leaving the track of mind that causes the addiction.
A mad society is made up of people who per definition have a mental disorder as a Catch 22 dilemma.
Example childcare
Say a childcare worker or childcare judge in the current Dutch scandal in which the Dutch cabinet fell finally grasped that they were unwittingly complicit in a (much) more than ten times a reasonable average of any country of putting kids into foster care. A ten percent chance every Dutch kid has, which is incomprehensibly high. Mother Nature doesn’t have a ten percent error rate for dysfunctional parents or kids. Simply unnatural of it to be above 1%. A bit like driving 300 km/h where the speed limit is 30 km/h.
So these stop wanting to be in the childcare business if they have the chance of doing something different. That is the reason why most of these earning models are horrendous scandals. Mostly they are kept going by the unwitting. And less than 1% are fully criminally aware of doing wrong. But these are adicted to being seen as good for children and the nice income.
Putin & Yesmen
The problem, with mobster Putin bringing the world to the brink of WW3, had an essential ingredient that was caused by the power of any president to slowly surround themselves with yesmen. In effect, Donald Trump did the same as president.
Trump also was supportive of Putin. The same is true for Mary Le Pen in France and our Dutch party FvD. Seen by some as dangerous fascists. These are all oligarchs who want to keep their corrupt kleptocracy going.
Yet, they do also represent a growing group of discontent people living in fear of losing their way of life. The democratic desire to strike it rich and then do welfare. Hoping to become a billionaire focussing on an extremely small chance of belonging to this less than one percent group of rich oligarchs. Or in real fear of no longer being able to scratch out a living seeing jobs being taken over by immigrants. The simple as such seemingly incomprehensible reason why ‘white trash’ contrary to their interest for being poor support, Trump. They simply are deprived of Bildung and time or money to acquire the necessary education to focus properly and not be duped by Trump tweets.
EU & USA oligarchs
Yet the clique that is in power in most EU countries is more than the ultra-rich.
The oligarchs of the exact sciences and the oligarchs of the soft sciences. The oligarchs of the press. The oligarchs of the courts and lawyers etc.
The seemingly crazy thing is to spot that our oligarchs mostly honestly mean well. Taking this model as a fact true conspiracies are exceptional situations. Yet they do occur as the Green Peace Rainbow Warrior case proves.
In effect, it’s a belief in a Ponzi-style pyramid game society that in the long run will always fail. Short to mid-term success by few. This leads to the desire to copy this success in the idle hope of that success for many. The latter makes this impossible to eradicate without a radical change in the political structure.
In the USA a clear polarisation is going on bordering on civil war. The same is true in several EU states that more or less follow suit. The actual reason for Brexit. Nationalism.
Ego and Social or better Multi-Ego
In my model egoistic nationalism happens when the ego becomes selfish egoism that is out of balance with being social. The latter is multi-egoism. In an extreme form a ‘you are nothing the group is everything’ cultural mindset.
Different personality types have several different personality traits of which each trait is more or less social or more egoistic. For instance, everyone is more or less ‘agreeable’ as a social personality trait in the Big Five assessment model with which I was tested as a potential magistrate. Even an extreme narcissistic egoist like Putin can play being agreeable. Contrary to current psychology this model doesn’t systematically have being agreeable as defined as good and disagreeable seen as bad. It’s a wave function in this model with the same systematic starting position of all traits having the ego side on the one and the multi-ego on the other side. In this way, all traits can be seen to be in balance with each other. This is dealt with elsewhere on my blog. The situation is too urgent to further delve into this now.
Example European and Japanese culture
Europe has mostly Christian cultural roots that are first off based on ego guilt and then multi-ego shame. In the sixties, Hinduism was popular as Buddhism is popular now in certain European circles. In the eastern cultures, it’s first gut feelings of shame and then gut feelings of guilt that most resonate with the voters.
In my model, it’s not so that one is better or worse than the other. They are both better and worse at different sorts of problems. They are when treated consistent with this model however complementary. I.e. they strengthen each other.
