A 20-minute read excluding the addendum for a fact-check
A proof that the Bell theorem isn’t a true theorem but an incomplete theorem for lack of even dirty geometry as my artistic creative doodle graphics prove. That these dirty doodle graphics prove to work can be seen in my blog post on my view of the Copenhagen interpretation in 2010 as seen in 2022. The ping-backlink on this one A4 doodle graphic. The positive comment on that post proves that it is deemed an interesting read with a few errors. As is so on any Wikipedia-style claim.
It also proves that the basic problems aren’t as complicated as most nuclear physicists would have us believe. Akin chess the basic rules are simple the game is unfathomably complex. For the first time in history, I not only claim to provide all the basic laws of science but prove to give them ALL. Most of this humanity already had. I prove it including the physics of psychology by providing the manual on the proper use of individual and collective mammal brain instruments. It’s all nature even nurture. That needlessly scares the shit out of many of our inherently more and less powerful oligarchs.
As the model shows and proves a slave is at least the hypnotic slaveholder of him or herself. Mostly unwittingly, sometimes wittingly addicted/enslaved to being a slaveholder. Ultimately causing the physics of the thermodynamics of conflict and war. Most humans still make this sinister error.
This is not a cult or occult conspiracy theory but simply CM the new physics of psychology slight twist. It’s DNA at work. The rules of law are as one should expect simple. The game is unfathomably complex.

That is needed to explain to any high school kid the honestly mistaken con job of current quantum physics.
My pitch also shows why we Dutch idiotically have run aground in lack of enough good mathematics teachers.
As my model proves at the heart of all serious problems plaguing humanity lies the fact of not grasping what a human is. To grasp that requiers to grasp the cosmos of which we are a part.
Science hasn’t written the manual for the individual and collective brain.
I have. Easy were it not taboo.
Just to show further evidence of the teacher problem, because learning and teaching is the only way out:
This link in Dutch from April 22 2022 states that probably a shortage of 513 mathematics teachers in 2026 will excist.
This article and the one below from 2019 an e-brief by and for mathematics teachers prove that even mathematicians don’t know how to properly analyze a problem. For instance, the seriousness of the problem becomes apparent when you know that there were in total of 10000 maths teachers in 2013 and 600 fewer four years later. A figure that keeps on dropping at an alarming rate. Taking the data in the link below as a fact.
Some Socratic impertenant questions.
How many mathematics teachers work full-time? How many mathematics teachers * with a diploma * are incompetent? How many competent mathematics teachers with a diploma don’t work as mathematics teachers? How many potential competent mathematics teachers are there without a diploma? How many students study mathematics as a percentage of the total? Etc.
The fact that the figures answering these questions weren’t addressed in the articles proves incompetence at an idiotic level.
The answer my model provides is that most mathematics teachers with a diploma don’t have the DNA talent for paradoxes such as irony. They are idiots on paradoxes such as this one. They simply can’t compute that they are idiots in a downward spiral that they also cause. Furthermore, most mathematics teachers that try to stay are of the humble personality type that can’t keep a just order in a classroom whatever the amount of training or diplomas you give them. Easy to solve by adding team members that can keep a just order in class but are shit at mathematics. Most mathematicians that do have the required talents to be good mathematics teachers can get far better (paid) jobs elsewhere.
The * only * way to solve this is to grasp how the brain works. The solution is then simple. I can’t give that here for too taboo to compute. Current oligarchs of our society can’t grasp that it is possible to have say on average one adult teacher for every eight kids in large multi-age groups. At no extra cost at all. Magic? No, use your brain. How does that work? To taboo for now.
First I need to try to break the taboo.
The problem is bad and getting worse, for instance:
In current mathematics classes, Dutch kids are taught to become good gender-neutral con-artist salesmen. It’s the same and getting worse all over the world. Most mathematicians are taking my model as a fact idiots at these sorts of statistics.
My friend Hans Waalwijk is a mathematics teacher. I lost count of how many times he has been pensioned. I think it’s been seven times or so.
To assess who are the best mathematics teachers you need to look at their relevant track record.
Well, Hans has from the lower to the highest forms of education a durable and constant score of having the top 10% CSE (Dutch Central Exams) scores in all forms of mathematics for more than 45 years. Even getting that in classes he had to fill an urgent vacancy. Sometimes he even had a 100% percentile score. Yet, that was only when he had drilled the same class for three years.
Hans loves mathematics. And, Hans loves teaching.
In the old MOB first-grade teacher training Hans scored 7 out of 10 for algebra and 9 out of 10 for geometry. The norm was to get at least 5 out of 10 scores to be allowed to get a three-day verbal exam by several mathematics professors each on their subject. Hans needed to know more than double the number of proofs by heart than his son later on getting his Ph.D. summa cum laude on the normal distribution. His son now works as a mathematician for an insurance company. The University of Utrecht where Hans was studying mathematics phoned him after he quit because he had as the only one that year got his MOB. Which he correctly deems a higher degree than a doctorate anyway. Yet, society doesn’t agree. And Hans doesn’t care. A few years later the old-style MOB highest grade was stopped being deemed too difficult. Some only got to the required level by trying the exam ten times. Some never got there.
