Reforming the Trias Politica into the Quattro Politica
Support the radical test that Dutch PM Mark Rutte shied away from, yet will undoubtedly support.
All it needs is the authority of a group of scientists proposing a test for the Dutch Senate for it to have an immediate global positive effect. This only will be so, when the test is indeed done.
Humans are like apes on an ape rock. The ones on the top of that pyramid and the ones that want to reach that top, are acutely aware of possible paradigm shifts taking place elsewhere as well.
So even Putin and Xi will pipe down to see what’s cooking.

The goal of More Millionaires, No Poor, No War as depicted in this doodle graphic with healthy manic oversight on one A4 of the problem and the way out for humanity, is within reach.
I made it last October when Trump stated he was cured of corona.
The depicted solution is to reorganize the senates of the world for R&D group think.
Being a former D.A. with ten mayors in a small district my model on evidence and proof in law called Just Proof is in effect evidence based medicine as it was originally intended. I.e. a rational use of gut feeling.
As the history of medicine shows it didn’t work. As I later found out this was due to the fact that the Big Five assessment psychology wasn’t fully known. As a consequence it wasn’t always the case that the personality traits were teamed up properly for correct group think.
The Big Five is used to form the team of Dutch magistrates. There too it only works in those instances when the team, on a certain case, is indeed in order and works together in the correct way. Otherwise in the on average now 20% Dutch criminal cases that require that proper R&D group think, i.e. when the suspect is innocent, the magistrates will fail. The Dutch system has no jury. I predict that jury systems will also in time comply to the correct choice of the correct team for a jury in those systems.
This failing of the system is nearly always the case in administrative law. In which the independent Dutch judge no longer establishes the independent evidence as fact. The administration does that. And that of course will always fail horribly. Akin the “Toeslagen” affaire in which many voters (!) were grinded to dust by the formalistic system.
This problem is just the beginning of what I’ve seen in my late social advocacy practice as a far greater scandal lurking under the surface.
A formalistic system in place for fear of judges acting as a loose cannon.
As is seen in the recent ‘Environment Defense’ versus ‘Shell’ case. The legal problem of a civil lawsuit on broader issues concerning the State, where the People are not being properly represented. For it is inherently so in this case that not all ground is sufficiently guaranteed to be covered. This is due to the fact that the litigating parties decide the scope of the legal conflict. Even Shell has its own agenda. This Wikipedia does not cover this damning legal critique. Many focusing on a win for the by them felt to be good cause, yet only making things worse.
We still have in my contention only one shot left in order to globally regain a Just order and not spiral further out of control as depicted in the left lower side of the doodle graphic on Trump.
Last February I informed all the Dutch Senators I could reach, and especially its chairman. A professor of medicine and a member of the same liberal party as the PM Mark Rutte. He got an email tailor made for a MD. As later on Mark Rutte also received one tailor made for a historian, with this idea.
I’m in no doubt that this was the radical idea that Rutte announced to put forward on April fools’ day. Yet he actually justifiably shied away from that for it would be political suicide if politicians put this forward themselves.
Only when asked by sufficient authority can politicians even contemplate reorganizing a Senate by having themselves become part-time senators for life. Even as a test that would be taboo.
To ultimately get the required two thirds majority for a changed constitution, it’s practically imperative to have the politicians of both the Senate and the House of Representatives that work along with the test be eligible to become Senator for life. That is when the test is a success.
Because the Dutch Senate already has the ability to hold a Parliamentary enquiry, a simple majority vote ‘urgency law’ will suffice in order to do the test. The test implies that the Senate ultimately should no longer be a lawmaker but only a representative of all personality types & IQ types and walks of life with 50% male and 50% females. Who have renounced all political allegiance and should be fully independent, thus also financially for life.
The fundamental problem and thus solution for world politics is having well informed timely and durable advice on important and urgent issues. I.e. primarily also thus a representative of Science proper. And not thus one that is for lack of proper funding a Science in Transition.
A well-organized Senate will work like an Oracle. As all psychologists know we people simply all can’t understand each other. And as the ancient Greeks also already knew it for that same reason, won’t work without an Oracle. As we now know it also won’t work if that Oracle isn’t well informed trough proper R&D, is truly independent and is given time to think properly.
What is needed is that whistleblowers can inform the Senate in a safe environment. When the Senate organizes the R&D in a way that a good police detective team would do, then it is nigh impossible and not in one’s own interest to even try to lie in a Senate hearing even when the interview is kept secret for say seventy years.
Not even the mob would find out what anyone of their members told the Senate.
Edit: The success of the test can be measured in 1. Quick noticeable positive results in lawmaking and the way the law is implemented and interpreted by judges. For instance fairly quickly administrative judges will themselves again establish the facts of a case. Whether the Senate has openly given that advice as I suspect they will, or working as a white lie Oracle leak the advice to judges to rule accordingly makes it difficult to ascertain quickly that it was indeed the test of the Senate that made the change possible. 2. Another fairly quick noticeable positive effect of the test must be effective actions working swiftly towards abolishing poverty via tests of the system for instance in the Dutch Antilles. The same problem here as well, that the Oracle might deem it wise to let others take the credit. Only at the end of the test shall we know what advice was given behind closed doors or not. (edit end).