So when ultimately a VOLT UN would arise VOLT Japan would probably best get more votes via first talking ‘shame’ and then ‘guilt’. Yet a VOLT EU would best be served to talk in terms of first the egoistic goal ‘guilt’ and then closely followed by talking in terms of relationship ‘shame’. Being complementary VOLT EU would still have full consistency with VOLT Japan in VOLT UN.
Mind that ‘complete consistency’ means ‘No Conflict’ and thus No War!
Trust in Authority & Populism
Basic psychology learns that only with the argument of authority in which people trust, can such existential beliefs be changed. These beliefs are called a paradigm.
Most if not all ‘Volters’ justly trust peer-reviewed science. In basic psychology, science is then the ‘peer group’ of most Volters. And thus the peer-reviewing peers of scientists are the peers of most Volters.
However, as most intuitively register any attack on the current paradigm will be met with very strong and effective resistance. A strong collective gut feeling that seems to let anything go to protect the paradigm from any change. I.e. lying, cheating, resorting to pestering, and even violence. Honestly convinced that it’s for the best. This is also strongly the case in science as I’ve frequently tested.
Our biotope changes faster than the lawmakers can keep up with. Always leaving loopholes in the law in which the winners jump producing the losers as the poor.
This truth of following the authority of going by the always outdated lawbook invariably leads to right-wing ‘ego’ populism and leftwing “multi ego’ populism polarisation. Or, as is the case with our Dutch populist Geert Wilders a seeming political central position of nationalism. Indeed just like the National Socialist German Workers Party the Nazis. Until the Kristall Nacht when Hitler chose the fascist side of things. As I’ve also noticed communism is again en vogue with many students, especially at certain philosophy faculties.
Neo-liberalism is seen from my model as just as much out of balance on the ego side as anarchism is on the multi-ego side. It works a bit like a car on a slope that hasn’t the handbrake on. The longer it takes to take appropriate steps the more difficult it becomes and the greater the risk of more serious results.
We need a political system in place that can hold the balance in a durable way.
It was the dedicated task of science to come up with timely solutions. Well, that failed.
For Science in Transition easily proves this peer group of peer-reviewed science is itself in conflict with itself. https://scienceintransition.nl/english
On a question put to them in the KNAW (Royal Dutch Acadamy of Sciences) symposium they explicitly didn’t want to investigate any paradigm shift.
Much too many professors I know are spending much too much time safeguarding the funding of their faculty or group. In the current mad science world a necessity.
The core of the problem is that the paradigm in the exact sciences on the one hand is “shut up and calculate.” The honest belief that numbers are most important in the exact sciences. The problem then arises that they can’t adhere to article 1 ‘Completeness’ as the first article of the most fundamental law of human rights. A rule I derived by combining laws of physics with the rules of law.
A 3.3-minute read as a quick introduction to the model starting from a legal perspective.
Followed by a nice short Ted-Ed introduction Youtube film on Gödel’s incompleteness theorem. In effect proving that even mathematicians muddled up their definitions, postulates, and axioms.
I simply unwittingly intuitively followed this with hindsight proven to be a correct book of Just Law.
And on the other hand, the paradigm in the soft sciences is the dominance of ‘Nurture’ conviction and denial of it all being ‘Nature’.
The problem is we can’t have an exact science and soft science. All science needs axiomatically to be exact. I indeed simply solved that by putting the starting positions correct before starting the game of science. Mathematics is not just “shut up and calculate” algebra. Screaming “word salad” to texts like this one. The solution lies in the fact by easy rebuffing mathematicians and physicists declaring that word salad, picture salad (geometry), and number salad are all equally important and can’t be fully split either.
Proof: algebra for instance needs a picture of the geometry it entails as well. And some words. In my model, the words are the connecting communication system between numbers and pictures. And people.
It’s always a mixed salad. That is of course if you demand balance. As nature dictates you should if you want to reach any desired goal.
The problem is it isn’t difficult but a very long story of little focus steps. Miss one little step especially at the start of the game and you end up after initial dopamine success in the occult belief of Alice in Wonderland.