Via the third Law of Everything (LOE) Bayes, you would expect that Hans should be treated as a great authority. However, the fourth LOE shows why Hans is seen as a threat by most mathematicians. Hans is incomprehensible to most mathematicians. For probably four times more are of a healthy autistic type far above average fast thinking. Best at algebra, average at geometry, and relative to other fastest thinkers absolute deep idiots at all out of the set theory box inherent paradoxes such as irony. But also all dynamic set theory problems such as rheology, cosmology, astronomy, climate and climate change, human behavior, etc. elude them. They would at best score a 9 or so in algebra at the MOB and a mere 7 out of 10 for geometry. Hans is an ADHD-i4 an Einstein, Euler, type mathematician. Hans does have ironic humour.
Last Friday Hans told me that the downward spiral in teaching mathematics in the Netherlands came about after stopping the old-style MOB. Had he now been a kid in the current educational system he would never have been captivated by the beauty of mathematics which for him is the complexity of geometry. In his view, you can only really teach a subject well when you stand far above the level you are teaching. That can only come about by loving the subject you teach. This is true for any subject.
He also told me that in the time of Euclid in ancient Greece that there was already doubt about the fifth axiom of Euclid. My fourth LOE block model order function of the brain taken as a fact shows why that is. The authentic authoritarian mentally healthy autists have a four to one majority in mathematics. Being best at algebra they have a “shut-up-and-calculate” cult. Slowly but gradually they push geometry out of the picture.
Mentally healthy ADHD types are much too often pushed into lower forms of education and forced to take Ritalin. Sidetracking the competition of being boss in the exact sciences. This is an honest mistake. The 4th LOE shows that 80% of humanity follows the book under mental pressure. The total split into 20% ADHD (split 50/50 Delta/Gamma), 20% authoritarian (split 50/50 autistic Beta/ hysteric Alpha), and 60% humble (split 50/50 autistic Beta/ hysteric Alpha) personality types.
Hysterics are simply no good at all abstract logic. Yet, in the highest forms of education where they belong when the fastest thinkers do have sufficient nack of some basic mathematics that is far too difficult for the slowest thinkers. This provides the possibility to fool themselves and others that they are good enough honestly believing it all to be nurtured and not DNA nature.
The game changer is the new block model makes it all easy and transparent to all.
As a > 99% truth all high school kids can learn to play chess. The same is true about learning to use the block model. It’s inspired by and thus based on those rules. It could have been based on a game of Go I don’t know the rules of or a dog turd. Easy to grasp for the order function of the brain must be completely consistent with the order function of the cosmos. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have existed in the first place.
By breaching any one of these laws of everything given the time the cosmos grants us, humanity WILL go extinct.
Authentic authoritarian people want respect for being the boss. Well then let them all become boss. As long as they play along that is. Even 2500 or so years ago the 5th axiom of an infinite cosmos gave off strong bad gut feelings in healthy autistic people. Even then it was in doubt. They then can’t get a grip on the infinity that logically follows out of the 5th axiom. Especially authoritarian autistics being inherent perfectionist control freaks. They want a cosmos they can handle, where they can be masters of the situation.
The most fundamental reason is we humans don’t know what a human is doing in the cosmos in the first place. Our even scientific religious beliefs as homo sapiens were never correct enough. Inevitably thus in the long run it always leads to disaster. As repeated history proves.
My old-school back-to-basics model solves this problem via a new slight artistic twist.
The 4th Law of Everything my new block model shows Five Wise Language Algorithms.
Picture salad, Word salad, Course Number salad, Fine Number salad, and the fifth the combined Mixed-salad. All are equally important all the time on any serious issue. We are all different sorts of idiots that are all potentially highly gifted.

It’s tried and tested. It works!
Incompleteness is an inconsistency that logically leads to mounting conflicts regarding all worthwhile goals of humanity such as not going extinct in a nuclear winter or not having sufficient excellent mathematics teachers. All easy to do were it not a religious taboo.
Humanity since probably even before the first homo sapiens has been in constant conflict with itself. Successfully fooling the other idiots by high giftedness not grasping to be fooled oneself as an inherent idiot.
On average most losers are to be found in the 10% slowest thinkers and 40% slower than average fast thinkers. Apart from also in the 20% artistically talented. The mental disorder rate is at some 50% during a lifetime. Many suffer from burnout. Even our politicians. Hilarious idiocy!
People with burnout act idiotically. That is normal but not desirable.
Even new political parties as I’ve tested quickly suffer from the same suicidal mental disorder of authoritarian personality types becoming the bosses, even though they all honestly believe that now they are making new politics.
As a tyrannical dictate of God (spirituality) identitical Mother Nature (current physics) identical Spooky Cosmos (current cosmology) at the deepest set theory domain of truth the Local Law of Humanity of the never to be broken 4th LOH blockmodel shows that all humans need to learn to directly or indirectly test abstract logic, irony and which of four speeds of brain anyone including yourself has.
That is all an obligation of learning and teaching as a do-or-die dictate of all humanity.
Only by eradicating all poor poverty and dealing with rich poverty via Bildung at the high school level starting somewhere and getting that globally organized a.s.a.p. can a global pareto optimum be achieved during our lifetime.
The genius of it is that it isn’t genius. Simple common sense. My personality type is a 1/125 affaire. Divide 7 billion humans by 125 and you will see that there are quite a lot of us. But indeed too few belong to a 20% minority, that has hypnotically learned to comply with the wrong current paradigm.
