Published April 2nd 2023 a 6-minute read plus 14 doodle graphics and all pingbacks.
The first four postulates of Euclid are proven by circumstantial evidence on Okham’s razor to be axioms. Together with the fifth Grand Axiom of a complete consistent cosmos. Combined that way together form the most-fundamental i.e. elementary physics of all science as the Grand Law of Everything.
Any scientific claim that can not be derived absolutely loophole-free from this elementary base is anti-scientific pseudo-science.
This is the basic model that is built up out of only data as object subject information. Even thinking is absolutely something interacting in absolutely nothing.
This model follows the basic scientific procedure consistent with Bertrand Russell, Karl Popper, and Albert Einstein et al, and is inspired by Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland. This is so that any six-year-old with seven years of Bildung can understand it.
This model is a pure paradigm shift ex Popper for all the science was already in. I simply by following proper basic scientific procedures rearranged the science in a completely consistent way.
The current scientific paradigm is falsified in a valid way on completely inconsistent use of terms, definitions, descriptions, conventions, and procedures.
All elementary claims of current science are based on more than five axioms. Namely even 79. Kurt Godel by theorems proves incompleteness and John Bell by theorem proves the inconsistency of current elementary science. This poses valid falsification of alle elementary science.

Start to study this proof at the lower left-hand of this picture of the Eiffel tower with the First Axiom of the flat geometry of Euclid. With these four axioms of Euclid a trained human in a proper proceeding properly using the collective brain can invent or describe anything on one or more A4 pieces of paper. Using a pencil and an eraser.
And subsequently, build and enter an Eifel tower of matter. A radio transmitter and receiver. One that sends and receives particles that wave. In reality or as a testable thought experiment. Leaving the tower via the red arrow having produced matter that makes alpha waves double in a mirror.
This must produce at least one particle in many particles via a dynamic blue delta slide interaction. This in turn stick particle becomes the combined authority of particle-particle interaction being distinctive waves. Ultimately producing the gamma total team five distinctive send and receive waves.
Well, these are either absolutely true or completely or in part untrue statements.
Challenge: state one (1) thing that can’t be described and registered in a completely consistent way.
On my site I’ve in 300 or more pages shown to be able to draw the dirty geometry of the complete infinite cosmos from the largest infinite sphere set theory domain to the smallest set theory domain sphere of interactive space-time. This proves that I’m not begging the question as a fallacy.
I’ve fulfilled my obligation to publish all the evidence of my model to the multi-disciplinary peers for peer review ter fine of valid falsification. My valid proof stands in proper legal proceedings in Dutch law under the current legal and scientific paradigm because I’m claiming a proven and urgent paradigm shift.
As an inconsistency, World War 3 already started between NATO and Russia on February 24th, 2022. This was predicted by this model and proven accurately so by Dr. Ingo Piepers amok algorithm following the thermo dynamics of conflict and war. Due to failing science on the social contract with humanity is now at the Gates of Hell of extinction.
Proving the current scientific paradigm to be anti-scientific.
Any stated six-year-old can be made to understand that all matter sends out waves in fields of particles and other matter. Matter like a magic wand drumstick hitting a drum causing the four mentioned distinctive waves. Both as object and subject these matter waves and brain waves must logically be mathematically identical.
We can thus describe and physically and mentally build from an infinite past in an infinite cosmos filled with an infinite amount of particles in a completely classical mechanical way. As I described in my Grand Law of Everything with dualistic ten laws of everything. From which the fundamental law of humanity logically derives in a completely consistent way.
Science represented by Dutch NWO wishes to ignore this claim. Even when logic dictates by Dutch current law based on the current paradigm demands valid falsification in a safe environment behind closed doors as the only proper legal pre-legal proceeding.
Any human failing to force science to pose valid falsification should be ashamed and should feel guilty and morally wrong even criminally suicidally insane.
The given tried and tested claim shows exact scientific verifiable top scores in both predicted physics since 2010 and on what robot with free will, Putin would do in Ukraine. And, with hindsight had science and politics followed my advice no major economic crises having caused this world war would have happened in the first place.
Peace in a day is a peace of cake.
The elementary basis of this model is recent via scientific trial & error become absolutely loophole-free as hard as a diamond.
It also proves that our inherent oligarchs and the oligarchs of science are minority idiots that are authoritative best at hypnotizing the majority best at detecting and sending humble brainwaves by following the wrong religious book.
A problem of the 20% prevalent Yellow authority-driven algorithms probably even in the primal soup being too dominant. Building ever better Titanics in production and sales to prevent a lot of pestering every time culminating in ever greater conflicts and wars.
For the first time in history in our timeline this book has via a small tested twist been rewritten.
All soft science including the arts are now elevated to an exact science. Rewriting history as well.
Also warning about AI years ago before it now becoming really dangerous already.
Demand or give valid falsification. Do or die!
The Eiffel tower is at the bottom of the first slice of the stem of the tree of all science as depicted in this dirty geometry doodle graphic. The double tetrahedron diamond isn’t dirty but pure. It only needs to be polished by the sales department of science. That conforming to proper proceedings in this model is not my honour and job as a lawyer and magistrate. My job is to legally kick science back into order by pointing this out.