Time has run out to fully explain all that all high school kids with Bildung should already be able to perform adequately. Species that do not adapt on a > 99% healthy fit will not survive the survival of the fittest race. It will simply now take too long to fully explain the next doodle graphic. This should have been clear in the bloody first place. It’s only a small twist to more than 99% old-school proven to work science.

Why such a highly volitile taboo? Scientific oligarchs want to keep power of funding science.
The scientific oligarchs unwittingly have the power to deem what is “pseudoscientific”.
When you want a career in the exact sciences you must comply with the convictions of the ‘Quantum church’ and speak and think in their parlance. Mathematician Louis Carroll in clear exasperation wrote Alice in Wonderland. For that is where science would end up when in doubt of the fifth axiom of Euclid’s geometry. Gödel simply proved when you put incomplete doubt into the magician’s hat, you get that incomplete doubt out of that hat. As Einstein said “God doesn’t play dice” in effect stating that his theory of quantum mechanics couldn’t be most fundamental. This is due to the weird spooky actions at a distance of quantum entanglement. My friend then professor of statistics Leyden Richard Gill mathematically proved that this is unsolvable. https://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~gill/
Most exact scientists are absolute idiots. Having forgotten to write down what instrument brain they have. If you take the block model as a fact, we all are different sorts of absolute idiots. That means in the case of most exact scientists that they function at less than a one-year-old toddler’s level when any paradoxes are concerned. Paradoxes such as irony and dynamic geometry. QM is the latter.
In the soft sciences, most prominent scientists are completely incapable of independently reasoning in abstract logic. On these issues, they are also one-year-old toddlers. This is when one takes my model as a fact.
And there we go 80% of humanity including 10% fastest thinking talent as scientists simply can’t compute the problem why it is that humanity is again as many now see before the Gates of Hell. For to see that in order not to blunder into WW3 needs excellent abstract logical thought that Putin does have, yet also the talent for grasping the paradoxical and ironical ways of human behavior. This simply doesn’t compute with Putin. As it also doesn’t compute with 40% of humanity taking my model as a fact.
That is why it’s unwittingly literally suicidal behavior even of current science to oppose even any test of an oracle senate. Even if it is stated that it would represent science proper in politics. For god forbid that the funding doesn’t mostly go to the QM church research.
Yet, does this discussion matter? Just beware that on the probandum (of what I state to prove), the scientific oligarchs have an also for themselves hidden agenda. They simply don’t know what disastrous effects this has, even on their bare survival.
I’ve frequently tested that talking to scientists on a track of mind of not being all-inclusive i.e. complete is like talking to a lamppost hoping that some authority turns on the light. Hilarious robotics. They aren’t even able to repeat the stated issue. Their brain hypnotically and thus unwittingly blocks this out.
A quite common observation for any lawyers having a first chat with a suspect who indeed has committed a serious crime. Their neurologically healthy brain blocks the traumatic experience to protect it from harm. The way to initially treat that is to simply go along with it for the time being.
Exact & soft scientists are also in denial of having caused the Ukraine war. As we all have caused this war in which most are slowly grasping that we are closer to WW3 than we ever were. Also, a tribal Indian in the Amazon is guilty by default of not having solved these problems that also affect his bare survival in a nuclear winter.
The situation now closely resembles the start of the Thirty Year War. Which was also a vicious religious war. Caused by people who wanted to read the Bible by themselves and to represent their own beliefs in their way. And the Church oligarchs do not want to relinquish power. Number mathematics such as algebra could just as well be Latin to most. Like the game of chess, the basic rules and start-up of the game are simple. A simple game that becomes unfathomably complex very fast.
Current science has had initial success with cheating. Catching unwitting conmen is what I did as a magistrate and lawyer. Simply my job.
Okay, Volt members falsify validly the need for a test of this model of mine.
The test wants to test the correctness of the current scientific and political paradigm. Opposing a test would be illogical. Force science to respond. They can’t. Do as politicians what sciences should have done. Have the EU do the test.
You simply can’t via an argument of authority disprove something that has never been tested by you. I have tested all the different parts. Mind you is a test in my field of many years of expertise.
CONCLUSION See the top.
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