I simply during my life followed the wise old-school book. More than 99.9% true and added a few tiny but whopping game-changer twists. of which the block model is the blockbuster. The soul of the cosmos and collective brain order function algorithms. Learn to sharpen your intuitions. I simply found the rules of the game via simplification instead of complication.
Having wisely chosen my teachers such as Hans Waalwijk being humble with my whopping ego.
Now that in the Netherlands 50% are afraid of a nuclear war the time is ripe to dispense with the taboo that caused the problem in the first place.
Albert Einstein correctly stated that the “spooky actions at a distance” on the quantum entanglement proved to him that his”theories” were “incomplete“. Note that the whole of science stands corrected for non-systematic use of the term ‘theories’ and ‘scientific laws.’
These two Wikipedia links are correct in showing the unsystematic way under the current paradigm science defines this. The terms used should reflect the predictive, prescriptive, and probative methods and probative values they give. In current science, they don’t. And that leads to Babylonian confusion.
It should thus be: proven ‘idea’, dito ‘concept’, dito ‘theory’, dito local ‘law’, dito ‘law of everything’, dito ‘grand law of everything’.
Dependent on the (set theory) context the term ‘theory’ can be used as the dogma that predicts what would ensue taking an idea, concept, theory, or law as a fact and testing it.
Of course this only works when you know the correct definition of science prescribing how to act.
Science is the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung.
We can dispense with defining what current science is about. It doesn’t comply with this definition and is thus anti-scientific pseudoscience in the areas where it doesn’t comply. Only in certain ivory tower set theory boxes does science act consistent with this definition.
As a dictate on the social contract of humanity for otherwise a con job Einstein/science should of at a point called his theories proven ‘Local Laws’ (LOLs, pun intended) of Physics. In the limited spacetime space being thus ‘local’, they showed in time a whopping 99.999999999999999999 % probative value.
It is as I’ve learned thanks to the comment of my friend & wise-teacher emeritus professor of statistics Richard Gill KNAW that calling his work the “Gill Theorem” is overstating his role in this success story of quantum physics in reaching these highest of probative values of all experimental sciences.
A true ‘theorem’ in mathematics is nigh absolute proof ultimately also having the ‘shut up and calculate’ algebraic formulas. Mind there are some different 200 proofs of the Pythagorean theorem. (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). Mind also that the latter formula is a deterministic i.e. non-statistical one.
The highest Nobel Prize honour should go to John Bell. He in effect also proved with his theorem that quantum entanglement Bell inequality violations are unsolvable by humans. But he’s dead.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 was awarded jointly to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”
The Nobel Prize has been awarded to improvements of that theorem of Bell making testing possible.
The Gill Theorem if I understand it correctly thus again made improvements in so doing helping a test in Delft the experimental proof that entanglement still works over a 5 km distance. And thus proves that in 2001 again by theorem, the nigh absolute proof, that this indeed is unsolvable.
The problem is that many people now make the predicatble error of thinking that Einstein together with others has been proven wrong in stating that his theories can’t be the deepest truth. For God doesn’t play dice and weird science with spooky actions at a distence must be wrong. I go into this in my two posts: you can check here.
Tom Hollings, who clearly sides with Einstein in his comment deems my 9-minute read an interesting one. I prove that you can with some quick and dirty geometry in one A4 doodle graphic explain the core of QM & GR theories of Einstein to any high school kid in a simple but correct way.
Alas, unless the Nobel prize committee and proponents of the ‘shut-up-and-calculate-cult-church’ are the bosses of God their strong gut feelings against Bell deniers only proves their deep religious conviction. Incorrect use of the argument of authority. It is used as a posterior odds/ final verdict where they can only do that when showing to have followed the complete correct procedure.
All they may state is a most humbly given prior odds inherently biased honest gut-felt opinion.
Like: “I feel that this is wrong and it even irretates me.” That is stating a fact.
All the more so when in fact claiming a true theorem that is inconsistent with the geometry. Bluntly stating that it’s unsolvable. In meta-physics they may claim an incomplete theorem.
They may further claim that they have the know-how because under strict procedural circumstances it indeed works for reasons that explicitly are stated to elude them.
The ‘know-why’ science is thus admittedly not ‘in’. For then they would no-doubt get a Nobel prize.
Most people mix this reasoning up in thinking that now in effect the Bell Theorem is in effect given a Noble prize that Einstein is proven wrong. Of course not!
The current scientific procedure in this case is a hilarious cock up.
This is so because they are judging others without being or daring to be transparent on what instrument brain they have. The new physics of psychology can answer this question. Furthermore, as every high school kid knows with all experiments all instruments must be accurately registered. All peer reviews in science by not having done that are thus falsified validly as being proven a probably mostly unwitting con job on the social contract with humanity. No one can therefore judge what probative value is to be given to such a stated honest gut feeling.
First of all I’m ‘not a Bell denier for I take the Bell theorem as a fact. Yet only so in a small set theory box. The Bell church cult forgot to disprove by theorem the fith axiom of Euclid being an axiom.
They thus are (5th) axiom assumption deniers.