Inherently the current win-lose paradigm in which it is cleaver to work as Edward Colston did, will fail. Simply history repeating itself.

A quick and dirty concept info graphic on the required Quattro Politica.
The Dutch discussion has the House of Representatives on top of the pyramid.
In this model it’s the voters with the free independent press on top. No-one including voters and journalists can think properly and act properly when not having a guaranteed equal share in the BV NL as inherent shareholders requiring dividend as long as they play along. (English Wikipedia on Dutch concern forms BV and NV. Mind these company terms are used as metaphors here. So I’m the CEO of the “BV” Gerhard Ris who has several peer groups that also can be seen as companies and thus parties with more or less political clout. All on different neurological tracks of mind.)
Anyway this is a ‘whatever you do, please don’t bore me with the details’ problem.
As stated:
Support the bloody test!
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What do you mean by a “test”?
“where grinded” -> “were ground”
Still no grammar check????
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A disconcerting thing is I was not made aware by the system that you posted something.
What I mean by a test is the proposed test that I forwarded to Rutte and the Dutch Senators. I.e. to have by a “noodwet” or urgency law and a normal majority and thus not the required two thirds majority in parliament in order to change the constitution on the role of the senate. And the way they are chosen. I’ll add a link to Wikipedia if available in English how this works in the Netherlands. yet I guess most democracies have a senate and a house of representatives.
The proposed one is more akin the House of Lords, yet differs in the sense that it is not hereditary. The test starts off with the already chosen senators. The test will show that as soon as they as per tested requirement renounce their party allegiances as part of becoming as independent as possible the test will be a success when the will be observed to change the way they think. A per snap of the finger of the hypnotizer.
As stated in an earlier post the same happened to my granddad Iest. When he became owner of a garage he changed from a communist to a social democrat over night. Repeated history and current psychology already shows this to be true. Ergo, what you get is a collection of mind set of senators like that of Pieter Omtzigt the mayor player in the mentioned fiscal scandal.
That is the required fundamental change. Not a senate guarding the interests only of the rich but of all citizens. Via proper research being a power that the senate already has. That whistleblowers for instance must have the possibility to be heard in secret. The probability that they will be honest then rises substantially. For they know the consequences of consciously lying can be severe. As is the chance of being found out. No one whistleblower is ever the only one to be heard.
It will even break the mob. For what can the mob do?
This test will show that everyone including judges will start to behave on a Just norm. I.e. the wise judge has no loopholes in the law on important issues. that is the central problem of the “toeslagen affaire” as is in many other cases. The judges need to be allowed to establish the facts yet do so in a correctly formed team working together. That team is to be formed and tested in this test in the senate.
The test will be successful and thus copied by going viral. For those that don’t copy the actually probably immediately successful test will become losers.
The senate as representative of science proper thus will be successful. For it will quickly deem that poverty should and can via Just Proof be abolished for being forbidden slavery.
It only can work if an authority like the senate is thought to deem it wise after investigation and the people see and experience that it works. Just taxation requires wisdom only attainable via the power to truly investigate.
I did BTW do the grammar check. I’m still a Dutchman with L plates. Actually I also make this mistakes in Dutch, but don’t tell anyone. I’m too focused on the topic in order not to have backing by someone checking and correcting me. Something BTW is a key point I’m making.
After breakfast I’ll make the changes. Were grinded into the ground, indeed. Where? Into the ground.
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“neigh impossible and not in ones own” -> “nigh impossible and not in one’s own”
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Thanks, Richard I’ve changed the grammar.
And I’ve placed an edit to the required positive test-results in order to ascertain whether the test was indeed a success or not.
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