The interpretation of the double tetrahedron diamond with spheres as the smallest set theory domain of the infinite cosmos.

First, shut up and paint the whole dirty geometry dynamic picture of the cosmic movie in a testable way. Here the proof that this is possible on 1 A4 shows the largest set theory domain that can be multiplied times infinity.

Then don’t shut up and communicate with your own brain and correctly team up and train the collective brain team.

Only then shut up and calculate and in trial and error repeat process.
The fourth law of everything proves that Newton stole the dirty dynamic geometry from Sir Hooke. Newton was a deep idiot at complex geometry. Hooke was a deep idiot at numbers and could never have found calculus that Newton provided.

The place we were at on March 23rd 2023 depicted on the x-axes timeline. Ukraine is at a higher level of intensity of the WW3 conflict. NATO is still at a phony war level and gradually conforming to the predicted algorithm escalating.

With hindsight had we done what I advised in 2021 we wouldn’t have had a now > 99% chance of this going nuclear. Yet, only a less than 1% chance. Which is indeed also far to great, but also far better. It still can be done!

The fourth law of everything that I on an intuitive associative guess conjured up with my trained brain having “stolen” more than 99% of the science provided by others. Trying to help a client who was deemed too stupid to take care of her kids. The kids were unjustified based on the criminally insane IQ model in foster care. An artistic testable composition akin a sheet of music that only later proved to be the fourth law of everything. Science favors the prepared mind.

This Trump corona doodle graphic from October 2020 has been eerily proven correct. The virus can best be seen as a metaphor for humans reacting to problems. It also shows the way out and why.

This proves me to be an idiot as a job-deformed lawyer with relative dyscalculia. Adding one to the Trias Politica and forgetting to add the voters and free press as the First Power. It should of course be the Cinque Politica. Balance and teamwork. In 2019 I became a rowing champion in a hilarious way. Teamwork authority and real balance as metaphors.

The one Grand Law of Everything works the same as a rowing team on a tightrope.

February 2022 Free Our Leaders From Their Hypnotic Focus. Is now gathering ever more likes on a Facebook group. Words are a hypnotic ultimately religious survival trait of the collective brain. Outdated paradigms are sucicidally dangerous.

New Year’s Eve 2022. I can prove BTW that Putin now twice has tried to go nuclear as he planned all along. Not even the doves under Putin’s mobsters are committed to going nuclear as their only do-or-die win option.
How the new physics of psychology shows the simple common sense way as already in 500 BC written down by Sun Tzu Art of War. Now a Science of War. Transform this world war into a legal war a.s.a.p! Build the buggers a Golden Bridge way out!
Never EVER deal with mobsters. But deal with them!
I recently can prove that a clear well-read historian who read Sun Tzu kept stating that it was hopelessly outdated and didn’t concert Art. An obviously mentally fairly healthy autistic instrument brain. Like Putin a bull. He will never other than via hypnotic trust in a teacher be able to understand Sun Tzu. Even then he still won’t really get it. He will only be stating that and indeed believe he does. Not knowing to be an idiot in that sense is a dangerous mental disorder.