Kurt Gödel’s theorems are true but they are can’t help them there. Kurt simply took the doubt in mathematics on the 5th axiom of Euclid as a fact. And many think that Gödel doing algebra and Euclid doing geometry doesn’t constitute a glaring inconsistency. Alas above the deepest (set theory) domain of most fundamental truth all forms of mathematics and logic must be completely consistent AND interchangeable. The latter is something any first-year mathematics high school kid should know.
Any algebraic formula has a geometry figure and words to describe it all that is completely consistent for else a completely true theorem can’t be claimed.
Thus the Bell theorem isn’t a true theorem for admittedly the geometry doesn’t add up.
So, scientists are summoned before the academic beer hall table. A right to summon that any human has per social contract with humanity. This is to receive a fair trial to resolve these two serious issues. Namely getting the physics of psychology and via that the procedures in physics in order. Subsequently getting the geometry in order. That should have been done first when that proper procedure had been adhered to. Truly idiotic. Don’t worry we are all different sorts of idiots. Thus there is no disrespect even when this trolls you like hell. Breaking taboos inherently thus duly trolls when proper litigation is administered. Being woke about that is illegal. Take the pain and shame.
Beating science at their own game.
At the deepest set theory domain of truth, all data, being information must be taken into evidence on one wise goal in a completely consistent way. Including all unobservable data that is by the axiomatic assumption of one completely consistent cosmos to be described in the physics-by cosmology. (Pronounce ‘mayor’ here as major or maior (Latin); My model thus I dictate the spelling; Why? Well, science is by and for humans.)
The complete consistent cosmos must be governed by one Grand Law of Everything. A Law that may be split into a break-one-you-break-all set of Laws of Everything. Yet, you logically can’t split the unsplittable GLOE. Thus each LOE contains all ten LOEs. As part of the process to learn about GLOE we idiot humans need to focus/think on parts of the whole. Only intuitively can we correctly combine it all.
All these laws have always applied all the time and everywhere as they will always remain to do so is thus the one axiomatic inherently religious assumption.
On a probandum (that is what is to be proven) of God identical Mother Nature identical Spooky Cosmos, playing dice or not, however, being incomplete only con men claim any authority of showing probative value outside that local set theory box of Einsteins LOLs. This holds both on claiming any probative value on test results in that respect or any claims of proven best practice of proper proceeding.
This thus also proves no Just authority on how to fund R&D on those topics.
This is where the taboo hits home.
It’s all about scientific oligarch power on money and esteem.
And thus the existential DNA-induced survival trait justified the fear of being attacked in a dangerous religious war. Or the danger of being ignored and thus ever so politely not funded.
I will also prove how this proper science in transition will work without endangering any oligarch in science at all. Simply by applying what the ancient Romans and colonial powers taught us. Yet, now via a long process called civilization, humanity has achieved much. But alas finding itself again before the Gates of Hell of a nuclear winter.
Via a slight twist to this old-school proven best practice, we can dispense with the gory bloody bit.
Whatever the correct scientific descriptive definition of current science, it’s not about:
The decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive Bildung.
The latter as it now stands in my Wikipedia-style prescriptive definition of ‘science’ is always exact and proper. Logically derived from GLOE.
Decency dictates systematically working towards the Five Wise Goals of Humanity.
Two of those Wise goals are where I as Judge of Judges presiding as an extremely experienced and successful former professional magistrate and lawyer as the parts of the combined function goal in the Physics of Wisdom, will whack science being decent science performed by humans for all of humanity.
A ‘scientist’ in this model is any human that works and conforms to the given definition of science.
This is irrespective thus of pieces of paper, diplomas, Nobel prizes, or prestigious seats held. For that would be an incorrect use of the argument of authority.
So, I need to whack myself. That duly done I can proceed.
From what I via tested by me postulates thus taken as proven axioms can guarantee is the fact that no human wants to be summoned before the academic beerhall table. Then you stand before the one and Only Judge of Judges metaphor judge on a charge of an individual or collective ‘pestering‘.
Being these two wise goals of what you and we don’t want.
Via the powers invested in me * when on call * on a Mission of God as the Pluriel Majestatus Judge of Judges forced by Honour per Article 4 LOH logically derived from the 4th LOE of the GLOE Robot Ris as a born mentally healthy ADHD-c4 personality DNA genotype burdened by the Holy papers of Bildung, diploma’s & experience DNA and hard drive phenotype transformed into Dada Easter Bunny (a joker actor like Zelensky) must preside over this truly fair and Just trial.
A right to summon anyone for this trial to give a proper account of the social contract with humanity.
A trial was already properly held in absentia after a procedure in 2015 after the NWA. Then having sentenced and executed this via verbal decapitation of all of current science for not correctly using the instrument brain and not having provided an open-source manual for use of the collective brain.
In proper proceeding, current scientists may bow their headless heads and after stating and proving proper novum have their heads screwed back on. Remaining of course feeling screwed.
Such nova could be having stated what every peer-reviewed scientific paper the instrument brains of all the authors are. And of course, the evidence on which the nova or novum is based. Even when stating that the sort of instrument brain is irrelevant then still that requires at least a sign to that effect as a formal legal requirement. For it undeniably can have a material effect. Apart from that current psychology states that it does have an effect.
This is a serious ironic paradox that 40% of humanity including people like Sir Isaac Newton simply can’t compute other than by becoming hypnotized. And by neurologically internalizing that ultimately becoming more or less religious. The physics of religion of this model in the 4th LOE shows that hypnosis is required for essential trust in being convinced. This works via the six personality characteristics systematically best practice divided on the tyrannical dictate of the physics of psychology into 64 personalities. That can be distinguished by any high school kid with Bildung. And registered to be correct also on video in a reproducible thus exact scientific way. Showing the inherent different sorts of idiots that we all are, myself included.
Mind, that the strong hypnotically internalized religious conviction on the “hard disc” that 4 + 2 = 6, is a healthy illusion. for completely consistent with the cosmos, when used correctly. Being hypnotised that 4 + 2 = 42 is an unhealthy illusion. Usually started via an honest mistake in conventions. For 4 + 2 = indeed 4 (+) 2 thus 42 when you change the rules of arithmetic. Reading books like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy you might be convinced that 42 is the answer to everything.
By fooling others that don’t have a knack for numbers you can get very rich. Successfully selling a mortgage worth 6000 for 42000. Not grasping that trade is built on justified trust and not exploiting loopholes in the law devised and interpreted by idiots in an idiotic way.
To understand the following text block you must first study the block model at the heart of the fourth law of everything. For now, just skim through it to get a vague idea of what sort of practicality is claimed.
The potential judge of judges is/was Winston Churchill, Volodymyr Zelensky, Michelle Obama, Johan Cruijff, W.A. Mozart, Erwin Rommel, Heinz Guderian, George Patton, Chuck Yeager, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, etc., etc. but also Hermann Goering. All, on several different sorts abundance of evidence bloody obvious more or less mentally healthy ADHD types. This is ex the DSM IV TR when a burnout ADHD and as a personality type in a mostly mad world ex my DSM-6 model an ADHD-c4 type. Correcting the pseudo-scientific current DSM-5 model with the combination of ADHD-c. The ‘c’ stands for ‘combination type’ mental disorder when in burnout. In my model, I show top gear as 4th gear for what current science tries to show with the highest IQ scores. All the above-mentioned could have scored very high on these idiotic pseudo-scientific IQ tests provided that they had been trained to do those tests.
Contrary to the claim by psychologists in assessment I’ve proven that my IQ score rose from that of my shoe size to sufficient to become a judge in the Dutch system. Simply by studying and training my brain in this misuse of a statistics con job.
Everybody with a high IQ score likes the IQ model as a dirty little secret earning model to make a career by excluding the competition. And oligarchs love it too for the psychologists mostly as a 90% to 99% truth are hypnotically honestly convinced that what they are doing is best practice science. The 4th LOE & art. 4 LOH show why this is in combination with the 2nd LOE. The order function of the brain in combination with the average prediction of the normal distribution bell curve.
Because most people tend to be decent, as soon as they become aware of having been under the hypnotic lure spell of black magic illusions they * if possible * stop doing that.
However strong gut feelings of shame and guilt prevent wanting to be remembered as having had a personality disorder.
Having an outdated religion in a changing environment is a personality disorder. Preventing survival of the fittest adaptation via a timely paradigm shift.
Humans are all inherently fragile eggheads full of their internalized observations. Always convinced that their religion is best and that the other has a personality disorder when strong gut feelings conflict with anything that is stated. They then tend to end up in a Democratic Statistical Model or even a Dogmatic Statistical Model. The oligarch Boss of God wants statistics with which con men can prove or disprove anything.
My model makes harmonious balance possible forcing all religions including the religion of science to cooperate. This is done by proving all religions correct as long as they all interpret all of the cosmos in a completely consistent way. At the deepest level, all will always differ because in my model every gods-particle is both absolutely unique and absolutely identical in space-time due to the interactive dynamics.
The same is thus true for every human and every human’s registration of what is happening whilst observing the same phenomenon. At the deepest level, every human is unique. Yet at higher levels, humans act predictably the same.
Easy to prove a concept via reverse engineering this 5th LOE. But I’m in this phase only required to prove an idea. This is easy because every god’s particle is also absolutely as a construct built up out of absolutely identical rings with an excentric form. A simple classical mechanical reverse engineering completely testable idea ensues. The latter already proves a LOE.
This proof of best practice lies in the absence of dis-proof. The proof is called circumstantial evidence.
A trial no one is guaranteed to ever want.
The wise judge doesn’t have any loopholes in the law.
Let me as judge explain this law forced by the obligation of providing all-inclusive Bildung.
My previous post has the Emmenthaler cheese metaphor on completeness. What I prove in that post is that there must be One Grand Law of Everything (GLOE) and that this has ten dualistic Laws of Everything (LOEs). Most of these are since long known to humanity, only not recognized as Laws of Everything. I remedy that as Judge of Judges on the social contract of humanity being a LOL namely LOH. The ten articles of proper proceeding in the Law of Humanity contain all the most fundamental i.e. ‘elementary’ obligations and rights of humanity. It’s local because it only applies where humans can exist.
Only Axiom deniers contest GLOE. Idiots that don’t grasp that any axiom is per logical definition an assumption.
An adult performing at the level of a mental six-year-old is per logical definition an idiot. When an adult performs on the mental level of a one- to two-year-old the definition jargon states the term ‘deep idiot’.