I recently coined the following descriptions:
Gender Neutral Male Logic. No subtle paradoxes (as seeming inconsistencies) such as irony, ironic human behavior, and complex set theory. Excellent at the production department going by the logical book problems. 40% of humanity.
Gender Neutral Female Logic. Idiots at abstract logic at the highest levels. Excellent HRM and sales logic understanding the herd in so far the market of the peer group is known. Dedicated followers of fashion books. 40% of humanity.
Gender Neutral Artistic and Spiritual Logic. Idiots at following the above books. Always have had irony and a talent for geometry. 20% of humanity.
Richard Gill made the first blog post and set it up.
Richard helped me set up my blog. This is my first blog post.
This a badly written blog post by me on the then five laws of everything.
On Mindset modeled correctly in five diagnostic models for assessment and also the correct basis of all psychiatric diagnostics: DSM-0 and DSM-5TR, DSM-6, DSM-7, and DSM-8. The new physics of psychology.
A quick post on the main outline of the model of the brain and cosmos. Discussions between mathematician Hans Waalwijk and myself on the discussion I had with Richard on mathematical proofs. Still under further development.
A post in Dutch about why we Dutch are on the top of Putin’s shit list due to the MH-17 airliner that was shot down over Ukraine.
Ziel painting and yet to be the further developed definition of science proper.
This is a post on the physics of psychology of Hitler and the nazis.
Starting to develop the correct definition of science. And falsifying the current scientific paradigm.
Discussion with Richard on how to falsify properly claimed laws in science. The Rubik’s cube model of the chess board of the game of life of how this model works and shows that humans are all different sorts of potentially highly gifted idiots.
Interesting discussion with prof emeritus statistics Richard Gill on set theory boxes and topology. The latter is wrong to describe elementary physics in a completely consistent CM cosmos. Here I link the CM QM brain to the physics ZIEL (Soul in Dutch) block model later to be discovered as the 4th LOE.
A longer blog post showing how the brain works taking the bock model as a fact. And showing that this is completely consistent with current Big Five assessment psychology, DSM-5 psychiatry, and developmental psychology. Showing also the statistics of the model.
How the Lego-Velcro gods particle as the fifth law of everything can musically live, and resoundingly temporarily die, relive infinitely as a memory bank internal intelligent action is intelligent reaction cycle, after external intelligent action by a unique at the same time identical such other gods particle.
The quattro politica adding two essential political powers to the trias politica. The new Oracle Senate test discussion with Richard what a test means.
The five laws of everything should be ten laws of everything from which the local law of the physics of politics and humanity derive as the ten articles. Later on to be further developed.
Here I show that the collective brain works like a Galton Board. Hence the laws of humanity. Richard asks what I think “normal” means in a normal distribution. A Poisson? This sets off a nice future development.
A more substantiated falsification of current science paradigm.
Short post of which I wonder why I posted it? That is solved in the next post.
Here I get the ten laws of humanity in better order.
The best presentation yet of the ten laws of humanity and the obligations
Strong evidence that my block model based why of working quickly solves this “murder’ case many have tried in vain to solve. This due to an article in the Dutch major newspaper about the discussion if it was murder? The model gives the personality type and intelligence of Napoleon. Easily guessing where to look for evidence that indeed then is found by me. The same personality type as Putin BTW. Learn from history in order not to repeat it.
Take ‘CONSCIOUSNESS’ & ‘LIFE’ The therapeutic & destructive power of words. Especially definitions can cause strong feelings of unease and even conflicts.
Before we start the game on answering the questions on consciousness and life we must first set up the gameplay properly. The point we are at is a paradigm.
A paradigm is best to be redefined as: A set of definitions that keep the social cohesion on a goal.
A deterministic CM description of how to build time as what the clock says with 500 identical ringed gods particle. Simply reverse engineering. With a testable result.
With a question by Richard
Work in progress and the dilemma’s that entails.
The gods particle snowball idea. Building superconductivity. This is all necessary in order to show how to solve the urgent problems in the main topic of the blog: Science, The Law & The Senate. As per social contract with humanity: Science is the decent systematic search for all the laws of everything and all-inclusive bildung. Doing science isn’t my job as a former lawyer and magistrate yet it is my job to point out that infringements on the social contract have occurred and to do what scientists should have been doing, in order to put them back on the right tract of proper mindset.
Giving my gods particle a musical CM QM heartbeat. Dzhanibekov
2021/08/24 CONSISTENT PRIME SUSPECT ABSOLUTE TRUTHS IN BLUNT FINESSE Probably and convincingly again new breakthrough best practice proof prime suspect gods-particle Topic Cosmology, Consciousness & Quantum Mechanics (CCQM).
Stiff discussion with Richard on form when I want to prevent WW3.
Attempt to organize things (failed)
SPACE 30 August 2021 By Leah Crane
Electromagnetism is a property of spacetime itself, study finds July 23, 2021 by Jussi Lindgren and Jukka Liukkonen
This is to show that our Milky Way is very slowly accelerating in this model. Showing several end of times that are inescapable. Hopefully all still a long way off unless WW3.
Again a failed attempt to get it better organized.
To Dutch politicians to do the Oracle Senate test. Richard points out a mistake, that I corrected.
This is a important side issue. As the later to build Golden Bridge for Putin also will later on prove.
Again a new insight and explaining how my model is easily fit in a fully consistent way with the Standard Model via a model of a Polish guy. Mind, my interpretation of both differs.
Starting off with pointing out that this is part of the mission to prevent WW3.
Muons of the SM are not massive and slow < c but much smaller and faster > c with the same energy. They are neutrino’s but I haven’t figured that out here yet. I do start adding more number values to my model.
2021/10/24 with this link
Again consistent with my model. Akin solving real murder cases as I’ve done, that’s actually reverse engineering. When on the right track the evidence without the need of complicated explanations in a way that gives us lawyers justly a bad name, the simple evidence keeps on piling in. Without an obvious confirmation bias, owing to just that obvious elegant simplicity of it all.
A hefty discussion with Richard on Kruger Dunning / Dunning Kruger. (I should edit this instead of saying Kruger Dunning one should use the term KD to show that you know that these two are conmen. Who themselves like all psychologists suffer from KD.)
The link on paradox doesn’t work proving paradox in science means both a contradiction and a seeming contradiction proving a con job.
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