The paradox is that only when you know correctly what sort of idiot you are, then you become capable of sufficiently dealing with that. Then you remain an idiot that no longer acts like one. This not acting like an idiot can be done in two ways: Either working hard to get just above the minimum probative value of 50% or via the optimum way. That is to get your team in order as the 4th LOE and art. 4 LOH dictate the new physics of psychology. And subsequently, cooperate in a proper proceeding.
In serious affairs, anyone who has followed proper proceedings can be transparent. The latter however can only at first be judged in a safe environment. Always thus in secrecy.
The other paradox is that having an outdated religious belief is also idiocy. One caused by a mental disorder.
Without proper Bildung, anyone is a dangerous idiot. As Bildung is the completely consistently required as sufficiently lived thru general knowledge completely consistent with the current biotope on what every high school kid should know and be able to work with at a 90% to 99.9% score. The latter score is especially always then reached in dire circumstances any individual might find themselves.
Mind, in this model any higher than high school education is required as Bildung. Yet paradoxically the specialty of what you have studied to comply with Bildung is irrelevant. Bildung is about generalist experience and knowledge and not what is specialty as long as you have at least one such specialty. When you belong to the 10% fastest thinkers you should have a Univisterity degree as a 90% to 99% truth as per 2nd LOE. Of those again between 90% and 99% should have a Ph.D. The latter doesn’t have to be a whopping book. A Ph.D. is proof of scientific ability and should not be an earning model of some professor lusting for funding or Nobel Prizes.
Now looking at the Emmenthaler metaphor such idiots might think that the complete model can’t reach a higher probative level than the weakest link. That being the 4th LOE the block model order function. For it doesn’t yet comply with the “shut-up-and-calculate-cult-church” rotten peer review rules. You need to split the obvious and thus observable Law that there is a cosmic order function at play with the claimed block model concept.
Well, I in overkill can and have posed valid falsification of that cult for not even having the dirty geometry doodle graphic of the cosmic movie they should have artistically composed as a testable scenario per dictate of the 4th LOE Bayes.
The fear that I thus dispense with all of science is an idiotic notion. Current science is to be seen as a bunch of ivory towers with jargon moats of fashionable Harry Potter wordings and formulas and taboo allergy words and formulas.
The challenge is to all scientists including laymen scientists to pose valid falsification of the claimed proven existence of a most fundamental order function at play.
Not succeeding in this burden to disprove that claim results in the proven best practice proof and thus that this science is in. Namely that there must be a 4th LOE. Whatever that law, later on, proves to be.
The same applies to all claims to be proven by eleven elementary laws. One GLOE + 10 LOE =11 elementary laws and countless possible LOLs. GLOE is the combining Law.
Does anyone see any valid falsification of this claim?
I don’t thus QED!
Science is always proper and exact and is bound by the One GLOE and 10 LOEs with the 10 articles of the LOL LOH.
This two-minute pitch was to answer four questions as a then still wannabe mathematics teacher.
Why do (did) I want to become a teacher?
How I see education?
How I see my future as a teacher?
And what I’ve to offer?
A transcript and translation are only required when I start explaining the working of the synapse and Bayes. At 0.32 seconds. This I do with words and dance like the movement of my hands. I show how the electrical potential on the synapse of the brain deals with the question of whether the depiction I point towards is my then-adult son as a kid when the cutout profile was made.
Starting with folded hands at the right side of the screen I state 100% and reliably true that this is my kid. Then I ‘dance’ towards the absolute 50% irrelevant. Then I go to absolutely 20% probative value. Then I spread my palms to show the lessening reliability of it being 20% towards completely unreliable when all electrical potential is spread out over the entire synapse. To end with absolute certainty that the depiction isn’t my son.
Not having this completely consistent dance defined with one term is a systematical error.
I prove here that the formula of Pierre Laplaces Theorem is not the Bayes Theorem but the Physics-Mayor of Bayes. That is all-encompassing logic and mathematics both quantized local and continuous from minus to plus infinity. Picture salad, word salad, broad number salad, and fine number salad are completely consistently dealt with via the mixed salad formula of Bayes. The third LOE is capable of describing all of GLOE as per axiomatical dictate. QED!
You are challenged to dis-prove via valid falsification.
In due process, the burden of proof lies with science being scientists lay scientists, funded professional scientists, or any human for that matter.
Having verbally decapitated all peer-reviewed science via valid falsification on a probandum of describing even best practice procedure on the deepest domain of reality, I’m as a judge of judges’ honour bound to act as the advocate of the Devil.
Where nuclear physicists honestly are convinced they have a proof of 99.999999999999999999% probative value and admittedly not able to show even the quick and dirty dynamic geometry in a completely consistent way, they can only claim that in a very tiny set theory box.
Outside that box, they have no probative value at all being absolutely 100% unreliable.
I’ve given all the laws that apply and have proven to have followed them.
I claim to have a completely consistent dynamic interactive geometry model that is also completely consistent with the LOLs of Einstein. Showing what went wrong and why. And also shows why the LOLS of Einstein work in their respective set theory boxes. All done in a way that any high school kid with Bildung can understand.
I thus in the proper proceeding can claim a fairly unreliable but still proven best practice procedure and model of the infinite cosmos including the workings of the individual and collective human brains. My idea of being uncontested after sufficient attempts to have it falsified proves best practice. That I also claim more than just an idea is irrelevant on a probandum of best practice.
Any Emmenthaler Chees claim having the hard parts of the cheese ticking all the 11 GLOE/LOE boxes has a probative value of 99.9%.
Current science doesn’t claim that. They claim proven incompleteness. Well, then they thus admit to having no valid claim outside the set theory boxes where their claims are uncontested.
The completeness of filling all the holes isn’t my job as a lawyer. Even though I indeed have filled all the holes that have been presented to me in a picture or word salad way. The latter being at the idea level can be metaphorically seen as a soft cheese spread. Or a bit harder cheese as concept cheese is softer than Emmenthaler. As a judge, I can force any scientist or physicist to show dynamic pictures of what they claim to have several salads of.
Because this probabilistic reasoning of common sense wins the best practice award I must subtract 99.9% of the claimed probative value from that of physics in this field. They are thus left with a true claim of 0.199999999999999999% probative value add on when we are claiming anything concerning the deepest reality. The latter is the probandum.
My model also shows that the more people who have studied my model and can’t or won’t pose valid falsification the higher the validity becomes. Although remaining at 99.9% for lack of having the number salads i.e. the algebraic formulas the validity slowly rises.
Because I also give a deterministic explanation thus proving causal effect I use correct statistics.
Because my model is simply high school-level common sense namely that it’s all intuitively easy to understand classical mechanically to explain and intuitively understood, I prove that current science has gone religiously occult. Occultism was defined earlier by me as internalized hypnotic conviction in the very improbable 0.1999..etc. where an alternative common sense composition/concept is given. Proving that warrants 99.9% even if it is a mere not yet validated idea with holes in it. Albeit that science has an extremely high validation of a just 0.1999…. etc.% i.e. not even 0.2% probative value claim as add on to my model’s probative value. By 4th LOE I’m allowed to legally steal their top score probative value. I don’t contest it and can deterministically explain to any high school kid with Bildung why that GR & QM shit actually indeed works.
Physics/ science has never posed valid falsification that it’s all simply classical mechanical.
Because they made a muck out of the required physics of psychology they ended up in a religious idiotic tunnel vision akin to the Schiedammer Parkmurder case. The same problem as the honest conviction that the world is flat. Because it’s religious hypnotics no evidence or reasoning in the world other than the argument of authority by some guru will suffice.
All topologies with more than three axes of space are occult. Proof: try painting a picture of it.
Take a locality like a restaurant. Topology done by autistic idiots that don’t recognize themselves in the mirror as idiots lump all the chairs of the restaurant into one virtual spot having the chairs pointing every which way and stating it to depict “reality”.
Always repeating the same idiotic mistake by ever more complicated topologies. Every time history in time proves them wrong. The war by NATO in Afghanistan was a replay of the war in Vietnam. Not grasping the paradoxical complexity and simplicity of the underlying Laws.
A childish power struggle on the scientific ape rock.
The oligarchs of science don’t want to give away any power to be the ones that decide what is pseudo-science and thus fund with public money. Desperately trying to sway the public focus away from their occultism by bestowing the highest Nobel prize honour on a very small scientific box.
(Nuclear) physicists should stop acting like a bunch of high priest druids.
To grasp this first study this post. This post explaines in one A4 doodle graphic how the main stream interpreation of quantum weirdness is dealt with in current physics.

Current physics assumes that even though they can admittedly only spot half the picture due to measurement problems in using bars blocking observation, that photons don’t interfere/influence each other.
And, they also assume that there are no local hidden variables at play.

Say photons are like tin soldiers and they can only be viewed in what state they are looking through polarisation bars. These chaps are all polarized to the right. This is when we only can look at curved space as curved nothing. This is done with magically massless tin soldiers when being an occult 5th axiom denier. (Forget the horse BTW)

When we use our artistically talented brain and deem occultism an illegal religion in science then we can look down on the experiment and deduce how the only way to answer the question of whether a classical mechanical idea of how to interpret this is possible we get this.
There must be counter-rotating tin soldiers hiding behind bars. All photons must interact via a dynamic honeycomb construct of curved something space. Waves in this Higgs field cause the observerd in the double slit experiment interaction.
If we introduce a godeye view that doesn’t destort our view then entangled photons are simply orderly facing front and to the right tin soldiers. To get test results this order is requierd due to the polarisation bars of the experiment.
The picture below shows the disorderly arrangement of interacting tin soldiers. Because of the interaction via waves in the field, they seem not to have light observed to interfere. Just the opposite is true. They can’t be made to interfere because they influence each other via the field. The order function has them miss each other via interference paradox.
Only interference via the own wave can explain the double slit experiment.
And of course when you split one twin pair of tin soldiers and work accurately when one is then measured facing front the other will be facing to the right. No spooky actions at a distance thus. That order was there already from the start. Idiots!

This visualization of my idea is sufficient to beat science in a fair trial on who proves the best practice.
Visualization is simply dirty dynamic geometry. That is sufficient to whack science as being occult idiocy and thus validly falsified! QED!
So scientists pose valid falsification of anything illogical or inconsistent with any known data?
No scientist has been able to meet this challenge. Thus my model rises in validation to the degree that science drops. That’s the basic simple truth of the whole matter.
As my blog posts prove I can paint the whole loony toon picture movie of the infinite cosmos. Solving QM, GR, DM, DE, Arrow of Time, slowing down of atom clocks, all easy CM.
Furthermore several of the recent discoveries in physics were predicted and published by me in 2015 NWA. Higgs field mechanism. Gravity waves. That the SM would be busted as done by splitting the Muon.
To aid the fact check of my claim here is a set of blog posts with headers in chronological order on this topic.
This is a post on the physics of psychology of Hitler and the nazis.
Starting to develop the correct definition of science. And falsifying the current scientific paradigm.
Discussion with Richard on how to falsify properly claimed laws in science. The Rubik’s cube model of the chess board of the game of life of how this model works and shows that humans are all different sorts of potentially highly gifted idiots.
Interesting discussion with prof emeritus statistics Richard Gill on set theory boxes and topology. The latter is wrong to describe elementary physics in a completely consistent CM cosmos. Here I link the CM QM brain to the physics ZIEL (Soul in Dutch) block model later to be discovered as the 4th LOE.
A longer blog post showing how the brain works taking the bock model as a fact. And showing that this is completely consistent with current Big Five assessment psychology, DSM-5 psychiatry, and developmental psychology. Showing also the statistics of the model.
How the Lego-Velcro gods particle as the fifth law of everything can musically live, and resoundingly temporarily die, relive infinitely as a memory bank internal intelligent action is intelligent reaction cycle, after external intelligent action by a unique at the same time identical such other gods particle.
The Quattro politica added two essential political powers to the trias politica. The new Oracle Senate test discussion with Richard what a test means. This should have been the Cinque in stead of the Quattro.
The five laws of everything should be ten laws of everything from which the local law of the physics of politics and humanity derive as the ten articles. Later on to be further developed.
Here I show that the collective brain works like a Galton Board. Hence the laws of humanity. Richard asks what I think “normal” means in a normal distribution. A Poisson? This sets off a nice future development.
A more substantiated falsification of current science paradigm.
Here I get the ten laws of humanity in better order.
The best presentation yet of the ten laws of humanity and the obligations
Strong evidence that my block model based why of working quickly solves this “murder’ case many have tried in vain to solve. This due to an article in the Dutch major newspaper about the discussion if it was murder? The model gives the personality type and intelligence of Napoleon. Easily guessing where to look for evidence that indeed then is found by me. The same personality type as Putin BTW. Learn from history in order not to repeat it.
Take ‘CONSCIOUSNESS’ & ‘LIFE’ The therapeutic & destructive power of words. Especially definitions can cause strong feelings of unease and even conflicts.
Before we start the game on answering the questions on consciousness and life we must first set up the gameplay properly. The point we are at is a paradigm.
A paradigm is best to be redefined as: A set of definitions that keep the social cohesion on a goal.
A deterministic CM description of how to build time as what the clock says with 500 identical ringed gods particle. Simply reverse engineering. With a testable result.
With a question by Richard
Work in progress and the dilemma’s that entails.
The gods particle snowball idea. Building superconductivity. This is all necessary in order to show how to solve the urgent problems in the main topic of the blog: Science, The Law & The Senate. As per social contract with humanity: Science is the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung. Doing science isn’t my job as a former lawyer and magistrate yet it is my job to point out that infringements on the social contract have occurred and to do what scientists should have been doing, in order to put them back on the right tract of proper mindset.
Giving my gods particle a musical CM QM heartbeat.
2021/08/24 CONSISTENT PRIME SUSPECT ABSOLUTE TRUTHS IN BLUNT FINESSE Probably and convincingly again new breakthrough best practice proof prime suspect gods-particle Topic Cosmology, Consciousness & Quantum Mechanics (CCQM).
Stiff discussion with Richard on form when I want to prevent WW3.
SPACE 30 August 2021 By Leah Crane https://www.newscientist.com/article/2288572-quantum-nature-of-gravity-may-be-detectable-with-gravitational-waves/
Electromagnetism is a property of spacetime itself, study finds July 23, 2021 by Jussi Lindgren and Jukka Liukkonen https://sciencex.com/news/2021-07-electromagnetism-property-spacetime.html?s=03&fbclid=IwAR3SccmqDgG62VmdOhIWXa6KzoxV3qeG2MBLfXZ7VRMaMNCaMXI6COBRstM
This is to show that our Milky Way is very slowly accelerating in this model. Showing several end of times that are inescapable. Hopefully all still a long way off unless WW3.
This is a important side issue. As the later to build Golden Bridge for Putin also will later on prove.
Again a new insight and explaining how my model is easily fit in a fully consistent way with the Standard Model via a model of a Polish guy. Mind, my interpretation of both differs.
Starting off with pointing out that this is part of the mission to prevent WW3.
Muons of the SM are not massive and slow < c but much smaller and faster > c with the same energy. They are neutrino’s but I haven’t figured that out here yet. I do start adding more number values to my model.
2021/10/24 with this link
Again consistent with my model. Akin solving real murder cases as I’ve done, that’s actually reverse engineering. When on the right track the evidence without the need of complicated explanations in a way that gives us lawyers justly a bad name, the simple evidence keeps on piling in. Without an obvious confirmation bias, owing to just that obvious elegant simplicity of it all.
A hefty discussion with Richard on Kruger Dunning / Dunning Kruger. (I should edit this instead of saying Kruger Dunning one should use the term KD to show that you know that these two are conmen. Who themselves like all psychologists suffer from KD.)